The Brussels Post, 1921-11-24, Page 2.. .....
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. ►ern+, �Tr•e�+e+r�*,.e ••n,.-1: I -.-•-, .-+ _.
. ; ,)�(f arnn . "' . or Your Children? � "T� � � � � � �c � QQ.x Lesson � QT'S GET OUT F
ti�, _.. AY l 1tAN1t A, \VAI.TO �,
1% � If, .y �n . �1G1i/�NiBI Fi �� i. THE WOODS
Orae of aah'a clearest ptejudises in the or an unusol ticket to 1ho riravies, }s , — •,, ^,,
hearts cf all country -living People is authorized to Oter tltkm to please `IliaPaul's T
p ar oim jWgilieril, Only let hire use r01 Voyage f rid $1tui wreck Acts 27• 30,44 Golde7ii
��" �-•'P > � It to an undeniable fact that mann"
V , child the farm is dire best hero to rear judgnrant, he eCxae•4s about it, as ]re- Text --2 Tim.. 1; (
children, Phe�e furl: believe that th.e 12 Ree. Ver.). farms are hedged in by "a nuiPPne••
CONDUCTED BY PROF. HENRY 0, BELL ?y Country is henikhaer, and protlucea fits a cafe of such bight canganir Time and Place -A.1), 00; Oil tire, fact that it was noco,sai•y to throw treble Jurhvgio of weeds ,And unsightly'
• the ser, / � "`. hardier men .and ;tigmen; also that the Here than is my scare•c,,rAd, wjiich, Iitediterraneazi Sea. and at Melita, or tJvo oargq overboard t° prevsnt be brur�h, Tlzgsc+ ire decidedly unorna,
The abject of this department la So piece at t d moral onvironmeitt . }a much more let us lha will hexa same of us to `Malta front sinkhng, Cast out the wheat; ( ment:al and most injurious to the value,
vice of our farm Pandora the advice of an ao.knOVOrde ed t ` 9 Pill c
author t Aln all sub acts ertaining to Salle and crap . . � wholesome, since country Children are see. mme cle'atrly wbat a farm home! Connecting Link -Pair! ]sewing All- ,which the ship duos carryin- ' Srom of the farm upon which they trespagu..
Ad retia II uejstlons to Professor Henry R. heli, in ;: „y removed from the distractions and sari to ha bcfaro we invite Boys and pealed,to Caesar (see Che 25; 1.0-12, Alexandria in Egypt to hello in feed, Is it any wonder that our qty
care of Tho Wllaan Publiahin0, company, 4i.nitnd, Toren. .; . w ') temptations of the town. girls to bo harm tltare and' to make itl2li $6: 32), Ito was sent with saint Ing the people in Rome, friends call us rustic and' bacicwsrd
{n, and gnawers whit appear in this column In rhe order yy .Fx In the matter of he lth it duos twit thehr nurser hoot. other prisoners to Rome in charge of V. 30, When it was day. Was ever after the have viewed our homeR
In whlah they aro received. When writing kindly men . ' t .", Y and a colaturisn named Julius' v; h rru of toren more welcome we come then after the
It d le'adv saltie whore axe now suffice to coat neon tradition. Too; Probably b}ta most Intrattant soaticm 2_Xg we Ileo• an ac • ` w�a wa' i of 'that ainxious' night? steads from lite hghtiVags? Tf t'hey
tion this paper, As apace is Ilm ei It i w man d' , e . count of tholoyage) ry ting
Immediate reply in necessary that a stamped and ad. zs ay Y i$turbtng facts are gaming to of all is that under point No. 8 which as far os Crete, where Paul wished the, Knew not tho land. It was the island stop to Peer through the dense foliage
dressed envelope he enclosed with the question, when . light, The Cities have gone follnrd deals with cite s!o-mailed "modern cwn- centuriotl to remain ata harbor called of Melitia, ar Malta (o)t, N: 1), about that lines the roadside, hordes of
voniences, It has long been the
the answer writ be malted direct in the improvement of sanitary condi- " 6 i Fair Havens for. the ;vinter, while tbe, 60 miles from the southern headland' bloodthirsty mosquitoes swarm forth
Qopyrlght Dy W11aoa P abllshing Co., Limited ticxis, during, recent years, whilethe popular u ar roach of the farmhouse captain of the ship advised inking for, of Sicily, now belong?ng to Great Bei-_ driving them awayfroen the farms and
ooiantry has pracffidally stood still• that it was iced equipped with runrvin Phoenix, another Cretan Mort, The tain, The island' was frequeAlY visit-, back to the city.. Possibly, they visit
W. G.; What plants does the corn- S. C. G.: We propose to raise a This may be "a hard eaying" but ws -9 ship was overtaken• by a storm, of; ed by Alexandt'tan shlps,but thu, )rare another section of the country m+lhere
ear avotin attack hesIdes the earn? crap of alfalfa on a small piece .of moat face it water and a bathzroam. At the treFentl which vs. 13-44 give a vivid account: of it watisnot reeogrnzed by date sailors)
Answer: Thr cont -ear worm attacks ground (three acres) and we would On a i. : •. titn'e, !however, these conveniences can The lesson takes up the Story at the because it ,was far away 'fmm the roads are paved apd the brush and
gi the po rvt of matalrt wa have be suppliedy point where, After having been driven - main harbor of Valetta. A creek; p-
tolatatoes,-cootton end tobacco buds- be- like to have: your advice on the best.I also haat our pet beliefs called m•.ques- ver -w to an country :house I trees at melte roadside have bsari ora
oldies corn. The suggested treatmontl method to get a good catch. A crop rho w^harever water is available from nmv up and dawn the aoa for a Fortnight, (Roo. Van), "'bay," since known as St. oris trimmed. EventuaOUy, this nomads
gg n Not long ago I listened, to an source. Itean easily be shown further the ship was draw]ng near some land: Paul's Bay. (leach (Rev. Ver,); 'a! that these jungle -like grass grown
. for control on corn„},s to dust the green] of conn was taken oQ the field this address by one of the most experienc
corn silks with a mixture of powdered fall, ad prison reformers in the coup a that in nearly all cases this cost of I. The band, 30: 39. smooth' s]uare, on which the sailors reads wild be little traveled and tfie
arsenate of lead bbrce arts air -slack( Answer: If it is not too late, plow �' installation and maintenance is aetu- r could run the ship with a Charm of farndor resid}ing along ahem will Rnd.
P i I Pian who for ears has Ixad char of S . 30: The ahipmen; Rev. Ver., the savingthe livers of these on board, ;
one rt. The treat-' lite land ,before whiter. As soon as St; , Y ge ally less than in the city. sailors," About to flee; Rev. Ver., himsolf in the backwoods, on a dirt
Aims, or flour, pa the trays and girls' reformatory in one Took counsel, etc. (Rev. Ver:), this i road that is an impassable oink in wet
merit reeommineded for tom.^.toes is to I is lowed apply half a ton of burnt Vital. Parts of the Farm. were seeking to flee. Had their Cussed the beat means of getting the
P' 1HF Y of our agricultural districts. He stated
spray the growing plants with arsen- lime or a ton of ground limestone per -positively Aloe with water a - plans forge esra d, been successful, the vessel to the shore serol crippled dust
a scarce of e the tour-
. of lead three poundis to fifty gal- acre, scattering it over the surface f j enile del�hacnts game from facilities should come selvage disposal, Y, as she Ives, � y PP1� dust r dry seasons. Where the tour -
.g P p� passengers and soldiers would have
` Jai nqu arra g been left to their fate. Let down the rats from the city lead the �gaat rends
lions, Spray heavily so net the cater - I of the plowed land+, In spring as soon the rural districts than front the cities always one of the most vital considera- boat; Hoping in this save theirI II. The Wreck, 40, 41. #'allow and with the improved. high-
. ,Vw-s of the mr-warm will eat some as the ground, will work, harrow the and tions on the farm. own lives,f V. 40, Casting of the anchors (Rov.l
P gr towns h whose lives edof the Ver.) the four anchors which had beear' � s comes rosperi for the farms
ori Ubo pO tt^.ed foligge .before attack- seedrbed thoroughly, Whon a goad, It will not do, however, to iia to This question must }xi considered in depended upon them. How along them aztd an increasingdesire tO
ing the fru}t, mellow seed -bed has been obtained, sweeping statements. Neighborhoodlp direct connection with that cd water differently they acted from the way in let down from, the stern, v.'29. There i, ng
P I vary so diseideddy that there are ex- supply. On many farms the sola re were now abandoned, and the ropes ave in that community.
A rer•en•iative measare is to dig orI aced the alfalfa with a aurae crop such which British sailors act when the]r I
.]acv tae land, late u fol which as barley, using h ant a bushel such
pP vessel. is, in danger, looking out first were Cut, so that the ship would move Community prosperity brings farm
I 1, i captions to every generalization. Yet liance is the farm well. The thief de- for the safer, of the passengers and. shorewards bow foremost. Loosed the buyers, people who wast a Permanent
handing will expose the pupae to barley and 10 to 12 lbs. of alfalfa the whole question is so serious that fact of the well, is its liability to con- last of ,their own, Under color; under rudder bands: The pair of paddle- !tome in a beautiful spot, It is this,
fres s or will break up the winter seed per erre. It would be good pro we dam not gloss it over. We ought tamination. Either Infected material pretence, Lay out anchors; (Rev.I "pod rudders, one nai either side of way that bite renters of the drifting
tyartua of titre ;nzect. tection to obtain the alfalfa seed sof- to 'know the facts and face the troth may drain into it from the surface, or Ver.), that is, at the full length of the the stern, had been. lashed above the; Sart axe excluded from leaching corn -
C. H.: I um interested in soy -beans ficiently ahead of time to make a and whatever the conditions are, good, if the soil is War there may be seep- Cable. The writer of Acts uses a wavea while the ship lay at anchor,; mrmitW as they should be.
for building up the soil. What is the germination test, which you can do sailor's expression. The sailors pre- and, were notiv lowered again for use.. Parbicularrl disorderly and unneat
earliest variety? Are cowpeas a sue- in the soil. of a flower pot, or by tended that the vessels needed anchors The foresail (Rev, Ver.); trite sail th'atI Y
THE FARM SOME appearance is the road whaich is
c, ^q in this nrovince? spreading 100 sends between two blot out from bhe bow as well as the sterns i would cause the :chip r move on and : to
Answer: Br. Zavitz of Ontario Ag- tens and keeping the blotters damp The Location and that they must go off in a boat`the shore with greater precision and !inch with briers, weeds, and ungainly
rimltura.l Colltsge fccrnd that O.A.C. and in a warm place. 1. Is the location healthful? ..... 20 21. Are there young folks in the to carry them out to a cable's length, swiftness' than. any other. I sprouts browing falfrom hvdeceyed
NO. 81 soy -bean has usually proven In order to insure a good catch and 2. Is it convenient to town, school, neiglxborhood? ...........20 rather than &o,p them out, ars ill V. V. 41, Where two seas met:;' cither a; stumps. Of course, some young trees
29. shoal separated from the shore by should be
curer}or to ether varieties in tests vigorous stand, at the time of seeding and church? ...........'.20 .Educational Advantages the sea preserved as an absolutely
. Is there good comm+ur;cation 22• Is there a good school near? ...40 Vs. 31; 82. Paul said. The apostle odeep
chi bort side, -andwashed
a8neck ofyl rid pro- ire roadside }s like a city park Rdth-
throughout the province. This is a apply a fertilizer analyzing about 3 had gained such ascendant
can+ arati+vel earl variety of soy- r cent. Ammoni 8 per cent. hos 23. Is there a good high school y over all jetting from the shore. Ran the vessel out trees of slirulrs'
p y y h y y per a, p P by good road, trolley, 20 j about .him that every one ewasncu ready to aground (Rev. Ver.); into a bottom of Fences about the farm, whether -
bean %,hi;h yields heavy. phonic acid, and 8 per cent. potash at automob}.le? .... ...26 near? listen to him. To the centurion and I
24. Is there a goad library within muds, graduating into tenacious clay, aloe the road or enclosing fields
Cm;} ens can be grown with success the rate of 250 dba to the acre. This 4, Is the location aLira :ve, with • • .. soldiers; who would be able toI
aPath-western parts of the is applied through tht fertilizer dro outlook? reach.7 ' • •' • • • • • " • ' • • • ... ,16 ir` r .,hd the forepart would fix shnec sa kept free from weeds and
'n the I P- goal' v .,,,.,,..,,2026. Is there an abundance of good the nof ��erj,Extpt th�itself earl be heti fast, while the stern unnecessary brush. Especially on the
prorirre. The oar}sties wlrieir did heath per of a grafin drill, ]�n+, if you do not The House
at Guelvh • re Whip -Nall -will s which
di and; have this implement the fertilizer can books and magazines about abide in the ship. God (see v. 24) head • was Mo n began
to the force of the waves. ,line fences, where a clean row map
Wonderful. The ca ea is especially{be scattered broadcast over the ground 6, Is the house large enough? .... 20 the House, including those revealed to Paul that all on board the morn began to break up (Rev. Ver.); }aspire the neighbor on the' opposite
wP while the crow anal passengers crowd -
Adapted to saui?verr. climates, however, I before the harrowing and, worked 8. Ie It well built—warm in wine which deal with age}cu�1 vassal would be saved, fivt at the same cd to the forepart of the vessel. side to clean up his rnvn raw.
And speaking generaiIy Ontario farm-' into tlhe soil as you are working down ter and cool in eummer? , .30 tore and home economics 7.20 time, ever Y.'hruman effort must Le pT1 The Deliverance, 42, 44. Get out the axe and scythe crud. clean ••
era would do '•eater to depend u �n 1 the seedrbed. This available lantfood 7• Is it externally dignified, well 26. Are there other definite educa- made. Cut off the ropes; taking the r up Make an impression in your owe
p P matters in their own bands, and thus \ s, 42, 43, Tile soldiers' counsel, etc '
soy -beans and atlas '.egarmes that are' will not only feed the growing clever, painted, attractive? , .....2b trona- activities, such as neighborhood by setting a good ex-
g wing railing the plot of the sa}hors. Eaclt pricier was chained to a col
better adapted for growing under our ' but will give material strength to the 8. Does it have the modern cox,- pig clubs, canning clubs? .16 Vs33flier. who was answernb'.e with his life a'm'ple, ar clean community makes for
conditioms. Eyoung alfalfa veniences7 Recreation. . , 34 While the day was con if this Charge shoulei esra-•e. The sol- clean townships, counties and Prov-
a. Running water? ....26 27, Are there accessible play- ing on; before it was• light enough to dier'g advice, therefore, %vans prompted 1nzw_%
- --__ . _ _ -__ ....... . _ ______�_---_- --_--- _ see what was best to .be done, Paul
A very gocd compound for cleaningI If a ten -frame colony doesn't weigh b. Bath and toilet? ....45 grounds, :ball ground's, pic- by fear for a themselves. Goner bad farProms
s _sive, modern appearing
r r at least seventy-five pounds this fill], a Sewage disposal? , , ..26 nit ound Swimmi besought them. In spite of his words willing to save Paul. The officer had farms symbolize prosperous #annerg
. the nadfiato•r is Parade as fol,lows: Dis- A s ng, in vs. 21, 22, they had not taken suffi- for Paul the admiration of one brave and as a result, the farms will be mer'✓
calve as mudr concentrated lye as a there's not honey enough to -last the d. Heating system? , ...26 fishing, hunting? .... ...36 cent food.. To take soma meat; Rev.' man for anther; And besides lie !vas valuable and %ill make their owners
quart of wester will hall. Drain a 1}t bees all winter. e. Ventilation? ........36 28. Are village entertainments Ver., "food,' For your health. There grateful to the one who had been the
tle water out of the radiator and- pour Says Sam: "Farming's uncertain, f. Defence against flies?. 80 within easy reach? ......16 was great danger that, in their weak- means of saving oretiv and passengers., more prosperous and contented.
In the lye sol,rtkn, Run the engine; but I'd just as soon be subject to the The Surroundings 29. Are there children's clubs, as gess for lack of food, their strength They which could swim .. first to the, Making your farm worth living on
for fifteen minutes. Drain the I e whims of Nature as of Human Nature. 9. Are the farm ,buildings well boy scouts, girl guides?..16 and nerve would fail them when the land (Rev. Ver,); that they might bo may aid in keeping the boy and girl at
W,ution out and the water s y- The weather can ruin our crops, g ganization. critical moment for exertion came. I eady to help the rest. i home. A is the brush Bidden, back-
arranged with reference Social Or
3 y �' to thA house? 20 30. Is there a cod church Basil Fourteenth day ... tarried , , fast- V. 44. Planks, and . , other things woods farm that often drives their to
tem out ha f a d -=en times, or until; maybe, but it won't fire you just be- ' ' •' • • , • g y mg; not able to bake sufficient food in (Ray-,-• Ver,) i pieces which were broken the cit
10, Are there good grounds, with available ....25 their intense anxiety lest the should y' _
""""" Y away from the t n.] so of I' vessel. ]
all traces of the lye are removed. pause it has a headache. lawns, shrubbery and so 81. Is there a live 14 omen's Insti- suddenly run ashore unawares. Their All safe to land; arta! so Paul's prombe' Protection of Plants for
forth? ..................20 tute within reach? ....... 20•dread would be all the greater after 1; j
gond trees wall 82. Are there other active social the soundings ,had .been taken• v. 28. (vs. n baa was fufllei, Them ware.
' 11. Aro there g g 276 on hearth, v. 37. This is the end � Winter.
In the Shadow of the Parhament Buildings PJ , • , , , • , • , g The coolness and sagacity of Paul in
aced? . ,20 organizations, especially g Y of one of Paul's perils by sea, 2 Cor.I
Sanitation—Health such as reach young Preparing his companions for COrnurg 11': 2b, A little protection will often bring
12. Is there an abundance of whole- folks? ...... ............10 Ieffort is worthy of note. Not an hair, (g,, 28: 1-10 dells of the l}relceme Pests safely through the winter,
Eastern Women's institutes in Convention at Ottawa. .some food well cooked,?.. ,30 Home Discipline. fall from the head; a ,pzoverbdol ex- � given to the rbivwrwked company by when, if they are left exposed, they
pression for con to deliverance.
BY GIB30:: SCOTT 18, Is the water supply -safe? .....20" 33, Docs each child have regular � i the. poopla of Malta- of how it came may wither be k:?red outright or badly
Higher a~ud• keener gratis the en- and the elle lively furrctIaning bneriCh,- 14. Is the sewerage effective? ....20 dv.ties without born over- I„ Vs. 35-37. When he had taken broad. `to pass that Paul Z;+ns first regarded injured and, in the case of fruit, the
I g At such a time the force of example as a murderer And Then honored as a
khusiasm for su^sritifi home-makingi the Convention passed on to a con- 16. Is the milk supply sofa? .. • .26 worked? , . .... • • . , .2b is at its greatest" (Century Bible). goal; and of the cure of the father of mop may he reduced. wine are The,
and skilled community burrding as ones sideration of the expert services whzieh 16. Is there medical, inspection 84. Does each child receive person- Gave flimiks to God, etc. Some inter- Publics, the chief man of the hsJhnd,': plants usualnotected ly
r tee in winter. ca -
after another of the five great Con- can be made available to the home- through the schools or al instruction in farm or pret this action as mar ' F ]y p u ecterl from the wea-
r king Paul's and the l anOp tboi honors showered Cher are strawberries, raspberries,
ventions which the developing needs maker through the various Govern- otherwise 7 .....20 household work? ..:.... , 5 reverence towards God Ili the presence upon Paul air' tlnose tiv1Wr him, I
of the Women's Institutes made it ment Departments of Healtlh, Educa- 17. Ie there a district nurse? ,....10 86. Does each child have personal of the Gentiles around 'him. All of Application, 1 grapes and roaos.
nace�_sary to hold, this year comes, tion, and Agriculture. It to astonish: I The Neighborhood. enterprises of his own?.. ... 25 good cheer. "r, a seoarvd time (earn-� This matt dramatic enc}dsnt itt a11' It has been found by experience
goes and passes irtnto history }ng how widely and rapidly the re-, 18. Axe there neighbors near, but Externals and Incidentals. pare vs. 22-25) Paul had restored their the life of Si. Paul idlvstratea the that, although strawberries wall often
1 sults of modern coi]ege and ]aboratorg not txso near?............20 86. Ia there a courage by his faibb-and Prudence; the value rob a cheerful noniidenco in a go safely through the winter without
The Chiral of those was lrekh in the j good fire Protection?. ,25 event 'had: already aho,vrn that ho der being mulched, there are winters when
(beautiful banquet hiall of the Chateau research are now being translated into! 19. Are they the right kind? , , , ..40 87, Is there good polite roteo- w • three of eI L,is. We have all inanner of e
Laurier Otbawa on October 25-26-27, the language of the home ani placed 20. Is there wholesome active in- tion 7 P shaved confidence] and it is evident prophecies edxtut the prospects of it rays well to have the plants protect-
' in the very hands of the dwellers to ""' 25 that he inspired it (Eaposilor'sGxeek civilization and the Christian cause. ed by a light mulch, as }n such win,-
witth from three to four hundred in torcornse between, neigh- — Testament). Took some meat; sorely Cassaipdras announce, blue ruin. We ters if the mulch is not there the
Godla open country thmough the med- , , , ... -. , .. 80 Total score ....1000 needed after, their long absinence weft to hear across the storm the plants will be killed-. In mulching
ettendlamce at the sessions. bare? .... , .. .
}tam of these State Departments and Two hundred threescore and sixteen;
A single savift survey showed filial the Institutes. Wise women they, who bad or }ndifferant we wand to make age rlot�n through tfl" khe underlying a large numlber, reit nothing is told Pis steady voice of the creat apostle, strawiberries the plan is to wait until
Elzfs program had been planned acrd keep them non-partisan and non- them better. vein of water itself. Poor sewage dis- about the size of the ship. Wherefore, stirs, be 0 goad cheer. I hard frost or just before winter sets
execrated with purposeful meaning. P FesSimian, will get us nowhere. Optim
sectarian w that they remain a Chan. As ko rural morality much can he papal and extensive soil contamination V. 38. When they had eaten enough, fam, subjectto Common sense, will• get' m; and then spread a light covering
One suddenly Pedalled with fresh nosh through which the life-giving acid and very ,little proved Every are reported by competent observers The Greek means having satisfied us somewlaero-to where th,3 aur of loose straw over the plants, All
understanding of its sggniftcance a water of knowledge may flow to the once in a while some alarmist discov- to be common and serious on farms themselves with food l " They lightened of ,this troubled 'haus shad1 cease to' that is necessary in most Places is
Matement of the Premier of Ontario the ship; a sailor's -term. This was roll. enough. whole community. Along this line,. era a sore spot somewhere in lino bark- throughout Canada. More than one I g to, prevent sudden thriving and
p g ty gives it a good writing up proud aaix} haughty farm would score the third time this liad been done Tile secret of aril this cheerful can -I freezing,. or just curb to cover the
Iasi year: "The Womerrs Instituter., a most ins irin talk on "Communi woods axed
as I understand it are deal}n with , (compare vs, 18. 19). Tate sailors fidence is mostly faith. "I know whom I plants. A thick mulch may do more
g Team Work' was given by Dr. Annie m the papers. Such degraded neigh away below 100 per cent. on this Point, object may have been to dtiminish• the I have believed. and am .persuaded? hw m than good. The cleaner the
Rte itself.' Roan of the Macdonald Imrtitute,.I haorhoode undeniably exist They ought Every family can look rap end remedy depth of water which the ship drew, that he is abio to koov that -which Ii gttaw the less work there will be in
This Ottawa program was a sort of I Guelph, in which she outlined' the to be discovered and purged. But they f this evil for itself. so as to enable thein to approach near- have committed unto him against that'
tatock-taking of the present status of -[Stages of individual development from are not typical of the open country! Farm food and feeding have long or to the share before striking. Or, -day.', Faith andhope are the parents' eradicating weeds next sumaner.
%orae -making in Ontario. Beginning, "I am -I can: -I aught" be "I will," and particularly they db not resemble,,,,, been a common by word in Canada, the vessel may 'have been sinking so of the Christian courage; Marsh hay, where it can be obtained,
with the masterly survey of "Tire De- An outstanding feature was the in any degree the moral characteristics not for their insufficiency -quite the .. `is good, as It is COmparathvely free
relopment, Present Sbatw6 and Future part the girls played in the Coriven- of the successful 2armhng Wdom It contraryl There is alwayefood enough thousands of neighborhoods no means ing, community pageants and Plays. I of weed seeds, and it Will not the too
at Women's Institutes," ,given .by Sup- tion. With a combination of youth! is still true, in ,accordance with the often there is too much. of recreation for young people roma}n.I Ikhis process of examination can be CorrrAactly over the plants.
erintemdent G. A. Putnam, that vel and level�headedxiess which .gives l}ue popular belief, that in those sections On filo other hand, there is in many Fror its own social shlf protection applied lty oaeh thornily to its own Where raspberries are injured in the
dean administva.tar of Farmers' and acme of charm, they ave excellent where e • , I winter, they Will he mach better .pro -
Women's sy g permanent and profitable cases a sad ,lack of varhety, eery neighborhood ought to providct lrome. Alter eta has made u the
Institutes, the Convention' reports of their work in the Junior agriculture exists, and where mggres Attention should be directed to quss- most carefully the necessary recreation stere }n ill's wry for his own farm tected and will, taking one year with
proceeded to a study of ilhe Forward Institutes, the District, or as part of sive farm families live the social con- ten No. 15 asking about the , especially young people ho w}]i .bo able to see more clearly another, Come through much better if
Look in Ontario Hame-making" from the Senior branches, stook + g Purity es facilities es ecnce far
part in the ditions are Wholesome and the moral the hniBc sirpplq. Hundreds of families with a preference for such types of what its deficiencies are. Possibly by
the canes are bent over just before
a bbree-fold aspect. First, a study of &Wuss5ons, answered qulesi0iona, or life exemplary are running real risks in using their recreation as are nat}ve to the cowh- focusing attention on these ahartcom- whiter sets }rr and the tips held down
the edul ation and gnaUiftcatians of even did a share in presiding with A Score Card Test, own mills, It is well known that the try. This means Out -doer picnicking, ings the means of removing them may1 with soil. The snowwill cover {hem
girl in flue country, 'by Mrs. Jean I grace and self possession during the It might 'be worth whit°, on the farms which slhip milk to the cities ball playing, swimming, fishing, hunt- be ,found. sooner than if they are not bent dower.
Baruch, , ldi�rector le the Home sessions. am which, dor that mason, roust Where there is very little snow and
Branch, Soldier Settlement Board basis of a score card to make acorn- " e the winters ate very , , I Thera a>`e three Junior branches in' prehensivs comparlsorr between the undergo a Cita inspection, are kept UP g with new birdie. In mak- cold rt Outs been
second, a similar stv of the young �. fore starting
d5 y gi the East, the Lansdowne, Almbnte, City, t},a village and the coin It to a sin}teas standard considerably (� �i in, tho found desirable entirely to cover the
man and his na�> w3ary qualifica ions 1 try g dADi�F 8 poultry braise sanitary, one Cartes with soil.
and Delta Girls' Institutes, besides would need to be a thoroughgoing, higher than that maintained on burn 100dAD should collect all tho droppings and
by Mr. W..1'. Bell, principal of the now! many -branches with a large percen deeds of other farms which do riot sell r Except, in districts' where the grape
Agricultun.1 ',drool, Hemptville; and tage of girl members. scientific study, deo e»mbersame to be milk. E. G.: We have some four months' litter for fertilizer. Tiro floors, ;vats can be grown commercially, it is nea-
third, am illuminative presentation of published in a newspaper but hrrvalu- old pullets from eggs s of a flock that an'd corking alno•nld be thoroughly essaiy to Protect the vines to ensure
A message of groethig was receivod able far stud b serious-mindie.ed coup- Pile School Question. P bg
Community and family home wilding, from her Excellency y y phowed signs of tuberculosis. Do you scraped so that no dust or dirt re- a crop. A fee, days before the ound
ncy Lady Bing aft q g pg p aJ gr
day' Miss Ebbed, Chapman, the brilliant • V}my, containing also her regret that Theoscrore card idea so took hold of discussion can talwa always
a rousing think there is any danger of these fa&unLarns All
ors, p drinking is expected to freeze up, the vines,
young associato editor al the Farmer's onvmi to official duties sire was detaln� y be started is pullets developing the disease if they t} oasts should ,be havingbeen y pruned, are
g me that I have worked out one which that of the coin removed and cleansed and everything Previously
Magazine, Toronto, ori hn t*Y Schaal. A stout were put with a healthy flack? iJ' g tont down laud covered with acid, which
Quebec and, unable to be per- might become a kind of test ;between claim -has always !been made for the We doubt v much the advisability in the poultry 'house and yard should g . y as
This was foldowedif by .a unique con- � serially at the sessions. The Han. two different farms or two different' little red scho'al-house, and the Single-
cry v is left in amt}I the Which
m y Ms
be saturated with a cod' rnmmeneka:l
"T"te, a sort of "Committee of the Mrs. Grant, wife of the Minister of g' of your keeping the hens affected whth it it of the vrop. hvhiCh may cause the
neighborhoods, Sensible people can {'room ungraded school. The old- tuberculosis or the pullets hatched Coal tar dhsinfectant. Another appli- loss of the era
Whole" an the "Efficient Instituto," Education, rear! a telegram from the not ab'ect to maki A•
J tag a catalogue of Ifashloned country school certainly has from their eggs, as the two chief cation of the disinfectant shaudd be Idoses must be
In the course of whieh,,.illuetrated byIHon. Manaiing Doherty expressing his those ualikies which its:admenta s, Also itsdisadvatuta es made within ten daayev ] Prateoted• in most
q go to Const}Lute: 8e g means of spxeadirhg this disease ]n paces in Canada to help unsure bheir
reports and dlsCussiam from the regrets at being unable bn a:ttend }n 1 g , thmovg4r the excrement of the diseased might
� the ideal faint home with Special ref-' The city schools, with �buildin� s -All places where icons mi t stray, coming tlrrouglr the enter alive, and
b'rrancbes thsmae,kes of what in actual Penson its official head of the dol erence to the reari equipment, higher paid teach- . such as under corn cribs and lto.
m8 of children. Of better e u hens and throu h their,eggs. s A]tirou h Ira
operation bad produced the best re-, ment in which for twenty-oxie years course, the valuation , era and, better classification of g w ' g protection li flet ethedis suscessfuJ.
grvean to these, Pupils, the gwblets may not show the trouble pons, slhowlal be bearded up, sink holes The most reliable msthcal of protection
the Institutes have found their Gov dyfFerent Points will incite argument, plaint ou lot to secure better results at .present it is likely to develop latae '
suits, a comprehensive review was } j y g and wei�llows should. Ire. f}fled with fresh •
made of the individual ,branch. When ornmeinta.l licino• , Y P . rs to cover the plant wrUh soil. Wlrerc
Whether membership in a good rural! than the country sclraols without this dirt and if oss}lylle laces where tits
and how to ar nnze duties of affi-j The local National Council of Ot-, on and oven � it doosrat develop, it + p ' p this hs not ons or possible,the baso
15a' club is earth more or hem than a bath t equipment. There is, however, a strorl ehiakens have been allowed to run Y
cons, how to Conduct a meeting, pro-', tawa entertains -4 the delegatea to a room or whether good, fishing is to y ' g may ebbe itself iii the .oft gemost of the print Can be mounded up with
movement liar the country to realize 41011111,11i, plowed orad crapped.
gram lantin„ diswvern and de-. deli tfuJ and informal reception d+ur- I tion, Tuberculosis is ors of the most
We -believe that It would • Soil to a height of en ben inches or
P g k P � Be preferred to a weekly agricultnirau] I n1] the advantagesof the city erhools serious -di}senses w'lrieh attache paulltry. Pay You more, aril the top then. ls�ertt over and
alapmg the #Srlerrubs of a community, Ing the Comvent}on• joumal, these are points which only While Saving momt of the advantage's It Causes greater leasthan'an 'O to be thorough in the eradication of ,,
he work of bhe home and school Com- Another reoreaalianal feature of inr y they barrel vas with soil, Then }f boughs
Salomon maglit settle! I of the country schools, And the nnove- disease, and is oche of the most difficult bhig diseaso rather than to continue or leaves ora thrown, ovetc the to to
mittee, taducat}an, emteataiaiinenL; gla�ylterest was a tour through the new Tins scoring values here vnitLen meat towards Consolidating schools, to handle. with the baths you naw have on band, help collect tho anowslid P
in the community, were some of the new
lklildings. doom are to be accepted in the same fQundin county high schools and pro- A farm flock which is at)'eoterl with P give greater
mmttera which kept the delegates in a Community singing and same de- spirit of humility with which the are vidutg �tter supertntendenae are do. "P, o �--�� Pratectaatr it rs desira1rlo. In the ca �
stare a, Irnse, and ea. er interest. dightf'ul solos were an attractive form y this disease should, tic entirely d'tsur in kettles rind •boiUen's to date of clinibin roses, a
g proposed and any person over 21 years Ing much to raise the standard Of poser} Of, and then the poultry house to the cation ' g goad plan is to
Pardo the Badly of hind hest do move of sessions.
relaxation between oriel during the of age, hearing a first class teacher's school work everywhere, A tY , of arbona tho, water', cover their with a box dried with dry
and its surroundings should beThor- winteng cordon carbonates in the leaves, making the lap wain -tight sq
tzrnrards the a iic cit iudlviduat bond shsaions. certificate, a provincial humLing license It is already a rural aanxidai that in oughly Cleans d amt disinfected ba- water urSllianro to the vessel, nsed. the leaves' wild ]seep dry,
". If -c
t (