HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-17, Page 84444 iM4A4444144•*•*0 rhe Store NF tal'i49 The Season for Coughs0105AND '.is here Among the Reliable Remedies we keep for them are-- • REXALL CHERRY BARK ota COUGH SYRUP Safe and pleasant relief for •Coughs- Sec and 6oc buts. REXALL CATARRH JELLY For all Colds in the head - 40c Tubes BLOOD ROOT COUCH CURE This old reliable Cough Remedy still holds its own among the big selling Cough Preparations - 35c and 6oc bots. REXALL COLD TABLETS With Aspirin For the relief of Colds and the Headache usually at- tending tbem. Wampote's Tasteless Prep. Cod Liver OH $t.00 bots irol The famous Cod Liver Oil and Iron Tonic- gtr.00 bots. Scott's Emulsion Formolld Throat Ease inc and 252 boxes COUGH DROPS, HOREHOUND CANDY, &c. Makes Your Breakfast Taste Setter IiVOIIR break -1 fait tastes1 better after you f ,nae Klenzo. Get) n tube toetry ,today. T h' e r e is s new sensation awaiting you the Cool, Clean $lane Feeling on your teeth and tongue. It Isn't merely a taste. It's a tes- timony of dean - loess -cleanness that is imparted to the tiny, little taste nerves, freeing them of mato secretions that make your mouth feel hot and sticky. FAMIIYTEAToE BRUSSELS Saturday, i9th SIR LOUiS TRACEY'S FAMOUS NOVEL. Your Current Account ARE you getting the maximum of service in con• nection with your Current Account? We are in a position to offer close exchange rates, to give your collections prompt attention, to buy or sell drafts, and to issue letters of credit and money orders. "The Silent Barrler" Monday, 21st Harry Carey IN "The Wallop" Wednesday, 23rd Alice Calhoon IN "Princess Jones" Larry And La y Semon Comedy THE S AADlRD BANK Or Orr TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Brussels Branch: G. H. Semis, Manager, Dublin Branch: • F. McConnell, Manager. Tooth Brushes 200, 25e, 350, 500, F. R. SMITH rhe Store - • + Druggist and Stationer 4.4' 64.e+it+o4+4.4• 4'••A@4i.l4.•4.•44,4•'F44+0i4'F.40i•41444.0! Ionil bels Pms ECGs are 5o cents a dozen. ANOTHER wedding is on the program. Locee and District news on page 4 and 5 also. THE "Armistice Day" window of Miss Maude Bryans put ns all in the shade last Friday. You needed your skates on some days •during part of last week owing to icy sidewalks. TuasDAY next will be Dominion Nom- ination Day for the coming Election. Wingbam will be the place of meeting and the hours 12 to 2. Polling Day De- cember 6. Reeve PLUM says Rumor bas it that the Electric light in front of bis livery is paid for by the town. This is untrue as be finances the expense, so hopes folk won't worry if light burns long hours. TUESDAY of this week several Masonic brethern of Brussels went to Wiugbam to attend the Chapter and met District Deputy Coutts of that town. In the number were Dr. White and Messrs, Wilton, Black, Gillespie end Dixon, HURON CO. REPRESENTED. -Among the Stock Judging team from the 0. A. C., Guelph, to compete at Cbrcago at the International Show THE POST is pleased to see the name of G. E. Raitb. by, Huron County, Team is said to be one of the best ever entered and we wish them success. MEDAL CONTEST.- Monday evening, Dec. sth, a Medal Contest will be held in the Methodist church. Brussels, under the auspices of the local W. C. T. U., when competitions will take place io vocal Music and Elocution, Essays and Posters. Medals and consolation awards will be made in first 2 classes and cash prizes for the 2 latter. Subject of Essay, (sot to exceed 1500 words) will be "'Phe Cigarette evil." showing its hindrance to developing mauhood, or the serious effect of alcohol and narcotics, in their relation to the mental, moral and spiritu- al, Same subjects will be dealt with on posters, (size of which will be 18 x 24 inches.) Work may be done with Cray- on, colored pencils or pen and ink Further particulars may be obtained from Mrs, A. McGuire or member§ of Committee having Contest ip hand, Mao. WALTER JACKSON DIES SUDDEN- LY. -Friday morning of last week H. L. Jacksou, Brussels, received a telegram from his sister, of Los Angeles. Cali- fornia, giving the sad intimation that his mother. Mrs. Walter Jackson, had pass- ed away suddenly the night before. She often read for awhile after she re tired and this was the case 'Thursday night when, about no o'clock, she answered the call. Her heart had bothered her at times. Interment was made in California. The late Mrs, Jack son Was a daughter of Rev. S. Jones, a former well known Presbyterian pastor in Brussels. Sbe was born in Wales and came to St. Marys, Ont., where she was married to the late Walter J. Jackson, In 1872 the family took up residence in Brussels where they lived for years. Mr, Jackson died 70 years ago, Surviv- ing children are ;-H, L , Brussels ; Louis, S , Windsor ; Leon F., Ottawa ; Mrs.S Leopard, Toronto ; Mrs, H, E Maddock, Kincardine; and Mrs. Wm. G. Logan, ILos Angeles, Cal,, where the mother had been making ber home. Deceased children are Percy, Charlie, Archie and Nellie, Mrs, Jackson was 83 years of age, She is well remembered in Brussels and locality. Her last visit here was in tato Bereaved share in the sympathy of many old friende in this sudden call. Deceaded was a fine wom- an, A few sleighs were ou the move on Monday, although sleighing was thin, SPECIAL bargains are being offered by Alex Strachan in ladies' mantles, Read bis advt. this week. COMING EVENTS. - Dominion Rection, Dec, 6. Brussels Monthly Horse Fair, Dec, 1. Dominion Election Nomination, Nov, 22, Bazaar, Metbodist Ladies' Aid, Dec, 10. W. C. T. U. Elocution and Musical Contest, Dec. 5. Goo° second-hand straw cutter for Bale. Apply to John Oliver, Brussels. Phone 9x. 8 Reons Island Red nice cockerels for sale. Apply to Ws. ELLIS, Brussels, South. VOR BALE. -12 two-year•old Steers weighing about 800 lbs. each Also 8 steers rising 9 years weighing about POO lbs. Apply to W. H. MAUNDERS, Brnasels, Phone 12 Fort SALE -16 young pigs. Phone 804. ERNEST BRAY, Fos sale, a parlor table and an exteneion table. .Apply at THE POST. Fon SAT.11.-W111 arrive bo Saturday 15 Der- ham cows, due to trrehen in a month. Apply to ANENT & MCDrNALD. STRAYED from Lot 10, Con 0, Grey, n cow and 0 little pies. Owner will be glad to hear of their whereabouts J. W. STEPHENSON. Phone 4015. TELEPHONE 00000.-A11 accounts must he paid. They are now ail peeled up andany one that don't wish to come in to pay may call up and they will be told the amount of their account and they can Hien remit but it ie im- peretive that all ,uoonnta be paid at once. Some have been standing too long, F. S. SCOTT, Chairman of Board. FOR SALE -Champion "Summit" kitchen range with warming closet and water reser- voir. In good conditions Enrns wood or coal. Apply tool A. Dixon, Bunk of Nova Scotia or at residence. FOR SALE -2 heifer calves, one good milking cow, good Clyde horse eau rising 2 years. Apply to Geo. COLviz, Brussels, South. Phone 569. Fort SALE. -10 heads of young cattle rising 2 years (8 steers anti 7 heifers) , also 0 pigs 6 weeks old. Apply to Phone 660. W..1. SRAnP, Lot 29, Con. 11, Grey. FOR SALE -A quantile of turnips and also 8 ohnnke of pigs. V. 0PARL1No, Walton, Is 'THANKFUL. -Dear Mr. Kerr :-- Throng.' yoar piper I would like the privilege of thank ug my friends, whom I left is B ussels, for presenting me with the floe club t.ag. I wish them to know how meth I appreciate their interest in me and if I have while in Bruseels done anything to deserve, in a small way, the very acceptable gif. 1 received, I'tn very, very glad. Again expressing my gratitude, I remain Sincerely, OSWALD HEMINGWAY. St. Catharines, Nov, 12 1021 75TH ANNIVERSARY.- Galt Reporter, the only local newspaper, celebrated its 75th anniversary, last Friday, Peter Jaffrav, the founder, before coming to Canada, was editor of the Shrewsbury Chronicle in England, While heintend- ed farming new Gnderich he drifted to Galt and purchased the Dumfries Couri- er, changing the name to the Galt Re- porter. and published lea first issae,00 Nov is, 1846 Mr. J: ff av, with bis 4 sons, were practically the entire staff, THE Por tbrows a b; quet and wishes The Reporter continued prosperity, WOMEN'S INSTtxurE-Friday' after- noon at 3 o'clock the Women's Institute will m'et in the Audience room of the Public Library After the hu;lueee see Mon Mrs (Dr ) White will deal with the subject "Suggestions for Christmas," Every member is 0• quested to bring Wire article for insp,•e+ton. Current evens, "1'he i,r•'seut ria ' frantb s ," will he iu charge of Mrs. W. W. Harris; If anyoue baa doubts or leers about how to vote try to be present Fridnyafternoon, as Mrs Harris is prepared to put all on the right track, Everyone cordially In- Vited. Music, , #I People We Talk About t3 tt SI Mist Sarah Pipe, of Elmira, is visiting her sister, Miss A. Pipe, Brussels. D. B. and Mrs. McDonald, Galt, were visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Robt. Kerr, last week, Robert Dodds, McKillop, spent the past week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Queen street. Mrs. Stewart, Parry Sound District, is here ou a visit with her sister. Mrs. T. McGregor, Queen street, Brussels. Miss Chowen, teacher at Teeswater, was a visitor at the home of her brother, G. T. R. Agent Chowen, Brussels. Jae and Mrs. Wilkey and Miss Ina and Jas. Lawless, London, were visitors with W. J. and the.Misses McCracken last week. Will. Harris. who bas spent the past Summer at Cobalt and other Northern points. is home under the parental roof for a visit, Monday of this week Postmaster F. S. Scott celebrated his 73rd birthday. His health is considerably improved and he is "on deck" almost every day at the office as usual. Many old friends hope be will live 25 years yet. Wm. Hartry and Robert and Mrs. Forrest accompanied Rev. E. W. Ed- wards in his visit from Seaforth to Brus- sels last Sunday afternoon to do honor to the boys who gave their lives for Freedom's cause. Eric Edwards was the chauffeur. The visiting friends were former residents of the locality who are well remembered. Mrs. Forrest is a sister of Mrs. Geo. C. Lowry, Prin• cess street, Brussels. Church Ohimes Sunday School Lesson Notes may be read on another page. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Brooks, of Crediton, wilt occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church here. The pastor will be at Ailsa Craig for anniversary. The "social hour and refreshments" appears to be growing in favour in in- creasing numbers of city churches. Loaves and fishes were thought a good drawing program moo years ago Rev. Mr. Clarke preached Sunday morning in the Methodist church from II 'Timothy 4-10 "Demas has forsaken me. having loved the present world." on "The lure of the world " Evening ser• vice was withdrawn on account of the Unveiling Ceremony in the church at 3 o'clock Rev Dr. Thurlow Fraser, for the past ro years tnioister in the Division Street Presbyterian Church, iD Owen Sound. announced to bis congregation that he bad received a call to St, Johu Presby- terian Church, Winnipeg, and had ac- cepted, subject to the approval of the two 1"reshi teries concerned. Queen Victoria once said that the se- cret of England's success was the Bible. Now if that was the case, why not make it the success of all foreign countries that are being civilized. The Bible Society is asking our aid again this year to supply bibles to missionaries to spread the gospel. Collectors will call on you before the close of _November. Please de your best, 'Tuesday of next week public services will be held in Methodist church at 2.30 and 8 p. m. dealing with the question of Evangelism Rev. Jno. Colburn, of Toronto, who is a specialist in this de- partment of work, will address both meetings and should be heard on a topic of vital importance. Rev F. S OKell. Ethel, who is the Wingham District Secretary, bas arranged an itinery for the District, and will also be in attend arca. Members of Official Board asked to meet Capt. Coburn at 7 p. in. at church. Belgrave East Wawanoeh Council will meet here next Monday. Chas. Hopper's Auction Sale went o. k. He will take a hand in the lightning rod businesealong with Jno. Vannorrnan, We wish him success. The Ladies Aid of Knox church, Belgrave, met at the manse last Wed. nesday for their November meeting, at the close of which the hostess, Mrs. Jones, served a delightful afternoon tea, which was greatly appreciated by all present. Thursday afternoon and evening Conferences on Evangelism will be held in the Methodist church here, conducted by Itev. (Capt,) Coburn, Toronto, a specialist in this work, Rey. Mr. OKell, Ethel, District Stere Lary, will also be here, Everybody welcome, We were glad to see the Base Ball honors come to our school teacher, Not man Geddes. He is not only well up on the game but plays consistent ly rarely having an 'of day," At WinghnDI Banquet he was presented with a fine club bag, by vote of the the !poste, ee the beet all round player on the tom, At the political meeting' here Wed- nesday, of last week, with Richard Procter in ,the chair, speeches were given by W, H. Fraser, Geo. Spotton and A. Cousins, All got a good hear- ing and laid down the law according to their way of thinking. Who will be elected is the query ? Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Cragg, Wing - ham, conducted anniversary services in the Methodist t r t church hde and preached fine diecoursee morning and evening to good congregations. Sub- jects were "The church," and "What Is your life?" The offering totalled $120.00. Rev, Mt'. Peters went to Wiugham to supply for Mr, Gregg. Wingham Ohae, Blackhall, of Fry & Blackhall, is seriously ill at his home on Alfred street. J. J. Casemore, of town, is critically ill at the present time, with little hope afrecovery. • A little son of Harvey Pendleton was accidently knocked over by an auto on Main street on Saturday, with the result that he was badly bruised about the head and received a severe shaking up. If the driver had stopped long enough to find out how much the child had been injured he would at least have driven the little lad to his home. BORN Coon. -In Raaf Wewanoeh, on November 4th, to Mr. and Mre. Henry Cook, a daughter. Woarr,-In Grey Township, on November. 2, 1921. to Mr. and hire. Jno. A. Work, a sOn- William Graham. TELFORD -At Blyth, on Nov. 8rd, 1921, to Rev. George and. Mrs. Telford, a daughter, MARRIED MOHARDY-BURGges.-At Toronto, November 12th,1021, by _Rev, Muir Auld, of Old St. Andrew's church, Mise Isabella Burgess, Blaevale, Ont., daughterof the late John and Elizabeth Burgess, to 14r. Henry Mc - Hardy, Toronto, formerly of Bluevale, son of the late Robert and Agnes McHardy. DIED F°LTON,-In Greytownshipon November 14. 1021, William Fulton, aged 81 years, 7 months and/ days. HOe4iNotta.-In Grey Township, on Novem- ber 12, 1021, Jno. Bollinger, aged 79 years, 10 months and 2 days. JACKSON -Iii Los Angeles, Cal„ on November 10th, 1921 Britain Jones, widow of the late Walter J. Jackson, Brussels, In her Bard Year, MoCuat4-At Lovernn, Sask., on October 2dth, 1021, John MoOush, a former resident of Grey township, in his 70th year. • STItoNO-In Fordwioh, on Nov. 6th, 1021. Edna Strong, beloved daughter of Wm, J, and Mrs Strang, aged 12 years, 2 menthe and 10 days, BTEWA for -In Grey township, on November 11th, 1821, Rootlet Brown, widow of the late Alexander Stewart, in her 82nd year, • AUCTION SALES JYRTDAYImple- ments, &u., Lots 27, Con18 Grey township. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Russel Robertson, Prop, Thos. Gundry, Ana, Fat°Ay, Nov. 25Th, -Farm ,took, inrpte- menta, d:c , S7 Lot 28, Con, 6 Morris. Sale unreserved at 1 p,. m. a, proprietor is giving up forming, ALLAN. SPEIR, Prop. JAB. TAY- LOR, Auo. BRUSSELS MARKET Fell Wheat 91 00 91 00 Oats 45 60 Peas 125 150 Barley 65 00 Butter 85 86 Hoax 9 00 9 00 Env 16 00 10 00 Potatoes per bag 1 00 1 00 Town Wood Account Persona owing for wood purchased from the town are asked to settle the same forthwith. By order of Council. Payment received by F. S. SCOTT, Village Clerk. Farm for Sale Very desirable farm for sale, containing 100 acres with fine buildioge. Small amount will finance or would consider house and lot or small farm. Apply to Tian POST. 01111$0101111114110000111100111000011100000111100.000110041110. 1 Fox's Drub Store THE .. • • • Weekly Store News s •A good Nval Crpnnhnc • I r • STOP E • Not Water Butt e Always a most useful house- • hold article and mdro par- - • titularly at this season of wthe year, to on hand just when you need • it, 011ie is one of the Nyal Van]. ily Preparations designed to provide the public with safe, dependable family medicine for the treatment of ordin- ary ailments. It fortifies the system, enabling weak con- stitutionsto succe Bafully combat the inroads of.diaeuse germs- $1 00 per bottle • • 1 1 • • • • A real good article to have• • • • • • • • •Wampole's •• Hydrogen Blued Root • p • •• Peroxide Cough Relief • • A powerful Antiseptic, Die- • • infectant and Germicide, •® May be used with perfeot Still holds first place as our '"p Pula • Cough Syrup. • safety internally or 05105- Satisfaction guaranteed. • Dally. 25o, 85e and 60c • • ••0 • • One of the most exquisite lines of Toilet Articles • Face Powder (all shades) 75e Talcum Powder 35e. •• • • • Garden Court Line Cold Cream 50c Toilet Water $2 00 Double Combination Cream 50c Perfume $1.25 per oz. • • For Children • with a Cough • fai Penslar •• Children's s• Cough = Syrup • can be given to a • very young child • without any unpleas- • ant results- • 25c per bottle PENSLAR Cod Liver Extract With 5 Hypophosphites & Extract of Malt One of our very best Tonics and Builders, free from the fishy oil which many i delicate tcate y patients cannot toter- ate - 50e and 51.00 bottles Ts R. C. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules When one has severe pains, brought on in many cases by a chill -the joints sore and stiff - nothing gives relief like T. R. 0,'s, 51.00 per box ••. • • • a ir• • S • • •• • • • • . FOX'S ®RUG STORE! "Careful Prescription Dispensers" • DRUGGIST and STATIONER • • • • 1 • •••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•• Continuation of the Great fall and Winter Sale HANNA & Co. Ltd. Wingham Owing to the mild weather and the extensive alterations that are being made in our Main Store we have decided to cut prices still lower for the next two weeks, ending Dec. 3rd. Read the prices listed below -lowest in five years. U .16..4. i�.s./►����i4.►46,11.-.►������uua►..L s armS We will meet all City Satisfaction Guaranteed C • ' Mail Order Prices. or Money Refunded. •r11""e1"0"11"-`111"111"8".'r�eirellr7TPerelr'11"1•I"11• n'T't' T''I�s8-1/V►'•'alr077�serr771►�sep-7elio'e•: $14.75 Buys a good service. able Suit. $24.75 Buys a fine Navy Botany Serge Suit. $31.75 Buys a Fine Worsted Suit. $18.75 Men's Overcoats, stylish Plaids and Fancy Checks. 8.95 Boys' Over'doats in Stylish Grey Tweed and Brown Mixture, Society Brand models, in 10.00 Men's Heavy All -wool Mackinaw Coate. Carr's Genuine Mackinaw Pante, guaran- teed to turn water..... ......................•. . Peabody, Oarhartt, 'Headlight guaran- teed Overalls Oarhat tt'e Boys' Heavy Black Overalls... Underwear 6 49 1 98 1 39 Another shipment of Penman's Heavy Fleece Lined at, per gannet' t. ,... ... ' 76 Penman's All -wool Ribbed Underwear, per • garment 98 Lambsdown Extra Heavy Pieece Lined ..,.,... 1 39 . Work Goods Gloves - Less 20 per cent $2 0o Work Shirts in Khaki, Black and and White and Blue, each - 1. 10. Fine Shirts - 99e 1 19 1 9 20 per cent off Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Pyjamas, Collars, Etc., Etc. 20 per cent off Dry Goods Silks Staples Cottons Flannelettes Shirtings Tapestry Rugs $19.75 3 x 3 Oilcloth 50c, Square yd Groceries Sugar per 100 lbs $8 25 Broome 40 Tea, 81bs ' 1 00 Laid, 3 lbs..,.... ............... ...... 59 Currants ....... 10 Coffee..... 47 Raisins 24 Shredded Wheat .......... 2 for 25e Oatmeal ...0Ibs, for 25 Ready-to-wear 20 Ladies' heavy Winter Coate Suits and Dresses. Sale $10.00 each New Stylish Dreese8-Silks, Can- ton, Crepes, Sergei .20 p. c. off Ladies', Misses' and Ohildreu's new stock of Omits Less 20 p. c. All Fur Muffs and Stoles Half Price Ladies' Sweaters, reg. $8 Sale $3.49 10 yieces of all -wool Drees Goode le Black, let een and Plaid. Values up to $8,00, Sale .99 Nttvy Selmer at .... 149 & 1.98 Factory Cotten -,Special .., .19 Flannelette 16 Pi ints-Dark and Light.... .24 Velveteens -all shades . .75 ., Remnants Malty more Half Price Retnnanis Hosiery 200 pre. White Cael ti ere Hose, leg $1.00, Sale .49 800 pea, Black Cashmere Hose,.. .. .89 $2 50 Week Cashmere Hose , . . 1.69 SPECIAL -300 pairs of Woolen's and Child- ren's Hon, all colors .26 Silk Blouses Values up to 510 00 and $12.00 Crepe de Chines and Voiles, entire stork to cleat, ........ 8.98 HANNA & Co., Limited, Wingham