HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-17, Page 5MusiNE$A CAMS.
Gawps 0101211110
Oleo la Ike Rest cinch, EIhe4 10.4
T V • Barrister, Bolioi or, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &e, Uffioe—Btowart's 1410ek
1 door Nortl of Osutral Hotel,
Solicitor fottiba Metropolitan Bank,
erszw's Moms.
This popular boetlery le open to the public in
all departments of a First -aloes Hotel
Meeh, served atregular hours,
Phone 64 Olean, comfortable bode.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Day ld night valla. Office oppo,ite
Ageet Rollick Mutual Fin Insurance Company
Phone 42 Tnrnbarry Street, Brueeela
Successor to John Harris, Walton.
T. T. M' RAE
N.•.. N. O. P., a S. O.
M. O. H., Village of Brussels
Phystoian, Surgeon, Aeoonohenr
/Bee at residence, opposite Mel' ilia Church,
William street.
PR IOOF0OT, 11110110 8 CORE
'Barristers, Seuoltore, Notaries Public,
Mos un the Square, 2n,: door from Hamilton
Private fonds to loan at !meet rates.
W. PnouDr0o2. S• 0. J. L, SILLOHAN
H. J. D. Ooexa
Increase Your Earning Power ,
by attending the P.
0 Tongs & Charles Sta., Toronto
-4 This school ie strictly first -close In all
daCCartm.ale anlie njoys s wide-eproad
patronage. 1t time -tried and
truly- and you risk noth-
ing by coming here. Our gradu-
n.le successful.
are m1
any time, Write for catalogue.
',ktolco.k 4iGa'4Aa'4rsolvezkraA�4s��4A'a
• •
• to arrive shortly. •
Place Your Order Early.•
• •
• •
• Tip-top supply of $
Corn Shorts and Bran =
if •
• on band. If you need any call fil
or'phone. •
1 W. J. McCracken;
Well Tools
II000yforSaleLHEN FRYN
275 feat It inch Drill Rope nearly new,
1 set Jars and Rope Socket,
1 Sinker, 16 feet by 8 inches,
1 4 -inch Sand Pump,
1 5.inch Sand Pump,
14 -inch Reelner,
25-ineh Reamers and Bite for name,.
Also a length of 6 -inch Casing.
All for sale cheap as owner has no
use for them.
Mostly Clover with a little
Fall Honey with it.
1214 cts. a lbs
Clover Honey also on
hand. Phone 5$24
fool boas
POLITICAL candidates are busy.
HALF of November gone -already.
SNOW shovels have put In an appear-
BREAD now sells at 9 cents a loaf in
Remotes are plentiful this Fall and in
good .cuudttlon.
WHEAT was down 10 fei.00 per bushel,
first tune since 1915.
2o% ot an increase in School atteud-
ahce In Ontario this year.
MAITLAND river had a Fringe of ice
last week, the first of the season.
Root crop was not all up before the
snow fall but most of it was good.
letter F rrday—Armistice Day— was a
public holiday in the United. States.
Do you owe for town wood 7 Better
read the advt. coucerniug payment,
Seemsxxs are dispensing
with the young
lady help, fillingweir
place with men.
THE town flag was flying on Friday=-
Armtstace Day and a Jew poppies were
in evidence.
BOTH Jno. W. King and W. H, Fraser
eaudidates in North Huron Electfoa
contest were in town last Thursday,
We don't mean they were bunting in
couples though.
Now let us clear the decks for a lively
run of business between now and Christ-
mas. You have a part to play in it so
don't crowd the responsibility off on
somebody else.
Rose, the well known breeder of fine
White Leghorn poultry, will send au ex
bibit to the Guelph Winter Fair, open-
ing next month. He bas a fine flock.
NEWSPAPORIAL. — The Palmerston.
Spectator has been purchased by Editor
3utbley. who bas been managing it for
several months. We wish him the suc
cese be hypes for. in the new order of
affairs, el
William Dunn, a Toronto magazine
canvasser, was fined $too at Woodstock
for taking subsereptious for the Farmers'
Advocate under false pretences. The
public should beware of strange can-
1`wo FINE Dame—Friday last 2 sue
deer were the attraction in front ot
Baeker Bros. butcher shop. They were
sent from Manitoulin Island by Geoge
Best, of town, who has been buying
cattle up there.
WHAT would you you think of form-
ing a local Poultry Association ? 'There
are fanciers enough in town and locality
to boost it along. A few good public
Lectures on this important industry
should be of practical value.
Gnus with paint on their faces, going
to Berkeley (Cal.) High School, will
have thetr taces washed by a committee
at school. All of which is good for the
paint business, as the young things will
have to put more on after four.
Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired
Well Drilling done as usual.
,Call up Phone 28x
+44+++++++++++++++++++44 44
What About Your
L .
ro •t'
the highest mar-
.*j. kat price for all the
•!' you have to sell and call at
• your plane far them.
Im• Voile Ck ot,._ Trial frees our agent dor
phone 2x BRUSSELS Tempeton', 149 YaaQ W., lbeetelst
+ Sold by'Jas. Fox ; in Walton by
i +t+i+f;t'i'� 9 'W, e. Neal
Seasonable Offerings'
All. Wool Underwear
Fleece -lined Underwear.
Work Shirts
Leather Mits and Gloves
Heavy Rubbers
Fine Rubbers
Stable Window Glass Putty
Naile, Oils and Turpentine.
Full line of fresh Groceries
Cheeley Flour.
Kincardine Meats.
Call and inspect our stock.
W. G. McMillan
Mre. Aunber and the rei,eo for want'
Mere happy years of service in the
pariah; t1 liberal free.wiil ulfering
wee giveu to the Guild In behalf of
rectory feud,
Degrease' of Public Health, TG1'onto,
don't like the way the Ugh hits the
I blackboards in ont' school. Hie nose
was not suited with the foul air and
trustees are asked to put in lane. The
wonder is that IV all the fault Jluding
is o, k, that pupils are alive,
The ()minds, Furniture Manufactur-
ere, Limited, have opened their second
factory here, and ere working 9 hours
a day, with sufficient order's on hand
to keep theta busy for some 'time.
Conditions in the furniture bueiness
have steadily improved since July
lust, the company retorts and bust -
noes on the up -grade, through yet be-
low normal,
After a period in the hospital at
• London Mrs. A. M, Sweeton is back.
much improved in health.
J. E. Nswbigging and Mrs. T. Ham-
ilton, Blum, were elected, director's of
North Perth Farmers Progressive
We are pleased to report improve-
ment in health of Mrs. E. T. Green -
aides and hope she will soon be as
hearty se ever.
Ou November 6th W. B. Campbell,
died at his home here, aged 76 years
and was buried following Tuesday.
His wife, a son and 2 daughters sur-
You will be well advised to check that
first cold—weather twinge of Rheuma-
tism before it develops. Use the
Standard Remedy, T. R. C.s RAZ
MAH, the positive Asthma remedy also
sold by Jas. Fox ; in Walton by W. G.
ANOTHER VERSION.—Indians from the
Walpole Island reserve state the Winter
will be excessively severe. To prove
statement they pointed to the wiry con•
dition of the bark on the North sides of
the trees. One Indian stated that this
was the first time in 12 years that he bad
noticed this condition. Certain other
familiar signs also indicate tbat the com-
ing Winter would be severe.
wosaYING.—Following is the letter re.
ceived by Brussels Council relating to
Hydro and sounds silly when the paying
does not come out of their pocket ;—
•'DEAR SIR :—We are in receipt of your
letter regarding a supply of Hydro pow-
er for your vfllaee. In accordance with
your original request, our engineers in-
vestigated the best method of supplying
you with power and secured inform-
ation to enable us to prepare estimates
on the cost of a distribution in your vil
rage, as well as cost of power delivered
When these estimates were received an
estimated operating report was prepared
which showed that, due to the small
amount of power which your municipal-
ity would take and the present high cost
of construction, it would be impossible
for the system to be self supporting un-
less exceptiopally exceptionallyhigh rates were charg-
har -ed your customers. The Commission at
its meeting on Sept. 21, 1921, considered
the estimates and instructed that you be
advised to defer the -question of a supply,
of Hydro power until a more favorable
opportunity arises for financing same. or
until arraugements•can be made to se-
cure the sale of more power in the rural
district in which your municipality is
located. Yours truly,
W. W. Poem, Secretary,"
Probably the municipalities know more
about their own business than the Hydro
manipulators, whose correspondence is
about as slow as their action is non-pro-
Kincardine Reportet refers to a well
known clergyman es follows :—Rev. D,
B. McRae occupied the pulpit at Charm-
er's church on duuday last, A boat of
friends were glad to bear their former
pastor, who preached an able and inspir.
,ng sermon.
TRIAL OPrsa,—To introduce THE
PosT to new homes or new friends it will
be sent to any Post -office address in
Canada up to January 1st, Io2z, for
small sum of 25 cents in advance. Let
the absentee member of your family
be reminded you have not forgotten
them in this way. Balance of 1921 free
to all new subscribers for 1922,
President Machin resigned the Presi-
dency of the Ontario Liberty League
and said some tart things of the way be
had been treated by the Leaguers. Now
T. L, Carruthers, the Secretary, bas giv
en by his job• Must be bard §1eddtne
for so beneficent au organization,
Din You KNow.—
It pays to read advertisemebts?
5% will be added to taxes oo Dec. l4 ?
Cbristmas Is only about 6 weeks away ?
25 cents secures THE POST to Jan. 1st,
1922 7
Municipal nominations come Decem-
ber 26?
Bible Society Collectors will call ou
Von shortly ? •
D. C. Ross, M. Black and R. Leather -
dale are retiring School Trustees 7
BID WHEELEa's Goon EYE,—Reporter
of Kincardine says of former Brusselttes
—Before leaving to take up their home
to Goderieh, Russell and Mrs Wheeler's
home was invaded by the choir of the
Methodist church and a very enjoyable
evening was spent in saying farewell to
this estiinable couple before tbey left to
take up their residence in the town of
Goderich w',ere Mr. Wheeler has gone
into busiuess, having purchased Walk-
er's furniture and undertaking business.
On behalf of the choir Miss Mary Ander-
son made the presentation of an electric
toaster. She referred to Mr. Wheeler's
splendid services iu the choir and the re
gret to see them leave Kincardine, Mr,
Wheeler made a ueat reply. He and
Mr• Wheeler will he missed from the
town by a largo circle of friends. All
will wish them success in their new
NO Smoking—Na Sprayinu--Ne Swan
Just Swallow a Comte
RAZ -MAH h Guaranteed
t• restore normal breathing *op memo
gatherings in the bronchia' tubes, glee
fon nights of quiet sleep; contains as
habit -tombs Am 611,00 st roar dnl�•
u pretty
MATIiiMONLf,L, A quiet but p y
tveddiug was solemnized at tate home
of Mrs. S. W. Joynt, Luckuow, sister
of the groom, on Monday, 7th inst.,
wheu Dr. W. F. Freeman and Miss
Marion Adair, Listowel, were united
in holy bunds of matrimony, Rev. J.
F. Irwin. officiating. Only immediate
relatives and friends were present.
Prior to leaving for Luckuow a dainty
luncheon was served at the Memorial
Hospital, Listowel, in honor of the
bride, who for some time past has
been one of the nurses officiating
there. Dr. and Mrs. Freeman have
taken up their residence in Listowel.
Hearty congratulations and best
wishes are extended to the happy
couple by old friends here.
A Municipal nurse is on the wanted
list in town.
Rev. J. E, and Mrs. Ford are home
from an extended stay at Windsor.
Service last Sunday in St. George's
church was commemorative of Peace:
Both the Grit and Tory women of
town have put on their war paint and
are ready for the "scrap." No pulling
hair allowed however.
A brother of M. W. Howell's died
at Weston sanitarium. He had been
an invalid for 12 years. He was 35
years of age and leaves his wife.
Supreme Court sittings were held
here last week before Justice Orde.
It was expense for nothing as there
were no cases heard. Wonder what
the Court cost the County ?
No trot a ()bruise Fairs this season,
Deficit of Oltl Btiye' Re -union last
Summer is about $125.
Au enjoyable trip was taken by J.
0. and dire. Hay through Western
An nptinn was obtained on the
Queen's Hotel for 30 days by W. Ir-
win. Ripley.
Listowel High School has a Hough
cup team who are figuring on getting
the silverware,
B. ielcCormick is back from a trip to
the West. He brought a loud of Pull-
ed Augur cattle with him,
Last Sunday Rev. David Rogers,
St. Thomas, took the servicee in the
Methodist church. Pastor was et
Next Sunday Hanley and Fisher,
the evangelists, commence a series of
1lllvungelietic services in the Methodist.
church. .
$1800 was placed on the plates at
the Methodist church Anniversary.
$1600 was asked for. Rev.'Mr, Simp-
son, Toronto, was the preacher.
Mies Clayton, one of our town ladies
is busy sounding the praises of the
Conservative party in connection with
the Dominion Election cantata.
It turns out Rev. Mr. Amos only got
$5000 for *reeving on the Hydro -Radial
Oommibeion, which divided up gave
'hire 54465 per day. Not a bad kind
of medicine to take.
(Artist (Thumb Ladies' Guild held a
reception at the cities of the week for
the purpose of giving the pariehioners
an opportunity to see the Rectory, just
recently completed. Notwithetauding
the inclement weather many people.
availed themselves of the privilege.
Tea was served during the afternoon
and evening and the Anglioau Orch-
eetra furnished the mucic. The event
was a very en jeyable one, Neer build•
Ing was regarded as moat beautiful by
all and roomy were the expreseious of
good will and best wishes given to
Miss Mabel Spafford has taken a'
position as etenogpapher in Toronto,
Mrs. Elder has. got been having her
ustutl good health but we wish her
The coming Winter will be spent by
Mrs. T. Gosman with her daughter, 1
Mrs, W. Davis, in Toronto. .
After a holiday at the home of her
son-in-law, Rev. 0. C. Keine, at Cot -
tam, Essex Oo., Mrs, J, Mills is back
By a blow on the jaw from a lever
in the Hillborn mill D. D. Crittenden
was laid out as flat as if Dempsey had
is about o k. now.
hit bite. He
Blyth Orange Lodge presented T. 0.
McElroy, who has decided to locate in
Wallaceburg, with a fine gold beaded
walking stick, accompanied by a
kindly worded address,
Monday afternoon a political meet-
ing in the Community hall was ad-
dressed by A. A. Powers, President of
the Farmers' On-opetative Oo., Toron-
to. 0a,ldidate King and others.
Trowbridge Butter factory has clos-
ed until next Spring.
Mrs. J Tughen is home from an ex-
tended visit to the West.
Any deer that has any respect for
its life had better keep in its hiding
place as Bert' Chapman is on their
Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Sutcliffe, At-
wood, and out pastor, Rev. Mr. Pring,
exchanged pulpits. Missions was the
Alex. and Mrs. Campbell and family,
the Misses Grace and tenth Campbell
and Samuel Campbell, Gaylord, Mich.,
were guests for Thankegiving at the
home of Richard and Mrs. Johnston.
They made the trip in their Oakland
sedan. Mr. Campbell thinks the form-
ers of this country would be foolish
not to vote for the policy that among
other things would give them free
entry of implements. He talks of a
binder costing approximately $100
more in Canada, a mower $50.00 more,
and so on,
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc-
Cormick Medloal College, Chicago, IU. Three
menthe post graduate course during year 1919.
Eyes correctly fitted with elaesea.
Headaches, Dry Itchy $yes; Granulated Eye-
lids, Watery Eyes, Nin In Eye Bells, Inflamed
Eyes, Pus or Wetery Discharge from Eyes, and
Dizziness caused by Eye-atrnln relieved
through properly fitted Glasses,
t-it"Oress Eyes straightened through. prpper-
ly fitted Lenses
63'Eyee tested at niglht equally as good as
durinR daylight.
All kinds of Or,tlent repelrs done.
Satisfaction Assured.
Optical Parlor 1n Leekle block, one door
Solidi of Barrister Sinclair's office.
Saturday evening, 2o 12 8 to 10 o'clock, l0 9 p. m,
Earlier forenoons by appointment,
Phone 20x
1'Frult-a-tivesi" the. Greatest
of all Nerve Remedies
This Fruit Medicine Restores Health
The increase in the number of
persons suffering from Nervousness Is
world-wide; due, in a measure, to the
reaction following the war. Sleepless-
ness, headaches, Mental Depression,
Rheumatism, Nervous Dyspepsia,
Bad Heart Aotlon, are the results of
a disturbed condition of the Nervous
The nerves and the blood are so
intimately, so vitally, connected that
the condition of one is bound to affect
the condition of the other. If the
blood is laden with impurlties, it is
impossible to have strong, steady
The first essential in treating nervous
troubles 0 to purify and enrich the blood
This, +'FRUIT-4.TIMES' will da
"FRUIT-A-TIVES"stimulates the
bowels, kidneys and skin and purifies
,,, " r
the blood. "Fruit -lives improves
appetite and digestion and insures
food being properly digested, thus
enabling the blood to carry wholesome
nourishment to build up the'body,
particularly the.,nerves.
Men and women who take "Fruit-
a-tives" for some form of nervous-
ness—because they cannot eat or
sleep or work or enjoy life—say that
this fruit medicine is simply marvellous
iri its action
80e a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sine, 25o.
At dealers or sent postpaid by
1?ruit-a-tivea Limited, Ottawa Ont.
Shopkeepers only keep Saturday
now as the open night of the week.
"Rebecca's Triumph" is the title of
the play being prepared by the Gig's
Armistice Day was observed by a
memorial service for our soldier boys
who died overseas.
We are sorry to report demise of
Edna Strong, in her 13th year. The
family loot a son 3 years ago. The
family share in the sympathy of the
Mrs. Robert Deachman, Toronto, is
back from
a 8 months trip
West, which she greatly enjoyed.
She was a former well known resident
of this community.
Huron County
Luean tax rate is 45 mills on dollar.
Mission Circle at Kirkton put, ou
the play Hepsy Burk.
New school building will not be er-
ected at Heneall at present.
Mrs. A. M. Wilson. Greenway, fell
down stairs receiving a badly strained
Marone have finished the brickwork
of the main building of the Methodist
church, Centralia.
Hon. Dr. Tolmia and Mise Clayton,
addressed Conservative meetings at
Seafortb and Hensall, Monday of last
Heusall Orangemen attended ser-
vice in the Presbyterian church
Sunday morning.
Dr. Homer Kinsman, of Sarnia, died
suddenly of heart failure at Bruce
mines while on a hunting trip,
A bazaar is On the program by
Zurich young ladies Bible class of
Evangelical church for December.
M. Pfaff, a returned soldier, has
been appoinred Postmaster at Exeter,
as successor to W. J. Russell, deceas-
9 teams took part in Stephen town-
ship plowing match. Ladies had a
booth and served lunch to the crowd.
Tractors also demonstrated.
Misses Lillian Jackson, Blyth, and
Annie Garrett, Londeeboro, wel'e
awarded 1st and 2nd prizes for Tem-
perance posters at Provincial Convec-
tion held at London.
Geo. T. Michie, Hensel', installed a
twenty -horse power tnotor in hie oat-
meal mill. The machinery of this mill
has been run by steam for many
years, but has now been replaced by
Dashwood Ladies' Ald of Calvary
Evangelical church of 35 members
made 602 sick calls in past year, car-
ried 97 briquets to ill and shut-in, sew-
ed, quilted and contributed to par-
sonage repairs,
Crediton Methodists presented W.
A. and Mrs. Sambrook with an elec-
tric readinglamp before leaving for
Aurora, Mise Lorene received a para.
Fed. They will be missed in the
church and community.
Palace Bakery
The Youngsters
will Hurry Home
from here with the big loaf of
our splendid bread they come
90 willingly for. They know
our bread, these kiddies. Ste
them eat slice after elioe and en-
joying every bite. And the
more they eat the better it will
be for diem. Our bread is e,
body—builder in its beat form.
Cfrildeen thrive on it Re on era
other food,
it 4••4••y4A••••4•••••••••••!b. -. _ .. NM.
Discount Sale'
30 percent
Men's Underwear
Fleece Lining inEWool
n's Underwear
Abject to the dame Discount
Joe Schwadron
Aaron population has elnrnped by
6,358 since 1911, It is now 46,655.
Canadian News
Saskatoon won the Saskatchewan
foot ball title.
Toronto milk is selling 15 pint tick-
ets for the dollar.
Guelph is now eating bread coating
10c a loaf, instead of 11c,
Two barns on farm occupied by
Charles Healy, South township, Peter-
boro, were burned with entire con-
Lieut. -Gov. Oockshutt lays corner-
stone of memorial hospital at London.
Jas. Fenneesey Renfrew, purchased
at Montreal three lambs with long
black hair similar to a bear's, but
normal in every other respect.
When Victor Deajardine, Ottawa,
caught a sturgeon 5 feet 4 inches in
length and weighing 100 pounds, be
was fined for fishing without a lic-
ence—and the fish was confiscated.
The Leamingtou Post says :—An-
other evidence of the mildness of the
fall and the productiveness of the soil
in this locality was the picking of se-
cond growth ripe grapes by Mrs. Al-
bert Gowan from her garden on John
street. Instances of second crops of
ripe strawberries, raspberries, oats
and blooming roeee have been report-
ed, but this is the first instance of two
crops of ripe grapes in one season
heard of in this section.
Now is the time to place
your order for Turners so
as to get them safely
housed before Winter.
Ament Bros.
Sarnia has trouble with crude oil
stopping eupply of natural gas.
John Edwards, of San Antonio, Tex-
as, has purchased the 142 -acre farm of
Avila J. Faubert, Raleigh Township,
Kent Co., for the cum of $75,000, and
will erect there a monster cattle -
breeding station, which, when com-
pleted will be the largest in Canada.
At the beginning the accommodation
will be limited to 750 head of cattle,
but extensions will ultimately be made
to accommodate about 6,000. The op-
eration of turning the farm into a
stockyard with railway sidings, load-
ing and unloading platforms, will
start within the next week or ten
days, it is stated.
II Choo.:maimisc=====-1
se your Fountain Pen
from Our Selection
beat service possible, Its readiness to write instantly,
anywhere, without dependance upon desk or ink well,
supplies a much appreciated convenience in the everyday work
of students and all business men and women in all walks of
life. \Vaterman's Ideal Fountain Pens may be obtained in a
wide variety of styles, with a point to suit every style of hand
writing. Priced from $2,50 up. Call and pick out a point to
suit your hand.
Waterman's Ink for Fountain Pens always in stock.
Every Farmer Needs a Ford
111•1111101.111/.. AINIMMV1010119111VIMINOMMIMINM
You don't hesitate to own a binder for a few days' use per
year—to save time.
Why not a Ford for use day or night every day in the year 7
—to save time that can be better used in productive work,
—to keep you in close personal tough with markets, '
—to handle light produce to town,
—to bring out help to your farm,
—to keep the boys contented on the farm.
The sturdy8Ford is the farm car you want for dependable
power, endurance, simplicity and economy.
We render Ford Service and esti Genuine Ford Parts
Call and ask about the Fordeon Tractor.
D. M. SOOTT, Brussels