HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-17, Page 4f Cit Samelo t 'HITRSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, £9x1 CAN the name be read 011 your rural mail box? _.r -.•a WATcn out for the Christmas an- nonnneme13te.. It may mean a eaviPg of dollars in your purchasing. WHY should the population of a grand old County like Huron slump the way it bas for years ? We doubt not but many a man would have been as well off today if he bad Optioned his residence io Huron, It possesses all the elemeete necessary for beth tame and fortune. Both Must be dug for. BREAD has dropped to 9 cents a loaf in Brussels, which will be a welcome in- timation to many a household, W. E. Willis, our baker, deserves credit for promptly aliowlug the reduction as Blur prices reduce and still continues to keep up the standard of the staff of lite. DON'T carelessly wait until Election Day to ascertain whether your name is on 1130 Voters' list or not and perhaps be swrprised tet find you are disfraochieed. The ballot is a trust conferred 00 you and its proper use will prove the value you place.oa your oitisensbip. See that your name is ontbe roll. MESSRS. M6IG1ISN, RING AND CaaaAR, who aspire to leadership in Dominion Parliamentary halls, are ah, under 5o years of pee and their record sbows them to be cover chaps. They are credited with being Presbyterians but we don't know bow hard they work at It. Guess they most represent the three Graces—Faith, Hope and Love, The Good Book gives the preference to the 3rd but supporters of NOR. 3 and a may not agree with this standard. Tag POST, as a rule, is a great helper to folk either desiring to sell articles or wanting to purchase, One reason fur this success is it goes into the homes and is read, Try it for yourself and let us know the result. Many a week over our telephone comes the statement "Have sold out cancel advt." Don't allow advertisements to continue after sale is made. It only fools people. DON'T be a Knocker. If there's some thing wrong with your liver consult a specialist so that You may get relief. The o:d fashioned door knocker bas been superseded by a bell, whose Dote it more musical than the old method of • giving the alarm or intimation of your presence. Get a bell, or better a chime of them, and play tbe lune "A Better day is coming." Let us hasten the ar- rival in our own community. SATuaDAY Night dearly loves to take a "whack" at temperance people and tbe great question they advocate. If this constant maligning continues a very practical plan for Prohibitionists would be to express disapproval of this con- stant tirade and if not "ant -out" give notice to "cut-off." A man is not sup- posed to band over his good dollar to a journal who prides itself 013 doing its best to black -eye the cause he intelli- gently pins bis faith to. Ix is generally considered a good sign to see attendance at educational centres increase but the fact that about 300 are registered this term as pupils of the school for the Deaf, at Belleville, tbe largest on record, is not a rause for con- gratulation but rather a reason for close enquiry for the cense of the increase of deafness. Medical Science is advancing and more specialists are in the field than formerly and yet the deaf and tbe blind appear to bo growing in number. 4 Youngs fn Simeoe Ceenty stole honey and destroyed beehives but got "stung" by tae Magistrate. who taxed them Inso.00 each, plus the value of the hooey. Served them right and no doubt( ey will never look a bee in the tare MA not be reminded of the bitter. ness of their experience. "The way of the transgressor is hard" is no doubt true yet the culprits do not appear to be willing to take this as trntb preferring to have the personal experience, This is why Police Courts fionriab even if the defendants are generally very penitent after they have been handcuffed. Honey thieves had better invest in a bee of their owe. "No tub at political meetings any more was the expressed opinion of an old timer, who compared Elections of today with me or 30 years ago, when candidates "iatb.redt' one soother and washed dirty linen et almost every meet- ing and where sometimes audiences broke hp in a free-for-all. Thanks to saner methods, more toleration, the daily press, telephone and the disap• petulance of the political war-horse, so called "good old days" are largely a memory and electors are ho longer Whipped into 1111. oe tnerched to the poll for mercenary moot. This don't teeny that all the crooked things are cat tut as they may more mildly continue BUILD Mow WHY NOT ? $350.00 a year ago Would buy only loon feet Oak Flooring. for $35U,OD To -day Wewill furnish 1000 ft. Oak Flooring 1000 ft, Bili Stuff 1000 ft. Sheathing 1000 ft, Bevel Siding 1000 ft. Undressed Lumber 1000 XXX Shingles 1000 Lath 2 Outside Door Frames and Doors 5 Window Frames and SaF.h complete. Alt First-class Material. Build with Wood and Save Money See Us AMENT SHOSI Phone 16 Brussels as long as the crooked pllitieiar does business but the moral tone is better and the bro.vbeater or fellow with the money bag is the exception. The world moves. W HAT do the candidates say on 0010 inion wide Prohibition ? Now is the time for the temperance electors to ask so they wit! know how to mark their ballots on Decembet 6 The t eces sary legislation will never be secured by choosing those opposed or even the straddler, Prohibitionists have waited for years to bane their demands acceded to wbi'e M. P.'e made monkeys of tbem and their requests. If a nominee bas not made up his mind by this date it will be the right thing to leave him at home until be discovers where be is et. A straight answer to one of the most pub- lic issues should be demanded. We notice some communities are dis- cussing tbe proper hour to go to bed and appear to agree that to m. is the best time to retire. They argue that this rule would allow amp'e time to give body and mind sufficient rest to be able to properly do their duty 011 the sue seeding days and at the same time afford several hours after supper to attend meetings, iociat events, call on their ttietsds, enjoy recreation, &c. There are people who seem to think tbcy should hardly get ready to go any place until the clock strikes g and nighthawk it petit long after midnight. A certain business man, whose employee carried no sncb a program and most imperfectly did his work next day on account of this irregularity, advised the youth to go home and get a decent sleep and put himself in shape to attend to bis work as he should and as be expected him to do, it being an imposition to continue under existing circumstances. Young people often forget this and perhaps lose sight of the fact that such dissipation soon tells on efficiency whether they recognize it or not. Readers of 'Tis POST know of a bome where the key was turned in the door at to p, m. and there was neither ingress 1301 egress after the clock struck the boot, That may have beep drawing the line with severity but it is Everybody knows that is Canada there are more Templeton's Rheumatic iCapsules Sold time all ether Rheematis Ramadioaembined for Phau'. matlste, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Illtiatielt, Lumbago, etc. Mirky electors prescribe theist, mese druggists well them. Write for free trial to Templeton, Toronto. Sold by Jas. Fox t in Walton by W, G. Neal. Special To all Parties having PhonoQ ravhs I am very pleased to be able to announce a big Iteduction on Star•Genett Remit cis to less than pre-war prices— $ 1.00 and $ 1.25 Records 65c $1.65 and $1.75 Records $1.15 Have a large stock of these Records on hand. Call and hear some of the latest hits. Harold Love ETHEL probable the pendulum has swung to the other extreme in tbese times of laxity that permits roaming about at almost all Miura of the night. Tbere is little to commend the new method when the subject is carefully thought over in all its phases. Wbat time are "lights out" to the place where you are supposed to sleep ? Some folk chalk up bad hours to the automobile but closing hour of to at the home garage would soon eanceL this debt. Will You Support the Bible Society 3 The Bible Society's financial year closes on December 81st. Any con- tributions received after that date cannot be acknowledged in the report ,f 1921. We are depending on our branches to help us. The Bible Society is in serious straits. During the 117 years of its history it has never refused the Scrip- .ssionaries of any aec- tion of the chinch. During that time it has never been in debt, until last year when owing to the coat of paper, binding material, wages, etc„ togeth• er with the greatly iocreaeed demand for Scriptures created deficit, in last year's buetless of, in round figures, 5460,000 over the actual receipts. — To partially cover this, securities which had been held as an "l3mer- fifency Fund" were sacrificed but after 4..slizing on these, there was still a de- ficit of 1118.837, This wakes it very clear that -special ,furl• moat be made to moist the Parent Society, or its work and efficiency will be very seriously curtailed. There never was a time in the his- tory of the Society when the demands upon it from all parts of the Mission Fields were so many or so imperative. Then there are special demands from Russia, and Central Europe for God's Word, and for Colporteure to carry the same. Most touching is the Macedonia cry that comes from every country in that war -stricken eone for the Bread of Lite. To meet these demands the Bible Society will require at least 8350,000 of additional income to that of last year. They are asking Canada to Car of Wire The undersigned has just unload- ed a car of Frost Tight Lock Fence Wire -7, 8 and 9 strand. Also Barbed and Brace Wire and Staples. Persons intending to do Fencing in 1921 or 1922 should call and get prices. Geo. E. McCall Phone 36x '4 Agent, Bruesele ra180 876,000 in addition to one regular income. Theyhave faith that lovers of the Bible will unite In responding to this appeal so that the Soelety will tint be hitdet•ed in peovIdiug the Scriptures for .11100e who need it today more t Ilan ever, Ft 05)) all Ohristiane who have learn- ed that the field is no narrower than the world, the Bible Society confid- ently claims their sympathy, their gifts aid above all their prayers, Will not every branch do something extra in this great emergency ? Perth County Tavistock flex mill is ecutching 1921 crop. 6 6 new residences being completed at I Tit v1st „r13. Thurad,ty, arid Friday were Poppy days in Stralfard, New offieee for St. Marys Cement Cu. are about ready. A. W, Fisher, Stratford, shot a 220 pound deer, North of Owen Sound. 0 raccoons and several rabbits was E. Sickle's record, of Mitchell, for a Bishop Williams held Confirmation seGrvice at Millbank Monday after- noon. Church miracle of 0. W, V. A. mem- bers was on program last Sunday at Stratford, A little daughter of Albert and Mrs. Kempstoue, Mitchell, had the misfor- tune to fall off a box breaking her collar bone. Miss Cloie Cale will be valedictorian of the graduating class ab the High School Commencement Exercises, A]itrhell, ou Friday, Nov. 18th. 5120 and coats were allowed Geo. Butler, Fullerton, whose buggy was smashed by John Davis' ear, Mitchell. Latter was nu wrong side of road. Miss Sarah J, Clements, Zion left for Winnipeg and on Wednesday of last week e e was united in maiviage to Silas Balkwill, of Rt blin, 'Mau„ a former resident of Blanshard. The memorial monument on Mit- chell market square is being further beautified. Itis now to be lighted up and for this purpose four pillars or short columns have been erected a- round the monument and on these electric lights will be placed. Irwin Welli,ce hay bought the old building called Harmony Hall, Grant- on, where concerts and dances are pulled oft Mr. Wallace will erect d new up•to date and large hall for the pleasure seekers of Grautrnr and dis- trict. Registrars for the town of Mitchell are : Palling enb-division No 1 North Ward, Miss Ettie Smith ; Nn 2 North Ward, Miss Flora Hiugst ; No. 1 South Ward. Mies Flossie Hunk in ; No. 2 South Ward, Mrs, Arthur Rob- inson; West Ward. Mies Helen Ward. Young people of liirkton Sunday'. School met at the home of Arlow and Mrs, Copeland, Utborne, and took them by surprise. Evening was spent in games end other amusements, 1 Host and hostess were presented with a very useful and beautiful gift in the line of silverware, after which lunch was nerved and all departed to their respective homes. On severing his connection with the T. S. Nord Co., Mitchell, where lie had been employed in the grocery depart- ment for some time, 0 N. Perkin was presented with a handsome rug and an address from his fellow employees of the store. Mr. Perkin has purchas- ed a grocery store and stock in Oah- awe and has left for that town to take over the business, Thanksgiving Day was a red lel ter day for the Inviependiint Order of Odd - fellows, Mitchell. Visiting degree teams were present from neighboring towns and instructions wetegiven in putting on degrees. Nearly 100 were present and a very floe ginner 50158 served at 0 o'clock in W. Stoneman'e restaurant, after which the work was carried on in the lodge room, when the fret and second degrees were exemp- lified by Romeo and Avon degree teams of Stratford, The ceremony of unveiling the monument erected in honor of the men from St. Mary's who fell in the war took place at St. Marys on Mon- ' day. Mayor N L Brnodon acted as master of ceremonies, unveiling the neat little monument, located on j Queen street, near the Municipal Building, at 2 p. m. There was a par- • ade of the (1. W. V. A. and Machine Gun Section, headed by the town hand. After tbe unveiling ceremony the assemblage convened in the Methc- diet church, where addresses were' given by (Capt.) Rev. J. W. alagwood of Stratford, Capt. F. G. Sanderson, St. Merge, (Col,) Rev. Wm. Beattie, D. D., C. M. 0., pastor of First Pres- byterian church, London, and Brig- adier -General Panet, who read the roll of honor. The local ministers also took part in the service. Rebekah Lodge will be instituted at Milohell, Fire Balt le being remodelled at 1•, Miccl)ell. C. N. Perkins, Mitchell, hay bought a grocery in Oshawa. Mllvertop 0,'1'. R. depot has been improved by a dress of paint. Freight locomotives on Guelph— Godet•ief3 line draw 00 height Dare at a time Boy Scoots get free use of Town Hall one evening cash week at Mit 011011. G. T, H. shops, Slt•alford, will not cloee during November.' es has been customal y, Mrs, Athens, Mitchell, has gone to Greece to visit a daughter who is. seriously 911, Jnc. Bennett is new Chief of Mit- chell Fit Brigade, euoceeding David ,Haughey, ,(het served 22 years. J. 0, Gardiner, Khkton, shipped 3 carloads of cattle to the Old Country market, He will aocompauy them, James Sullivan, Hibbert, tune paid 5102,03 by Hibbert Council for 9 sheep killed and several worried and injured by dogs. Alfred Scott, a prominent farmer of Lot 13, Con. 5, Weet Nisaouri, was found ,lead in his barn nearThnrndale. He had accideutally ahot hln3eelf with a revolver which he had been cleaning. The Cormier decided an iuqueet un- neeessary, Thos, Felten well-to-do fanner near Owen Sound, takes strychnine with fatal result. Auction Sale MICTION SALE OF FA BM STOCK, 0,1PL1 ' 9819138, 00—Thos Gundry, Auctioneer, 1,08 received lnetrsetions from the ander• etgned proprietor to eell by pabilo anction at Lot 27, Con. 18, Grey township es Friday, Nov 18th, at 1 p m the following genvaluable property :-1 b.team general matched eralral purpose aced 8 end 7 yeere, ono in foal, 1 reg• 'stared mere In foal to, 1 sorrel mars in foal to Windt, 1 road horsehorse about 1100 lbs., 1 polled Angus bull aged 1 year, d good Dur- ham grade cows supposed In nit, 8 good Bot - stein grads Din ed n calf, 4 heifers rising s yearn s d in oslf, 2 heifers rifling 4 yearn supposed in osd to calf, 1 ewith Miter ready to wean, 1 Cow with litter, mower binder a foot out, Frost & Wood mower 6 foot out, a Manatee, grain hoz, groin seed cower combined, , No. 40 Oliver plow, n est Idealharrows, hay loader, aide rake, new Idealmanure aprender, fanning mill, lumber wagon, set bobsleighs, top buggy, set plow harness, hay fork, alinge, ropes and pulleys, and otner articles too nnmerone to mention Implements are In good repair. Sale unre- served as proprietor has rented his farm. Terme-31D 00 and under Dash • 10 menthe credit on Approved joint notes. per cent o$ for cash on credit amounts. Lend owners as eeeartty. RUSSEL ROBERTSON, Prop, Honda and tot for este, Queen Street, Brus- Bele. For farther pnrtirolnre apply on the premises. Mrs8 MoN.eB, Bruseslut, CoatvoaTAntlt Residence, located on Fiore street, Brussels, for sale Garden with email fruits, hen house and stable, all In good repair, Poesesslon given at once Nor further pertio- nlars apply to Phone 2110 or the proprietor, R. H, 510K1Ntro9, Brussels P, 0. Da. PARKra, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. .Chronic and nervous dlseseea ancoessfally treated. Visits residence& Coneultatlon at Qneen'e Hotel, Dry Shod WHEN you wear a pair of our Rubbers you know you have a good thing because they keep your feet dry and they wear well. We sell only brands that have stood the test. A Note to Men Who want Good Wearing and Comfort in Shoes for every day use. 'the country -wide, old reliable GREB SHOE with the Guarantee that is worth while, Chapman Bros. Next door to Bank of Nova Scotia, BRUSSELS Barn for Sale 10x00 feet with hent 80x40 ft. Good timber frame end in good repair. Will sell building as it etands or wlthont the lean-to as boot ratite the party baying Sllnate to Grey township. about 8 mile» Haat of Walton. For further partloalare enquire of nnderaigned. Phone4811 J. R. WILLIAMSON. tf Brussels. Barn for Sale Barn for sale on Lot 28, Con. 6, Grey, 44x60 feet, with 211 -tont posts, Apply to Phone 2218 D W. DHNBAR, Ethel, Farm for Sale 60 acre farm for sale being IsTX Lot 14, Con. 10, Grey. There to n comfortable house, good cellar, bank barn with cement door to arable. drive shed, orchard end plenty of good water. Fall plowing all done Lend is good state of cultivation. Farm la all wire fenced. 85% miles distant from Brussels and Ethel. For farther particulars apply to ALEX. DARK, Brussels, R. R. No. 8, Brussels, Morris & Grey Telephone Company Accounts for this Company ere now at the Poe)-offioe and all toile or other ohargea are posted up to Nov let Parties owing the Company are requested to oall and settle euoh amounts during the month of November 1621, without fail. F.B. SCOTT, President. Farm for Sale First-class farm for sale in Grey townehlp, containing 1113 aeras, Fine baildlnae and a good drilled well. Concrete stabling under bare. This farm can be bought at a very low figure and coo bo teeny financed. tt AI t T P Apply o Viz OST. House for Sale The property of the late Mrs, Procter, car- eer of Alexander tied Fiore street, Breesole, is offered for male, Good trams house and Ya mare of land. P088eealon may be bad on October lot Nor further partlnnlars apply THUELL, Phone 1811 RW R. 11R. No, 4, Brussels, Representative Wanted RapnneRNTATtVit WANTED for Brnasels and Heron County to represent "The Old Reliable Fonthill Nnroerioa. Big solea ere to be made in Selling Nursery stook during the recon- etrnotton period. A splendid opportunity for a live salesman, Highest commioelobs paid, handsome, free equipment, largo line of fruit end ornamental stock to offer, STONE & W atb6D,'OTON, Toronto, Ont. Farm for Sale 100 sore farm for sale being N34 Lot 20, Coo, 0, Morrie. About *mires cleared, There la a comfortable hones, with good dollar, bank horn, with cement floors In ,table8, pig pen 00 , good well, orchard and plenty of water on farm Only 80 rode to soltool. Brussels and Blyth ere ru mlleo distant, 25 sores of Fail plowing dont, For furtherartloulers 0o to price end terms, whleh ere liberal, apply to lea POST, Bruesele. Seed Corn for Sale We haven quantity of Gold Chompfon Seed Corn for sale which to 8608 storage we offer at $200 per brothel of 70 1h3 , cash with order. rigs Corn woo grown un the premises and thoroughly matured on the »talk, A variety ennoble for allege par oars Phafte 1410 J, 811. KNf.GHT & BONS. The family eats more bread since Mother started us- ing Cream of the West Flour. It makes loaves of ex- traordinary white- ness and flavor. Maple Leaf Milling Co, Limited Tama. lassaelt linendia. Nabs Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for service, on S54 Lot 80, 0011, 2, Morris township, the thoroLbred Short. Horn Ball, Gainford of Salem, No. isse0413es. Sired by Gainford Marquis (1088001 ; Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 089691. Ped- igree may be seen on application Tering- 010.00 for thoro'-breds payable at time of tier - vice with privilege to return. Grade cows not allowed. THOS. PIERCE, Proprietor Hill View Farm JAS. A. REA Breeder of targe English Berkshires Young stook for sato, either sex. For farther parttonlare write or phone. $r neOaI— Walton OPhoOlO R,, 49'41444.. 3-40+4+4+Y+b'a 13Wsviten so et.t•0•i•44 4si.4•4•4•4414 -4•14144/4 • The vWantedSeaforth Creamery reamil • Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • Z We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream safn- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. 04.•4404.4440••44••44O•••••••4aa•4444.44•4.4••••••M•'••b " Students May Enter Any Time 0 13 4. • 0 9 0 a m A The School with experienced instructors. The School which gives thorough Courses. The School which assists its Graduates to positions. Address the Collage for Frock Catalogue, to either Stratford or Wingham 1 ,i{ ••4•• ^ a oA+be**Mw• , ., a. A *1Srf••AN4Af P lar Cream Wanted 41111111•1111111111111111111418:114111 111111MIII11111411 .111.112•111M111' Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- rnent of your Creasy twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue, DrvsselsCmery PStewart Bron rop.