HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-10, Page 8rh e e/X4X/0 Beare 1 The Season for 9 Cou hs Ai11D Colds Is here Among the Reliable Remedies we keep for them are— REXALL CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP Safe and pleasant relief for Coughs -35e and toe bats. REXALL CATARRH JELLY For all Colds iu the bead - 400 Tubes BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURE This old reliable Cough Remedy still holds its own among the big selling Cough Preparations - 350 and 6oc bots. REXALL COLD TABLETS With Aspirin For the relief of Colds and the Headache usually at- tending them. Wampole's Tasteless Prep. Cod Liver Oil $i.00 bots. The famous Cod Liver Oil and Iron Tonic— $t.00 bots. Scott's Emulsion FormoHd Throat Ease roc and ase boxes COUGH DROPS, HOREHOUND CANDY, &c. Makes Your Breakfast Taste Better 'v"OCIR break.) AA fnet tastea•-r better after you! tee itlenzo. Get a tube to tey .today: ;There is a new sensation 'awaiting you — the Cool, Clean $Ienzo Feeling on your teeth and tongue. It Isn't merely a taste. It's a tes- timony of clean- trlese—cleanness that is imparted d to the tiny, little gnat° nerves, treeing thorn of stale Cocretiona that make your mouth feel' hot And sticky. Tooth Brushes 200, 252, 352, 500. F. R. SMITH The Store 0 • + • O + 0 O + 4. + Druggist and Stationer t. 0 e• 4-4101••••+•••+•+•+0+41.14+410.•+41, +0+0+O+044+O?41•sa44w #a gaud elvs Diems Now for Indian Summer. .SATURDAY was the historic 5th o November. Do you ever supply THE POST with newsy item ? Din you read Ament Bros. advt. re building ? MANY a garden is plowed ready for next Spring. PUBLIC Library Board met Tuesday evening of last week. COUNCIL meeting was not held Mon- day evening, but met Tuesday. OUR school teachers spent Thanks- giving at their respective homes, DRESSRD poultry is coming to market in good quantities and fine quality as well. WORK renovating Town Hal/ preclud- ed holding of political meeting last week. It will be held later. MONTHLY Sebool Report for Brussels Continuation and Public Schools may be read oe page 4 of this issue, IT only takes 4. cents a week to pay the subscription to Tax POST. Do yon get it ? We want to add 5o new names. TUESDAY the annual meeting of Hur- on Co. Children's Aid Society was held in the Home at Goderich. ,A fine work is being done. FRIDAY of this week will be Armistice Day. Wear a poppy in remembrance of the lads who went overseas. 2 minutes quiet, beginning at it a. m., will be observed on the same date. CNRIsTMAs Greeting cards will soon be required. Tex POST bas some very tasty designs on which your personal message could be forwarded to the avid acquaintance. See them right away. TRIAL OFFER —To introduce Tee PosT to new homes or new frieods it will be sent to any Post -office address in Canada up to January Is!, tees, for the small sum of 25 cents in advance. Let the absentee member of your family be reminded you have not forgotten them in this way. W, C. T. U. is talking about a Medal Cootest in Music and Recitation. BUSiNEss places clu=e Wednesday evenings now at 6 n'c'eele in Bru,sels. THIS week Councillor Sic watt, Tbos f Walker, Will Ament and J, 'X, Sanders were at Goderich doing duty as jurymen a at the assizes. FIRST REAL TOUCH OF WINTER•—Fri- day of last week the King of the North gave the first hint that he was ready for business when a few snowflakes arrived followed by increasing quantities until Saturday a white mantle covered Mother Earth. Whether the coming Winter is to be "open" or "shut" we do not intend prophesying but we express the hope that more than one week of good old In- dian Summer may follow the squaw Winter that was os, the program, The Fall has been an extra floe one for which we have been very grateful. QuzNN ZIMMER DECEASED,—There passed away on Tuesday. November rot, Quinn Zimmer, of Perrolta, son of the late Michael Zimmer, formerly of Brus- sels. Had been in poor health for over a year with heart trouble and was in his 75th year. He was a brother /of Mrs. William Ziegler, Brussels. His wife predeceased, him years ago. There were born to them 2 daughters and 3 sons, one daughter dying when quite young. Miss Edythe wee keeping house for her father. Mr, Zimmer was an old well driller by trade and travelled consider- ably, There survives 2 brothers, (,5iohael and John, in California) and a sisters fMro. John Ziegler in Nebraska, is addition to Mrs. Ziegler, of town) The frtneral took place Friday after- noon, Deceased was born in North E isth o e Perth Cnunt Y. but afterwards s came with the family to Brussels local- ity. He hart been a hearty man and weighed 280 pounds. Mr, Zimmer is well remembered by the alter folk of Brussels locality end was highly esteem- ed. 22 good milk cows for sale. Apply to Gor- don McDonald, Phone 80, or W, Ament, Phone 18. COAL or wood heeler for side as good as new. Also an oak extension table. Apply at Tea POET. FOR SALE —4 head of yenning °tittle, also De I.n al v Cream :separator +arsine No.1`• Sgood no new- Lot 25, Con. I4, Grey. Phoe 994. ART$IIA HIILL. FFOa AAme—Champion ''Summit" kitchen range with warming ,'inset and water reser- voir. In good eonditione Burne wood or coal. Apply teat A. Dixon, Renk of Nova Scotia or at residence. Fal BALE. -2 heifer calves, one geed milking pow. good Clyde bores colt rising 2 years. Apply to Geo. Corms, Bruese1H, South. Phone 569. FOR NAbe.—IB kende of young cattle rising 2 years (5 steers end 7 heifers) ; sato 8 pigs 6 weeks old. Apply to Phone 555. W..7. BRAID, Lot 28, Con, 11, Grey. 4 HEAD of cattle Heine 2 veers, for axle. Priced to sell. ALEx DARE. Phone 245 Fon SALE —A gaentlty of turnips 0011 also 8 chnnke of pigs, 'V, IIPAALINO. Watton, Phone 4828. PAIR of light bob -sleighs for sale, Apply to 02o. THOMSON. SINore Contb Rhode rebind Red Cockerels for sale, bred frnm laving strain- for ,cars. Apply to HFN,,Y a nNHON, No, 4, Brua- eels, Phmle 1518. WOAxtNo Rensekeeper far email Inetltu- tion. Meet be fond of duets,. Protestant, with refinement. Write box 81, Bnae0ELs Pose, for information. HUNCH of young pigs for sale Apply to DAVID CLAR0, 14th COL, Grey. Phone 427. FOR SAr,E.—A yonng work home, a Durham cow and n young How with litter, Phone 294 Er:NRST BRAY. FIRST CLASS coal heater with nvtnn ntteshed for Hale. Apply to 511se Mrreeem,, Brussets Beath. CNa1GE HONEY.—We have n' stook of flue well refined honey et 92011 for i 011, pail and *1,76 for What some would tall 1-d eles0. 48.A DRAM AF, Brussels, Gnou farm for sale lin a desirable location. Apply at TUE POST. Horse and lot fur sale. Qnnee Street, Brno - Bele. For further nartienlor, apply en the premlaea. Mom MaNAn, Brussels, COMPORTAALD R°sid rays., located on Flora street, Brneselo, for rale Garden with smell fruits, 1100 house and stable, nil in good rrpoir. Poseesafot given at 01100 Fnr further pectic - Meta apply to PhonO 2119 or the proprietor, R, H, MOKrNNnN, frn'sole P. O. Da, PAltRER, Osteopathic Physldnn, vloltI Brnssele Monday afternoon of mol, week. treated a pieftso reedonoyc.�lsnConaaltatlon tat Queen's Hotel. THE POOT is grateful for prompt re- sponses to numerouq not Ocations for- warded last week atd we ate hoping to put our subscription Inst iu A I shape Some folk are years behind despite all that have been said. This condition makes fioarciog a d f cult jab some- times. MATRIMONIAL—A quiet but pretty wedding was solemn zatl at Chalmers church manse. Guelph, at high mem, on Wednesday, November s"d, when Rev. Geo. A Little united in marriage Miss, Muriel G. ace, eldest rlatgb'er of j, W. Mrs. Kerney, Sydenham St., Guelph, formerly of Brussels, and Harry D.) er y, of San 1) -go, Cal. After n dainty wedding breakfas', served at the home of the bride's parents, tit: happy couple left immediale'y For California, the bride travelling iu a suit of taupe broadcloth do nth with bar to match, h beaverrfols and carrying a handsome Reda bag with shell trimmfnva The many Friends of the bride in lituseels and lo- cality extend hearty cnrtunintal-runs aid wish Mr, and Mre. Doherty a long, hsppy and useful life. Apvgat'IsiNG. in TRE Pose, brings good remits. Try it for ycurselt. ONE of our residents was relieved of a couple of new coon skive by a reipion of the law last week. Tltey were Ifot r 211 of the prescribed season LAvr week R. Thomson received a eooslgoment of live turkeys front Meat. toulitl island, The birds were purcbaa ed by George A Best, of town. TsANlceGrviNo Day passed by very quietly, Day was duct looking with a tow scurries of euow and roads were muddy, reducing the usual motor trips often taken on the holiday, Sona talk of morning service by the E'eenie Light but the extent of it does not appear to be looked upon as such a necessity by many to warrant it under present cost of maintenauce. Wool, has been disappearing from the town synod Yard, t •e transplanting going on after night. A wheelbatroty track was traced with one removal For some distance. If the guilt can be plated the thieves may be teamed at a jail fire for the coming Winter. TABLET UNYEILiNG,—A memorial Tablet will he unveiled next Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in the Methodist church at a public service, in memory of the soldier boys who attended this cos• gregation and died for the Empire. Rev. Capt. Edwards, Seaforth, who did active service in France, will give the address Cordial invitation is extended toe public. Regular evening D service will he withdrawn See the advt. Tits PROPO°RD POSTOFFICE —It ought to I e someboy's business to put on a (pin as to the intention of the Govern- ment as to Brussels Postnffice 7 The lots have been purchased, provisional plans prepared, money voted, and in- spection -made and yet there is nothing doing. Whose to blame? Wonder if any of the candidates in the Dominion Election contest know anything about the matter ? The ratepayers would like to know, CARTER — LIINDY. — At Calgary on Wednesday, October rg, a quiet wedding was solemnized at Si, Pants Presbyterian church, when Mlss Ella Alberta Lunde daughter of G. T. Lundy, of Winnipeg, was united in marriage to Albert Russell Carter, son of A. and Mrs Carter, of wog trust street, Edmonton. Rev. Mr Wishart, officiated. After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs Carter will make their bome in Edmonton. The groom was formerly of Walton locality end is a nephew of Misses Agnes and Margaret Fulton and Mrs. R. W Fergu- son, Brussels. Old friends of Mr. Cart, er wish him and bis bride a prosperous life, TT t3 f People We Talk About 1 TT ft R J. and Mrs. McLauchlin are in 'l'IeWntO this week, Oswald Hemingway was home for Thanksgiving from St. Catharines. W. B. Strachan, Toron'o, spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof. Miss Jessie Cunningham was home from Toronto for'1'hanksgiving holiday. Mrs N, F. Gerry and Mrs W. F Stewart have been visiting relatives at Hanover. James Prentice and family motored to Midland and visited the former's mug er. Geo Dawson, of the Standard Bank, spent the holiday at bis old home at H ekson, Adam Smith is expected home this week from the West where be went a month or so ago. Miss Jean Moore, nurse, of Petrolia, hes been visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) McLeod, at Melville manse. Mess Gladys Ross, Kincardine, was visiting at the home of her grandfather Ross, Elizabeth street. over the holiday. Misses Margaret Mauuders, Edna Mc Call and Marguerite Wilton were home from Startford Normal School over the holiday. Mrs. Hamilton, Gorrie, was a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton, town. The visitor is the mother of our townsman. Mrs Alex, Bryans, of the Queen City, bas been renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality. She is a sister to Mrs. Edward Bryans, town, A '0 CMrrie.Toronto, (known as "Rig Andy" formerly of Brussels) hes been laid up from blood poisoning but is getting slang n'cely now we are glad to state. Mrs. P. Scott. town, who was a dole. gate to the Western who Women's Iostitu'e, meeting at London, last week, wag chosen as a member of a Committee on Immigration. Gilbert and Mrs Thibideau. and daughte-o, Mrs. Ames and Miss Ber- nice. attended the wedding of S eve Thibsrleau and Mia Crawford, at Blyth. Thurrdey nt last week. Gari and Mrs Long and children, Niagara Falls, and Mrs George Thom- sen and SOD, Freak, Toronto, were re- newing old friendships in Brussels and los•+llty during past Week James and Mrs. Duncan, Atwood, tete welcome visitors with Mrs. Wm Martin and other old friends last week, Mrs. Duncan was 8 former resident of Grey township when Miss McNeil, Dr, W E. and Mrs Bryans and SOD, of Lethbridge, Sask.. were callers on relatives in Brussels and vicinity. The Dr. ban gone to New York for a epfcial course in X-ray department. Master Manley is spending the time at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Edward Bry- ans. Brussels, Auction Sale OEFARM STOCK, I MPLE- nrENern, &o—Thos Gundry, Auctioneer, hat receivedihstroottono from the under• signed proprietor to sell by public nnotion at Lot 27 Con. 10, Grey township on Friday Nov. 18th, et 1 p m the following valnebie property :--1 brown matched teem general ppnrp0ee aged 0 end 72 ears, oho In fond, 1 reg- lotered mare in tail to Merntx, 1 sorrel mare in Mel to Mnrntx, 1 rend horsy about 1100 lbs., 1 Dolled ADIMS bull need 1 year, 8 good Dar - ham grade flows nnpposed in calf, 0 georl Hol- stein grade °owe. enhnosatl In cell, 4 heifers ruing 8 year}, 0apeoaed in colt, 2 heifers tieing 4 veers enppoied do nett, 1 now with litter rnerly to wean, 1 How with litter, oDifer $Mr- rlebhtdnr6fnntmit, Frost & Waod fiawer 6 foot nut, ooltfvator, grille box, groin Heed Hower nornbined, No, 40 Oliver plow, sit die -mend harrows, hay Tonder, side mire, new ' Ideal manure Hereafter, fanning Mill, lumber • wagon, set bohsletghe, top baggy, set plow harness ha fork, alio e, ranee g and pulleys, IIHs �� and ',toot nrticl0a too numerous to Mention Tropiemants are in gaud repair, Skis uormnre- seo•vnd aH proprIetar has ranted his f Terris-.*1000 ned under mesh , 10 months orodtt on approved joint notes, 'S er Dent our fat enah on eredlE e0100ate, Land owrleoc as eeourlty, 517 68EL ROBERTSON, Prop, Small Remittances /HEN you remit small amounts do you use the safest, most economical and most satisfactory medium? Bank Money Orders are inexpensive, protect you against loss and relieve you of worry. These orders are obtainable at all our branches and sub -branches. STADAR ND BANK ar ED TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Brussels Branch : G. H. Sarnia, Manager. Dublin Branch: - F. McConnell, Manager. /1•ImMil..0•11MIMS ,1110111.1=110111161=1111111• Mrs D C Ross was visiting her mother, Mrs. Samuel Ames, at Ethel, rhe latter is about go years of age. MARK/ ED DOHHRTY—KERNeY.—In Ohnlme. (thumb on Novee,er 2,1Guelph, by Rev. r A. herly on San November , 1021, Mr, Harry Doherty, Graceof Ben Didau, Car, to Mise Murfol .W.' eldest daughter ,1 Mr and Mrs. J. W. Kerney, Guelph, Ont„ formerly of Brute selH. Tn1n DEAD— I OHA — Irn t the o w an. A e home t the bride, at Telford, on November 3rd, 192 b Rev. els Telford, Gtr Stove eOr o- Brussels, to Mrs. Margaret Deere Craw- ford, Blyth. 0EE0 'LtMMF:R.—In Petrolla, on November 1st, 1921, Quinn Zimmer, in his 76th year. Aucrlory SALES FninAY. Nov, I1Tn,-90 head of cows and young cattle, at Lot 18, Con, 14, McKillop. Dougherty and Fulton, Proprietors. Thos, Brown, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, NOV.1tTn.—Clearing Auction Sale of Farm stook, implements, feed, &c., at S% Lot 0, Con, 2, Morrie, at 1 p tn. Chas, Hopper, Prop Joe. Taylor, Allot. FRIDAY, NOV. 182u,—Farm Stook, imple- ments, &a, Lot 27, Con. 10, Grey township. Sale unreserved at 1 p nl. Russel Robertson Prop. Thos. Gundry, Ano, • BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat Oats Pees Barley Butter Page Hag Potatoes per bag 42 00 41 08 45 50 1 25 1 50 55 60 85 85 50 50 9 00 1000 16 0 Barn for Sale 40x09 feat with bent 80x40 ft. Good timber frame and in good repair. Will sell building as it stands or without the leen.to as best suits the party buying Situate in Grey township. about 8 miles Bast of Welton. For further particulars enquire of undersigned. Phone 9811 J. R. WILLIAMSON. tf Brussels. Barn for Sale Barn for Bale on Lot 28, Con, 6, Grey, 44 x 68 feet, with 20•foot poste. Apply to Phone 2218 D. W. DUNBAR, Ethel, Farm for Sale 50 Imre farm for ante being N% Lot 14, Con. 10, Grey. There 1a a eomfortoble house, good oellar; bank barn with cement door in stable, drive filled, orchard and plenty of good water.. Fail plowing all done Land in good state of cultivation. Farm 1s alt wire fenced. 8% miles distant from I3ruasele and Ethel. For further particulars apply to ALEX. DARK, Brussels, R. R. No. 9, Brussels, Morns & Grey Telephone Company Acoonnte for this Company are now at the Poet -office and all toile or other charges are pasted tip to Nov. let Partlen owing the Company are requested to mall and settle such amounts during the month of November 1921; without fail. F. 8, SCOTT, President, MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mo - Cormick Medical College, Chicago, Ili. Three months post graduate oonree during year 1919, Eyes correctly fitted with dingoes. Headache% Dry Itolly Eyes, Granulated Eye- lids, Watery Eyes, Pain in Eye Balla, Inflamed Eyes, Pus or Watery Discharge from Eyes and Dizziness mitered by Eyestrain relieved through properly fitted Weems. XS -Cross Eyes straightened through proper- ly fitted Lenses. aA-Eyes tested at night equally as good aa during daylight. A11 kinds of Option] repairs done. Satisfaction Assured. Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door South of Barrister Sinclair'° office. Office ,hours : 10 to 12 a, m. • -1.20 to O p, m. Saturday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock, Earlier forenoons by appointment. Phone 20x •.MMSt#�MR Be IwiR(lilO.SI 1119•®•rh.a eP.Ipi11•aSMpi•r•MO Fox's Drug. Store. s THE7:0_,enjeartir STORE Z 1 Weekly Store News s • s Thermos Safety s o Bottles Razors • • One of the ,most useful of GILLLeTS' and AUTO STROP r " articles for a great variety also e • of purposes. BLADES and STROPS •• • = Strap • Purses • s J We have just received some • very nice ones front the well • known Julian Sale Co„ and •• they are very fine. • Flashlights • and • Batteries • Always as good stock on • hand. You will find them strictly the beet. 0 • • • • • •Tasteless Cod Liver Extract m Just received 0 very large shipment of this very popular v Medicine. Remember us schen in need of a bottle. • IWALL -PAPEH • We still have a few good Specials left. • They are worth looking ' after. See our Window for Special Prices. Fountain• •• You will always find our stook complete, Watermau'e of course. • Shaving Brushes • Hair Brushes Tooth Brushes • Pens 1 Clothes Brushes in Ebony and ivory 0 • Wampole's Wampole's Wampole's 1 BA;RGAiNS 0 0 O • FOX'S DRUGSTORE I "Careful Prescription Dispensers" • DRUGGIST and STATIONER • OrOOO000••••••••••••{ir00 Stas ••••••••••••••••••HNN•w • • • 0 • • DON'T DELAY ! a • I►/6,J a46l. •��..e.i ��� J�U►��.46LA.J.��.e. I ►r.t��.Li .dl.�.•. • 1Take.�dus,ntoa of theseOpportunities ! . [ • •r�v-srw-v r '. rw'rv'7r ��.•-••'•••P-er'►sr' ' 'V V'r`,r-e- NP Tr�-erirr`►Nrn►rer• It will Pay You to Come Miles to this Sale Men's Suits- and overcoats Suits $19.75 Fine Tweed a h d Worsted Suits for Men and Young Men up to reg. .... 37.50 Overcoats $16.75 Heavy Ulster and Young Men's Stylish Coats. Hand Tailored Overcoats Men'ee and 'Young Men's Models, 4 $2x 75 Sale rice !.''F Special Warranted Navy S Botany �141tU Sato erge Sults,price regular $40 00. 1W1t r Boys' Heavy Brown Stuffed/ Wot'etod Suits, regular $10.00, Sale ............... Boys' V Neck Sweaters, regular $2,00, 75c Sale..... ........... •..................... Men's Felt Hats Reg. $5.00 Sale $2.550. 81,25 Penman's Fleece Lined Undeteycar ................ 75c Ribbed Wool Underw'r 98c Stanfield's Underwear 41.50 Meet's 82 00 Dress Shirts 990 Men's All -wool Sweaters— Ron, $10 (10. Sale 5.00 Reg. 5,00. Stale 3.00 free Brooms Out-of-town Customers With every purchase of $10.00 or more we will give a gond Broom FRL+E on -Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday of this week. Remnants Hundreds of Remnants at Half Price YARN Black, Grey, Cream to clear 19c per ' lb. Skein 20to 30 p.c. oft' Everything in our 2 Stores Black Tea............... ......... 8112 Coffee ... 41e Jell° Powder 10e Corn Starch ..,.. 10e Porn Fiakes Shredded Wheat . ,-,. . 2 for 25e Ready-to-wear New stock of Dresses, Suits and Winter Coats for Women, Misses and Children at excep- tionally low prices. Fur Collared Coats - 22.75 Taffeta Silk Dresses - 16.75 21.75 Dress Goods Spec. 99c Serges per yard 54c Table Linen per yd, 30c Brassieres each 49c 200 yards Plain and Fancy Silks, up to(j $3.00. Sale ... 1.59 ['stowed Yarns 14 Ili. 49c Monarch Yarns shades i0C Specials See our Windows Regular up Corsefs 69c to $3.o0. DRESS GOODS All kinds and colors, reg. up to $3.00 Watch Our Window SALE 990 GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. Sale Positivelyends e ds rVovember 19#h HANNA & Co. Ltd. Wingham