HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-10, Page 7tu; -{ "bat's a a L(ahal, Wha t's ; HEALTHY CHILDREN tri 8t C11,14? Daring the Great' War, when Amerl• ALWAYS SLEEP WELL •can canned Voila grew scarce and :high, there apitearod ht Chinese tear-. -leets Malts of odd shape with labels in I The beaithe child sleeps well and :English and to Chinese. A Hongkong , daring. Its „len hours to never erose .firm had pope into the °staling hug* but obelus ltappy and laugli103% It is nese, pot apparently the canner and only the alokly Child that ts• mess and the man who printed els labels had I peevtse. telethons, if Your children do never compared notes. - not sleep well; et they are close and Ono of the fittY•Men.t cane of Pre' cry a`.Gt'eatdeal give them Deere' Own ,serves purchased by the writer bore 'mablots anti they will soon be well and a colored label ennouncing that the ltappy again The Tablets are a meld can contained "Fried Rice Bird," and but thorough laxative„orae° regulate °bowing three little rico birds dear the ,botvols, sweeten the stomach, porting tbemeelee aniongi riceshoots.; bailee, constipatione colic and indigos - 'Put when you turned the can rowed : tion and pr'omete healthful sleep. They .you were aetoniahed to read ou the ! are absolutely guaranteed tree from 'other side, "These Resat Porke aro opiates and may be given .to the newt :packed in the vicinity of our orchards under' our own personal supervision. Every possible caro, has been taken :for their freshness and mean:In . Wo :guarantee that our Roast Perks retain their natural flavor . and are of the finest quality.", The canned goods from that Hong- kong firm should be a great source of ,ainnsenlent to the ladies who live in the concessions, The dull monotopy *that provides over tee kitchen of the Canadian housewife who knows that a can of cora contains cornis absent in the kitchens of the Orient. To cut into one of these. Clilneee cans in search of rice birds. or "roast pork .and find stewed prunes hiztead should be a delightfully exhilarating expert •°nee. A Luxurious Laundry. One of the most wonderful laundries in the world is to be 'found in San - rancisco. The plain building, which is two hundred and soventy-five feet square, es divided into two immense rooms by a fireproof wall, and It has been ar- ranged so that all the wasbing enters at the extreme left of the building, and is discharged, ready for use, on the right, Thb garments are handled almost entirely by labor-saving devices, which have been installed at the cost of about $150,000. One hundred and twenty -live thousand hounds of soft soap are used every week. This , is made 10 n special plant, so situated that the liquid soap is delivered to nob battery of wash -wheels by epe- clai piping, An water is secured from artesien wells on the premises, and that used for washing purposes is softened by a epeeially-constructed appal stun. Every machine in the laundry is operated by electric motors, the cur- rent for which es generated in the laundry's own power -house. -1 Making Wood Fireproof. liwerr,meut experts say that much of 1110 11000)050 anima: Hiss by fire in this country would be uvoided by pro- teeth:g shingles with ftre•re;istant paint. It costs no more titan ordinary paint and makes a roof much has likely to ignite. semintating truths regarding the def- Fire-resit:tant chemirais aro now foi'vnt 'branches and activities of Pub - used to a considerable extent In the i'•'c Herkh, is made much easier. Nor treatment of wood. 'rhe processes can any one interested fail to realize are somewhat expensive. however, and tho gsest need for education of the their employment is restricted .to in- public on matters effecting their eerier finishing and furniture. Among health and swell -being. Too often it the chemicals utilized for the purpose seems as if the very essentials of hy- are anlmonianl phosphate' and hien:'- gione one sanitation are neglected, imitate ot soda—the Latter familiar to both as regards the individual and the every housewife under the name of community. baking soda, How are we.to dtifuse time necessary It is a common practice to put up information to best advantage? Clear- fireproof buildings, and then to fill ly by co-operation. Samuel Gompers, them with highly combustible furni- President of bhe American Federation tures But furniture can be made Are- of Labor, emphasized this in an ad - proof by impregnating the wood with born babe with perfect safety. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail' at 2e mite a box tram The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, •Scu]tpturo by means of a special photographic apparatus is a recent invention, the result being a portrait it, bas-relief deeper than that of the Kiang which appears on our coins. Minard's Liniment for Garpet In Cows. With The B0Y cod!" The Boy Scouts' motto, "Be Pro - Pared,” is more than usually apple°' Able to the worts ot preventing water accidents, As rewards for Scouts who perform duty especially well lu anF1t eaten its drowning, the Boy Scouts; Association has a series of awards, The bigheat of these is the Boy Scout Bronze Cross, the second, the' Sliver Moro. here the zean and the other Cross, and the thud, the Gilt Cross,: ! hey dtyed overboard, Henetock re• In some cases letters of cornmendatiou'I maining in the front; They started fe; are ,also granted, The application for a BQY Scout Honor Award i8 not made by the Scout himself, but by his Scoutmas- ter. The claim is first examined by a local Board' of 13onor which considers all the'evidenle 'available, and reports Ms finding to the Provincial Board of Honor which again reviews the, ova denee , apd recommends the action which the Dominion Board should take. At the last meeting of the Pte. vinotal Board the following instances • °t life-saving, reported by local EAT great numbers of newly arrived 625600 geTTL Boards, were dealt tette;; DESIRE fnrsiguara to leave the aauwtry. TWA YORK Scant Blake! Brown, of the let New of thousands joined the gorges of the SOLD; o„ Tomato Troop, did not stay with his " �1tg YOU WANT allied unities. Other tans of tjraus�aite N1 NEW troop in camp at Marlene° this nee , HAT tt IJ'1A+ tT I of to the `United Staten to wane mer, but one afternoon deeided be service. .Add Canada's siety thousand s would cycle over and PAY lits Mltums Stemat hs Can be Restored to a dead Overseas and the children titan it visit, Just es he arrived on the should have been .theirs, Altogether ORMOV.S DEMAND IS Pier he 50.11' hiss Scoutmaster's little Healthy Condition. the action of (IerusanY in July endUNk'RF,CIEI)ENT ,�, taut Yawl old son fait off the and .of it I August, 1914, bas robbed Canada of I Into Llte water• 'Without hesitating a Not to be limited In diet, but to eat perhaps 3,000,000 mom, women and moment to remove shoes or other gar- , whatever he pleases is the dream of children who otherwise would have meats 140 dived off the pier and' every dyspeptic. No one can itonestie been Iters to -day. brewed.:tiie little chap to safety. !Promise to restore 1.137 sloutauth 10 tide I This primarily le what is wrong Tom Heastock, of the let Whitby happy condition, because all people with Canada at the present moment, Troop, and two chums, ono a man of cannot eat the, game things with equal-! But for the War the Dominion would of age, dres0.ed in i ly satisPactoi'Y results. But it is Bos' twenty-two yearsg , nava had more people on the rand and to so tone Up the digestive or' oonsequentiy tower unemployed in bathing suits, went out in a rowing : slble boot a hundred rgd and arty yards from gaps that a pleasing diet may be the towns and cities. Under suet eon - HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontarlo Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column, Address him at Spadina Bouse, Spadina Crescent, Toronto. Health habits; How to keep well; Health Education; Hints on Health; Child Welfare. These are some of alio headlines one seal in almost any newspaper to- day. This publicity is a sign of the times, far as a rule discerning edibors only print what the public want to. read. Experience has shown, 'however, that the newspaper is a great teacher, and can lead its readers in right paths. Indeed, there are many eases where the public can be educated through the press to realize the importance of-eontenspbabed reforms of which they previously knew little or nothing. In Public Health propaganda through- out the country, nothing is of more assistance .than the local newspaper.. It goes into the homes of the people res nothing else does and stimulates interest in the subject. Some idea of the fair reaching ramification of the country newspaper can be obtained by noting the postai addresses of cor- respordennts who have read same pub - lie health article in a local paper. Inquiries have come from farbe- yord the boundaries of. Ontario, gtsk- ing for information on health matters. With friendly co-operation on the part of newspaper editors the work of dis- suitehle chemicals under an air-pres- . sure of 150 puede to the square inch. A Little Wisdom. He who trusts to luck bas con- demned beg own judgment If you wane a good crop of friends sow the seeds of kindness. Despise not the small; great hearts are often found, in small bodies. It's the lessons learnt from failures that teach you how to succeed. Of two evils it is good to choose the less, but better to cheese neither, Those who gather nothing in youth. have the same amount in old age. The short cut to doing your best is to resolves continually to do better. Tho sweetest rewards in life are ." those that have been won with pains.. Perseverance is persistency do pro- gress; obstinacy Is persisting in par- alysis. - 4 --•---- The International Peace Po sal. The Internetlonal Peace Portal was dedicated in September as a .morel• ment commemorative of the existence of 100 years of peace between this country and the United States. Erect- ed between the small towns of Blaine in the State of Washington and White Rook in Southern British Columbia, the Peace Arch stands half in the Uuited'Status and half in Canada with a picturesque six acre park around R. 'Upon it will fly daily, side by side*, the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack, typical of tete strong understalidlwg and frIeedsliip.which, for the past cen- tury has existed along our 3,000 mite invisible boundary. When the great liner Olympic burO- ed'coal ,she. dequixad the services of 220 men' in her iharoomel with oil - burning engines GO titan do the work. It took 'nearly a weak to put 7,500 Molts of veal into her bunkers, but now six hours a1•n enough for her to get a supply of fool. The liner now maltea Nee Med trip in -three weeks and tgaVelq vitb..tab ,estt lila amercei. dress he gave in Toronto on the need for co-operation among employers in industry. "There must he unity of purpose," be declar- ed, "steady plodding in consideration for our fellows. We must be true to ourselves, true to each other, and all must recognize and appreciate the value of service." ' It wound be well if n1'amy organiza- tions that are planning to combat in- fant mortality and co welfare work of all kinds, would take a note from the Rotary Club -these splendid organizations that are now being ex- tended tm practicality every city on the continent of Norte America. These clubs stand for service to others, an their driving motive is the deslire to spread inappiuese and to make the word a better place to live in for as man;: people as possible. The work of the Women's Institutes throughout the province is also beyond all praise. The yearly record of one out of every ten babies dying before reach- ing one yam! of age, the large number of physical defects in ebtldren, the advantages of breast feeding of the infant, the large number of physical defects uncorrected in young children, the lack of sanitation in many homes, the protection of life and limb in in- dustrial pursuit, the oaring for the feeble-minded, and the necessity for. their education. These are some of the problems confronting everyone active in Public Health work at the present time. There is much work to be done if the race is going to main- tain its full vigor. Education of the people, and bring- ing then close together in the study of these problems, is what counts now and will continue to count as the im- portance of Public Health work be- comes more and more apparent. For progress along these 'lines has e fun- damental aid direct bearing on one ,national well-being. Why should you follow a crooked path ? Often a cowpath has been allowed to become a village street, and as the village expanded, tradition has made the winding way an expres- sion of a cow's will. Habit is always forging chains to enslave us, so that what has been found bearable by the fathers is accepted by the sons. As children, we were not permitted to drink tea or coffee, because it would stunt our growth or make us nervous and irritable. When older, however, we craved a hot drink with meals, and custom gave us our tea or coffee. Finally upon the instructions of the doctor, Mother gave up her tea: and coffee. But that meant nothing in our young lives. Our vitality was then strong enough to throw off any ill effects. But our time came, and we learned by ex- perience that we could not drink tea or coffee. When we had it for breakfast it put our nerves on edge. When we drank it at the evening meal, we tossed about in wakefulness most of the night. And then we found Postum, a' pure cereal beverage, free from the harmful drug, caffeine, 3n tea and coffee. We liked the rich, satisfying flavor of Postutn—and also the better health which re - suited. And, too, we were surprised to find how many of our neighbors had made the satire dis- covery—had learned the value of "health first" Postum comes in two forme: Instant Posturn (in tins) made instantly In the cop by the addition of boiling water. Postern Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those whn prefer to make the drink'while the steal is beingpropared) made by b oiling for 20 minutes, Sold by all grocers. ' Health I"ostux for a Reason" selected from .articles of food .that , ditjons the. nation would have made cause no discomfort. some show at keeping pace .with the the .til me a lacks tone there I charges imposed h twonew When ,1 et )t 1 , overhead cl are; t d y e shorebut in a few' minutes Henatoe11 ie eo quicker way to - restore it than transcontinental railways constructed heard cries from the maw for hebp. to build up the blood. Good digestion before their time. There would have Tenjac Biggest Thing o£'Kind Ever Seen There, Says BigWholesaler. The feet that 025,000 bottles of Tan* leo Itave beem gold In the'state of Now York since eta introduptiea there leas then one year age, is a big buzulness item that , will attract unusual atteele tion throwgbout the entire Nest, fol nothing llIt1 It has ever hemmed be, fare, It breaks'ali records. Realizing the situation," he called the without rich, red blood is impassible, been a Brewing volume oR tielght and Mr, :George B. Enna, manager On other boy's attention to It, but he, at and Dr. Williams` Pink Pills offer tete pas,�erger bustues8 which natnxailY the Gibson•Snow Company, the well, first paid 'no attention, claiming that best way to enrich the blood. Forwould have reduced tl:e heavy deficits known wholesale (Ingests, will, tate man wee only .fooling, Henatock, this reason these pills aro especially i on those roads and gone tar to' place, branches in Albany, Buffalo, l;oeltex . hoe ever, turned the boat around and good In stomach trouble attended by the whole cannery on a sound financial' ter anti Syracuse, recently anuouueod rowed over to where the man was, and thin blood, and in attacks of nervous basis. - that the preparation was now selliog ! Prof of the value of Dr, - In t it trade territories .along at the; managed to get hold of him and hold dyspepsia. a The lesson is plain. More papula he him up until the other boy, realizing Williams' Pink Pills in cases of indi- I tion is the cure for Canada's fiscal and phenomenal rate of approximately , that therewas real danger atter all, gestion is given by Mr, John A. Me- I economic ills. The leeway lost during 1500,000 bottles a year. came over and helped IIenstock to Donald, Tarbot, N.S., who says. title last seven year.; must be recover.- 1 "If the present rate centirt0oa;' salt get him into the boat, when it was "Every sufferer from indigestion has ea. once the geueria election is over, j Mr, Fauna .ewe state elono will probe discovered that he was quite uncoil- my heartfelt sympathy. as I was "0°1111e government of the day must :devote I ably require considerably over 900,000 serous. myself a bond slave to It, Dating at! special attention to tate task of getting 1 bottles a ye .r. This is a treuiendoue A man in swimming a Bayfleld, all became a trial, and as time went! more people an the soil. Prom 20,-i, figure, but 1 ate really caiserv: tive in Ontario, became exhausted and start- on I became a mere skeleton of my'(1( 000,000 to 30,000,000 acres of idle land'tunking this F,tatemeIi " ed to sink. leis calls for help were former self. I took all sorts of re- I along the Western railways must be I Tattler 1 t iwiti. by lesdit g erugatats heard by Scout Stanley Nichola, a boy commended medicines, doctors' and !brought under tate plow. There is; everywhere, Adv. very much smaller than the man in advertised, but to no avail. Then a f ample room for tens of thousands of difficulty. He, however, dived into friend said to try Dr. Williams' Pink additional farmers in old Ontario, New A broken heart is a phrstnlagiea1 the water and went to the rescue at Pills. I got a box and I thought be. I Oetario, British Columbia and tee : pcssibiiicy; excess of tenetion, especi- once, reaching the than just as he Pore they wore done I could feel a! Maritime Provinces. Closer settle• ally joy, may rupture that organ. was going down the third time. The change. Then I got six boxes more,: meat of the land will moan a growing; man was frantic and did .lets best to and by the time they wore used I was 1 volume of exports, a wider home mar- A geed jackknife is closed when it'll clutch hie would -bo rescuer, but eating my meals with regularity and 'yket for the products of Canadian fac- not in use. Nichols was quick enough to work enjoyment. My general health is now `torics, the reduction of unemployment there good, and it is no wonder that I are an !lit towns and clues, healthier indus- around behind him and from secure a safe hold. Ha than swam enthtislastic advocate of Dr- Wililams' , trial oonditions everywhere, rising towards the end of a pier where, with Pink Pills." 1 public revenues, and a progressive assistance, he succeeded in landing You can procure Dr Williams' ]'ink' easing of the per capita burden of na- the now unconscious man. With the Polis through any dealer in medicine I tional taxation. aid of another boy artificial respire- or they will be sent you by nein at 50 The kind of settlers desired are Hon was satisfactorily applied, cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by available in adequate numbers in writing direct to The Dr. Williams' Great Britain, the United Suttee, Nor- "Cascarets" if Sick Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. way, Sweden and other approved Bilious Headachy • countries Wiiat le needed is a for- a For the five years 1909 to 1914 Cana- -existing p box now. da received about 1,851.000 immigrants existing unempuoement and safe - You men and women who can't get from alt sources, or an average of lab guarding the interests of organizedes. labor, will not only remove unneces- feeling right—who have ]Headache, 872,000 a year. If this rate had been sexy obstacles to an intensive land coated tongue, bad taste and foul maintained the succeeding eleven settlement movement but actively pro• breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bilious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have a bad cold. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or. merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic piles or castor oil? Cascarets work while you. sleep; cleanse the stomach of sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from liver and carry out o£ the system all the constipated poison in the bowels. A Cascaret physic to -night will straighten you out From the Bowels The Need of Population. vara constructive emmigratloa policy policy which r,hile taping nate of by morning. Soap. From a schoolboy's essay on soap: "Soap is a kind of stuff made in cakes what you can't eat. It smells good and tastes ortul. Soap always tastes worst when you get it in your eye. Father says Eskimos don't never use soap; I Kish I was an Eskimos°." MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order, One of Nature's Wonders. "Green sea" on the ocean and "green water" on bhe Nile have two quite dif- ferent meanings. The clear, unbroken wave that sweeps over the deck has, no relation to the unpleasant product of the upper part of the groat river. About April 15 the Nile begins its annual rise. A month later the effect is felt at Khartum. A most curious phenomenon accompanies this in- creaseh f "green years Weald have brought the Do- minion over 2,500,000 new citizens from outside. If for domestic reasons the pace had somewhat slackened, the mote such a movement In keep,ng with the needs of the nat'.n. In the working out, of such a program lu- valuable co-operatitel may be expect• increase in population from outside ed from the railways. the Provincial from 1914 to 1921 would surely have Governments, luitization Arai'oiu• exceeded 2,000,000. tions and .':her immigration ligencit'°. But the War intervened and the That way lies the read back to it tide of immigration ceased to flow. tional prosperity and et anomie sta- The influx of newcomers fell off to a bilitc for all masses in the community. mere dribble. Great Britain and the Continent of Europe were practically eliminated as sources of population and the stream of American settlers dwindled to a minimum. During the whole seven-year period we received only about 550,000 from ail sources, or 2,000,000 fewer than might have been expected had the world's peace been undisturbed. Nur must sight be There eeT larosonce remedy, emeed one thequality, lost of the fact that the outbreak of the excelled, beat War and the progress thereof caused Dr. Tefft's Famous Goitre Treatment IF IT IS a Classified Advertisements. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR N . 00ns (registered) offers a complete course in nursing. with allowance and main- tenance; post -graduate course also given; further information upon request. Post - Graduate. hospital, 2400 S. Dearborn st.. Chicago, Illinois. WANTED HOMO wonaIIss, Dither ser. good pay for honest the c'hildre'n can learned, Send t 3 rer nal stamp for particulars. Address, Dept. of ilonte 'work. 7 Ellsworth Ave., Toronto, Ont., PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. BELL PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD condition, with a large number of music rolls, for sale at a bargain.; L. -Costello, '73 West Adelaide Street,' Toronto. "Siccantia" Write for full and fret Information direct to Dx. Telft'a Laboratory, 110L. Grace at., Toronto: ACHES AND PAINS- SLOAN'S GETS 'EI ! AVOID the misery of racking pain. Have a bottle of Sloan's Lini- ment handy and apply when you first feel the ache or pain. Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. have used your Minard'e Liniment for the past 20 rears anti whilst I have occasionally used other Iluiutents I can safely sol' that I havr :ever used any to equal yours. If rubbed between the hands and inhaled frequently, it will never fat to relieve cold in tue heed in 24 hourp It is a140 the hest far bruises, sprains, cit. Yours tru'y, J. G. Leslie. .ataelica'a Pioneer Doty' Eamodies 1300k on DOG DISEASES and How to Peed Mailed Free 5' any Ad- dress by the Author. It. Clay Glover 05., Ina, 118 West 31st Htreel New York. 1, :4 A. COARSE SALT LAN D'SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. .1. CLIFF - TORONTO Mother, Quick! Give California Fig Syrup For Child's Bowels Even a sielc child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, erase, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you car see for yourself how thorough- ly it works a1' the constipation poison, sour bile and waste from tete tender, little bowels and gives you a wall, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a nick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine •'California Fig Syrup" whirls has directions for babies and eleldrea of all ages printed on bottle. Mother: You must say "California" or you may fa the appearance o r water." . BELTING FOR SALE get an imitation fig syrup. It kl eases the pain and sends It used to be thought that the color ALL RINDS OF NEW AND L'sloD. quic y"y,�y�- belting. pulleys, saws, bable,hose.paeking,' a feeling of Warmth through the �. Ii 11170.1 calve from the swamps of the Upper etc„ surpped subiset to approval at lowest' aching part, Sloan's Liniment fenefrares TH I S Nile, lying isolated and stagnant un- prices in Canada. 'TONIC BELTING CO., without rubbing. der tete burning tropical sun, and poi- 115 Y 1510,. STREET, TORU:QTO. - Fine, too, for rheumatism, heuralgia 1 luting the waters with decaying vege- table matter. With the spring rlse this fetid water was supposed to be swept into the streams tq make its appearaeco in Egypt. This theory was abandoned some time ago. The green water is caused by the presence of innumerable num- bers of miscroscopic Ripe, offensive to the taste and smell. They have their origin way up in the tributaries and are carried to the Nile, where un- der the 'tot sun and in the clear water they increase with amazing rapidity, forming columns from two hundred and fifty miles to eve hundred miles long. The weeds go on growing and dying and 'decaying until tine turbid flood water's put them to an end, for they cannot exist save In clear water. You Are the Shadow. You yourself, illy triond, arc the shallow winch shuts out our Own hap- piness, All the shadows in your past years are collected into this big one which Is bai•r'nd acr'oa% your Itappluces. This is the shadow which shuts out so mach of the Sunshine with which A $12 Vilna for a $5.EnL Why Employ a Lawyer when you can get Legal Advice FEES for 2 years t54), •0anadian Bmnneea Q Law," New Edition ($5), and Baainesa Methods" monthly, 1 year (t3), or ',Canadian Farmers, weekly. 1 years t51), all for $5. Regular price gi1. You save 57 and, possibly, hundreds of dollars In lawyers' fees. Write for details. Send no mono)', Service (Dept. me thls W. L ), Toronto, raOat. sciatica, sprains and strains, stiff joints, lame backend sore muscles. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40. Mach in Canada.. Liniment Nothing Else is Aspirin --say "Bayer" n �t"urningl Un]ess"'you see name Aspirin ithandy 110 braes of 12 telt• You expected to worm and cheer your „Bayer" on tablets, you are not get. lets, and 1n bottles of 24 and 100. career. Then are no real shadows ting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Aspirin is the trade raster (registered across our life palet except rinse Aecept only an unbroken "Bayer" in Cauadal of Baler NIanufaclur'e of which we cast ourselves; ne matter package which 'contains directions Monoaceticncsthn:ter of Salteylieuuld. how badly, how cruelly, others may east no shadow treat tis they 9 across our life path. ---Wo cast our own shad. ows. , O. S. Marden. llst Minard's L1ncnt for blstemper, worked out by physicians during 21 While it is well ]mown that. Aspirin Years and proved safe by millions for meanseans Bayer lnant• .erne•°, l0 assist Colds, headache. Darnello, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, I,um- bago, and Pain. Made in Canada. All druggists sell Bayes Tablets of the public against be:mthe'l'ale ul Barer ('omeane will be stamp ed with their general trade raster, the MISERY Ended by Lydia E. Pinhhan %. Vegetable Compound. Re- markable Recovery of Mrs. Church. Smiths Falls, Ont.—"I suffered with falling of my organs, pains around my. heart and in bowela,and down my lege, neuralgia in ntyface 'and head, and that terrible sinking feeling. I felt that I could not live and would fix niy house in order every night so there would be no trouble if I dropped off in the night. My husband went to the druggist to got the hest remedy he had and he gave him Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. I took six bottles and felt a lot better. I will always recommend the Vegetable Compound, and you can 1080 these facts as ;t testnnomal. ' -- Mrs. S. Q. Cxner%i, :Sex Rd5, Smiths Falls, t)nt, The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's 4 cg21 b10 :Compound made from roots and herbs,, is Unparalleled. It may be user with perfect confidence by women,. who suffer from nervous prostration, displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, irregularities, periodic pains, hack - eche, bearing -down fooling, flatulenev indigestion and dizziness. Lydia $i. Pinhham's Vegetable Compound is the standard remedy for female ills. • If there are any complicntion4 about which you need advice write in lets I ftdence to Lydia l • Pinlci;am Medicine Ca, Lynn, Miles. r "Bayer Crass" ISSUE No. 4d -•.''i,