HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-10, Page 6A
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Cattle Feed Impurities, Corns: Borer Suppression. afro rr�mm� ��alllll�l�:�11 �1� ��11�8t�'S �tIS���e� �---
Dpxiit rho mar natpanly til tlta� , !.ver ei%4r4 is to:ng Made t,,,',,,,,,, ON THE 1071m •t
r , tPar-1-12y yry�■/ �■pyyy d■
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,' ' ' „ a C.,! 7-vl I, -'n ♦,. ,» ?I*I-A!Y-•. .. ••I\ �KMr,. ., w. n
�,f prz et tatyt.e toss's of all a rp ststemtlttrat the I.aiop4»¢t earn aJi4, $, rslly8Vlil Scotk
4 :(a
ria to tions lmtl mercer.; but tlrs a. a F Y '
NtCIPP detetioxatcd Sit quality to a ntarked�
,., the presence of wbich in Canada, IV*$ ' "N”, there is some �a'tisf'aetioo in It way out of a ebnvOrsattion like -
: dagrea, ]lar+;ertvs rs'weil as utr� t, doing a jab like that," rYaid' a young riots tiro+. a now 0ananah•Instltute groan ""11
r xV11
J+pa!atabl'e fetor were xr ortcd, Its an ftiat aav ca.cd tar 19111. Sui,aa its dl� housekee er tecentl a';i she rased Sat 'which is revoNtionizing tole outlook "But Aunt N°ll," 6aid' Elfnot, "]
V 7c
.� -.,, effort ba in"prove the -uac%n the Do -i caytt It'1 as s..req;h d in workingits p y PF
mini4 D.r r n ;^.t £ V r'uul oro I Pas ing to vvateh the seen at wuxTt 'a£ a wlaalo ruaa7 caminunity, prihaafo sbauldn't think T'cU !lave to'toll you
CONDUCTED ev PROF, I,iENRY C, BEt.t " ,, n pa t t a Ag , t way into varlou3 ol, `rie:s, so Saar a61 upon Ono of the splendid' now high- Inatitntes &,raw. Tbore is no -great, why I seldom, gq to church any more;
�,,&,� 4 ;<, untlettook to diatom data which might kna,wm at press,),,, a.. Iusn•cly m An -,»a a thucu h rural Ontario. Paibrr. W7wn and
The object of this department is iv pla4o at Lha nor. / y g Pr4pagaaltlri 4atatt you have just koro» yrottnss Now,
j •,., servo as a br,:is far the reantatfnn of tarso. Other places, however,, are, a+
vice a? our farm readers the advice of an acknowledged ;4a , kou waxk hard at it and when it where a neaghbaxhoot, £Psis that it frankly, did you ever hoax anyone
the matter by Ieg,Waticn, -which has urged to kee'' c watchful eye, ani if;' y more Stupid than our p'as't,*?
authority on all subjects pertaining to Solis and crops ,' 7 y • i is flnfsbPcti you and. every, else who wants one, it stairs ane aavtll .Can get past,*?"
Address all questions to Professor Henry G. lieu, to ;b3�. syncs been stture,i. A liwlettn gntn'g any trac4s appear to rmmedaatalyi passes that way knows that it i6 a help, at the beginning and a£texVsi`dy Aunt I1ell laughed, "Whyryes, The
sare,af The Wilsn Publishing CompanY, Limited, Toron �, ! ' the results of the investigations has notify the Entomological Branch at pod bit of work, 'You have tirade in ittf organixiation and lam frond g
to, nd answers will appear in this column in the order '.. + r necently been issued. 'As a proltmm- Ottawa. • Tho law Prohibits tiie re -1 • j h• i the Pamfa= ,ia ,ob, art myAuat2nent, you
P rt, p rings !setter for tlao countryside. the Institutes Branch. n Olr, we]iti Avmk NPI!, you know
In which, they are rscaivcd• When vsrttlrafl kindly men• c ary step, mannifoeturers of 'feeds an•d moval of corn fodder or corn stallt%t,I Above all when, it is d'on'e it 6ta•s md;n't Buildings Tgrnnto, anaturallyStain
tilts this paper. As ace is limited It Is advisable where what I neap, Stir. tray
p p P dealers alt aver the country rocas coin- fn lading ixaom corn, whether used done, Now ,with the housckeept g, A'Well [Tanned Iinstitute Program, to have a tfowv itxaimts to study for rho'
immediate rept le necessary that a stamped and ad
Y xf municaGid with and sain les Obtained.! g 1 Pa , grewit' no matter 'how Well you do it, it all ood Program lainning• ler the crux, '
incased envelope he enclosed with the question, when P far paakin or other tvr sea i G p mimiatrY;,'i>ut'liedaestttrnakP+hfmsPlf
the answ6r wI1J be mallsrl direct 1 Theta were analyzed, first for their sweet min, roasting ears, corn on the lits to be bone over,a sin every day of. a tsuccessful Iiastituta. No two
Copyright py Wilson r abilshing Co., Limited purity and absence of injurious weed, cob or corn cobs front areas infeste3' g „ Young
pee to mP or to ar lot gatioltax
, ,� and every' week, and— rheic was programs aM1'e just the same !because youmig peapTe 'in our Pongregatitml" • ,
. seeds, and then for thefir value m pro- except when manufactured in aueh,. just a touch of :Fauthos in her voice, the needs of ng two 'neighborhoods Was Porter regarded her niece with
L. 1t.: Have a seedbed ready to sow ' Answer,, It is difficult to tell byi tein, fat or oil, carbohydrates (starch, a manner as to eliminate any risk of "no one notices all the thins you do are quite the same, but the same; a r ri' Ic • "I an ' " silo
to 'alfalfa in the ,spring, Want to simple examination whether or not sugar and, allied substances), fa•brstI the est being curried. Seed cornu On g y ri sons der ng Slag_, w flet, .
hi -
cover It with mart. Should I do this the water is oro and free of disease: P b in the house- unties th vire not unde yin. fatGiP:as are present In , +, You • � P is se se: (the least valuables of m itrleats and he cob may tae shit ed for exhisbitioni g ' said whetiser a make. yourself
before or after seeding. ( germs. If You 'have any ,doubts , yet required to a limited extent), and � purposes., but the consignments Must week far the home,maartY�O deaora. aI1, ` , • „ jj terdstier ti hint.
Te -
Answer: It iy ininia. teras when you the supply of water you would do well, ash (a mineral matter taken from the be inspected on arrival by an. ec- , n og ra is am 1091-2iva, wd�lU•iaazlamceti "Interesting e"Wh ho Wd w Elinor ra-
apply the marl to your alfaifa field, to send a pint sant 1e of ionto to the P nap tions, no Snores ed• salary, no public program for 1tutte. fawe t brom the ad; pealed. "Why should we" * It's his
fall. i resume A icultu,ral College, Cheni-i sail by the giant, which, i1 the anima!, los appointed under titre Destructive recognition?' ' F Iautbox+o Institute. Nate ,business to be interested in %cs Tjtat s
This can he inns this a F Ontario gt 4 assists in. forming bone). The extent Insect and Pests Act. Importation "Have YOU a Women's Institute an anti Practical outlook of the home- i what we Rtim for„
the field, has heen piowe:i but not istry Dept. and Bacteriological Dept, +and thoroughness of the work will be has also been prohibited from areas!pay
•worked down,. It would be very good Ask both the departments to make ani P your mea stied, h er c pans n, you be'- mal ars, subjects,
still women, -in the scope Miss quizzical.
Porter's look was now frank-
appreciated when it is staged that 57 infested in the United States of corn ions,'?" asked her e4mpaaifgn�, of the subjecibs siiudi«t dvrcing the ly quizzica,. "Elinor, I should have
practiee for you t, haul the marl and ertrmination of it, { samples of bran, 69 samples of shorts still broom corn, celery green beans in "No wo have bite Ladles' Aid in your. Foods, (health, tite social life;
spread It lust r3 tltou'.9% you were In many towns and cities it is con- .or middlings, 8 samples of feed' flour, the d beets with s spansch, supposed you were too proud to, be
a r'reading lfn:e o: the phwed field. man practice at certain: seasoms of the, Par tops, our church. T 's ns ,tut 5o' nti tba the schethf s 4n,ss, ra ,ho 's, kinvs, :-mv- kind, io f with rho Surely
syou , ketols
1• � p 96 sarnplrs of baxiey and barley pro- rhubarb, Oat aatd� rye straw when used "Tho Women's Institwt+e is not the,- mess mtethbds in th'a tame, labar•essw- .hind of interest. Sorel on, know
l;t the a:gyring, as soon as the soil has yfar, such as early spring, to put a ducts, 3 samples of whole oats and 8 for packing, cut• flowers, or ., entire It as a centre for stud' v iratron amg, how to give the highest and h'a y y
t'crl:td dovrr. It would be very good certain amount of chloride of lime tit samples of hulled or hulloas oats, 26 plants of ebrysanthetttum, aster, cos- r ll ' g .the there is a kind! that no money Pian• gay
wa~k, ? tits tap 4 or 6 in^.hes of r the water, This through its chemical, samples of oat feeds, 6 samples of and some recreation for all the girls pleat lase, music, discussions, ode, with the at However, I oint o -view. lookifss
1 i z> p moa, zinnia, ,hollyhock, •gliuiiolus, and .and women over fourteen, in, this neigh- mottoes and Institute odP, are ulI at it from that point of view. I was '
the F ,,1. Du,'ing the tvinte.• a large a. -tion assists fit the destruction of the i Vim feed, 27 samples of corn -meal, 8 dahlia, unless accompanied by a car- borhood, 'those who axe hame-makers oamroined in a whole which is for thio just thiztkin • a out your end, of the
s Ir -�•ont 0' soluble lime natter in the k asteria in the water. Tltd quantttie4 of gluten feeds 41 samples of mixed tfRcate ad inspection issued by the or ever may be." mast part carried out b Ibma taitent b �'
att�rl nf'l ' s v,?-ibed into the sarface of chloride used depends upon the per -I y Y the
shoo, On
n the to your church, in -
:a r•• A ' • ..n:f %cit' corre �r the, cents a of dangerous bacteria foun3t chop feeds, 14 samples of Schumacher United States, department of agrinul There wear sostvething,infectiays in Tho Jveaker etistg will ep addre t Of theshoe ors •rho ot3rer feat for aurin-
g I feed, 10 samples of Sampson feed', and tura stating that the rWO(Iucts men- ,the tone, the upturnirng carves of the by a sgexuker front the Dep in tsnetut oR ute."
s,•::t:.. ,'. to the water. i varying quantities of calf meals, hog tioned are free from the vest, as aN happy moo thb s axklin eyes of Agriculture sent from the staff of the d v
I mouth, it' g y My emit When in rho wor'.dl do
f•. L„ li pasturing In the frill harut- J. S.: Can I use the tractor to ad- feeds; poultry feeds, oil cake meal and the above plants are liable to ,haabor , "
"y' the veteran home -maker. It is man. Institutes Branch. .you' mean by my end:? I can't do
f. to rst and vetch as grain crops? I vantage in other worlt than plowing? lmiacelianeaus feed9, wire analyzed the borer, It should here be mtention� panti:an, xton-sectarian (not item -roti= July. am+ything but sit there and, listen to �_
viz: Pastuxfn,E ,if rve and vetch { Some who have had no experience' and Microscopically examiner!; re- ed that a ful'1 description of the coin
r , i 9 giousy as one enthusiastic but ill Opening- .Rola Call. Mtt, Gray's'perfeetl canmton^Dace uta
- a,l is not itijutrious if you are question the advisability of counting I sultT details of which are set fortis borer, its habits nature, !tow to idea, g i, „ y r
•` � informed English organizer,saidd) `and "Cammin Frosts stud Vegetables, teranat�, coat I?
rat; _ r ct to paastuve it too sevorly II op tic- tractor for other than the work in the bulletin in tabular form. De- of its presentee In earl stages,, and g
,i,, ) Y Y g recogxiizes n0 mass distinctions. The Mm Thompson, You -might moire than less com-
y r,, t t� 1c We the. Iive-1111 of plowing. scription is also given of the nature methods of control, are given in a ,girls and womren of a neighborhood � g "Selection of Ment on the Market and mzm+prace, replied, Miss Portes co011q.
st ,-i i "!W1 rye till •'cta after there Answer: The tractor can be used' to and effect of the weed seeds frequent leaflet recently issued by the Dorton- %set aside •dna 'afternoon in each mouth - the Beat Ways of Cocking Each . "I might! It sounds' ]rite a large
ir,;- 1 , t'afficient ra:n to ntake the advantage in several ways besides ly feund in commercial feeds, I ion Entomological Branch• when they all come together to stud ,, .t
gr :r.l oft. If the soil clay there i plowing. For instance, if the '.ranter Y Cut. oa "It:
is I.?%- er c r it p:^king s i .lowly t%ati is not too heavy it may be used for better homemaking, to pass slPrty Discussion. "It isn't. All you hava.ko to .is to
fdie'ait• Wil! tint 0ircu'yte and tb!s con- the hauling of sr wh tillage matehinery p � * Lesson
their best idpav to each other, to ask Preparation of Questions: Mrs. Cecil make yourself air' uncommo'tt'pla'ce
titian would be deadly to r, a and as disks and harrows, and at the same h e Su l id ay School )t✓ ass o n 'find enswer questions, give demonstra- -G een. listener. Do you rem'em'ber, my dear,
vetch. If p:a have been pasturing i time the hauling of the seeder. Later tions, paupers, readings, mpisia, and Muria: Miss Weir, when I was .sent round to some of the
satyr roe and vetch and f scai:ts to he, the tighter tractors can be used for end with a cup of tea and a social .,August. schools to .speak far the Junior Red
fairy -veil eaten cif, you would do'the hauling of cultivating rnachinerp, NOVEMBER i$. half -hew" Opening Exercise's, Roll Call. Cross? WeII, I went first to the Jay
wGli to give it a top Jresringe of about i while the larger tractors can be used
"What do the men eayl" There was "Preparation of Vegetables tar . the! Street Schad. The children there
200 firs. per acre of ;-cnom, u, ' r of a i far such work as the running a Paul Before the Roman.Governor. Acts 24: 10-17. Golden a hesitating nota; in the query of the Table": Mrs. Wm. Hopkins. were al., interest and excitement! MY,
r r ^c_t i tb.s hiiig nvschinerr, and all machin- first speaker, "Slinple Desserts fur Warm Weather." -but I felt that I was a good speaker,
fertilizer analyzing a ant
Text Acts 24: 16 (Rev. Ver.). "The men? 'Oh, they like the We- Discussion, � an:3 I certainly (lid id my beat Then I -
amirnia. 10 to 1: rcr ., ph('IS-) : a,y moluirtr;r let power, such as I Time and Placa—A.D. b8, Caesarea, oh. 28: 8), were so few in number that men's Institutes.. You see, they think Pre azwtion of Questions: Mrs. Frank went over to Rome Street where all
ldtr,ric P,7H, par r. it ma h, .y. n':tA,irn.ry for, Connecting Links—Ch, 22: 1-21 the apostle dad not deem them worthy l they are going to. got nicer things to Howe.- Q the Tittle foreigners live, They didift
IT. L. K•: How can 1 ' .. i.ethe ,;aw!r %ro i. t t.; wrorl anti the like.! $rve PauPs Speech from the castle) of notice. Just and unjust. See Dana eat when the women are memlaers of Muxfe: Miss Florence Dyment, understattd very well. Some of them
the water from our %cc.l pure or There are a g'; it nnr. `er of urea; stairs, 'which wa3 interrupted by the 12: 2, 3. This is �a keen thrust In. an Institute! Amd their wives come September.
not? is there anything %%a Ian put in'; tLat can Le made t -f a tractor best es; crowd, when he spoke of his comms- Felix, whose evil 'life was notorious. home full of life and fun, and good stare:; at I to-myse and others rid
it to kilt possible impurttie ? the primary use cf p;owmg. ; sion to preach the gospel to the Gen- $arein; Because he believes in the Opening Eon of F h fi Call, gated; and I felt till if gro%4ing mord
humor attar the lively 'alkeinoan• and more sits i
.___....._ �.. _ ---._,-____,_.--- _.._ tiles, The frenzied mob demanded, the resurrection and the judgment to fol -I "Preparation of Fish £oti the Table.,, p d till Anally I realized
I They are as proud as peacocks, too,
that I was to sptaker at all. It ail
apostle's fife (vs. 20, 23), and to save lbw. I exercise myself as an athlete Discussion.
is t- Stamping Out Tuberculosis 1 him from the rage of his countrymen, training for a race A conscience i when their wives or daughters are " Salads": Mrs. David George. ,depended on my listeners."
in Canadian Gattis. the Roman con:, ruder ordered h m to %dad of offence, etc.; a conscience that holding office or taking Pat- in the Edman was silent, and Aunt Nell
Pieparatfon of Questions: Mrs, Har-
° 4>e brought into the castle, where he neither offends Goat nor causes itis' program of the Institute. It dignifies , cnrttinuad, "Interest seems to .mo to
t.'anada's calf's by all accounts, ; vans about to be examined by scourg- t brethren to stunib%_ hauvekeephlg', qou see. The Institutes vey Betzner.
� ' i et:^ij intro: c•, an 1 statistics, may be 1 ing, when he :saved himself ,,from this IIP. A Fearless Challenge, : E1. are in 'parctnersltip with the Govern- Music: h1rs. I t> tier Dierdelt, ]Ui=^s have a good titans of the properties �f
I MavdP Betaxar. ele,"tricity: the current r;an bo ,easily
a;d to lx- tits health°est of anY coup-• cruel indignity by declaring his Ro- Vs 17.20. After many years. Four, nnetit. There is an Institutes Brancli
t , in.. the wor'.d, and the Accredited rnaa citizenship. In cb. 23: 1-10 we or five years batt passed since Paul; of the Department of AgriceXure Visitors to Schon!: 'airs• Surerus and'+ grounded or short-circuited, but the
The Careless Fairy. IIc rd System. by its thoroughness, is; have an account of Paul's appearance v P .iia, W, Andersen; Mrs, Ed. Aler- more batteries there sore to toinfored
before the Jewish Sanhedrf which had been in Jerusalem, ch. 18, -1, 22. which sends out lecturers and demon- den and Airs. 1.1. Stunt. it the farther ,it will carry."
Littie Fairy Flitabout A..1 surh a %veil calau•ated to keep them so. Be- Came to bring alms; the contributions; strators and information and, liter- „
was brought to an abrupt close by a Just one battery helps amazingly,
craze for fleetrr}ss hi, dac:n't :err z, four a herd can be declared free of dispute between the Sa;Idvicees and of Eu op had gathered in the churches' i tuan -c any Branch which asks for OatO�r' romatimes" said lir. Forfar, speaking
bit about a prosy thirrg like nc,=,if- � .ubvrculos:a a year Or mare must• Pharisees. The neat of the chapter is °f Europe for the poor Chrisliatts at it and co c crates with the memlaers Opening Excrcfsea, Rc:1 Call. ,eakin
i p Jerusalem, Rom. 16: 26; 1 Cor. 111. 1;'• , ' p r sud3ertly from -behind his paper. I
He'd rush around and 'brush around a.aL*dt, and the process is necessarily; occupied with the plot a aunt Paults in getting u+ the annual conventions "How R e Are Gavcntei'': Sin=• Vet -
2 Cor. 8: 4, Offerings; the _actifices, g p stopped after church to sea 11r, Gray,
through briers, brambles, itedgeis and, a slaw one. Far this reason many ap life, which resulted in his being' sent where men and- women discuss to- non McKee. Peened to remark that he'd
connected with the Nacarite vow, ch,: „ „ and I ha
snip his hems and rip his tucks and, plintir,r,s for the test have to be=to Caesarea. Five days after Pauls 21: 23-26, Ought to have been here; gather all that goes to make better Plckling- Discussion.:
frazzle out his edges, He -'d. tear Ins,' de-ferw-4. Up to October 1 of the arrival at Caesarea, Ananias, the preparation of Que. tiani: Mise Annie' gaven us a particularly gaost aermon..
tank: top to toe, then with a jocous' current year, 048 such applications JeQfsh high priest, came down to to make their stranger Sat open court. homes, !tetter people, a -better cam -'Not I,' be said; `it was t`ae stranger
Caesarea, h pr accompanied b certain of Let these men .. say (Rev. Ver.);. mumity, a better ane, btgpfer social. Dwyer.
whistle fly straight into a thorny bush! had been receive:!, the greater num-i P y Ananias the high priest, and those' life, and a better and more eaientiiic Mt:,rc: ]Vii=s Clara Nunn. that was sitting fn your pew this
the elders and Tertullus, an eminent morning, She was the mast stimulat-
or perchtupon a thistle. Ha tet a gy ha i tt M of others w]11 L� torte dedoto sus soon' Roman lawyer, whom they had engag- with bin. I agrfouiturs, Oh, see', countrywomen Visitors to Sehac :Mrs, 1i• Betznnx ing' listener I ever had.' "
rap y ed to lay their accusations against IV. A Trembling Judge, 22: 27. ,.believe in-workdor with men—it takes and Mrs. W. Nunn; Airs. b. Hyslop It Well, good fur Aunt Nell, who
looked, that chap. as they can be reached. The process Paul before Felix vs, 1-9. Va. 22, 23. Havingmore perfect I •s man and' a warnan to create shoots, and Mia- McK. Marden. r„
+ 'Practices what she rea0hes. cite:[
The fairy tailors lost much time in i is being conducted ky officers of the knowledge. The meaning is that Felix and they should both work intelligent- November. p ". p
smoothing out his scratches and sew-; Health of .Animals Pranch of the Do= 1. A Straight Denial, 10-13: had "a pretty exact notion" as to what' ly to get the best kind, they think. Of Opening Exercise 120'1 Call. Elinor• Next Sunday T cease to .
minion Department of Agriculture V. 10. Then Paul .. answered; the belief in Jesus meant, and saw tat , r n short circgiter."
Stir; up his seams again sort gutting. dpartn course, we meet separately for some 'Christmas fihaughts": N_rs. \Vm.
an his patches. So when he tore a and as men with the necessary eat er- charges laid against him by Tertullus, no case had been made out.against� •
p namel •: 1 "sedition" I things but jointly for the general Anderson. Passing of the Horse.
jagged hole right through his gauzy; ience anti qualifications an not to be y () (v. 6), that is, Paul, He might have dismissed fire
stirring up treason and insurrection Vise instanter, but his interest lay in! results, We ,have 11a, same co -opera "Proper Metltads, of Entertainingiat
wing one tailor said, "Upon my soul; mit with in great numbers, lite staff nit the Sidman up Enright. When railways supersede! the stage
government; (2) giving to the Jews as little offence as tion in the S erintendent ,and his the Home'- Mrs, Enri h. coach and the ancien- pack -horse, It
P11 cure him of this thing! I'll take ; I.3 limited. Hence the delay that tip- "Heresy" (v. 14), that is, opposition possible Hence he "deferred them," i Staff in the Department, the meat and Preparation of Questions: Mrs. Gco. I>ao '
him dawn a peg or two, and teach' plicants ars somrtimes subject to. Up to the Jewish, religion; (3) "sacrilege," that is, adjourned Mire case, awaiting, the ve-outan, joiptly. Our Institutes Corr, al. vvas seta, that -the days .of the horse
hint that it matters to dash about altd' to the dote mentioned 37 herds had , in setting himself to "profane bbdthe ,coming of Lysras with additional I ,Branch is really the first State De- Music: Mrs. James Harper and Mrs. had passed. When bicycling became ,
crash about fm Tags and tags andl been pissed and given certificates temple," v. 6. Many years a judge, evidence. Keep Paul, and , . let him! Pertinent of Home-makin set ti b Ed. Lightfoot. ,the. nage It w"ns also ssid,.ituz end of
tatters!" guaranteeing absolute freedom from Felix bad :mow held the office of gov- have liberty. This "free custody," asiny Gov g P y Visitors t $cltao'l; Miss Rzchel 13atz- the animal's days 'was approaching,
Ua F1aUabavt sat airily and order- t'xberculosi^. It should be stated that ernor of Judea for six or seven ears, it was called, allowed the apostle's I i but his numbers hive gone on ittcreas-
y Y a restively ion time a this iaiemds not only to visit him 'but also It does seem as if growing the mer, Mrs, Geo, Casae l; !♦list Hop-
ed•, „Mend me, please. I bumped my theYt Pure-bre
e-br I e herdaxe
ai eligible
xead ble fsor hod-, g y ,• ( fug said his spheres of vs fuln2;s tyre
wing against alive. Such nuisances the i y pass- period-,
�ed very frequently.
rulers were to material foody books, letters, Suitt- people of which rite province is cam kine acid Mrs. J. Sirrerus, still many. Last year the Live,Stock
rho bees!" ed ?are Shartt ern, four in Ontarto� s4ribed b very
Slur the Roman his inV 4 2-51 I eleis came arrived that? posed should be a: matter for study Dee°mbdr. Branch at Ottawa d'iacUsaed t a, ques-
He told a talo of how hied flown,and three in Saskatchewan 12 are y . , , and the co-operation of man and wo- Opening Exereisc Rai! Gail tion of power with fammtsrs, de :'!ars,
torianI as a very tied ani! cruet gav- is in Caesarea from a distance. He' mens should be important enough for "What All the World's Seeking'": Mrs. ownrxs manaarers or cartage eonigan-
that very summer day against a mor- Milstein, three each in Ontario and ea nor. Cheerfully make my defence had been abswvt from the city. Withtip g
I'll -
W's latticework,and bane- his wife - t o help ,the
to set rn a Department James Harper. - • a
y gqt away. British Columbia, 1 to Manitoba rnd� (Rev. 'Ver.); because Felix, from his Drusi!ia, the daughter of, � help the ions! home -makers. But "Gandy Maltnr Discussion,' 3°s' 'leiivery companies, amyl firms- Jm`
He hummeda-tune, he smiled a smile, Fi in Quebec; 7 axe Ayrshire, I each in long resddalace ,amongst the JetwI Herod Agrippa I., and so sister of, is Ontario really the first Government Report of Convonticm. - whom
ten. sing Illative
p many of
Ire curt a 'oke or two. Saskatchewan Ontario and Noval listion, would readily ur>derstand the Agrippa II. and, Bernice. ,.Felix lied! p � whom were using native Bawer; tt�
1 case. The rim le and di ified' odor- induced bar to leavo her huttband,i to think of it7' Pieparatian cf Questions: Stirs. W. tars or tntelcs, as the casc'anight be'
" "Now," said the tailor in a while,: Scotia and 4 in Quebec; 10 are Jersey, p
et down, 2 in Ontario and 8 in Britis]t Colum- tesy of Paul is to be !toted: Azizus, King of Emesa, ,and become "The rural 'home -makers and the McKee, ;as -well as horses, and the oodmensuif
b young man; You'll db: his wife. It was with This crime on Government of Ontario !rave the hltusic: Mrs. iTir. klal> ee null Mrs. V.
"Of course I'll- do.." langited Flit- 'his, and ,one is Aberdeen Angus be- V.11. Twelve days; so short a time f of opinion Stacked `up �y cost account -
"of that Felix could. edsty gain accurateihi•s soul that Felix sent for Paul, Rea -I proud distinction of being the pion+- McKec. Ing %vas that horse power']s,.,gemet-ai-
atbout .and ,tried to spread his win'gs.1 longing to Menitofis. It will thus be; knowledge of what had happened, and: soned of righteousness, temperance ears in PCmining such an effective way January.
PP i speaking, the qn tha.ei •power 'fes
Alas, a!ad9t, they would not novel"sem that British Columbia had 11 too short a time for Pau3 to °have 'ex-� •. judgment. The apostle met.Falix,of working together, that our Inst,- O-peaing Exsirise:, Ro.l Call. Y 1 g'
farm work, while a therkt s for de
Whatever ailed the things! Then ]tends Passed as thoroughly clean, On- cited a multitude to sedition. Went'. with a stern demand for moist se -1 butes Branch and local ln,ztitutes are "Hints or, Nursing and First gid":•: '
iround he wheeled and round he whirl- tario I0, Quebec 9, Saskatchewan 4, up ("up," because "Jerusalem" wash formation; V,elix trembled; in torror, lsvory and, cartage work within a
i 1Vlanitoba 2, and Nova Scotia 1. In built hills, and because it was thni.Perhaups ,his crime against Druailia'ai`being copied now in many other coup- Dr. A. F, Itykert' radius of from five to seven miles or
ed, but a.d to no avail; he was as help t husband huid been of 'resent occur- tries, especially ,within the Brattish Preparalion of Queotiam: Mrs, Cor-
less as a drag that tries to mtch his, addition to those, there are 558 herds eAPfial of the country) to worship. „ au a !wap route, or even an a long
+ I rerree, aimd he was therefore ti:e Moro Empire. man.route with ter
tall. With skillful ,-kitchen firm and that have been tested once or more in; This declaration of his purpose „equeitt stops.• horses sup -
strong, but light as any feather, the Process of owraditation and, 54 herds squarely meets the three accusations 'sensitive to such teaehiiag. Go thy way I m so proud. I m going to talk Music: NTra; Ed. Morden and Mfss: plied the cheapest means of tralispor-
against him,—reverence towards God, } convenient season. Thus Felix ( to the other women right mrsy and Maude Betzmer. Cation. These authorities were agreed
solemn little tailor man bad sewed awaiting the first test. If a herd isl not rebellion a ainst the Roman auth 'stifled his conscience. The convenient i Visitors to School: M w,, Cecil Green
g „ see if we can't, start one here. \Vhat that t1 P da cf' the horse !trio not s
Ars wings tagrtherl found io contain an affected animal, orities trbedienco to Jewish 4ustom 'serif ,ch ! never uct. s. Fe16x did fs rho fawns- numgter that- can start anti Miss A. Dwyer; 1Ki•a. Here and Y
' : ,change his conduct Mrs. Enri Enright.
sell and Haver would pass in this
For weeks and weeks poor ; -he -had aero than a year mus- elapse before ,not heresy; 'warshnp, tint profanitrg Vs. 26,27, After two years Porcine I an Institute?" There wars a purpose- 6 northern country. The difficulty, ac-
was cross as twenty witches; he had a certificate is granted, as the year of the temple. ! q February. ,cordingto them is to find good stock.
to walk nr sit aibout- no one would l Ptobgtrnn tlr>es not commen4e uist{l Festus• one of thg better kind of Ro- fu1 nolo in the question. S
Vs, 12, 18. Paul denies that he bad titan governors. Garin favor with the, "Ten the first year, risingto fifteen Opening Exer,ekors,, lWil Call. '
+amt the a„titchtlsl And, when the tailor i after all trace of t(iberculosas Sias been been 1 of tTle least disturbamt +, „ An Instance is ,given im the report of
} t3 dews; Rev. Ver, the real reason' the socond your. You can get a Living a Life is More them. 7 Taking
I ( )� + Site Dominion Minister of Agriculture
set :him fires he .fled, so 9tvift ,and 0radiaated. Reactors are immediate not even of causing the assembl nC of along with the hope of •a bribe, which Handbook from the Supeafntandertt a Living', : iVTra, lVlcKfnley Morden Of a ,cit •firm advardsin for bones
'sthizzy that e'en a honeybee st sT ht ly removed' and usually slaughtered a crowd, either in 1..) the temple (see <, u y g
g had influenced Felix in keeping Paul of the Institutes- Branch in Toronto La'bax Ssvixtg Devises. 11 is0tiststara
of him grew dizzy. under veterinary su;pervtsaan. As a eh. 21: 26); (2) the synagogues (Jew- in custody. Left Paul in Stands; (Rev. fax firm purposes rind reneivitug no
ish pla°rxds of wora~hvp of which there Iwhich tells you -how to ,plan your pro- Preparation of Questions: Miss Ray tervdera. Cleam, sound, dauughters,
But al0 the same, 3kam that time on, rule, there is Tan difficulty in detecting Ver.) ; probably withdrawing #the ten- e chel Tidstznm.
Sri fairyland or owl were a ,great number in Jerusalem); , y grams and conduct your meotmgs. weughing .from 1,000 pounds upwihAs
ry ,you cauldm't find symptoms of tuberculosis by lesions, or (8) Up and clown bite streets of dolt encs praviausl thus "How ion is ft since tiro first In- Mtusic: Nies, MeK. Mondeari and Mts.
a spracer chap than• that young Flit. but if any suspicion remains guinea the city; a co, avower to the giving Festus the impression which g and delivery dtarsasrof good cuiifornta-
4itaat, pigs are inaduiated with suspicious clsar the Jews desired, that the pn•3soner stattito started?" Ed. Liglit£oot tion •arid action with clean legs good
p �•sP ger at Tertullus, vm 5, 6. Neither 'r pasterns, weighing front
--- material, and, if present, tubercle can they prove, etc. It is easy to talcs was deserving Punishment. Twenty-five years next Fehrttaars March. £ant and
'11 , Bits of wisdom. bacilli is at once revealed. sceusatians; to svppoxt them by'a, d Application. But it is only about twenty-one, years Opening ExeS'efses, 1twCN Gal], 1,100 to 1,401D
trine war suodeeded in getting the frill Demonstration on Dressmaking: Mass horses, suitable for mil•ib ry an
able testimony is another marten St. Paul before the Roman govar- y xutd police
Says Sam: The most expensive type, e"`` In ca, ing on a discussion, nor is discovered to us yet mare okai•- co-operation of the Government in Cuntsrtinga. work ,choice sadduers and hunters', are
u3 fence is the one over whimh neigh- A room of his own, attractively II. A Bold Confession, 14-16, ly in that "white light which. beats our Conventions anti with Iecturo• Preparation of Questions. Mrs. I.. to be xa'rely suet with, rlhte evil- of
,hors quarrel. kept, is one of the beat v%ays of keep upon a throno. To begin with, he demonstrators; who come, to the Inv- Ironsides. the day is indiscriminate breading,
Dine man who !iliiailas 'fins steak that Ing son on the faint. „ V, 14, This I confess. Says Bengal, is studiously, courteous, Although rftitutes when they want them. They Music: Miss Wiefr. Thera Is Mess use or, cash to -day dor
ds pure-bred, h th right should road Ons crime he confesses, but declares Felix teas a'bad- governor and perhaps are specialists in "their line', you Visitors to School: Mms. A. G. Ross the atmj> and .no,ndeseript than them
g j .. c.-...._ it to be no ordure." After the Way ,a worse m+an, St, PauD is respectful to. know." amd' Mrs, A. Betzner• Mrs, R. Hunt
up on the 'history of certain European) A. hire c.f btzs t.tafa the best hired (Rev. Ver.), See oils. 0: 2. 19: 0 (Revs ,� + oven was, The regtoott dePib2i>s the
frim as ane of the powers that gra; and 1131c° that idea of -nen and too- and Mas H ilius.
sagalties. Pedigree means nothing .man ;.c,ii eve:•=.a;v. It will work for Vert). , A rest (Root Ver, f J. For Paul, pays compliment. Tlt!cx'e °p bac- tltat>pure�>x+ed dtorsas'tireImport- . '
even a s him a con li
RmTa+ss dvaciced by performance, ..t I ('itrtstitbp ,has not, A skparation, ,ire those • doll -People who know ifttle i rnrn working tagetehr for the best April. ed whin}- could just as welt be bred in
You ter ten goat i,a,.,t is tunnel, and Srom the Jewish iieF oz t itis ", » interests of the home Pao often Opening Excret 1100,1 Call.
Soy-heatio mac sell .builders. � i , T � � about a lovely g4odmess, who :Beet sees, Cana lit. It ,Mso Seconds the success
Nkbi,e you iu.ee;i, iulf#Tment rf it, Serve (} v, 'Ver. be r,
Ever notice that the follow tylia, t r} f 1 that in, order to true to pxiivsiple thought we women leave the roan out Canadian ]'.aivs for Wemen and {dm asitia system, wirier iii° iedbtal
yl,*Wt Volt 'W see 'tie County re re- '""" _ s not only in wor.,h}p, bt . With the de- they must be discourteous to. evil- too Muth•, arta if Nome-Makmg and Childreav , Mrs. A• C. trots. odliay)' which enables. any dis�ti'la- to
votion of his w}+�.e )rte. The God of r,
' '�ivtativr> is rhos tine tiCRa ne.t?r Ptas� 'Pile world's heaviest bull is Gird to .. _ doers. No such thing, Good in its. 'bringing up the 'children: were we- Vadue of Keeping I3onsahoid Ac- adopt cotnmiusti'ty+lrreedtngauiai s,nsuro
it must ev r be tour-
seen birn.? i be Glenaide noun Clay, n ,Shorthorn oak fathers ,Rev. dei,), the God over cnnfllot with evil does
d men's atPatrs ori'Iy, Th eo ns the titan's counts:" lllsctiswsoit. the service of av good strO tit a'rtatsan-
sltii ,e-1 by the Jewish race. teous, If the evil -doer d es not e
�— ;,..-.- that ,v4i .hs 8,200 p o view and the woman's, ancT P+rtps7nstlan 4,f Qudsttom�s: Mra, Wnf. able fee, tk,
g pounds. He as own- Vs• 15, 16, Hope towsrd Goa• hoe serve our courtesy, weat leatet owo.iet p in't of
Nobody's seed corn is better than ad''by Henry Lail", Penn Yam, N, 7, we need bath. In rite Institutes rya% An It inti. �. ..
built upon (Sell ion; the
and his Thom to ourselves to be courteous, to all of oin at .tliiilgs we seam to conic' u,;: ,0it IV.% McKee. Commuaiaty Spok should see that'
yromx own tel~ gauve a' tWitidsfactoryt Trio bulb was four Years ar.9 tsar ices. Resurrection; thegcnsral belief m':n. Habits cf dheourtosy show not g r r
slsainy'and will selen, onrefully front months told wizen weighed Juice 28, of the Jewish people. The Sadducees, tnly dit,reape^t to °thou, ,but a fartol nearer getting it thany in tiny o.h•orl igaj: the sehochhouse, at least, hail tivitrt..ry
tibe ttatlk. W21. who denied the re-urreatinn (compare, lark of se'.d- way of Whitt I know; Yrcrctiarn of Cltlecrs., fncloot toilets,
rrsp,cct. •
. e : ......... ..., .., _....., -. ,. .
,. IN