HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-10, Page 5*MsllNE*$ CAIRO*. JNO, SUTHERLANO & SONS LIMITED MSc/MAW QP1z?1 I Orrr+rliro WM. SPENCE CONVEYANGER AND ISSUER or MAU CAGE L.lOLNSEt3 l nee o qtr P sOffice, P 1 r WP1, 804 \/ M. SI WLAIR-- V V • Barrister, 9ollgllor, Conveyancer, [rotary Pubho, ata Wtloe—Stewart's Block r door ath of e Hotel, qr the Metoetw Bank, ems* 11'oZ'lla. $BfPt 'e5°l Jl6` JAS. E. SMITH PROPRIETOR This popular hoetlory^ Is open to Lira publicin all departments of a 8lrat-olass Hotel, Meals nerved at regular hour's. Phone 64 Olean, comfortable beds. OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Office oppootc flour Mill, Sthel. JAMES M'FADZEAN Aged Hawick Mutual fire !neurone Company Phone 42 Taruberry Street, Bruoaele Saeeeseor to John Harrill, Waltqn. T. T. M'RAE M. B.. M. O. R. AS, O. M. 0. H., Village of Brnseets, Physician, Snrgoon, Acoonohe r C Airiest residence, opposite Melt ille Church. William etroet PRIOOFOOT, KILLORIN II COOKE Barristers, $Oiieltore, Notaries Public, Ac. Omoeon the Square, 2a,i dunr from Hamilton Street, 0QDE11IO11, ONT. Private funds to loan os lowest rates, W. PaouDrooz li. 0. J. L. S1LGoaArt H. J. D. (Iowan Increase Your Earning Power by attending; the 70 ELLIOTT' Yonee & Charles *Its., Toronto \ This school is strictly first-class in ell departments manta ■n D deno enjoye 7 wide•e read trulypatroage. d b time -tried oth bury-teatetl and you risk noth- ing by coming; her.. Our grad u- 7 rrqt`$$ SLes are eminently successful.Enter any time. Write for catalogue. 18 A W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL ••N••••••s••••••••••••••• • 1 • CAR OF • • A • Q A T Si 10 0 Honey • 1#AUSES y late beppWHAT rtoviaonallyadopedan that Viet•k be Matt (feted to have cauls ties assessed be held at HEADACHES"4fd, Saturday 11 t deteuulu, f 3 i Moved by Hargreaves—Shearer— that Bylaw No 747 of the tun neltip of k'Iula known es The Stovall, Drain Mostly Clover with a little Fall Honey with it. 12* cts. a Ib. Clover Honey also on hand. ld Phone e 5 4 L. WHEELER gaud eW ()earns 4 CENTS a week does the trick—pays fur a year's subscription to Pug Poor, Goderich and Exeter dtslucts will have a spiritual conference at Elensall on November 15th, A six -loch screw driver was removed flow the stomach uta Westville, III., High school boy, 'fume is no knowing, after all the forecasts of a hard Winter, what the coal men might do to the weather man should it torn out, after all, tea be a mild season. My soo, thy house containeth many things teat are uu lunger used by thee. Sell them, therefore, to ley ueighbor, through a Want Ad. in 'lux Yost• and profit thereby. GOOD• reliable household remedies are necessary to good health, For Asthma, RAZ -MAH 1s rue best known remedy, For Rueutuathm, etc., '1'empletcu's Rheurnai is Capsules are standard, Sold focally by Jas, f'ux; in Watton by W. G. Neal. IN the,pending election the bouts of pulling, Instead of being from 9 ut 5, are to be from 8 to 6. :1'hts is For the benefit of the farmer, who is an early riser, and of the women voters, who nave an uour longer In which to get themselves dolled up in the afternoon. Reports received showed that the averageau0urty paid to retired Metho- dist ministers last year was $632,50 and tae average payment to widows $370.50. The total payments for 426 retired mon- sters, 413 widows and 106 children, amounted to $420,883. lo response to a petition containing the names of three-fourths of the occu- pants of such classes of shops, the Esseit council at its last meeting passed a by- law to regulate the closing of hardware, 510081y, barneas, bakery, suoe, dry goods, plumbing, furniture atm clothing stores. The stores are to close at 7 o'clock every day except Wednesdays and Saturdays and the days preceding a legal holiday, The by-law took effect November 1st. Rosas, Rosas EVERYWHERE.—Mon- day's'loronto Daily (,lobe card :—'•The flowers that bloom in the tall in Musk. uka are nut alone. Western Ontario is not outdone—is not to have its clim- ate made to seem cold as compared with that of farther north. White roses pick- ed last Friday afternoon at the home of D. C. Ross, of Brussels and sent 10 his daughter, residing 1n Toronto, were shown to The Globe on Saturday as ocular proof that latitude cannot be dis- missed when talking about climate. Irish roses are also in bud at Mr. Ross' home," in Brussels gardens roses have beau blooming et Auurew Currie and Alf, Baeker's and probably other places as well. Novjno TOWARDS CHUILCH tINION.— momeucous step toward rue cunsum- natron of Uuton of the Presbyterian, iethodistSud Congregational churches eauada, was taken by a joint Uniou ominittee which met in Metropolitan • • to arrive shortly. • 5 • a • Place Your Order Early. • a n • -- • • Tip-top supply of S C • • • Corn Shorts • • hits Bran ran • • on hand. If you need any call fi • or 'phone. • G • to • • m ••••N••••••N•••••••••••e C su Italia Toronto recently, when a taodiug Cotmmitee on Legislation was ppointed to consider legislation neces- ary to give effect to the union of the egotiauug churches, and prepare bills o be submitted to the Parliament of amide. Tins committee consists of 15 embers, six Presbyterians six Meth - U ist and s, n three Congregationalists, with . W. Rowell as convenor, A standing xecutive was also appointed consisting t Len Presbyterian, ten Methodists, and ve Congregationalists. Rev.. Dr. eorge C. Pidgeon, of Bloor St.,Presby- riau church, Toronto, was appointed hairman of the Executive, which will sot when called upon. Church Union making wonderful advances in Cano- e. Presbyterian, Methodist; and Con- regafional bodies, already have taken ch steps as w111 wnhin 1110 next few years bring them as one body roto the work of the Great Master. Now the Anglican church is looking the same direction. = W. J. McCracken Well Tools FOR SAL€ 276 feet li inch Drill Rope nearly new, 1 set Jars and Rope Socket, 1 Sinker, 18 feet by 3 inches, 1 4 -inch Sand Pump, 1 5 -Inch Sand Pump, 14 -inch Reamer, 26 -inch Roamers and Bits for same, , Also a length of 0 -inch Casing. All for Bale cheap as owner has no use for them. !Hells - Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired Well Drilling done as usual. Call up Phone 28z GEO. BIRT, BRUSSELS t,I•••r,.l,.l,q{l,.pry,•tl..t^p4.,p,p,i,.l,a„p'1r••• What About Your • P 0 LR 'WILL pay the highest near- ket price, for all the Poultry you have to sell and call at .. •t your place for them. M. Yolleek Mete 2x BRUSSELS t i .44.!4444. 1'•1••h•1•a••t•t•t l••l• F•1• 1••h++++ Elmo Township Council Municipal Council of township of Eltua met in the Agricultural hall, At- wood, on Saturday,' October 22nd. Nerubera presort—Deputy Reeve, John Illnan, councillors, George Har- greaves, Thos. E. Shearer and Ohae, Vallauo9, Minutes of last meeting read, approved and eigried by the Weis pro tete and Clerk. In the absence of Reeve, Deputy - John Iliman appointed Reeve pro tout. Moved by Haegreavee—Shearer— that George Al•bnckle be paid $4'000 as part payment of contract of Norte. Maitland Enlargement as per Eu- gineer'e certitleette, Moved by Shearer—Vallance—that Jae. Nieholeon be paid 88000 part pay- ment of contract of flaunt drain and Extension as per E'ngineer's certifi- cate. Rheumatism? Or Neuralgia,Sciatica, Lumbago? The remedy is simple, inexpen- sive' easily taken and harmless. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Your druggist will supply you. Write for free trial to Temple. ton's, 58 Colborne St, Toronto. Sold by Jas. Fox ; in Walton by W, G. Neal. printed and. aeryed on pat ti and that Court 01 Revision Agricultural hall, Attvoo 28th inst., at 11 o'cluek for tug the appeals, if any, to the said Court of revision, Moved by Sheat'et'—Hargreaves— that By-law Nu, 738, known as the Mime u D rain 1 m r UV e m@tG By-law as new read athird tithe be u Htity p I age- ed and that h !leave and Ulet k alga the same and attach Ootporato seal there- to, Moved by Shearer—Hargreaves— that fay -haw No, 748 of township of Rima to borrow money to meet the current expenditure for the year ue now read ty third Lime be finally pass ed, Council adjourned to meet again in the A.gridultutal hall, Atwood, Satur- day, Nov. 20th, at 10 o'clock fur gen- eral busiuese, GEo, LOOHHEAD, Clerk, Cupid's Victories 2: LECICIE—DosiENy,— The marriage took. place OOedueoday afternoon, October 20 atNewmau Hall, Toronto, of Norah Frances, daughter of the late John Doheny, Montreal, and Mrs. Do- heny, of 109 Gleuruse avenue, Moore Park, Toronto, and John Gardner Leckie, eon of the late Jno, and Mrs, Leckie, Brueae's, Ontario. The cere- mony was conducted by the Rev, Father. Jobe Burke, rector of Newman Hall. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Hugh Johu Doheny, St. Catharines, looked lovely in her travelliug suit of Harding blue sued - rue, with trtwmiugs of grey squirrel, and Grey hat to match of hatters' plush. She wore a corsage boquet of Ophelia rosea, and carried the groom's gift, a Preach beaded bag. The groom was attended by his brother, Uharlee Stewart Leckie. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home -of the bride's mother for im- mediate friends and relatives, Mrs. Doheuy wearing black pumwe velvet, with corsage boquet of American Beauty roses. Mr. and Mrs, Leckie left later for their weddiug trip, and on their return will reside in Grim- thor•pe road. Many good wishes are extended to our former townsman, Barrister Leckie and bride. ELsyoN—THoares.—A pretty wed- ding was eolemmzed at the Manse, Bluevaie, on Monday, October 8101, when Wm. Elston, the well known Reeve a of Morris lo• ' tus township, was aorta lv p• united iu marriage to Mrs. E. K. Thomas Rev. Crawford awford Tate officiated. A- mong those pteeent were Mrs. Lock- hardt and Misses Elston, sisters of the groom. The happy couple left on their honeymoon trip to Peris, Tosou- 'tu, Niagara Falls. A wedding recep- tion was held at the home of Mrs, A. Thomas, er,Fr•iday evening. We extend to the happy couple our beet wishes for a happy and useful life. They will reside on the gr oom,s farm, 211d line, Morrie. JOHNSON — FERGUSON. — A quiet wedding was solemuized at the manse, Belgrave, Wednesday, November 2nd, at 2 o'clock by Rev- U. G. Jones in the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom, when Miss Mabel M., only daughter of the late John J. Ferguson, became the tilde of Murray Johnson, sou of H. Johnson, 5th lice, Morrie township. Following the ceremony and buffet luncheon the bride and groom left for London and Tovonto, the bride wearing to travel. beg suit of navy vacuua and black picture hat trimmed with burnt c. orange. A wide i g the of aid friends extend congratulations and good wishes fox a prosperous Bail over the matrimonial sea. DUNBAR—MOMURCBY,—A quiet but pretty warriage was solemutzed et the home of Alex. McMurchy, Lake- shore Road, Ashfield, on October 280, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when his daughter, Miss Olive J„ was united in matrimony to George A. Dunbar, Rev. J. S. Hardie officiated hr..the preseuee of a small nnmliet• of immediate relatives. During the ceremony the bride and grow stood under a beautiful arch of evergreens. The bride Ivor e it suit of brown broadcloth with fur trimmings and brown velvet hat to match. Aft- er the ceremony, dinner was served and a few home spent iu pleasant social intercourse. Groom's gift to the bride wee u seal coat trimmed with beaver, and a string of pearls, Other pretty and useful gilts from friends showed the esteem in which the bride was held, The young couple left by motor for Ethel, where they will make their 110111e on the groom's farm, May their joys be many, Seaforth , Mre. E. McMurray received word of the death by drowning of her neph. ew, Jay Stanley, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Mre, Mornay, who died at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, was brought here for interment in 8t. Columbian Cemetery. Deceased was the only daughter of Peter and Mrs. McCann, of Hibbert, She was 31 years of age and is survived by her husband and family of 5. The annual thank -offering meeting of the Women's Miseionaey SoOiety was held in the First Presbyterian Church Tuesday afternoon of last week. Mre, (Rev.) Lundy, lrippen, gave a helpful itddresa. oThe Offering amounted to $332.50, Fire of unknown origin destroyed the barn and contents on the farm of M. M. Fairburn, Cott. 2, Tutkersmitb, Wednesday Oct, 20. Mr. Pairburu was at work in the field when he noticed Hames issuing from the roof of the barn. Two pigs, two calves, all the season's crops anti some mech. Merv, which were in the barn, were also destroyed by the blaze which apparently started in the mow. The loss is placed at 55,000, partly covered by insurance. /!Elul/-a-lIves" P(events Auto -intoxication Auto -intoxication means sir If. poison - ins Many people suffer from partial Constipation or insufficient action of the bowels. 'Waste Matter tvhieh should pass out of the body every day, remains and poisons the blood. Asa result, there is Headaches, Indigestion, disturbed Stomach, Pain in the Back, Rheumatism and Eczema and other skin diseases, "Fruit-atives" will always relieve Auto -intoxication as these tablets, made from fruit juices, act gently on the bowels, kidneys and skin and keep the blood pure and rich. 50ea box, G for $2:50, trial size 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, 0, A OoxSociaI Will be held in S. S. No, 3, McKillop Friday, Nov. 18th Program commences at 8 p. tri. Everybody Welcome, Admission 25 and 15 cents. Ladies free. Lorne Weir, former manager of the Royal Hotel here, is alleged to have made a hurried exit from town a few days ago, and e. warrant has been issued for his arreet. As a result of a viait to Weir's apartments, in what was formerly the old Royal Hotel, by Inspector• Pel)ow and Iuland Revenue Officer. Porter, samples of 3 kinds of "home brew" were taken for analysis, one sample showing as high. as 23 per cent proof spirits. Following re:eipt- of the report on analysis, an inform: alio,, was laid against Weir for violat- ing the 0. T. A„ and he was person- ally served to appear before 'Police Magistrate Reid, and at the appointed !tour his lte eu1 fr o James Beat, appear- ed and stated that Weir had left town. There being no satisfactory reason given for his absence a warrant was issued for his arrest, The small room, where liqour ie eaid to have been found, was under the main stairway, and "knowing ones" say the history of this room dates back to the days of licence when an after -hour business was secretly done, but tate present proprietor of the building claims he did not know there was such a ronin in the building until he was informed of it by the officers. Atwood George °eerie, of Elnta convicted of common assault against a young girl, was last week sentenced to one month in jail. Wm. Scott, Reeve of Blum, met with a painful accident. He was picking apples at bis home and on go- ing out too far on u limb, it broke, causing him to fall a distance of 15 feet. He was badly shaken up and for a time it was thought his injuries were serions Ic is but he is some better and we hops he will soon be 111'0011d again. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church wits held Tuesday afternoon of Inst week in the Lecture room, with Mrs. M. Little, President, in the chair, Associate auxiliaries of the focality were also present, An interesting and encour- aging address was given by Mrs Robt. McAlpitie, of St. Marys, a member of the Presbyterial Executive, At the close of the meeting a tasty lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. NEW Olacksmith Shap AT ETHEL The undersigned wishes to an- nounce he has opened a shop at the rear of the Ethel Gar- age and is now ready to attend to Blackswithiug in all its branches, Wood -work Repairs also at- tended to and satisfaction as- sured. W. J. Portico - Ethel Annual meeting will be held next month. Olaf k Lou/Mead has completed the Oolleetur'o roll for the township of 1311144 fol. I he year, 1921, and has hand- ed it to Jilt) A. Turnbull, Collector. Summary or roil ie ae follows :—Total amount of County tate levied 8 20/100 Mille on the 5, $11822,18 ; township tate 5 mills on the 5, 518131.86 ; G, b't G. Railway, 42/100 mina cm the 1B, $492 00 ; municipal dtaiu $1.4579,14 ; award #ut drain tri i t .oxo e93 02 l Ile•l ho i to t Xee a $430.83 dug tax, $1038 00 statute to lttbc tut taxes 4785 03 • school taxes, levied by seetuttrs, $10811.80 ; I municipal eehool rate, 242/1001(1111e nn the 5, $8776.01; total tuxes, $30,901,21, Listowel Hanley and Fisher, the noted evan- gelists, are coming to Listowel, Anniversary services in Methodist church wets held Sunday, Nov. 8th. The special preacher was Rev, 11. J. D, Simpson, Toronto. The Hospital Pair throughout was in able hands and very capably wan-' aged. It was exceptionally well patronized, and the proceeds totalled the magnificent sura of 51302.94, Monday night of last week some party forced open the back door of the slaughter hottest of S. J. Stevenson, the butcher, and stole a 200 Ib. pig, which was one of 3left hanging there. Closing Arlington hotel by the pro- prietor, Bd. Blakley, whose lease ex- pires Nov. 4th., leaves Listowel with only one hotel—a narked contrast from early days, when there were no less than 0 hotels in town, and all with busy bar -rooms, When returning in his Ford sedan front Mount Forest Tuesday, October 23rd,' after attending the field day spurts, Principal Archibald, with others in the car, had an unpleasant experience this gide of Palmerston, when another car collided with his Ford and temporarily put it out of -commission. The radius rods were broken and the carihad to be towed in. Huron County Dungannon L. O. L. celebrated Nov. 5111, National Shipbuilding Co„ Gode- rich, has assigned. Goderich is contemplating improv- ed hospital facilities, The machinery for drilling the new well at Clinton bas arrived. Goderich Township Rifle Associa• tion held a "shoot" Wednesday. Thos. Doyle, Auburn, has sold his farm and stock to Noah Piaetzer. A car load of apples was shipped to the West by 11, Penbale, of Bayfield, Hutchinson property, overlooking Goderich harbor, has been bought by T. G. Coupon. 6 months at Burwash Farm was given Joseph Richards for escaping from custody at Goderich y at er h jail. Mary Ann Gilmore, relict of Arch. Stirling, died at Bayfield, aged 87 ears, Her husband d Y passed away • 8 years ago. S. G. Castle, Clinton, received wird from Dakota of the death of a brother of whom the family had not heard for many years. Union Sunday School rally was held last Sunday in North Street, Methn- diet churehr,Goderich. A. T. Cooper, Clinton, gave an illustrated address. Albert Rivers and family, Gode- rich, have moved to Lucknow. Mr, Rivers will be associated with his r e b oth lin the blackamithing business. Until further notice the Sunday evening service will be discontinued in St, Andrew's church, Bayfield, pastor, Rev, A. Macfarlane, having arranged to take service in Varna Presbyterian church each Sunday evening. HENFRYN Store Seasonable offerings All Wool Underwear Fleece -lined Underwear Work Shirts Leather Mits and Gloves Overalls Heavy Rubbers Fine Rubbers Stable Window Glass Putty Naile, Oils and Turpentine. full line of fresh Groceries Chesley Flour. Kincardine Meats. Call and inspect aur atocic. W. G. McMillan ♦•4•♦•4••••••••4.4.4•••4.4 4••••4,•••4••4••••••••••••• • ••s A • • • ••4 •A • 4 4 • 4 • 4 e 0 • • • The Palace Bakery Little Left for • 4 6 1 • •i the Bread Box • •e after the young folks get • through with a loaf of our A toothsome, eatiefying bread. S It Seems as if they never get • enough of it, Let them eat all I they want. There's no finer 4 all around food for children tee our bread spread with good butter, jam or Jelly W. E. WILLIS • 44•••••••••••••••••1.444•• ••••••••••44••••4•••.,••.• • Discount Sale 30 per cent WILL I3E ALLOWED ON Men's Underwear Fleece Lining 11n WRtooi children's Underwear Will be subject to the same Discount. Joe Schwadron Julius Block, Zurich, is now a Co, Constable. New Biunetvick potatoes are being shipped to Crediton, Ezra Boehler has bought the Zurich open air skiable. arena. A whole field of celery has been grown by 0. Fritz, Zurich. Exeter Odd Fellows are putting on an At Home on Nov, 13th. Londesboro Community Hall is now nearing completion and it is expected to -be opened in about two weeks. Dr. T. G. Holmes, Detroit, has been visiting his brother and sister, J. R. and Mies D. Holmes, atHnlrnesville. Epidemic , of petty thieving and burglaries has struck Goderich, which is giving the local police some difficul- ty in tracing out, Clinton Knitting Co., are moving all their machinery back from their branch factories at Owen Sound and Wingham and will do all the work at Clinton, Corner stone`Taying of the new Methodist church at Centralia took place exactly two months from the date of the burning of the old edifice, October 8th, About 50U people were present and a very Sha service was held. Rev. Mr. Hibbert, President, London Conference, gave the address. A. flicks, ks M. P. P. South Huron and J. Joynt, M. P. P., North Huron, and many other notable people were pres- ent. Ceremonies were followed by a fowl supper in the evening and pro- ceeds of the day amounted to about $800. TURNR5 Now is the time to place your order for Turners so as to get them safely housed before Winter. Ament rose P Calder, Seaforth, ledger -keeper in the Dominion Bank, has been trans- ferred to Toronto., His place is taken by Mr. Murch, of St. Thomas. The following officers were elected for Goderich District Epworth League recently : — Hon. President, Rev, S. Anderson, Clinton ; District Presi- dent, Fred, S. Savauge, Seaforth ; 1st vice President, Mise Currie, of the Nile ; 2nd vide President, Mies Flor- ence Mooney, Goderich ; 3rd vice President, A. J. McMurray, Clinton : 4th vice President, Mrs. E. Webster, Varna ; 5th vice President, Mise Wheatley, Constance ; Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. 0. Martin, Seaforth Conference Representative, Rev, J. L. Foster, Varna ; S. S. Representative, Rev. A, E. Milson, Auburn. sII11Choose your Fountain Pen from Our Selection TRE WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN gives the best serviceosaible. Its readine e P s to write instantly, y, anywhere, without dependance upon desk or ink well, supplies a much appreciated convenience in the everyday work of students and all business men and women in all walks of life. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens may be obtained in a wide variety of styles, with a point to suit every style of band writing. Priced from $2.50 up. Call and pick out a point to suit your hand. Waterman's Ink for Fountain Pens always in stock J. R. WENDT, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN,, 11 WROXETER 11 Every Farmer Needs a Ford You doli't hesitate to own a binder for a few days' use per year—to save time. Why not a Ford for use day or night every day in the year 7 —to save time that can be better used in productive work, —to keep you in elose personal touch with markets, —to handle,jight;produoe to town, —to bring out help to your farm, —to keep the boys contented on the farm. The sturdylFord is the:farm car you want for dependable power, endurance, simplicity and economy. Wo render Ford Service and sell Oonulne Ford Parts Gall and ask about the Fordson Tractor. .. D. M. SCOTT, Brussels AUTHORIZED FOD DIl1ALER a