HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-10, Page 4' e ruciei$ /last
A little bread war has been uu et Tor.
tante with the result of a noticeable drop
in pelt*.
Baltics are offering big rewards for ar-
rest of their unwelcome bandit vlaitors
in the hope of cornering them,
PRoy1T8 from the a Central Exhibition,
held at Ottawa, 'were $14,000 thio year
or about half of what is was In teao,
GRAIN market in the West Is subject
to no small fluctuation this season.
Much of it will be sold instead of hold -
lag for better prospects as in some
LADY LAuatee'a demise. at Ottawalast
week, removed a line woman who prov-
ed a helpmate indeed to her tate hus-
band, who filled so large a place
in history.
PaasIDaNT HARDING, of the 1Jsited
States, was 56 years old Wednesday of
last week. He was the recipient of
many greeting messages, King George
sent congratulations.
ELECTION Day will be Tuesday,
December and, witb Nominatiou a week
earlier. The results of the campaign is
causing considerable guessing. It is a
badly mixed up campalgo,
A welcome visitor to Canada will be
Marcbal Joffe., of France. The inners,
is yet incomplete but he will not have
many daft hours while our guest. This
Dominion will be glad to do him honor.
CoA. strike once more looms up in
the U. S. with its annual regularity.
There surely should be some plan
whereby the question might be regarded
as settled for one twelve month at least,
Now would be a good time to get
ready for Winter. The Eastern states
have bad a 2 inch snowfall and the West
have also had some atteution from the
"beautiful" but outside of a few flakes
Ontario has been exempt, excepting in
ite Northerly portions.
Some times we talk about John Bull
slow i v'
n mo Ing but they have a
big automobile business to speed them
up. For 8 mouths of 1921 the license
fees totalled Z9,a77,000, showing that
the honk machine is mneb in evidence.
They say the cost of keeping up roads
grows rapidly, as le this country, as a re-
sult of the heavy motor traffic.
To vary the program a gang of ban-
dits visited a house party at Ottawa,
where a dance was in progress and re-
lieved the merrymakers of money,
watches and jewelry and then withdrew.
This is a new role so the light fantastic
trippers bad better leave their pocket-
books and valuables be an old shoe, or
some other out of the ordinary place,
while they "ail join hands and circle to
the left.'•
Junatgo by expressions from the
British farmer he does not look with
much favor on the admission of Cana-
dian cattle to their market. Brotherli•
ness is often measured along very mer-
cenary lines and many a chap would
rather make an extra 25 cents than add
to his list of friends. We have some of
the same type on this side of the At-
lantic, The dollar is the barometer.
THERE appears to bo a revival in the
political arena of heckling. It's a mean
part to play for the reason that few
speakers take kindly to it and the inter-
rupter is
not after information tion as much
as he is wanting what he designates fun.
If a member of an audience has a legi-
timate question to propound and will
ask it in a gentlemanly manner at the
proper time be should be treated with
courtesy and an answer given but where
the interrogations are purely a game of
bluff and banter the questioner deserves
all be gets if the Nage Is turned on him.
People who attend public gatherings
should know wbat proper conduct Is and
If.. not sbould be left ontaida until they
A registration of jobless men in:the
city of Hamilton pats the number at
4,000 which will no doubt mean a heavy
local expenditure during the °oming
Winter to see them through. Other
cities also show a rather disheartening
condition along somewhat similar lines
.with varying estimates as to numbers.
Men out of a job who decline to accept
work, perhaps not altogether to their
liking, deserve to feel the "pinch.'
Oftentimes folk have to make the best
of a bad job in the hope of better days
following. A man who dodges a fair
day's work bat bobs tip in the "bread
line" should be told a fete plain tillage
aa to his position. It Is no charity to
snake bestowments to that ilk. By
everybody making the hest of some-
what adverse surroundings will surely
tend to betterment,
95 Head 9
Choice Catfle
Por Salle by Public Auction
!at 18, Con, 14, McKillop
Friday, November 11
4 Cows due to calve in November,
1 Cow due to calve January 1st,
I Cow due to calve in December,
0 Qows due to calve in March,
3 Cows due to calve in April,
37 Steers 2 years old,
10 Heifers 2 yeare old,
33 Steers and Heifers 1 year old.
At12.30 o'clock sharp;
All to be Sold Without Reserve
TERMS -10 menthe credit given 00 .
furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per
cent discount for cash,
Dougherty & Fulton,
THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer.
Brussels School Report
The following is he report of th
Brussels Continuation and Pnbli
School for months of September an
October. The percentage is based tit
examinations held each week chitin
the term. Pupils who missed one a.
examination are marked thus*.
Dry Shod
WHEN you wear a pair of our Rubbers you
know- you have a good thing because they
keep your feet dry and they- wear: well.
We sell only brands that have stood the test,
R. I. Reds AND
1 Barred Rocks
A Note to Men
Who want Good Wearing and Comfort in Shoes
for every day use, The country -wide, old,reliable
GREB SHOE with the Guarantee that is worth
Chapman Bros.
Next door to Bank of Nova Scotia. BRUSSELS
e +
c +
d +
1 +
7 Miller .,.,.... 78 A McFadzsan 65
J Tut nbull...,. 77 N Hoover .,... 65
W McDowe11.78.6 R McLelland,.80,
A Stewart .... 7.2,0 E Dark......, . 68.
P A1dersoo....71.2 (' Hall ......... 55
E Fraser....... 68,55 N Shaw"
51 Nolan........ e8 5 R Gran ....
J McVettie,,..08
2 +
E. S. Desjardine
AM now in a position
to Repair, Charge and
Store for Winter u all
makes of Batteries.
See us about our Dry
Storage proposition.
' 4.
The following pupils are not ranked
above as, under the new regulations,
they were examined in two subjects
only. L McArtef 80 ; E Smith 80,
Examitted in one subject, O'Mart in 80.
M McNair 80 2 Al Passmore ...54.5
E Oliver 71 2 L McKay..... 54 5
L Thuell70 G Best.... ....... .52 5
O Bolger 67.5 A Ballantyne 51.7
V Lowry667 Al Jewitt ..... 507*
R Askin 69.7 G Siewart .... 4112
E Dennison65 7 Al Oliver ..... 44 2
J Walker65 2 0 Cardiff .......40.5
M McDougall 632 0 Cameron**......
C Strachau 59.5
M Ferguson ...81 N McDowell...05 2
% McVettie .,.80.5 ei Dane. 63 2
B Ballantyne 79.7 0 WVhitfleld
D MacDonald 78 2
K Ferguson...757 51 Little......60
E Hetningway73 5 J Messer 55
VMcOutcheou72,7 E Thuslt .,,, .51.7
G Eckmier ....70 A McNair51.2
W Frain . 70 R Avmetroag 50.5
Af Alcock...... 09.2 J Stnith . ,.,41 7
5T Smith........ 68.7 B L"iteh13,55
E Pollard. ..... .07.7 E Ellaerer 382
F Eckmier .... ,
88,5 1: Uaridst n
P. TAYLOR, Prin.
D. GEDDES, Asst.
Pupils examined in Ai ith , Spell.,
Geog , Hist., Comp., Writing and Lit.
Those matked • missed examinations,
Sit. IV
D Clar'ke.......... 87 E Chapman ... 81
L Rose . SO AI Spading...,. So
J Oliver ..... .....85 1) Jnhu.nn 79
J Ferguson.. ..... 81 I Sell wadrou,77
F Strachan ......82 'D Thompson 50
F Oliver ,.,,. 82
R Pollard ,,.......77 tV Galbraith ...69
i Stewiirt.......70 *L Champion . ..150
M McVettie .....74 'I McDonald .. 61
P Seeker. ..... ...71 *.J Mc0rarken , 6n
Al Walker. ..... ..7)) •Lottie Huist....58
13 Stratton ....70
D Innis ......82
M Thorn peon,,.. 80
G Sperling ..... 78
W McMillan.,..78
A Grewar ........72
F Dennison ....71
M RiLob ie ........69
A Logan 88
D Warwick 67
S Clarke 68
-A1 Logan.,.....,,.65
11 Keil.. ... 64
D McDonald .. 63
1-1 Chatttpinn ...02
ere Sent t ......... 61
Oloins Thuell..,.60
. 60
le Lowey. ........ -1)1
*Al Hatktees....38
Jr, III -Examined in Arith., Spell.,
(Seog., Read., Hist, Honors 75. Pass
B Holland 83 A Thompson -.70
V Wilson81 C leereaghan...83
.1 Brown,.. 70 M Some(ville.,,61
M Strachau79 F Samie ......... 60
E Wilson,....,71 G Ralliugton,,..59 i
V Rutledge ..,. 71 E Edwartls....... 50
Sr. I1 -Examined in Arith., Spell.,
Rend., Geog., Lit,, Writ.
H Baeker 95 R. Rutledge..... 73
D McVettie.,n1 L lrhusll ......,.. 7.1
L Rutledge. 74 0 1')nnis.......... 50
l'huell....74 7 Stith ..........51
G Yolleck ,73 Jean Smith,.,... 43
Jr. 1I -Examined in Arith., Geog.,
Reed,, Spell., Writ.
AI Downing 93 J Hamilton, 57
fe Walker 80 F Edwin 51
C Walker.,. 80 W Champion... 54
G Burgese ,78 *L Hat kuese.,,,.54
M Ennis 07 ,JKetm
Rrow at ..-6 r
M v 0 Hat. Vhittnrd.47
D Rutledge.,65 H Whittaed ,... 45
V Fox 65 Al Thompson....35
T Walk ey...... 02
Those marked* missed an examina-
6T -Ex0. inel
$ m 1 in Arith.
Read., Dep. and Daily Work',
1 r
M McDonald..,,93 .1 McDowell ... 00
J White 83 8 Burchill ...... 68
•A McCracken 81
4711 -Examined in same.
S 90 BY Yolleck ck .......72
N I'humsot. •...•88 R Fox 70
M Hamilton .... 85 J Douglas.. 65
G Paweon ....,.,.78
3Rn-Excellent-D Wheeler. Fair
-le Haim, G Holland,
2N0 -Excellent -M McQuarrie, J
Nevi, (i 'L'huell, E Browne, W Ed.
watds, J Rutledge. Gond-M Roe, P
Bryaus, M Bryans. Fair -T McIn-
tosh, W J Rutledge..
1ST -(h) Excellent, M Schwadron, H
Smith, 15 Dennison, E Prentice.
Unnd-L Herr, S Yolleck.
(a) Excellent -A Pope, S Lowe, W
Rutledge. Good- J Ritchie. Fair -
AT McDowell, W Heist.
+ ++++++++++*++++4+* # l'+++++
It is estimated that the addition of
the names of women voters in Hamile
tau will increase the cumber of voters
it] the Federal elections to about 70,000.
At the conveutinn of the Ontario
E Labor party held tat Hamilton it was
announced that there were 33 candi.
dates in the field on straight Lebo r
1 tickets and associated with the Ona
1 tatio Farmers.
The women Liberals of Goderich
have completed an organization, The
officers selected are : Ails. J, H. Col-
borne, Honorary President • Mrs. M.
G. Cameron, President ; Sirs. Fred.
Robinson and Mrs, C, A. Nairn, Vice-
; Pt eside nts ; Mrs, Redditt, Secretary ;
1 bliss Edna Webb, Treasurer,
The Liberal nomination meetings in
the Province of Quebec are practically
i over. Candidates have been chosen
in the 05 %eats and 03 have accepted
the uoulinations, A number of Con-
servatives have been nominated al-
ready. The organizers for the Tory
party promise a candidate in every
MOrris Council
Regular rneeting of the Municipal
Creat ei1 was held in the Township
Hull, Morris, on Monday, Oct, 17.
Members present, Minutes of last
meeting read and approved.
Requests were received by Henry
Armstrong and Gordon 'Walsh to
have Urasby Drain repaired, Henry
Armstrong also put in a written re-
quest to have the Award Drain on
Lute NJ 4 and 5, Con 7, repaired by
slaking it a Tile drain.
Following accounts were paid :-
W. efoKibbnn, Formaldehyde$ 450
Municipal World, supplies
Jas. Peacock, gravel .. 8 90
H. Beeman, gravel 1 80
H. Bosman, work on Bone
drain 15 00
A. Mtu:Ewen, gravel ..., ...,5 85
A. MacEwen, selecting jurors 4 00
John Barr, gravel 21 16
Jos. Chinon, gravel 1 95
Jos. Gibson, work on road. 0 00
John Craig, work on road 80
John Hopper, tile, Hopper
dtnin „ 1200 00
Cardiff & Sellers, contract
Cardiff Drain ................. 71900
Thos. Miller, gravel ..... ......... 8 40
W. Eleton, selecting jurors..,. 440
W. J. Geddee, selecting jurora 4 40
Wm, Moses, refund dog tax,., -2 00
P. Rutledge, on Bi ewer drain 622 00
M. Haley, cleaning ditch 4 60
Gen, Glousher, °leaning ditch 20 40
til r. Stlell, digging ditch ....., . 23 00
(leo, Coulter, tile and cttivet ., 10 40
Chas. Procter, culvert and
widenitig road
12 00
Gordon Higgins, road evor'k,. , 10 00
Wm. Abram, grading 14 00
Wm, Ain am, gravelling 3D 00
Wm. Abram, disinfecting......, 1 50
Thos. Abram, inepetting.., ..., 4 00
Car of Wire
The undersigned has just unload-
ed a ear of Frost Tight Lock Fence
Wire -7, 8 and 9 strand.., Also
Barbed and Brace Wire and
Staples. Persons intending to do
Fencing in 1921 or 1922 should call
and get prices.
Geo. E. McCall
Phone 36x 4 Agent, Brussels
Beetle Wallace, .putting in cul-
vert.. ..... . .. ....., ........... ...
vert.............................. 2 00
Robert McLelland, putting in
.. 7 00
Next Council meeting Nov. 21st.
Howick Council
Council met in the Township Hall,
Corrie, on October 19th, 1921,
pursuant to adjournment. All meat.
bere present, the Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read, and on
motion of Hubbard and Spotton were
adopted. Moved by Wm, J. Spotton
and J. Bryane that the Reeve be and
is instructed to sign contracts for
lighting Township Hall and Public
sheds in Gorrie and Fordwich with
Hydro -Carried. Moved by Hubbard
and Inglis that By -Law No. twelve to
borrow money be read the third time
and passed -Carried. Alfred Taylor
entered suit against Township Coun-
cil claiming a balance 00 contract let
in 1920 and completed in Spring 1921.
Moved by Hubbard and Spotton that
the Reeve and Councillor Inglis be
instructed to consult a solicitor re
Taylor case-Carzied. Moved by
Bryane and Inglis that the following
accounts be paid :-Albert Gallaher,
gravel 6540; Wm. Harrison, dr awing
tile $3 I5 ; Municipal World supplies,
$9 25 ; Edgar Henry, gravel $8.40 ;
Wm. Ball, underbruehing Con, 4,
516.80; A. Znrbrigg, team on grader,
$5 50 ; Geo, Zurbrigg, team on grader,
$8 50 ; Ernest Harris, team on grader,
$7.50 ; Wm. Doig, team on grader,
$7.50; Gordon Edgar, team on grader,
$15.00 ; R. F. Edgar, operating Road
machine, 511.55 ; Thomas Walker,
tile and drawing same, $17.10 ; D. W.
Dane, bal. for lighting et culvert Cnn,
10, $2.30 ; John Fitch, gravel, $8,82 ;
John Fitch, gravelling lots 5 and 6
Con, A 685.25 ; Ira Neil, gravel $1215;
James Douglas, epeading gravel,
$23.75 ; Thos. Inglis, gravel $8 15 ;
Isaac Wade, School attendance officer
$22.00; J. Heinhecker, underbrueihng
lot 25, Oon. 18, $51.00 ; Bert Harris,
cleaning out award drain, 50c ; John
Darroch, spikes for bridge, $1.16 ;
Wm. Wright, repairing bridge and
plank for same, $128 05 ; David.Hicks,
damages to car, $10.50 ; ,john Hynd-
p pay on the Day Municipal
drain, $41970 ; John Hyndman, tile,
$40.90 ; Andrew Johnston, putting in
culvert lot 25 and 26, Gan, 8, 97.00
Charles Maxwell, putting floor on
bridge Con. 0 and gravel also gravel-
ling, $3785; C. Hubbard, putting in
culvert H alt 0. tidy„ lot 27, Con. 18, •
Several S, C, Rhode Island
Reds and 3arred Rock
Cockerels for sale,
Knox Bros.
Nelson Stewart, tile, lot 1, Oon, 12,
$8 00; Wing. augers, Tp. share Dev-
idsotl award drain, $22.95 ; Melvin
Hubbard, cleaning nut ditch' lot 15,
Con. 16 and 10, $5 00 ; Howard Cow-
an, work with grader lot 10, Con. 10,
81,25 ; R, B, Stothers,_grant to School
Fair, $26,00 ; Wm. Brown, rent of
Hall for Hydro meeting, $6.00; Wil-
lie Spotton, raking etonee off hill, lot
15, Coo. 10, $1.50 ; R. Walters, cutting
hill, moving grader and making 1511
lots 30 and 81, Onn. 4, 852 60 ; N,
Clegg, charity, $76.00 H, J. Hoff.
man, Trophy for plowing conteet,
$12.50. Moved by Hubbard and Spot -
ton that"this Council adjourn to meet
in Fordwich on the third Wednesday
in November-Oarried.
0, E. WALKER, Clerk.
East Y awanosh Council
Minutes of Council meeting held on
October 24th, All members present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
confirmed. S, 5, Stothers, District
Representative, was present and
stated that the Department
of Agriculture were putting on
a three months course in Wing,
ham this coming season and requested
not only a donation, but the co-opera-
tion of Onuncil as well, in making this
subject a success. On motion of Gil-
lespie and Coultee $26.00 was voted for
this purpose, this amount to be given
in scholarships to the young people of
this municipality attending this course.
Geo, Sturdy and others petitioned the
Council, asking for a loan of money
from the Government in aid of drain-
age matters -Filed. The following
accounts were paid :-Geo. Snell, bal-
ance contract Kechnie Drain $380 85 ;
R Nesbitt, gravelling on Cone. 4 and 5
9295.00 ; J. T. Coolies, inspecting same
8542 50 ; A. Patterson, dragging road
Oon. 10 $2.40 ; E. Geddes, repairs to
grader 60c ; J. E. Fells, drawing tile
$7.00 ; S. Hallahan, work on grader
$1 20 ; 3. E. Ellis, work on grader
$3.00 ; A. Patterson, sharpening grad-
er blades $8 00 ; J, 1. Gillespie, use of
wheel scrapers $2.00 ; R. H. Deacon,
gravel and gravelling $58.20 ; Thomas
Qongram, work on drag 41.20 ; G.
Johnston, work on road $3,00 A. Pat-
terson, work on road $3,00 ; W, .1.
Dobie, underbrushiug on Oon. 2 and 3
$121.00; Wilfrid Reid, cleaning out
ditch 45,00; J. Wilson, lnapeoting
Kechnie Drain $12 00 ; E, Bentley,
cleaning out Toll Drain $21.00 ; R.
Scott, uodetbruehing and repairing
culvert 512 00 ; The Municipal World
euppliea $1.87 ; R Johnston, gravel-
ling on Cons, 2 and 3 $177 50 ; Gen,
Ooultes, repairing culvert $5511; G.
Johnston, widening road and gravel-
ing Con, 14 $44.10 ; The Reeve, Clerk
and Assessor selecting Jurors 811.00 ;
A. Porterfield Com. statute labor tax
91.00 ; G. 0. Anderson, Com. statute
labor tax $800; Chas. Johneton Com.,
statute labor tax $8 00 ; H, Ourrie and
R. R Currie, shovelling gravel, each
$3 00 ; J. Shiell, shovelling gravel
$4.00 ; For gravel -O. King $4.50 ;
C. Campbell $2.40 ; Mrs. McNeil $4 80 ;
R. Chamneyy $5,85 ; Mrs. H. Deacon
80c ; S. McBuroey $1800 ; R. Patter -
eon $10.20 ; Thos. Bradnock $10 96 ;
R. Wightmen $1.20 ; J. McCallum
$875; W. Kechnie $645;•B. Jackson
$2.40 ; 3. H. Currie $10,85. Council
adj-corned to meet again Monday,
Nov, 21st,
SCHOOL REPORT, -Following ie the
report of S. 8 7, McKillop, for Oct..: -
Jr. 1V -Marguerite Balfour 05: Her-
' old Tomlinson 62. Sr. III -Archie
Somerville 84 ; Arthur Carr 05; Alex.
Clark 67. Jr. H1 -Elms Hill 87 ; Eva
Scarlett 82 ; Effie Balfour 73. Sr. II -
Grace Somerville 87; Billie Thamer
04. Jr. II --Arthur Balfour 85 ; Rose
Driscoll 83 ; Orval Holmes 77 ; Carl
Holrnee 75; Nellie Holmes 72. Jr. I -
Dorothy Somerville 60. Pr. A -Doro-
thy Driscoll 90 ; Helen Somerville 75.
Pr, n-Ileen McLauchlin 88.
E. Al, LITTLE, Teacher,
Farm for Sale
$6.76 ; 0. Hubbard, putting floor nn Ftrat•alase farm for Bale 1n Grey township,
bridge lot 27, pons. 10 and 1.1, $10 00 ; containing 100 acres. Fine helping, and n
F. J. Gadake, plank for Sotheru bridge born. dThle fn oleos lel uebt of of vorj slow
and Sanderson bridge on 13 line, 9gure and eon be easily tlnnnee 1,
$202.65 ; Wm. Leonard, i epairing two tf Applyto Ton Pear,
culverts, lots 30 and 31, Con 8 $3,00 ;
John King, underbrushing H & M,
bdy. Con. 8, $2 25 ; Arthur Forester,
putting In two culverts and gravel for
same, Iota 25 and 26, Con, 4, $9.50 ;
Henry Kreller, culvert lob 15, Oou, 12,
$5,50 ; John T. Winter, gravel, $4 50 ;
N. *Laughlin, sheep killed by dog,
$10.00 ; Cleve Stafford, drain and catch
begin, Baker award, $14.00; O. E.
Walker, part pay on salary, $100.00 ;
John Padfield, filling at bridge lot 10,
Con. 11, 85,00 ; Arthur Spotton, put-
ting in cu vett lot 15, Con. 12, $7.00 ;
NO Smoking No $praylnm-No �df
Jost Swallow a Caju h
RAZ -MAH 1s Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing�- ■t
gatherings in the bronchial mgr rho
long nights of quiet sleep; contain, ■•
habit-fanningdiv 1 0fit c1
a .06 your tne�d►►
,t's. Trial free attour agencesorwrlt.
Tearpletons, 142 Bing W., Toroabtt,
Sold by Jas. Fox ; irl Walton by
W. G. Neal,
House for Sale
The property of the late Mrs, Procter, cor-
ner of Alexander nod Flora street, Brneeela, Is
°tiered tor Nile, Good frame house and 3: sore
el fond. Pbeaeenlon mel be hnd en' Ontob_or 1st
lror further parttnnlnre eo1rply to.
Phone 1011 R, R, No, 4, Brussels,
Farm for Sale
100 acre farm for sale being N Lot 20, dos.
0, Morris, Abont75nores °leered, There 1s a
oomfortoblo house, with good *eller, bank
baro with cement
n fs
n les
hE b f en
, Pap
faa , goodly 80, orchard and o pleafs,r of water on
rnrtth Only tD rode d school, Brussels and
Blyth d are mf For
uriner. 25 pnormarticulars
of Fall
plowing done, For farther erticalers ns !0
price and terms, wbleh are Itlberal, apply to
Tax POST, Brussels.
Seed Corn for Sale
We have quantity o1
Okam PI
an Boal
Corn for Nile which to novo Storage
atioi t oiler
nh8Corparbgeofia )on„ Caeoby.wheardorilttWloil on the cloth, .4 *striatewettabla for tillage
Phone 5010 J. M, 112410HT ys 80106,
flour you
"knead" -
forknead" -
for bread
Maple Leaf Milling Co,,
Toronto, Wlnalpeg
Brandon, Hailes
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, on 835
Lot BO, Oon. 2, Morrie township, the thoro'-bred
Short Rora Bull, Gainford of Salem, No.
DO418.. Sired by Gainford Margoio (1068001 1
Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sallor (189011). ?ed.
terse may be seen on application. Terme-
810.00 for thoro'-breds payable at time of ser-
vice with privilege to return. Grade oowe not
Hill View Farm
Breeder of -Large English Berkshires
Yoan g stook for colo, either sex.
For further partlonlare write or phone,
Bra..ele'Ce,ttral- Walton P. 0,
Phone 0010 R, R.8
414541+1+0,3'+•+++•+4.4.4+44w+4+v*+++.r,+++++,+•+0+ +.+•+.+
The Seaforth Creamery
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
e weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
• For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
• McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
j Students May Enter Any Time
• •
4•+i+•+•••+•+1+14411+0+41+1+• 4- +•+•+-•+s+s+waal•i,••4.oI*1 s
The School with experienced instructors.
The School which gives thorough Courses.
The School which assists its Graduates to positions.
Address rho College for Froo Catalogue, to either
or Wingharn
0 •••.eoe•e••d•••••O•Rae^e••••N•1
Cream Wanted
Ship ycter Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you.
will not want to discontinue,
BrussIsP, ppY Stewsrt .Bras.
�ro •p