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The Kingdom o
The Blind
(q ,
CHAPTER, . XXX.—(Cont'd,)
iTo you meso that Germany will
be orushed? thank d•onvanded.
'Sir Alfred shook his head.
"I stet] believe that impossible," hr
maid, "but elm penes of exhaustion thing to do with the Intelligence Deeasters; the information winch exactly
trill come,, staid .come . surol'y, before .paement ;here, who is worth a strap at the time you wore absent hands
many months have passed. It is time Of the angers. Now go home. Ronnie. to came mire 10 s y 1 to e
for us to thiak of ourselves. So far You eatne .here—we14, never mind of the enemy, resulted in even greater
as I yam concerned, boil, there is that what you were When you carne here, trouble for ns."
1. You are going back an Englishman. Do you insinuate, then, that I ant
one �en-min lifter—noode a itself, If they won't send you to the Front a traitor?" Granet asked fiercely.
Mint dared. " if the Bodo well, you be again, 'bothel; theme for some work! "I insinuate nothing," Thomson, re-
dlseevered, As for you, y.ou are bare stud stick to itYou tvIll gat no plied quietly. 'So far as you and I
will be for the safety and we1'fnm Of
that force."
Grauteta face wee suddenly rigid.
He bed turoei a. little Baler and his
eyes Tlaiehed:
"What do yea; mean?" liedemamded.
Thelesen bee removed his head amd
was glancing tat the open page.
"There ere a few notes here atbottt
Yee," he enact. "I will net read them
tall but 1 will 'give you seme extracts.
There is your full name and parent-
age, treeing curt the ameutrt of for•
eign, bleed which I find is in your
veins, There is n verbatim nmcowtt of
a report made to me by your Brig-
) adier•Generae h which 1b seems that
Sir Alfred leaned over the table, I in the fighting under hie oommand you
"Don't .be rash, Rennie," he advised,' were three tidies atpppxetttly taken
"And yet, remember this. The roan is prisoner, three times you apparently
a real clanger, both to you and to me. eseatperd; the information which you
He is the only man who has }tad any- brought bath led to at tenet two lis
cafe ft+om anything ttanspning an
France, anal altheuglr you sears to reports nor any visitors. I have are concerned, we Ivey as well, I pre -
spearhave rather 1 there, youstrangled the whole system. You and sume, understand ono another. You f is mopped or dabbed with little
he safe as regards Norflk1 are eat loose from it, We are free-! are, without doubt, aware that my ace pp a
You nus make u your mind now to laem0S• Mind, I still believe that in' post a$ inspector of Hospitals is a medicated aloohel on a piece of ab -
t t m p Taket the end German progress and German blind; I am, as a matter of fact, chief sorbent cotton, twice a day, it will
mina.my load. a Immo cam- culture . will dominate the world, buti of the Intelligente Department, with also help,
3u ie l do the rest of your soldiering it may not be in our dory•. It just -hap- a rank which at
quietly, and shout with the others pres,:rut I do not
when the day of peace comes, These pens that we have struck a little too choose Bao use.
Gh ne a ave been en myself
last- few months trust be our ;treat seen. Let us make the best of things, Y ga r d e
secret.llAto heartvswe naso have mightier
Ronnie. as meuofave unabat d power.s Let! life.
l sati faetaon te, you to k. ',w it, broughort. and if it is t
nation,to call abut Tat the ag of a mightier us ,he thankful that we were wise' also an urgent request, Fro! you should
usnut fate is against us. We[not be allowed to rejoin aa.•r of
trust "You've
;lane Engli !men." enough to step in time." a p
Granet rose to his feet. His uncle' the force under h centre.'
You've taken Le breath away," watched him curiously.
Granet d+ec•'larud. Let Iris realize this
Complexion Problems. the Country, representing many typos
We have learned now to wash our of agrioultute, Itvierestultg fstct3 are
faces properly, how to diet 'properly brought to our attention by the Bur-
en bulky vegetables and fruits, with ray. Conditions are similar in One
the necessary amount of sold drinking thrice
water for the duly internal beth, but In view of famine conditions in for -
there are still oomplexi-cn. problems for eign land*, it is oauue for 'humble op-
us to consider.And there are the all pl'eolation to note the statement that
important questions --Shall we pow '90 mane met* .of Milk the fame fame
der? Shah we rouge? Tho number Ries receive 19 potinle of food Par
of times I am asked tide question! day, in comparison ^ with the average
First there is the oily •skin that for ale families, lollies)). eat emly 14.3'z
bothers some of ars. That often is pounds."
due to digestive troubles which a< plain Meat, milk, wheat, cern and stamehY
diet with attention to regular bowel v'egetalrles appear to be earm foodi-
action will do •moth to remedy. ,Cold staples, Eggs are nob used as abun-
erennt should bo used sparingly by the
girl afflicted with greasy akin .anal
rubbed off as soon es it is used, but it
need not be given up entirely, If the
dankly on farms as among people, at
large. A relatively small quantity of
green and eneculent vegetahlles was
reported although faorcn families chai)
the best opportunities for growing
vegetables at hone. Twice ars much
cooking fat is used by farm families
as by the general average of con -
Now as to face bleachers; tan is slow s'a'mara• .
to get rid of, but fax worse than a Many a us need ;to underat ne bet -
coat of tan is a faro disfigured by a ter +Chau vre do that farm life ±s the
dan•geroua bloa°h that contains lead most normal form; of life—if that "if"
or ineieury. 'Bach ailea
eh often does
covers a lot of ground earl needle to
irreparable internal injurer,
be be looked squarely to the face. .Net
careful of what you buy. Study the : al'one does' the farm furnrsh mere and
"It was simply rotten luck," Gravel labels and then be cautious. A clear better food than can he secured by
muttered. sniution of bicarbonate of sada ep- 'the average teem dweller but it firm-
. „ plied by ab, otbent cotton will ,colic
fora moment." "you're young, of course, Ronnie,"
He <, cults =till. A rush of he conainued indulgently. "Y,•u
"I come here to a few more notes," a. e. isle's other living conditions corres-
1 haven't yet fitted your ;burden on to; Thomson proceeded. I meet you some
thoughts had cit,wued irm his brain.; times take freckles off by magic but pantlmgly excoldrent—Jdf! If five farm -
First and formes: was the thought ynur :-boulders properly. England or,ttieks ago at a luncheon party at the it must be used faithfully. The juice m' ad his wife have the industry, the
of Geraldire. If he could cover up his, Germany, you have some of both in, Ritz• A Belry•ian waiter•, who I learn- of half a isms mixed vveth one ounce a alkh and the knowledge to matte the
traces! If it were true that he was you. After all, it isn't a vital matterled, by later inquiries, was present as n farm productive the in all counts, make
set free neve from iris pledges! Then ura3.er whieh banner you travel. Itla prisoner in the village where you of glycerine is alto good. Here le. allotimts and profitable ht ya
lee t'e;mem',erc,l 'his, visitor of the isn't quite like that with me. I have; were being entertained as a guest at another face whitener and softener:
I ill all
F. lived I1cre all my life and I wouldn't the German headquarters, recognized rarewater, three ounces; glycerin re 'counts, then the fauna is "God's coun-
evr.ning end his heart ,aril . S-1. re to live anywhere else, but that's you ani was on the point of making Olte ounce; tincture of benzoin, one -;try 'without a peradventure. Grade--
"Look ht re" he ronfessei `i all farm life is becoming standard-
ltadf ounce; carbolic, ton leaps: This : ,' y+.
can be rubbed on the face and hands; )zed so that inequalities of conditions,
at night end will not harm the most whether as to Toad or oonveniencers 03
'he ..0 e I carry my own country with ,IL le Mille. The Gael tement, lxowever,
way tht= is t huge, ' nest for ke hret rr •. It's .English air I breathe but it's • was too much for him -gad he fainted.
thought it wee t,• last could
three •
a German heart I still carry vviea me,lIle was at once removed, under your
menthe I tenant f could inecic it.. aus ices, and died a few days the c•x itcni•ni of t'ry thiivg was' Goo3 nigh;, Ronnie. Remember about' p later,
at one of your uncle's country houses,
ea ---eat it waseasy enough, but listen, c The two men wrung hands and before he could make any statement"
redly oTut
Norfolk affair --T am mei.' Granet made his way towards the "This is ridiculous!" Granet ex-
rt'�i ly nut of that:' ' claimed. "I never saw the fellow be -
What do ycu :meal?" Sir fellow, Alfred; dour ' fore in m life."
about Thomson," ha repeated to
demanded anemu=:y. ibis fellow; lurneoef, :as the servant conducted him
T. hem?"
"Timemee, or yr r Granet as-` towards the door.
ev tt 1, but t:lid tr ,,.,re has come; C.IAPTER XXX
"Ridicu ous. doubtless, but a coin-
cidence," Major Thomson replied, ing off
delicate skin. companionship, are desappear-ing. But
Ther girl who desires 5 nice came, it is still too muuCh of a problem in-
plexion must remember the preventive • d:vidntal to each separate faun for:
measures that insuars a •elrear skin.! pari aar geneeoi at made. As general Antecome
Before going out into the sun she ,
should rub in a good said omen wipe'
there are fewer difeerea es than in
nous grease and dust rg ; -other mat/ters. Almce't any farm can
weler, procure foods' essential to- health and
age and powder goes -I given good food do sufftceent mean -
turning over the next page of his
, li hal+'•,wit'
hook. A little later I find you take g y
to rive !r. a , rffe+ ,,t ay I told you; - r' ing an immense interest in our new Nowt the : a
that the girl gm, Ire et e f it. She; Amhro`e annuureed a visitor, early destroyers, trying, in fact, to induce tion: Unle: one is Tale or iill or; • 'trtreu, much is arcoompdished.folvasd
cometer eter 1 th,. ee mei eru ex en the following morning, with some young Ccnyers to explain our wire! neticemeree•+sallow, so that the lark^orf success in the other things.
w.n s n Sh.. w r en ire., t .how cf netting system, following ham drown to normal color strikes the b `
sea 113 t we were e••,nsae' to be mar-, We've a gocd many notes about him. discover also the meaning of a new; arbifieial teem in the cheeks and on I have not beard; her volae nor
6. 1 3/.., h.: ear .' to Len -.on, came: Would you like the book •." device. attached to his destroyer." ' p r g•
to + a r eee Si rape rte me to; Thomson .heck his beat. , y the lips. No 131 who lives the ordi- her face,
revere : rrr.`• t ''Th_nk 1 eu," he answered drily, "I That is simply•absurd,' Granet pro- nano life those days a ever one of Igor totuehed her hand,
11 .. r. ; si e know?" Si have it in my desk hut I think I can tested. I tvaa rntenested in tholsnb- tho.e three, so that disposer of tiro And yet acme echo of her woman's
3I haei remember. Is he eutalde now?" ject, as any military officer would bei'
1 r :;i Ce: :,rc z r ,:r d. "It E Tc sir! He said he wouldn't keepin en important naval development. rouge question, grace
illy journey to Portsmouth was sem- Powder is different, It does =oath
I understand.
t.. tv 1.11 lad , me f he water- you for more than a few minutes, if ;ply an sot of courtesy to Mess Con- • a shiny nose and soften the cot11-
te a. res, r,• I , , iw me. ;,,,,ii could spare him a short inter- I have no picture of her lov lihood,
Her smile, her tint;
But that she is both beautiful and
Heave true hint.
cc a are finn•Tly, a clear° hers:ate! "Captain Gianet to Fee you, sir. Portsmouth ad doingyour best tel observer My Friend's'rVife.
, , un;gleas'antly, I see no justdfieation for
there ; ro the vreW:'
f!•tr, at. $11.:. Irew that 1 hc.,l to.. "Any luck last night?"
tiam h -n teee feenli. tee." Art..rese 'sighed.
S 131
1'ferel , c, r "I was up till three o'clock again.
yers and her cousin." I pterion but it e'hculd be put on. spar -
"I find, you next, Thon120n event on. ingly and a good grade of rice powder,
immovably, "visiting the ole French t used preferably. And just a word
statesman whom vve in En Samd brad about "powder -rags"�tvhich is the
cause to tear, in his betel in Londami
i" : r 1 i1 p f Rnnnie," he said,; Once I thought I was on the track of I fin! that very soon afterwardrs that;
Correct way` to describe these soiled,
r. , , , 1 ay 11. The sooner ` it. I have coma to the conclusion statesman. is in pcsaesoion of an auto -{sordid little mops that lots of .girls
yo mem; r :t gal ar,1 Biose her:now that it's cne of those codes that graph letter from the Kaiser, offering; bring forth in public and dab over
nimele t10 lerc r ' ;depend upon shifting quantities. I peace'to the French people on extra -1 their faces. Powdering -in public its
fe I itTh,1invite/
,riean for , r,ranethat
t dano'shaftt starShall t agaiI .to -night on a w CaptainGdiffer-
net ordinary terms. Who w"as the inter -I not refined and using a scaled powder
ft + r e what' o e," have been muttered, r ( in, siren. mediaxy who brought that document, puff makes thus -std more reprelten-
aCaptain Granet.
paean." n ' I Thomson assented, a,:d a few min- Granet', faze never twitched. Ile, sills svilen they ,cans be weasily
Ir 'r h t beer fcr the Faros very utcs later Granet entered the room. held himsellf with cold composure, washed fin warm:, soapy water and
oattt r;; ger 'etnan." Sir Alfred He made no attempt to shake hands ' +,These." he deemed.,`am fairy trade good es ne'iv. Then consider
ob. a t el, "my correspond( r •e would , or to take a seat. Thomson looked tales, Pailleton was a friend of mine, this; A friend cf mine was toed. by
ne er have been tampers i with." at him coldly. Duringmyvisit we did notspeak efi her doctor that face -powder is making
nearest leaned a little forward. "Weft," he askd, abruptly, "what politias." eye doctors rich. There is something
Th ;nt5cr, is ear one remaining can I do for you?"
dee ger," he earl. "I have had the; "I don't suppose you can db acro- (Tobe continued.) to think about.
fee i g ,lace ftret he half recvmizedlthing," Granet replied, "but I am go -
to spend to-dayand to -morrow,
aur. We n.ct you know,in Belgium.' mg p
It ewejust when I wanminting out of, too, if necessary, in this place,;bother-
the (:ern; in lines. Somehow or other: ing every one I ever heard of. You
by must rate been on my track ever j have some influence, I know. Get me
same. I took no notice of it. I thougiit a job out of this country."
it was. =imply beoau_e--beeauee het Thomson raised his eyebrow's slight -
was engaged to Geraldine Conyers.":lea
"You are rivals in love, too,eh?" "You want to go abroad again?"
Bir Alfred remarked. "Anywhere ---anyhow! If theyy *ori t
t Geraldine Conyers is the girl 1 wont have me back in France, althoeat
0 marry,' Granet admitted. heaven knows why not, can I be s
"Thennon," Sir Alfred murmured -Ito the Dardanelles, or even Beet
to himself,--"Surgeon-Major lIugh!Africa.? I'll take out Territorials, if
Thomson. Ile seems to be the only:you like. I'll do anything sooner than
men, Ronnie, from whom we have the I be ordered to one of these infernal
least danger of Fear. Personally, I; country towns to train young trades-
thi k I am secure. I do not believe people. 11 I don't worry, I know I
that that single letter will be ever' shall get a home :wointnient direebly,
deciphered, and if it is, three parts of and I don't want it."
the Cabinet are my friends. I could Thomsen studied his visitor, for a
ruin the Stock Exchange to -morrow„ moment, carefully.
bring London's credit, for a time, ati "So you want to be fighting again,
,any rate, below the credit of BeI-Ieh?" be remarked,
grade.' I "I do." Granet answered firmly.
'Ali the same, it seems to me,'! Major Thomson drew a little locked
Granet deceared grimly, "that we ;book towards him, unfastened it with
should both be more conrfoi'table i;f;a key from his chain and held his
there were no Surgeon-lla,jor Them -1 hand over thepage. It was notice -
$071," Iable that his tight hand slipped open
"The very last dispatches I had bo , a few larches the right-hand drawer of
deal with," Sir Alred continued,lhis desk.
"made allusion to hint. They don't! "You have come to me, Capbain
love frame of his work in Berlin, I` Granet," he said, "to ask my aid in
can tell you. What sort aa mean istgetting you a job. Well, if I could
he, Ronnie? Can ha be bought? A!give you one where I was perfectly
hundred thousand pounds would be a}yeertain that you would be -shot In your
fortune to a man like that." I first skirmish, I would give it to you,
"There is only eve way of dealing, with pleasure, Under present condi-
with him," Granet said fiercely, `I tions, however, it is my impreseioa
have tried it once. I expect 1'11 have; that the further you are from any
to try again: ' British fighting force, the better .t
PuriM rttuali &ono><
'rite ` combination of purity»
11, quality and ec®t4Otaty
1ias inade Nl, as is BaIdn
Powder the glanclard
t I�
haltratt powder cif Canada.
Positively contains no•
Amor other ilc jtu ious'
Its use insures perfect
"Costs no more than the
ordinary kinds,
Made In Camelia
arreer.ee •roaowerem n. }merceeM.
Dyed Her Sweater
and Silk Stockings
Each package of "Diamond Dyes"
contains directions so simple that any
woman can dye or tint faded, shabby
skirts, dresses, waists, coats, sweaters,
stockings, hangings, draperies, every-
thing like new. Buy "Diamond Dyes"
—no other kind—then perfect 1101218
dyeing is guaranteed, even if you have
never dyed before. Tell your druggist
whether the material you wish to dye
is wool or silk, or whether it is linen,
cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes
never streak, spot, fade, or run.
Wreath •for British Dead
Faces 'Irish Delegtes.
As they attend conferences in Dow.n-
ing Street every day the Irish peace
delegates pass a cenotaph at which a
now wreath of laurel with large red,
white and blue streamers was laid re-
cently. Attached to the wreath is a
card bearing this inscription;
"Sacred to the memory of 168 offi-
cers and non-commissioned men of
his Majesty's army, navy and police
force who, having fought for King and
country 1n the great war, have since
been foully murdered by the Ring's
enemies in Ireland."
Keep Minerd's Liniment in the house.
France Sending Fruit for
English Tables.
The sacred British breakfast of mar-
malade is menaced by the Riehborough
train and ferry across the Straits of
Dover, which during the war rendered
invaluable service an which d w c has just
made its first peace trip,.ringing de-
licious Ohasselas grapes for the Ring
and Queen as the gift of the grape
growers of Tarn -et -Garonne.
A through train from the vineyards
arrived In London with the Preach
and British Colors decorated wail t 1 ben•
quots of flowers from Prance. This
train brought 300 tons of fruit along
with the gift to their Majesties. Fresh
fruit In England in winter has hither.
to been scarce and higil•
It was announced that the use of
the ferry will sav0 20 per cent, of tho
time usually taken for the tronaporta•
tion 'of frtiit from Prance to England.
What Farm Folk Eat.
Uncle Sam is keeping a sharp eye
on the living conditions of ells country
folk. A survey of farm diet has been
made by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. The survey included 73
farm families from different parts of
In all that my friend thinksanenays,
I see
Her mirror true,
His thought of her is gentle; she
must be
All gentle too.
In all his grief or laughter, work or
Each mood and wlldm,
How brave and tender, day by com-
mon day
She •speaks through him!
Therefore I sayI know dyer, be
, hex
Or dark or fair -
For when he shows his heart's most
secret place
I see lies there!
—Christopher Morley.
The Only Path.
The habit of half doing
things, of doing, things in a
sloppy, slovenly way ; the
habit of aimless, purpose-
less working', has ruined
more careers than almost
anything else. Systeni, or-
der a n d concentration,
coupled with industry, will
make a success of a one -
talent Iran, while the habit
of half doing things will
ruin the biggest -brained.
man in the world. Efficiency
is the only path to success.
Girls' Heads Grow Quicker
Than Boys'.
The real reason why-girle are clever-
er than boys' up to a certain age was
revealed by, a woman investigator at
the meeting of time British Association
at Edinburgh, says The London Daily
Mail correspondent,
Miss .Fleming, • a volunteer worker,
has been measuring the heads of some
2,000 British school chilten, and re-
measuring them at certain intervals.
She told the association of the more
striking results.
The size, but especially tore breadth,
of a girl's head increases very rapidly
up to the age of ten, vasely more quick-
ly than that of a boy's, whose Mercator)
begins to grow rapid at about ten. The
girl's head rind the color, of her bair
and eyes are pretty well fixed at the
age of fifteen. The boy may go on
changing even as late as nineteen,
Tables that have been made of the
intellectual capacity of girls and boys
e0rrespold extraordinarily closely to
the variation of the head measure•
meat; and the fixing of definite color
in the hair and eyes. On the whole,
girls are more lentil !leaded and boys
more tang headed.
Miss Fiemdng's measurements have
already induced certain changes 1n'
particular wheels. Children whose
head have not swelled when they
ought to have been given an extra
year's; schooling, and the sexes have
been differently treated. One boy
with a quite abnormally narrow head
promises to be something of a literary
Miss Fleming told one delightful
story. The children take great in-
terest to the proceedings, especially
the very young. An infant of under
five whose head Miss Fleming mea-
sured asked at the finish: "And what
type am I?"
She replied: "You would make a
delightful fairy," an anewer that made
the little girl pont, and, restraining
her team, she said: "Whoa the pro-
fessor measured my grandmother's
head, he said she was mid -Mediterra-
This work of Mlss Fleming's is
largely new to anthropologists.
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
Thy Tenderness.
"To some --unclouded skies and sunny
To some—grey Weather and labori-
ous ways:
To all—Thy grace;
To those who fail—Thy tenderness,"
—John Oxenhant.
For Sale
Complete Water Pumping Ootft in
good condition, for sale et a bargain.
i% 1t,p, Wagner electric meter, single.
plisse, 20 cycle, 100 -115 volts,with
Lultweiler deep we11 pump. Ileal
Tb is guaranteed
health toile
WSW you nothing,
the Leas pay for it in
It Supplies Nature's.
egg -Making' elements,
Pratt, Poultry Regulator
.ADVICE FREE. Let us help you
Pratt Food Co. of Canada, Ltd.
Two.. Kinds of poctors.
The Rev. Dr, Channing had a broth-
er, a physician, and at one time they
both lived in Boston. A countryman
in search of the divine knocked at the
ph.sleiatt's door, 'Does Dr. Channing
live here?" he asked, "Yes, sir,"
"Can I see him?" "1 am he. "Who?
You?" "Yes, sir." "You must have
altered considerably since I heard you
preach?" "Heard me ,preach?" "Cer-
tainly, You are the Dr, Channing that
preaches, ain't you?" "Olt, I see, YOu
are mistalcen now It is my brother
who preaches 3 am the doctor who
To think without reading is diffi-
cult; to read without thinking is ridi-
94% AIR
Beats Electric or Gas
A now oil lamp that gives an amaz•
ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even
better than gas or electricity, has been
tested by the LT. S. Government and 35
leading universities and found to be:
superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It
burns without odor, smoke or noise—
no pumping up, is simple, clean, safe.
Burns 94% air and 6% common keno.
sena (000l•oll).
The inventor, F. T. .Johnson. 246
Craig. St. W., Montreal, is offering to
send a lamp on 10 days' FREE'trial,
or oven to give one FREE to Ilia first
user in each locality who will he, r
him introduce ti; Write him to da:
for fuil particulars. Also ask him. to
explain how you can get the agency,
and without experience or money
maks $250 to $500 per month.
Erislish Traveller Witnessed
Many Thrilling Scenes Dur..
ing Year's Residence,
Although from time to time visits
have been paid to the cannibal Is-
lands of the South Seas, few have
been so thrilling rind adventuresome
as that made repently be' Mr. Procter.
ick O'Brien.
air. O'Brien laved for a year among
the cannibals quite fearlessly, and
witnessed many thrilling scones.
The natives had' a great liking for
many peculiar footle. For instance,
octopus was a rare dish. On one 00-
088103 sir. O'Brien was with a patty
of natives who were collecting some
small epeelmeins of the fish, of which
there were many ou the beach, Tiley
were engaged in the lash of cleaning
theta of their poison when there was
a warning shoat.
The Dreaded Octopus.
Four of the crew had attacked a
giant octopus 111)011 was hidden in a
cave on the rocks. From the gloom
he darted out his long arms, the while
the naked boatmen, dancing just out
of reach of the writhing tentacles,
struck at them with !Mug knives.
Suddenly the octopus came out of
his den to fight. Ila was a reddish.
Purple globe of 1::3011, horned all over,
and with large, bitter, hating eyes that
roved from ono to another, as if
searching for his prey: Then eight
arms stretched out on all sides of him.
'1'110 natives began a fresh attack,
and then to his horror Mr. O'Brien
felt a slimy arm wind ltselfarouitd his
leg. Ills cry attracted the natives'
attention, and with a bound' and a
Stash they had cut the feeler. •
Another of the .men had LWo ten-
tacles around him, but Ills companlora
hacked at the arms until he was free.
The cctopus, who moaned dreadfully,.
was eventually killed. Tee remains
were tLen gathered up, cooked, and
The viritur w•:ane:.;^d a fight be -
103000 a band cf gaits end tvvo large
whales and a baby whale. There were
ae least twenty fire eharks in the ni ul
liFoLiemEal moi,, great white monsters thirty feet
In length,
g and it baa ., as if a gale
raged, Both the whales struck out
frenziedly to defend their young one,
but the sharks hardest them like
hounds, and at last the mother -whale
disappea+, .1, iter baby being snatched
from her aide.
A 'lumber of monster sword -fish
once attacked a canoe containing Mr.
O'Brien and a native, both of whom
were thrown into the water. Tho na-
tive was badly injured, a sword hav-
ing pierced lris leg through. .
Queer in the extreme were sorne of
the names bestowed upon the natives-
For instance, Mr. O'Brien's boy -ser-
vant was known as "Exploding Eggs,"
while quite common wore such high-
sounding titles as ".lialictous Gossip:.
"Drink of Feer," "My Darling Bope,"
"Vanquished Often," and "Chief
Seventh Man Who is so Angry He
Wallows in the Mire."
AN ativeBeauty.
"Vanquished Often" was a thirteen -
year -old girl of great beauty. "Seventh
Man" was her uncle. When Air.
O'Brien visited them, the chief sug-
gested that he might like his niece as
a bride. So great was the disappoint•
ment of both when the visitor refused
that Mr. O'Brien said he would make
her his little sister. They were im-
mensely pleased.
Perhaps the most entertaining inci-
dent of his.year anwng cannibals men-
tioned by Mr. O'Brien in Ms hook,
"White Shadows of the South Seas,"
is of a wily native who got permission
tp have a game of cards en condition
that he did not play dor anything but
matches. In one day every box of
matches in the islands led been lost
to the "banker," who would have made
a fortune by selling them back to the
other natives had not the latter re-
discovered the old-time secret of get-
ting fire from wood.
Boys just love its smooth
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1686 Chabot Ave., Montreal, P.Q.
Trade Mark
1lstetea Corporation, '73 West Adelaide _. """'
14troet, Termite. ISSUE No. 44--'21,
Butterflies That Carry Scent.
Butterflies alive been compared to
flowers on many occasions, but it la
not generally known that these little
creatures not only resemble flowers
in appearance, but arc scented like
flowers, and carry their scent in bot-
1t Is the reale and not the female
butterfly that carries the scent -bot -
ties, and he uses the scent to attract
I.he fcmele,
Those who lave brushed a finger
over the Wing of the common white
butterfly have found it covered with e
a white clueof scales, which have a
delicate perfume of lemon or bttlsam,
if we examine the scales udder a
inicroscope we flud that soma of ahem
are modified In simile, and hove little,
scent -bottles.
Comparatively dull In their hues,
most Of the scented butterflies seal
to have item given the 9eont as a sort,
Of cdtnpensotion for their lack 0f color.
Some Of the dull -colored night batter-
uttertiles or moths hallo quite a ettoni
.-A �- 5.•,,, T1
Peptfle thhek religion Is oonfued is
as alike, to be worshipped at an air
. 1t ie c tel i•owdrel
tltartulnttyin reallty bluish la ;sleds„ C'xrttxh
life. •--David Stag; Jordfeo