HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-10, Page 1VOL. 50 NO. 20 $2.00 per annum in advance
New Adusrtisement$
For Sale—Geo. Colvin,
For Sale—W,J. Sharp.
Build noW—mcor Bros.
Stove for Sate—Tun Post,
Telephone Co—'. S. Soots.
Farm for Sale—Ai0X.. Dark.
Stove for Sale—Il, A. Dixon,
Barn for Salo—D, W. Dunbar,
Baznar—Boo's Church W, M. S.
Barn for Salo—J, B Williamson.
Coughs and colds—F. R. Smith,
Auction Bale—Reseal Robertson.
Auction Salo—Dougherty .5 Fulton.
Cows for Bale—Motonald & Arent,
Bazaar—Ladies Methodist Church.
Phonograph Records—Harold Love.
Unveiling Servtoe—Brneeols Meth. Church,
Mistrict Nelms
Thursday of last week Rev. Mr. Tel-
ford, performed the marriage cere-
mony between Steve. 'Thibideau,
Beuseele, and Mrs. Margaret Deere
Crawford, of Blyth, in the presence of
near relatives. An enjoyable party
was held in the evening when a dainty
wedding feast was held. Mr, and
Mrs. Thibideau will continue to live
here. The groom was overseas and
did duty as a soldier of the king.
James Pearson took charge of the
services in the Mefhodiet church last
Sunday afternoon.
Next Sunday afternoon the Com-
munion will be held at the Methodist
church, the pastor in charge.
Garfield and Mre. Long and child-
ren. of Niagara Falls, were visiting at
the home of Jacob and Mrs. Long.
Mies Hilda and Willie Locking, of
Galt, children of Albert Locking,
were Thanksgiving visitors at Robert
Locking's, East of here.
Give the Bible Society a good boost
again this year. John Schnook hae
been re -appointed Collector for this
portion of the Branch and will call on
you. Oranbrook and locality always
do well for, this grand old cause.
Report for September and October.
The average mark ie given. Sr. III—
Carrie Dark 82 ; Annie McIntosh 79 ;
Edith amalldoo 78 ; Ethel Srnalldon
76 ; Frank Hunter 74 ; John Fischer'
73 ; Alieter Bird 64 ; Lorne Cameron
68. Jr, IV—Edith Gorsalitz 85 ; Alma
Queren eeser 84; Irene Dunn 83 ;
Lydia Jeschke 83 ; Rate McNabb 75 ;
Jack Noble 73 ; Ivan Leitch 69 ; Ivan
Brown 69. Jr. III—Helen McNabb
77 ; Retia Doxey 76 ; Jean Cameron
76 ; Goldwin Knight 74 ; John Lock-
ing 74 ; Jack Cameron 74 ; Marie
Huether 73 ; Jim Pennington 69 ;
Archie Campbell 68 ; Margaret Brown
67 ; Elsie Fischer 87 ; Jean Noble 66 ;
Jean Swalldon 83; Edith Keye 53.
The following is report of Junior
Room, Oranbrook, Examined in
$35o.00 a year ago would
buy only loon feet -
Oak Flooring.
For $350,00 To- day
We will Furnish
1000 ft. Oak Flooring
1000 ft. Bill Stuff
1000 ft. Sheathing
1000 ft. Bevel Siding
1000 ft. Undressed Lumber
1000 XXX Shinglee
1000 Lath
2 Outside Door Frames
and Doors
i5 Window Frames and
Sash complete.
All First -plats Material.
Build with Wood
and Save Money
Phone 16 Brussels
Spell., Writ., Arith., Comp., Geog,,
and Reading, Sr. II—Eleanor
,Knight 91 ; ,Edith Ford 91 ; Ewylene
Steles 85 ; Eari Dunn 83 ; Harvey
Dorey 79; John Pennington 76;
Edith Browu 72 ; Glen Hunter; 72.
Jr, III—Howard crown 81 ; Kathleen
Zeigler 80 ; Eric Long 77 ; Blair Mc-
Intosh 76 ; Hilda Querengesser 62;
Willie Fisher 54, Ist—Evelyn Hueth-
er 88 ; Fergie Stnitlldon 84 ; Frank
Doxey. r —
y P , Expellent—Cecil Lear -
'anent, Vera Porter, Mary McIntosh.
Good—Roma Cameron, Met le Wilson,
Arnold Long, Elmer Locking.
Township Council will meet here
next Monday.
Eddie Kreuter spent the holiday
with George Kreuter.
Mise Pearl Cougram spent Thanks-
giving with Mies Pearl Dobson.
Mise Elizabeth Hall has gone to Tor-
onto where she will teeide during the
Saturday afternoon the Mission
Band will meet at the Presbyterian
The Ruth Pitt Institute will hold a
meeting Friday at the home of Geo.
Next Sabbath Rev, Mr, OKell will
conduct missionary eervices on Blue -
vale circuit.
Dandy records that will please you.
Read Harold Love's advt. and then go
and hear them.
Give the Bible Society Collectors
more than a friendly nod and keep up
the record so well sustained by Ethel
and community for many years.
Next Sunday, Rev. I. A. McKel-
vey, Teeswater, a former pastor, will
have charge of the services on Ethel.
circuit. He will speak in the interests
of Missions.
Last Sunday Thanksgiving and
Quarterly Communion services were
observed in the Methodist church.
Pastor, Rev. OKell, took charge of
rooming service while Rev. Mr. Clark,
Brussels, delivered an able discourse
in the evening. A quartette and two
selections by men's choir were render-
ed at the evening service.
POLITICAL.— Saturday evening of
this week a meeting in the interests
of J. W. King, the National Progres-
sive candidate for North Huron, will
be held in the Township Hall here, at
8,o'clock. Addresses will be given by
Mr. Ring and others, Ladies cordial-
ly invited. Opposition speakers will
be given a place its the program.
BAZAAR.— The ladies of Roe's
church W. M. S. purpose holding a
bazaar on Saturday afternoon, 19th
inst., at 230 o'clock, at the home of
Mrs. Joe Ames. They will have for
sale plain and fancy sewing, home
made baking, candy, &c. Lunch will
also be served. The W. M. S. are a
band of hustlers who generously sup-
port the interests for which they are
organized. See"advt,
Saturday, I2th
The Mutiny of the flsimore
Charlie Chaplin
A Night at the Show
Monday, 14th
Frank Mayo
The Blazing Trail
KAlcoingpeCircScial omu•dy eand
of aha O
Wednesday, 1 6th
Catherine Calvert
The Heart of Maryland
(A special)
Methodist Churches
NoXt Sunday will be
Missionary Day
when REV, A, I. 51oKEL-
VEY, of Teeswater, a former
pastor, will preach at the three
appointment at usual hours.
Tuesday Ev'g, lSth Inst.
at 8 o'clock, the Willing
Workers of Union Church will
hold an Entertainment. Good
26 program and lunch, Tickets
and 16 Dep te. Attend.
W. M. S. of Roe's Church
win hold a Bazaar ut Joseph
Aur a', Ethel, Saturday, 19th
Diet. See other adet,
Union Appointment — Will meet at
the home of Gladys %Vhltttold, Friday
afternoon of thin wank at 9 o'clock,
Methodist Church
Will hold a
Saturday, Dec. 10th
Further particulars next week
Joe OKell has been quite poorly for
the past few weeks but we hope he
will soon be o. k,
Some of the Ethelites home for
Thanksgiving were Noble McKee,
Mies Mary McLelland, Mise Ella Han -
mild, Miss Muriel Halle and Harold
Rev. W. D. McDonald, Atwood, will
address the Y. P, S, -C. E. next Sun-
day evening at 7.30. All who can
come are invited to hear Atwood's
talented preacher.
Successful anniversary services were
held in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday teat. Rev. E. F. Chandler,
Walton, preached two excellent ser-
mons to large congregations.
Milton and Mrs. Hatch, St, Thomas,
were visitors bare with relatives.
They took Mrs. Hubert, who had been
visiting here for past 7 weeks, back
with them, Mr. Hatch also bought a
car of potatoes and had them shipped.
FARMERS' CLUB.—S, B. Stothers,
will illustrate practically the work of
the Department of Agriculture by
means of moving pictures in the
Township Hall, Ethel, Friday evening
November 11th. He will beaccom-
panied by an instructor front Agricul-
tural College, Guelph, who will explain
objects and extent of Short Course up-
oniagriculture to be put on at Wing -
ham this Winter. Meeting is held
under the auspices of Ethel Farmers'
Club. Everyone is invited to attend.
A Ane time was enjoyed at a hot
supper and Concert held .in the
Methodist church. Program consist-
ed of male chorus ; solos, Rev. Mr.
McTavish ; readings by, James Pear-
son, B. A. and Mre. Thos. Dougherty ;
duetby Harold and Lorne Vodden •
recitations by Misses Ina. McKay and
Lyla Ames ; quartettes by Moles-
worth talent, and speech on "The
Three P's" "Push, Pep and Persever-
ance," by Rev, Mr. McTavish. Rev.
F. S. OKell made a good chairman,
Proceeds were $111.00. A social was
held on Tuesday night to dispose of
superfluous baking.
Sunday next anniversary of the
Methodist church here will be observ-
ed. Services morning and evening,
at 11 attd 7 o'clock. Rev, Mr. Clegg,
in ham,
the pulpit and
good music will be rendered
by the
choir. A free-will offering, of a gen-
erous character, is anticipated. The
day is being looked forward to as one
of special character.
Belgrave Women's Institute will
meet next Tuesday at 2 SO o'clock at
the home of Mrs. J. T. Bell, 5111 line,
Morris. D`r. Stewart, Wingharn, will
give an address and Mrs J. Hopper
will deal with the topic "Helps for
busy mothers." Boll call, Christmas
suggestions. All the ladies are invit-
Keep the big cattle sale of Dougher-
ty & Fulton in mind. 96 bead, See
the bills and advt.
Friday evening of this week a Box
Social will be held in S. S, No. 9, Mc-
Killop. Big time is anticipated. Did
you see the advt. 1
Alex. and Mrs, Gardiner are home
from an enjoyable visit with their son
De. Gardiner, Chicago and with a
brother in Detroit.
Next Wednesday afternoon the
Women's Institute will meet at the
home of Mrs. A. Gardiner at 3 o'clock,
Report. of the Loudon Convention will
be given.
FUNERAL.—The burial of the late
lames Campbell took place Friday
.fteruonn to Bi ussels cemetery. Rev.
tit' Chandler enndneted the service at
the home of John Harris, Deceased
had been living in London and died
Flom a stroke of paralysis, Mr,
Campbell ll t va t
t p to a engorged in the McOlary
foundry and was a faithful employee,
Por gifts of fruit, &c. to Margaret
Nichola, who has bean 1111, from mem-
bers of the public school and Brussels
Methodist Sabbath School the re-
cipient wishes to express her hearty
thanks. The kindness attd friendly
interest was touch appreciated,
Lithe list of lady public speakers
offering to render help to the Liberal
cause during the political contest in
the Dominion at the present time the
name of Mrs. W. H. Ferguson, of
Toronto, formerly of Morris township
appeal's. Site has beet) speaking in
the Easterly section of the Province.
SCHOOL REPORT. --Following is the
school report for S. S. No, 4, Morris;
Jr, IV—Geog„ that. and Arith.—Ver-
na White 94; Laura McOutcheon 81 ;
Margaret't'hueli 78 ; Johnny McArtef
85 ; Edythe Parrish 64. Jr. III—
GOO. and H,et.—Velma Jordan 85
Jimmy0 ; J
Smith 8 amus Parrish 60 -
Maly M t r
a y cA to U ; Jack Kelly02
George Smith 67 ; Tommy Millr 66 ;
Eileen Beirnes 66; Roue Oaeditf' 50.
3e. II-•-Arith. Comp. and Hist,—Leo.
tit Cardiff 77..• Joe Smith 70; Llnyd
Pipe 87. fat Claes Glenn Smith,
Margaret Harmon, Gladys White,
Mervyn Pipe, Mildred Niebol, Gordan
Harmon. Printer Claes,— Elbert
White, Margaret Russell, Dave Miller,
Kate Russel, Mac. Seott.
ANNUS Tiw tt, Teacher,
The hay press has been buoy in this
Political affairs are quiet but there's
time yet to "wboop'er up.
Tax 1
Cali ir�'n
et tr upe
usual amount of fault finding,
A form of cholera has been bother -
nig some of out' Elma neighbors.
A new garage is being erected by
Alex, Mann, 16th Con, '1t will be
completed this Fall.
Joe and Will, V. McKay and Jno.
Struthers are away an a deer hunt to
Parry Sound Distict,
Mangolde and turnips turned out
well and corn good but the cob -worm
or borer is doing damage. They make
a great job of the destruction.
Mrs. Geo. Hodges is ;not enjoying
her usual health. She has been taking
special treatment at Toronto and her
many friends hope she will soon be
W. R. and Mrs. Struthers have
moved to Stratford where the former
will work for the Canada Life Assur-
ance Company, Edward Smith, Elam
his bought his farm.
Thursday evening of this week a
political meeting will be hrld in the
school house here, commencing e.t 8
o'clock. Addresses by Jae. W. King,
the National Progressive candidate
for North Huron, and others. Op.
position speakers invited. Special in-
vitation to the ladies.
Politics quiet.
Fall wheat looks fine.
Rabbit hunters are after the bun-
Council meeting next Monday at
lilies Muriel Hoover spent Thanks-
giving at the parental borne iltb Con.
Miss Addie Grant was` home from
heschool, near ,Wroxeter, for the
holidary. 1.
Some, automobile drivers should
read up the rules of the road and not
be a "highway hog." We have your
No. Mr. so watch out
Tuesday evening of next week the
Willing Workers of Union church
will hold an entertainment in the
church. Excellent program at 8
o'clock followed by an A 1 lunch.
Don't mise it,. Admission 25 and 15
Scetooa REPORT.—The following is
the school repot t of S, S. No. 10, Grey,
for the month of October. Nanies in
order of merit, Sr, IV—Laura Patter-
son, Mabel Cox. Melvin Carnochan
Eldon Whitfield, Jr. IV—Victor
Baker, Bertha Speiran, Kate Steven
son. Annie Inglis, Tom 'Pennington,
Sr. III—Clifford Speiran Nelson Whit-
field. Sr. II—Wilma Baker, Greta
Baker. Wilda Baker, Pearl Oarno-
chan, Russel Whitfield. Jr. Il—May
Carnochatt. Sr. I—Isobel Speiran,
Alma Patterson, Arthur Neabel, Hel-
en Whitfield. Pr,—Stuart Evans,
Lawson Whitfield. A class—Vance
Baker. vera
a Average attendance for h
out 23
W. FI, D Nor a
E. A, , Teacher.
week Geo. Brown, a well known resi-
dent of the 2nd Con., purchased the
200 acres belonging to Jno, McDonald,
now of Brussels. The property con-
sists of Lots 21 and 22, Con. 2, with a
bout 100 acres cleared, and 50 acres of
balance good bush. There is a bank
barn 80 x 100 feet and a comfortable
frame house. Mr. McDonald held the
Crown deed and had been owner for
many years. This addition to Mr.
Brown's property will give him 4t0
acres and should keep him from rust-
ing out. He has had the new pur-
chase rented for several years for pas.
turage. It will suit him fine as it lies
Convenient to his other property.
We hope Mr. McDonald will often re-
member to call upon his old neighbors
and numerous friends in the Melee-
worthlocalityas they highly esteem
him. We wish Mr. Brown success
in broadening Itis act eage.
a recent evening a goodly number of
folk who attend Roe's church assembl-
ed at commodious home of W. Ham-
ilton, East of Jamestown, and enjoyed
a first class time, Rev. F. 3, OKell
occupied the chair and a program of
musical and litercu•y numbers, inter-
mixed with social features was well
presented. A specially interesting
Name was the presentation of a well
filled purse to Miss Martha Johnston,
who has faithfully performed the
duties of organist foe the past 6 years
and Ailed many another post as well
111 connection with the advancement
of chusch work. Following address
was read by Miss Florence McCallum
while Miss Ruby Grainger made gift, :
DEAR 511BB J07INSTON.—We have
met here tonight to do you horror', one
whom we delight to honor, You have
earned it by faithful cud efficient Ser-
vice to the church and Sunday School
and won a warm place in all our hearts,
We have not always been ready, as
we should, to express our feelings but
we have all been the losers when we
fail in this grace, There is no one in
all the woad but responds to the ex-
pression of goodwill and appreciation,
equally so tilers is rio one but feels
more cm less discouraged when such
are suppressed. We are not saying
these things to prod you to greater
activity but only that you may feel
that from our hearts we thank you
arid ask you to accept this little token.
Signed, Ruby Grainger, Florence Mc-
Callum, Eva Balfour, Evelyn Holt, F.
S. OKell. Miss Johnston 1'
did not
wearythe company
1 y by "much speak
ing" but thanked the friends for their
kind wot•de and always welcome gift,
A tasty lunch was served after which
Mr, and Mrs. I3atniltott were heartily
thanked for the gond time all had
spent in their home, The gathering
should do good in encouraging aspirit
Brussels Methodist Church
nEV. O, F, CorLARK,
Sunday, November 13
Morning service at 11.
The second service of the day
will be held at 3 p. rn. when the
of the
in honor of the men of the Oon-
gregatiou who fell during the
War, will take place.
Seaforth, will give the address.
Choir will render special Music,
The public, and especially re-
turned men, cordially invited.
of helpfulness and appreciation to
those who heartily enter into church
and community work,
An Auction Sale of Farm stock, im-
plements, &c, is aononnced by Russel
Reberteon, Lot 27, Con, I6, for Friday,
18th inst., with Thos. Gundry as
Auctioneer. List may be read in
another column. He has rented his
.SCHOOL REPORT.—Following 18 the
report of 8, S. No. 5, for the month of
October. A " denotes absence for one
exam, Jr. IV—O. Clarke 70 ; M,
Hamilton 09 ; J. Campbell 59 ; E.
Ward 47". Sr. III—M. McNeil e8 ; R.
Beirnes 54 ; N. Beirnes 48 ; 3, Alex-
ander 43. Ir. III—L. Mills 67 ; R. Mc-
Neil 56 ; H. Beirnes 47 : L. Ward 41" ;
T. Lucas 33" ; H. Armstrong 27 ; Jr,
II—B. Lucas 71 ; 13. Longman 70 ; A.
Eveleigh 23"", 1st—J Campbell 95 ;
L. Beirnes 77 ; G. Lucas 63 ; V Long-
man 80 ; W. Beirnes 57. Pr.—Excel-
lent—K. Bremner. Good—F. Hamil-
ton, B. Longman. Fair—N. Rea.
Ere Specialist at Wendt's .Tewelry store,
Wroxeter, Nov, 8th to Nov, 11th, two dos.
Don't tail to consult him. His experience
covers 18 years of almost daily testing.
NEWSY NOTES.—Mrs. Thos. Hig-
gins hae returned from a visit with
relatives at Lucknow.—A. and Mrs.
McLean and sons were visitors in
Gerrie Thanksgiving day.— Misses
Eva Cowden and Doris Hart, Wing -
ham, visited relatives here this week.
—Wm. and Alex. andIre
b McLeu-
uan Toronto were holiday
with their mother, AimMNtLe
nan—PeterMcEwen jr., who spent
the Summer at Algonquin Par k left
for Toronto on Monday.—Gordon and
Mrs. Morrison returned to London,
Wednesday, after several days visit
with the former's parents.— Miss
Ethel McKinnon, a former teacher
here, renewed acquaintances this
week,—Misses Bertha Smith and
Jennie Earls, of Stratford Normal
School, were home over the holiday.—
Milton and Mrs. Edmuneon were
week end visitors in Atwood.—Miss
Maggie Sanderson is holidaying in
Toronto,—A union Thanksgiving
service was held in the Presbyterian
church Monday rooming when an ex-
cellent address on "The Nation" was
given by Rev. Dr, Harkness,—Misses
Della Rutherford and Irene Stocks,
Toronto, spent Thanksgiving day at,
their homesh —
a re.14Ii
as Agnes Stuart,
Toronto, spent several days with her
mother, Mrs. D. Stuart, Turrtberry,—
Mss. A. Moffitt and son, Rinton, Lon-
don, are guests of Lawrence Moffitt,—
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute was held in Mrs,
Pope's rooms on Tuesday. Current
Events wee in Charge of Miss E. Hazel-
wood and an interesting account of a
t•acen1 visit to Jack Miner's faun was
given by Ars, Jun. Hupfer, 510.00
was donated to the Children's Shelter
at Goderich and a shower of fruit,
vegetables etc., for the Winghatn hos-
pital arranged for.—A social evening
was held at the dome of Robert Hup-
ler.'Eitmnberry East, Thursday, when
Mrs. Merton Howe was presented with
a silver pie -plate with pyrex lining
and a silver pie server by the Metho-
dist congregation. Mrs. Howe who
has been organist of the church for
some time leaves this week with her
husband and family to reside in Tot -
Huron County
Mists Ione Boriek, Clinton was oper-
ated on for appendicitis.
Goderich township farmers are
gleaning hydro information,
Hay township Tax Collector says
taxes ate being paid fairly well,
Singing class has been organized at
Crediton, Prof. Anderson, Exeter is"
0 cottages are being built at Bay-
field and the boom is likely to eort-
tinue next Spring.
Bronze tablet has been placed in
the Presbyterian church, Clinton, in
memory of soldier
Ontario Street Methodist Sunday
School Clinton will give a Cantata in
in the Town Hall on Dec. 22,
Goderich rejected alteration plant
l3ylaw by 805 to.87. They may stir up a
hornet's nest its Provincial Board of
health who ordered it, It was to oust
1856,060, that's all,
'Io all Parties
P ra hs
I am very pleat ed to be able to
announce a big Reduction on
Star -Genets Records to less than
pre-war prices—
$1.00 and $1.25 Records
$ r.65 and $ 1.75 Records
Have a large stock pf these
Recor4ls on hand. Call and hear
some of fhe latest hits.
Harold Love
Barrister Best, Soaforth has taken
his son J. H. into partnership, It is
the best firm in town,
H. A. Erwin bas been clerk of Bay-
field for 30 years but F. S. Scott, Brus-
sels, has held the office for over 40
The 2 year old son of Rev. and Mrs.
Armitage, Elimville, fell off the par-
sonage veranda and broke his collar
Ernest Livermore, a Clinton Collegi-
ate boy who has a brilliant career as a
student and who this Fail entered
the Toronto University, has just been
awarded the W. H. Massey Scholar-
ehip in Classics at Victoria College,
Perth County
Stratford defeated Mitchell bowlers
and captured cup.
9 deer hunters from Monktou local-
ity have gone to New Ontario.
By an auto accident W. G. Talking,
Mitchell had his left hand broken and
badly bruised.
Sebringville was the scene of a rob-
bery, Dallner's store being the spot.
Goods to value of $160 were taker).
By a plank falling on one of Ellison
1ticDougald's feet several bones were
broken. Hie home is in Fullerton
2 men attempted a hold up one night
on Pat. Hogan, of Logan. The horse
broke away from the robber who had
it by the ()Haile,
Walter Shillinglaw, V. S., died at
Mitchell from gangrene.
He was 67
g g
years of'n e
and an old resident. g
e tdent. Son
and 2 ., dna h e
g t re sat ave,
Matheson Park, Mitchell, contain-
ing 8 acres, has been sold to A. and R.
Seebach, Fullerton for $1000. It was
a giftto the town. Location is not
good for park.
Front being freight agent at
Brownsville J. A. Meehan, an old
Mitchell bov, has been promoted to
travelling Freight Agent on Michigan
Central, with office at Niagara Falls,
Golden wedding anniversary was
celebrated by Jacob and Mrs. Wolfe,
Gold headed cane was presented to
the former and a gold handled um-
brella to the latter, They are old
Logan residents,
Plowing Competition
Nu doubt you will be pleased
to receive a report of the Howick
Junior Farmers' Association Plowing
Competition which was judged taut
Tuesday by Jas. McLean, of Rich-
mond Hill. ,Mr. McLean is a past
master in the art of plowing, having
plowed at 60 matches and being suc-
cessful enough to hold the Dennison
Championship for 3 years, This past
8 years he has been judging at all the
leading plowing matches including
the annual Provincial one held at
Woodstock this year.
Each contestant was required to
have 5 acres of sod on his home farm,
Mr, McLean tools each contestant over
his wo•k and criticised it for him,
thus making his work of real educa-
tional value, Mr. McLean spoke very
highly of the work, his chief criticism
ltad to do with the crown and finishes.
He thinks with the quality of work
shown in this Competition that How -
ick should put up a real plowing
matoh next Fall,
Jar), \Verret wile the successful con-
testant. He wins the silver cup don-
ated by the Howick Township Coun-
cil, This cup suitably engraved will
be presented to the winner by the
Hon. Manning W. Doherty, Minister
of Agriculture, at the meeting held in
Winghant on November 15th.
The score of the 10 contestants ie as
follows ;—
Jas, Werra 02k,
Hartwell Strong 92,
Roy Strong 017,
Jack Montgomery 87,
Norman Harding 86a},
Arthur Spotton 85,
Emerson o
m n D Sv
Eael Corbett 801,
Wm. Campbell 80,
Earl Johnston 70},
We are endeavoring to create a
greater interest in plowing which is
the basicopeeation of all field Culture,
Therefore, we solicit your co-opera-
tion in bringing this before the at -
At Ethel - Saturday, Nov, 19th
THE W, M. 8, of Roe's Church will
hold a Bazaar on above date at
the home of
Opening at 2.80 p, tn.
+THERE will be offered for gale at
1 fair prices — Plain and Fancy
Sewing, Home-made Baking.
Candy, &c. Lunch will also be served.
Keep the date in mind and pay
a visit to the; Bazaar,
tention of the people, Wishing you
every success, 1 am,
Yours sincerely,
D. 0. Arm7tEw.
Brussels Council
The town Council pet Tuesday
evening this week. All the members
present excepting Councillor Stewart
who was at Goderich on the jury.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Communication read from the
Hydro people was about as evasive
and unsatisfactory as moot of their
Also one asking opinion of Council
as to extension of franchise to w men
at Municipal elections whether rep -
arty owners or not. Council di not
Following accounts were presented ;
Benson Wilcox Electric Co.,
lamps27 91
R. Thuelll, rent and salary 1 65 00
R. Oliver, salary..... ............ 76 00
M. Holland, teaming ..... 28 25
Moved by Wilton—McCall that
above accounts be paid. Carried.
By-law No, 13, 1921, concerning
Municipal Nominationmeeting on
Monday, 26th December, at 7 p, m,
and Election Monday, Jan. 2nd, with
N. F. Gerry as Deputy Returning
Officer at Poll No. 1 and P. Scott at
Poll No. 2, was read 3 times and pass-
Electric light morning service was
briefly discussed but no action taken.
Town wood supply was also talked
over. Am inspection of work being
done in Town Hall improvement was
was made and Council adjourned,
Huron Co, Fairs' Association
A meeting of Huron County Fairs'
Association was held in the Agricul-
tural office, Clinton, ou Friday after-
noon, Oct. 28, with practically all the
Agricultural Societies in the County
represented. J. E. Ellis, Blyth, Presi-
dent of Association, opened the meet-
ing by giving an outline of work ac-
complished since last meeting.
It'as decided
a that in order top re -
vent overlapping i
of Fall 'Fair
d e
that all Agricultural Societies within
County advise Secretary of the Fairs
Association, immediately after dates
had been decided and where dates
conflict that he make arrangements
to have the societies come together
and arrange othes dates.
It was also decided that County.
Council be asked for a larger grant to
Agricultural Societies, and with this
object in view, a resolution was draft-
ed to be presented at the January ses-
sion of that body.
Another meeting of Association will
beheld in May, when other matters
pertaining to work of Agricultural
Societies will come up for discussion,
It ie expected J. Lockie Wilson, of the
Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, will ,
address this meeting.
At conclusion of meeting...Mayor
McMurray, Clinton, .iuvited the rep-
resen s
tattve to the reet a t a n
ur where
lunch was served. �,
Church Chimes -
"Paul and Felix" will be next Sun-
day's International Sabbath School les -
sou. See the notes on another page,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
evenings of this week Rev. Mr. Mc-
Leod takes part in special services at
Thedford, Lambton Co.
^Harvest, a witness for God" was
the theme of Rev. Mr, McLeod's sermon
Sunday morning in Melville church.
A Thanksgiving Song service was held
in the evening,
Methodist Sunday School will assem-
ble next Sabbath afternoon at 2,30
sharp instead of 3 o'clock, ou account of
the Unveiling Ceremony and service in
the church at the latter hour.
Sunday morning last in the Metho-
dist church Rev, C. F. Clark preached
a Thauksgiviug sermon from Psalm 50-
23, "Whosoever offeretb praise glofifi-
eth Me." Quarterly Communion fol-
lowed discourse. In the eventnp Jamas
Pears'tn, B. A., occupied the pulpit, his
text being Col, 2-14, Pastor was at
Ethel taking auniversary service.
Bible Society Collectors of Brussels
Branch will wait on you shortly for an-
nual cautributiou to this most worthy
cause. This branch has a splendid rec-
ord for the reason that faithful collect•
ors call on generous geople. Books are
to be returned to Treasurer, W. H.
Kerr, by December 5th. Peter McAr-
thur has been appointed President for
this year as successor to J, T. Wood,
Rev. R. H. Ferguson, set et paper of
eight questions to test the religious edu
g 9 1:
cation of 160' pupils in the Piston street
public school, Hamilton, who are about
to years of age, The first.'wts : "How
many comtitandmentsare there?" Only
96 out of the 160 knew. The other
questions were similar, but much fewer
pupils gave the correct answers, The
opening ode should he "'hero are
heathen nearer house,"