HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-3, Page 8"wla r tt• .
rAe Store
THE only way to keep Snap Shots
properly—safe from loss or injury
—is between the pages of a Kodak
Album. Nicety displayed on the page
of an Albumand perhaps neatly titled
with white ink they gain much in inter-
est and effect as time goes by.
We have renewed our stock of Al.
bums and have a good line to choose
from at from Esc each up e, the large,
real leather covered ones at
$4.00 each
Ory - Mounting - Tissue
forinsertiog Snaps.
Much better than Paste.
Developed and
Those short at School
Opening Time now
in stock,
Wnow have in stock al-
most all of the School
Books in present use,
and, among theta are several
which we could not get a while
ago, but now have a good stock
of such as—
Ont. P. S, Composition and
Grammar ..... 250
Ont, P. S. History of England
(new) 25C
Ont, P. S. Geography 65c
Ont. P. S. Blank Copy Books
each $0
Dominion Loose Leaf Note
Books . 250
Refills for these, straight -lined
and cross -lined ....,,10e
A good Assortment of
General School
Pictorial Review Quarterly
Fashion Book =ter +
Many new designs in the Pic-
torial Review Embroidery
See them.
j 2
Store Druggist and Stationer
+414404.4.0+40+•+•4•41044441.41/44/+0 4+'H44 N0400 6+++.+04i+O-erioe .
Taal bels lints
FINE Fall weather.
Rom:m are excellent.
MONDAY was Hallowe'en.
JAO1t FROST has been nipping vegeta
Locei. and District news also on page
4 and 5.
No reduced fares are offered this yea
for Thanksgiving time by the railways
Witt. Betz is busy with his job a
Enumerator tor the torthcoming Domiu
ion Election.
c Day next Monday.
will bo a public holiday and will bgen-
erally observed as such. no doubt.
LAST week G. E. McCall received a
car of Frost woven wire, He is ready
to wait on all intending fence builders.
See his advt.
A yvgseca and electric lights are be-
ing installed, with other modern im-
provements, in the home recently pun.
chased by Jos. Querin, Thomas street.
"Jos' is determined to have the best go-
"Ties END Or THS ROAD."—Saturday
evening of this week an Educational
Film, under the auspices of the Canadi-
an National Council, will be exhibited at
the Family Theatre, a shown, at 7,3o
and g.lo o'clock. Title of the film is
"The end of the road" and it combats
venereal disease. See the bills for ful-
ler particulars.
To TRYNoaTHLANr.—Tuesday of this
week Walter Scott, N. F. Gerry. Ben.
Edwards and Jno. Logan left town for
their annual deer bent in North Ontario
They went in company with a Wingham
contingent and will be absent for a few
weeks, Others have also gone from
adjoining towosbips and a big time is
counted on by the sportsmen,
ber of friends of Oswald Hemingway,
teller in the Bank of Nova Scotia, here,
recently promoted to St. Catharines,
presented him with a fine leather club
bag as a partiog gift, accompanied by
good wishes for his future success, He
was one of the officers of the Young
Peoples' Society of the Presbyterian
church, At; his new poet be is on the
ledger staff.
THa Posrgives the news.
LAST week the Women's Institute
banded over $25.00 to help the cemetery
Improvement Fund.
The annual meeting of the Huron Coun-
ty Children's Aid and Humane Society
will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, at 3
- p. m., in the Children's Home, Camer-
on St„ Goderinh. Officers will be elect-
s ed sad reports given. There will also
be an address on Child Welfare Work
r by Amos Tobell, of Guelph, inspector
, for Waterloo County.
FRIDAY of last week Mrs. G. C. Man-
ners attended the funeral of an old
friend, at St, Marys, in the person of
Mrs, Jas. Hunter, She passed away the
Tuesday previous. Her busband had
been dead for years, The surviving
children are Mrs, Thole Trimble and
Thomas, of St, Marys, and Mise Elite.
betb, Detroit, The Hunter family had
resided at St. Marys for many years and
were respected by all who knew them.
Mr, Manners motored to the Stone
town and brought Mrs. Manners home,
SAINT VALENTrnE was done proud in
Brussels this year, The Continuation
School opened. the observance Thursday
evenipg of last week by a well conduct-
ed program, covering the various
phases of performances usually put on,
Friday evening St, John's church young
people old the Methodist young folk
continued the festivities i
the respec-
Lecture rooms of their churches
anmTgave the goodly number attending
file vaide for tboit money, - Melville
church completed the chain Monday
evening when all who attended wete
treated ton
A oxo'
ram High
meofitfe fearfully and
wonderfully contrived, pumpkin lent.
oras, &a., &e. were in order at these
f1allowe'en seeials and both the elderly
as well fie those of more junior years bad
a big tithe,
4 READ of cattle Hn1ag 2 years for Rale.
Priced to Hell. ALEX. DAnx. Phone 245.
Fon 8A1,E.-4 heed ofyesrtbtg cattle, ala>e0
rods of hardwood rails. Lot 25, Con. 14, Grey.
Phone 484. ARTHUR BELL.
Fon SALE —A quantity of tnrnipo and also 8
chunks of pigs. V. 8PA.ar fxo, Walton.
Phone 4828.
PAIR of light, bob -sleighs for sale, Apply to
Geo. TROMeot.
SINGLE Comb Rhoda Island Red Cookerele
for sale, bred from laying strains for year».
Ph Phone HENRY Jeanette, R. R. No. 4, Brea-
eels,WORxrNG Housekeeper for small InatIta-
tion. Mast be fond of children. Protestant,
with refinement. Write box 81, BRUSSELS
POST for information,
TAMwotTne,—Young sows, of choice quality
and breeding, Reaeonabls pripan. Come and
Hee then+, Joaa A. leper .a, Con. I0, Grev.
Phone ea.
BUNGa of young pigs for sale. Appts to
DAVID CLAnx,14tht Con.. Grey, Phone 427,
FOR SALE. —A young work horse, a Durham
Cow and a young ROW with litter.
Phone 254 EnaeaT BRAY.
FIRST CLAM coal heater with even attnohed
for sale. .Apply to MissMITCHELL, Brueeels
wCoreos edBhNnTy:tw1e2havr a 10 tpaCf !tilt;
$1,75 for what some would Call lot Ola»s.
G. A. DEADMAN, Brussels.
GOon farm for sale 1n a desirable location.
Apply at THE Pon.
Bonso and lot for sale. Queen Street, Bras.
eels, For further partlobinrn apply ort the
premises, Miss MON40, BruRoele,
COMFORTABLE Sosideoes, located on Flora I
street, Brussels, for sale. Garden with small
fruits, hen house and stable, all 1n gond repair•
Possession given at once. For further partic-
ulars apply to Phone 2110 or the proprietor,
R. H, MCRtNxon, Brussels P. O.
DR.PARRRR, Osteopathic Phyelatan, visits
Brasaele Monday afternoon of each week.
and nervous
ee s Consultation i 0
Queen's Hotel.
Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable
F'onthtll Nurseries." Big sales two to be matte
In selling Nursery stook during the recon-
etruotlon period. A splendid opportunity for.
a live salesman. Highest commissions paid,
handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental stock to offer, Sanaa &
WsLLINGTON, Toronto, Oat,
tion with the Clearing up Campaign of
past due accounts for Subscription, Ad•
vertising and job Work 'rile PotT is
sending a number of notifications this
week. These are not duns but merely
statements of accounts or reminders.
We will be greatly obliged for prompt re-
sponses and we ask others, not yet noti-
fied, to save us the trouble and expense
of doing this work by squaring up of
arrearages. We thank those who have
alreedy done so and also those who in-
tend responding early,
Last Friday Joseph Querin went to
Waterloo to attend the funeral of a
cousin of Mrs, Querin's, Mrs. Jno.
Thomas. She bad been poorly for sev-
,eral months. Age was 6$ years and she
had been married to her now bereft
partner for 47 years, He was a school
g timeTheir
repre deceased the mother, She
a fine women and highly esteemedaswas evideooed by the large Attendance
at the burial, The Lnther50 minister
conducted the service, Mrs, Thomas'
Malden name was Kate Manlier,
Dore't forget the stores' close Wed,
uestiay evenings at 6 p. m, as well es
other nights of the week, barring Set.
As ,INc.e tram ohurob was a punish-
able offense at one lints It it were now
the j itis would be full er the fines 1n0uut
up so high that we won'd not have t0
ply ,
O•SCAw15x40e, Pubiic. School holds weekly
Cornposttiou c0meetitions Week be-
fore last the depIriment taught by Miss
Gertrude Ross, Brussels, took 1st piece'.
and last week the same room won 1st
and BOIL Gond for Miss Ross and her
Dosa'rxoo A'KnD -A donation, under
the aus'pces of the Womou Institute, of
vegetables, eggs.. holier, capped fruit,
raw find, marmalade, j+m orje'ly is re-
quested for the Wingham hospital.
The audience room of the Fuh'ic L•b-
rary will be open oe Saturday after -
moon and evening. We hops everyone
will give something, as we are all in-
terested in our own county hospital.
Finn Tlate.-A most enjoyable time
was siren' to Melville .church lecture
room on the evening of Hallowe'en
when about 15o young people assembled
to spend a social time. Guests were
met at everylturu by the most weird of
objects in form of witches. ghosts, Jack -
o -lanterns, etc,. The —program began
p1511tee o
a c n .t in which the "Witches
and Brooms" became famous in the
stunt they presented, the "B1ack,Cats"
following closely in their efforts to win
the prize. A session of Community
siagiuo led by Speir Bros , with their
violins was heartily entered into. Rev,
McLeod, by means of the stereopticon
placed the songs upon the Screen. A
coup of choruses from High School
pupils and dwarf drill from some in-
dividuals. uot exceeding seven feet in
Height, afforded no small amount of
laughter. The Speir Bros. were very
genbrous and eotertaioing in their violin
selections, A solo by Mrs. (Rev,) Mc-
Leod, a duet by Misses Janet McVet-
tie and Elva Oliver, a reading by Miss
Florence Stewart and a talk by Ber-
tram Hemingway were of a jolly nature
and ie,keepiog with the occasion. After
this somewhat leugthy program the com-
pany enjoyed a few games and the serv-
leg of tench brought the eveniug's per-
formance to a close. The proceeds
amounted to $156.25 which goes to pay I+
for the stereopticon,
nual Convention of the Young people of
Wingham District, held in Teeswater
Methodist church Tuesday of last week
was an undoubted success. Attendance
was large, interested, representatives
were present from most of the sections of
the field covered. Program was well
rustaiued and introduced 3 or 4 of the
new Pastors in the District, and the en-
tertainment prov ded by Teeswater
people could nut ,he outdone, 'Every-
thing was well arranged and the officers
told local committee covered themselves
with glsat credit. Rev. A, I. McKel-
vey, the local pastor, was most alert, af-
fable acd on the job all the while.
Choir of the Methodist church filled in
the musical numbers in fine style and
Mrs E. Ackert, who possesses a full
mezzo soprano voice, was beard with
p'easure. A real Old Home welcome
was accorded Rev. Kenneth J. Beaton,
who is home on furlough from China.
He is well remembered as a most
z-alous worker in League and Sunday
School in the days of the past and
his addresses were well worth the trip to
Teeswater if nothiogelse had been offer-
ed, The pew officiary should have a
gond year as they will be well backed up
by pastors and people. Those who
missed the Convention lost a good op-
portunity. Resolutions were passed
advising that at future Couventioos
meals be provided for delegates -by
church organization at a"nominal fee
to each person, proceeds to go to treas-
ure of said organization. That a Winter
School be arranged, after the pattern of
a Sommer School, in the hope that
many young men could attend, That
the 'Teeswater people be heartily thank-
ed for their overflowing hospitality and
generosity. That our respects and sym-
pathy be tent to Rev. A, A. Holmes,
Wroxeter, unable to be present through
illness. That es a Convention we are
delighted to have Rev, K T. Beaton
(one of this District's old boys) with ns
and wish him abundant success in bis
work in China. That Hon. Mr, Raney
be thanked for the cutting off much of
the gambling formerly practiced. Full
report or this Couventiou may be read
GU page 4 of this issue.
People We Talk About/
Mrs Wm, Martin is improving in
health, we are pleased to state.
Miss Gr,.ce Stewart is holidaying at
Stretford, London and other pointe.
Mrs George Jackson has been visiting
friends at Walton and locality during
the past week.
Miss Annie Ross has gone to Toronto
for a visit with Miss Ella Inman, for-
merly of Brussels,
D. C, and Vernon Ross were at Kin-
cardine last week and took a whirl round
the Golf course, by way of recreation.
Harold Kerney is at Loudon taking an
advanced course in the Military College.
He is quite a soldier and did not say nay
in the crucial hour,
Cards have been issued announcing
the marriage of Barrister John Gardner
Leckie to Miss Nora Frances Doheny,
both of Terouto. The happy event
took place Wednesday, Oct. 26th,
A baby son was born Tuesday of last
week at Elm St, Methodist church par-
sonage, Toronto, to the family of Rev.
D, and Mrs. Wren, formerly of Brus-
sels. The young fellow's name is
Arthur John Wren. Congratulations,
8, Battey went to Chatham on 'rues-
day to lend a hand in the Knitting Fac-
tory of f. T. Wood, recently operating
in Brussels, Mr. Hailey has been in Mr,
Wood's employ for years We hope
they will not keep him too long in Chat -
Miss Isabel sa Strachan is visiting this
week in Toronto. She assisted at toe
anniversary tee meeting in the Metho-
dist church, K fiburn, Wednesday even.
ing of fast week, contributing two solos.
Mrs. F. S Browne, of town, was the
Lorne anti a
n i M r.
Pringle o antchildren
and G E end Mrs Hersey, all of Tor•
onto were welcome visitors over the
week end Trip was made by motor.
The former still holds his interest in the
community for the sake of, avid tang
Ready Money
IF all your surplus funds are invested, you may
be embarrassed for ready money in an inn•
mediate emergency. -
• Money in a Savings Account in this Bank, is
always available to meet the unexpected need.
Brussels Branch:
Dublin Branch;
• • • G. H. Sarnia, Manager.
F. McConnell, Manager.
H. L, and Mrs. Jackson were at CRO-
WD to visit ,George, and Mrs, David,
For past 3 or 4 years Mr. David has
been an invalid and coutiuuee in much
the same condition as for past several
months, He was a former well known
resident of Belgrave being Section boss
on the T.R.
Mrs. Bert Gerry, of Fort William,
who had been visiting here, went to
Bothwell to visit her sister, Mrs, J. J.
Vincent, before returning home she
will spend a while at Toronto. Newmar-
ket and other points visiting relatives.
Mrs. Gerry carte East to bury her
mother, the late Mrs. Jno. Livingston.
Mrs, Wm: Duerr, of New York, nee
Miss Sadie McDonald, formerly of Brus-
sels, was a visitor in town this week,
She bas recently returned from a wed-
ding trip to Germany. Cuba and other
points. Mrs. Duerr is a daughter of
Daniel and Mrs. McDonald, of Galt,
and a granddaughter of Mrs. Robt.
Kerr, Brussels,
B, F. Booze, of Maitland factory, is
getting a nice addition built to his
Atwood Hunt Club left Monday for
the French river on their annual trip
for deer,
Nelson Heist has returned home
from Stratford Hospital much im-
proved in health,
Percy Greensidee has been appoint-
ed registrar for polling subdivision
No. 8, and Jesse Peachy registrar for
division 4,
MiOaHL,—In Grey township, on October Bret,
1021, to Mr. and Mra, George Michel, a son
—Lloyd George.
PATTeaeeN.—In Wroxeter, on Oct. 28011, 1821,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson, a BOB.
RonmsoN,—In Blyth, on October 21, 1921, to
Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Robinson a daughter,
WueN: Ia Toronto, on Oct. 25th, 1921, at 42
Breadalbane street, to Rev. and Mrs, David
Wren, A son.
DDN0AR—M0M17110ny,—At the home of the
brlde'e parents, Ashfield, by the Rev, J. S.
Hardy, on Oet, 20th, 1921. George A. Dun.
bar, Ethel, to Mies Olive J, MoMnrehy,
TUESDAY, Nov. BTR.—ClearingAnotion Selo
of Farm Stock, Implements, teed &e. Bele at
1 p. m. at Lot 2, Con, 18 Grey towaehlp, Jae.
A, Rea, Prop, Jae. Taylor, Auctioneer,
FRIDAY, NOV, 11TH, -90 head of ootva and
young cattle, at Lot 18, Con. 14, McKillop.
Dougherty and Fulton, Proprietors. Thos.
Brown, Auctioneer.
ParvAr, Nov. 11TH.—Clearing Auction Sale
of Farm stook, lmplementa, feed &o., at 014
Lot 6, Con. 8, Morels, et 1 p• m, Chan, Hopper,
Prop. Jas, Taylor, Auot.
Fall Wheat ..,...».,„...............
Potatoes per bag: .........
81 00 'El 00
45 28 120
02 8805
16 00 6 0000
1 00 100
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology. Me-
Oormlok Medical College, Chicago, I11. Three
months poet graduate course during year 1919.
Eyes eorreetly fitted with Glasses,
Headaches, Dry Itchy Eyes, Granulated Eye-
lids, Watery Eyes, Pain in Eye Balla, Inflamed
Ryes, Pus or Watery Discharge from Eyee and
Dizziness paused by Rye -strain relieved
through properly fitted Glasses.
I0-Croes Eyes straightened through proper-
ly tilled Lenses.
EarEyes tested at night equally es good as
during daylight,
A11 kinds of Optical repaire done.
Satisfaction Assured,
Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door
Son th of Barrleter Sinclair's office.
Office hours : 10 to 12 a. m. • 1,80 to 0 p. m.
Saturday evening, 8 to 10 O'clock.
Earlier forenoons by appointment.
Phone 2.9x
...........1Ma 11rHiliMMt.,...p.... A1r11M• .•tlwfst . i
1_ Fox's Drug Store
Store News
1 Thermos Razors Safety
Bottles i
• One of the moat useful of
articles for a great variety
of purposes..
▪ Strap
a Purses
• a
• •
t"Careful Prescription Dispensers” •
We have just received some
very nice ones from the well
known Julian Sale 00,,. and
they are -very fine.
Always a good stock on
band. You will find them
ett'ictly the best.
You will always find our
stook complete.
aterman's of course,
Shaving Brushes
Hair Brushes
Tooth Brushes
Clothes Brushes
in Ebony and ivory
Wampole's Wampole's Wampole's
Tasteless Cod Liver Extract �-
Juet received a, very large shipment of this very popular. ••
Medicine. Remember u9 when in need of a bottle.
We still have a few good Specials left.
They are worth looking after. See our
Window for Special Prices.
•L�� •�v �J v4�.�� ��.L -L� / ►Ltd �.►LA�.� _ �AZ.LI►�r �•
^ ►Take Advantage of_these opportunities ! �
It will Pay You
to Come Miles to this Sale
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Fine Tweed and
Worsted Suits for
Men and Young Men
up to reg..... 37.50
Heavy Ulster and
Young Men's Stylish
Men's and Young Men's Modelo, $24 a 75
Sale rice $24
special Wagranted
Serge Suite,
Sale price
rNavy Botany $24 i ttegular fd4D.DD, t!Vh
Boys' Heavy Brown Stuffed; Worsted
Suite, regular $10,00, Sale ... ...... ....... $6.95
V Neck Sweaters, regular $12,00,
Men's Felt Hats
Reg• $g.00
Sale . $2.50
81.25 Penman's Fleece Lined
Underwear 750
Ribbed Wool Underw't' 08c,
Stanfield's Underwear $1.50
$ Dress Shirts rt
8 9 9Q
Men's All -wool Sweaters--
B'teg. $10.00, Sotle 5.00
600, Sale 3.00
free brooms
Out-of-town Customers
With every purchase of $10.00
or more we will give 0 good
Broom FRJ8II on Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday of this week.
Hundreds of Remnants at
Half Price
Black, Grey, Cream
to clear
1 9c per / ib. Skein
20to 30 p.c. of
in our 2 Stores
Black Tea.. 86c
Coffee .... ......... ...... ... 47c
Jetta Powder 100
Corn Starch 100
Corn Flakes No
Shredded Wheat ..... . 2 for 25c
New etock of Dresses, Suite
and Winter Gnats for Women,
Misses and Children at excep-
tionaliy low prices.
Fur Collared Coats -
Taffeta Silk Dresses -
16.75 21.75
Dress Goods Spec. 99c
Serges per yard 59c
Table Linen per yd, 3oc
Brassieres each 49c
200 yards Plain and
Fancy Silks, up to �O
$3.00. Sale .., I I i7
listoviel.Yarns 1-4 Ib, 49c
Monarch Yarns ShadCsp tic
Specials Windows
Regular up
to $3.0o Corsets 69c
All kinds and colors, reg. up to $3.00
Wetoh Our Window SALE 99c
Sale Positively ends November o ember 19th
HHNNH& O11.�tL
d• Wingham