The Brussels Post, 1921-10-27, Page 5s :I '$file$: CARO. JNOI SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED Ie "Sl i X(ir M 6'r BP4,'LPM OFNIM 'JO WM, SPENOE CONVEYANCER A14n ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Noe to the teat Unice. Ethel, 10.4 AL SINCLAIR-- T . Barrloter, Solleltor, Ooareyalloot. 1 002 North elUautralllote,tewarfa Slosh Softener ter the Afetropolltan Bsoh. @s afm's MOT/U.4 OREAVAES JAS. E. SMITH ^ PROPRIETOR Thiel popular bestiary la oppen to the public In u11 departments of a 2'1 81 -algae Hotel. Meals served at regular hours. Phone 24 Olean, oomfortabie beds, OR. WARM -4W Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Da' and night calls.. Office opponte Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Rowick Mutual fire Insurance Company 9 Phone 92 R`nruberry Street, Brussels Successor to John Harris,Walton. T. T. M'RAE M. B., M. O. P., dl S. D. M. 0. H., Village of Brussels Physician, Surgeon, A000noheur Aloe at residence, opposite Nebo Ille Churoh, William street. PROOOFOOT, IILLORAN g COOKE •ardstor•s, 8o5,citore, Notaries Public, &o. OMce on the Square,. 2n1 door from Hamilton Street, OODERIOH ONT, Private funis to loan at lowest rates W. P1toDDeoo2, S. 0. 'J. L, KIrmoaea H. J. D. 00owe �,erm \vmp�.Quva�leavdr.rd�vb'�i � �.L g Increase Your Earning Power , by attending the ELLIOTT Tonga & Charles Ste., Toronto dopa schoortrnen is strictly enjoys s a alasswide- It, all patronage, and ealoya a wide -spread truly-tes. Itd Is time -tried and truly -tested and you risk note• Ing by coining here. Our gradu- ates are eminently successful. Enter any time. Write for catalogue. la W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL 02. 4i'aV` 22:1allt'IA'41 ee:E /21 Jae w. •••••s•••••••••••••••••••• : CAR OF • • • • • • .• 11F 1 y e • to arrive shortly. •• • Place Your Order Early. • L • • Tip-top supply of • •. • • • Corp, Shorts and Bran • • v • on hand. If you need arty call • • • or 'phone. • • •• • • 0 Wt J. McCracken • 0 Well Tools FOR SALE 276 feet 1i inch Drill Rope nearly new, 1 set Jars and Rope Socket, 1 Sinker, 16 feet by B inches, 14•inch Sand Pump, 16•iitch Sand. Pump, 14 -inch Reenter, 26.i'Loh Reemers and Bite for' same, Also a length of 6.111ch Casing. Alt for sale cheap as owner has no use: for them, Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired Well Drilling done as usual, Oitll up Phone 28x GEO. BIRT, BRUSSELS. The flu has been busy atGoderich and locality. The father of Mre, (Rev.) Geo. Rivers, Hensall, is dead. Recovery is bei ng made from blood poisoning on hand by W. Cunning- hatn, Olandeboye, Everybody knows that in Canada there are more Templ<eton's Rheumatic Capsules Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Rheu. matism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. . Many doctors prescribe them,. mostdruggista sell them. Write for free trial to .Templeton, Toronto. Sold by Jae. Fox ; in Walton by W. G. Neal, r Honey for Sale' "o"Ic” fell falr Mostly Clover with a little Fall Honey with it,. 12J cts. a Ib. Clover. Holley also •on hand. Phoue 5824 L,r WHEELER 'ued rebs items Now is the time to get 'ready for Winter, ,,, BaUssees Odd -Fellows went to Wrox- eter last Monday evening and demon. strafed Degrees for the benefit of their 3,link brothers of that place, A'rG T. R. depot abort bit of plank platform, at West of station house and the part to South of building have been removed and will be substituted by grevel and cinders, Kincardine ''Review says;—Gorclon Ross is on a trip to New Ontario where he accompanied Wm. Forrest, who has a gold mine ep there that is showing some vel y -fine samples of gold. It looks like a hard wintet—Rbeeme- tism, Neuralgia, Neuritis and Lumbago" will end mauy a victim—Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules will knock out the worst attack. Or is it Astbma—Then RAZ -MAH is the sure relief—Sold by Jas Fox ; in Walton by W. G Neal. Ray, .1. F. DI eemeet has tendered bis resignation to the Baptist church toned, Ridgetowo,,to take effect Nov. e. • Mr. and Mrs. Dingman 'wept from Wiug- hem about a year ago, 'their new home will be Hagersville, Mr. Dingman hav• ing accepted a call to Baptist Church there. KIND WORDS.— From Wisconsin "Enclosed find subscription for THE FORT as we look upop it as -a weekly let• ter." A subscriber from Alberta writes :—"I enclose •5,0O,to pap for Tail Pose'. It gets here Mouday night and we are always anxious to get it Tuesday morning as it is like a letter from hbme." The editor much appreci- ates these words. particularly when they are backed up by the cash. A large attendance of the Wyoming and Plymptoo town line attended the induction seryl sof their pastor, Rev. J. C. Robinson,'of Tiverton,' at the Pres• byterian church. Wyoming, Thursday, Odt. 13. Rev. Hall, Sarnia, Modera'or, presided. Addresses were delivered by visiting clergy after which lunch was served. This is the charge vacated by Rev. Mr. McLeod, now of Melville church, Brussels. HURON CO. CHItDREN'e Ain,-ANNIJ• AL meeting of the Huron County Child- rens'Aid and i Humana Society will be y held Tues.. Noy. 8th at 3 p. m. }u the Childrens' home, Cameron St. Gode- rich, Officers will be elected and re- ports given. There will also be an ad dreas given on Child Welfare work by au outside speaker. It is hoped that there will be a good representation from d.ftereot parts of the County. Come and see how homelike the place is and bow well the cbildreu are cared for. Fox three days, October 25, 26 and 27. Brantford was the centre Iffor West- ern Ontario Sundayenthusiasts I School e ASIS Million Lawrance, a man whose mime suggests the last word in organized Sun- day school work the world over, Was present and delivered 4 addresses ''The Ten Commandments for the Sunday School Teacher." •'Missiope in the Sun- day School," "'rite Revelation of the Sunday School" and "The Challenge of the Sunday School," 'Professor Fred. Langford, lof Victoria University, de- I:vered three addresses on "Educational Evangelism," "Its Meaning" and "Its Agencies and its Methods." Oranbrook MAPLE GROVE ODEESE AND BUTTER FACTORTt.—Follow ing 11010 from Avo0ton will be of interest to this community :—A meeting of the pat- rons of the Maple Grove cheese and butter factory was held on Monday everting, pursuant to the transfer of the business carried on by the late John W. Darter. Thos, Boyes was appointed chairmen, and George Artn- stgolg, minute Secretary, Mre, Out• tet will continue to own the factory,, and has employed Harry Darter its butter taker, with Geo. Kritzer as assistant. Following officers' were appointed :—Sectetltry, Frank ^)3e11 ; Treasurer, Thos. Boyes ; sale:Mete, I-larry Garter ; auditors, \V}Ilfruu Murray and Fraser Gibb, On nnntinn of. Hart y Stewart and Frank Bell the meeting expressed its eineeee eyrie. pathy with Airs. Oartet• in the loss which she sustained in the trltgle death of her husband, acrd its appre- ciation of the capable and efficient manner r i tar in which the business had been conducted wider his direction. Fordwich Nelson Gowdy' has purchased the Nei man W ride farm, 18111 Con, Shelly and Mre, Bucker will move to the village from their farm. Fordwiah Cheese and Butter On. has re-engaged E. G, Williams as maker• for next year. Glad to repots progress in the health of Alias Vera- Albrecht, who was operated on, at Toronto, recently, for appendieltia. Owing to (4 fall of a bolt while flying a threshing engine, working wt the farm of Itubt, Cathera, Percy King has been laid up for past few weeks. Blyth Aeteoke ofparalysis has laid An- thony liaggitt aside. Se00 was placed on the plates at tbo Methodiet cllOt'ob anniversary here. While Gift service will he held by !Methodist Subbed) School, Dec, '1.8111. Commercial hotel has fitted lip crim- e' room formerly occupied' as gt ocery as a read1ll 100111 for travellers. By a fall of 14 feet from au apple tree ,lits. Smith injured his back. The limb biolte,' Edward Laimdy, a cveil known tesi- dont of this locality, passed' away, Ile was horn' in England In 1888 nod is survived by a Son and 8 daughters. Following le the Prize Gist Fair of 1921 HORSES •Agricultural -brood snare, J Dettman 3 Wylie ; foal, J Wylie, R J Sander. eon ; gelding or filly one year old, It 3 Douglas, J W Gltmble; gelding 04, filly, two year's old, C Black, R 3 Douglas ; gelding or filly, throe years old, ij: J Dougiaa ; team in harness R J Sanderson, D Mnntgotncry, Heavy Draught—Brood mare, ,J Wood, D Wilkinson; foal. 3 Wood let and 2nd ; gelding or f}11y, one year' old, J Dotttnan, le Johnston ; gelding of Hilt'. two years old, 3 Wood let and 2nd ; gelding or filly, three years old, D Wilkinson, L Brown ; team In heroesa, J Wood, A Schmidt; best heavy horse, R J Sand- erson. Roadsters—Brood mare, J \'Wilkin ; foal, 7 Wilkin ; gelding or filly, one year old, 1? Gadkeer gelding or filly,' two year's old, 1? Harrison, A John- anon ; gelding or filly, three years old, E Sproule; single roadeter,_It Met- calf, F 13ehder ; team in harness, J Weir, Oarr'iage—Biood mare, F Harrison, H Douglas ; foal, H. Douglas, F Har- rison; gelding or filly, two years old 3 Jobnetoll ; single oarr'inge horse, 3 W McCracken, ,1 W Mot'risoo ; team in hatuese, J 3 Fryfogle, J Connell ; beet light horse, J W McCracken • special for agricultural team, R J Sanderson, T Montgomery, D Wilkin- son ; general purpose team, Abe Johnston, D Haskins single tom - out, W J Robes to ; lady driver, le Bender, J W Morrison, A Johnston ; best light horse on grounds, J W Mc- Draoken ; saddle pony, A Johnston. CATTLE Shorthorns.—Bull, three years or over, H` Sperling •, buil calf, under one year, J Watters, A Douglas ; cow.' four years or over, 11 Spelling, A Tuner ; sow, under four years, H Sperling, R3 Sanderson ; heifer, two years old, R J Sanderson, 1st and 2nd ; yearling heifer, R J Sanderson let and 2nd ; heifer calf, under one year,:A Toner, R J Sanderson ; fem- ale, any age, A Toner. Herefords—Bull, three years or over, W H Gregg ; bull, under three year's, J Downey ; bull, under two years. 3 Downey let and"2nd ; cow, under four years, W H Gregg ; heifer, two years, W Nl. Ch egg 1st and 2nd ;. yearling heifer, J Downey let' and 2nd ; bull calf, W H Gregg, J Dow- ney ; heifer calf. J Downey let and 2nd ; bull of any age or breed, W H Gregg, 11 Sparling, Grades, Beef type—Cow, W H Gregg let and 2nd • heifer, two years old, W H Gregg lot and 2nd ; year- ling heifer, R J Sanderson ; herd sono- •siatnlg of fourfemalee, W Y Gregg, Grades, Dairy. type—Oow, J T Strong ; heifer calf, R Ashton. SWINE Berkshire—Boar, under one year, Connell brood sow, over one year, 7 Connell ; sow, under one year, J Connell let and 2nd, Yorkshire -Boar, over one 'year,•A Gamble, 0 Johann ; boar, under one year, A Gamble, Johann ; brood sow, over one year, J Watters, 0 Johann ; sow, under one year, 0 Johann ; A Gamble. - Tamworl}i—Boar, over one year, E v n Jacques ; brood sow, over one year, innerne oE Jacques let and 2nd ;sow, t year, E Jacques 1st and 2nd ; pair bacon hogs, any breed, A Gamble, J Watters, . SHEEP Leieestera—Aged ram, L Brown, J Downey; shearling race, R 3 Sander- son let and 2nd ; ram lamb, R J Sanderson, L Brown ; ewe. L Brown ; R J Sanderson ; shearling ewe, L Brown, RJ Sanderson ; ewe lamb, L Brown let and 2nd. Oxford Downs—Aged rata, L Brown, J Connell ; shearling ram, D Rayson, W R Hastie ; rout lamb, D Rayson, W R Hastie ; ewe, D Ray - 80n, 3 Donnell ; shearling ewe, D Ray - son 1st and 2nd ; ewe lamb, D Rayson let and 2iid. Grades—Ewe, W R Hastie, J W Morrison ; shearling ewe, W R Hastie 1st and god ; ewe lamb, \V 11 nestle 1st and 2nd ; mutton sheep, any breed, L Brown, D Rayson. POULTRY Barred Plymouth Rocks, H Doug- las ; While \Vyandottea, A Tuner; Rhode Wand Beds, J Baylor, W R Raabe ; Andalusrans, Airs J Brnwn, J Reids ; bronze turkeys, Mee J Brown; J Reich,; sur keys, any otter kind, J Reidt: ; Toulouse geese, L Brown, J Wilkie geese,- any other kind, J Wilkiir; Pekin ducks, M Bride 1st and 210 ; Rouen docks, J Wilkie, L Brown ; g\Tinea fowl, A Toner ; Fan- tail pigeons, 3 Reich ; rabbite, A Denny; Pigeons, any other variety, M Bride lit 1111(1 2211 ; pair Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, \V Hain - stock, H D u lar • White Wyandotte r c end .'Loner ; - S 0 White Le hi k , Ag horn rhir•kens, 'Pi Strong, W Hahl- elurk ; Rhode Island Red chickens, J Bi vine, \\' 21 Beetle ; pair any hind 1921 chickens, corm fed, 14 Douglas, W Hainstock ; special Rhode Island Red cockerel and two pullets, J Baylor ; or the SAVED FROM AN OPERATION °F[ull-a-sires" Completely Believed Me 8928 UNION Sar., VANCOUVER, 13.C. "I suffered with ;ti} the symptom,: of Percale trouble, with chronic Consti- pation and constant Headaches. I had pains low down Irtthe back and sides of the body, A dootor advised me to have as operation, I started taking "Fruit-a•tives" and this medieiuo has caneplctely relieved me of all my misery and suffering. tam free of pain rend headaches and the terrible Conetipatlon, and what saved 'me is the fruit medicine, "Fruit -a -Lives." Madam Al. J. CORSE, 60c a pox, 6 for $2.60, trial size 26c. .At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit•a-tires Limited, Ottawa. 1921 Wyandotte eaelcerel and pullet, AToner• pair Spring chickens, any breed, W R Hastie ; 1921 Bar red Rock cockerel and pullet, W liaiustock. FRUIT Winter Apples -Northern Spy, J Wilkin, 7 el McMillan ; Canadian Red, A Schmidt, T Shearer ; Rhode Island Greening, I M McMillan ; Wagner, A Schmidt ; King of Tom- kin`s County, J M MnA1}Ilan ; Russet, J Downey, H Sparling ; Baldwin, A Schmidt, H Sperling ; Peewaukee, J N1 McMillan; J Downey ; Mann, J M McMillan, A Schmidt ; 'Twenty Ounce Pippin, el Spelling ; Ontario, J Al Mc- Millao ; Tolman Sweet, T Shearer„ J Wilkin ; collection, J M McMillan. Fall Apples—Culverts, T Shearer, H Sperling ; Cayuga Redstieak, J M McMillan ; Maiden's Blush, J M Me - Millan, Mrs W Beatty ; Snows, J M McMillan, J Wilkin ; Gerietian, A Schmidt ; Wealthy, A Schmidt, Mc- Intosh Red, J AJ McMcMillan ; Grav- enstein, H Sperling ; Easton Pippin',' T Shearer, A .Schmidt ; collection, J M McMillan ; general collection, 3 Al A1cM}Ilan, A Schmidt ; crab apples, Mrs J Brown, A Kiel ; pears, 3 Al Ma- Alillan, J T Strong ; grapes, 3 Al Mc- Millan, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes, Iilsh Cobbler, J T Strong, R Wilkin ; early variety, E Jar quer, n r i A Schmidt ; gr sen w u ata ri, J T Strong, A Schmidt ; lute variety, T Shearer, d Watters; turnips, swede, J Gamble, A Schmidt ; any other kind, A Schmidt; marigolds, red, 0 Caudle, A Schmidt ; yellow, A Schmidt, W Hainetock ; white, A Schmidt, T Shearer ; carrots, garden, A Kiel, A Schmidt ; field, It Brimble- combe, H Dongles • sugar beets, W Hainstock, A Schmidt; celery, 0 Black, hits J Beatty ; onions, potato, W Hainetock, A Schmidt; seed onions, J McMillan, A Schmidt ; Dutch sets, A Denny, \V Hainstock ; collection, MIS N AleDettnitt; pars- nips, nips,A Schmidt ;pumpkins,Aruner, J Watters ; citrons, .1 Wilkin, R Brimblecombe ; longblond beets,D Hell, A Schm dt ; turnip beets, A Denny, Mrs N McDermilt ; tomatoes, large, R Brimblecombe, A Schmidt; tomatoes, small, Mts. J Brncvn, 1 T Strong ; white cabbage, A Schmidt, 1st and 2nd ; red cabbage, Aire 3 Brown, A Schmidt ; red peppers, '1' Inglis, E Jac -gees ; cauliflower, T Lnglis, C Dandle ; watermelons, T Shearer, Mrs N Mc Dei mitt ; equaeb, A Schmidt, 0 Caudle ; encumbers, J Wilkin, -A Toner ; sunflowers, 3 Downey, Mre McDetinitt ; table corn, R Brimblecombe, A Schmidt ; field corn, A Schmidt, R Brimblecombe white beams, W Hainstock, Mre J Brown ; butter beans, A Denny, 3 Reids`; apecinl for collection by school children, W Hainstock, Al Stephens, Al Bride. GRAIN Red Winter wheat, A Schmidt; white Winter wheat, "T Inglis, A Schmidt; Spring wheat, R Brimble- combe, A Schmidt; barley, A Schmidt, R Brimblecombe ; peas, small, H Douglas, 3 Wilkin ; peas, laige, R Wilkin, R Brimblecombe; white oats, A Sohmidt, R Btimble combe ; black oats, A Schmidt ; timothy seed, A Schmidt. PLANTS AND FLOWERS Asters, 0 Black, Mrs J Brown ; dahlias, Mra J Brown, J Reids ; sweet peas, 3 Wilkin, Mrs 3 Brown • stooks, J Wilkin, Mre W Beatty gladiolas, 0. Black ; hnquet, Mable Schaefer, N1 Bride; annuals, J Reidt, Mrs .1 Brown eollection of house plants, E Jacques ; begonia, J Reidt ; house fern, 0 Caudle ; foliage plant, E Jacques, Mrs J Brown, DAIRY PRODUCE & PROVISIONS Packed putter, JT Strong, J Mc- Millan ; butter in rolls, R Brim ble- combe, AV Corbett; butter in prints, J T Strong, W Corbett; bread, 1 I;sins, A Douglas; apple tie 1.1 1t+ ttg- las, J fteidt; pumpkin plc 11, Doug- las, J D1rwney ; burrs, E Sothern, W 1Il Gregg . , oatmeal cakes, J entree , Il D orgies; tea biscuit%, It 13tirnbie- rclubs, .1 131eidt ; fruit oaks I3, J Sttod- ereon A! Gamble ; jelly cetke Ml'a N I Molest Mitt ; picltlea, vegetable, ft J Sanderson, M 'hide ; pickles, frail, 11 Douglas, R 'J Sanderson ; maple syrup, Mre N McDerrnitt, J Wilkin marmalade, 13. Dou'lae ; date bleat), Mrs W 13e111ty, 11 Fallis;. IAA le, J Downey, It liritublect•ullw 1 largest hen, eggs, Mrs, J Brown, MIS J T Strang ; collection of pi:rklee, R Bthnblecomabe, Airs N M0Derwlte; collection of jellies, Mrs N Mul)er' mitt, fi Douglas ; monkr11a21's trooper, R Brimblecombe, Mrs N M0Dermiet collection canned fruits, R thimble- combe, MIR N M,'Derinitt•, Special for beet sive lbs, butter fu pl'irlte, SV Corbett, special lot• beet two Ms, of butter, W Het}nstoek ; special -for 8 in. crock of butter', W Hainstock, 'J 7.' Strong, Mrs N AIaDertnitt ; special for best 101b. dt'ock abutter, W Cur.betl ; special for bread baked from Cycleue Hour, H Douglas ; special for 'bread from flour purchased from It Hues - ton, W Corbett. LADIES WORK Open to all—Apron, fancy, Nps W Beatty, Mies M Livingston ; enliecti(I ef'fancy, crock, M Liv,ingaloo, A'Irs W Beatty ; crochet wool, ;Mks H W Tam- lyn, NI Livingston ; crochet band bug, Mrs Beatty, Al Lis -lepton ; etcclie t Welt, M Livingston, Mrs Tamlyn ; crochet filet, R Brimblecombe, Mrs Tswlyer ; crochet yolce cawisofe, Mrs Beatty, M Livingston ; Danish cut work, Al Livingston, Mrs Tamlyn; drawn work, Mrs Tamlyn, R Brimble- contbe; doylies crochet, AJ re Beatty, R Brimblecombe, Embroidery—Eyelet, Airs Beatty, R. Britnbiecombe ; punched, Al Living- ston, Mre Beatty ; Mt Aleliick, M Livingston, Mrs •Tamlyn ; Roman, MrsTarnlyn, lel Livingston ; hardin- ger, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Beatty; on' burlap, M Livingston, Mrs .Carolyn ; sofa cushion in rope silk, Mrs Tam lyrr, R Brimblecombe ; sofa cushion, washable, R Brimblecombe, Mrs Tam- lyn ; centre piece, colored, 3 Wilkin, Mrs Beatty ; blouse, eyelet, el Living- ston, Mrs Beatty ; blouse in colors, M Livingston, J AV Gamble ; child's dress, M Livingston, R Brimble- combe ; machine -made, hand -embroid- ered ladies' under -garments, etc, Al Livingston; novelty fancy work, Al Livingston, Mrs Beatty. Knitting—Wnollen gloves, M Lir ingeton ; fancy handkerchiefs, "A1 Livingston, Mabel Schaefer ; knitting, fancy cotton, Mre Tamlyn, Mrs Beat- ty ; wool sweater coat, T Inglis, R Britnblecumbe ; wool bed jacket, Mrs 1 w y 'u i n wool I anter hood, It Brim- blecombe, Mrs Tamlyn ; laundry bag, el Livingston, R Brimblecombe; luncheon set Mr I r Mrs Tacn y n, Mrs Beat- ty ; woman's fancy mitts, Mrs Beatty, R Brimblecombet' titan's fancy mitts, Mre Beatty, R Beiwblecowbe ; mat, Al Livingston ; pin cushion, Mrs Tam- lyn, M Livington ; pillow cases, em- broidered, Mrs Beatty, R Brilubl'- combe; pillow cases, any kind, Mrs Beatty, R Brimblecombe; quilt knit- ted, Mrs Tamlytl, E Sothern; quilt, crocheted, Mrs Beatty, quilt, cotton, Mrs Tamlyn, 0 Black ; quilt, silk or velvet, 10 Livingston ; quilt, beat quilted, Mee Beatty, J Al McMillan ; raffia work, lel Livingston ; washable sofa pillow, Mrs Beatty,Mrs Tarn - tem A r 1 1 tem ; sofa pillow, any other kind, Urs Beatty, R Brimblecombe ; slipper's, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Beatty ; table centre, Al Livingston, Mrs. Tamlyn ; table runner, Mrs Tamlyn, Al Living- ston ; table mats, embroidered, R Britnblecoube, Mrs Tamlyn ; table mats, croehetted, E A Fattier, Mrs Beatty ; fancy towels, M Livingston, Mrs Beatty ; tatting, M Livingston, Mrs Tamlyn ; fancy workbag, el Liv- ingston, Mt's Beatty. Open to residents of Howick only— Apron, fancy, J T Strong, 0 Black collection of fancy work, J Downey, E Sotheru ; m•ochet bcquet holder, J T Strong, • Black ; crochet wool, \V Cot belt, E Fallis ; crochet cotton or silk, J T Strong, 7 Downey ; crochet, handbag, E Snthern, E Fallis ; crochet Irish, E Sothern I crochet filet, 0 Black, J Downey ; crochet, yoke camisole, 0 Black • embroidery, eye- let, J Downey ; embroidety, punched, E Sothern ; embroidery, hardinger, J Downey, E • Fallis ; embroidered scar -f• for library table, Mabel Schaefer; embroidered initial or monogram on table cloth and napkins, J Downey ; flue o'clock tea cloth, J Downey ; fancy handkerchiefs, 0 Blttrk, 3 Dow- ney ; machine made child's dress, E Sothern ; machine made work apron,' E Sothern, J Downey ; machine made cotton shirt, J T Strong, J Downey ; woman's fancy mitts, Mrs J Brown ; tatting, J Downey, E Faille ; pillow eases, ,, 0 Black, E Sothern pin cushion, E Sothern ; pillow cases, day 0 slips, Black, E Sothern : quilt, best quilted, R3 Sanderson ; sofa pillow, 11 Faille ; sofa pillow, any other kind, 3 Downey; woman's woollen stock- ings, to ck- itrgs,.7 Dney ; man's woollen socks, T' Strong, Mrs 3 Brown ; centre- piece, 0 Black, J Downey ; tray cloth, R 3 Sanderson, E Sothern ; bath towels and face cloth, E Faille ; tow - Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association's recent visit to Banff. Editors in car a Banff Station. taken OT' 1iu Saie rc WILL 'BE ALLOWED ON qtr erwer Fleece Lining in Wool Children's Will be snnbgect to the same Discount ..,pen,.. augcseammteopenmel Joe Schwadron a - .. ..,..7-',r®>m_ar+'won'. --. µcc.,,.....,.,,.;ir a„wria, PIS, embroidered, J Downey, 11 Seth- 1 PEN t1ANS 11I P ern t oil painting, still life, R a Sander' -e 9'o ehildten 13 Mill 14 year's eon ; collection of painting;, \\' If Emily Ben net 1,, Evelyn Inane-; 11 a1141 Gregg, L411oi' Bescvflherirk t railer- 12 Sears, Meijer 10 Gibson; I) and 111 tion of photographs, J Dols•ney ; years, Lloyd 0121hei , china painting, 0 Sleek, Alabel Schaefer ; water colo, laud -earn! 1,r Bread 9 Veil IN it loaf nt Wingham. utatel,e, 0 Black, Al S,haefer' ; 12611-1' : Plowing ,Manch adjoining Exeter of color, ally other kind, \V Cor'hett, a 1' Ort, 28 Strong ; fancy werkhag, E Fulls-. Nle„ 1 \Vino hunt atetl,ndiel ebnrrh' FINE ARZ.ti gavi 8 21(2 quire. Fred. \Vuet ih fs Collector of taxes Stencilling, Al Livingetan, Mrs for Stephen township, Beatty ; china painting, 0 Black. It. J. McGraw, of Vancouver, 13, C., Mabel Schaefer ; p.'' ril drawing. 111 : is visiting in Goderirh. Livingsl.ln;crayon drnoing, Al Lir-: Batrnln,ssler Weight, Winghaw, illgeton, MI5 Ta11117'11 ; 11en01rt)10111 , has removed to Stratford, J T Strong ; eolleetinrr of phn.'graph-, It T)- Btionti'Id, Alruoagrr of Dnrniu- Mrs Taltlyn, .1 Downey ; c,11rctiuu inn Bank, \e'ingharu, for past 4 year% of p':tintings, oil, M. Li iegston, el has been moved to Tot onto, Schaefer collection of paintings water color, AI Livingston ; portrait in water 20102, el Li villgar:re : pyrn- grapby on wood, 21rs 1 Ltulyl', t' Black ; nil painting, land r tpe 1e- mar- ine, M Lidingetnu, Ahs'1'runlyn ; oil painting, stili life, AI Liv}ogetten, -Lenot'e Beewitherivk ; tvatel eelm, landscape or marine, AI Living,;. tr, reekameenseegeemmreseemamen Mrs Tamlyn water colo, still life, AI Livingston. CHILDREN'S DP.PARTMENI' Patch on cloth, \\' Heins, rn•k, Di Baker ; hemmed hatniketeltiet', 1) Bakes J. Iiar•t is ; dal ring, Annetta eKf D � :rh 1 , ri � Baku butt -mile • I D . Baker, Evelyn Dane ;apapr,•n and sweeping r, Ethel Hlrrris, Il Baker ; Arn t Bros. collection of laaicing, P, Batt ie. 7 rd ■tV Now is the time to place your order for Turners so get as to ei t them safely Doused before Winter. II Foiitth II Choose your a ran from Ehir a Hi$ SVATERM 2. If)EAL FOUtiTAIN PEN gires the hest AV1.911:e possihM. Il., readiness to writ*• instantly, anywhere, without dependance upon desk or ink well, supplier! a ,inch appreciated ennvernienre 10 the everyday work of Staten's and till hnsine'e men lune women in all walks of life. \Vat:ermnn's Ideal Fountain Pens may be obtained in a wide variety of styles, with a p1111 to suit every slyly of hand wl iting. Prided Neem $2,50 up. Call and pick out a pointto suit your hand. Water Ulan's ink for Fountain Pens always in stock. J. R. WENDT, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN AIIMPOOMICESNICWIROCCNINITHZE WROXETER 11 9 -rFiiiires �V� Ford You don't hesitate to o\vn a binder for a few days!' use per year --to save time. Why not a Ford for use day or night every day in the year ? —to save tone -that can be better used in productive work, to keep you in close personal touch with markets, —to handle light produce to town, —to bring out help to your farm, —to keep the boys contented 00 the farm. The sturdy 1i'ord is the farm ear you mut for dependable power, endurance, simplicity and economy, - We render Ford Service and sell Genuine Ford Parts Call anti ask about the Fordson Tractor. Lin M. SCOTT, Brussels r\1"rl10t711'hl1l) PO1f:D l)E LI 11