HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-10-27, Page 1VOL, 5o NO, xF 200 fier annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, T.F"URSD4 Y, OCTOBER 27, x9zz W. H. KERR, Prafirietor 20 per cent off Everythin For the next Ten Days, start- ing Wednesday, October 19. Come and get some Great Bargains. R. W. Ferguson New Adrdrtisements Auotion Sale—Jas. E. Rea. Dry Shod—Chapman Bros, Horse Tor sale—Ernest Bray. Corn and Oats—AIL Booker, r` Kodak Albums—F. R. Smith. Poultry for Sale—Knox Bros. Auotion Sale—Hrs. John Hoist. Discount Sale—Joe Sehwadron. Bonfryn Store—W. G. tloMiBnn, Witches' Night—Melville Church. Her Best Piotare—Family Theatre. Bargaine Worth While—$soca & Co. Hallowe'en Party—Brussels Meth Church. Hallowe'en Social—Ethel Junior Institute. Qoderich An auto driven by Robert Mathe- son of this town collided Saturday afternoon with John Reycraft, son of Rev, and .Mre. J. E. Reycraft, of Vic- toria street, who was riding a wheel. The boy wait rushed to the General Hospital, where an examination showed that no bones were broken, though the car had passed over both hie legs. One side of his face was R. i. Reds AND Barred Rocks Several S. C. Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rock Cockerels for sale. Knox Bros. WROXETER What About Your 4. + + POULTRY . WILL pay the highest mar- 4- 4. t. . I kat price for all the Poultry 4. you have to sell and call at ,1, your place for them. .k. M. Yolleck y Phone 2x BRUSSELS + badly bruised. Matheson, driver of the car, claims the collision was pure- ly accidental, as 'in trying to avoid another cur at the corner of East street and the square he did not notice the boy until he was upon him, The boy's wheel was completely destroyed, Morris The deer had better be hunting a good place to hide in the Northland as our crack shuts are polishing up their firearms. Last week Wm. Souch and Jno, Stewart arrived home front a visit of 0 weeks to the West. They .report fairly good crops, They visited at various localities. Mr. Send' has 2 sons and a daughter out there and 4 brothers-in-law, (Jewitt Bros.) who live in Saskatchewan, Mrs. John Stewart, whose husband died recent- ly at Shellbrooke, will continue to make her home there. She is a daughter of Mr. Souch and her hus- band a son of Mr. Stewart. The big plowing match at Wood- stock last `week, at which a tremen- dous crowd attended, 25,000 on Thurs- day it was said, attracted Allan Adams, Elston Cardiff, Lew William- son, John Rintoul and Robert Gauley from Morris township, who enjoyed the unique demonstration of various events in plowing. There were 80 Methodist Churches ETH EL CIRCUIT Next Sabbath the Pastor will take aS the subject of hie address the Second Commandment Sabbath, Nov. 6th Anniversary Thanksgiving Sermons will be preached, followed by a Hot Supper and Fine Concert Monday evening. Program will consist of Male Choruses ; Scotch Songs by Rev. Dniieim McTavioh, For- mosa ; Readings by Mr, Jas. Pearson and other local talent. Tickets 50 cents, re, Dry Shod WHEN you wear a pair of our Rubbers5 you know you have a good thing because they keep your feet dry and they wear well. We sell only brands that have stood the test. A Note to Men Who want Good Wearing and Comfort in Shoes for every day use, The country -wide, old reliable GREB SHOE with the Guarantee that is worth while. Chapman Bros. Next door to Bank of Nova Scotia. BRUSSELS competitors' but there was heaps of room on the 700 acro farm at the asylum property, There was alert it big tractor exhibit with plenty of samples of wink done. We will look for a lively plowing match in this' locality next Fall. Ethel Mrs, Onber is vieiting her slater, Mrs. S. Chambers, Mitre ltlinpie Bateman spent Sunday with Wiugitam friends, Fred, and Mee, Ogle, Stratford, were visitors here thi e e w ek Master Macklin Brett, Palmerston, epeut Saturday with his friend, Burt- on Macdonald, Ethel Epworth League was repro. seated at the District Convention held at Teeswater Tuesday of this week, Leslie Pollard, recently of Ethel, now of Stratford, is taking a Com- mercial course at Stratford Business Col lege. Mies Bernice Cole is now filling a position on the staff of Duncau Fer- guson & Co., Dry goods merchants, S tratford. Several from this locality attended the Sunday school and Epworth League convention held in Teeswater last Tuesday, Keep your thought, on Sunday and Monday, Nov, 0 and 7, in connection with the Thanksgiving services and hot supper. See advt. concerning eagle. James McLelland met with a pain- ful accident when the ladder froth which he was picking apples broke,. the fall breaking hie arm and injuring his back. Hope be will soon be o. k, Hallowe'en Social will be held in Township Hall, Monday evening next under auspices of Junior Institute, to which you are invited. See advt. for further particulars and take it in. Last Thursday evening Literary Society Committee put on an interest- ing program of literary and musi- cal numbers, contests, games, etc., at the Epworth League meeting.. A good time was enjoyed. Thos. Flarity, who has spent the Summer in Ethel, returned to Burl- ington on Friday, to spend the Win- ter. His friends in Ethel wish him a pleasant stay and -will be glad to see him back again in the Spring. CAR OF No. 2 Corn AND CAR No, 2 C. W. Oats Expected this week. Call Phone 5 ALF. BAEKER Her Best Picture Gladys Weatapy tesi,DE.5PERA7E YOl/TY/ 211/.4 vrrrvaasAv1 Family Theatre Monday, October 31st • HENFRYN Store Seasonable Offerings All ' Wool Underwear Fleece -lined Underwear Work Shirts Leather Mits and Gloves Overalls Heavy Rubbers Fine Rubbers Stable Window Glass Putty Nails, Oils and Turpentine, Full line of Fresh Groceries Cheeley Flour, Kittcardine Meats. Call and Inspect our stook. W. G. McMillan Enjoyable Hallowe'en Party in Lecture Room of Brussels' Methodist Church is at your disposal Friday Evening of this week Pro ram in line with the event and full of pep, Games, Fun, &e. Lunch. Tickets 15 Qty. If you desire a few happy,1houre COME. Mre,;Thos. McDonald, '7th line, is ill with an attack of pneumonia. Wedding bells are chiming and we say "Hearty congratulations." A few Ethelites attended the Chautauqua at Atwood last Saturday night, Sunday, November Oth, anniversary sermone will be preached in Ethel Presbyterian church by Rev. E. F. Chandler, B. A., B. D., of Walton, at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m, Ethel Women's Institute held an enjoyable meeting at the home of Mee. J. K. Halls, Mrs, Geo. Mitchell, President. occupied the chair. Topic "Possibilities of a Girl" was the prac- tical subject well introduced by Mrs, Falconer, The Junior Society was entertained and gave the balance of the program, which was directed by Miss Myrtle. McKee, President, and was as follows : nano solo, Miss 0. Purvis ; vocal Bolo, Miss Gertrude Purvis ; duet, Misees Eleanor Engler and Audrey Bremner ; readings, Miss Ella Mitchell and Mrs. (Rev.) OKell. A tasty lunch was served. Every- body did well and a tine time was spent. Cranbrook Additional Oranbrook news on page 5. Dr, J, L. Turnbull, of Vancouver, B. O., has been spending a week visit- ing friends in Mornington and Strat- ford. He left at the end of last week for Philadelphia where he will attend the association meeting of the Surgeons of America. Mrs. Turnbull was formerly Mies. Jeanie McNair, of Orandrook, Moncrietff The W. M. S„ of Knox church, Moncrieff, will hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, November and, at 2 o'clock, topics to be taken by Mrs. McFarlane and Mrs, Graham. On Sutiday evening a very fine W. M. S. thank -offering service was Con- ducted in Knox church by Rev. Mr. Chandler, who gave an excellent ad- dress which was enjoyed by all. Of- fering amounted to $30.00, Wroxeter NOTES.—A number of Masonic brethren of Forest Lodge, attended a Masonic service held in the Methodist church, Harriston, Sunday morning. —Mrs. Wenger, Ayton, spent last week with her neice, Mrs. F. Davd-y, Service was withdrawn in the Methodist church Sunday evening, owing. to illness of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Holmes, who has been confined to bed for 10 days. We hope for a speedy convalescence.—W. and Mrs, Maude, Ottawa, are guests ; at the home of Jno. Adams.—Rev. Dr, Harkness preached in the Salem Methodist church, Sunday afternoon. —Wm.Cornwall r wall ata d family left for Mt Forestd on Tates a where the for- mer has a position on the 0. P. R.—A moving picture show conducted by F. S. Brown, Brussels, was held in the Town Hall, Fri'hay evening. 814.00 of the proceeds went towards the Rink feud. Croy A brother of Jno. Brondfoot, 15th Cou., died on the 24th inst., in Tuck- eretnitb township, in his 78th year. . Some of cur Grey township politi- cians heard the big guns fire their volleys last week. The hot supper and entertainment anoouuced for the Methodist church, Ethel, on Monday, Nov. 7th promises to be a good one. Well arranged pro- grant is being prepared. Sabbath ser- vices ervices on 0th prox. We e re a sorryto be of the hear demise ofo R beet Douglas, it ifant son of Jae. E. and Mrs. Smith, Toronto. The little lad was 2 months and 10 days old. Mrs. Smith will be better known by her maiden name, Miss Isabel Mc- Taggart, a former resident of this township. 17, F. 0. MEETING.—Thursday even- ing of this week at 8 o'clock, John King, the Progessive candidate for North Huron, will addrese a public meeting at Duke's school house, 4th Con. on the issues of the day. •thee speakers will also be there. Special invitation given to the ladies, We are sorry to chronicle the death of the infant son, John Alexander, of Thos. and Mrs. McDonald, 7th Oon., which took place last Friday. Baby was only 11 days old. Burial was made Saturday afternoon iu Bruseels cemetery. The parents have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their baby son, FINE LADDIE DIES IN THE WEST,— We nue sorry to hear that Andrew (Joe) the 10f year old son of A, A. and Mrs. Harkness, of, Vegerville, Alta„ died on Tuesday of last week froth diphtheria. Ile took ill Saturday and although treated with anti -toxin, which seemed to help, he passed away as mentioned. A daughter died at Calgary with re similar ailment last Winter. Mrs.'Harknees is a daugh- ter of the late Robert arra Mrs, Pear• ♦ 1 son, of Gray township. Many old Hemernber lineneenimmeminiNnieenneolonn ON Monday Nicht October 3 31 --AT_ Melville - Church —IT IS— "Witches' Night" And dinna be fley'd gin' ye should see weird figures about the ingle and see strange faces lookin' at ye from a nook in the war, Admission 26 Cts. friends here will sympathise with the bereaved. Molesworth Hance and Mrs. Thos. McDonald are back from an enjoyable visit to Win. and Mrs. Fraser and Roy and Mrs. Fraser at Dutton, Elgin Co. Former old residents of this locali- ty were here for the week end in the persons of ex -Reeve Fraser and wife, and Roy, his, wife and daughter, Marjory, all of Dntton, Ont. It is 4 years since the former went there and they are welt pleased with their new home. Roy is a very busy man with his butter factory and produce busi- ness. We were glad to see them. Bluevale Rev. R. L. and Mrs. Wilson visited friends in Park Hill, Grand Bend and Seafortb. They also visited their daughter in Southampton. Rev. R. L. Wilson took the morning service at Bethel on the Stella circuit on the 16th inst. The work is prosper- ing under Rev, J. E. Rouleton. Anniversary services at Bluevale, Sunday, Oct. 16 were a success. Good congregations at both services. Rev, Mr. Roulston gave two inspiring ser- mons and the people were delighted. Choir, under the leadership of L. W. Ruttan, with Mrs. Gordon Gallaher, at the organ, gave good and satisfact- ory service. The offering was $00.00. We are very sorry to state that Mrs. George McDonald, a highly esteemed resident, passed to her reward Wed- nesday morning. She is survived by her husband and 2 sons, Mrs. McDon- ald had been in poor health for several months. Our sympathy goes to the bereaved. Walton George Ferguson was here from Toronto last week. His father was not as well as usual. Harvey Hoover was the successful tenderer for R. R. mail route No. 2 and has Ed. Ryan looking carefully after the job at present. You are not forgetting about the big AuctionSa e 1 at as' �A. e J Rae . Date is Tuesday, November 8th and list may be read in another column, Sale will be without reserve. James Tay- lor will handle the bids. AOCamer SALE,—John Clark, has disposed of Lot 25, Oon. 14, McKillop, to George R. Love and will hold an Auction Sale of Farm stock, imple- ments, &c., on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, at 1 p, m, Thos. Brown will be the Auctioneer, An Auction Sale of Farm stock, im- plements, &c., is announced by Mrs. John Heist, Lot 27, Oon. 8, McKillop, to be held Tuesday afternoon of next week, at 1 p, m. As she is giving up farming sale will be without reserve. Thos, Brown will be Auctioneer. Read list of sale on page 8 this week, The fine 130 acre farm of Jno. Clark, known as the Dickson farm has beenof e d to Geo. R. Love,of this locality, Price said to bt 813,700. Possession will be given December let. Mr, Clark is a busy mac, having 2 other farms and a mail route. He has quite a record in farm deals and at different times has owned possibly 25 or more. Mr. Clark may move to the 50 acre farm near the village. Mr. Love bas got a fine home and well located. Mr. Clark lived there for nearly 2 years. MI59IONAB:Y MEETING, — Presby- terian W. M. S. held their October meeting on Oct. 10that the home of Mrs. W, Clark. Weather being un- usually fine over 50 ladies were pres- ent, Mrs, John McDonald occupied the chair, Bible reading was given by Miss J Simpson, Questions by Mrs, J Ritchie, assisted by Mrs. Mc- Arthur, Miss M. Smillie, Mrs. W. Davidson and Mrs. McOalltitn, Sever- ed of the members attended the Pres- byterial at Wingham and Mrs. Oster brought back a good report of the proceedings, Mrs. Chandler aleo gave a few remarks on the same subject, Discussion was held on ways and means to get new membere in the Auxiliary, also to get more subscribers for the Missionary Messenger. Can- vas of congregation was decided on. Miss 13. Davidson, gave a line paper on Formosa, At Titanic -offering meeting held recently Rev, 1)r. Harkness gave a splendid account of watnan'e work in missions not ein the foreign field Theu >Cr?t th Ftrt Junior Institute will hold a Hallowe'en Social in the Township Nal(, Ethel Monday ev'g, October 31st A Humorous Program is being prepared ; a Dainty Lunch will be served, folio wed by Games and other Amueemente, Everybody Welcome. Admission ' . 25 and 15 Conte Will friends kindly contribute Sandwiches and Pumpkin Plea for Inuoh. alone, but in our home land, branch- ing out in so many helpful lines which could not be taken by men. We hope every woman in the congregation will feel her reeponsibility in this matter and consider it a privilege to assist in such a good cause. "Freely ye have received freely give." Social hour was spent after the meeting when lunch was served by the hostess. Next meeting, Nov. 10th, will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Shortreed. VICTOR SPARLINO'S BARN BURNED; —About 0 30 Tuesday everting a lant- ern exploded in Victor Sparling's bank barn and the fine building strawshed &c. were destroyed. Crop. and poultry were also consumed. Loss partly covered by insurance. The place was purchased a year ago from Thos. Ryan. Belgrave Miss Jean Farquar, Clinton, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. 3 oe Clegg, 5th line, Morris. Rev. Mr, Sinclair, of Behoove, preached the Thanksgiving service in Knox church, Belgrave, last Sabbath evening, taking for his subject the Last Supper, He also conducted a Baptismal Service. Rev. Mr. Scobie, Whitechurcb, was in charge of the Preparatory service Friday afternoon at 2 30, Mr, Stobie is always welcomed to the Presbyteri- an chm'ch, Belgrave. He gave a splendid and helpful address. Mission Band of Knox church, Bel - grave, ie having a Hallowe'en Social to the basement on Monday evening at 730 o'clock. Admission, adults 10 cents and children 5 cents. Every. body welcome, BIBLE SocncTY.— Monday evening the executive of the Belgrave branch of the Bible Society met at the home of R. Procter, President, Rev. W. B. Hawkins, in the chair and opened the meeting with prayer. Rev. Mr. Peters read minutes of last meeting which were adopted and the business of the evening was enthusiastically taken up. Last year no collectors went from house to house soliciting eubscriptions but envelopes were sent to each family and although amount Sent in, 8107.72 was a little less than former years it was decided to use envelopes again this year. They will be mailed to the patrons of this Branch in near future. Board is con- fidently looking forward to increased subsmiptions this e 9enr as the need is great and this new plan better under- etood. It was decided to hold a union service in the Presbyterian church in the latter part of November or begin- ning of December and every one in the community is iuvited to be pres- ent and put their envelopes on the plates that day. Fixing date and order of service is left to the ministers of the 3 congregations. Rev. Mr. Jones was elected President ; H, Hop- per, Sec.-Treas , re-elected, who with Revs. Peters and Hawkins and Geo. Procter, and Win. Geddes represent- ing Knox church, Herb. Wheeler and W. C. Procter the Methodist church, and R. Procter and It Johnson for Trinity, comprise the executive, Business over, Rev. Mr. Peters pro- nounced the Benediction after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. A. vote of thanks was tender- ed Mr, and Mrs, Procter for their kindness. Huron County Large crowds heard the Premier et Clinton and Goderieh. 2nd crop of potatoes are on Soaforth program. Planted July 23 and dug Oct. Henry and Mee. Rapien, Manley, eelebrated their Silver Wedding. Bayfield properties for Summer cottages are finding buyers. An open air skating rink will be operated next Winter at St. Oolumban, J, W. Morley has articled with Bar- rister Stanbuey, Exeter, to study law. W. Wiley ie Fax Collector for Stan- ley township for 1021, $825 were proceeds of 'Trivia Mem- orial church fowl sapper, Exeter,, Mrs. Juo, McCabe, Knetzville, is able to be around after being severely scalded. Improvement is reported in case of Mrs. Tom Carling, Centralia, ill with Diphtheria. A front tire was stolen from K. Ament'e car while he was attending Egtnondville ehurch. P. Everette Exeter, hart sold itis har- ness business to E. lei. Qeance after running it for past 40 years. 2 year old colt owned by Jno, Deck- er, Zurich, sold to a Milverton man for $700. `Potatoes a fair good crop In Hnwick,. A small bone wtte broken in Geo, Jordan's Ankle, while setting thresh- ing earteh to near Belgrave. Goderieh township will prohibit gsensible camping , onroadsides, That is a 3,000 barrels of apples is the estimate of R. R, Sloane orchard, Goderieh township Mrs. Thos, Hall, formerly of Wing ham, died at Pasadena, Cal„ Sept, 30, aged 75 years. Only ill 2 weeks, Grocery business of late Jae, Gould, has been taken over by Harvey & Harvey, Exeter. A broken arm resulted to Soo, Bern sr., Zion, from getting it Vaught ht a wagon wheel while backing down a gangway. Plowing match Friday on E„Shalt- ton's farm, Lot 17, Oon, 3, Stephen. There will be 5 classes and 4 prizes in each. Girls' Guild of Trivitt church, Exe- ter, will sell poppies on Armistice Day, Soldiers' monument may be decorated, Goderieh District Epworth League Convention at Clinton, Wednesday of next week. 3 sessions. Rev, K. J. Beaton of China, expected. Strawetack was burned Sunday afternoon at J. T. Currie's, East Wa- wanosh. Children were playing about it at the time, Jno. Purvis, Auctioneer, will run as Conservative candidate in South Bruce, making it a 3 cornered contest. With John it may be "going, going, gone.” Tall corn was grown by S. McBurn- ey, East Wawanosh, Stalks measur- ed from 14 to 16f feet, cobs front 12 to 21f inches long. It .is called Eureka. Mac, bad 6 acres of it. Many farmers in Exeter district have reported that squirrels are epoil- ing a large percentage of their apple crop. Red squirrels are often meeting Budden death, while their brothers, the blacks and greys, are enjoying freedom and safety uuder Govern- ment protection, Listowel LADIES HOLD HOSPITAL AID FAIR. —Women's Hospital Auxiliary open- ed their hospital Fair Thursday of last week on the second floor of the Per- fect Wheel Factory. Misses Ivy Kidd and Lola Fair were responsible for the effective decoration scheme, wbieh gave the impression of brightness as one entered. Spacious tea-room was patronized by a continuous throng, Mre. T. L. Hamilton being convener, assisted by an able committee. Main building was divided into a number of booths at which practically every- thing from a handkerchief to a ton of coal could be purchased. Supper was served from 5.30 to 7, and refresh- ments during the evening. Great in- terest was manifested by the ladies from surrounding rural districts both in donations and attendance, and the unity of effort is an evidence of ap- preciation of the Listowel Memorial Hospital. Officers of auxiliary for the year are :—President, Mrs. Sangster ; Secretary, Mrs. (Dr,) James Moore ; Treasurer, Mrs. J. H. McDonald, L017I9 HEATH DECEASED,—Louis Heath, a well koowa resident of Listo- wel and former Elma township fann- er, died Tuesday night of last week at his residence on Raglan street, in his 74th year. He had been ailing for more than a year and for the past two months was seriously ill and confined to the house. Mr. Heath was born in Puslineh township and when a lad of 7 years his father died. With his mother he came to Elma township lo- cating on the 4th Con. After farthing in Elma for about 40 years he retired and moved to Lieto s'2 3 years g wago, • Mr. H Heath belonged to the Canadian Order of Foresters and was a member of the Methodist church. Funeral on Friday„ to Fairview cemetery, was in charge of Rev. Dr. Hazen. Besides Mrs. Heath there survive 5 sons and 3 daughters. They are N. F„ Cover- dale and John Heath of town ; James of the 3rd line Wallace ; Alonzo near Ethel t Mrs. Henry Holtzman of Mary - borough ; Mrs, Ed. Clark, Listowel and Mrs. Lloyd. Aueman, Elmo,. Two sisters are Mrs. Elizabeth Haines and Mrs.iWm. Lynn, Guelph Junction. Church Chimes A new coal furnace is being installed in the Methodist Parsonage. The for- mer one bad served its day. Read the Su uY da SchoolLesson esson ole a s on p g a e : of this ass us', Epworth League District konvention was held in Teeswater• last Tuesday. It was very well attended from Brussels locality, 22 delegates being there. Sunday, October 3oth, will be the World's Temperance Sabbsth, Special printed program has been prepared by the Dominion Alliance to emphasize the work and quicken interest in;, a good cause. Will you give it a boost, please 7 Sunday morning last Rev. Mr, Clark discoursed on the text, Lev, 6.63 "The fire shall be burning on the altar, it shall never go out." and in theleveuing gave a character sketch of the disciple known as "Doubting Thomas." Thursday evening of next week a Teachers' lunch will follow a business meeting of the Sabbath School of the Methodist church, in the parlor of the ehurch. Phe "Little Stars" Mission Band of Melville church held their annual Thank - offering on Tuesday evening of last week, There was an interesting program, in- cluding the 'Shaking Quakers," given entirely by the members. Offering a- mounted to 838.00. W. R. Jackson, a enr for Heintz - man, & Co., was killed on the new Sebringville highway when his cur overtutmed. Accompanied by Wil- liam Kearney, deceased were returning from Milverton, and had just turned on to the pavement wheu the car skidded and overturned.