The Brussels Post, 1921-10-13, Page 5Er,IINERE CARO;, JNO SUTHENEAND & SONS LIMITED zdvseatxci iirOVILIVI O.lw!' 1110 WM. SP QS CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LIOENSES glee{ e iq la Post U fSOs Ethel. 110.! yv MSIIWWLAIa- el&or, Solicitor, Piddle, U;afi twt'Bok • 1 door North of Central hotel, Nolioltor for the Metropolitan Book, (ploz.fdf s MOTILE* JAS. E. SMITH PROPRIETOR This popular hoetlery la oppen to the public. In all departments of a First-class Hotel, Meals served et regular hours. Phone04 Clean, eomfortable beds, OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Office opposite Flour Mill, lithel. JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Rawiek Mutual /Ire Insurance Company Phone 42 Tnrnberry Street, Braesele Siaooesoor to John Herrin, Watton, T. T. M'RAE M. H.. M. O. P.. d: S. 0, M. 0, H., Village of Brusselo, Physician, Surgebn, Acooaobesr nice at residence, opposite Melt dile Matruh, William street. PROUofooT, VIBORAM & COOKE Barristers, eal.ioiters, Notaries Public, $c. Office on the Square, 211,: door from Hamilton Street, GODSBIOH, ONT. Private tundr, to loan zt lowest rates. w. PNorress o2 �. 41.0. J. L, Zu:LOSAe Jail 000s>a r, Increase Your Earning Power , by nttendlnq the ELLJOT ®i pt -e Yongo do Charles Ste., Toronto -' Tide school is etrictiy aret-olaas in all te departmaate and enjoys a wide•epreod patronage.is 1e time -tried and truly-testedand you risk motht, ing by coming bore. Oar gratin- , etas are eminently anooesefal, Enter any time. Write tier catalogue. D W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINOIPAL 'J 10t and 211(1 t Idly noath Rocks, white, e W [ Mlliel, let a.nd 2 ; Rhode Is• land Mede, Llato Broe, MIA ilia I Stowe,! t Wyandotte°, white, bV 1 miss, Jae .,,•,�++•.•,., . and 2rld, Wyrindottes, acv other, ' Frank Angus W f Miller • any other Mostly Clover with a little Fail Honey with it. 12 cts, a ib. 'Clover Honey also on hand, . Phone 5824,. stendeed valieey, W I Miller Flartk I 4ngus best pair utility fowl, W I11 Miller, Frank Ai"rgus • four cockerels, bled for export, W i Millar, Carr BIOS, GRAIN AND f3.4EDS Tinothy, J Alton, AttdrewSchtnidt ; 1 F'al wheat, recti . Andrew Schmidt ; •Fal wheat, Fall v oe t, white,Jus Alton Andrew I Schmidt ; Spring wheat And; eta Schmidt 4 smell white peat!, 3140 Alton, L. WHEELER learn Deacon ; parte, any other, Jae Al. ton ; white mite, Hugh Gilmour, Jae gummiege; black oats, Jas Alton, Wiogham Fall Fair Annual Fall Fair was well attended and the gate receipts were $500, Ex. bibite were of excellent quality and the various elttadee well filled, Tle re was a generouit reepertse by many to• the Ilse of special prizes and the Pee•si- detitand others de,erve great credit for the energy they displayed. A big Concert 'concluded the Fair. Prize list ie rte follows HEAVY HORSES General purpose, team in harness, Earl lilliott, C E Gregg ; agrioultnt al, breve mate, FeedOhurchlll, Alex Mc- Donald, Treewaler, R J Douglos Spring foul, R J Douglas, Alex Mc- Donald, Teeswater•, Frank Roth ; one. year•old filly or geldlii{t, R J Douglas ; two-year-old filly or gelding, Alex Ate - Donald, Wingh,im, Alex McDonald, Teeswater•, Joseph Kerr ; team in har. ness, R J Sanderson, Telford Mime. gomery, Jns Brigham ; heavy draft, brood mare, registered 0 N R, fool at side, Alex McDonald, Wingham; Spring foal, regietered or eligible, Alex MoDonaid, Winghean ; brood mare. foal at side, Alex McDonald, Wingbain'; Spring foal, :Fred Chur- chill, Alex McDonald, Winghern ; team in harness, G B Armstrong, Wm 1Vatenn, Jae Futreelei beet tin ea. - year -old heavy draft or agri, Telford Montgomery, Jae. t3righaln, LIGHT HORSES Carriage, single driver, John Fry' •fogle; Roy Hastings, Andrew Mc - Hague ; roadsters, brood snare, fool at aide, Jan Forrester ; Spring foal, .las Forrester ; one -year• -old filly or geld- ing, Jas Forrester, Dr Humbly, Robt Beattie ; single driver, Fred Bender, 3 0 Currie, Alex B Mcthague,, Jas. Hef- fron ; team iu harness, Dr, Ford. CATTLE' Shorthorn, breeding cow, John Gil- leepie,:lst and 2nd ; 2•year-old heifer, Jos Kerr, John Gillespie ; one -year-old heifer, Jos Kerr •, heifer• under 12 months, Andrew Douglas ; bull under 12 menthe, Andrew Douglas, Wm Lyons ; Herefords, breeding cow, Thos Taylor, 13 T Perdue ; bull, over 12 months, W 1 Currie, Thos Taylor • buil under 12 months, Tiros Taylor, Fi '1' Perdue; heifer under 12 months, H T Perdue, Tiros Taylor ; two.year-old heifer, 13 T Perdue, Thne Taylor ; one- year -old heifer, Thos 1J;'aylor, 13 T Per- due ; Polled Angus, breeding cow, John Shiell, 1st and 2nd ; bull under 12 months, F G Todd, John Shiell •, heifer under 12 menthe, F G Todd, let and 2nd ; two-year'-nld heifer, John Shiell, 1st and 2nd ; jersey et their •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • CAR OF •• • • • aATS ▪ to arrive shortly. • Place Your Order Early. • •• Tip-top supply of • s '.Corn Shorts and B s Bran • on band. If you need any call • • or 'phone. • • 1 W. J. McCracken s • • • • ••••••N•••••••••••••••••• Well Tools FOR SALE 276 feet It inch Drill Rope nearly new, 1 set Jars and Rope Socket, 1 Sinker, 16 feet by 8 inches, 14 -inch Sand Pump, 1 5•inch Sind Pump, 1 4 -inch Reetner, 2 5 -inch ottoman and Bite for same, Also a length of 8.inch easing. All for sale cheap as owner has no use fur them, Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired Well Drilling done gamma'. Call up Phone 28x s GiEO. BIRT, BRUSSELS What' About Your • 4 a, POULTRY .. WILL pay the highest rear- : ket pt$oe for all the Poultry you have to sell and call at your place for 1110111, M. Yolleck Phone 2at r BRUSSELS 11 hN 04,+"M•l»4.1•!••t•d••4+4-hq••4.4+•4. ++ wades, heifer under 12 months, Levi Loll ; Holsteins or their grades, breed• ing cow, Carr Bros, Robt Beattie grades, breeding cow, Rohe Groves, Joseph Kerr • two-year old h eifer, JO Sblelle t culties nn -vear- old }leiter, John Shields, Joseph Kerr heifer calf, Win Lyons, John Mundell ; steer calf, R J Sanderson, Andrew Me• league; one -year-old steer, John Shield, 1st and 2nd ; two-year-old steer, John Shielle, lst and 2nd ; fat cattle, baby beef, Win Lynne ; fat stock steers, John Shielia. SHEET' Leicesters, aged ram with pedigree, G B Arntebrong, R J Sanderson; trimmings ram with pedigree, R J Send - mon let and and ; ram Iamb, R J Sanderson, let and 2nd ; aged ewe, G B Armstrong, R -T Sanderenu ; shear- ing ewe, S B Armstrong, R J Sander- son ewe Iamb, RJ Sanderson, John MM41111141;u11}in ; aged ewe, Robt •oulten, 1st and 2nd ; Downs, any ether. aged ram with pedigree, W G Rose let and and ; rain lamb, W G hose, 1st and 2nd ; aged ewe, W G Roes, 1st and 2nd ; shearing ewe, W 0 Retie Int and 2nd ; ewe lamb, W G Ross, mat and 2nd. PIGS Berkshires, boar of 1921, J D Mc. Ewen, Jae Alton • boar, prior to 1923 with pedigree, .1 I) AltEtven, Jan Al- ton ; 5010 of 1921, las. Alton, J D Mc- Ewen ; breeding sow, las Alcon, J T) McEwen ; Yorkshires, boar of 1921. Otto Johann ; boar, perm, to 1921 with pedigree, 1V J Currie, Otto 3(111711 sow of 1921, J Alton, 0 Johann ; breeding sow, Hetb McKean'', Jae gl ton ; Tnmwer•ths, hoar, prior to 1921, wi th • pedigree, Sant Denson. POULTRY Ducks, Pekin or Aylesbury, Ron. nenhnrg Bras, Genrge Coolies ; ducks, tiny other, Carr Bras, Ronnenbur•g Bins ; geese, Toulouse, Ro nnenbtrrg Bros, Jae Alton ; geese, any other, Ronnanhurg Bros ; bautelns, ornam- ental, Carr Broe, Frank Angus ; Ba1. tame, game, any vatlety, Frank Aro ;etre 1st mid 2nd ; Leghorns, browti, J F 'Maley, 1st and 2od ; Lrehnrne, white, Rotnonburg Bros, 3 F Miley ; Minorotts, Rounenburg Bros, 3 P tit- tles/ ; Orpington', any variety, Ron- nenburg Bros, let and 2nd ; Plymouth Rocks, barred, W I Miller, let and 2nd ; Plymouth Rocks, white, W I Miller, 1st and 2nd; Rhode Island Redo W I Miner O Bros Otter r e , Wynn- dottes, white, Frank Angn, W I Mill- er Wyandottes, any other, Frank Angus, Rolnenburg Bros ; any other standard variety, Frank Angus, J F Uttley ; pigeons, Carr' Bros ; thickens, ducks, Pettit) or Aylesbury, Batmen - burg Bros, 1at and 27111 ; ducks, any other, Rnnnenberg Stns. let anis 2rid ; bantams, ornamental, Frnuk Angus; bantams, game, any variety, Frank Angus, let and 2ncl ; L eghorna, brown, W I Miller, 1st and 2nd ; Le hnens, white, W r Millon, 1st and 2nd ;' MI- noroae, tV I Mi)ler, 1st and 2nc1 ; Lir- ton, Dormidtt Hatless Miss Garrick,; In Inns, W I Ai111t!r 1st tool 2nd � • lymonth Rocks, barred, W I Miller, 1 girl Wider 12, 0 Camp 011 let and Soda Andrew Schmidt ; barley, any varie- ty, Andreae Schmidt, Jae Alton ; field coin, Dent, Jae Cunnninga, Robt. Groyne; field corn, Flint, Andrew Schmidt; Ensilage corn,' Alex Mc• IDwon, Joe Kerr ; sheaf of white pats, Peter Molwen, Richard Wilton, Hugh Gilmour ; husbel oats, Hugh Gilmour, Richard Wilton ; beet collection of with; arid seeds, Jets. Alton, Andrew Schmidt, Jas Alton ; beet collection of pressed injurious weed plants, J G Fyfe, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Beans, small white, $ Young, J Al- ton, benne, large white, Pat Gibbons, John Gray ; beans any Other, Otter Oros, Richaral Wilton; beets, long reed, Andrew Schmidt ; beets, any other, J Young, Alex McErwen ; ear. rn rots, field, I d Wrigght, Andrew Schmidt; carrots, table abort, Alex. Iticlweu, J Young ; carrots, table iutetmediate, Robb Groves, John Gray ; Mangold, Wurtzel, long, An- drew Schmidt, John Gray ; marigold, Wurtzel, intermediate, Andrew Schmidt ; parsnips, W f .Miller, Johu Gray ; radishes, Whiter, Andrew Schmidt; sugar rnangolds, Samuel Vaustone, Alex Ala liven ; turnips, Swede, Andrew Selnmidt, I J Wright ; turnips, any other, Andrew Schmidt. ; potatoes, early, Garr Bros, John Gray ; late, Samuel Vatrstone, An- drew Schmidt.; e char dt; best collection of potatoes, Andrew C p , A it w S hmidt, W I Mill- er•; yellow onions, Andrew Schmidt ; Dutch or top sets, W I Miller ; onions grown from Dutch or top sets, John Gray, Andrew Schmidt ; onions, any other, John Grey, Andrew Schmidt; tomatoes, large red, scarlet or pink, John Gray, Andrew Schmidt ; tomatoes, any other, Andrew Mc- Dougall, Pat Gibbons ; celery, white plume, W I Miller, S Young ; cab- bage, Winter, Andrew Sehmirlt, Gladys Page ; cabbage, *klieg, Gladys Page, Andrew Schmidt ; cit- rons, 13 Wright, Pat`Gibbnns ; Cu- cumbers, green or ripe ; Jas. Young, Hugh Gilmour ; table corn, E W Or - vie, Andrew Schmidt ; musk melons, Andrew Douglas,: pumpkins, S Young, S Burchill ; sunflowers, Pat Gibbons, Carr Bros ; equaeh or mam- moth, pumpkin, Andrew Schmidt; collection of garden produce, Carr Bros. Andrew Schmidt. FRUIT Apples, Alexander, 0 Oampbell, Thos Taylor ; A 0 V, green or yellow, W A McGill ; Baldwin, 0 Campbell ; Ben Davis, 0 Campbell, W J Currie ; crab, any variety, W J Ourrie, W A McGill ; famuse or Snow, John Gray, Sara Young ; golden russet, Thos Taylor, W A McGill ; Gravenstein, P Gibbons ; king, 0 Campbell, Thos, 'Taylor ; laubbardson, P Gibbons' ; Northern spy, RWilton;1 y, Wt 0 Oampbell ; Tibetan, Moe Taylor ; R I Greening, W J Ourrie, W A McGill ; Roxbcno russet, Jas Alton, 0 Oanipbell ; S'pit- zenbrng, W A McGill ; Tolman sweet, Jae Young, W A McGill ; Wagner, Richard Wilton, W A McGill ; wealthy, W A McGill ; other fruit, pears, any other Fall variety, J D Beeoraft, Jae Alton; pears, D'urhess U'Angtrrtleme, Jas Alton ; pears, any other Winter •vat•iety, Jas Young, 0 Campbell ; plums any other, W A McGill, DAIRY AND PROVISIONS Bread, blown, E W (Weis, Mrs I Stewart, J D Beecroft ; bread, home- made, Jan Young, E W Orvis, Mee, Finnan ; buns, Jas Alton, Jas Young ; tett bieenite, Edna Robertson, Jas Young ; aeons, Edna Robes tson, Sam Young ; fruit cake, Jae Ynung, W A McGill, Mrs I Stewart: layer cake, light, Mrs I Stewart, W A McGill ; layer cake, dark, Mrs I Stewart, Ed- na Robertsrnl ; apple pie, Mee Finsen, W A McGill ; putnpkitr pie, 3 D Bee- croft, Mrs I Stewart ; lemon pie, Mrs I Stewart, Edna Robertson ; pie, any other, Mrs' !Memo 1, 1V A Mc- Gill ; denglieuts, Jae Young, 1V A tir.Gifl ; oatmeal cookies, Mrs Therm Pnwte++, W A McGill ; drop cookies, 3 varieties, W A 11IcGiil ; short bread, lbs I Siewert, ALBS Youngs jelly, apple, E W Orvis, W A McGill ; telly, any atter, variety, E 4V Orvis, V A llctlill; maple nprop, Joe Herr E W Or vis ; ,uaplt• sugar, Andrew Sehmidt, Ins Kerr; rnllecti0n presetved fruit, 6 varieties, W A McGill, E 1V ()ode ; marmalade, $ varieties, 1: 1V Ot vis ; tnmatn catsup, Andrew Schmidt, 1V A McGill; pickles, vegetable, Hugh Gihunui, 1st and 2nd ; pickles. ft nit, E 1V Oevis, W A McGill • pickles, any other, W A birettl, E 'W Orvis hen eggs, fresh, Richd Witter], Jos Kerr ; butter, 10 !be in Crocks, Jas Young, Wm Wellings, Mrs Fin hen ; butter in paned p11018, Jae Young, Elise MaKinnmr, Robb Groves ; butter, onutmenta.l, I J Wright, Jos ]tern ; butter in rolls, W A McGill ; display of honey, Geo Oottle ; beet pair dress eti chickens, W A McGill, Miss Mc- Kinnon; brand, net, W A McGill, Sam Young ; collection of tanned vegetables, 3 varieties, VV A McGill, E '1V Orvis ; cold merit sauces 2 vat;. ties, W A McGill, Sarrr Young ; beet 8 a l s foodi itis e n Psuiteplefor a tvarkin g rnnn s supper, ;tire I Stewart, L VP Orvle; cantle(/' {thicken, Mrs Stewart, W A McGill, GIRLS DEPARTMENT Work by girls under 10 years of age. Table Mat, not less than three, Edua Ta Ilyn, Elise I, J Oarriek ; two hetn- med handkerchiefs, Jean Stevie, Jean- ette Brooke • darned Beare or etotilc' hogs, 1Cdua 1autlyn, Jeanette spooks; crochet work, in wool prizes donated by Mee Wm MoBlll,.ta1ise LJ Oa rick, Edna 1'tunlyn ; mooing, work, 111 004- g , name* cram g ng, one yard by hat el i sato HE COULD NEVER BE WELL' 8Fruit-a-tives71 Restored Nim to Health 159 ATM% Pius IX, MoziyaaAx "For three )years, I was a terrible sufferer front Pyspepsia and my general health wee very bad. 1 consulted a physician and took b1s medicine but I did not improve; and finally he told me that 1 could not be cured A.t this time, a friend advised me to try "Fruit aiivcs" After taking two boxes, I was greatly relieved; and this fruit medicine made me completely well, My digestion and general health are now Splendid". GASPARD DUBARD, 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sive 250. At dealers or sent postpaid by T'ruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, pencil drawing, prizes donated by Mire O G Campbell, Miss L J Carrick letltd 21 d r a p i sofa cushion, Mise L J Garrick, Jeanette Brooke ; six button holes on a garment, 0 Campbell, blies L 3 Oarrick ; patching on a garment, Miss L 1.0101 rick 1st and 2nd plain apron by girl under 12, Jean Orvie, 0 Oampbell ; plain sewing, Jeanette Brooks, Miss L J Carrick ; initialed handkerchiefs, Jean 01818, Miss L J Carrick ; two guest towels, Mies L 3 Garrick, Edna Tamlyn ; girl's kimono, nightdress, Miss L J Garrick 1st and 2od ; collection of fancy work, not leve than 6 pieces, Edna Tamlyn, Miss L J ()attick ; knitting bag, Edna Tam- lyn ; boudoir capby let Mrs 13 T Perdue, Richard Wilton, Edna Tam- lyn ; horse made candy, 1st Mee Wright, Jean Orvis, Miss L J Carrick, Jeanette Brooks ; collection of baking consisting, , one- loaf bread, a doz. buns, light cake, pie, made by girl under 16 years,' Helen F Douglas ; one loaf bread by girl under 18 years. 'Helen F Douglas, P Gibbons, Miss L J Oareiek ; 8 lbs buttes in pound prints by girl under 18 years, Richard Wil- ton ; chocolate cake,lst Ales Brandon, Donalda Heller, Jean Orvie, Edna Robertson, SCHOOL ORILDREN:S DEPT. For cbildreu under 18 years. Essay, autobiography of a door key, Frances Bennet, Edna Reber Leon ; 'short poem, 12 lines, Jeanette Brooks. FINE ARTS Oil painting, animal, grouped or single, Miss L Brigham, Mrs I Stew: art ; fruits or flowers, grouped ot• ei ng. le, Rich Johnston, Miss Al Living,. stone ; landaeape or marine, Rich Johnston, Miss M Livingstone; any other subject, Rich Johnston, Mise M Livingstone ; on glass, Miss L Brig- ham, Miss Livingstone ; on plaques or trays, Mies L Brigham, Miss M Living- stone ; on silk, satin or velvet, Miss L Brigham, Mi s Al Livingstone ; col- lection of paintings, Miss L Brigham, Miss L Brigham. Water color, land- scape and marine, Jae Cummings, Miss L Bri *Barn ; any other subject, Jas Cunningham, Miss L Brigham ; ool- lectlon, Miss M Livingstone, Sas Oum- miu . w'1 p Cum- mings. Drawing, et andit g g, p ink sketch, Mrs De Trmlyn, Jae Gununings ; pen- cil, Mies al Livingstone, Miss L 3 00.V. rick ; crayon portrait, Mies L Brigham Miss Al Livingstone ; crayon, land- scape or marine, Miss L Brigham. China painting, , dozen cups and sau. mere, Miss 111 Livingstone, Mies L Brig- ham; }dozen plates, •Aliss r1'1 Living• stone,Siiss L Brigham, alias Al Living- stone ; any other, Miss L Brigham, Miss Al Livingstone' collection, Miss L Brigham, Mies 1101 Livingstone; col- lection of work done in 3921, Miss L Brigham. PLANTS AND FLOWERS Asters, Jas Young, 0 Campbell ; dahlias, Mrs S Young, J D Beecroft ; gladioli, Mrs S Young; pansies, Hugh Gilmour ; petunias, W J Currie, Mrs S Young ; phlox - drummondi, Mrs S Young ; sweet peas, 0 Oampbell ; marigolds, Hugh Gilmour, Mrs S Youug ; basket of anneals, Gladys Page, Airs S Young ;. boupuet, table, Mrs SYoung, Jas Young ; bouquet, hand, hardy plants, Mrs S Young, 0 Campbell ; bouquet, baud, tender Maws, Mrs S Youug, 0 Campbell ; geranium. single white, Mrs S You ; geranium, doable white, J G Pyle, Mee S Yourra ; geranium, single scar- let, Mrs Young; geranium double scarlet, 3 G Fyfe, 1V J Currie ; geran- ium, Bingle any other, Gladys Page, Mrs S Young ; geranium, doable any other, Mrs 8 Young, J G' Fyfe ; be- gonia, in bloom, J G Fyfe ; fuchsia, in bloom, J G Pyfe; fortis, collection, Gladys Page ; hothouse plants in bloom, 3 G Fele ; foliage plants col. Motion, J G Fyfe, Gladys Page. LADIES WORK Apron kitchen, useful not orna- mental, Hugh Gilmnur, 13 0 Paddock •, centre -piece for Sable, colored, Hugh Gilmour, Rich Johnston; centre -piece for table, white, Rich Johnston, 13 0 paddock ; dresser and stand cover, MlrsPamlyn, E W Orvis ; drape, side- board, 13 0 Paddock, Miss M Living- stone ; drawn work, 13 0 Paddock, Mrs'i'antlyn l charts, girl's Cotton, Mrs Taurlyn ; embroidery, eyelet, 13 0 Paddock, J D Beecroft ; embroidery on cotter) or linen, Alise al Living - stoma H T Perdue ; r10btoidered low casesM isa Livingstone, t ne Mrs e Tauln day pillow entre, iia 8 Wang, Rich Johnstnn five o'clock tea cloth ernbioideted and § dos 8018- M:tee, 13 0 Paddock, Hugh Giimow• homemade blouse, Miss 01 Living- stone, MIsTaurlyn ; knitting bag. Mrs Tandy!), Billard and [pool license has been granted to Karl Steffen, MMonkton, Luke Speiran, sr., St. Marge, flied of pneumonia, leaving wife, son and daughter, Oet, 24 is date of Dsntiet Sslbiri's trial at, Stratford, charged with ltoini. nide. He is out on bail of 38,000. Co 6 tit••••t0t,6t6•0w64•044644.4V..••40t406`0P60*6•6416.941, A car of Ohestnet Onel and one of Stove Ooal for Furnaces at,Ethel Station, First-class Serauton goal, Now is the time to till your bin for Win. tar, P110110 0914 Grover C. G I1 ETHEL !NOT QUALIFIED AS MOTORISTS I M 1, Persons who shouldnot be allowed to drive cars include: Children below a certain age. (18 untested, 16 tested is minimum age in Ontario.) Persons whose height does not per- mit easy reach of the controlling ped- als. Persons who have not sufficient strength to operate control levers easily and positively. Persons under the influence of liquor (Heavy imprisonment penalties through out Canada.) Epileptics or others subject to tits or fainting spells. Persons who do not know and un- derstand the traffic laws, ordinary rules of the road, and other points concerned with safe and efficient automobile oper ation. Persons with dangerously defective hearing o r eyesight, Cripples, or persons minus armsor legs whose defects interfere with their control of an automobile. Atwood Postmaster Dickson bas been seri- ouelv M. Mrs. (Ray.) Sutcliffe is not enjoying as good health as her many friends would wish. Baptist church anniversary was held last Sabbath, Rev, Mr, Delmar, a former pastor. preached, Last Sunday morning a returned missionary named Storey, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church, Anniversary services of Presbyteri- an church were a great success, ltev, Dr. Murdoch McKenzie, ex -Mod - stator of General Assembly, was the preacher. Thank -offering was 3400. Blyth Leslie Hilborn has been appointed Tax Collector., at $40 salary. New booke will be purchased for Public Library to the value of $75. L, 0. Oharleswo th, a former. 1010770- 10401, has purchased a hardware busi- ness at Glencoe. Miss Muriel Chellew, formerly of town and Chas, Bell, Termite were married last month. Red Cross Society voted $150 of their finauces, totalling $185, to Mem- orial Hall on new furnace account. Old officers were re-elected, Oct. 26 is the day set by Ontario Railway and Municipal Board to meet hereto discuss proposal to tales Tele- phone fee from $14 to 816 per annum. 1 p. m. is time of meeting in Council Chamber, Trowbridge Silofilling has been the order of the day, lately. Mrs. Milhausen, Kitchener, is visit. ing with`her mother, Airs, Dailey. Mrs. (Rev.) Pring, who has been ailing for some little time, is feeling better and able to be out again, • Rev. Henry Berry, pastor of the Trowbridge church, 40 years ago, is visiting old friends here and about Listowel. There was a large attendance at the Suuday school and church services, when Sunday School was changed to the morning, Misses Minnie and Sarah Boyd, At. wood, who have been guests for a few days at the home of 3, R. and Mrs. Code, are ill, and under the doctor's care. mine choir from here went to Done- gal to practice for the entertainment in connection with the Donegal anni- versary, and choir from Donegal cbm ch is to sing at Trowbridge Minn vereary next Sunday. 0 Delegates from Trowbridge Miss ion circle to the W. MS, convention, held in Trinity church, Stratford, were Mrs• Robert Ooghlin, Miss Eve- lyn Holmes, Miss Luella Marks, Miss Olara Thompson and Miss Annie Brant. Preparations are complete for the anniversary services, which are to be held in Methodist church, Sunday, Oct. 16111, when special preacher will be a former pastor, Rev, B,L. Hutton, London. Night following, there is to be a big fowl supper and splendid program. Through getting too close to her father, who was cutting stone for the wall of his bowie, little Blanch Ohap' man, daughter of Bert and Mrs Chap- man, received a bad cut below the eye, Everybody knows that in Canada there are more Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Sold than all other Rheumatics Remedies combined for Phew.. madam, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. Many doctors prescribe them, most druggists sell them. Write for free trial to Templeton, Toronto. Sold by Jae, Fox ; in Walton by W, 0, Neal. ¢� "l"he Palace Bakeryj • i : y ,,;. A Glance at • • 4;;� W >,, Our Bread ••4 t n 0 V • a 4 • • • • 4, 41044441,104,4444P will tell you at atm that It 011181 be good, A, taste of it will tell you it is even better, than it looks, widen is saying . a lot, Why botber with home baking when you pan get such wonderful btead for so little, Wise housekeeper's don't hake bread therm days, They boy ours.. W. E. W�p�ILL r fr .84,444e44••4t4 ♦•aaa,04 44.444,4444N Mt4409 e • when a flying piece of stone struck St, Marys won intermediate tatirosse her in the fare, milictiug a wound a- cbampionship by defeating Sutibury bout 2 inches long, tears 20.0. NV. 8, Convention was held in Stratford Methodist church lamb Young Ellice tnwtiship farmer, Thursday. termed %Vin. Kreuter, nuirided by Nearly 347,000 estate wan left by Dt•, harmging in the bush, Wife and 5 Knokl, an old Logan township boy, citildlen survive. who died atOamden, New Jersey,. , Just Received A New Stock of tats Beal t»taeata::, •;:'aetta _aatas aattee aasto nit aaoi 2 »; eealaa=. thea B uits hitt-:='rire.els lataat ttea , lit; »assase tat :_,i.: +tart+astat!S«,?ak+S_ iia Very Best Goods and Most Reasonable its Price. See them before you order. SAVE - MONEY - BY - CALLING 4 Joe Schwadron 1111 Choose your Fountain Pen from Our Selection THE WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN gives the "" best service possible. Its readiness to write instantly, anywhere, without dependance upon desk or ink well, su lies much pp a n mh a ppracfated convenience iu the everyday work of students and all bnslness men and women in all walks of life. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens may be obtained in a wide variety of styles, with a point to suit every style of hand writing. Priced from 32,60 up. Oall and pick out a point to suit your hand. 1Vaterman's Ink for Fountain Pens always in stock. J. R. WENDT, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN WROXETER asamoterereareseireleeras Every farmer deeds a Ford You don't hesitate to own tt binder for a few days' use per year -to save time. Why not a Ford for use day or night every day in the year P -t0 save time that can be better used in productive work, -to keep you in close personittl touch with markets, -to handle light produce to town, -to bring out help to your farm, -to keep the boyscontented n the farm. The sturdy Ford is the farm car you want for dependable power, endurance, simplicity and economy. We render Ford Service anct sell Genuine f=ord Farts Call and ask about the Fordo Trabtor. D. M. SCOTT, Brussels AUTHORIZED FORT[) DEALER