HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-10-6, Page 4111 be asked } eveseeeeeeeeseseeeseeeeeee srusseis vtisi Inte11111.a of wheat w ; • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921 BFrTate read up the game law as it le before you waste =telt powder. This O arrive shortly. a 2 utionte (dip and le no doubt, e greet a Barmen etnbago on Canadian Nettle money maker, of each farmer in (lenada hy the Re- lief M40011%001; for the etervipg Ate (tunneler, li50,000 liaa been efused iffy the CAR OF le 1 owner of Peter Metalling, This wood- ; May SAVO the peyment of a flne, eeftil belie "(Jests" alotig at lega titan e should be removed and withoilt further parley too. Red tape rarely gets you Roe' running hae wane .0 a, tt g any place. extentand the fellows who keep at it e . should get holidays In Kingston fora -BMA. Telephone Co, is applyiog to the y81LL 01so to cool elf their ardor in Railway Board to be permitted to in- , eloje,1„a wen ithow„ tom, erease their rates once more, took place at Ottawa Wednesday of Bile i 1,250,000 women evothrs will be week, ; eligible to mark ballots in the next '"'"------" , Federal Electiod In thle Dotuthinet It Otis of the contemplated eogineering , le said, Wonder if the married ladies feats about to be attempted, and of .!, will mark their X the same way bub- epeoial interests to Canucks since the war, is the tunnelling of the straits of I Dover, a distance of over ao miler; under i, 75,685 people emigrated from Ireland water. A. eounecting link of this char- I in 1020 attd Chose left are being retitle' eter between France and Eugland I ea by the foolish pnlicy carried mi. If would be hailed by both Nations as the + the flre-eaters conlel be shoved off into acme of international enterprise and ap ,ii tho sea them would be many more Owns= It will be some chore if under- ' chances for Peace conditions, taken. 1.1••••••00..111 .,------ 1 POLITIcIANs are in a criandry, as medi- NOTHING finer than Community sine - tug. Brussels , ; cal experts say -Don't kiss the beby" could arrange a union ; , tbev the hopettll believers in ele- choir of from 75 to no members hY -,- -." Mice have long ago decided drafting in likely material in a radius of 1 men'arY "------i that the ihwer of the burly cannot be a few miles and the gathering together I of overlooked. What is the distribution of such a company would be en inspire.. ; g ..n: e enpered v time. Old songs end selections are : ^'. ei 11 tee collection of sought more than new-fangled produe" i ? tions, What do the choirs and other i musicians say about It? SATURDAY, October fteb, is Fire Pro- . tection Day when yOu are asked. rather i........i urged. to make a cleanPl at an t'iii Ibat It is quite amusing to read some of the j might teed to cause en' ass.istin .e:usinag ...4 laments over the ate.ence of whets of I fee. D in% forget the date and get busy forune and other gambling devices ;from I at the job A. little care taken in such a the Fall Fairs this year. Yoe would i cause tnay be the tueans ot saving your think a real money maker for the Soele- 1 0 .0 buillIngs mad perhaps your neigh - ties bad been et off whereas one of the i burs as well, best bleeding processes on the public I was removed and money left in the: pockets of the people instead of carried BI u eva le 5chool Fair out of town by sharpers who laughed. I we daresay, at tbe greeness of their patrons. teen ti lured from last week) 1......--.... 1, Aster '3 070(11. Doreen Eckinier, t Ross Stnith, May Nicholson, May TORON to street railway carried in men I Mow bray. 197.346,726 passengers, an increase at 1, N ATE RE STUDY nearly 15,000,000 and yet went behind I Wild llowere, mininted, Olive Gar, in finances f$417 426. Company ios i viva, Cola Gannett ; weeds. triont2ted, fares collected were not high enough i o i 1.3'1,zexcli":„,lit:uteLt rn' (1),lisi 7,.((":""151„1,111,1.1tittel meet the big expense hut now that they I Tee, e Lee, - Glenn Gannee, Edith advanced (0 70 instead of a 5 ceut rate I Breckenridge ; weed seeds, Edith the deficits should soon become nil un- I Breckenridge, Ilene 'Wheeler ; plant der civic management. It is no small illii,sen.100:15,1,1iladvith, Bcf,e.eki.eil4tenf.ett, eliTicii chore to properly care for a utility of i Breckenridge, 'Athriel Thou:ton, Wil - such proportions and the city will have Ibert Fralick ; naive woods, Edith a fine opportunity to show what they cep . Breekentidge, George Mines. do toward placing it on a better ren- i M ANT: A.L TRAINING cial basis.1. Mid honse, Gordon filinidell, Glenn Galante, 7.3oble Citeenaway ; sailboat, i Elias. Allen ; rope huller, Gordon WAR.PAINT is being daubed on in the 1 Mundell ; milking stool, Wilbert Fitt - political reahn and by another week Ole i lick,tttaittreli (31,,,,.7:7, J(31:::,..." battle will be in array. It: numerous 1 8,,(1:1eL'eee'este„, weeee.e eediel, Geo, constituencies there are 3 candidates I Peacoek, Gordon Mundell ; pig 80(1 11 this condition remains the results 1 trough, Willie Pacock, Clarence on election day will be very problematic : ernitli'untlei-°.." nfarm -g te Fletcher Fell, Wi beet Fealiek, Gordon but we would not be surprised to see ! Gurdon ;Aledele Harold Themes nurner ASS saw -offs before nomination so i waste paper haeket, Olive Garnise, that the triangular will be eliminated. Dna Gannett, Haw,' Aluilf_telli 13,,a - In many respects the Liberal platform trice Thornton ; paper cl air , Irene Mar Fralick, lEclith Gat and the U. F', 0. program are almost nisteimaselet;a11 bn,Yeke,t, Mary Fralink: identical and where their candidates Edith Garnisi, Alvis Higgins. divide the vote the Government stead COOKING ard bearer cannot help but profit by the splitting up of ballots. Place Your Order Early, re • ; Tip-top simply of • Corn, Shorts and Bran • • on hand, If ynu need any call . or 'phone, te le W. J. McCracken 0 cos0000sos0000smoosoetoosso Aitken, L. Gowan, M. Ross, R. 0 Turvey ; letteting, t. elowan, R, C. Tarvey, A. Aiken ; map of Oanada, M. Ross, R. Turvey, PETS Dug, Leslie Greenaway ; oat, Mary Fettlick, Wilson Thornton, Hugh Mundell, Lizzie 'Robeetson ; Pr. pigeons, Bert Gardiss, Edith Brecken- ridge ; Pr. rabbits, Wilbert. Ft allele. Public speaking, Geo, Mines. Chorus singing, school No. 10., No. 4, No. 8 Parade, school No, 10 (winner of shiel(l), No. 8, No, 4 SP 0 RTS Best decorated bicycle, Glenn Gar- niss, Fred, Elliott, Wilbert Fralick ; Slow bicycle race, Fred, Elliott ; relay race for girls, No. 10, No, 8 No, 9; re- lay race forbovs, No, 4, Nn. 10, No. 9; three-legged race, No. 8, No. 10, No. 4 ; wheelbarrow race, No. 4, No. 10. No, 9, Ni. 8 boys under 10, Geo. Alines, JIlo, Mowbray, no, hicTav- ieh, Neleible lelathers ; ghee under 10, Dorothy Gannett, Gertrude Turvey, Ethel Warwick, Belle McTavish ; boys, 10 to 12, Geo. Mines, Fred. El- liott, I3ert, Garniss, Lloyd Turvey ; girls 10 to 12, Lizzie Robertson, Irene Vheeler, Pearl !gathers, Irene Case - more •, boys over 12, Chas, Messer, Roy Thomas, Campbell Robertson, Wen Mundell ; girls over 12, Lizzie Robertson, Viola Mothers, Irene Case. !Imre, Irene Allen ; Trustees' race, Martin Garniss, Jas. Peapoek, Jno. Mundell fathers' competition, stand- ing jornp, Jno. Thyone, Martin Gar - tiles, any Turvey, Jas. Breckenridge ; nail driving contest, Mrs. Hethering- ton, Mrs. Fralick, Miss Stella Turvey, Mrs. R. Turvey. ANNUAL international Plowing Match and display and demonstration of farm machinery is slated for Woodstock on xgth, loth and 2rat insts. Special boort- inis being done this year and the pro. meters expect to see a record.brealeng attendance. The old Art of handling a single plow does not appeal to scores since the introduction of the twin and sulky plows but the ability to strike out a land, plow a straight furrow and finish in good style is still well worthy of a live interest. It will he a good education to take in the above event stud attend with open eyes, ears, mouth and mind. Bread, Beatrice Thornton, Cora Gannett, Florence Eck mier, Edith Breckenridge ; hisculte, Lillie Carniee, Core Gaiteett, Hazel Mundell, Edith Breckenridge ; light layercake, Slari belle Bolt, Donna Smith Edit Breck- emielge, Fiorenne Et-AC:tiler ; dark layer cake, Donna Smith, 11szel Baal lee Toornton, Edith Breck- enridge ; berry pie, Donna Smith, Hoz .1 Mundell, Edith Breckenridge, Maribelle 13.4 ; raisin pie, Gertrude Wheeler, Beatrice Thornton, IJilris Allen, I laa..1 Mundell ; butler tarts, Beatrice Thornton, Donna Smith, Get It title Wheeler, Edith Brecken- ridge ; tei , Lillie Garniss, Florence Eck:tiler, Irene MeKinney, Edith Bleckenridge ; sehnol littieh, Olive (larnifig, Vr110a, I:Ink:pier, Beatrice Thornton, Irene Alien ; fudge, Panetta liene Wheeler ; rumple cream, Olive Garniee, Beatrice Thortann, Gertrude Wheeler, Maribelle Bolt ; pint strawberries, Olive fierniee, Bea- trice Thorn tr n ; white eggs, Florence Ikkmier, Lizgle Rohm, tson, Viula Mathes Ethel Johnston ; brown eggs, (4.0. Mines, Viols, Mather, Elsie Thew num, Campbell limber tscm. WHERE are all the farmer yeutlis in Huron County as it relates to 1,ve stock Judging at the large Pairs? At the Western Fair there were 17 entries in the horse class, 29 In beef cattle, 17 in dairy cattle, xt in sheep and 6 in swine, 8o le all. There was only one p102 winner In Perth Co. and 0000 10 Huron It would be a good idea to resurrect juvenile judging at the Coun'y and District Fall Falrsland grant the girls show in poultry and in this way give them an acquaintance with the clams that might lead to the broader field. What We want to see is the practical ap- plication. Pitets0er travelling the country roads don't' require to be told that in 192/ weeds got a bold on many a farm far be. • rand the comparison of almost any other year on record. Little or no attention is given the Noxious Weed Act by Coun- cils or other public bodies, Why don't the U. F. 0. or the Agricultural Soci- eties and others who are supposed to aid • in up.to date farming get busy and go right at the job? Pathroasters should have a good deal to say about the toed - sides and give a reagent why they should be veritable seed beds ht many in- Stences, Maitland Presbytery Presbytery of Maitland met on Sept. 21et in the Winghani Anglican church, with Moderetor, Rev. F. (J. Overend in the chair. Rev. E. F. Chandler, re- cently inducted into the Walton con- gregation was introduced to the court. Conitnissioners to the General Asserts - my reported Oleic diligence in attend- ance on the meetings of that court and the impressions they had received. Revs 8.0. Overend and N. R. Sinclair were appointed representatives to the executive of the Young People's Un - inn of tho Presbytery, Rev, D. Mc - Lend. Formosa, who was to be pre- sent, and lead in a discussion on for- eign iniesione, was called to Toronto by the serious illness of one of hie children. In the matter of the request from the General Board of the church for the nomination of an Educational Secretary, the court refused to make o nomination and registered a protest of such au official at such a titne. Re- quest was received from session of Knox church and session of Huron church, Ri pley, that Presbytei y ap- point. a Oommission to conae to Ripley end eller% a ninon between the two cherches, The request was granted and the following commissioners ap- pointed to visit Ripley and issue the matter : Key, W. A. Bradley, Tees - water ; Rev. F. 0. Overend, Kincar- dine ; J. A. McKenzie, elder, Kincar- dine. Preebytery decided to hold a special meeting on October 11 10 consider how best to entry out the spirit of the sug- gested pregeittn of the Foreign Move- ment. The progtam for this meeting Wag left, in the hands of the General Interests cominittee of Presbytery. Rey. L. Perrin, Charnel.% church, Ar - mow resigned hie pewee ate to take up work in Bauditon. Resignation was accepted to take effect forthwith. Many brethren expressed regret at los- ing Mr. Perrin as a ntetnber of the Presbytery and wished hien God -speed in his new work. Rev. P. 0. Overend was appointed iIlLerinl Moderator of the vacancy, to declare the pulpit va- cant on the fit et Sunday of October, On the matter of the minimum salary. Clerk was instructed to issue circular to the manage:a and congregations within the bounds calling attention to the 'order of the General Assembly in Oto tn ether and requesting a reply he- fts) e November 15. Following resolution was introduced and passed amid moat appleuee "Presbytery of Maitland recognizing fig WING Tatting, • Gertrude Wheeler, Irene Wheeler ; 11 ressed (1,41, Mal y Ft alick, Olive Gentles, Muriel Thornton, Dorothy iiarnien ; crazy quilt block, Florence Eck mime Oent Gaieties, Olive Gra.rnle4, MILLINERY BELMONT PARLORS etUR Choice new stock of Fall Millinery is now on exhibit and we will be glad to have the Ladies call and inspect the same. Will not hold a Formal Opening. Miss Hingston copy of this tesolution, Every minis- ter in the Presbyteny was present at this naeeting. While the Presbytery was in session the Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary Society held a conference on missionaey methods in St. Andrew's church. Henry and Wire. At'matrong returnl ed front a rnont,We visit with friends in the Wept, and with their eon, IA - 310, near Saskatonn, Report good crape in that locality, but .threehing delayed by rain and snow, • Gerrie A grocery has been opened by G. W. Walker. School Fair at Fordwich dresv a good many from this locality. W. A. and Mrs. Irwin are home from a veeeks' visit with relatives in Winnipeg and the West. Evangelistic services have been held at Orange Hifi. • Rev. Dr. Mahood tkpastor. aleading part along with the Howl:* Township Fair was held Saturday and attracted a good attend- ance. Dinner was served in the Town Hall, under auspices of St. Stephen's church, Concert was held in the evening. Thursday of this week Wingham District W. M. S. Convention will be held in the Methodist church here, with sessions at 2 and '7.30 p. m. Rev. K. J. Beaton, a missionary from China, will speak at both gatherings. Huron county Fall Fair at Gorrie last Saturday. gxeter wants a Horticultnral Soc- iety, Oorn borer ha a been busy ebOut Heiman., , Applee are poor crop in Dungannon locality, Dorn borer has been busy about Hansen.. Choral Society at Exeter is cordially supported. Field Day at Clinton Collegiate Fri, dair,d0corto. p14hay is good own around Whiteehurch. • Barn of J. Schafer, Howick, was distroyed by fire, Thos, Treleaven, Lucknow, suffered a stroke of paralysis. Dungannon Fall Fair Thursday and Friday of this week, Dashwood. Hartleib has a plum tree with blossoms. W, G. Oolgate, Toronto, 18 the new proprietor of Winghana Times. Somebody broke 3 panes of glass in Dawson's etore window, Gorrie, 9Exeter Canning Dompany has the biggest corn pack in them history. Libel al candidate in Londeit 180.14, Somerville, a fox mer Goderichite. Hollyman Bros. have bought Spind- ler's bakery and grocery, Lucknow. Deer were seen in a field near Luck - now They were the 411mbed variety. gone to Toronto to carry on a drug stoJr.:G. Garnet Armstrong, Lucknow, has Mrs. Gillespie sr., Seaforth, fell down the cellar steps but no bones were broken. Injury to W. Vale's spine was caused a fall from an apple tree at Exeter. 11 feet, 6 inches is height of sunflow- er. stalks grown by T. Wiggington. Olin ton. Barn and season's crop of J. Mc- Olinehy, Stanley, were destroyediby lightning. Miss Janet McGowan, East Wa- wanosh, will train fora nurse at a London hospital. Miss Maty Tom, Goderich, has re- turned to the Medical School, Toronto, for another year. 10 ddsigns for proposed Memorial Soldiers' Monument are now tip for consideration at Godericb. Londesboro Ptesbyterian annivers- ary services Oct. 23. Rev. Mr. Thomp- son, Monkton, will preach. Additional dredging Co be done at Goderich harbor. Has the coming of the election anything to do with it ? Molesworth St. Andrew's church, Molesworth, will hold their anniversary services Sunday Oct. Oth. Rev. Finlay Mathe- son. B. A., St. Andrew's church, Strat- ford, will preach at 11.00 a. m. and 1.30 p. m. Monday evening. A Fowl sup- per will be served in the school room from 6 to 8 o'clock, Program will be given in the clauech, consisting of ad- dresses by Rev'ds N. R. D. Sinelsir, Belmore ; A. Laing, Fordwich ; T. E. Keunedy, Oranbrook ; J. W. Pring, Trowbridge. Music by IL and Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Hoover, Listowel as - shred by Moleeworth choir and male quartette. ';fohnston Yoars 0 1 WAR/ timid dead in'hed at his motherle home, Suturnothill. Rev, end Mrs. MeKegney and rob, Olinton, have gone to iiingland, Goderieb. will vote on' a new Slier and chlorinating plant to cost $55.000. • Fortune telling gipsies are doing the County, with the accent on "doing", Will. glford, formerly of Holme8. ville, died at Calgary quite andtienly, Tulips and daffodil bulbs are to be planted in street dower beds in libteter. Wes. Dearing, 9rd Oon, Stephen, of wagon back ng it out of barn, broke A rib by rotting hit by • tongue Perth Sounty e 1010 item et 4twood Pair, Orowd was sMairet. Wall in. John MeOulloch, Orotnarty, made 1111(31(11(08 Dxeter Fair and got 88 prizes. I. 0, O. V, District Dodge of iiietrue. tide will be held at Mitchell on Thanksgiving Day, Miss Galloway, one of Mitchell High School Caruthers, resigned will go to Toronto to teach on Nov, 1, Farm for Sale /feral for pale, containing lee acrek_being Lot 12, 055.14, Grey towitanip. About sores cleared and beienee In ntnih, Good frame house, bank barn, orchard and plenty or aprino par manse particulars as to price, Palmerston may have a, sehool panne, 49,, apply on the romieem, nurse. THOS. ellAR MONT. Robt, Dalidson bought Hicks Home Phone 441# eroprieter. Mitchell, ' Soldiers' IVIonument is being erected t Harrieton, • Trowbridge Wesley and Mrs. Buttner, Elmira, visited over theaveek-end and Sunday with Richard and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. R. Baker returned home Fri- day after spending a week with her parents. Jos. and Mrs. Johnston. Miss Hazel Oosens, daughter of C. W. and Airs. Comte, has taken a Posi- tion with the Banner Publishing Com. patty, in Listowel, W. and Mts. Thompson; Miss Eva Thompson and Robert Thompson motored to Goderich to attend the funeral of the late Mrs, Fowler, Mrs. Thompson's sieter. For several weeks past services in the Methodist church have been held in the basement, owing to teouble with acetylene lighting system, and attendance has been somewhat effect- ed. Some repairs have been made to the system. There was ge small attendance at Sunday School Convention in Metho- dist church here Tuesday of last week. Program, including a splendid ad- dress by Rev. MI.. Fletcher, Toronto, was of a very helpful nature and very profitable to Sunday School %Yorkers. Supper was served by local school. Mary Alowbray ; crocheted yoke, the able ellorts of Attorney -General Florenee lEcktnier, Gertrude Wheeler, Irene N,V heeler, Lillie Barnhill ; hem- Raney to suppress all violations; of the lotteries, gambling ipm against raffles, etitched towel, Olive Grumble, Hazel Mundell, Shirley MAIracken t knitted and all ()thee: gambling devices, desires to express its utmost approval and searf, Gera Cistonett ; hemmed towel most hearty appreciation of the Melia M i ries, Irene Casemore. course he has pursued," Clerk was MOT1IBIRS' COMP itTrriON authorized to furnish the press with a Gill's school dress, Mrs. L. Homier, Mrs. Wm. Nicholson, Mrs, Jos. l3rrok- - enridge ; geeanium, Mrs. A. Aitken, Mee. L. Enktmer ; Rex tegon a, A is, R. Derides. IR LS UNDER TWENTY Cohn ed veritt e, Margin et Curtis ; pillow Blip, embroidered, Margaret thirtis I knitted sweatee, Setae El- liott. TRUSTIDES' COMPETITION Hand male axe handle. Geo, Ben- nett ; 1090 80101', ,1110, 14011d011, Jas, Poacook, J. J. Sellers ; school picture, Jim Mundell ; essay, W. 3. ?Jester, TEACHERS' COMPETITION Snit/imitate, A.. Aiken ; writing, .23 STHMA RAt-SINIA14 NO Smokiop—No Sprayinu—No Just. Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed SAVE - MONEY - BY to restore normal breathing, stop mucus getbering.a in the bronchia tubas pa long nights of quiet sleep; contains see habit-formitig arug. $1.00 etyma dm" gist's. Trial freeat our agencied orwrite Tenspleions, 142 rang W., Toronto. Sold by Jas. Vox t in Walton by W, G. $eal. Commercial hotel. Blyth, will be run by Jas. Roberts, Milverton. Jno. Emigh will continue to live in Blytb. Dungannon locality has 5 old folk over 90 years viz Mrs. Nivins, Mrs. Dreaney, T. Park, H. Oaeser and T. Dither. At 102 years Mrs. Robert Elliot, for- merly of Goderich townehip, died in North Dakota, where she lived for past 86 years. Clinton Anglicans presented Rev. Mr. Noltegney with a club bag and his wife with a purse of money before they left, town. Daisy Hal, owned by Dr. Whitley, Goderich, broke a, leg at. Seaforth Fall Fair by stepping on a stone. Mare's leg was put in plaster of Paris cast. a St, Marys population le 8,843, gain Pf IS% over 1911. War Memorial at St. Marys will be unveiled on Thursday, Nov, 11, Melvyn Shera, Atwood; broke one of his AMR while cranking a ear. Auction Sale F. Strickert was fined 820 plus $20 more costs at Stratford for driving automobile without licenee. $158 was realized by serving meals at Atwood Fair. Money will be util- ized to provide street lighting. Business Mens' Banquet at Painter. stein was addressed by ex -Mayor 3. 3. Hunter, of Kincardine Reporter. Methodists and Peeebyterlans are carrying out plan of grouping con- gregation( in Palmerston District. 00 ...,,l mangolds have been grown by Peter, Atwood, Although in his 79th year he won 23 prizes at At- wood Fair. ' St. Mat y's Widder street Presby- terian Munch has called Rev, Dr, E. Foster, Sinews, at 82000 salary. In- duction Oct. 20th. Robert and Mrs. Adair, Elma town- ship„ celebrated the alth anniversary of their marriage. Their 10 children are all alive. - A puree of gold was preseuted. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLE- oft si San, 1101113118011.0 FURNITURE, 00. Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer, bas received laetrile Mons from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by Public Auction et Lot 28, Con. 0, or- ris, Friday. October 7th, at 2 o'olock ahem, the following valuable property :-1 general par. pose mare 8 years old, 1 heavy draft mare 6 years old, 1 heavy 0512 gelding 7 years old, 1 heavy draft gelding 4 years old, I heavy draft gelding 5 years old, 1 cow fresh about 8 months, 2 freeh cows about 2 months, 1 set of heavy brass mounted double harness, I set medium weight double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 lumber wagon new last Spring, 1 hay rook, 1 gravel box, 1 Cookshutt fertilizer with seed drill combined, 1 hay rake, 1 cultiv- ator. 1 set wide barrows, 2 welking plows, 2 soothers, 1 DeLaval cream separator nearly new, 1 Ford ear in good repair, about 800 boa, oats, about 800 bus. barley, 1 brass bed and 1 wood bad, 2 bedroom suites, 1 dressing table, 1 washin and, 4 pair springs end mattramee, 1 m dining rootable, dos kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen couch, 1 rug x 12, 1 dining room suite 1 Davenport, I library table, 1 writing desk, Columbia Gramophone, 1 coal or wood stove, 1 kitchen range, 1 New Perfection oirstove. 80 cords wood, pile of poets, milk San, imgar kettle, shovels, forks and other articles. Furniture is all nearly new an,1 in firstclass condition. There will poettively be 'nothing reserved. Terms—Sums of 010 00 and under cash ; over that amount 8 months' credit giv- en onfurnishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent 00 f °mash on credit amounts, LEWIS WHITFIELD, Proprietor. Just Received A New Stock of Very Best Goods and Most Reasonable in Price. See them before you order. CALLING Joe Schwadron House fpr Sale The protiortp of the late tIrs. Procter, cot, nor of Alexander stat Flora street, Brussele, is oilfired for /alio, Good frame house and K. Fier 0 °fiend. Possession may bad on (Weber let For fluffier partioulara apply to. Wfd. THIIELL, Phono 1011 R. No, 4, Brussels, Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for service, 0118H Lot 60, Com 2, Morris township, that Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem No, .06118.. Sired in, Gainford ergo's ild68001 ; Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 1180601. Fed. igree may be seen on application. Terms - 510.00 for thoro'-b1'58 payable at time of ser - doe with privilege to retnrn. Grade cows not allowed, 'PROS. FIERCE, Proprietor Hill View Farm JAS. A. REA Breeder of large English Berkshires Young stook for sale, either sex. For further particulars write opphone. Rrnesels' Celt tral— Walton P, 0, Phone 13010 R. R. 8 - - 64444+v 14+444•••••••••••••• Si+0•41.4.0+4.1••••••••••••••••• • The Seaforth Creamery ream Wanted Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh;sample and tet it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. MeCA.LL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to 444.444.44444.4.+•44.+•.4.4oree4.0 44,44+•+414+44044,44.41.6••••11414/0 ..•.•0•••••••••••••••••••• 044•4,.4'$ • • Students May Enter Any Time I * • ; • • • r--... .9 / • • • 0 iiiito;i4, • • • * • ........ • • : • * o • • • I Stratford or Wingham • • . • • fx.......••••••••••••••••• • • • .84, 041404441141e. Ai 4 oosee•eiree The School with experienced hatrueters. The School which gives thorough Qourses. The School which assists its Graduates to positions. Address the College for Free Catalogue, to either .•44111141•11.44 Cream Wanted NII111111.111111=111.101111•1•44114141M1 IMPIRIAN0110=1IngE4644=11g11111111MINNI Ship ycur Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay: rent of your Cream twice each month, pay.. able at par at your Bank, - Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. Brussels Cf9mery Stewart Bros, • Props. . 4 r.