HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-10-6, Page 1ru
VOL. 5o NO, x5 ! 2.00 poi, annum in advanceh'USS -LS, ONTARIO, TFXURSDA ', OCTOBER 6, lgzl
The Beginning
Of Success
Nine times out of ten the
answer to the question "How did
he do it?" dates back to the time
when he opened a savings account.
Few busir ss successes there
are which do not owe their origin
to a modest savings account in
the beginning.
Form an early association with
a reliable institution like The Bank
of Nova Scotia and open a savings
account now, A small deposit
and a.few minutes' time will start
The Bank of Nova o a Scotaa
Paid up Capital $ D,700,000
Reserve• - 18,000,000
Resources 2.30,000,000
Now Advertisements
Ernmaeln Ram.
Dance at eranbrook,
Conoert nt Belgrave.
Coal -Grover C. Gill.
Mutt lost -R Mo$8reio.
Piga for sale-Jno. Grout,
Money tottnd-Toe Poem.
Poem for sale -Tow Pon.
Farm for axle -T110 Posm.
Renter for ante -Phone 12.
Every Ponce -D, M. Scott,
Piga for sale 7.P.bl.I,itosh.
Weakly Store N0Ws-Jas. FOS.
Car of onta-W. J. McCracken,
Tam o' Shunter Ioat+Trt a Pon.
Poultry 00,10-41,07 —R Cunningham. o
Anncunorment-W. J. Buchanan,
Clydadalos for sale -Root R. watt.
Stoves for sale -ties. W. M. Sinclair.
Leghorn hens for ante -Lome Engler.
Methodist Y
Anniversary at Hoe's
Will be held next Sunday,
Oct. 9111. Sermons will be
preached by Rev. 0. E.
Oragg, B. D., Wiugham, at
11 and 7 o'clock,
Special Music.
Free-will Offering.
Public Cordially Invited.
Preaching Service be with-
S ice will - -
drawn at Union and Ethel
Churches but Sunday
Schools will be held
as usual,
Manager Brussels
Mzstrict gems
Wrox titer
Lost between Wroxeter end Gorrle on Cot.
let, a sable mut in gitt.l Reward of $6,00 for
its return, enactment,
It. a tment,
Phone 018 ring 10 Wroxeter.
bliss Mary llupfer is visiting rela-
tives in Winghrun. -
Mrs,•$ Y. Taylor, Calgary, called
011 friends Isere recently.
8John McBurney left last week for a
trip to British 001utahia.
Mrs, A. Gorton, London, visited
friends in the village recently,
Jno. Rutledge, Brampton, was a
visitor in the village Monday.
E. Barnard and family, London,
called on friends here this week,
Alex. Wright, Tuenberry, who
started a dairy here, began delivering
milk throughout the viilage on Oct.
A. T. Cooper, Co. Secretary of Tem-
peranoe, of Olinton, gave an address
in the Presbyterian church, Sunday
Rev. Mr,'Holmes, of the Methodist
church, was in charge of anniversary
80)21008 in Gerrie on Sunday. His
work bees, was taken by Rev. A. Mc-
Kibben, Gurria.
3)10, and Mrs. Hnpfer, nccornp'Lnied
by'Mlss Annie A 1 re Westlake, of Salem,
returned home from a three week's
motoring trip through London,Kings-
ville and Essex, also taking in Detroit
State Fair,
The postponed Dance of
a short time ago will be
F lday eveningof
this week.in Long's Hall,
Tickets 111 Conte ,
Dancing at 9 o'clock.
A Few Specil&a
In Prices for the Week<nelnd
Should you not buy .from us we will make it easier for
you to buy somewhere else,
Ladies' Sweaters, with
Girdle $ 2 00
Pull-ovsre4 00
Sport Floss in 2.0z. ball.at 80
Black Denim, best quality 46
lihnki 85
A 0 A Ticking 40
Rock Fast Drill Shirting ,28
Grey Cottons, 12.10 20
Nice range of Linen Towel -
tinge at
Yd. wide, in White 24
28 in, wide in White... 20
Yd. wide in Oolored,,,20 St 24
Flannelette Blankets -
124 in White at........ 2 00
11.4 in Getty at ......... 2 80
Heavy Woollen Blankets
74x84, 1211 8 00
Special prices 111 Ladles'
Mie iee 'n
e t Oasilm re
Y o
end Heather,
Mien's Natural Wool in
Combination at,.... ,3 25
'1'wo.piene, per garment 1 76
Hnnvy Woollen 1108e 0160
Men's Caps that were $200 1 00
Mens kine Shirts . ,,,,..,1 75
R. VV. Ferguson
John flthndei'e011, Cobalt and Jas.
Forsythe, Ottawa, former, residents of
l the village, spent a few'daye al, the
home of John Henderson 1008 week,
Rev, Arebdettoon Snowden, Ottawa,
(who 87 yams ago' was In (Marge of the
Anglleen church hers,) assisted by the
preaet[breatot•, Rev, le. S, Jouee, sou•
ducted a Harvest Thanksgiving tier -
vice here Strudel afternoon, Ohm ch
wae suitably decorated for the oc.
RALLY DAY i521111(eet AT METRO..
DIST S0NDAy ScEOCL--Sunday after-
noon the annual Rally Day Service
was held in connection with the
Methadiet Sabbath School. Superin-
tendent Stacke presided. An interest-
ing program was given by the puttee
in which Elva Stocks sang a sulo
sweetly, the primary glass joining
its the chorus a duet was nicely
rendered by Muriel and Mabel Robin-
son, and Orville Hosier contributed a
very suitable reading W. H. Kerr,
Brussels, gave an address. Ofeeeing
totalled $20,40, made up of $3.00 (torn
plate collection, $1,85 from mite boxes
and a fine gift of $15 from Mies Jen-
nie Howe's three of young ladies.
Dating past week Robt. Ferguson
was baldly as well as usual but we
hope for better condition of health.
The home of Andrew Johnston has
been sold to Joseph Bennett, of this
place, who gets immediate possession,
Mr. Johnston will make hie home with
his sen-iu-law, Geo. Dundas and wife,
51rll;illnp township.
OBITUARY,- As intimated in Tait
POST last week Mrs. Andrew Jnhnetoo
pard Nature's debt Tueedlty evening
of last week. She had been poorly all
Summer and in bed fin 13 weeks prior
to het' demise. Causal' was the cruse
of death.. Deceased's maiden name
Was L"lizateth Gailinger. Pier ltirtlt•
place was Dalhousie. township, Lanark
County, .and her age was 71 years..
She wee married 53 years ago to her
bereft busb(tud. and carne to the 17th
Oon. of Grey in 1870, and 82 years ago
located iu Walton, 7 children were
born to the home as follows :-Bohai t,
Mrs. Wm. 511118on, and Mrs. Frede-
rick, of Oleveland, Ohio Mrs, A. M.
Carr, Spokane, Wash. • Airs, J. T.
Dennison, Preston ; Mrs. 0. H,
Staples, Angusville, Man, ; and Mrs.
Geo. Dundas, Walton. The subject of
this notice Was a faithful member of
the Presbyterian church and died in
the triumphs of faith as her daughter,
Mrs, Staples, sang "Jesus Saviour
pilot me." She was an industrious,
kind hearted woman ever ready to do
O. good turn anti the 10)0117 share in
the sympathy of the community.
Funeral took place Friday afternoon
to Brussels cemetery, Rey. Mr,
Chandler, dsceased's pastor, conduct-
ing a suitableservioe in Duff's church,
at 2 o'clock. Pallbearers weir Jno,
McDonald, D. Johnston, Jos. Bennett,
Jno. Harris, Jas, McLaughlin and
\Vm. Meleadzenn. All the children
were home excepting Mrs. A. M. Carr,
Spokane, 4 a.f. v
e V s1 who was preparing
a 7 al r 1
to anme to nurse her mother, not ex-
pecting so early a demise. The late
Mrs. Johnston is survived by 8 sisters
(Mrs. Hefieru,Guelph ; Mrs. Jos.
Oampbell, Gilbert Plains, Man. ; Mrs.
Maxwell), and 8 'brothers (13et1. end
Jos. Gallinger. Flint). Among friends
from'adistance were Alex, and Mrs,
Gallinger and sun Stanley and Ben.
and Airs. Stanzel, all of Eden Grove.
Mr. Jnhnston's health that had 00e01
considerably impaired, is improviug.
He is upwards oiee0 years of age.
A Concert will be given in the
Friday Ev'g,
October 14th
P''nrram will be supplied by the
Star Concert Company
Soprano Soloist • Miss G, Woods
Comedian blr. Harold Payne
Pianist and Elocutionist,
Alta- Gladys way
Danger and Reader • Violet Gilmore
Piper • • Tele, Duncan
Everybody Welcome,
Plan of Hall at H. Hopper's
Reserved Seats 86 Cents.
A etre of 01ie81net Omit 111111
one of Stove. Octal for Permutes
at Ethel Station, First-class
Serunl.on Octal. Now is the
time to 1311 your bin for Win'
ter. Phone 6014
Grover O..0i11
levangelistio servioee are being eon.
dented in Bethel oburch phis week by
the paston-
Atinivet'sery services last 8undey et
Bethel were most interesting, Rev,
Mr, Osborne, Lnndeeboro, gave fine
discourses107011Chainand the 00nglegetlon en.
AIINIVERSARY.-On fa�abbath, 16th
Inst,. the 'Anniveroary 'sermons of
Wa11ou Methodist church' will be
preached by Rev. A, McKibbin, 13, A.,
of•Gor'rie, It Walton Did boy, at 11 e.
en, and 7 p. In. Special music will -be
provided, 'Monday evening an old
fashioned Tea meeting will be held
with tip-top program following.'
Watch out for =bills,
Daum 07 Thames; -We take thin
opportunity of returning !.hanks to
neighbors and friends for genuine
kindness shown to one dear one -late
Mrs. Andrew Johnston -during her
illness, and to us after her demise.
Also to She pastor and church choir.
All was greatly appreciated and will
be evergreen in our memory.
Truly yours,
This week a delegation from the
Young People's Society will go to
Teeswater to the annual Endeavor
Quite a few from this community
attended the 0onservative Notninet-
ing Convention for North Huron in
' Wingham last Friday.
ln reporting the Presbyterian Tea
Meeting the name of Me1da Alellroy,•
Beetle was omitted: She gave sever-
al readings in a most acceptable man-
Next Tuesday : evening a special
meeting of the League will be held In
the Methodist el u1Oh. Short Mis-
sionary Drama will be presented by 5
young ladies and 100. pictures of life on
the Prairies will be exhibited. Don't.
miss it. Admission is only 10 cents.
A big 0nneerhwill be given in the
0. 0, F. Hall, udder the auspices of
the L: 0, L.. on the evening of Tues-
day, Oct.: 18. Good program will be,
presented of which Intent mention is
made in advt. eft another column,
It promises to be a fine entertainment
and should attract a large company, .
EAST WANANOsa Ceurzo L, -Min -
rites of Council meeting held Sept,
28th. Members all present. Minutes
of previous meeting read and confirm-
ed. Following accounts were paid :
Joe Johnston, repairing Potter's
bridge 1510.00 ; J. Campbell, under -
brushing ou Oon. 14, $15 60 ; M. Mc-
Butney, gravel and, gravelling on
Con. 10 80636; 8."l1Th183ut'ney, We, re-
pairing culverts, work on grader and
gravelling $110.20 ; B. H. Taylor,
plank for bridge at Westfield church
51152 ; Jenkins • 8t Bradnock, p'u't
payment for the Sturdy Drain $1000;
A, G. Smith, grant to Wingham Fail
Fair 560 00 ; Allan Scott, work on
grader $9.00, repairing culvert $2 00 ;
W. Wightman, raking stones 53.00,
widening road Son, 10 Sa11 $82 00 ; P.
Commuted Statute Labor
tax $6.40n
; Roy Noble, cutting weeds
Con. 4 & 5 52.50 ; John Taylor, repair-
ing 01112811$1.15 ; Joe Stonebnuse, re -
patting culvert $4 50 ; Obris. Nethery,
work on grader $7.80 ; 7. T. Ooultes
putting in culvert $500; 3. Young,
pntttng stones in swamp, Con, 11,
82 00 ; Wm. Dore, furnishing speed
boards at Belgrave $7 00 ; for gravel :
-Geo. Bents
e J. l
30.00, J. Dingwall $2 5, 0: King $4 0
J. F. McCallum $9.00, P. W. Scot
$8 00, R. Shiel 50.60, W. Fothergil
50.00, J. ,Inynt $4.50. T. Bradnock
$12.75, 0. Nethery $3.75. W. Ander-
son $2.55. Next meeting of Connell,
Monday Oct. 24111. W. PORTERF'IELD,
WEDDING: -Henry Johnson attend-
ed the marriage of hie neice, Miss 14.
Wightrnan to Charles 0. White, of
Detroit, which event took place Sept.
28th, at the hone of the bride's par-
ents, Richard and Mrs. Wightman,
Anti Arhor, Mich, At 0 o'clock to the
strains of Mendelsshnn's Wedding
March the groom and his hest man,
Edgar Wigbtinan, brother of the
bride, took their places to the parlor.
Bride, who looked lovely in white
gecr geste dimmed with salver ribbons
x11(1 carrying a shower bnquet of
white bridal roses end ferns, came in
on the arm of her father, preceded by
her bridesmaid, Miss 13lanolle, daugh-
ter of John and Airs. P0210tt, Det1Oit,
tot merit, of theeitlt line toast Wawa-
nas11, who looked' charming in pink
georgette and carried a bnquet of pink
bridal rna08 and ferns. The beautiful
and hnpreesive service of the Anglican
church was conducted by the Very
Rev. Wm. Rogers, Dean of St. Pant's
Cethedrat, Detroit, the bride being
n member of the cathedral choir.
After• ooilgratteations, buffet 11111th
was served to the guests, about 40 in
number. Bride received many beauti-
ful presents, among others a 811282
1,00 service from a few of her girl
Mende in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
White left by auto for Detroit and
will visit at Buffalo, Niagara, Termi-
te, Hamilton, Blyth trod Beigrave,
enlist and Charles Wightman, West-
field and Robt., Blyth, are uncles of
the bride. Their many friends here
and In Michigan
unite rte nt wishing the
bride and venni meow very Guppy
anti prosperous years and that their
malriecl life will be as beautiful and
88re118 as their wedding day, May
their emii80 ever be 118 dear to snob
other, as they are today. To quote
front "Love's Philosophy" by Shel
"See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves cluell one another,
No sinter flower would be forgiven
If 11 disdained its brother,
And the snnlight clasps 1110 earth
And t} moonbeams Ir u mlheaws hissshe. sea,
What are all these kissing worth
If then tiles not me 8"
After their return will live a2840 Class
grain Ave., Detroit,
U• -ST one more
week of the
Jewish Holi-
days. Take advant-
age and clean up
your old Hens and
Ducks at good prices.
Phone 66
R� Thmois
The annual meeting of the eliei inn
Band of. Knox church was held last
Saturday afterTfoon, M,'e. Jas. A1der-
8011, the energetic Presiileet, in charge.
These was a gond attendance. A very
interesting address was given by Mrs.
(Rev,) Harkness, Wroxeter, (n1 per-
sonal experiences with the ebilthem of
Korea. Sirs. J. E. Smith, [hi-18'014) an
enthusiastic worker 111 this (1Pp,tet-
ment of service, also addressed the
Band. Miss Annie Geddes sang a
choine solo and the Munro twin sister's
pleased the folk with their duet The
offering totalled $6.00. Before die
missing refreshments were served, A
good time was enjoyed by n11 and the
Band is a real live institution.
Edward and Mrs, Barnard, of Lon-
don, were here for the week end,
We are glad to hear that Rev. Jno,
T, Strachan, B. A., of Catttpbellville,
who has been real ill with Sumpter
flu, is improving nicely now.
A.: T. Miller, formerly of this locali-
ty, but more recently of Listowel, has
purchased a grocery business in Lon-
don. We wish 11101 success,
Next Sunday afternoon Rally Day
will be observed in the Satbath Selene
here, Rev. Mr. McLeod, of Brpes"Is,
will be present and address the corn-
Roads have been fine Ghia Fall.
Get ready to greet Tax collector
Several of our huntsmen talk of
talking a trip to the Nottbland fox a
deer bunt.
H. Johnson, 5th line, attended the
wedding of a relative et Ann Arbor,
Mich., last week,
In Brussels Fall Fair Prize list tee
awards credited by Alex. McLeurhlin
should have read A, McLau0hliu &
Morris township had several tepre-
sentativee at the Conservative Nom-
inating Convention at Wilgham last
We are sorry to Ileac that Alia, D.
MaLean, 721) line, is not having very
good health. Her Many friends hope
for early improvemeut.
A few weeks ago Mrs. Thos. Bern-
ard, 7th line, had the misfortune to
break one or more ribs bot we hope
she will soon be as hearty as ever,
Friday afternoon of this week the
Auction Sale at L. Whitfield's, 8th
line, takes piac&with Jas, Taylor as
Auctioneer. t S'ale I'
let may be found
on page 4.
A number of Monrisites attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. 'Thus.
Angus, at Brussels, last Saturday.
She was a former resident of this
Geo. and Mrs. Henderson and Jas.
Irelaud aro back from an extended
trip through the West, They met
many old friends and had an enjoyable
time, The wet weather interfered
with threshing in souse places.
Ethel Farmers' Club unloaded i( car
of cora last Saturday.
Mies Ella Banned spent Sunday
under the parental, roof,
Some from this locality took in the
Harvest Home at, Brussels this week.
Sliss R. McNaughton and Miss 11.
McGee spelt Sunday with Atwood
A Barred Rock hen owned by
George Bateman laid an egg contain-
ing* three yolks. Lots of marvels iu
J. T. and Mee. Nicholson have re-
turned from' at
l enjoyable v ble Vlai
t to
Petraha, Sarnia and other point'.
Pl a u'hing 0ervic8 will he withdrawn
in the Methodist 21102018 next Sabbath
evening here owing to the anniversary
at Roes nhurclr,
The Ruth Piet Junior Institute
meeting will be held Friday of this
week at the home of Joe. Ames, All
interested are asked to take notice.
Walter Mitoheli hoe taken the poet -
Hon of 7110301.' i)i elle Bank or N'rlva
Scotia, Btuasels. We wish him suc-
cess, He is a eon of Geo. and Mee.
18111Mie Ethel,
C t1 Eh
Airs. A. I3. Macdontld and her
fat her, Thos. Flarity, are home again
after -a pleasallf motor trip. Thep vis-
ited Mende in St. Marys, Port flown,
Pontiac nod Detroit.
—AT --
Bruise s
E. 12t
2 15'1'rot or Pare
2.22 Tint or Pace
1 50Trut or Pace
Purse $300
Purse 800
Purse 800
It goes without saying that
Brussels has one of the Finest
Half -mile Tracks in. Ontario.
Root. Thorrtsort - Pres.
A. C. Backer - Seca -Trews.
Young Penplee' Rally CV/12 1101d 111
connection with the Epworth League
last Tbured((y night, Excellent Ad-
dresses were delivered by llfise Tila
Peariou, Robert McKay and Mrs.
°Kell. A very interesting program
was given which was enjoyed by a
good andialce. '
S R. Evans is removing from town
to $lnit11vi11P. Mr. .Beane filled a
great need as there 1V0.8 no tinsmith.
clear, but owing to Brussels Hard-
ware's starting contnetitio0 it was im-
possible to find sufficient work in the
Wi1)ter. It is to be hoped the Brue.
sets people will continue now they•
have started,
Oranbrook •
Mrs. J, McLaren, of Chatham,
daughter of A, and hers. Leitch, re.
turned home after a lengthy visit with
the Lately hero.
Ratty Day in Methodist Ssbbath
School next Sunday afternoon, Ad-
dres.es are expected from Rev, Mr.
Clark and 11'. H. Kerr, 13russels.
Anniversary services will be held in
Knox church, Sunday, Oct. 16th, at
11 a. uL and 7.30 p. m. Rev. Dr.
Harkness, Wroxeter, will be the
special preacher. He is one of our
strong preachers and well worth hear-
C7Aitn OF TFIAylxS.-We wish to re-
cord our thanks to neighbors and old
friends for their kindness shown us
.luring the illness and demise of bus -
hand and father, in the person of V.
Fnprster. We all appreciated it very
highly. Ynnre truly,
Township Council will meet Monday
17th lost.
Some farmers complain of worms in
h hs of earn.
Mist' Marjorie McCallum, Stratford,
is visiting at her borne, 3rd Oon.
Next Sunday anniversary Sermons at
Roe's 211020h will be preached by Rev
o:il'r, Crdgg, W1nsghremstancher. d, at rr anclock, 14 's good
3. D. and Alen. Forsyth (nee Lydia
McCallum) Minh:eta, Manitoba, are to
be congratulated .on the arrival of a
new 8 ib, baby boy on September
m, braska, is here - on a visit witb her
Mts. John Walker, of Farna
13e -
brother, Robt. Carr. It is 40 years
811)00 the visitor left here. Site visited
friends in Chicago, Pickford the Son
and Rudyard and is leaving here to
visit Mon'
ewit P
and from m that
point will go to her home in Nebraska.
She WAR it Welennle visi tor.
TROUBLE r LE AHEAD. -High Countable
\Vhitesides hay been doing ceneein sec-
tions of this townships with Fite in his
nye on a scouring canlpaigir for chick-
en thieves, He is not saying Much
but is awaiting developments to
pounce nn the nervy intruders of
t,oultry houses. The 'wishbone" 12111
nee foretell 11111611 good 1.110k tvh,'n the
net is drawn by this "hirer of the late.
SOTToor. 111Pn1LT.-Following is the.
report 111' :3• S, Nn. 10, Grev, for the:
month of September. Sr•, 1V --Laura
Pat tat eon, ill Orin Oarnnrllan, Mabel
(.ox, 11113,13 Whit Held. Ir. IV -Kate
Stevenson, Bertha Speleau, Victor
Baker, Annlo Inglis, St'. III -Doris
Neahel, Lillian Whitfield, Leelle Pat.
Wrenn. Jr. III -Nelson Whitfield,
Clifford Slheftan. St, II -Wilma
Bohm , Greta Baker, Pearl ()amoebae,
liusttel Whitfield, Wilda Baker, 7r,
Ti -flay Oarnnchan. Sr, I-Authu
Neabel, Alma Patterson, Helen Whit.
Oehl, Isobel S,eirttn. Pr.-Stuttt1
l,.vau8, Lawson Whitfield, A Class-
Vanee Baker, Names are in order of
A. el, MrPlIERSOro, Teacher.
Rev. Dr, Boss, Halifax, has been
visiting his mother.
Methodist ehur•eil anniversary will
he held Numbly, 10111 in87.
A gronory nueilrPse has beenole
chased 11; Wallareburg by T. 0. iMe•
Elroy, who will remove to that town,
Moliduy evening, 10th hist.a Silver
Medal Contest w111 be held in the
Methodist ehurcll, tender auspices of
the W. 0, T. It
Frank harm, formerly of Myth, has
purchased n 130o12 anti Stationery
boomers t0 Ingersoll Mild i8 -11012 1n
imeeessiou, He sold his business h,
. Toronto.
14'. H, K, 12K, Proprietor
!North Huron Conserva-
tive Nominee.
Geo. Spotton, W ngllam, won out a8
the Notninaeing Ootavention last Pre
day for North Boron, held in Wing -
ham, by the close margin of 8 votes
over Mr. MMTcOwon, of (3oder'ioh, vote
standing 88 to 80. Col, Hugh Clark,
lel. P„ Kincardine; was the chief
speaker, The battle ie now in array
411 the riding with W. H, Fraser as
Liberal candidate, Jno. Ring, U. F. 0.,
and Geo. Soptton, Ooneervative. Pull-
er report is crowded out this week.
Maitland Presbyterial
The semi-annual Conference of the
Maitland Presbyterial was held In
RI,ox church, Wing-hane, on the after-
noon of Sept. 20th, the President, Mre,
Ooombe, in the chair. After de-
2011011 l exercises, minutes of last
Conference we1e read by Mrs.
Meadows, and adopted.
A letter from the Provincial Secre-
tary was read asking the Presby-
terial's consideration of the following
resolutions :-
(1) -There be a literature and Lib-
rary Secretary in every Auxiliary and
Mission Band,
(2) -That there be a Young
Women's Secretary in every Auxi-
(8)-ry.That the Presbyterial Corres-
ponding Secretary notify the Provin-
cial Board of date of annual meeting
of Presbyterial to enable the Board to
send a delegate to Presbyterial.
(4) -That the feeling in regard to
use of envelopes, also time limit of
office be ascertained.
(5) -'That a Finance Committee be
appointed in every Presbyterial -
(0) -That definite action be taken in
every Auxiliary for increasing mem-
(7) -That Presbyterial Executives
meet regularly.
(8) -That Presidents be notified of
meeting of Executive.
(9) -That name of Presbyterial Rep-.
resentative at Summer School be sent
to Corresponding -Secretary.
Mrs. D McLennan, of Ashfield, hay-
ing sent in her resignation as Litera-
ture Secretary it was moved by Mrs.
Harkness, seconded by Mrs. Petrie
that Miss Malcolm, of Rimless, be, ap-
pointed Literature and Library Scre-
tary. Carried, The foregoing reso-
lutions were discussed and the meet-
ing was unanamous 111 adopting.
Effort to increase memberships
which means increased interest and.
contributions. Time limit of office,
result of vote taken being 23 for and
18 against making the term of office 2
years, Decided that Presbyterial
m e on the morning of
Presbyterial annual. Considerable
discussion related to resolution No 6,
The object to allocate to each Auxt-
iery the amount expended by them to
enable the W. M. S. to overtake their
ark. Objection was taken to this on
he ground that allocation would do
away with the free-will offering.
Mrs. Glennie, Presbyterial Treasurer
n beiug appealed t
o consented g Pp t d to al -
orate to each Auxiliary their object-
ive, envelopes to be used where Aux.
sem it advisable.
Miss Malcolm, of-10lnloss, delegate
o Summer School at Whitby, gave
n interesting outline of eaob days
routine, Mission study, Bible study,
ecreation and addresses filled the
ays. Some of the leaders in the -
ummer School were, Rev. Murdock.
McKenzie, China • Rev. George Mc -
ay, Formosa ; Rev. F. Russell, In-
to, ; Dr. Pidgeon and J. 0, Robertson.
Resolutions of Provincial Secretary
Nos. 9 and 10, were also adopted.
Mars. Harkness spoke on Forward
ovement and necessity of a con-
o r goingforward, r home i
noes, responsibility of parents in re-
tied to their own children and urged
hat special effort be made to increase
V. M. S. membership.
lire. Goliath Kinloss, dwelt on Alis-
on work among the young people.
he 0, G. I. T. is a link between the
100100 Band and the W. M, S. as it
akes in the girls of teen age,
Mr's. Reid gave a paper on "The
lace the Bible should occupy in our
eetings," Other' books we read for
forest, amusement and education
it to the Bible only we go for com-
et in tithe of trouble, for guidance iu
fu's perplexities.
Question Drawer was taken by efre.
Mrs, Oootnbe intimated having a
Leer from Miss Rattle, of Toronto,
d requested that all who could
null send eonteibutioes of vege-
bies and food to1Miss Rattle's home
r girls as they would be very thank-
ily received.
It wee decided that the place of
ext annual meeting be Dungannon.
fter singing and prayer by Mies
ovine the Conference came to a close
all joining in the Lord's Prayer,
Perth County
Rah) caused cancellation of Strut.
ford Fall Fair program on Friday.'
St. Jamas Anglican church, St.
Marys celebrating their 70th autriver-
sary from Oet. 2 to 0 indasive.
Dr. Sebbee, Stratford, is chargd
with culpable homicide foe killing
Royal Smalley, aged 13, by hitting
hien withhis. automobile.
Maxwell, rn
0 an
Marys, dte(1 ab' his home Thursday
night. He wee 04 years of age and
had lived ill' St. Marys 86 years, Mee,
Maxwell is a daughter of Rev. Dr, Mo -
Mullen, Woodstock, 2 ohildrim sue.