HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-9-29, Page 6The Wooten's insinner of Canada By A. l3. CUTTING. In the Provirus of Ontario there was their efforts to war want. Whenpeace Minted a (Iusrter of a century Ago a 1 came there was a renewed interest in fume wunoen's organization that hat regulrt ins'.itee work and a new de - 'spread from coast to coast of the Do- termivatton fur proximo along lines minion And seems deithiedSoma to be. affecting the whole people. Statistics camp world-wide, The movement in Ontario for 1920 elw'wed 28,970 started in ,Stoney Creek, a little village members, 0,30.8 meetings and 172,199 in ' made famous by wee ani worn°n. It attendance. These figures secured from is over a hundredeach, as ever Can- Mr. Geo. A. Putnam, provincial ewper- adieu child <knews, sine°war put intendant, alone show the marvelous ,Stoney (reek on the map of history. development ae the movement -since It wax ori February 19, 1897, that wo• the first institute was formed 24 years racn •star lied there en erganizatien that ego, ltf'erweads spread over the prevfnee Although membership did not in - and eventually over the Dentinio% crease during the war, there was no They formed the first Womer's heti., decrease iii enthusiasm on the part of tute in Canada, 'with 40 members. To- the old members. The regular inati- day; in Ontario alone Mere aro over tete work was cantinue(1 to a certain 9,26 local Women's done, with extent, but greater attention was mostly 30,(100 'me'ebera, and all the given to patriotic work and giving.' In other Provinces have similar institutes association with the Red Cross Society in large but fewee numbers. There are cf Canada, the Women's Institutes ,deo district institutes, provincial fed- did their duty nobly. Boxes and bales ovations cf Institutes and a Denlialon and parcels by the thousands were sent federation ombraeing all the provinces. overseas for the comfort of soldiers The somas of the mavement start- and the relief of the destitute. Most td at Stoney Crack tris almost phen- of the donations went to the front acrd d.mena1. Being the fiat of its kind in1other destinations through official Harada, the dil'titelties that h:,'1 to bei channels, but many also were sent di- e- e:Te :::.sr is imagined. Public rectly to soldiers themselves, whether •etereg. 2 it to he aroused and, like known er unknown personally by the the pi r J,'..:ae-e' Institute of a senders. i e movement bed Active in the War. r' ,. at' r uefc.e the skeptical The writer, who '"soldiered" for a raul•1 del that there was time in both France and. England, well i'n.y the :•n !t. " The f the institute remembers an instance associated with rad =1+ ; F t o;e;t of the institute an institute parcel that made him both 't a o:nnte that knawledge of thoughtful and angry. In an array hut l:':".`":'. •: e vetch sl Il lead to , in England, one of the soldiers i•eceiv- i- in household architee- ed by mail a half-dozen home -knitted err c, sr• l r .re' 011 attention to home e r , a o 1 steer socks from one of the Women's Inti - a. to r ,: tutes of Ontario. Wrapped with the t'^r"'e and by;;ienie onic value cftandfng socks was a slip of paper bearing the r . a ,a''i.: n;i 10 a rzr.re ,rientific name and address of the institute and, r hd rr:, wi.h s view to tai;- the names of the women and girls what u! , (h , r I s..and:,r;1 of the health had done the knitting. After the chap `'1 ' `' read the names, he vias on the point; • prrn;l Over Ontario. of throwing the paper in the stove The hr::0fit that the Store Creek when I asked him to let me see it. On, c..,.n:rsuity derived from its \Geanen's fleeing the names and the inference,' Inst:tu'e seen was known to farm wa- which to me meant a desire for and ]ren all over the province. The in -l' acknowledgement, Tasked the chap if :. ,.v n . n1fa il that The farrier had he did not intend to send a word of t :�rfr sol family who needc,l assns- thanks, and he said: "No. 1 do not']. 1 :i•e :rn•1 improvement es well as did know the people, and I do not know, tie far tier himself, ar even his live how they got my name." I suggested stock. rained institute: to be organ- that that made the obligation of ad oil in other places, anti: gradually acknowledgement all the more neees- air (lntnrio was dottei with home. za- sary, and he immediately did write a• tuna thhat centred in the bonze. At note of thanks. It was not ingrati ere of the early meeting, a prominent tude that made him first ignore the, duty; it was just carelessness, But it' made me think that probably hun-' dreds, yes, thousands, of similar in -j stances had and would occur of "Susie and fields, ar is it to be found within! sewing shirts (or knitting socks) for the four walls el he own home? Ifleoldiers" without receiving thanks or we are going to revolutionize the. recognition of any kind. There was farming industry in this country; if 1 no doubt, however, that the soldiers; we are going to start slang lines of fully appreciated the gifts, even; development that will be testing and though few of them may have shown' he°,eful, and that have the possibilities! it. In the case mentioned, the adores -1 of raisin the farmer to the status tit' kept two pairs of the socks and which is his doe, we shall do it not] gave a pair each to four hut mates.i by giving frim Better barns and bettex' I made certain that I was one of the; stock, not simply by teaching him how , four. to pl'ew a straight furrow, but we shall! Besides the actual work done for; do it only surely and securely by work-! war purposes, the institutes made ing this revolution from the inside; ? large contributions in money and: by getting right et the very heart cif, goods (over $28 per member during; the farm; by getting right within the' the lest year of the war alone), in- formers •hems!' eluding even ambulances. As it seems And that is the reason not only foe ages, instead of less than three years," the estut also of Women's Irate-? since the war, suffice it to say that the; totes, but also for their rapid increase i Women's Institutes played their part' In numbers and for their success. A ` to the full with women and other wo Women's Institute starts at the right `: men's organizations everywhere. 1 point; it works from the heart of es have taken part in: the % The institut home out. And when you improve the, ail home and community problems and 1 homes of the farms of a country, all j many naticnai ones. They leave estab- other questions in cwnnection with; lished community halls, rest rooms and farm work are more easily and ration- libraries in hundreds of centres. They qtly settled. demonstrated the need and praeticvibil- Five years after the first institute I*. degree medical school inspection to a was formed the Ontario Government' degree which led the provincial gov- frthe Ferrrates' the movement as distinct, to introduce an effective mile ners' Institutes and gave vernal system of medical inspection it separate pecuniary consideration for the rural communities of Ontario. and assistance. iiy 1905 the member- The result has been the creation of a Ship totalled 7,013, and at 1,428 meet- ings held throughout the province in the preceding year, there was a total attendance of 54,329. Annually dele- gates free the various branhea met in convention in Toronto or other an- tral plates to exebange ideas and to plan future activities. Learned Nubility of Work. Through the Women's Tnstulutes, the farm women of Ontario have learned the nobility of worst; they have made their work a'profession. The old cry of drudgery now seldom is heard. The simple things of life have become just as important as the great. While any years ago the whiteness of a woman's bare kitchen floor was the gauge by which her 'housekeeping was judged, to -day the farm woman is artist enough to appreciate the renovating powers of pot paint. Instead mf keep - leg the blinds down for fear of fading teapots and furniture, sunshine is al- lowed to stream in for the sake of health. Instead of thinking only el themselves and their hard lot, wo- men's minds are reaching out for prac- tical help and, to nobler and higher things. And above all, women eecog- nizo more than ever ,the value of spy predation wind consideration and erne ,pithy in the home„and in the tome vanity. When another five years bad passed, the membership (1910) was 10,1.04; the numh00 of meetings, 6,483, and the fatal attendance et meetings, 140,- 888. The next five-year period showed in 1916 a membership of 29,046; meet- ings, 9,264; attendance, 281,087. Then the war exerted its 'baleful influence en this movement as it did on all other• geed things, beenzbership and regular meetings decreased i» mrnrbere, for• the women ei the ritotitntes,, t,eoa1-. 'ion with`all” loyal G''fi adisnt,,tievo'ted tides also have 'been greatly assisted by the ineeltutes enmaking their wont effective in rural dletriet§, These bi- tlnde rho W.C.T.U., the travelers' aid sections of the Y.W.C.A.., the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, the (.nnadian agriculturist summed up the need in tnis way: "Mere is the centre of the farmer's work? Is it to be found in the stables and effective methods of proper feed- ing and case of children, the aged and sick, and in preventive treatment for disease. The institutes have demon- strated to the satisfaction of all per- sons concerned that health problems, sck4ol equipment and methods, the so- cial life of the community, the support of.eharitable institutions and all other eoinmunity activities require the co- operation of the women in the 'way of advice and practical aaseistance. The institutes have created in their mem- bers a consciousness of local wind na- tional responsibility. Home and National Problems. The institutes have .aided in making effective the work of various depart- ments of the government and the' work of various institutions. In with the department of agriculture, they have been an important factor in the success of school fairs and of egg circles, and in the improvement at the raw material delivered at cheese factories, creameries and other mark- ets. They have eo•operated with the department cf public health in distri- buting the instructive literature of the department, and in making a study of the' care of the child, of the treatment. for contagious diseases, ate.; this in- cludes the establishment of child wel- Tare,eiiniry. They have co-operated with the dcn,arte'ent of eduration in medical school inspection, as already mentioned, in securing school nurses, in establishing libraries, in taking change of libraries which have .been al- lowed to fall into disuse, in furnishing circulating libraries to remote sections, etc. They Have co-operated • also with the fire marshal's department and with the department ad neglected and de- ne•ittdent children. 'May' lelei filial theel ei efliale- prominence equal with the odueational and eeelal'tenures, In February, 1919, the varim': we- men's institutes of the province were centralized under a new nerve and In a new way—tee Federated Women's Navy League, the Victorian Order of Institutes of Ontario, like the local Nurses and others, The institutes institutes, this organization is strictly have, front year to year, become more non-partisan and non•seetarian it and more an organizationfor the every Ohne of its work, Its purpbdda whole people. The next step In On- are "to co-ordin to the efforts .and tar•io prababl'y will be the appointment further the plans of all local institutes of permanent officials of the govern- for home improvement and community mentto take charge respectively of betterment, to voice the sentimente of the following features of the work: the ]peal 'branches on all matters of kicalth matters, food problems, house provincial importance within the scope problems, girls' work, business meth- of institute work, and to co-operate ode and programs, and community with the Ontario Department of Agri - undertakings. culture and other departments of the I)iseuss Various Subjects.. government, in work on educational But with all these big problems Ill of national life," Standing commit- operation and in prospect, the 'home tees have been appointed similar to hurl se,ial activities of the institutes are the factors that count most. De- those of the Dominion Featly.ion mo strati ours conducts the which wall be mentioned presently. n on let s d by The Women's Institutor in Oratorio government, in food' values, cooking, have been discussed at this length ebrio sewing, nursing, other household arts, cavae .that province was .the th elrl dairying, poultry, gardening, and se forth, have done much to make Homo in the work and has the largest merite! work brighter and better. Meetings Briniel 1 1 Coluubzti to Nova Scotia, ha e' at intervals for this and other put- similar organizations,' although in poses have had also a social value Saskatchewan and Quebec they .are that cannot be estimated. This soci- ability is leaked upon in many local- known es klomenlalter I Clubs. The ities, especially where the country is work, achievements and financing are' sparsely settled, as the strongest fen- similar to Ontario, And all provinces, ture of the work. In some districts, with the exception of Prince Edevard or Island, which has since affiliated, the institutes offerpracticallythe only joined in February, 1919, in a Domin-1 opportunity for social intercourse. ion -wide organization, known as the Among the innovations adopted for Federated Women's Institutes of variety of topic and purpose are Canada. thimble days, travel days, nature days, recipe days and "just talk" The Domineer Federation comprises study repressnta,itives from the various pro - days. It is impossible to enumerate vinestwo delegates from each pro - the many ways in which the institutes since having votes. Each provincial, are serving the individual, the con- superintendent is an ex -officio member munity and the nation. without voting power. Standing come The provincial government aids the mittees have been appointed on the branch and district institutes finan-2 following: Public health and child wee, cially with grants. It maintains a fare, education and better schools, provincial headquarters, with a sup-! agriculture, immigration, legislation, erintendent and staff, to administer. publicity, and hone economies. the work and the grant. It supplies' In 1916, the women's institutes organization experts, lecturers to at- movement spread to Great Britain. tend meetings and specialists tq give. There are institutes in England, Scot - instruction in short courses. It pub -hand and Wales. On the royal estate fishes an annual report of the proven-: at Sandringham, there is an institute cial convention and of various local I with Queen Mary as president. A activities and on general statistics.) speaker from England told a Canadian Besides the government grant, the in -1 audience last year that "although only stitutes are financed by membership; five years old, there is no greater force fees, by grants from town, villagee in rural England than the Women's township and county councils, and by; Institutes." An i. novation over there receipts from entertainments, exeur-I is the establishment of Women's In- sions, and so on. stitutes schools. The British institutes Besides the branch Women's Insti-i, are now being organized as a British tutes, there are in some localities sub -I Federation. branches known as Girls' Institutes; f Plans are also under way for an in some other places, there are girls' International Federation to include. clubs of the Women's Institutes, These Canada, Great Britain and any other have been organized where girls feel i national association of women's organ - that the larger organization is more' cations with similar objects that care for married women and will not attend I to join. Similar organizations to the the meetings. In these ebbe, fun and Women's Institutes exist in almost frolic, physical culture, singing and every civilized country on the face of amusements of various kinds are given the globe. and social liueo for the improvement Making Water Run Up -Hill By A. ASIIMUN KELLY. The difference between the water at runs constantly. It never can be stale, 1 our spring -house and ua lay in the and it is pure, soft and sweet, fact that the water couldn't run up the What about the cost? Well, about bill to the house, and we wouldn't; at least same of us would not. That is to say, we objected to carrying the water up. We studied the matter out, looked over the various Schemes designed to bring the water to the house through pipes—the wind -mill, gasoline engine, force and lift pump at the house, and finally the ram. It took us some six months to decide which scheme to adopt. In the meantime we had several plumbing farms come and look the thing over. One advised this, another that, but nearly all agreed that the ram was the best motor power. Then we measured the water, to see if there was enough to enable us to use a ram without any difficulty. We dammed the stream outside the spring and let the water flow through a piece of tin pipe. It flowed tweIOe quarts a minute, two quarts more than required. Nearby were other goad springs, welling up in the meadow; and in ease of need these could easily be added to the water -supply for run- ning the little ram. But our& is surely e big, never -failing spring in the spring -house. To install the ram required a great lot of trench digging, so that the 'ground near the house and in the mea- dow looked as if we were getting ready to repel an army. The ram ,pit was five feet deep end the same in circumference and, when walled up, looked like •a well. Right at the spning- house we placed an empty linseed -oil barrel (this being called the forebay), to act as reservoir for adding force to the waterfall through the supply pipe. In the kitchen we put a large enameled sink and over it a tap, and in the corner a thirty -gallon tank. Then we ran a tank to the barnyard, plating it so that the water, when turned on, fell into a eerier tub, It is all very simple and "works per- fectly, The water is forced rap to the kitchen boiler, and from there it can be drawn through the tap over the sink. The overflow goes by the natural force of gravity to the barn. The little ram keeps up its ceaseless thumping day and night, needing ne attention whatever, no oiling, no gas, no starting or stopping. It asks no- thing but to be let alone at its work. A strainer at the spring -house and of the Supply pipe keeps out anything that might get under the valve. A cover over the ram pit is made strong enough for a etas to sweet over. At arty time we can draw 'a glass oL ice - told water ftom the tap, for the Wetter ' CONDUCTED 13Y PROF. HENRY 0, BELL. The object of this d'ditartnidnt Is to place et the sole vice el our farm :mediae the advice et an acknowledged eutherity on all eubjeota pertelnlne to 60118 olid crops. AddTress queatlona to t'rofebbbe Hknry D. sell, in ogre of ho Wllaenall PabIiahlnf( pompany, l-ltnited, Toren,' to, and answers will appear ht this cbtuttrn In, the order In which they are received, When 0 tleg ltlpoly men* iron this paper, AS apace le Melted Itis advisable where immediate reply le ndolystery that. 4 stamtied' and ad. Wooed envelope bo en010804 with the' question, when the answer will be mailed direct Copyright by Wilson Publishing Co., Linda S. L.: 1 hove plkrlt'ed apple trees maye'be due to bacterial development dvhicit Were sup'p`osed tb be Woalthiea, in the milk which increases as the zone years ago. We have kept the sod milk stands. If: the bitterneta Orrice away front them for seven years, 'They 'front weeds it will become less evident areabout twelve feet high and tredve- as the milk stands. If it becomes feet wide. They leek healthy and re- stronger it is a clear indication that seise the barnyard miinure Water. NO it is bacterial infection, The cure 'fpr insect seems to affect them. I do not bacterial infection ie to thoroughly think that the eight trees cleared three pdttodrize the milk, sterilize all uten- bushels of apples so far. Some, people tele used in handling the milk, suchtell us that they need mineral and rust, as'the milk pails, tins and forth., Mid there is not enough In the land. One thing is certain, the geed vitas, They say see should drive rusty mile ar orgastisme which perpetuate this in them, and hang rusty irate on Mein. bitterness must be killed out 'before' Answer: Your apple trees are you will be rid of the trouble. greatly in need of phosphoric aced The regular method+ of pasteurize- (the kind of plantfood thitt causes the tion consists in heating up the milk to formation of fruit and the ripening a temperature of 140 to 145 degrees of it) and potash (the plantfood that k'., holding the milk at this temper- causes the formation of starch in the ature from twenty to thirty 'minutes. apple). I would advise you to first of The utensils which are used in the all cease applying manure or manure handling of mills tan be sterilized by water. Next prune the trees thole scalding them with boiling water. By oughly, then next spring as soon. as careful sterilization of the pails and the ground is dry enough to work, ap- tins, and pasteurization of the milk ply 12 to 16 lbs. per tree of a mixture you should be able to get rid of this carrying from 10 to 12 per cent. phos» trouble quickly, photic acid and 4 to 5 per cent. potash. J. B.: Please tell me What to do for Scatter this around the trees out about young fruit trees on which the bark as far es the ,branches reach and work is injured and which safe to be dry it into the ground by harrowing or ing up. The rabbits have injured, raking. This should supply the nee- 'them. essary elements to lead to fruiting of Answer: If the bark has been so your trees, injured that the trees are not marking; G. E. C.1 Will you please tell ane growth the best thing you can do is why our cow's milk is bitter and the to replace them. If, however, they butter will not separate from the but- show promise of recovery, paint over termilk? the wound wade by the rabbits and, Ai2swer: The bitter milk may be due apply manure about the trees, or about either to the cows eating such weeds 5 lbs. per tree of a fertilizer rich in as rag-weede, or other weeds which nitrogen. Work it into the soil 'by; impart a bitterness to the milk, or it eultivation, to 1O1't171"i)' 414 r .sw•l 1. C. C.: 1 raised about 150 ducks this year but they are dying off until now 1 have only eighty left. They seem to go lama and have a matter -like froth fn their eyes. They continue in that con- dition about three or four days and then die. Can you give me the cause and tell me whattis the best feed for ducks? When ducks have sore eyes it is sometimes due to a weakness caused' by a lack of grit or the improper as- similation of food. Damp or dusty litter may cause the trouble. Weak egs may result from an unbalanced ration ora general lack of vigor in the breeding stock. $260. But we did much of the dig - ding and all of the filling; we dug and' walled up the ram pit, made the cover, l etc. There were about 300 feet of piping, including a waste water pipe' that goes a good distance out to the meadow. Is the water supply sufficient? Last night wife let the water run into the sink, and it ran for about eight hours. When I came down in the morning, the tank bad about one foot of water in it. That proves that the supply is not easily exhausted. "But the water is coldhow do you do on wash day?" In the kitchen, we have a very large range, and the hot- water tank on its one end will take nearly a barrel of water. Owing to a very large fire -pot, which takes a twenty -inch stick, the Water in the tank heats 'quickly, and is always wain from the previous evening's fire, es we burn wood. On wash day the water is sufficient and hot enough for the rinse water, while the wash -boiler on the stove es heating, too. Thus we have plenty of 'water --soft almost as rain -water, and pure as crystal. For cold water, to fie tank, etc., it is only necessary'to set a bucket under the tarp, and while you are at work it fills as if in a jiffy. Try a ration consisting of mostly wheat bran with a little low-grade flour to stick it together. Then add only fifteen per cent. corn meal, ten per cent. beef scrap, five per cent. sand and a lot of cut clover er green rye. The use of too concentrated feed some- times causes weakness in ducks. Plenty of free range is a great help in keeping ducks healthy. Goslings need only fresh, tender grass for the first two days. Then a good+ mash can be made of two parts wheat middlings and one part corn- meal. This is moistened but not made into a sloppy mash. Tieed lour hales each day just about the amount they can clean up in a few minutes and still remain hungry. When a week old the •goslings can be given •scalded cracked corn. They should have a grassy range as they are grass eaters and that must form the +bulk of lilieir ration. Some breeders of geese 'gi've the goslings bread and milk for the first few days. The bread is soaked in milk and then squeezed out nearly dry before feeding time. A bug 5n a rug has nothiafg on a smut pore in untreated+ wheat seed. Oh, this water system is a priceless boon to the housewife, not to mehtion some lesser persons who formerly had M carry all the water up -hill. We did not want a tank in the attic, so our resourceful plumber suggested the. thirty -gallon boiler right in the kit - ellen. That gave him the eonia'act, too, for the other plumbers had more com- plicated plans, which would have cost more and • would not have given better service I mention these things fox the benefit of others who have about the same kind of water problem that we had and for whom a similar plan will be good. By all means, water in every farm- house. Borrow the money if you have to, and pay interest year after year, rather thanearry the water. Tl.e man /nom whom we bought •spent bots of money on farm tools—we bought all bis atilt with the farm, and were sur- prised at the ameunt of machinery he had, some he could have done without, while his wife was allowed to go to the spring end lug hack to the house every quart of water she needed, All the hothouse grates in the world can't compare with •a purple cluster ',pieked in ere= own alter. We never eat a dish of store iice- cream without thinking what a poor imitation it is of the kind made of real cream, on the farm. There is danger of being gassed in a silo. To avoid accumulation of gas in the 'silo, the doors should be left open as long as possible. Men should not stay in, the silo when the blower is not running, and should not sit or He upon the fresh silage. If work has been interrupted for any length of time, workers should not again enter the ]silo untie the 'blower has been run- ning for at least a few minutes. This entirely removes the dangerous gases, To prevent rust: An ounce of cam- phor dissolved in ti pound of lard' is e good preparation to Dover the bright parts of machines. The scum that forms .in making this mixture should be off. The mixture should be applied to the wellrcleened parts and allowed to remain about twentyhotire. Any excess may be rubbed off. The mixture forms a coating that will tithe a good pollsh wlicn rubbed with a soft dloth. Axle grease is also exeelient for keeping ]plow bottene from reef.- ing and may be need for the bright parts, Paint is agood rust +preventive but is hard to get off, Make Believe. I live in the land of Make -Believe Where dwarfs' and giants dwell, Where every night at stroke of twelve There sounds the fairy bell. I lie upon the hill each day And close my eyes to tight And softly call from out the woods My fav'rite fairy sprite. And she will take ane by the hand To lands that no one knows— To far off lands of Make -Believe Next door to Let's Suppose. And there with all the fairy folk That all boys love' so well, I play till mother calls me And breaks the fairy spell. . Power on the Farm. The best auto tire trade will not stand up under skidding. You can skid around a corner by going too fast, or you can throw your clutch in with a. scant when trying to start. When you attempt to get the car in notion from a standstill, by slamming in the dutch and "giving her the gas," the rear wheels will usually spin and not get a ready purchase on the ground. Let the clutch in •slowly and smoothly when you start, and when the car gets in notion, then let the clutch all the way in. This saves your tires from scratches and tears. A spinning or skidding wheel niakes -the ground act like sandpaper on the tread of your tites.-B. 1Y, To clean greasy ,bands: When a re- pair job has been finished, instead of tryingto'wesh the .hands immediately, give them a liberal coat of h8•rd oil or clean gear grease. Rub' the bads to- gether as if soaring them, until all parts are therouebly greasy. Then take a clean rag or bunch of cottoh- waste and wipe the grease from the heeds. The hands will be surprisingly clean, after which they can be washed with soap and waein water, using u brush. The usual method of getting rid of grease or carotin is by washing the hands in gasoline or kerosene. This 'ma'ltes the hands rough, however, espe- cially in cold weather, while the ap plication of gear grease will leave them soft and velvety.—R. F. We have been using a power and lighting plant in our home for the past seventeen menthe and have surely derived much benefit front it We have lights in all buildings at the snap of a switch and have three sets of three- way switches, which aro surely handy, We Can snap on a light hi the house which lights the yard between the base and barn, go in the barn and cut it off, On returning, we can op- erate the switch at barn and out it off at the house, have the sane arrange- ment between the garage and house, and in the stairway of the house.' We use a vacuum eweeper and an iron, but have not installed a motor, as we have an engine doing good service. The care of plant and battery takes such Little time that it is not worth reenttbeing: W. X. lens are found, in every part of the „world, exec€pt the Polar regions, DOING THE NEXT ThINGt It is easier to organize 4 group of yomig people into a society or band than it la to direct their petivities afterwards. Sometimes it is a good pion to let the rnembeis of the now organization Orme* their Work tot themselves. Threwn sin their own re, haves they 111141 take pride in plant* a good start.. Furthermore, their self- directed efforts may move en from a humble .beginning into a wide sphere of oddness. Ili one town is young people's 00- eiety made up their minds to attack the task nearoet at hared. According- ly, they concentrated'"their energies first of all en improving the room in which they were.tte'eustorrled to meet. Time after time they bed fleet in the room only to„ end their con!ereneee singularly 'Medd off inipirdt14n. At length it odourled to one thoughtful member that the dismal environment aright be somewhat to blame. The windowpanes were cracked, the wall paper was torn, the carpet was worn through in places. A melancholy - looking chart on the wall was the only decoration, The youfig libelee decided that the room mus be : changed. And they changed it, although the project meant raising the required suer dollar for dollar. Aa soon as the members had a fund to handle and: expend they saw the necessity of forming a finan- cial department. Having organized that, they installed a special sy!sttem for raising money and appointed- a• committee to take care of all funds raised. .Since the young workers felt very seriously the responsibility of putting their money to the best use, they set about informing themselves on the subject. They looked into case§ of need and calls for help; they investi- gated the workings of organized char- ities; and they studied domestic and foreign missions: A mission study class was formed, and as a logical out- growthof it,—since missions are based on the Gospel,—a Bible study class. Before long the little band were turning their newly acquired knowl- edge into power. When the two classes were appealed to for Sunday" school teachers' they furnished them—young. men and women who were eager and ready to pass on to the children of the congregation what they had learn- ed themselves. So, front the shabby mooting room that "must be done over" there grew up by natural de- grees a live force in the church. It is "Do ye next thynge," that ancient admonition, will make a good practi- cal motto • for any group of young workers who are hesitating about where to make a start. How I Churn a Little Cream. The average grain farmer's wife seldom handles the milk of more than one or two cows. At 802210 time of the year the cream supply will be neces- sarily email, and the problem presents itself of how to churn IL successfully and easily and yet have good, whole- some butter. If she keeps the cream until she has a sufficient amount for her five -gallon churn, it is usually bit- ter and not fit to use, owing to its age. I salved niy problem 111 the fallow- ing manner: 1 poured the cream (either one or two quarts) in a eon - mon one -gallon stone jar, and churned it with the dasher of my five -gallon earthenware churn. The dasher and lid of this churn were an exact fit foe the one -gallon jar. This improvised churn may be placed either on a chair or table. If the rim of your jar is not perfectly even and smooth, lay a small fold of some clean white ma- terial (cheesecloth is best, as it is more absorbent) around the edge of sante to prevent ally splashing or leaking of cream. I have succeeded in churning butter many times in fifteen minutes, pro- vided I have the cream at the correct tenteerature. My experience has been that (30 degrees in sunnier and 66 de- grades in winter bring the quickest aitd best results. There is never any guesswork when you use a thermo- meter. It not only eliminates by half the drudgery and time of churning, but also hisu0es one of uniformly wholesome, firm, sweet butter. Put a Fly Wheel bit the Cir?irid3tone. To sharpen tools any people .have to turn thegrindstone without assis- tance, using the foot on a treadle and the hands on the article to be sharp- ened. This gives a jerky movement to the Stone that is destructive to gold work in putting an edge neon ar ax or chisel. One needs a fly -wheel, and this can cheaply be found in a' second stone made of cement, and mounted ora frame beside the grind- stone. Make a circle of stiff paste- board upon a stnooth surface tied fill in with cement, with a few old wires to bind the whole together. Extend the iron shaft of the grindstone to enter the cement, with a square sec- tion made 021 the shaft, but leaving the shaft round on either 'aide for ,bearings. Wo are firm •believers in healthy sports, but hay pitchers aro more nee- essary than baseball pitchers. Says Sam: "In this ached. of ex- perience, the only college yell is a Stiff upper lip." It pays dairymen te Wirier the ''n'iilk heYore milldng. Coble even at chance te drink all they Went heap the pt111