HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-9-29, Page 5ism..Aatub�%1�d�
iAMenge & Charles its., Toronto ,.
I8 a School with a Splendid Record. /T0.
When superiority of training is conafd-
h�ered thlecollege ranks among the best
0 21
on the continent. Many business col. 1leges in Canada and United States em.
11d ploy our former students as teachers.
All business colleges are not alike.
9 They differ In many respects. Write
to•d.y for catalogue, and you will soon
be oonvinoed of this foot. Students
admitted at any than.
10111/1E0 CAU$,
GINS," " ®1i9"?51/US
1 Mee la the Poet OWee, Mel, 110.4,
• Burrloter, Solicitor, Ooneeyaneer,
Nutory Public, e:o,'-01doe—Stewart% Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the iitetropolitaa Bank,
O89J'1dW t.5° Moms.
This popular hoetlory le open to the public is
all departments of a Flrot•olass Hotel,
Male eorved at regular hours,
Phonefr4 Mean, comfortable beds.
Miss Mae Wilkinson
Teacher of Piano
Will resume her class a) the home of
Mee, J, Logan, Mill Street, Brussels,
after September 1st.
Honor gragndte of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night mills. Office oppoilte
Mohr Mill, Ethel.
Agent Nowick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Phone 42 Turnberry Street, Braaeela
Successor to John Harris, Welton.
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M. 0. P., I S. O.
a1. 0. H., Village of Brussels,
Physician, Surgeon, Acoonoheir
C floe at residence, opposite Melt 111. Oharoh,
William street.
Barrister*, lielAcitors, Notarios Public,
Office on the Square, &el door from Hamilton.
Prlvnts land; to loan at lowest rates.
W. PRouDroov.3. U.D. Oooaa .r. L, Rettonae
Well Tools
275 feet 1(, inch Drill Rope nearly new,
1 set Jars and Rope Socket,
1 Sinker, 18 feet by 3 inches,
14 -inch Saud Purim,
15 -inch Sand Pump,
1 4 -inch Reamer,
26 -loch !peelers and Bits for same,
Also a length of li•Inah Casing.
All for Bale cheap as owner has no
use for them.
Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired
Well Drilling; done as usual.
Call up Phone 28x
What About Your
IWILL pay the highest mar-
ket price for all the Poultry
you have to sell aud call at
• your place for thein.
M. Yolleck
Phone 2x BRUSSELS *
Town D 1
e IVeriea
and Fridays yr days
Patronage Sdilcit•d.
+ 4 err
Honey for Sale
Mostly Clover with:a little
Fall Honey with it,
11 Zk cts. a lb,
Clover Honey also on
hand. Phone 5824
oc}x,t leWstem
'J'eo POOT gives the news,
FADING leaves spell out Hall,`
Do you owe anytbiug to tb0 Sabbath
School ?
PUMPKIN pie crop seems to be assured
for this souoon.
THE PosT returns hearty thanks to
the subscribers who are clearing up ar-
rearages aud making a guied start on
1922 aud also to the large number who
intenddoing so.
AUCTION Sale of residence. household
Furniture, &c., Satutdey, Oot,2, at 3 p.
m., Mill Sueet, Brussels, Mrs D. Me -
Kenzie, Proprietress, D. M, Scott, Atte.
bee bills tor list. Sale unreserved as
owner is removing to Toronto.
Friday. Oet..7th la the date of the
Young People's Conventtou of Mau-
,and Presbytery. It will be held at
Teeswatnr aud the program is being
prepared for dtstributiou.
Good Fall weather.
Sick people restored.
200 new subscribers.
Boom in Fan trade.
2 cent letter postage.
Knitting factory set a -going.
WHO WILL IT eeE ? Friday afteruoon
of this week the'Nomtuatiuu Cuuveutiou
Jur the Federal EIECtian 1u North Huron
will be held iu WIngham by the Con-
servative party, Tun naInus of Juo.
Joynt, M. P. P. ; Rich. Procter, Morris
township; Peter'Scott, East Wawanosh;
1'. R. Benuott, Geo. Spotters and W. J.
Greer, Wingbnm, are mentioned. W.
H. Fraser is already in the field as stand-
ard bearer tor the Liberals and Juo.
King for the U. F, 0. Some fun ahead.
RgLA•t'IVE* (HI gee, 1i.. Getter, Foe*
W Mitchell AQ vacate 01
last week says ;—'Phe first burial to
Trinity church cemetery, Mitchell, 'took
place In the year 1849, when the remains
of Arthur Fishleiga, who died Decem-
ber 261.4, 1849, et the ago of 62 years,
were laid to rest. The tate Mr. Fist'.
Leigh was one of the first settlers to lo•
tate in Mitchell, then a wilderness. . He
was a great sufferer from asthma and
betore passing out of this lite, he re-
quested ttie tollowing epitaph to be
pieced on his headstone
"Pain was my portiou,
Pbysic 41d me no good
Groaus was my devotion,
But drugs did me no good.
Christ is my Saviour,
Who always knows best ;
He has taken me from this world,
With Him to rest.
The Fisbieigh family was one of the
vett' first to locate 10 what is now known
as Mitchell, several families of Ftsbleighs
baying settled here shortly after, The
above deceased was the granutather of
Mrs. W. R. Davis, aged 77 years. The
latter was born here and is still hale and
TENNIS:—The Mons' Single's Tourna-
ment in progress for the past weeks was
completed on Monday 12th inst. and
Cardiff Best was returned winner and
local champion for 1921. Final struggle
was a close one as is Indicated by the
fact that each contestant won the same
total number of games in the three sets
played. Outstanding feature of the
tournament was the remarkable showing
made by the younger and more inex-
perienced players woo alt started ftom
scratch, even when matched against old
players. It is doubttul whether any
other town of its size possess more of
better tennis material tban Brussels.
The results in detail follow :—
First round—
J, Fox beat Cbowen, •
W. •Buchanan beat Armstroug,
G. Buchanan beat Dr. Whitt,
F. Oliver beats H. Stretton,
L. Jackson beat C. Pope,
C. Best beat R. Hunter,
Carson beat Hemmiugway,
Ballantyne beat R. Ryckman,
Ferguson—Degnerre'game cancelled.
McLauchlin—Browne game cancelled.
Second round— •
Carson beat Fox,
Best beat W. Buchanan,..
G. Buchanan beat F. Oliver,.
Jadkson beat Ballantyne.
Carson defaulted to Best after each
won one set.
G. Buchanan beat .Jackson.
Finals—Best beat G. Buchsnau 6.3, I.6,
6.4, . r
Soto BUSIgsse,— Listowel Banner
says of formerreeidehte :—J, D. Miller
& Son, proprietors of the restaurant
on Main St., disposed of their busbies
to John Gower, London, who is now
in possession, and whose sou -hi -law,
G. S. Reid, also of the Forest city is in
g as manager, It is hardly two
years eines Mt Millet disposed of his
farm near Bluevale and purchased the
I Listowel from A. B.
George, which he
has conducted t
g ,with
n goodlymereute of success,
His de
cisiou toive
g up the tueuteee 18 the te-
sult of ill health. Mr, and Mrs, Mill-
er and family have made many friends
eine() corning to Lietowel and it will
please these if the change, probably
including a trip to Oalifkrnia, results
in improved health fur Mr. Miller,
who is ailing with heart trouble and
anaemia. Before coming to Listowel
Mr, Miller wee troubled somewhat,
with his heart and it was the advice of
hie physician that he attempt nothing
strenuous. Several weeks ego, when
water came into the restauraut cellar,
he unwisely taxed himself by remov
leg Some bags of salt, which serionely
affected his heart and started hint on
the decline, Mr, Miller le at present
With his daughter in IJIe aoUnlry, but
Die faintly, iutludini Andrew Millet,
who hes teen pretty 31111 It ill aiaarl;gat
will mak e tint• bcnie iii Lie tIIwel,
ptcibebly,until the end el the year,
Intended foe !tet week. •
'Phos. Ritchie olid J. It, (llbsoli spent
Thursday at 4tlugeele :Falls,
Robert Hamilton, Toronto, vlsifed
ol41 friends here last week,
JDs, Lovell alltl bride nese !t]iss ,14 sale
Fraser have t'etu1ued from London,
Thos, Walker has purchased Jno,
Rolston's reeidenee and will take pos.
session in a few weeks,
Lawrence and Mrs. Moffat returned
from London, Tuesday after spending
u few days with the fururer"e parents,
Wrn. Laidlaw retnrued to Boston
Friday after a two months' visit at
the home of his uncle, Jslo, Davidson,
4 number from here attended the
Deanery meeting held in Fordwieh,
Tuesday iu connection with the Ang-
lican church,
At the annual Thank -offering meet.
ing of the W. F, M, S. all adclreee was
giyeu by Rev, Duncan McLeod, a
Presbyterian missionary of Formuba,
Among those attending the London
Fair from hate were R. Stocks, W.
Robinson, D. Thompson, H. Patterson,
Jno. Renuebetg, 1i. Rasmussen, A.
Adams, A. Lagar, Mee. W. Hall, aud
Mies V. Dodds.
Methodist church have decided tp
hold their anniversary services on
Sunday, Oct. 18th,
Uuder the, new regulations, Village
Clerk McGowan will become issuer of
marriage licenses on October 1.
Mrs (Judge) Jackson aud daughter,
have beets guests at home of for•mer's
father, J. E. Emigh, for the past
John Link appeared before Magi-
strate Reid, of lloderieh, and pleaded
guilty to having a still in operatiou at
hie place of busiuees aud was fined.
$200 and costs,
Miss Sutherland, Delhi, has taken a
position as kedges -keeper in the Bank
of Hamilton bete, and Mr, clamors,
who has been on the staff here fur
some time, has been trausferi ed to
Town Oletk McGowan received word
to the effect that the estirnatee for
hydro electric for Blyth bad, been pre-
pared and the same forwarded to the
,Commission for approval. If there is
not too; much delay in the cptnrnissiun
coating toa decision, the vote ou the
mohey By-law will likely be taken
this year.
,r ; k't'ni,-...,.. ...--.,.,.. • ---;_ ,.:,,.- ....,,eataaY,arwar+�w2,, ,,,.w�;,ttsr";,
t, r Ig> to be founll lit lila itaee at divine I ®•�o, a• •
4 1
ea IAveat
* PAi!p lAfowoe p•a►Aa®*s®y*am*Oeoep*40+4+►*+t rr'
Ball, aeil the feet of his ettendence ort #
t ddd 5 6 i. Suede). se eviene to his death is capes• The
Jelly comforting et title time. he es. acct as r
SRS' D leeur in 1le.ls 1 Lcd s r st was held and s >� Palace
E the wholo•iflsfly sympathy fol• the a'
bereaved farltily was maufesLrd by aa -
TMs Fruit Medicine Mays
dives. Relief
917 Demise S'r.i Moeeni.AL,
I suffered terribly wills Deepepefe.
z had it for years and all the medi-
cines I took did not do Jno a.uy gaud.
I real soinethiag Shtnit "Fruit--a-
Fires" being good for all Stomas!: Trouble
and Disorders of Di„eslion, so I tried
After finishing At few boxes, I was
entirely relieved of Gut i )yspepsia a:id
my general health 2•as Matured; and .
I am writing to tell you that I owe
my life to "I ruin n -tires"
6111u, ANTOINt:'1' l'i Bt)i.'C 1JFll
600 a box, 13 for $2.60, trial size 25e.
At dealtra or sent postpaid by
'Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa,
Blyth friends will be pleased to learn
that Mies Mildred Blown has passed
her tutermedilite exacts. iri mucic at
the Toronto Oosiservato y of Al
Cran brook
Trt>•, holes J oHN OAIUrgR —Au Avon•
ton mitres pondeutHays : Cur commtw
ity was deeply stirred by the tragic
death of John Garter, an account of
which has already appeared in the
press. 51r, Cnrtet was widely known
and highly tespected and his sudden
removal leaves a blank in our rom•
inanity life which it will bedifficult. to
fill. 08 au optimistic and amiable dis-
position he had au abundant fund of
liumur aud cheerfulness wliiclt made
association with hien a delight, whilst
his interest in Sunday School and tem-
perance work was much appreciated
by those who laboted with him in.
those departments. It was largely
through his initiative and directionn
that the Maple Grove Sabbath_ School
was organized some three years ago,
and'its success has been due to Isis tlir-
ectinn a8 Supt. during that time. He
was also Supt. of the .Home Depart -
Mee t of the South Perth 5..S., Associa-
tion. He was a member of the Avon -
tun Ptesbyteriau Church and was gen-
t..a.'rtrfrll L.
S:yle Li •mls ;ico
Statistics show that travelling on
a railway is nowadays less hazard-
ous than walking on the street—
the percentage of fatalities steadily
decreasing in spite of an increasing
volume of traffic at higher speeds.
In congested areas tracks have
been doubled and quadrupled; steel
bridges and embankments replace
wooden structures; air brakes and
automatic couplers have superseded
hand brakes and links and pins;
steam heating and electric lighting
have relegated car stoves and nil
lamps to the scrap pilesteel con
struch' n throughout, lout
and car bodies, steel tv d Wheel
with continuous fastenings are
standard for all up to date p tsr-etlr•i 1
equipment; air signalling devices re
place the old bell cord and engint
cab gong; scores of other accessories
toonumerous to mention, are now
part and parcel of all modern roll.
ing stock, all specially designed to
reach the desired goal—"Maximum
Protection to Life and Property."
The greatest and most costly im-
provements have undoubtedly been
carried out in connection with the
permanent way and signalling sys
tents. Steel rails of constantly in-
creasing weight have superceded
, p
iron ones; split switches have
banished the old stub switch; ela-
borate interlocking devices are in-
stalled at all points where railways
cross at grade.
Everything tendingto increased
efficiency y
ficienc and safe operation, re-
gardless of
e-gardlessof cost, has been done to
an extent hardly appreciated by the
travelling public generally.
In this great general advancement
seemingly small matters have not
been overlooked, special -attention
has been given to minor details con-
ducive to the desired result
In addition to the usual "flag-
ging" by trainmen with hand .lamp
and flag, the ;emergency signals
most commonly used are the fusee
and the track torpedo or fog -signal
as it Is generally called across the
W The fusee, an • excoilent aignnl
emitting for a :feflmte period red
and yellow light of great brilliancy,
is especially effective on dark and
stormy nights, but not equally valu-
able in daylight and in foggy weath-
er, and not as popular among prac-
'}cnl railwaymen as the 'L'rack Tor-
pedo, which is. more easily carried,
promptly applied and meeting all
conditions by day as well as by
tip to the 'present time the track
torpedo appealed to one sense only,
gamely, Hearing, and usually eon-
isteel of a pellet of a detonating
nm o
d exploding with a loud re-
rri « 1 crushed by the wheel of
1 Worm tive or car passing over it
:rut not sensitive enough to be
eploi'ell by dight haled -cars or sec -
ton -men's lorries.
A new type of torpedo called the
'Meteor" has recently been adopted
by the Canadian Pacific Railway for
..se on its System from Atlantic to
Pacific. The unreliable method of
attaching the torpedo to the rail
head by soft metal hands pressed
into position, but frequently dis-
placed, has been greatly improved
by rising a spring rail clip of temp-
ered steel or spring brass—gripping
the rail head firmly and promptly
applied. Furthermore, neon
PP assurance
has been made trebly sure -the new
torpedo appeals to three senses ie.
stead or one, not only hearing, but
seenng and smelli
n, It not only
duces a loudreport on detonation,
but simultaneouslybrilliant1
a flash
and pungent smell.
The new torpedo 1. completely
waterproof—it will stand any atmo-
spheric renditions of heat, moisture
and frost, It has been subjected to
one hundred hours immersion and
one hours in moist steam at 120 deg.
t'ahrt, without deterioration and has
been used where the tontperaturo
was, many degrees ,below Zero with
complete success. Special tests have
been carried out to asrertaie its
holding power when -placed In posi-
tion on the rail; and for flying par-
ticles likely to cause injery to by-
standers, ,with cenipletely satisfac'
tory results,
na servic:e, tv11101) wa0 cmuducted by
Rev. 1V. I), Bell and Rev, J. I1. Grit.
Baer A }al go number of floret (.ter.
Jugs wet is presented a list of which Is
here given, vin'y, wetltlIts, the ftemily,
Gen, M, and Mte. ARtobeson, Thos. and
Mrs, Aitehesun and Nellie, J. II. And
'Mrs. 1Vond, ()mail & Melli„n, W. 5,
turd Cartel', L. C L No. 2733 Sebring ;
ville, Michael and Mt's. 13ellatltyne,
sprays, IJeseie and Lavine Aides sou
told .I. Duncan, Toronto; Len Johnsen,
Stratford; Rev. J H. Gruhutn, lir.
and Mrs, Code and Lottie, Teowbridge,
George and Mrs, Pike, Jamb Kritzer.
Toronto, V. Kt•lizer, Toronto, Mr-
lieuthet'; SL, Marys Ale. Wahl, Lis.
towel, Mt. Ltttohford, Mitchell ; Jas.
()bowels, Stratford, T. and Million,
gates ajar, the Maple Greve y, S. Pall-
17ellrere were; Messrs, Jae. Gloyn, Glen.
B11Uaatytie, Detvid Barton, John H.
Wood, Eldon Eckert and Fraser Gibbs.
ge number who attended the Tuner. •
Perth County
Kis Plod Fait Oct, 0 and 7.
4 day Fall Fair at Stratford this
Chat'ivneIs have been on Millbank
Whooping cough on program at
New school building in Stratford is
in prospect.
Stratford extended cordial welcome
to Normal itee.
Largest flower exhibit for years at
Mitchell Fall Fair.
Linwood junior farmers hold
ruoothly meetings.
Cheese cold at 18 cents per pound at
last Fair iu Listowel.
There may a 4 cornered election
fight in South Perth.
The Stricken family, of Elem., has
moved to Mouktou.
O, Merton Scott, B. A., has opened
a law office in Listowel,
Decrease in Stratford population
181. It now stand . 17,690..
Elverson Vipond, 'Donegal, is able
to be about after his operation.
•40x 80 foot barn raised on farm of
Ed. Brown, Con. 6, Ellice township.
Rev. F: J. McKenzie, Congregation-
al pastor is removing from Listowel.
Fine,bull dog, belonging. to J. H.
Thorrieon, Mitchell, was killed by a
Milverton Methodist W. b1, 5, ship-
ped bales of quilts and clothing to
Indian Mission at Berens River, Mau,
Roy's and Cromarty Ptesbyteriau
congregations voted against A8
sembly's proposed immense in stip-
8 stitches had to be put in Mrs.
Bertha Hanna's right hand to close
up a wound caused by a dog's bite, at
M. 0. Fry, merchant, Kurtzville, is
.deceased after residence of 30 years.
Dancer of liver was eause. His age
WM 66 years.
Oomicat sports on 6th line Wallace
township. They held a chativari and
threw chickens, wood, atone and
plants in at parlor window at home of
1d. Heiumillev. The sport cost them
631. There were 18 males and 2
females in the hunch. This is the
20th century too.
Huron County
Zurich will run a series of Chautau-
qua Concerts.
Usboroe township farmers oppose 20
year hydro contract,
Alias Lila Feeney, Dublin, has gone
to Thorald to teach school.
October 1st South Huron Tories
meet to nominate a candidate.
Burglars stole silk shirts, socks and
ties from Tautan's store, Exeter.
Dr. Moir, Heneall, took 21st prizes
on roadster eulte at Western Fair.
Miss Ole Cook, Hansall, has gone to
Alma Ladies' (renege, St. Thomas,
Corner stories of.new Methodist
church, Centralia, will be laid Oct. '7,
Little Margaret Smith, Seaforth,
fell off a chair and broke her collar
Rubt. McMillan, Seaforth, is ad-
dressing U. F. 0 meetings in the lo-
cality of Sault Ste. Mu le.
141. Mitchell, Centralia, had his: right
arm fractured by his team running
away with a load of lumber,
Rev, and M. Garrett were present-
ed with purse of $S0 in leaving Hen -
salt Anglican church. He goes to
Hay tnwnship Colleen granted 610
each to Zurich and Dashwood Scheid
aud $6 to Grandr
Be 1d. Good
Crediton is fitting up their athletic
Park by Fall plowing and levelling,
new fence and ttee planting. We
like their "go,"
Geoffrey Holt, son of the late Judge
Holt, who spent the Summer at the
University of Zurich, Swltzetlaud, is
back to Canada.
!Penton, soli of Jas, and Mrs. Kerr,
Seaforth, has been chosen ARlecterer
00 Pollee] Economy at Toronto Uni-
versity, Oongratulatiens,
• •
0 CA 0
• •
a to arrive shortly. ••
oSpecial 'price off Car. a
e ••
0 _ 0
e Place orders early •
•• and save money,
o Phones 43 and 27
* W. J. McCracken
Here's Proof
q �gAIP
•i ossessossssaeaeessesossess seers ,ea.u44,664.4oala000area..,c,,
1i01mi bread uutkiug does not
pay. Without the t1usurpes8.
ed fuellitlee used in malting
our snpet•iot' bi cad, no matter
how expert you may be, you
cannot get - the unvarying
bread excellence we get 111
every loaf, Flout the angle of
either quality 01 economy It
will payt t It trial.
yet ll give rl W
Collegiate at Clinton hos 100. pupils
New chairs are being placed in Hay
Township Bali.
2nd crop of raspberries are iu
fashion at Heirs 'II,
Len, F.Jlick 18 ereutimg a cottage lu
Walker's Perk, Gland Bend,
Night n1atehtupm is employed In
Exeter to guard from thievery.
Clinton Street Fair was a success,
Proceeds aver 6760 for hospital.
51800 shortage at Goderieh Old Boys'
re.uuion. Town amnion will finance
A. Hicks, M, P. P„ Suutb Huron,
fell off a load of corn and dislocated 2
tl nlZYl e.
U. F, 0. South Huron 18181818 at
Heimali Thursday of this week to
choose a stal,dat•d bearer for Federal
Onet. Will. J. Knight, formerly of
Exeter, died ata whitely hospital at
Cork, I.•elaid, Sept. 13, 110 served
through the great war.
Sam. Oestreirher, D.wliwood, had
hie 14 x 85 foot silo, with 4 then tramp-
ing the corn, filled iu 8 hours. No.
tody went asleep.
Everybody knows
that in Canada there are more
Rheumatic Capsules
Sold than all other Rheumatic
Remedies combined for Rheue
matism, Neuritis, Neuralgia,
Sciatica, Lumbago, etc.
Many doctors prescribe them,
most druggists sell them. Write
for free trial to Templeton, Toronto.
Sold by Jas. Fox,
The Ortwein general store stook,
Jieneall, has been bought by L. E,
Thaler, Parkhill.
Dr. and Mrs. Gunn, Clintons au-
ununce the eugegemeet of their
daughter, Isabel, to Edgar A. Otvlee,
B. -S. O., Bit'minghatn, England. Wed-
ding early in October.
The undersigned has leased 11)1
oltl and well known B1ssek 1 3 1,
Shop of
D. Ewan
Market Street, Br1.1es,18, aud is.
prepared to rater to the wants of
the public by first class work,'
promptly done and atreason-
able primes.
All kiude of Blacksrnithing,'
Horseshueiug. &c., married on.
Your custom will be aper r-
Sat isfArtie asstur'd•
Call ill when 111 lewd,
Fre0 }liars
Choose your Fountai Pei
from Our SeIecti
best service possible. Its readiness to write instantly,
anywhere, without dependance upon desk or ink well,
supplies n 100011 appreciated c0uvenieuue in the everyday work
of students and all business men and women in all n'ttlks of
life, 1-Vatertuttn's Ideal Fountain Pens may be ohtaiued in a
wide variety of styles, with a point to suit every style of hand
writing, Priced from 62060 up, Call and pick out a point to
suit your hand.
\Vaterman'e Ink for Fountain Pens always in stack.
Fordsou Tractor
TRACTOR. is built with over strength in every
pert to withstand the 8tt:ain8 of constant heavy work, It was
tested under every possible condition of farm work before it was
put on the market, It has been tried out by thousatid1, of farmers in
the past two years and has never fallen down on its claims,
The Fordson is simple in design, flexible in control and operation.
Let 08 demonstrate this tractor on your farm. When we sell': you
a Fordson we are right hereto keep it running every day in the year,
We have Fordson parts and Fordeon mechanics.
D. M. SCOTT, Brussels
AM' IlORIZ iI) FO 81) DEA1,iER