HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-9-29, Page 3111)1E1 further apart M the tap than et the bottom, frequent checking wiicali alignment SAWS the wear. It is a. faetor that :Medd not b regia tel Rough pavesne]ite AD 'i aro-sines tempt the motcrist to drive on mesa car trade, While it i$ admittedly. true that the occasional use of car tracks where road conditions are a1.-; most inhpassible is justified, it is also true that the strain otz certain parts of the tire due to continuous running on car tracks will not only quickly wear a depression in the tread rubber, all around the tire, but thesharp bending notion and ovcrlead on the fabric directly }coder this depression will produce : eventually an inside fabric break. Running on car tracks is an expensive habit and should be indulged in only in extreme necessity; A barefoot boy appreciates the need o€ quick attention to his surface cuts and bruises which, given temporary protection, are self -healing. Tire tread Buts are also self -healing if promptly treated with heel -a -cut -material. If not thus treated the elasticity of the rubber allows the cut to expand under load compression with every turn of the wheel. Dirt, glass, sand and peb- bles wear and tear away the rubber until the cut has reached the first layer of tire fabric where the foreign material creeps along and piles up be- tween the tread rubber and carcass, forming sand lumps. Cuts Can Be Avoided. Most cuts are avoidable and the re - sett of tire contact with sharp edges of railway tracks and crossings, with worn horseshoes, broken glass, wheels spinning on wet pavements and in mud boles, and by skidding the tire by sudden brake application. The remedy is to examine the tires at regular intervals, with the object of removing all penetrating objects, sueh as nails and tacks; to wash out the holes and cuts and close them by properly prepared healing prepara- tions. Investment in tires does not end with the original purchase. To the first payment should be added a re- latively much smaller but important care investment. The use of chains or other anti-skid devices is advisable under certain con- ditions. Willie a well designed non- skid tread is, where care in driving is exercised, generally sufficient insur- ante against slipping on wet pave- ments and hard surfaced roads, yet there are conditions of ice, mud or deep snow when chains are a neces- sity, and for such occasions they should be carried as regular equip- ment. MORE .ADVICE ABOUT TIRES, If you collect autoilro'bile racing sta• 'WARS you will And that the average life of a high grade tire on a racing ear is under 640 utiles—wliicfi is .about one -twentieth the life of a tire op- erated under mrdinary condttiobs, 'This difference in ;tiro service is due di- rectly to a difference In 'heat devel- ,v,1 Effect. of Heat 'Heat exerts a deteriorating effect on vulcanized rubber in proportion to the intensity and 1eaygth of time the rub- ber is exposed to it. The source of heat ithalt.does most damage is that proihzeed at 'high running speed by the 'internal friction oaf the tire ear. ease. 'The 'heat developed by frictional contact with the road when traveling xapidhy •oleo has some influence. Tires are so designed as to resist *e effects Of ]beatproduced by ordinary every- day veryday oar operation. But tires cannot long remain intact when highly heat- ed by cenitinnous or even intermittent speeding, and the results of such practice are rapid loss of .elasticity andexibility, which leads to com- plete fire carcass break down. Front Jeep standpoint of tire life, mechanical -upkeep and gasoline economy car speeds should be kept within Pre-. serThed limits. Among the tactors which have an intimate relation to tire mileage is wheel alignment. The free rolling mo- tion of a tire is affected by a small wheel misalignment and the result is excessive tread wear. When the two apposite wheels are not parallel there Is a diagonal grind at the point where the tires eine in contact with the road iiurface which wears off the rubber al- most as fast as if in contact with an emery wheel. Front wheels may be out of align- ment due to chess rod, axle or steer- ing knuckle'becoming bent by contact with a curb or some other obstruction, er the cross rod or knuckle may; be anh,,rroperly adjusted. Also the tire alone or the tire and rim may be im- properly mounted on the wheel. Checking Up Alignment. Because of the tendency of front wheels to spread during driving, car manufacturers set the wheels at a toe -in of from three-eighths to one- half inch, and when thus adjusted the wheels are properly aligned. The measurements showing these differ- ences should be made between the ie'.ines of the two front wheels at points inside and on a level with the axle. Alignment or the toe -in of the wheels should not be confused with dish, which is setting the wheels You Can't Hoodwink Ants. All needs and a certain number of other animals are provided with ap- pendages which the ordinary man calls feelers. These feelers provide their owners with a mysterious sixth sense which we ourselves lack—a sense which is certainly not sight, hearing, or smell, though possibly it may be a very slight sense of touch. It is by stroking with their feelers that ants discriminate between friend lend foe. You may paint an ant blue or coyer hent with a strange smelling Compound, but his fellows will never shake a mistake. The lobster, the prawn, and the shrimp use their feelers to guide them when they are swimming tail first at top speed. Saes and butterflies seem /o use them for beamining flowers be- fore they begin to sip the honey. The whiskers of the oat and the rat aro •stiff hairs to the roots of which are attached very sensitive nerves. It is supposed that they act as guides When their owner is moving hi the lark• if they touch an bbetacle, en instantaneous message to the brain enables the 'cat or rat to make a quick movement to one aide or the other. . There ere ten.stripgera of pearls in Leedom. Ideals. We built a shrine with bleeding hands, We laid it carefully stone on stone, And thanked the God to whom we built We worked together, not alone: We had no time for idly word, For tree nor flower, for sky nor sun; No rest from graying day to day. , We wrought until our work was done. We spent our lives In building thus; But when at last the serine was there The God to whom we built looked down, Looked down and found the altar bare. Ashes we bad, but never fuel To kindle fresh a living flame— What could we give when this. our God, Expectant through the morning came? We linked our weary, roughened hands, With lifted bade es if to Ding We proudly brought ouftigeleee love Unto our God as offering. Love has failed when we espy no- thing ;but faults. Shining Through Boucher geed to 'peak of sunny na- 4lires wbo moved through the world tike Cheering musts, spreading joy and gladnees wherever they went. We have all met rare souls who live en the sunlight all the time. They are set aw,nys prosperous, surrounded by luxuries and the things of the world that most people are seeking; but no Matter whet reverses or'eorrows come, they manage to keep joy in their. heart. No platter what plight they ;nay be in, they see something to be thankful for, They are always helpful, hopeful, ent'eineging, happy, Wherever they 740 they scatter sunshine. I know a girl whose laughter and lhtoyant cheerfulness are so appealing, to cntchieg,, that it is impossible for any ono to fool blue, or out of sorts in ere eresencee Tbere seem) to be no Rud lo 'her ffow or good cheer. 13ee joyous,:bubbling laughter is cotitagi- eua. Ail Inc delude of despondency, dlseauriigement, .and gloom disapponr when f; be is mound. She makes' you emelt in met' of ycln'aelt---even if yen sem dejected beyond all hope, Her face IC an inspiration. It is so *Moulted, NO ]ia'hpy, so radiant that IWib title Ittfhreely keep beet bets Sff heir, You feel the joyous thrill of her Itwctisenco lifting you ,out of youi'aelf. She goes along, shining her *ay through life. As we move along ser hoparate ways, we all leave a great stream of something behind us, just 0s a ship leaves a great white band of seething foani in its wake when speeding through; the water, Wo can leave a Arena of blessings, of sunshine, of gladness and joy, Or we can leave a poison stream of pessihnism, of Sega• tive thoughts, of bitterness, of envy and gloom. Wq can selene through life, - wee San gloom, through-whicever We please. et bus nothing to do with onr condi- tion, whether we are rich or poor, homely or bandsenl0, fortunate 'or un- fortunate. We can bo a groomer or a enter, just as we. please. Moet of Paul's wonderful epistiee even written in an thrtdorground dun- geon, Yet there is not a despondent, Olscounging word in them; net a single unitincl expression in regard to his persecutors. There is eo trope of gm -thing, fault-fltlding or self-pity' anywhere in them, Through 011 his sufferings and persecution, Paul made the boat of everything, It le said that Ile Weer *tett elite 6iltli a tlrb'ate 111 It; He won immortality by shining through. Sueccss Mogasino, "ind the wnrs- F.�+ yet to Cnnie "'Wit ltf. II In(le,/1!lIIU1�11,,,1,1 '�_i)y !„�M u,n nn aunlw ^naatlrrluia Ilituaf�/ },.;.-,,n tun ,uou,dlunii,�`. �•11{Ill/ lUllll 111 I. .I um,uatminlatAs��� •,nulnw°mm �•� X1teseeret►l .+o •ifiE celfritiqE rRotl A `ti�a-Dotl-AP 1911-i- . Site'of Magna Cnarta Sign- ing igning for Sale. The exact location of the spot on which King John and the confederated barons stood at Runnymede at the signing 6f Magna Marta has become live issue in England with the di covert' that the traditional site of th concession has been offered for sa by the government, says a London de patch. The meadow in Oxfordshir which las been called "the cradle EngIfsh liberty," was placed under th hammer last month, but owing to th lack of suitable bids the transactio was not concluded. flats With Eyes and Ears. - How can a bat, flying at top speed in a room, successfully avoid contact with any of a number of fine silk threads strung across the room? The a bat's wings (according to Prof. Remit- s_ ton Martridge, of Cambridge, Ein- e land), produce by their vibration le sound -waves too high 1n pitch to be audible to human ears, but which send back echoes from all solid objects nearby. The bat has ears peculiarly e, of e attuned to catch these echoes, and so e may be said to receive sound picture's e of surrounding objects. In other words, it "sees" with its ears, Bats, while abnormally sensitive to such sounds, inaudible to human ears, have little or no capacity to hear cer- tain much louder sounds. Experiments have shown that they are not disturb- ed by the voices of persons speaking The Marquis of Lincolnshire calls attention to the fact that"Lot 8, colo ed yeIlow," a section of the land offe ed to the highest bidder for the oak of "raising every shilling" and redu ing the taxpayers' burdens, was actua ly the Hold on which the baro wrested from Ring John the signature limiting his powers. Strenuous pr tests against the sale, which is still b ing contemplated by the officials hay been made by the press, while th vicar of Eghanh has gone so far as t say that a group of citizens will tllro the auctioneer into the river. Lord. Lincolnshire, opposing tbe sale, has replied that the actual signing of the charter took place on an island in the centre of the river bordering the meadow. An important piece of his- torical evidence has been cited to this effect. Two other documents, how- ever, including the °barter's text, des- cribe the signing as having taken place in the meadow itself. It is on "Charter Island," that the stone is found whichthrough the centuries has been reputed to have served as "the hese of English liberty." Lord Lincolnshire opposing the sale of the historic landmark along with the rest of the crown lands, urges that the government meet the anti -waste cry, not by selling the lands, but by holding them and donating their re- venue to the ex•sdldiers. d r- r- e c- 1- ns loudly, but are greatly disturbed when hands are clapped or paper is torn. o - Tearing of paper causes them to flut- e_ ter and slacken their speed. Bats e move their wings very rapidly, mak- e ing ten or twelve strokes per second. This produces a evry high note that is not generally audible to man, but which easily becomes so with the aid of the microphone. Naturalists have long realized that the bat must possess some extraordinary means of guiding its flight, but they failed to realize the true nature of the apparatus. Cuvier thought that the creature's power of finding its way about in the dark wee due to an exceptional development of the touch sense residing in the deli- cate elicafe membranous wings. The hearing of buts seems to be more acute than that of any other kind of animal, and it is observed that the outermost parts of their ears are movable and extreme- ly sensitive. When An Elephant Has the Toothache. Few of us think of elephants having the toothache, but they 'often do in captivity, and soon let their attend- ants knew it by little meanings and toseings of the head. Now comes the difficulty of having the 'bad tooth extracted.. The huge creature .has to be thrown on the ground, and he must be shackled to four stakes driven so deeply into the ground that there will be p0. chance of their being upheaved by struggles during the operation. The 'yob" is often done with a huge pair of blacksmith's pincer's. After the operation more time is taken up by enshackling the animal and remov- ihe the stakes: The teeth of elephants differ con- siderably, the enamel en the molars of the African animal being in five or six diamond-shaped, folds, while the Palmation on those of the animal from Asia is moulded like a number of nar- row ribbon bands. Unlike ourselves, the elephant has six or seven sets of teeth during a life, time, a new tooth replacing the old ane as soon as it wears away, lOow many of us wish we resembled the elephant in this matter! How English and aAmerican Differ. "1 speak four languages," proudly boasted the door man of a hotel in Rome to an American met."Yes, four -Italian, Frencb, • English- and American." "But English and American are the. same," protested the guest, "Not et ail; replied the man. "If an Thnglisleuan should come- up now, I sbeeld taut like thly'; 'Oh, ,0 say, what extraordlnariy sboaldng weethee we're tuvingl I dare say there'll be a bit of it ahead•' But when you °arae tip I wale just getting ready,to say; 'For Ole levo o' Mike! Some day, ain't it? Gude' tilde le the scoond f10od, all right' France Really to Try War Criminals. German war criminals on France's list will be tried before courts martial in military districts where the crimes were committed instead of before the civil courts. The Ministry of Justice here has, already prepared for the first trials in Nancy early in November, says a Paris despatch . The first of the Germans to be sum- moned—and they will he tried in their absence if they refuse to cross the frontier into France—will be General von Oven, Who 18 accused of ordering his troops to make attacks on the in- habitants Of Nomey and Jarny during the burning and pillaging of Nancy suburbs; General von Montgelas, who directed pillaging bands In Alsace- Lorraine, and Major-General Riede, whose order to the Bavarian Eighth. Brigade was to ''burn all the houses, kill all the males and force the women and chidren toward the French lines," Legal experts here are still divided Whether if the Ministry of Justice ratifies the military judgments of the courts martial it will be possible for Prance to demand the extradition of the men convicted, but the consensus is that the trials will give France an additional lever to be used against Germany in case there are in the fu- ture evasions of other clauses of the Versailles treaty. Mottoes on Money. The Germans have adopted the idea of stamping a eopybook motto on the face of tbe hew llfty-pfennig piece which has just been leaned. This coin, worth about a halfpenny at the present rate of exchange, is very light, and appears to be a nickel alloy, The device illustrates a sheaf of wheat, across which is streak the simple. German phrase: "Sicht ragen br]ngt Sevin," This means, "Self-help brings bre»eing," A Saving Clause. "Pa, why is a wife called the better half?" "In order, my son, that she tray not get the impreadlon that she's the whole thing, ,. Interesting Stories About Animals The eagle, according to neronautists, zemailis not merely the Icing of birds but in flying quality the swiftest of all blydt, A Frames "flyer" - from the Fronds naval station et Saloplea in February, 1010, had a match with an eagle near Mount Olynpue, The eagle competed of his free will. "I was followed by the eagle," writes Commander Larrowy, "at a ills - twice of ztbout 100 feet. our machine was snaking her full measured sixty nautical miles an hour• In comparison with us the bird seemed so perfectly at a standstill that I was able to photo graph it with an exposure of a half second, no the sky was cloudy, and the plate gave an absolutely neat repro- duction, "For two minutes the bird practical- ly did not move its wings, and seemed to glide, except every ten or twelve seconds,' when it made it very slight and careleze sort of rowing motion as if to keep lit. "When the bird abandoned all thought of attacking its strange rival it went full speed ahead, and cover- ing much more than sixty miles an hour soon disappeared." * * * * F. C. Cornell, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, who recently re- turned to England after spending twenty years in practically unknown parts of South Africa, le author of a story about an unknown monster that had been seen near the Great Palle of the Orange River. It has a huge head and a neck ten feet longlike a heed- ing tree. It seizes the native cattle and drags them under water. The na- tivesThing. 0011 11 "Kyman," or the Great Last May Mr. Cornell, accompanied by two white companions, W. H. Brown and N, B, Way of Capetown, and three Hottentots, went tothe June - Site of uno- lion et the Cub and Oraugo revere to see the monster if posa1ble, He writes: "At the cries of the natives I WY something black, huge and einu- ous swimming rapidly against the our - relit in the swirliug rapids• The mon- ster itopt Its enormous body lmder water, but the neck was plainly visible. "The monster may have been a very gigantic python, but 1f It wee it was of an incredible size, This monster may have lived for hundreds of years, Pythons approaching It 1n size have been said to leave lived that long." * * * * One naturalist considers that it le pretty certain that at least seine mem- bers of the crow tribe possess a mea- sure of reasoning power, and he re- lates an incident in this relation that occurred in hie own household, A crow had been captured by the children and brought home and tamed. They were very fond of it and, of course, treated it with kindness. As in most !louses where there are child ren, there was also a pet cat, The cat and the crow were friendly. One day an unusually nice morsel was given to Tabby. This the crow not only looked at with envious eyes but made several attempts to secure, Tabby beat off each attempt, however, and the crow had to resort to strata- gem Disappearing through the open door, ho returned in a few minutes with a long string that had been ravelled from an old sweater, Placing this on the floor, some little distance in front of the cat, he proceeded to wriggle 1t as he had seen the children do when playing with Tcbby. The cat instant- ly jumped to catch the string. This was, of course, exactly what the crow wanted, and he, with equal dexterity, pounced upon the coveted morsel and flew away with it, leaving Tabby to the enjoyment of the string, A Friend or Two. There's all of pleasure and all of peace In a friend or two; And allyour troubes may find release With a friend or two; It's in the grip of the clasping hand, On native soil or in alien land, But the world is made—do you under- stand ?— Of a friend or two. A song to sing and a crust to share With a friend or two: A smile to give and a grief to bear With a friend or two; A road to walk and a goal to win, An inglenook to And comfort in, A pipe to smoke and a yarn to spin With a friend or two. A little laughter, perhaps some tears, With a friend or two; The days, the weeks, and the months and years, With a friend or two. A vale to cross, and a hill to climb, A mock at age, and a jeer at time— The prose of life takes the lilt of rhyme With a friend or two. A Third United States. Yet another nation has been born. Its official title is "The United States of Centrat America," and it comprises at present the former independent and separate republics of Guatemala, Sal- vador, Honduras, and Costa Rica. These four States have already signed Articles of Federation at San ,Tose, in Costa Rica, for their union in one Federal Government, and a fifth— Nicaragua—will join in shortly. For the time being the capital of the new nation will be Tegucigalpa City, in Honduras. When, however, the new constitution has been drawn up, and a national congress elected, a brand-new Federal capital will be built, following the precedent set by the Austraian Commonwealth, There will thus be throe "United States" in America: the third one be- ing the United States of South Ameri- ca, *hick is the official designation of the Republic of Brazil. Not the Ans'Wer He Expected. Proud Citizen—"So you've been visiting our anode, eh? Splendid, areh't they? Magnliiceht discipline, superb buildings, beautiful furuish- iingO. By the way, I want to ask you *hat was the first thing tbat struck you on entering the boys' depart- ment?" Visitor (truthfully)—"A pea trom a Ilea -shooter," London Bank Holds Royal Carpets. In one of London's largest banks are ten wonderful carpets, valued at more than $40,000, which. have had some curious adventures, says a Lon- don despatch. A certain Russian count, famous in the days of the Czar, was forced to flee from the Bolsheviks. He escaped with his carpets. These had been 1 given to one of his ancestors by a Souls in Prison, maws "I can't mawsmyseifi" we bear people see, somethrees in the themes of a 1101,00 indignation that stragglers for iso outlet in languago, Some 011e liars called music "Lotto in amenof a word;" A novel about music has the title "Where Speech•initis•" Suds oxpreesione as tboae bear wit -ch nems to the wept that with Of ue hon felt fromtime to time to mike our needs, our aeplrations or our nature attdible• Prayer canto because the Seal bad to find an outlet skyward; and Prce frailty is prayer upside down, Moot books that are worth rearing. are written because the writer hadd' ecenethiug he felt 000stratnoto utter. Tire tragedy among wi'itore in Russia tomimeo le that they have to mo their own amok° when their imagina- tions are aflame, It is no use to look for a publisher. Only the Metal tree- taten of bolaizoviele have any cbanoo of finding their way into print., It is more than exhibitlee portional vanity that tomtit ono to learn the violin, the piano, tbe art of song. A. stronger Incentive 1e the yearning to give expression to the Silent, stilled: feelings. We cannot °elven our$oivea to everybody. 'ionto audiences of one-- or even of thousands --are (=genial;others are cold, and we urs mute. We feel "bottled up" in the preeene0 of those wbo misconstrue, We feel than we a11a•11 only have our trouble for our pains 1f we speak, So Ivo say nothing. The very clothes we wear are a mode of self-expression. Our houses and our habits are tongue eboquent to tell others what we are. The action louder than the word brings to con- fusion our most elaborate artifice for hiding our intentions or our essential character, No phase of iho world we live en is more 1`.theric than tee inarticulate woe of many helpless, bopeieso, voice- less. A p1't;en sentence for the body, if the victimis innocent, is sorrowful enough; the incarceration of the spirit is a matter far more dopirable. Wo value preacher or poet, statesman or philcsoplher, in proportion to his abili- ty to express in words—carried into acts—the will, the hope, the faith, the vision of the many, The "gifted" ones become the leaders; they are the voice for the multitude. You cannot crush out 0f the crowd the desire to be led until you have extinguished life itself. These who lead will be those whose lies and words ring forever former Czar of Russia, who had re- true. ceived them from a Shah of Persia of that time—several hundreds of yearsr Biros Cross Lake on made for his harem or castle. Stemmer, ago. The Shah probably had them The count eventually arrived at Ba- kum, and, discovering that he was without money, handed over his trea- sured possessions to a Russian Jew who was an his way to England, in- structing him to sell then. The Jew took the carpets, paying the count a substantial deposit, and brought them with him to London. The carpets are still here, and no one knows what Anally will become of then. At present their trustees have considered the only safe place for then; Is the strong vault of a bank. Servants in Eternity. Recent discoveries is Egypt have disclosed curious burial customs of the anelents among the most fntereseing, perhaps, being a Large number of ser- vant groups• These consist of little wooden ser -1 vants to serve their master in after- life. A boat formed the principle item in one of those groups. Five or six little wooden figures make up the crew. The boat is, of course, sail -driven, and Is steered by a long rudder oar from the stern, Another group is seen carrying a chair for the spirit's use when. it tires. Fan -bearers accompany the chair party. Cooks kneading bread form the subject of another group, while a fourth group deplete a eellarer and as - detente with wine -jars. The wine - jars have even the year of vintage in - seethed on them, Woman Cabinet Minister. The new farmer Premier 0! Alberta, Mr. Herbert Greenfield, has included a farmer's wife, Mrs, Mary Irene Pae -1 - by, in his new Cabinet as Minister without portfolio. Mrs. Pa'riby is the second woman to hold Cabinet rank in a Canadian. pro- vincial Parliament, Mrs, Ralph Smith, of Vancouver, having been chosen as Minister without portfolio in the Bri- tieh Columbia Government. Near Neighbors in the Sky There are so many stars in the sky that it is possible to devote special study only to a relatively few. Thus, until the other day, no par- ticular attention was drawn to Bar - nerd's star, as itis called. That it finally attracted notice was due merely to observation of the fact that it seem- ed to be travelling through the horn - ens at extram'dinary speed. A passenger on a retiroad train tees the telegraph poles flying rapidly past. Houses in the middle distaooe seem to move more slowly; a steeple ill the far background of the landscape much slower yet. The effect would be the same if the train Were standing still, and the poles, houses and steeples all in motion, at equal speed. The inference, there in the case of the sear, wire• that it Was probably rattler tear to ue; but it was a sur. prise to discover, eh Measurement of its parallax, that it was only six and a third "light years" distant from the earth. It is a small sun much .less in size than oar own solar orb and our near- est neigbbor'in the heavens, with the exception of Alpha Centauri, which is four and a third light years distant from us. Alpha Centauri is a "double" ortwo ante, each about the saline size ae ours, which revolve about a com- mon centre of gravity. The next nearest star is Sirius, which is the brightest stellar luminary in the northern h ev000. It is nonny nine light soars distant. Next come Pisces Australis, tweetyelve light years; Aeeturus, forty-three light Years; Bata Crudie, elxty-four lightyears, and Alpha Ithedanl, 100 fight Years. A light pear la the diatelle° travelled in a twelve-month by a ray Of light shoving 180,000 miles a second. Land birds far from land form one of the sights to be witnessed by ,pas- sengers on board the steamboats crossing Lake Michigan, says the De- troit New,'•. This is said to be es- pecially the ease on the steamboats rf a line plying between Muskegon and Chicago, a distance cf 100 miles. The steamboats- sail after dant. At sundown the spars and rigging of the vessels in the dock term good renting places for the land birds. When darkness cranes and the boats begin to move it is too late for them to go ashore. It is said to be no uncommon thing for the passenger to see a strange sight jest between daybreak and snu- rise• The birds are walling up and And themselves some thirty odd miles from land. They circle about the boat until they are compelled to rest on the rigging, some of them seeming much perplexed, while others mike the beet of circumstances. On one trip two yellowhammers, or flickers, were among the company, as well as a silent little sapsucker that pecked away at ropes and spars, as if he were breakfasting heartily on grubs. There was it frightened brown thrush, as well as a pair of they wrens and einem.] grass sparrows, The birds accompany the vessel un- til it reaches the outer port and then fly ashore. Mistakes Worth Mbny. Several 'examples of "freak" -editions of the Bible recently came under the auctioneer's hammer in London, Ono of the most retnsrirable Is known as the "Bug Bible," In this, the context of the 81st Psalm runs: "Thou shalt not be afrayde for eny bugger by night"—"bugged;" In mediaeval times, Meaning nightmares and other terrors. Another curious example in the 001- leotion Is the "Treacle Bible," in which the passage, Jeremiah VIII. 22, nada: "There is no more tl'iace at Gyleed." Tho "Murderers' Bible" takes its. title from an error in the translnticn of Jude, verse XV]„ wince 1n the Auth- orised Version runs; "There are mgr- murors, complainers"; while a curious misprint In the Beatitudes, "Blessed are the place -makers," gave else to one.set of Bibles being known as the "Places -takers" edition. Altbgetb.er there are IDS fewer than ten "freak" editions' of the great boort, some of them of considerable value, Corncob Chemicals. A new specles of bacterium has been: found that dos remarkable things to cos'neobe• When the cobs are cooked with ' enter in it cloned receptacle, at a tem- perature considerably above boiling Debit, all extract is obtained from them which, upon introduction of this "lite- tobacillus," readily farmenla,. One toe of cob* treated in this. way will yield, as a result of terinelftetien, 000 pounds of a atie, add and -020 pounds of ;actio acid, both of which ere Veluable mi merolat products,