The Brussels Post, 1921-9-22, Page 5BUSINESS CAROL JNO. SUTHERLANO & SONS LIMITED INSVIMAVal OMNI alfrelti0 WM. SPEMOE OONVEYANOER AND I8817411 ox AdAJtIA(E LICENSES dice to the Port Unice, Ethel. 80.4 OR. WARbI.AW Honor graduate of (he Ontario Veterinary College. Ds midnight ealie. Moe oppedite Pleat* Mill, Ethel. ,JAMES M' FAPZEAN Agent Newick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Phone 42 Tule/berry Street, Brussels . Saooessor to Tolin Elaerls, Walton,: T. T. M' RAE M. M., M. 0, P., ,e S. O. M. 0. 13„ Village of Bt undo. Physician, Surgeon, A000uohear 1. floe at residence, oppoeito Moly ilia March William street. PROUOPOOT, NILLORAN a COOKE Barristers, Soi.iaitors, NotArtes Public/, &o. Office un the Square, 2n.I door from Hemillon Street, GODSBIOH, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. P5oIIn OOT,S.0, 3. L. KITLouAr - H. 3. D. Coon ELLIOTT Yonge & Charles Sts., Toronto iIsa School with a Splendid Record. t W hen aeperlodty 01 ' hitt Is aonaid- 1 ereh this ootlege ranks nmona the bast 0en the continent, Many busts col- ' .4 leges in Canada and United States em- ploy our former students as teaohere, All I business011e e o e ere sol Writ B They d arer in many re aptucs Write to -day S,and so on beeoaeIaoedofthetaot, Students admitted at any timo. W. . ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL !�r��2 .Syam,. . L�,'7fiA-9,t,� +,S�FA4FIA'9rCre4as gas ell '�c11 Tols FOR SALEo 276 feet lir inch Drill Rope nearly new, 1 set Jars and Rope Socket, 1 Sinker, 16 feet by 8 inches, 1 4 -inch Sand Pump, 1 5 -inch Sand Pump, 1.4 -inch Reenter, 25.incb Reetuers and Bite for same, Alto a length of B.inch Casing. All for sale cheap as owner has no use for them. Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired Well Drilling done as usual. Call up Phone 28x GEO. BKRT, BRUSSELS •1.3•K+-'ri••1••1.9' }•i•9•d•t•4•F•h•1••i•t4d•4i•... .. + .gjt1, 7 + + Fr ash Fish + a + 4. Tow Deli + n varies .;. I Tuesdays and fridays i + i Patronage Solicited. ..(1}1•.. + .L• 4. ROBT. KERR I + BRUSSELS +++++++4-14.1-H•44+++++++++++ To the PubIic All Kinds Repair Work Done or+ • B UGGIES WAGONS SLEIGHS CUTTERS AND CARS Buggy Wheels Re-rnbbered a specialty, Painting and Trimming attend- ed to promptly at reasonable rprior/. c 8 new Wagons, all Oak and Elm with 2c/ itt, titre -Bargains, Oell and get prices when in town. E. E W N A Successor to D. Ewan BRUSSELS Newspaper Postage Will Be Doubled. The Government reminds the news- papers this Week that the postage on newspapers," which was increased four fold last January, Will be doubled this rate on and after NeW Years next, tioDe or Sala. lust Huron Fall Mostly Clover with a little Fall Honey with it. 12h c'tS. a Kb. Clover Honey also on hand, Phone $824 L. WHEELER uca1 Z eram Canadian Apple Crop; The apple crop in this district is very light, not nearly up to the average, but the crop throughout the Dominion, though sriously affected by recent drought is still likely to average better than last year. The best reports, aae cording to the Department of Agriculte ure, come from New Brunswick and Prince Edward lstand where there is a heavy set for all varieties. Baldwins and Kings promise well in Nova Scotia,' but in other varieties rlenes there has been a heavy drop, reducing prospects to about 10 per cent in excess of last year, In Ontario apples have suffered greatly from dry weather and a heavy drop has brought down the possible crop to some SO per cent that of 1920, Spies, Baldwine, McIntosh, and Russets are heavy, and Ben Davis light. British Columbia expects a crop some 10 per cent higher than last year's. A fair o good crop of peaches is expected in British Columbia; in Ontario 35 of average crop; yellow St. Johns best; Elberta's and Crawford's Igiht. Acts Affecting c Aff c m Agriculture. g Aga nie. Three important .Acts relating to the agricultural industry were passed at the relent session of the Dominion Par - lament, One is designed to protect and maintain Canada's export trade in dairy products. 11 provides that on the race onse dati n on of the Federal e al Ministerof Agriculture regulations shall be formu- lated for the grading of dairy products intended for export for the establish- ment of standards, definition and grad- es of such products, for the arrange- ment of fees, for appeals to the Dairy iCommissioner as to grading and for the appdintment of graders and the defini- tion of penalties. Another measure de- signates August 31, 1922, for the li- mitation of the manufacture or impor- tation of oleomargarine and March 1, 1923, as the limit for its sale. A third Act extends the period during which compensation shall be paid for animals officially slaughtered to prevent the check contagion to May24, 1924, or for three years.. At the same session, appropriations for the purpose of ag- riculture, including the $1,100,000 divided among the provinces under the Agricultural Instruction i on Act, amount - in t 6649214.5 g 0 $ 0 werePe ass d. No. branchagriculture is overlooked in' the apportionment, but increased at. tention to the health of animals and to the purity of .meat and canned foods is provided for, CAN HAVE A GUN IF A BRITISHER Copies of amendments of the last session of Parliament to the Criminal Code have been received by the town police authorities and dome of them are very drastic. There is one good change in the Criminal Code relating to firearms. The restrictions on British subjects owing rifles and shot guns has been removed. tt is not necessary DOW to have a permit to keep a rifle or shot gun if you are a British subject. In the case of an alien the law remains as it was. if is still necessary under the amendment to the act, which can be suspended by the Governor-General at any time, to have a permit to carry oI' own a revolver, The code is amended in the section relating to indecent assault and rape, Fore the latter offense imprisonment for any period up to life and the lashes can now be given The extreme penalty is hanging. Por robbery ,with violence or assault With wi intent to eon 'th magistrates uagtstrntes and judges now haveowe p r to add whipp- ing to the prison terns of punishment, This practically applies to highway robbery for the most part. The section relating to automobiie theft and similar offenses is also amend ed. For stealing an automobile now the punishment is one year's' imprisonment without the option of a fine. For driv- ing a car in an intoxicated condition the punishment is for the first offense not iess than seven days in jail and not more than 30 days.. Por a second off- ense the term is not less than one Month and n0t 010re than three months and fOr third offense clot less •than three months or more than one year. There 15 no option of a fine, PRIZE HORSES Agricultural (Canadian) Brood mere, having raised a foal in rear fl Lamont H Speir, '1' Bolger; nurse colt, L 1>a Cardiff, fas Mosee ; mare colt, 1•I Lamont, H Span', j Bolger ; 3 yr ter old gelding or filly, Jas Brigham 1e, 2 ; 2 year old gelding, l-1 Lamont ; r year old filly, T Bolger; 4 year old gelding, W yen; ; span of agricultural horses, J Brighten), R J Sanderson, M Holland ; sweepstakes, R J Sanderson, Heavy Draught -Brood mare Can. adieu bred, having raised foal in 1921, H Speir, D Brewer ; registered brood mare, having raised foal in rem, 3 G Spelr ; ]corse colt, J G Speir ; mare colt, Harold Speir, D Brewer ; 2 year .old gelding, R L ;McDonald ; yearling filly, 11 Speir ; yearling gelding, 3 0 Speir ; heavy draught 'team, Dickson Bros. 1 .86 z; sweepstakes, Dickson Bros. Judge -Roy Brothers, Stratford, Roadsters -Brood mare having raised foal in 1921. R L McDonald, Plum's livery, A G Bishop ; horse or mare colt, A G Bishop, L Engler, R L McDonald ; 2 year old filly or ge.ding, R L McDon- ald, R Jacklin ; '1 year old filly or geld- ing, R L McDonald, R Jackllu, Plum's livery; buggy horse, x5,4 hands high and over, W J Roberts. Roy Hastings, G 'r Dale & Sons ; 'buggy horse, under tsi hands high, le Bender, W Coulter, '1'J McMichael ; -sweepstakes, F Bender Carriage - Two-year-old filly or gelding, T 3 McMichael ; carriage span, 16 bands high, jas. Connell; single carriage horse, 3 Hurst, W Tay, lor, C V Dale; sweepstakes, I Hurst. Judge -H 1 Colwili, Arthur. PURE BRED CATTLE Shorthurns (with registered pedi- gree) -Bull, 3 years and over, 0 Turn- bull & Sons ; bull, 2 years old. J G Speir, A McLauchhn ; bull, r year old Junior, 4 Smith and family ; ranch cow,Y ears or over, J G Speir, W 4 Yuill, 0 Turnbull & Sons • nailed cow, uuder 4 years, A Smith and .family, 0 Turnbull bu & Sons, JCSpeir ; year A r old heifer, A Smith and fmily,0 Turn- bull & Sons 2 & 3 1 x year old heifer senior, A Smith and family 1 & 2 ; x year old heifer junior, John G Speir, 0 1'urubtili & Sous 2 & 3 ; bull calf, sen - tor, 0 Turnbull & Sons ; bull calf jr., o'lurnbull & Sons, '1 Pierce, J 5 Arm• strong ; better calf, senior, T Pierce ; Heiler calf, junior, A McLaughlin ; herd ul Short o Horns, 1 male and 4 females, 0 Turnbull & Sons, A Smith and family, J' re Speir; best female, any age, A Smith and family ; best male any age, O Turnbull & Suns, Jerseys (with registered pedigree)- milch cow, Nesbitt Hamilton 1 & 2, Grade Cattle -Milch cow, dairy strain, J 8 Armstrong. A Lamont ; mile» cow, (beef strain, I G Spelt, A Lamont, W Yuill ; 2 year old better, W Yuill, A McLauehlw, J 5 Armstrong ; x year old heifer, senior, 3 5 Armstrong, E R Knight, A Lamont ; 1 year old heifer, junior, JIM Knight & Sous, J S Armstrong, A Lamont ; 1 year old steer senior, J S Armstrong, W Yuill, A Lamont; r year ofd steer, junior, J Knight & Sous 1 & 2, H Lamont ; steer calf, senior, A McL auchlin, J 5 Arm- strong ; steer call, Motor, A McLaucb• lin ; heifer calf senior, i Motes, E R Knight, W 'Vain ; heifer calf junior, J S Armstrong, J G Speir, R Jacklin ; fat cow or better over 2 years, botcher purpose, J 5 Armstrong ; tat steer, j M Knight & Sons e 2 & 3. Judge -Thos. Russets St. Marys. SHEEP Letcesters-R jSanderson awePt this class, taking 7 sets, 5 suds and a 3rd, Downs -Aged ram, W G Ross, Jas Counell 1 &2 ; shearling rale, Jas Con- ned, Knox Bros. W G Ross ; ram Iamb, Jas Connell 1 & 3, W C: Rossi ewe, 2 ibear and over, Jas Conseil 1 & 2, W (> Ross ; shearling ewe, W G Russ, Jas Connell 2 and 3 ; ewe lamb, Jas Connell 1 & 3, W G Ross; pen, Jas. Connell 1 & 3, W G Ross. judge -'Phos, Russell. PIGS Berk ire- ' sh S Cowan took the aw ads viz 5 red tickets and t blue. Yorkshire -Boar; under 1 year and over 6 months, J S Cowan ; boar, under 6 months, J G Speir 1& 2; boar, x year and over, I S Cowau ; sew, eerier) year and over 6 months, 11 Speir ; sow, un- der 6 months, 1 G Speir t & z. judge -Thos ud e-'l'bos. Russell. POULTRY Barred Rocks -Cock, R000enberg Bios, Mts. J. Grant ; hen, Mrs, J (:rant, Rouuenb rg Bros, ; cockerel, J G Speir t& 2; nutlet, J G Speir. Mrs. J Grant. Rucks, any other variety - cure, Rouneuberg Bros, r & 2, White Wveadottes-cockerel snarl pullet, Ron• nenberg Bros ; cock, Runnenberg Hies. 1 & z ; hen, Runnenberg Bros, 1 & 2 ; cocketel, Ronnenberg Bros ; pule let. Ronnenbrrg Bros I & 2. R. Inland Reds -cock, Leslie Tinton, J G Speir ; hen, Knox Bros, L Thuell ; cockerel, Knox Bios, Mrs, j Grant; pullet, S Seaton, Knox Bros. Leghorns, White -cock, Runnenberg Bros, J G Speir hen, Ronnenberg Bros, J G Speir cockerel, Rouneuberg Brost & 2; pal• lei, Ronneuberg Bros, 1 G SOetr, Leg - horns, Brown -cockerel, Mrs J Grant ; pullet, Mrs JGra Grime Leghorn s, any other variety -cock, hen cockerel el snt pullet,Ronneuberg Brost &a; ben,Tbos llier and for hen, cockerel and pullet. .Mtuorces-cock and ben, Ron- neuberg Bros, Anconal -D Davidson r & 2 for cock, leen, cockerel and pullet, Orpingtons-cock, ben and cockerel, Ronnenberg Bros. Baotsms-cock and hen, Ronneuberg Bros, Geese -old, Ronneuberg Brost & 2; young, Ron- ueuberg Bros, Mrs ) Grant, Ducks- nld, Ronuenberg 'Bros, J (4 Speir ; ytltng, Ronuenberg Bros, Is Thuell, Pair of pigeons -F M Sands. Fred Hunter;. collection of pigeons, Fred Hunter, F M Semis, Judge -Walter Rose. GRAIN String wheat, Knox Bros ; white Fall wheat, Knox Bros ; led hall wheat, WaiteeYuill; bet ley, 0 cowed, Knox Bros; white mats, R,1 Hoover, Ituux Brea • shall peas, .1 G Speir', Judge, Alf, Backer, :xhibwe LIST F4UaT Baldwins, J (i Speir, J S'AIM. strong; Fatnuege, Everett Snorer, .1 (1 Spelt' ;• King of Teutelns O0„ J (i Spats', A'0 13ielsop ; Salm, J' (3 Spells .1 8 Arwetrong; Northern spies, J S Artuetron', Grave Stewart; golden; r assets, Mac Fe1•gueon, J (i Speir .Blenheim plppiile (fetid). J G Speir, Mrs, 11' Nichol ; 'reline» 4)veets. J (i Spelt, J 8 A 1519(1oug ; "0trtarlo, J (i Speir ; Wealthy, J 5 Armstrong, A Li Bishop• Alex/meets JS Alntstro»g, Dan, NMoKInnon • Itibeton pippins, Le Speir, Leslie Thuell ; Canada reds J G Speir; Gravensteins, J f3 Spelt Rev J P McLeod ; Malden's blush Mrs F Nichol, A G liiebop . Pel+w,tu kees, Dan McKinnon, Bev, J P frlc Lend ; Ben Davie, 3 8 Arnett roma, \V TI Brottdfuot ; Wague's, Ails A YwIi, A (i Biehrrp ; crabs, Jae 13urgese, Ear. old Spelt Winter ap;ilre luny maned variety, J GSpeir, Leslie'I'hutdl ; Fn11 apples any Hamed variety, J (•1 Spelt, Oloyne'Phueli; varieties of Winter apples J G Speir ; vatleties of ball apple() J G Spelt leail pears, Mrs U Robb ; Whiter pears, LeslieThuell, J 8 Armstrong ; grapes, Knox I3ros. Judge, Alex. Btsweet, ROOTS AND 1 . D HOED CROPS Early potatoes, G A Best ; lot potatoes, Everett Hoover, Mrs A Yell! ; collection of potatoes, Mrs Grant ; Swede turnips, Jno Bolger, Everett Hoover; turnips, any other variety, Everett Hoover, J G Spelt white field carrots. Leslie Thuell, R Hoover • long red carrots, Ales J D Warwick, F hi Sands ; early horn e,1•rots, W McInnis, Isabel Strachan ; scarlet Nantes 3 G Spe)t, tV McInnis ; lung blond beets, W McInnis ; blond turnip beets, J S Armstrong, A G Bishop,' parsnips, Mee J D Warwick, E R Knight; Winter radishes, L Thuell ; sugar marigolds, Dan McKin- non, J Bolger ; marigold Wutzele, long red, J G Speir, R J Hoover ; long yellow Diangolde, Ever'ett Hoover, P Stewart • yellow lobe roan olds J ,Y 4 g 4 Spsir, E R Keiteht; red globe man golds, R J Hoover. 1, fate tient-Governor Clarke A 1411 1110111, All .1 1) \V, itsk ; euuk(rs, 3 varieties, Ruby P'uut, le R e Knightlt ; graham kE ins, .1 rti t it Ruby Plum ; Otott lo r(i�, Itn;,y Pluto, Mrs A Yuiil ; apple ;, e, J (1 Speir, Mrs 1Muldoon; pnwpk)r , 111 re. Muldoon, Airs A. Y1iii; i,•1»,n pie, Dan McKiuuun, lire W Atileteue ; Lara pie, Mrs L Kut::, Dan 31cKiuut,n ; cantly, maple create, E R .Knight, Ruby Plum ; collection of candy, Ruby Plum, hits. J D Warwick ; variety of linking, Mrs le Nichol; variety of baking, cake batch, Mrs A Yuill, Mrs W Alderson, Judge, W. E. Willis. LADIES' WORK Collection of fancy n•ot k, N Living- tu sn Wham)), Leslie Thuell ; em. H l broidered 5 o'cloek cloth_ in cotrnn 1. our' let Mrs E McCntl Gilmour filet (x H (x - crochet, n • he.l lunch cloth, A 1 k ire GMuldoon, Cora Bell; battenbutg cloth, Al Liv- ingston, Mrs Muldoon; drawnuoak cloth, AI Livingston ; emhreidrtrd tray cloth in cotton, Isabel Strachan, Mrs W 14 Anderson ; embl•oiderrd centre piece in silk, M Livingston, Coca Bells linen centre with ct,+chet border, lire Alaidoon, M r ti renter.rofde e Livingston • rl n h pieoe iu cotton, Annie Menzies, Isabel Strachan ; embroidered centro piece in dark linen, Hugh Gilmour, Airs A Yuill ; emb,) idrted table set, 1.11,11' tray and •L doilies, Annie Alenri •s ; cloth raid (1 serviettes, Annie Meez:es, Isabel Straehau ; single piece fancy needle work, Annie Menzies, 11 1.iv- iegston ; knitted sweater coat, heed made, 1115 R,I JOLauchlin, M Livieg- stem ; embroidered Mount Alellick work, M Livingston ; embroi,lrred Roman, AI Livingston ; embroidered Hardanger, Mrs R .1 A1cLauchlil. ; embroidered \Vallachain, Ails R 8 lac Lnuchhn, Al Livingston ; eulbrnisi,'red French beading, Annie Alenzies, Airs G L+' McCall ; embroidered shadow, M Livingston ; embroidered haus stitch, Af Livingston ; embroidered punch, 141 Livingston, Mrs0 11 McCall ; mule d- ered French or solid, Isabel Strachan, Hugh Gilmour; (tnronat.ion braid work, Annie Menzies, Mrs. G el Mc- Call ; Italian cut Wolk, Mrs tlluldoon ; Irish crochet, Al Livingston ; fancy knitting in cotton, 1\I Livingstt'u ; crochet work [u cotter, AI Livingston, H Gtlrnou ; crochet work in wool, , 4 I Livingston aton ' crochet work1k in silk, Al Livingston, H Gilmour •ince Ho»iton pnirt, Livingston ; Mee. Tone- rifle, Mrs J 1) Warwick, Aire Mul- doon ; fancy shirt waist, el Living atop, Isabel Strachan ; child's fanny dress, AI Livingston ; fancy apron, Isabel Strachan, Mts. W H Ander- 8011 ; tatting, M Livingston, 14 Gil - moue ; hand-tuadtt handkerchief%, Mrs. 12, .1 McLanrh)in. Isab'1 Sheeh- an • fancy underwaist, Mrs Atuldonu, Al Livingston ; best idea of kitchen amen), H Gilmnur, Annie Menzies; 1an11111 y hag, Al I'ivingston, 11 Gil - en • ; etnbroidered ten cosy in eyelet,etel Annie Menzies, Mrs A Yuill ; tea . cosy, Alts Aluldor.n, \I Livingston ; sofa pillow, Mat M Living- eton ; sofa itilluw, rfutlow ewhu,id- eey, ells A Yuill, Al Livingetou ; sofa pillow, hand painted, Ruby Pluto 1 & 2 ; sofa pillow, etehr„ideeeci fn as, k Siren, G)Ianut Al Livingston . 10 1(1, pillow in eyelet, tits :1 D \V:r wlek, MIs Mutdoun ; A. tau. and B-Lldur em- broidery, Airs. A Yuill ; table limner in dark linen, li (2111rnnr, Annie Men- zies ; table napkins, initial, (.race Stewart, AI Livingston; faury work bag, Isabel Ht:rarhan, 51 Livingston ; crochet table mats, Mrs. A Yuill ; pin cushion, Annie Menzies, AI Living- ston ; baby bonnet, Al Livingston ; bedroom slippers; Sire W Alterson, Al Livingston • fancy towels, M Liv- ingston, Mrs R J MrLanehlin ; pillow cases, Mrs R J MrLauchlin, tel Living. akin ; set of underwear, Al Livingston, A Menzies ; night dress with crochet yoke, A Menzies, MrsR J AleLaueb- lin ; bed set of pillow cases and sheets, A Menzies, M Livingston, Judge, M, Start, FINE ARTS Landscape, el Liv ing ston J G Speir •m urt' 1 Brigham, M ivinA - st ; flowers. L Brightuu, T yigshin ; fruit, Al L 13ti haw ; auimel life, el Livingston, I4.n' y Plum ; portrait, Al Livingston, Ruby Plum, Water Color -Landscape, L 13righatn, M Livingston ; marine, AI Livingston, L Brigham ; flowers, M Livingston, L iighatn ; ftntt, L Brigham, M Livingston ; an- 1111a1.1ife, M Livingston ; portrait, 1, Brigham, M Livingston t crayon drawing blade and white, L Brigham, M Livingston ; pen and ink sketch, M Livingston ; pencil sketch, M Liv- ingston, L Brigham ; coller.t.icn amateur photos, Isabel Straeben ; collection hand painted china, L Brig- ham, Mt's J li Galbraith ; bend pMnt- eO tea set, Airs Galbraith, L Brig- ham ; hand pain led vaee, Mrs (int• health, L Brigham • pastel, M I,ivla,g- 81011 ; Single piece hand painted china t eislistic, L Brigham, Ti Speir ; single pleee hand painted china Convention - 3 . VEGETABLES Onions front seed, red, Mrs. J D Warwick ; onions from seed, yellow, J hi Knight & Sons, Mrs. J D War- wick ; Onions from Dutch sets, J telt Knightet Sons ; Dutch sets, Jno Bol- ger, J Al $night_& Sone ; potato (mous, Knox Bras, Tommy Miller ; corn, yellow Grenada, Everett Hoover corn, yellow i1ent, 0 Tnruhull & Sons, J M Knight & Snits ; fodder curu. W J Roberts, J Al Knight & Sous ; table corn, Everett Hoover, 0 Trumbull & Sons ; 'collection of corn, J Burgess, 1) Davidson ; Winter cabbage, W Armstrong, Dan McKinnon ; heads cauliflower, Mrs W Alderson, W Arm- strong, pumpkin,`yellnly field, Jack Oliver, Mac Ferguson ; pumpkin, Mammoth, Oloyne Thuell, Mac Fer- guson ; squash, 0 Turnbull & Sons, Tommy Miller ; tomatoes, large, A Lamont, J Burgess; plum or cherry tomatoes, F 21 Sande, J Burgess ; butter beans, (black), A Lamont, Cloyne Thusll ; white beans (large), Mrs W Alderson, H Speir ; nutter beans any other variety, .3 0 Speir, Tommy hillier; white beans, small, Grace Stewart, P Stewart; any other varlet y of beans, Mrs. J D Wm wick, ells. D Robb ; citrons, round striped, Airs. J Grant, J S Arrnsta•nng; water- melons, Leslie Thuell ; muskmelons, O Turnbull & Sons, Mrs. J D War- wick ; cucumbers, umbers, Jas Moses,ses A s J Gra t Grant a 1, , nw fl c/1 F M S ,'n i m s J But). gess collection ofgn produce, ande P , Mrs 1 Iylchei, L Thuell. Judges F. S. Scott and R. W. Liv- ingstone. DAIRY PRODUCTS Tub butter, home made, Win, Mc- Innis; table hotter, Dan McKinnon, \V Melnuis, P Stewart ; 10 pnnnds butter, Dau McKinnon, \V Aleruu[s, Alt's W Alderson. Judge,•\V, G. Neal. DO AlEST 1O ;MANUFACTURES Urochet quilt, Mrs. J D Warwick ; knitted t quilt, 1•i Gilmnur, 1 & 2; patchwork quilt, H Giitnciur ; fancy (milt, A118 A Yuill, M Livingston ; knotted end torted quilt, \Vin Ares - strong, Mrs J D Warwick ; thunder - pane, Annie AI,'nzies ; hooked mitt, \V Melinda, \1rs 1) Robb; woolen twits, Mrs W Alderson, Annie Men - v a• C mall working s akin g P ' M ants 111/5 A luill; man's working shirt,Airs \V (1 Anderson, ii \1 Livingetun ; hue's pith, of suoks, wool, tine, Annie Alen- z[es ; man's pair n1 seeks, coarse, Mrs (i Muldoon, A L McDonald ; maple syrup, T,eslie Thuell, 1. R 1ini1ht; grape wine, Aire \\' Ii Andelsutt, Ahs .1 1) 'Wet wick ; i hublu'h wine, 0011 McKinnon, Airs .1 I) \Varwic•k eeepherty :viae, Alt's F Niche), Aire U Rabb ; elderberry wine, \Irs W 'H Anderson, Dan A1,'Riytntn ; tomato catsup, Ruby Plum,Jas. Bus ges' ; Aeet. Cucumber ttirkles, Mrs R J Mc- Tmuchliu, F et semis ; mesterei pickles, Mrs FV Aide)snit, Mrs A Ynill ; drill same, A)rs J D Wat•wiek, A L Airpototi11 ; orange nt1u'watede, Alia A Ytlill, Airs .1 1) W,ti•wfek ; apple jelly, \VIn MCI11111a, 1) D,tvid• eon ; Keep,. jelly, Airs A Yuji! ; resp beery jelly, Nebel Strachan, Alter A Yuill ; colleetiou of manned fruits, Alta I t r , t A Ylttl 1V tt Iu 1 s• t o i herd soap, a 1 Lr i, Leslie There), v' Mrs 1 D \Vattt Irk working melee snppu, Mrs A Suint Leshe Thuell, dirt le Nicliel, Judges, Mts. Jas, Arcbibmid and Mrs, Jtts. Kerr. BAKING Horne -Made ln•ead, white, D David- 51111, Alt's (i Muldoon ; home-made Mead, brown, \V Mr Innis, Mrs N,Mo- Cauley ; home -trade in tail, ('»ream, Mrs G 11 Mt:Cell, W ATr1nnis; half- dozen buns, Mts G Muldoon, 1' Piece ; balf•dnzen tea blsr•nile, Alis G E Me - Call, Mrs .3 ll \Vatwirk ; bark fruit rake without,iein)r, Writ Armsltnn , Ml's A Yuill ; whit, P11111, cake with - ant Icing, Wm A,tnetrnng; layer cake, light, Llan McKinnon, W R Rroarlfont ; layer cake, drink, Airs A Ynill; Ruby Plum ; nal meal cakes, Mrs A Yuill, A Lament; eno1ies, Knox Brns, Itchy Platen ; 11nt1151ttuts, Mrs W Alderson, Iv 12 Knight ; scones o•rrowvsx..66.it'g6+#4••••!•6,6•06♦rreerrrrrbtll6s4P*k! 6 Th e Y P alace Bakery tr f? 0 a r, 0 8', 0a5b•t4000+aho4 here's Pilaf Horne bread malting does not pay, Witbout the unsurpass- ed fecilit.ies used lin making 0155 sup, t•iei' bread, ")10 rnat'ter bow expert you may be, you 61401505 get the unvarying Mead excellence we get In , every loaf, From the might of either quality 0I' eonnomy. ft will Pay you 11) give it\tt trial. W. E. WiL.L.1S 'ease 00000000104 .0004,0 04,0,l, e•4'0 R• r e oma 434 4. ,,t elle .111Genie:tilh,211 (15i, IC Me. iI 1(11,0', t1°ss Peat( "•i '1.,yl a• ,4111 >lies 1) (},nidi_. le L(\\' M.R AND PL,N'1:$ Table 1 qt:i, 1^' 31 Sarni;, A O i;"• 1(. t 1 ad 1),tltr"t, Isobel Strati:- ,"; tart •).••t. art • e l• time of et.t 11 ,w 1 Uri ' Slea 1,Airs War - ,, :e1( p:na,e [- bel �,,,•af1!tn.l+; Mts tV Al let•,,,» ; [++,;.tx f)runiut ,n,li, \lr, \\'.0 n irk t A -tete, \Ls \Van tvick, \ t' 13, k,•, ; Slonks, Mea tV,ttwick ; Pet 31'i"s, O I'n11131111 & Sou, Mrs \Vatwh k Ili,,othns, i,l)s W Al- der -am, G 'l'1 I,hltll & Sint^. 1 130 - sant., Mrs \Calvi; l(, T01111n7 Mil. ler G1r011 epikee, Berra Oar. dill, C.o,,, 11 1 : Verbenas, O Turf• t.ttl1 & Sons, Grace Stewart,; 33.treunn11 Oleox Mee VV'artrirl( ; t'he hs ,Ile,, .ltea AA: atn(A( eollee• tion of SA 'et P. as, IT R.1 Mi-L,»'h. 1,11 ; e Ileetiu., r.1 Narrictinnis, .Tack O:[Ver (+r•t,r,- SI anal3, a•a i u n II r roses ' 1 t k 1 til al • A 0 tlaeke31 s 1 1 tit•3 hrt,t 11•'nl nrnOlt y, Grace Stewart, r - ri 3. v. T t , (eraninm In p11 , tell, Clu)1ie I't=ue 1 Iles \Var- wic'k ; ,»ll', U ,tV.ar- w'rk ie a1 sends Sri l agent (, l lee- linn Mrs. \ to ek ; Geranium fu pot, white, (ls,trt> Stewart, Mrs Was - wick • Gerrrtiutu, any °tdiet, (Larne Thn(11, Alts \S .r wick ; lubernu: be- gnllia, tilts R J Alelemehlin, Mrs \\'ar- ltlek 3 154leo i[of T I) Oiling, Ann'Is ale t n� es, Mrs. Wet wick 1 collection of Foliage Platts (,13,•g,n,i LS and (:n1. us) (4raee Stewart, Mrs Wm wiek ; cnller- 11011 of Peres, Mrs \Vatwirk ; 1011rr- tion petted plants, Grace Slen.rl, Alt's Warwick ; Fuschito in bloom, Airs tV:4rwfrk ,•,41r'e iwt of Ut+r. aninhns, MIs N:51,,r;viek hanging basket, Airs Wei k : 11 ilirnpur,tl Society Piz' for h.'st rulleetint, Of $ avers end p1 o,ls by (top exhibitor, ATrs (Vs twirk ; Prin!'•'ss Feather, Jerk Oliver Jud;;., -\V 11.4) t: y. CHILDREN'S 1','',1P13'f10N Boys tinder 12-13;r•d Houses, lark Olivet, O'I'nrtibull & ti lee U \Var- eiek het ( Ileerien of weed., 1) \Vat wi k ; best collection of evens of er ntmon tt ee(ls, I) Warwick, Leslie Thuell ; Srhonl i.xhihite.-calleetintt t + erotie.1.4, of Pansies, Asters, Sweet Peas, Onto,., ().,ions, Parsnips, P,,ta- t' es anti White Beets, 0 Turnbull & S(11,s, - SPECIAL PRIZES The tat; Nova Scotia's 1 Sank of it yu ,, ,, tuts offer for the ht horse awl t ee u d buownedo11ed and drivel) hf � , t 1 V a tt1111 l (afar L t n et'C son being re,idr,nts of tet iy er Mei le, Roy 11 41 111)1:, \4 '1'rtyl1,1, 1) 21I'1i:tn- 111111 t th.• 3411415)151111 1311,11k offers 81,10 00 int• tit.• b,'tL exhibit of ,..ode eat rip, '1)10,', (iiVirl.,i 3--1.1, *500. 2rd, 13 011 ; 3rd, 8.2(10, 1 1l Knigh 1 & Sons, \t' Yuill, J S Aw„Lroltg ; (trey Township Onttnril, for best baby heev,'s, J Aloses, it Jacklin, A Smith h family ; A i, Stria, rt for best y (',.n', upeu to p of ore of Brus- eels C'i eawery, A Lamont I & 2, J S Armstrong Mies Arm t R» ; lros Kathleen \Vfltou for , ttt,L.s yot•k vpvn to 11'''i11 I1 pupil) Grace Kel-. 1;ogtee, Deeothy Me\• ettie, Viola \Vilsem ; :Miss Flo, littelnutan for preheat nosegay, Minuet, Thompson, '.tacA•irpowe, WRutldge (Ileairget'l'hnrn„11n for heildat,; bath•-leutrde; bread, SV McInnis; .(1 Strarbon for best colleetiou asters,' A (3 Backer ; Oliver Turnbull for best beef animal shown In the grade el,Lss Open to new exhibitors, .1 M Knight & Sons 3 & 2; Jas leox for winning itrealest number of lxt prizes for flowers, Mrs ,T D \V,trwick ; \V ,1 Mn0raeken for hest; two loaves hr'ead made from Royal , Household F:rur, J G Speir, MI's 1; llrkmier ; Dr VVltite for best Barred Rock cockerel and pullet, J G Lk() • Dawning Runs for best collection of i,rntl15)', Ronnenberg Bros ; W H Kerr for boot 1svo loaves bread, Mrs N McCauley ; \V I3 Be,r for best. 8 lbs batter, Mrs 1, Ivektwier I Mise. Wiunifred Morris, for writing. open to pupils of I3ruAsisels (ir'utinuatlntt School, Alalgai'•'tAleock, Elva Hetn- ingway, Marjory Jewitt ; Women's la litute or best collection of (i cockier:, (3 drop cakes and single layer cake light, (Teti n to k ills under 36 years „tage, Berra Cardiff, Mrs T,Ekilel; Miss A Rin(nul for mail drawing h vpupils of ier room, Pear Bucher, Wilma Galbraith, Margaret AToVettie, Beoge A Mani -We ate sorry to sta'e Malt Miss Sara Gilpin of Los Angels, California, who visited in Brussels te. centle at the home of her brother, J J. Gilpin, had the misfortune to break one ,,f `ler limbs while spending a week with her sist+t, u::r Thurudale, Ont, We with her a good recovery from the acct. dent Rented Blacks ith Shop esseeeeeseeseeit The undersigned lute leased the old and well known Blacksmith Shop of E an Market Street, Brussels, and is prepared to cater to the wants of the public by first-class work, promptly done and at reason. able prices, Al[ kinds of Blacksmitbing, Horseshoeiug, &c., carried on. Your custom will be appte- 01,41 ed, Satisfaction se5thed, Cali ineu i wh n town. Fred. VDkns FL1Ni'g1 Tractor T1111 F011111;(1N Tit:t(1TU1t (s bn41t with over strength in every pail to withstand the s't'ains r.1 ennsl0nt heavy work. It was tested trader every posa[hle rondit ion of Parra work heftrre ft was put nu the rivulet. I1 has been tried out by thottgatids of farmers in the past two year's and has never fallen dawn on its claims. The Furdson is simple in 41001 1), flexible in control and operation. Let us demonstrate this tra'Lur on your farm. Oben We sell you a Ftn'dson the err tight here to keep it funning every flay in the year. We have b11rdeot pacts and Furdson mechanics, SCOTTy S russeIs ,20'P11O1j,I7,l1D FORD DEALER