HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-9-15, Page 8i 3.50 What You can do with a No. 2a Brownie You can get good Pictures right from the start. Yon nm make Y a a large� -Pictures-2 x 4 in. ' In size. � You can load in daylight with Kodak Film 6 or 12 ex- posures. You can take Snap Shots or Time Exposures. You can take Vertical or Horizontal Views. You can take olose-ups by adding a Kodak Portrait Attachment. You can use it year after year. You can get it here. Full line of Kodaks, Brownies and Photographic Supplies We do our own Developing and Printing. Bring in or Mail us your Films. The Fall Pictorial Review Pickling Quarterly Fashion Book Supplies Now on sale 25c. You are quite free to look it over. also to inepect the new Dress and Embroidery Patterns. Whole and Ground Pickling Spices. Parke's Catsup Flavor. Bottling Wax in Tins. Parowax in Cakes. Flat Corks for Pickling Bots, Corks for Catsup Bois. F. R. SMITH The A L Store • • • + ♦ •+ Druggist and Stationer • +♦+e+•+•+•+•+♦+♦+•'r•+o+•+a 44+++++I+♦+•+•+♦+♦$ goal t ' .i ekbs �Tes THE Milliners are busy, LOCAL news on page 5 also. LABOR Day passed by very quietly. READ the program of Brussels Fair on page 3 Txa familiar sound of the school bell i5 once more heard. KINCARDINE Cornet Band will supply music at Brussels Fair. They play well. SEVERAL from Brussels attended the annual Fall Fair at Godericb last week. There was a good crowd. SCORES from this community attend- ed Toronto Fair. This week the tide is turned Southward to London. Some real live Base Ball sport was on the program Thursday afternoon on Victoria Park by the local diamond Motets, A number of Odd Fellows in this locality are planning to attend the Supreme Ledge meeting in Toronto, •a September 0 . 9 3 TAxs in the Picture Show Friday evening. Proceeds are to be banded over by Manager Browne's generosity to the Fall Fair treasury. CROWDED OUT—Owing to the mass of copy to band this week THE PosT is compelled to hold over numerous inter- esting matters until next week. MONRTON and Atwood were large sharers in the awards for cheese exhibits at the big Fair at Toronto during the past week and are to be congratulated. roil. FOOT HtoH.—Clayne Thueli brought Tao PosT a corn stalk from , their garden last Saturday morning that , measured Io feet; 6 inches, and still growing when it was cut. It belongs • to "jack•and-tbe•beanotalk" variety we 1 guess. Tut POST is in receipt of a chatty letter from B. S. Scott, of Londoo, the former well known Principal of Brussels Continuation School, which will appear next week. A COB of white corn was presented to Ttlz Poar last. Monday, grown on the term of Maxwell Gray, Hibbert town- ship, Perth Co., that contains 7,000 kernels. It was a dandy sample of many a good crop tbis Pall and will not be easily beaten. WILL You HELP Us This month we launch acampai n to Collect all arrear - ages es on subscriptions due THE POST and ask the kindly help of our large family of readers We have hundreds of dol- lars due and bope to have it all turned in in the next 60 days. It takes a pile of money to keep a newspaper office run- ning these days hence the need of close collecting. V. ill you please aid us? UNION PICNIC A SuccEss.--'1'he union Sunda School is-nie heldon Victoria Park, yBrussels, Thursday afternoon, Sept. xst, was a decided success and was well attended. Program of fun included games for the children, foot races, base ball and foot ball. Tea was served about 5 p, In. Pastors McLeod and Clark took anactive interest. Rev. Mr. Johnson, of St, John's church, was away on his vacation. No LONGER A BACHELOR.—OD Aug- ust 27113, by the help of Rev. (Capt. W. H. Walker, in Grace church, St, Catharines, Ont., W. H. Cook (our own Billy) formerly of Brussels and Miss Mary Aniline, daughter of Geo. and Mrs. Mioheoer, St. Catharines, were united in marriage. The happy couple took a honeymoon trip to Hatnifton, Toronto, Welland, and Port Colborne and purpose making their home 10 St, Catharines, at least for the present. Old friends here wish Mr. and Mrs. Cook many happy prosperous years. A bronze clock from the "boys" was among the wedding presents. CAR of oats was unloaded this week by W. J. McCracken. FLAX crop is being saved in good con- dition this year, Mills have not started yet. ,AID you get your reserved seat ticket for the Fall Fair Concert? Plan of Hall at Fox's Drug store. PUBLIC Library Board will meet next Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, in the the Board room of the Library Build - SCHOOL pupils from Walton played a Foot Ball match on Victoria Park, Mon- day evening. result being 3-o for home boys. N. F. Gerry was referee. LOOT.—Oa Monday, Sept. 12, In Brussels or vicinity, a blank leather clasp purse contain. ing some hills and silver. Finder please Leave at office of Tns BRDESSt5 POEM or notify Dr, Parker, gingham. Lrrs POULTRY WANTED.—We are ahlpping a car. of Live Poultry next week and wit pay Highest Price for all kinds of Poultry deliver- ed at our Warehouse. Finlah your ohickens and we will guarantee bigger price later on. Phone 66 B, Thomson, Brussels. Goon Durham m Ce8 years old to freshen in October, for axle.. Aply to hi. � LowE, Phone 230 Lot 5, Con, 9, Grey. Tun Willing Workers of Melville Chnreh in- tend holding a Harvest Home Sapper and En- tertainment on the 29th of Ode month. They have secured the services of J. W. Bengongh the well known Cartoonist, Toronto, for the program. Look for further particulars next weak. Coax for sale,in the stock. Applyto H.R. ELLIOTT, Broasale South, Phony 56 17. 8 Year:o Prxe 6 weeks old for sale. Call and see them fur they're the greatest pigs we ever had. Phone 8618, CECIL BATSMAN. ColronrAn ,e Residence, located on Flora street, Brussels, for sale, Garden with email fruits, hen house and stable, all in good repair. Possession given at onoa. For further partic- ulars apply to Phone 2110 or the proprietor, R.H. MCKINNON, Brussels P.O. NoT10a.— Don't delay I Get your feather bed made Into the Ten Roll SanitarMattress, We alga pa] highest price for old or new feathers, 17015251011 FRAMAND MATTRASS Co , Braasch. RooMsaa wanted, School girls preferred. Enquire at Tag P082, HONEY inc SALD:—High grade extracted clover honey. Pride 20 cents per pound. Bring your cantalner, Gxo, BLAKE.Phone 4219 Let 5, COn, 14, Grey. House and lot for sale. Queen Street, Brus- sels, For further partioalSrs apply on the premieea. Mies MONAB, Brussels, Dn. PARKER, Osteopathlo Physician, visite Brnsaets Monday afternoon of cash weak, Ohronlc and nervone disensea encoeeatully treated, Visits residence. Consaltetioa et Queen's Hotel. RBYRna,NTAT7Vr. WANTED for Brnaeele and Heron County to represent "The Old Rellablo Foothill Nurseries•" Bi solea yrs to ee made In selling Nnraery stook g daring the recon- struction period. A splendid opportunity for a live salesman• Highest commlealona paid and ornamental stook to sties. 920512 & WBLLINOTON, Toronto, Ont. GOOD RECORD.—Out of 21 British Roller canaries hatched t i b sDar A. McLaucblin has raised 19, Y He will have the birds at Brussels Fall Fair eh Friday. They are worth seeing. DIED AT ZURICH.—There passed away at ber home in Zurich ori August 29th a highly repccted lady in the person of Amanda Wells, beloved Wife of Ernest Gies, at the age of 72 years, 7 months and r3 days. Deceased bad beeu ill for some time. She was born In Wilmot Township and moved to Zurich section when a young girl, and lived with her husband on a farm on the Blind Line until a few years ago, when they re- moved to Zurich. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn, z sons, Albert, Kitchener and John, North Dakota ; also a dangbter, Mrs. Wrn. Ruby, Cavalier, N D. Deceased WAS a half sister to Mrs. George Booker, of Brus sell. Alfred Baeker, Mrs. John Dun- can and Mrs. Cleve Backer attended the funeral from here, Mrs. Gies WAS a fine Woman and the bereaved sharp in the sympathy of the community, SAV TNtAT BRUSSELS . . Saturday, 17th Eva Novak IN Wanted at Headquarters Monday, 17th Houdini (The Handcuff King) IN Terror Island Wednesday, 21st Earl Williams IN The Romance Promoters and Larry Semon Comedy LAST week was Enumeration week in the postolce when every postal item in and out was counted. CARD of THANKS.—We wish 10 tend er our thanks to many friends for kindly deeds, sympathetic words and letter in connection with the decease of husband and father, the late James McArter. We assure you they were appreciated by us. Gratefully Yours. MRS, JAS, MCARTER AND FAMILY. WHAT WE MAY EXPECT.— Crammed silos. Politica) pot to warm up. Good, at Brussels school, Full house at Fall Fair Concert.. You will pay your sub, toTxg POST. Sunday Scbool Rally Day on 25th. Crowd et Fall Fair on Sept. 25 and re. NOTE CHANGE OF DATE —Women's In- stitute will not meet ibis week but will assemble Tuesday afternoon next, at 3, in the Audience room of Public Library. Topic "What's worth salt educationally, physically and socially ?" will be intro- duced by Mrs. G. R. Weiler.. Mrs. A. J. Lowry will handle current events. Every woman in the community is in- vited. ST. Jome's cbnrch choir held a social evening at the home of Adam Smith, Thursday, Sept, 8th. Progressive euchre was the chief entertainment of the evening. 6 tables being filled. Prizes were won by Miss McArter, Jack Smith and W. Buchanan. Lunch was served by the Misses E. and V. Smith and a royal good time enjoyed by all. DID WELL AT Tog TORONTO FAIR,— Walter Rose, proprietor of Brussels Poultry Farm, was nn exhibitor of bis well known White Legborns at Toronto Fair. He won as many points as bis next 5 competitors in 1130 class. His a,.ards were 1st on pen ; 1st, 206, 3rd and oh on pullets and, 3rd and stb on cockerels ; 3rd and 5th on hen and 3rd 011 cock. ADumber of sales were made old Mr. Rose was well pleased with the maul of the F or. BABY DIED.—T11.13 POST 15 sorry to bear of the death. S Robert Barton. the 5 months nid sou of Frank and Mrs David- son, of Xenia, Obio, formerly of Brus- sels, the sad event taking place on the 3rd inst. The laddie had been poorly for a month before bis demise We tender sympathy. Mrs. Davidson was Mise Gertie Ewan, of town, before her marriage and her "ushaod is a son of the late Thos. and Mrs. Davidsou, of Brussels JAmez McAIOTA DECEAIED,— The people of Brussels and community were greatly surprised when they learned or the demise of an old and highly respect- ed resident. in tbe person of James Mc- Arter, who passed away an Sept. 1st, after n brief 11.11485 11+• was taken with acute tar teirie Wednesday morning and the fo.'0wire,, night at 9 20 o'clock pass- ed away. Deceased was 77 years of age and as he had neon n hearty man would have passed for much younger. He was born in Lanark Co. in 1844 and came Westerly w th the movement of those earlier years and 5o years ago next March was marrie,-1 t0 Miss Mary Moir, of Usborne t:.wnship, Huron Co. Atter living at Cromarty, Perth Co-, for 7 years Mr. anu Mrs, McArter .loved to the 6th line. Morris township, where they farmed 15 years, then ceming to Brussels whore they continuously re• sided, Out of a family of 9 children all survive excepting Letitia, who died 15 years ago. Phey are :—Harry, of our. ford, Oat ; Robert, Belmont ; Milton, Creemare ; Mrs J. A. Brown, Morris toWnship ; Mrs, P, A. McArthur, Grey township ; Mrs S. R. Crerar, and Mrs. R•7bt. Werk, Toronto • and Mrs. A. C Backer, were Brussels 11 able bie t oat - tend the foneral. Burial was made Sa'urdev afternoon from the family home, Thomas street, Rev Mr. McLeod conducting the service. Interment was made in the family plot, Brussels ceme- tery. Pallbearers were 3 sons and .3 sons-in-law. Floral tribute; were beauti- ful. Among those from a distance- at- tending the last sad rites were: --Wm. and,Mrs. Russell, Milton, Russell and Mrs. John Moir Exeter ; Alex. and Mrs. Buchanan, Hensrll; fir. and Mrs. Cal- burt, London ; and Mrs M 11. Moore, Listowel, Mrs. George Kirkby, Morris township, is Mr. McArter's only surviv- ing sister. 2 brothers and a sisters are deceased The subj •et of this notice was an industrious, bonorable man and widely esteemed. He was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church and also belonged to Court Princess Alex. andria, C 0 F B-u'+Bels, for yesrs, Mrs, McArtot's health has not been very robust lot some time and the members of the lame have the sympethv of the community in the uulooked for bereave- ment, MIs MoArter is making her home with her daughter, Mrs. 13,aeksn. at the present aud is considerably im- proved in health, we are pleased to state, from her condition of the past few months Mr. and Mr. McArter were contemplating the celebration of their Golden Wedding beat March if spared until then, Your Seed Grain To obtain maximum_,yieki you need to sow Test. ed Seed Crain.. To,p r'chase good seed you may require financial assistance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Cough our local Mower STANDARTHED •'ANK u, TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Brussels Branch;- - - G. H. $amis, Manager, Dublin Branch: F. McConnell, Manager. ,..21111111111M1•111101141•11,4, 111111•11. TOMATO$s are a fine crop, $2 00 IN PRIz5s —Miss Oliva Rintoul, teacher, is offering t2,00 in prizes for map drawing by pupils of her depart. meat, judging to be done at Brussels Fall Fair. p AMONG the WINNERS.—D, M, Scott took his Well bred Guernseys to Toron- to Exhibition, where he succeeded a- gainst keen competition to capture a rat, 2nd and 3rd and a reserve prizes. By too energetic bumping In Palmerston yard both the stock and the proprietor received a great shaking pp in the stock car, Mr. Scott purchased 2 fine bred Guernsey heifers, tat Maid of Roselawn and Winsome Lass of Roselawn from Cluff Bros, well known breeders, This gives him the oucleus'of an extra good herd that shonid be heard from in the prize ring. PIECE OF METAL WAS THE MISSLE.— About 10 o'clock, on the night of August 31st, somebody threw a small piece of oast metal through one of the plate glass windows at the residenceof Alfred Backer, making it necessary to purchase a new plate. It is hoped it was a miss -cue shot as THE Pos'r would be sorry to think we had in our midst anybody who would deliberately do the deed. A lad opposite Mr. Backer's was upset by somebody running violently against him and knocking bim to the sidewalk, in a quick get -away after the missle bad been thrown. The electric light bad been turned off the verandah by the proprietor a few minutes before the crash, tt t# People We Talk About I ## It Will. Robb's health Isimproving, Miss Laura Bryans is visiting in Tor- onto. Melvin Martin, Toronto, is in town visiting Garfield Jamieson. Mrs, Wm. Armstrong enjoyed a holi- day with relatives and friends at Toron- to. Miss Emma Colvin, of the George. own Herald staff, was home over Labor Day. Miss Margaret Hirons is back to town efter a visit at her home in Blyth and London, Miss Mary Lamont was a visitor at the home of ber brother, Alex Lamont, Principal of the St. Marys Collegiate, Mrs. Cleve. Baeker and son have been visiting with relatives and friends at Hamilton, Toronto and Niagara Falls. Jack Hewitt. Teeswater, was here for a week supplying for Wilfrid Willis at the Bakery while the latter was holiday- ing. Mrs, Jno. Ferguson and son, Donald, were visitors with the former's parents, Rev. D. B. and Mrs. McRae, Kincar- dine, Clayton Jordan, of the Standard Bank, Windsor, was home for a holiday and 11's old friends were glad to greet bim once more. Mies Joan Hamilton, of Denton, Texas, was a visitor at the home of ber brother, Nesbit Hamilton, Turnberry street, Brussels Miss Mina McKelvey is spending a couple of weeks 10 Toronto taking in the sights and enjoying a short holiday with her many friends. ;firs. D. McKenzie, Miss Gertrude and Harry Maude are visiting here for a few weeks from Toronto at the former's home, Mill street, Frank Bryans, who holds an import- ant position with the Globe Optical Co., Hamilton, was spending a week with relatives and friends. Wm. V. Moffatt, of Sault Ste. Marie, is here on a holiday. It is n years since 13e left Brussels. He is an old boy of this locality and consequently always welcome, Dan. McKay and family expect to move to Chatham. Mac, will be em- nloyed in the Wood Knitting Factory, We wish them well. Joe Sehwadron and family will move into the'apart- ments vacated by the removal. Rev, W. A. and Mrs. Matthews, of Kemble, were here last week on a visit with relatives and old friends Mrs. Matthews may be better known as Miss Emilie Kerr, daughter of the late Rev. J. L and Mrs. Kerr of town. They Y came by motor. 'Misses Eva and Carrie McCracken are back from a4 weeks outing to the Coast in which the chief cities and other points of interest were visited, They met many old friend& and bad a most en- joyable visit. Miss Carrie bas resumed her work as teacher in Toronto. Barrister U. McFadden, IC, C., and Mrs. McFadden, of -Sault St. Marie, have been enjoying a holiday at the home of D, and Mrs, Walker, Kelvin Grove. The hos'ess is a sister of the former, who was a former resident of this locality in his more youthful dove. Miss Inez McNichol, of THE Posr staff, visited at Senforth last week, Miss Grace Thompson at Toronto and Maio ars Palls, Miss Mae Armstrong en- joyed the breezes of the country with her sister, Mrs. Campbell and Jno, Bal- lantyne went fishing. Last week Howard and Mrs. Hall and daughters moved to Stratford Where they purpose spending the coming year, at least, while the young ladies attend educational institutions in the Clastic city—Miss Mamie taking the Normal School course and Miss Vera going to the Collegiate, They will be missed in the Methodist church here and it will devolve on somebody else to take their place in the bestowment of flowers at the services. We wish the Hall family a pleasant ;day in Stratford and the sue - case they desire. •00Yt6.os••a•• •• e•r•••••••t• .• CAR No, 2 • •• • • YellowCorn:: :• ALSO CAR No. 2 C,W.: ;•OLD OATS a to arrive shortly. s o o 4. Special price off Car. • y Place orders early = n a cud gave money. i a Phones 44 and 27 o W. J. McCracken s a era 000040000Ic ox's Drug Store THE STORK • • ieca Weekly Store Nees • P • The Dying Season is light on, Yon will find our stook complete. Rit Diamond Sunset Dyola All the popular eoldes, Tanlac A splendid Tonic and Sys. tem Purifier, One of the biggest sollere on the mar- ket, A. purely Vegetable Compound scientifically pre- pared. $1.15 the bottle. "a. School Opening • Season al ie over again,' and it • certainly was a burn-. v per—by far the best • 111 the history of our • business and we wish • to very heartily m thank the pupils of 0 the Continuation ° and Public Schools • for their patronage. Auto Road Maps • Something every Auto Driver will find most uonvonient, 2612 each Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton and S. Bailey were holidaying with Hamilton and Tor- onto friends. Mise Elizabeth Downing accompanied the party. David Walker, of Regina, made a brief visit at the parental home with S. and Mrs, Walker, Brussels, ovef the week end. He is in charge of the Gourley piano agency at Regina and does a big business. Lloyd Jackson, who has spent the past 4} Months at the Hollinger Mine, Tim- mins, New Ontario, arrived home last week for a few holidays before return- ing to tbe University, Toronto, t000n- tinue bis studies. He greatly enjoyed the mining experience in the Northland. Mrs. James Menzies, William street, spent her 94th birthday very pleasantly last week, enjoying a car ride in the afternoon and in the evening the neigh- bors enjoyed the evening with her. Mrs. Gillespie conveyed from the W. F. M, S. congratulations to their oldest member, wishing her continued good health, Mrs. Menzies has beau a mem- ber since Society was organized 43 years ago. She was born at Glenqueth, Perthshire, Scotland and came to Grey township 48 years ago. Mr. Menzies died It years ago. Ohurchophimes =St. John's church choir will assist in the Harvest Thanksgiving service in Trinity church, Belgrave, next Sunday afternoon. Rev. Dr, Ross, a well known Metho- dist minister, died at Fergus, on Sep- tember 5th, aged 74 He was buried at Woodstock. Harvest Home sermons will be P r s s Methodist c b r reached in R us el u ch on Sabbath, 0:t. 1st, followed by a Sup- per and program Monday evening. Keep the event in mind. Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Clark preached' anniversary sermons at Union church, Ethel circuit, Rev, F. S. OKeli, Ethel, supplied at Brussels morning aud even - lug giving good discourses "Scatlet and Cr'mson" was the theme of Rev. Mr. McLeod's sermon in Melville church last Sunday morning and in the evening he spoke on the text "Wilt thou be made whole ?" BORN BAcER.—In Grey township. on August 26, 1821, to Mr, and hire . Robert Baker, .a daughter Margaret Isabel. CVSLEN,—In Grey township, on August 28, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. James Cullen, a son. SNIT/ —L, Morris township. on August 20, 1921, to Dlr, and Mrs. David G. Smith, a eon —David Bruce. Tuns2, uu At Kinsilla, Alberta, on August 20th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. Turnbull (nee 21illie May Candler), a daughter. MARRIED BRADBVRN JOiNSnis — At "Summerland Farm," by Rev. W. B. Hawking, on. Sept, 7, 1921, Mr, A, Manville Bradbnrn,9 East Wawanoelr, to. Mlee Heater Lillian, daugh- ter of Mr. Henry Johnaon, Morrie town- ship. oox— nsNEn.—At Grape huroh St, C Mr0 G o C Catharines, r, os Ont, byRev. (Capt.) A, H. 1 P 1 Walker, on August Br 27,1921,Mis W, H. Cook, ormerl ogBrna to Miss Mar Co , f y Brussels, o y Anaion daughter of Mr. and Dire. George Mfohener, all of St, Catharines. DIED Marina,—In Grey township, on September 0, 1921, Alex, Fraser, aged 69 years, 2 months. and 22deyo, McArter,—In Brusela, on Sept. 1, 1991 Ja810s McArter, aged 76 yearn and 11 months. Dt oono.—In dtravonhnrat, on Sept. 4, 1921, Winnlfred Janet Munro, aged 28 years end 10 months. TOOK.—In Grey township on Sept. 8, 1521.. Benjamin £vole, ages{ 78 years and 8 months, Miss Mae Wilkinson Teacher of Piano Will resume her class at the home of Mrs, J. Logan, Mill Street, Brussels, after September 1st. ` IVIAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc. Cormick Medical College, Chicago,Ill. Three menthe post gradnat000areodnring pastear. Byes correctly fitted with Glossas. 1�ead- aohes, Iiitlnmed Eyes, Granulated Eye Lids and other Eye troubles, caused by Eye -strain, trrelieved through properly fitted Glasses, Setlefeetlon Amend. Option' Parlor in rookie bleak, one door South of Barrister Slnslair'o o00oe. OIBen hours 1 9 to 12 h, m• ; 1 to 8 p, m, Aldo Wednesday and Setnrday evbning8. Phone2ex ring 4 • a • a O • to • • • • • • • • • • • Choose Your Foun. tai. Pen from our elec 0 .S ti, n THE Waterman, r Ideai Lounrain Pen gives the best possible service, It's readiness to write in stoutly without depen- dence npou desk or Ink well supplies a much appreciated o o u v e n- {enco in the everyday work of students, law- yera and buaineee men generally.We carry a ,large' and well aeaor•ted stock of 'these Pena. from $2.60 upwards, - SOAP Something .wo all need and of course we all use a good one, •PALM OLIVE ie one of the well known ones -10c the cake. Then we have the Pure Vinolia Castile in 1 lb. and 2 Ib, bare. Auto Eye Shields Are a groat comfort to Auto Drivers, . Good varlety In style and color. bt' O a° . 'a'r GrErT O net n% Pe , TANDARD STUDENTS' PE0L, Ask for the Pocket Self -Filling Type Rural Mail Orders We wish to a- gain remind our customers that we are always pleased to give their mail orders our very best at- tention. 0 11 r Phone No. Is 81. Give• us a ring when,we can be Of service to you. • FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful 'Prescription Dispensers" DRUGGIST and STATIONER fir • • • • r • • • • at 43 43 O • • l9 Ia • u a • • • 43 08 • • • • a • 0E • • 13 • • • • • • • e r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r • • • ••••••••••••••••e•••••• t9•s®Sts••••••••••••••••••••••• Qrszs1G's fi'f 'o TIO.iss BRUSSELS. MARKET ATCPS�i°+UZS Oats Wheat JAS. E. SMITH — PROPRIETOR `Pena 1 75 Berley 72 Thle popular hostlery is open to the public in Butter — all departments of a Fiiret-olaee Hotel. • 468 86 00 Meala served at regular hears, Hogs Hor Phone 54 Olean, comfortable beds. potatoes per bag SI W it 60 1 2 960 2 00 0 212 00 lJ/ Just Received A New Stock of en's uits Very Best Goods and Most Reasonable in Price. See •them before you order. SAVE - MONEY - BY CALLING Joe Schwadron Bargain List This Week INCLUDES A FINE RANGE OF Men'sand a d L,ad• es Rain eoats Very Low Priced for Excellent Value Manyother Lines of. Real Bargains SHOsU EN BE 9 A call will be appreciated. R. W. FERGUSON