HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-9-1, Page 8e
TUESDAY, SEPT ath, will
be an eventful day for many,
the occasion being the Ie -
opening of School after the
Summer Vacation, Large
quantities of School Hooks
and Supplies have been re-
ceived by us to be in resdi-
nese for the school trade.
High School Text Books
We carry the full list of those
that will be required for the
course here, also Loose Leaf
Note Books, Refills for Note
Boobs, Water Colors, Art
Brushes, Drawing Pads,
Compasses, &e,
Public School
• good attention.
See the
New Scribblers,
Exercise Books
and Note Books
Public School Readers
and Text Books
Slates, Peocils, School Bags,
School Satchels, School
Boxes, Crayons, Rubbers,
Rulers, Pencils, Drawing
Books, Writing Books add
Accessories for school work.
Your order will have
Do 1 Use
Because it
No stale
mouth—no hot,
harsh tongue.
But the Cool
Clean Klenzo
Feeling that
lasts so long.
tube of Klenzo
Tooth Brushes
at from 20C up
75c each
?he a._„04,..4L
Druggist and Stationer
+•÷41344344+•444.A't•••P•4^O$4F•4 j4+.44.+413'14+•+•+.****44444
goad N etas Plus
Trek is on to Toronto Fair.
SEPTEMBER arrives Thnrsday of this
THE mushroom bunter is abroad in
the land.
amassers Fall Fair Thursday and Fri-
day, September Is and 16. Don't miss
Toes -DAY next Howick Mutual Fire
Insurance Directors will meet at Wrox-
Ex•retuoa woodwork at the American
Hotel has been brightened up by the
painter's brush.
Council will not meet next Monday
evening on account of the Public Holi-
day but will convene a week later.
THE Poli will take its annual Hoax.
DAY next week and therefore our next
issue will be dated September Istb,
PUBLIC and High Schools will re -open
for the Fall term Tuesday morning of
next week. Be on bandfor the opening.
Doss'T forget to reserve your seat for
Fail Fair Concert in the Town Hall oa
evening of 16th inst, Plan at Fox's
Drug Store.
PosTOFaicE wicket will be open one
hour after the assorting of the noon
mail on Labor Day. Box holders will
have access all day.
D. M. SCOTT took his herd ot Guern-
sey cattle to Toronto Fair this week.
He has a well bred bunch and THE POST
hopes he will get some of the red rib•
ASTER September 1st, any person em•
ploying children between the ages of 54
and 16 not in possession of a work per-
mit vised by the local school board will
be prosecuted,
CHATSWORTH News has passed in its
checks after 36 years existence. Owen
Sound Sue Times bas swallowed it.
Chatsworth is To miles from Owen
Sound. The heavy increase in cost was
the cause of giving up the ghost.
A SHOWER.—Last Friday evening a
handkerchief shower was tendered Miss
Vivian Harris, at the home of N. and
Mrs. Chapman, who goes to Toronto to
trace as a nurse in the Western Hospital,
A jolly time was enjoyed and a tasty
lunch served. Everybody wishes Vivian
success and THE Pose "bars" her kindly
offices when e completes b o letes her course if
we should require one of thosea "Angelsels
of Mercy," Miss Vivian was an active
worker in St. John's church and will be
AVCTION SALE —Howard Hall is an-
nouncing a clearing Auction Sale of
Farm stock, implements, househld Mtn -
Rare, etc., on Monday afternoon next, at
r p, m, at bis home, Turnberry street
North, The list may be read in another
column. Mr. Hall has leased bis farm
and is rernoving, with bis wife and fam-
ily, to Stratford, where the young ladies
will attend the Schools. While re-
gretting their temporary absence we
wish the girls every success and hope
Mr. and Mrs. Hall will feel at home in
the Classic City.
every week newsy notes reach THE Pose
Wednesday afternoon and by evening
rurals but that IS too late for that week's
issue, We make an effort to get to press
by noon each Wednesday and souse-
queutly the late arrivals have to Ile over
until the following week and some of
there may be no use after that delay,
Many of the items might just as easily
be in our hands on Monday, thereby
giving plenty of time to get them in
type, Send the news along. by all
meaie, and we are always glad to got it
but speed up the time in getting' it to
Tag POST Mid you will have ;our blocs•
WON THE DISTRICT.— Quite a com-
pany of Base Ball fans were at Wingbam
Wednesday afternoon of last week wit-
nessing the game Wingbarn vs, Tees -
water. The former won the match and
also the District, They now go into the
semi-finals and should make a good
HARROW correspondent to Amherst -
burg Echo said last week :—The quart-
erly service was well attended last Son -
day, and the many friends of Rev. C. F.
Clarke were delighted to bear him
preach He gave a fine discourse on
David and Jonathan. Mr. Clarke is
now stationed at Brussels, where be has
won the hearty good will of all denomin-
Will Ton kindly stop and listen
And hearken to oar plan 0
'T1s a social time for young folk,
Given by Melville kirk, ye hen.
There'll be games, and games and more
And songs that all can hum,
And provided by the ladies,
The best of eats, yum ; yum
We're looking for you, mind you,
Next Tuesday night at eight,
Put on your molting faces,
And try and not be late.
COMFORTABLE Residence, located on Flora
street, Brussels, for sate Garden with smell
fruits, hen house and stable, all in good repair.
Possession given ae once, For further partic-
alars apply to Phone 2110 or the proprietor,
B, H, MCKINNON, Brussels P. 0.
PoaTAIst.F-&ngine, suitable for Silo Filling,
for sale cheap. Drawer 81, Brussels. 2
BABY carriage In good repair, for aisle. Will
sell at reasonable price. For further partials.
tars apply at THE Poss.
NOT/rm.—Don't delay I Got your feather
bed made into the Ten Roil Sanitary Mattress.
We also pay hiebent price far old or new
Co., Brussels.
RooMEH8 wanted. School girls preferred.
Enquire et Tn it PORT,
Ronny FOE .SALE: Eigh grade extracted
clover honey. P, ice 20 cents Per pound. Bring
your container G Eo, BLAKE,
Phone 4219 Lot 5, Con. 14, Grey.
Howse and lot for sale, Queen Street, Brus•
eels. For farther particulars apply on the
premises, MISS MCNAB, Brussels,
WHEN you're going home take a City Dairy
Ice cream brick with you from W. A. Wilts.,
Dn. PARRER, Osteopathic Physician, vlette
Brneeele Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated. Visits residences, Consultation at
n'e Hotel.
Huron County p to represent "The Old Reliable
Foothill Nru•r ery a ek sale aremade
e etobs
in sellingNursery stook during 1e recon-
strnctieperiod..y A eplendis opportunity for
a live salesmen, Higheet commissions paid,
handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental stook to offer. 8T0NH &
WELLINOmoz, Toronto, Ont,
ALL Rrdxr^Thomas McMillan, who
took his cattle over to the British mar-
ket in June, has returned. He says he
found prices for cattle - sufficiently bet-
ter over there to justify shipping stock
to that market, rather than selling here
or shipping to the States. Mr. McMill-
an says the labor condition in England
and Scotland are improving aid not
many idle men are visible, Clothing is
very much cheaper over there than here.
—Tuesday of this week Robert Berry,
St. Marys, judged the corn crops enter-
ed for competition in connection with
East Huron Agricultural Society. The
7 prizes went to the following:—
Thos Miller 893- per cent
Everett Hoover87 '
E R Knight 82 "
O. Turnbull &Sons 8s}
John Bolger. 81
John Oliver,,. 81 "
Jas. Moses 72
Crop is an extra good one marl oompeti-
tion was exceedingly keen es above per-
centages will indicate,
Saturday, 3rd
Monte Blue
The Kentuckians.
Briggs Comedy
Monday, 5th
Frank Mayo
Wednesday, 7th
Hope Hampton
The Bait
UNtnw Sunday School plc -nil on Vic-
toria Park 'Thursday afternoon of this
week. Take it in.
LABOR Day next Monday will be a
public Holiday, Business places will be
closed, so plsu for extra purchases on
Tug barn and contents of Wm. Dodds,
Con. C, Howick township, were destroy-
ed by fire. Insurance was $3,000 in the
Howick Mutual.
HAV Fever and Asthma are quickly
relieved ryith "RAZ MAH." Time to
fight Rheumatism_is the warm weather,
RAZ MAH end T. R. C.'s both sold by
Jas Fox.
NUMEROUS Liberal$ anti others as well
attended the political meeting io Sea -
forth Wednesday afternoon of this week
to hear Hon. W. L. MacKenz'e King
and the other speakers.
C. L. Wil.is, Editor of the Stealer
(Alberta) Iudependent, gave TiE POST a
frieudly call this week. He is a former
Seaforth resident and has beau in the
West for past Is years,
lame bridge over the Maitland has its
new Fall dress of black paint. 3 Ethel
men did the work, Messrs. Stephenson,
Cole and Gill. They have Ir bridges in
all, 8 or g of them finished.
THE Editor of THE POST and Mrs.
Kerr attended the County Press Associa-
tion meeting in Godericb last Friday and
enjoyed an unusually pleasant time at
Miunesetong Park where Convention
was held,
S. E. and Mrs. Chamney, of Water-
0us, Sask , were visiting here last week.
They carne East to attend Listowel
Old Boys' Reunion, being residents of
that locality before going West. They
are well pleased with their experience in
Saskatchewan and will shortly be re.
turning. Their daughter married Oliv.
er Smith and they have been renewing
old friendships here fur several months,
Th"ir home is also at Waterous.
LAID UP AGAIN.—Town Caretaker
Robt Oliver has been laid aside again
from a heart trouble and has been con-
fiued to his borne. He has been in a
very dangerous condition but shows
improvement as THE PosT goes to press.
We trust be will soon be able to resume
his customary duties, In the meantime
Mr. Oliver's son, Milton, is looking
after the work.
TURNED PnaTLE,—One day last week
while "Tack" Walker, furniture dealer
Seaforth, formerly of Brussels, was
negotiating a had corner, near Dublin,
his car turned turtle, injuring him quite
seriously. In addition to had bruises
Mr. Walker received a had blow on his
bead which has caused partial paralysis.
We hope be will weather the bad upset,
Thos. Walker, Brussels, is a brother to
the injured man. Mrs. Walker is a sis-
ter to Mrs, Wm. Rands, South gravel
road and Samuel and David Walker,
Brussels. "Jack" has many friends in
town who hope for complete restoration
at an early date
mate'l in a Milner issue Henry Cardiff,
of Daupltid. Mau , a former resident of
Brussels and locality, departed this life
on August 3rd, at Brandon, in his 7716
year. He was the 3rd son of the late
Mark end Mrs, Cardiff, 8th Con., Grey
township, and went West about 38
years ago. Mrs. Cardiff, whose maiden
name was Mary Crawford, of Milverton,
pre deceased her husband by 20 years.
2 Sons (Mark and Robt ) and 2 daughters
survive. Deceased was born in Kitley
Township, Leeds Co., and came to
Grey township with his parents in
Spriug of r859 Mr. Cardiff followed
mercantile life for a time and also farm-
ed. He was a member of the Anglican
church and highly esteemed by a wide
circle of friends 'There were to roth-
c b
ert andisters in Mr.Cardiff's father's
familyof whom Mark in the West'
aures ot 13 uss is • and Mrs T Bing.:
r e"
Ston, of Laeglov, Wash. State, are the
only survivors. Mr. Card ff had been
in failing health for some time before
bis demise,
FAMILY PAltry—Thnrsday afternoon,
August r8t11, a joyous company assem-
bledat the home of Daniel and M[s
Glassier to celebrate the birthday of the
hostess and also to do honor to the lat-
ter's sister, Mrs. A. Riley, and 3
children, of Calgary, who were
tine guests of the happy occasion,
After a program of games and sports
supper was served from wen ladened ta-
bles on the lawn wires 38 sat down and
enjoyed the spread The party consist-
ed of Mrs. A. McNichol, grandmother,
Mrs. Boker end son Alex., Stratford :
Miss Annie McEwen, Clifford ; Jas. and
Mrs. McNichol and 6 children, and D.
and Mrs McNichol And 2 children, Mc-
Killop 1 L. Mrs Herman and son Guelph
Junction 1 Jno., and Mrs. McNichol,
Myth ; Geo, and Mts. McNichol, and
Miss Inez ; and Wm and Mrs. Baeker
and children, Brussels 1. and Jno, and
Mrs. Glassier. 0120 grendchildrepp in
the family 17 were present. Congtatu-
lationa were extended to Mrs. Glassier
on her birthday end thanks to the hos
and hostess for the enjoyable time spent
at the home.
Your Financial Adviser
As an institution with first hand knowledge of
financial markets at bonne and abroad, and with
Managers of broad experience and unbiased judge.
ment, this Hank is in a position to render invaluable
advice on investment and other money matters to
its patrons.
STANDARD s$RVJCR is comprrhfnaly. Flnascial Serelco
)3russels Branch: - G. H. Semis, Manager,
Dublin Branch: F. McConnell, Manager.
No. 2 C.W. Oats
No. 2 Kiln Dried Corn
Will arrive in a few
days. Order now.
Alf. Baeker
tt tt
People We Talk About I
33 33
G. Murray, Cayuga, was in town over
Miss Florence Stewart is holidaying
with relatives in Hamilton.
W. A. Lowry has gone to the West
on a business trip. He left last Monday.
Miss Beryl Gill, Ethel, was a visitor
with Miss Doris McDonald, William St,
Mrs Jno, Meadows and Miss Winni-
fred, are visiting Torodto relatives and
Rata and Mary Fear, Tuckerstnith,
were visiting their grandmother Mrs.
Geo, Snarling.
Jas. Kernaghan is improving ie be,zlth
since his operatioh and we hope he will
soon he o. k.
Mrs. P. Ament is home from a
month's visit with her daughter, Mrs, J.
Lynn, at Walkerville.
Mrs (Dr ) F.C. Fraser, Sudbury, is a
holiday visitor at the home of Councillor
end Mrs, Fraser, King street,
There is quite a •'scatterrnent" of
school teachers from town for their re-
spective schools this week,
Mrs. Parker Foster and Mrs, James
Farrell, Kincardine, were in town Tues-
day. They motored to town with Gord-
on Ross.
H. Wieduttes, ot Detroit, and Miss
Lillian Walden, Kitchener, were wel-
come visitors at the home W. H. and
Mrs. Maunders,
Miss Hattie Downing and nephew,
Leonard Downing, of Medicines, Hat,
have taken a trip to Toronto and East-
ern points to see old friends.
Lasc week Miss Grace Walker, Clin-
ton, formerly teacher in Brussels, left
for Esterhazy, Sask., where she will re-
sume her duties on the teaching staff.
Last week W. Hartry, Seaforth, for-
merly of Brussels, was judge at the
Walk.rton Horticultural Sho,s, He's
an old hand at the business and a good
Leonard K'opp, Zurich, bas taken a
position ill John Ferguson's Dry Goods
store, as Cardiff Best, who hes been
clerking there will return to College this
Mrs John 13. Bell and daughter, Miss
Jean, Shakespeare, Out., were visitors
with relatives and old friends, 'The
former is a daughter of Mrs. F. Oliver,
W. and Mrs. Coleman and children,
Joe and Marion, of St. Thomas, were
week end visitors with S. Wilton and
family, Mrs. Coleman is a daughter of
the host.
James Reynolds, Manager of the Co.
House of Refuge, Clinton, was consult-
ing a specialist in London, concerning a
trouble ill his side, We hope for bene-
ficial results.
Miss Cora Hoffman, who was visiting
at the home of her grandparents G. C.
and Mrs. Manners, has returned to her
home at Montreal, She made many
friends here.
Dr. and Mrs, Bigelow and son, Bus-
ter, of Providence, R. L. and Mrs, Mc-
Kelvey, Toronto, were the guests of
Mrs, John E. Smith, They made the
trip by motor.
Manager Dixon, of the Bank of Nova
Scotia, is taking a couple of weeks boli•
days with Mrs. Dixon and son they are
holidaying at Toronto and other points.
S. A, Carson is here reljeving.
Miss Bezel Lowry is back from a de-
lightful trip through the West as far as
Seattle, Washington, Her aunt, Mrs,
(Rev.) Poole, and baby, of Windsor,
came to Brussels with her for fa visit.
Miss Sara Gilpin, of Los Angeles,
who was here duriug e d g the past
week visiting at the home of her broth-
er, J. J. Gilpin, Church street, has gone
to Wiarton and other plages where she
will call on old time friends,
Mrs. los Schwadron and children.
Izz''e, Mac. and Leo, are here from Tor.
onto and purpose making•their borne in
Brussels, once more, as Mr, Schwadron
is engaged in mercantile business in our
town, We welcome them back.
Mrs, Fl&cher Sperling is visiting at
the home of her son in London. She
accompanied Dr, Fred. Gilpin, as he Was
returuing to Chicago, as far as the For-
est city in his car. Mrs. Gilpin went
from Brussel% to Niagara Falls to visit
relatives end met her husband in Lon-
Lorne Eckmier, of Flint, Mich., ar-
rived hire last week for a short holiday
with relatives and old friends. Mrs,
Eckmier and son preceded him by a few
weeks. Mr, Eckmier was a former
Brusselite and well known to the people
of the locality.
Mrs. Eldridge, of Woking, England,
arrived ill Brussels last week, after a
very pleasant voyage, end will visit her
daughter, Mrs. Harold Kerney, Thomas
street. This is the visitors first ex-
perience in Canada, and 'Tam POST is
glad to hear, her impressions are, as we
would expect, most favorable,
ICE°A:6 I el n 90
It Stands the ?'est.
Earl and Mrs. Cunningham are holt.
daving at Toronto and Niagara Falls.
Mrs, Mary Griffith, Winnipeg, is here
on a visit with relatives and former
acquaintances, having lived here for
years. She and her son moved to Win-
nipeg rr years ago and are well pleased
with city life. Mrs. Geo, Colvin and
Robt. Anderson, of Brussels, are sister
and brother of the visitor,
Jacob and Mrs. Millin and daughter
Dorothy, and Thos. B. and Mrs, Sper-
ling, Elizabeth and Ellwood, al I of Ni-
agara Falls, N, Y., have been visiting at
the borne of Jno. and Mrs, Sperling,
Turnberry street, Brussels, Mrs. Mis-
lin is a daughter and. Mr. Sperling a sou.
Our townsman spent a number of years
at Niagara Falls before locating here.
plemonts, Household Furniture, &e., Turn.
berry et. North, Brussels. Sale unreserved at
1 p. m, Howard Hall, Prop. Jae. Taylor,
OuRnli.—Ia Morris townebip, on August 19,
1021, to 61r. and Mre, Rneeel O. Corrie, a
son—Donald Stewart.
LENNOX —In Wallace. on August 24, 1921, to
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lennox, twin sons,
SMITa.—Io Grey, on August 16, 1921, to Mr.
and hire, Francis W. Smith, a sot.
SPENOs.—In Listowel, on August 28, 1021, to
Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Spence, a daughter,
STErds —In Walton, on August 5,1921, to Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Steles, a son.
Eron.—At his late reeidenoe, Goderich on
August 211, 1921. eon oI late Joseph $Idd, of
Dublin, Ont .^ Joseph A. ffIdd, in his 00th
STEres,—In Walton, on Aogust 24, 1021, Allen
John, infant son of Daniel and Mre. Steles.
Auction Sale
Aflame. T'onNrmdne, &o.—Ja,aos Taylor,
Auctioneer, hes reoelved instructions from the
undersigned Proprietor to sell by Public Ana.
Mon at hie home, Tnrnherry St., North, Brute
eels, on Monday, Sept. 5031 at 1 o'clock, the
following property : 1. heavy draft horse 6
years, 1 heavy draft mare 8 years, 1 cow asap.
saeed to solve Feb. 28,1 cow euppoeed to calve
Mar. 6, 1 cow supposed to calve Mar. 12, 1 Jer-
sey now supposed to calve Apr. 20, 1 heifer sup-
posed to calve Mar, 10, 4 steers 1 year old, 2
heifers 1 year old, 2 Spring calves, 2 craves 2
weeks old, 1 sow 1n pig, 10 plgs about 100 lbs.,
125 Barred Rock pulets, 0. A. 0. etrain, 100 0.
A. C. Barred Rook hens 1 year old, 10 0. A. 0.
Barred Rock cockerels, 1 MuseeyHerrts binder
6 ft. cut, 1 mower 5ft cut, 1 horse rake, 1 disc
harrow, 2 walking plows, 1 gang plow 111•
hoed drill, 2 wagons, 1 top buggy, 1 open
baggy, 2 new wagon boxes, 1 eat bobsleighs,
1 tatter, 1. puiper, 1 fanning mill, 1 Bet 8,000 ib.
scnlee, hay fork, car and pulleys, 1 set double
harness, 1 set plow harness, 1 set single hart
nese, email quantity of hay, quantity of fed•
der corn, 150 bushels of oats, 1 Daley churn, 1
washing machine, 2 sideboards, 1 kitchen
table 1 Raymond sewing machine, 1 coal heat-
ing 'stove, 1 'Klondike heater and pipes, 1
lounge, 1 rocking chair, 1 lawn mower end
other articlee too numerous to mention. Sale
will be without reserve as the proprietor has
rented his farm, .Terme—Surae of $10 00 and
ander cash; over that amount 12 menthe'
credit given on furnishing approved joint
notes. Land owners ne security. 4 per cent
off for cash on credit amounts.
HOWARD HALL, Proprietor.
Old Plank for Sale
n 4 Jamestown bridge, mu-
o ]d planking o Ja ow g
gg!n hand 20� feet
ate •Ia h about 6000 feete of o 0 00
of 2-Inah will be offered for sale Saturday
aaening of this week, at 5 o'clock.
Notice to Ditchers
Having completed our contract we have for
ante 1 alightly need Wilkinson Rooter Plow,
also Rompers.
Phone 1818, Bluevale P.O,
Miss Mae Wilkinson
Teacher of Plano
Will resume her class at the home of
Mrs. J, Logan, Mill Street, Brussels,
after September let.
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology Mw.
Oormiok Medical College, Chicago,. Ill Three
menthe poet grednete Bourne during puet year.
Eyes correctly fitted with Glnaeee. Head'
aches, Inflamed Eyoa, Granulated Eye Gide
and other Eye troubles, omitted by Eyteetratn,
relieved through properly fitted Glasses,
Satiata:tton Assured.
Optianl Parlor In Lashio block, one door
South of Berrlster Slnelatr's office. r
Moe hours ; 0 to 12 a, m, ; 1 to 0 m in, Alse
Wedaeeday find eetarday eventual,
Phone 26x ring 4
Fox's Drug Store
Weekly Store .News
The Great
Try it,
for that
Half Pints
Great Tonic I
You e
will find
it •
a good one. .a
School Opening
September 6th
• You will find our stock very complete and we shall be pleased
• to supply your wn,uts--
8 Public School Books High- School Books
• • Paints and Crayons School Bags
Pens Pencils Erasers
a Scribblers Exorcise Boolis Note Books
• Mechanical Sete Paint Brushes Fountain Pens
Compasses Microscopes Protractors
• ' - School Books Inks Balers
a Blue Bird
I Stationery
dao &c. &c.
Have you tried this very
popular line of Stationery Y
We have it boxed and also
in pad forth.
The Pickling Season •
Will soon
be on•
Don't forget that •
we •
carry a full line of Spices o
and always fresh. •
•"Careful Prescription Dispensers" •
• •
eQO°dbJW `S¥Q2'.L><&
!,� Fall Wheat EI 20 it 20
iHNVSlf EAS Oats 1 705 1 G
72 72
This popular hostlery is open to the public in Butter
all departments of a Firat•olass Hotel, Eggs.
Meals served at regular hours, Nee
. Phone 54 Olean, comfortable beds. Hw
Potatoes per bag
10 50
122 00
10 20
18 00
Saturday Night of this week we will.
give Special -Bargains in
Boys' Bloomers
Boys' Pull -overs
Colors in the latter—Blue, Grey and Brown.
Fine line of
Ladies' and Children's'
Cashmere Hose.
Just put into stock
Organdies, Ginghams and
FP -Watch our Advt. Call and see our Bargains.
Specials This Week
• rr �'I'si`r �''r �r r� r� r7 w' `I -T �''� T7 •
Men's Overalls
$1.2 5
Boys' Bloomers
Joe Schwadron