HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-9-1, Page 511610P14.8 CARP e NO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Bee tit the Post Office, ,tllhet. 80.4 OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night palls. O8loe opposite Flour MM, Ethel. JAMES M' FADZEAN Agent Newick Mutual fire Insurance Company Phone 48 Turnborry Street, Brussels Successor to John Harris, Walton, T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. O. P., ,f S. O, M. 0. E. Village of Brussels, Physician, Surgeon, Acoouoheur ( 11Ice at residence, opposite Melt isle Churoh, William street. PRODOfOOT, KILLORAN I COOKE Barristers, Beileiter., Notaries Public. &c. Moe on the Square 2u,: door from. Hamilton Street, c ODERIOH, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W,PROMIWOor K. 0. J,L, SILLORAN 'H. J. D, Cosa -MeV eeeteeleeeereMeReeMMM.I3 ELLIOTT 3,, Yong* & Charles ate., Toronto Isa School with a Splendid Record. When superiority of training is consid- ered- this college ranks among the best on the continent. Many business col- leges in Canada and United States em- ploy our former students as teachers, All business colleges are not alike. They differ in many respects. Write today for catalogue, and you will soon be convinced of Chis Students admitted at any time. W. J, ELLIOTT. PRINOIPAL ilarg'st2i9E'a'rar IZA�Pic�t�41R`10:1 Well Tools FOR SALE 275 feet le inch Drill Rope nearly new, 1 set Jars and Rope Socket, 1 Sinker, 18 feet by 8 inches. 14 -inch Sand Pump, 1 5 -inch Saud Pump, 14 -inch Reemer, '2 5.inch J;ieemere and Bite for same, Also a length of 8 -inch Casing. All for sale cheap as owner has no use for then). Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired Well Drilling done as usual. Call up Phone 28x GEO. BIRT, BRUSSELS ++44411+++++++++++++++++++4 !Fresh Fish Town Deliveries • Tuesdays and ' Fridays 4. Patronage Solicited. ROBT. ,KERR • l BRUSSELS +▪ 'FBF+++++++++++++++++++++++ To the PubIic Ml Kinds Repair Work pone ON BUGGIES WAGONS SLEIGHS CUTTERS AND CARS Buggy Wheels Re-t'ubbered te specialty, Painting and Teitnrniag intend. ed to promptly at reasonable prices. 8 new Wagons, all Oak and ISIm with 2e tn. tire—Bargains, Call and get prices when in tow u. E. EWAN Successor to D. Ewan BRUSSELS Former Brussels Did Boy g Promotin The Ford News, of August 6th gives the following sketch of an old Mus- sels boy, Dr. Fred. Gilpin, son of J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin, Church street, town, that needs no commeut more than it should encourage young men to go after the best to be had by diligence and studying the best methods to "get there" :— The recent appointment of Dr. A. W. L. Gilpin as Branch Manager of the Ford Motor Company at Chicago, and his additional duties of District Manager, having jurisdiction over branches at Milwaukee, Chicago, Louisville. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Co- lumbus, Indianapolis and Detroit, is tweeting with universal satisfaction through the large organization of Ford managers and dealers in this section. Dr. Gilpin's first step in the business world professional teas that of a man, He was the son of a farmer, and his father decided his career would be that of a dentist and that's why they all call him "Doc." His early work in dentistry was taken up with as great enthusiasm as he now displays in Ford Products. He is a natural born leader and when he took his first job as retail salesman for Henry Ford, action be- gan. It was in 1911 he started to Bell Ford cars in Ohicago, and shortly afterwards became Assistant Branch Manager of the Ford Motor Company here. In 1914 he became Branch Manager at Milwaukee—under full steam in 1921 when the Milwaukee territory of the Ford Motor Company, was last in the sale of tractors. Dr. Gilpin, in a few months, through his earnest efforts, put them in first place. Confidence has been one big reason for bis success. He has always had the confidence of the many dealers under him, because his work with theta has been of the very highest character. Jas. McEwing, ex -M. P. P., of Drayton, Dies in Car ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IDEER1NGF AGENCY + + John Oliver I + BRUSSELS - + + • has taken over the Deering Ag - +Bucy and handles a full line of + .(. Farm Implements including the T. •M noted + • 1. H. C. Cream Separators • The only Cream Separator with two wide open cream outlets— ... no mean screw in the path of se the cream. See it when in town. The 1, N, C. 8-10 and 10.20 Tractors are among the best, + The Deering Manure Spreader .1.1: With the wide &plead and very light; in draft. John Oliver Bayfield is after Hydro. DIstrtct 1tepresentative McPhail held a Poultry Demonstration at pad's Hite 0, S. Grosch, Milverton, won prizes ab Regina Fair on his Plymouth Rooks, Upper School work will be taught at Exeter High School this year, 4 teacherk will constitute the staff. While motoring home from Orange- ville about 7.30 o'clock on Monday evening of last week James McEwing, of Drayton, adjuster and general manager of the Peel and Mariboeough Mutual Fire Insurance Co., had a fatal heart seizure and expired almost instantaneously while sitting in hie car. He was accompanied by his daughter, Mies Nellie, who was dt•iv. ing the car at the time. She thought her father had fainted and drove into Mr. Elton Fern's fans house foras- sistance, Here it was found that life was extinct. Word of the tragic: oc- currence was 'phoned to a eon who re- sides on the homestead near Drayton. The son arrived later at night accom- panied by a Drayton undertaker, who took chage of the remains and con- veyed them to Drayton where arrange. menta were made for the funeral on Thursday. The late Mr, McEwing was 71 years of age and is anrvieed by a family of 2 sons and 3 daughters, His wire diets about 3 years ago. Prior to his retirement he was a true• ceesful fanner near Draytot;and was for a number of years a prominent figure in North Wellington polities, having represented his constituency in the Ontario Legislature a number of years ago. Deceased was born in Tuckeeemith township, Huron county, and was well koowtl. New Church at Brodhagen What is likely to be the largest church to be fouhd anywbere in the rural localities of Pertly is now in the course of construction at Brodhagen by St. Peter's Lutheran congregation, The new building is 82 feet in length by $0 in width at the transepts. Bell tower will be about 90 feet high in which will swing the old bells. Basement walls are constructed of concrete with tlush finish of the out. side and euperetruction is of Milton pressed terra cotta brick. Basetuent will consist of coal bunkum, Sunday school room, kiteheh and vestry, while on the main floor Will be the vestibule, auditorittm and dboir and organ lofts, With a large gallery at the rent' of the church, Pipe organ need fn the old church will be rebuilt In the new, Ceilings will be of varnished fir, while the seats, altar and pulpit will be of quarter cut oak. There will be six- teen memorial windows, the largest of Alitoll lire to Lilo rf'e,huepta. Then ate being pet In bf .flfeltibeee of the eongreflatielt 1 0 of theta et ti coat of $200 each, 4 at a coat of $800 and tine ttont window will be put in by Build, Ong Oettmerietee et a twat of $200. Chproh, sheds and tunnee will be Itglht- ed by an electric lighting system,. Pee, Joint .Alberto is tete pastor, while Building Onnwittee le eenetle tuted es follows; George Lenbardt, Louis Bennewete, Henry bock, Jacob Gime, John Mnglt, Henry Kleber and Rudolph Jaruruth. Architect is Wril, Eizertnau, MitehelI. John Dlegel is supervisor of the carpenter work, while Otto Ritz oversees the maeonry and bricklaying.The work le going rapidly forward, the 'roof how being on and it le expected that the opening will take place early in November. Ocegregeeiollconsists of 170 beans of families with about 800 souls in all. At present worship is being conducted in the old Baptist Church. Edifice wben finished will Bost about 550,000 and will' have a seating capacity of between 000 and 700. Congregation dates buck to 1859, a period covering 02 years. Old church, which was tore down to give pierce to the uew one, stood for 54 years, but was too email for the needs of the growing congregation, The splendid new structure, soon to be dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, is a remarkable testimony of what can be accomplished where a people work to- gether in unity and harmony. Atwood Work on Main street is completed. Miss Blanche Petrie has been en- gaged as teacher in S. S. No. 5. Andrew and Mrs, Wilson, of James- town, Kansas, were renewing old friendships here. Stanley Ford, with his certain, Miss Blough, of Neepawa, Man„ are away on a motor trip with friends at Niag- ara Falls. At last meeting 00 Elora Farmers' Mutual Fire Iusurauce Oompany the claim of R, Johnston, Erma, for loos of barn and contents, destroyed by lightning, was paid amounting to $3,052. Walton Geo. and Mrs. Carter and little daughter, Beryl, of .Hullett, spent a few days with Mrs. Carter's parents, H. and Mrs. Campbell. Mrs, Elliott Somerville, Edmonton, Alta., visited at the homes of Hugh Campbell and John McDonald, 18th Con., Grey. Mrs. Somerville is a niece of Mr. Campbell and has been in the West for 6 years. MRs. FRED. MILLER'S FTuER DE- CEASED After a few days's' illness, Geo. (lordlier died n1. 1.h horne•of his t • hell brother, Philip Gold let, Mitc , Friday, Aug. 18th, at 1 o'clock. De- ceased was ill only one week and was 67 years of age. Ke was born in Canada and for a ntunher of years lived at Marget, Sask., where he fol- lowed the trade of shoemaking, going to Mitchell in December last and lived with his brother. He was a man of quiet, reserved natal e and was re- spected by all who had formed his acquaintance. His wife died 80 years ago and left one daughter, Mrs. Miller, of Walton, who was with her father whon he did, He is survived by 4 brothers' reed 2 sisters, Philip and Wm„ Mitchell; Fred., in Logan; Frank, Sebringville; Mrs. Chas. Dietzs, Ellice, and Mrs. Conrad See- bach, of Beidgeburg. Funeral was held Sunday, interment being made in Grace Lutheran cemetery, Mitchell. W. M. S.—Aueuet meeting of the W. AI. S. of Duff's church, Walton, was held at the home of Mrs. Rruusey. These meeting in the 'country are en- joyable and this one was interesting as well. 20 ladies braved the weather. in spite of the vain. After the motel routine business was disposed of Mrs. Oster gave a good paper and talk on "The Bible and Missions." She told the number of Bibles cold by Oolpnr- terns, Bible Society, &e. and still the • Rented Blacksmith Shop The undersigned has leased the uld and well known Blacksmith Shop of Di Ewan Market Street, Brussels, and is prepared to carer to the wants of the public by firet-clnee Work, promptly done and at reason - sure pt ices, All kinds or 131acksoiithing, Horaeshoeing, , 1.c„ ria lied on. Ycur custom) will be appr(.- ciated. Satisfaction assured, Call in when in town, Fred. Wilkins Bible has a larger sale than any other book on the market. There were other good papers on Africa. We must Make special mention of the one on South Africa, written by Miss Jean Turnbull. These young girle ernined in the Mission Band in their youth will make splendid workers in tte parent Society in a few years. Some of them may even give themselvea to the work in the Mission fields. 51ra. Neal presided. Lunch was Reeved at the close of the meeting and was not the least interesting part. Next Meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Reid. MRs. 0. E. LEPPARU's DEATH.— Walkerton Telescope speaks as fol- lows of the late Mrs. Leppard :— Walkerton friends were saddened due - Old Boys' Week by the news of the sudden death of Mrs. Chas. Leppard of Oalgary, wife of a former principal of Walkerton Public School. The in a brief wire to J. E. Mc- Gregor came e t e e until Moeda e or and it was not a Grg y of this week that particulars of her untimely deathwere received in a let- ter rerun et-tarfrom Mr. Leppard to his old fcieqd P. S, Inspector John McOonl. It ap- pears that Mrs. Leppard and her daughter, Helen, were visiting rela- tives in Saskatchewan and had been having a fine time seeing the country by auto. Saturday afternoon, July 21th, Mrs. Leppard felt a. little dizzy after dinner lay down for a couple of hours, getting up about 380 o'clock feeling fine. Ae she earns downstairs she passed the door leading to a side verandah and she and Helen stood looking out. In n mtitnent or two 'she felt something corning over her which proved to be a stroke and put up her hand to save herself and she put it a- gainst a velure door opp•tsite, which was not latched and she fell into the cellar down the steps causing a fract- ure at the base of the skull. A doc- tor was called and was there in less than fifteen minutes and a specialist in less than au hour. They both pro- nounced it a stroke which, followed by the fall, was too much for her sys- tem. All that loving friends and done aid could do was but at twelve o'clock that sane night her spirit winged its flight. Me. Leppard was at Queen's Univarsity, Kingston coanpleling a Sumpter (Course when he received the crushing news. It was a terrible blots to husband and child - ten and indeed it ie 005 of those inex- plicable dispensations of divine provi- SLEEP Ohl what a wonderful word that is 1 Can you do it? That is, drop off into a good sound refreshing sleep? If you are unable to, there is something wrong with your nerv- ous system. It is a danger signal. Nervous prostration, melancholia, nervous dyspepsia are only a few of the serious maladies that are liable to develop. DR. MILES' NERVINE—$1.20 will soothe the irritated and over- strained nerves. Just one or two doses helps Nature to restore them to their normal functions. Guaran- teed Safe and Sure. Sold in Brussels by James Fox unua NICd,ir; Where there is a tendency to • const patios, you will find De. 2lssw Lives Pius effective in kerpmg Oho bowels opnt. • • • • • • • •• • Z The I' - Palace Bakery Bread You'll Emy our ability to produce is what we ash you to to y. Made from the beet mat- erials, mixed with the meet expert cats, std baked in modern ovens, ie iR tread that no home could dupli- cate for qualiby of every sort that nutkee for perfect- fectlon, W. E. WILLIS 0 • • • • • • ••4 • • s• • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••4.444••.0 •4r544+•••Wi•p•. t4Nii(tq�why wailli beautif'iil midtlseftiI lila s lbbld be euddeely tet off itt ire very bet. AJI that was mortal of the tate Dote. Leppard was leitl ht Uillcnt Conte ere , Oalgltry, tiller a beantifnl Oleo ch eel vice in whiehi'our of the airy erinis.tere took part, Bemire of flowers that kind friends from far and clear leviable atlntfibeteti to hal' metes ory, itdorned the casket, Fordwich Miss, Annie Sutton has been ill with pneumonia. A 5 Datcey has exchanged hie Perchc:ron etallion for n Olyde horse. Mre, 0. E. Watters and Miss Ruby, Toronto, were visiting old friends bere. Jno. ,Sot hero Sr., tubo is said to be 102 yetres of age, tetra visiting at the benne of Itis daughter, MI'S, Alex, Gibson, Mies Elizabeth Spence will continue to teach Quin nells' school, Mint) township, and Miss Ella will take a steroid at Dlouktou. - Ethel (i)urun7'Altl.a mouse forsale with 8 bed- rouma, parlor, dining room, Summar kitchen, pan try, cellar, good frame stable, hen house, fruit treos end sere of land. EDWARD l'L5T073ef1, Ethel, OOMbORTABIA brick house for sale, with furnaos, kitaben sod woodshed, hardand soft water, stable &o., ',hooted on Stain street, Ethel. For particulars Phone 2521 or 105 Brus- sels Ventral. Miss Drake and ,Nies Anderson were visiting Mies Francis Goatee. Mise Isms Mitchell has taken a trip Westward with Regina as her destine - tion. Mrs, J. Ralph and Mrs, J. Douglas left for their homes Neepawa, Man., Tuesday 23rd after spending an enjoy- able visit with their brothers end sisters and outer old friends, Mrs. Jiro Giles, of Ingersoll, is visit- ing her neices, Site A. and C. Eck - Mier and Mrs. Juo. King, She also attended the reunion at her nephew's Isaac Lake. Ethel Football team played au ex- citing game of Football with Bethel at Monorieff. Score was 1.0 in favour of Ethel, Percy Stephenson making a "counter" in the last half. Opposing team was one of the fastest yet play- ed with. F. Oliver and Erskine played with Ethel team. FAerILY REUNION.—Last week a farnily reunion was held at the home of Isaac and Mrs, Lake. There wet e 3 brothers and 5 sisters present, All the brothers and sisters were there ex- cepting Mrs. Geo. Oxtoby, of Innis - fail, Alberta. Others who attended t were Mrs. Jno, Giles, Ingersoll, a sis- ter to the late Win, Lake, Mrs. L. t MissNora,and Lake and daughter, s isses Mrs. J. M. Lake and daughters M .J g Isabel, Lottie and Dorothy and L. NV. E. to alloHamilton: «. L t d McLellan f c Mrs. %Viler; and children, Gowaus- town ; Wilfred Erkntier, Stratford ; S. and (las. Birtch Bay City ; C. Erkmtei and J. King, Ethel. A. very sociable time was spent by all. The Methodist church report for Ethel Circuit for the past year lifts been issued and the report is a very creditable one indeed. It shows the following :— Paid for Salary to Pastor .... $ 10:10 00 Oonnexioual Funds 210 45 Social Service .............. 59 85 Educational 32 25 General Sabbath School . 414 00 General Epworth League...... 811 01 NV. M. S. ..... 237 50 Trustee Boards ......... .... 1177 30 Ladies' Aid ........ .............. 210 00 5 _National Campaign . 2504 44 Grand Total........... $ 8281 79 The churches on Ethel circuit are Ethel, Roe's and Union. 5.ood year g is lookedforward to under the pastor- ate or- ate of Rev, F. S. OKell. Canadian News Bayfield held successful regatta, Goderich Fall Fair Sept. 6, 7 and 8. Tax rate of Goderich this year is: 44e Mills, Outside wood work of Court House, Goderich, is to be painted. Decoration day was observed last Sunday in Dungannon cemetery, 1st shipment of Huron cattle to Old Country arrived in good condition. Faust's grocery, Goderich, has been purchased by S. Pendet, Stratford. Principal Bozell, Crediton, under- went operation at Hamilton hospital. 'Miss Vera Eckert, Manley, has gone to Plunket, Sask., where she will teach. A course at barbering is being taken at Toronto by Angus Kennedy, Sea - forth. A 14 foob sunflower is one of the features in W. B. McLeau's gtu den, Egtnoudville. Clinton Model School has re -opened for this session with 6 pupils. Few more expected, Operation for appendicitis was per- formed on Harry Finkbeiuer, Credi- ton, at London. By a fall on cellar step Sirs. eV. P. Bragg, Blanshard, had skull fractured resulting in death, NV. and Mrs. Swafleld, Goderich, were 65 years married on August 21st. Many happy returns. Jabez Rands, Olinton, has a Barred Rock pullet 4 months and 10 days old that has commenced to lay, Trotting gelding, "Peter 't'emple- ton," owned by Chris, Either, Zurich, died from indigestion. He trotted a toile in 222, GAS .PLANT EXPLODES AT CLIF- r011,t),—Oonsiderable excitement was created at Clifford on Saturday even- ing at 9.15, 13th hike„ when the met - chants Wale all busy and the streets were lined with the regular Saturday evening's crowd, when, without a moment's warning the acetylene gas plant exploded. Caretaker of the plant had been iu building a minute before, arranging some the works, and just as he Was leaving the explosion occurred, He Was thrown across the street into a potato patch, but with no serious results, except some slight burns cu the face, The shock was felt for tniies around, while every building in the village shook and merchandise on the shelves of the stores was thrown to the floors. One man who resides aaeosg the Street from plant was thrown out of bed. The betiding, which was built of cement, 15 a total loss, and will be felt more by the beei- nees people, who used the gas for lighting purposes. THE eeee stern. air LONDON Sept. 10th to 17th Seven Full Days this Year The Popular Exhibition of Western Ontario $6,000.0O kidded to the Prize L�.aiyst K.,4÷.-04-4.44-44.+84-4.44-4,144+1,4� r;?H�NOH�,i1wfoi.** is iwie4infi. JBM'S' AND (JJl;LH CALL COMPWI'ITION SPEED EVENTS DOG SHOW AUTO RACES The Worthanl Shows on the Midway Wonderful Programme before the Grand Stand Twice Dpily Plenty of Music Fireworks Every Night Admission --1011, 1.2t11, 1(11.11 and 17th --20c. 13th, 1.111 )tad 161l, -60c, Gretel Stand mural 3)1'1065. AI,I. I!•r Ott ,IAT1ON PROM THEE, SECRETARY Lt. -Col. W. M, (lartsher°, President A, M, Hunt, Secretary' 1 •,largem, nL of Gudeiich Mat sue ILI-T 1,t) is prop1.5011. Sunday, Sept 11th Clinton 1 0 0. 1'. 'tett fe O L Orders will hold dec- oral ion eert•1er. C We, zee IVindenr, whose Ann was irucvned at (Greed Bend, will equip heath with life saving npparetn0. Funeral or elle. P. 1Veitter elan, Pigeon, 111 h., wit attended Ly Moyes (ieig,v aid firs 0, Fisher, of Zurich, brother and si*ter o1' deeetcoed. Tuesday evening I•lon, Manning 1)011,4 3 V. 11,ni- ter of Agit icultut, and R1V. le linteabv, President u1.' the IT F. O • and of gave teldeessee in l.'sborue twwwhip. Take Notate The Maple Grove Cheese and Butter Factory R. R. 3, Stratford Will buy your Create and pay you the top notch price twice each month. A post card will bring you all the information you wish. Alt enquiries' will be cheerfully ans- wered. )Ve pay express charges. Fordsan Tractor Ti110 FORDSON TRACTOR is hnilt, with river strength in every part to withstand the elinins of coneeant heavy work, It cvae tested ender every possible condition of term work before it was puton the market. It lute been tried 001 by thousands of fanners in the past two years and has never fallen down on its claime, The Fordson is simple in design, flexible iiiconttol and operation. Letus demonstrate this tenant. on your faun. When we sell yon a loot demi we are right here to keep it, 1nunin every day in the year, We have Fordsnn parts and Fordsott mechanics. ' D. M. SCOTT, <K"us sell AU'Tt10131ZE1) For3,1) DIEALl:13. 11 GIFTS THAT LAST 410 Weddin • ifts iI 111tIlinII , l II. it 9 '1 � Wel/111111111111111110 • h, are showing n large aesnrtmenl. of Silver Casseroles and Pie Plates with Pyrex Glass Linings, Baking Dishes, Flower Bas- kets, Cake Baskets, Butte'. Tubs in Silver and Gut Glass, Sugar and ('ream., Marmalades, Spoon Trays, Salad Bowls and Berry Bowls, Sherbet( Glasses, etc. See our line, ecial A large fap CJ BlackIOCkSat Sp Parlor Clocks +ariet Prices Diamond Rings (sur Diamond Rings are spec- sal value. Prices 625, $411, 650, $75 and 5100. Call and see the new style. Wedding Rings We carry acomplete stock, all sizes, in the new style, either fancy or plain. Get the Wed - ding Ring here. µ f s �` '�� IT'SHERE The 2 c Autographic Kodak Jr. `fi The Ktldak ca the season. The one you've i tend about. its It Kodak and itys Autogra. Ride. It takes pictures almost. Post Gard 'ci size, equipped with F. 7. 7. Kodak Antle- - 1.l glllat Lens. Tile pt•itc•. 1s A $25.00 j'— It sharpness derail JEWELER {1k;'.' gives a of right to the e edge of the picture. Come in turd see it, 1.J. R. WENDT, AND OPTICIAN WROXETER ' Fordsan Tractor Ti110 FORDSON TRACTOR is hnilt, with river strength in every part to withstand the elinins of coneeant heavy work, It cvae tested ender every possible condition of term work before it was puton the market. It lute been tried 001 by thousands of fanners in the past two years and has never fallen down on its claime, The Fordson is simple in design, flexible iiiconttol and operation. Letus demonstrate this tenant. on your faun. When we sell yon a loot demi we are right here to keep it, 1nunin every day in the year, We have Fordsnn parts and Fordsott mechanics. ' D. M. SCOTT, <K"us sell AU'Tt10131ZE1) For3,1) DIEALl:13. 11