HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-9-1, Page 1VOL. 5o NO, to
2,00 per annum in advance
Bank Co operation
with the Farmer
Responsible farmers, like other
'business men, sometimes find that
they can make profitable use of
temporary capital borrowed from
a bank.
The Bank of Nova Scotia has
had a ripe experience and posses-
ses a clear understanding of
farmers' financial requirements.
Its policy is co-operation with
the farmer.
The nearest manager will he
glad to discuss your situation with
The Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital 3 9,700,000
Reserve - - 19,000.000
Resources - 230.000.000
Manager Brussels
New Advertisements
Cord—Queen's Hotel.
Cord—Mies Wilkinson.
b ectals—Hentr n Store,
Your Poultry—M. Toileok.
Planking for sate—S. Snell.
Attrition Sale -Howard Holl.
Sall Millinery—Geo. M. Mitchell.
Qonoert—Ethel Women's. Institute.
Speedo). horgoins—R. W. Ferguson.
Residence for sole—R. H. McKinnon.
Social evoning Melville Y.1'. S. 0. E.
Notice to ditchers—Fraser it Robertson.
Mi trill SzEus
Kidd, one of Goderich's beet -known
citizens, died Friday night after an ill-
ness of several months. He was 0. P.
R. ticket agent here for nearly 20
years, and took a prominent part in
many public activities, having been
President of the Hospital Board, a
member of the Public Library Board,
the Board of Trade and other bodies.
He was in hie 60th year, and leaves
his wife, 5 eons and 2 daughters.
t. „ I sit Club, ou champions
Asia B, s i O t r
. fS P
t pp won the
of the N. W. B. A. Saturday vn
first game of semi-finals by defeating
Walkerton in Walkerton by a score
of 15 to 3. Morden, Wingham'e pitch-
er, had 20 strikeouts, beeides hitting
2 two -base hits, Anderson, for Wing -
ham had a great day at bat. He hit a
home run and a triple. Walkerton
la ed' good ball till the 0th wheu
they wet to pieces. Wingham has
• •
• CAR No. 2 •
e• •
C 1
• •
• ALSO CAR No. 2 C.W. i
• •
to arrive shortly. :
Special price off Car. •
e —
a Place ordera early
• and save money i
•• Phones 43 and 27
0 i
0 Wt J, McCracken •
• •
•e+++++t+111 •P 11++4.4•+44.14+4•F
What About Your
111 1
WILL pay the highest mar-
' tet price for all the Ppuitry
and sell
have to e
+ place fore
ie J'hone
, ,4 M ,4sf4444'
Lie son, when : Provincial Inspector
Pellow, of IIULOn County and County
Constable Wilmer Wallis carne upon
theta and seized the whole outfit,
This included a boiler, a tub, a barrel,
a cooler, 6 gallons of mash which they
made10 gallon kegs
had already, and ga n g
of wbiskey ; also 2 cases of beer whiah
they, hall previously made. A charge
was laid by Andrew Porter, Inland
Revenue Officer atGoderich.
played 38 games this year and won 29.
The return game was played in Wing -
ham on Wednesday and the winner
plays Owen Sound in the next round.
Batteries :—Wingham — Morden and
Anderson. Walkerton—McCartney
and McCartney. Umpires—Wilson
and McDonald, Owen Bound,
FIRE —Citizens were greatly alarm-
ed when they were aroused out of
their beds on Friday at 12 o'clock mid-
night by the sound of the fire alarm.
The fire was discovered to be in the
stable of Max Wolele and before it
was discovered it had such headway
that although the firemen responded
very smartly, they could only keep it
from spreading. The origin of the
fire is unknown—in fact, it is thought
to be rather mysterious. The lose
will be $600, covered by insurance.
—A complete still was found iu opera-
tion at Blyth Sunday night on the
premises of John Link, baker. He
was at work at the still, assisted by
Nunn Mon y day
Pol r White $1
13 Bars
2 Gold Duet 4 for 25c
1 Pearline
1 Ammonia
Surprise Soap Powder 6 for 25c
Castile Soap 6 for 25c
Old Dutch 3 for 36cp
3 lbs. Extra Special
Black Tea. $1 00
Canvas Shoes at Cost.
Just arrived — Stock of Plain
Cash or Produce only.
W. Ge McMillan
omfort So
Methodist Churches
Next Sunday the Pastor's sub-
ject ab the regular ser
vices will be
'The Compass of Divine Love'
On Sabbath, Sept. Ilth, at 11
a, m, and ? pm, Anniversary
Se•inone will be preached in
Un y
Union Church b Rev. 0.
Clark, Brunelle F.
s Thank -offer-
ing taken, Special Music,
Fol o in Sabbath Aani ver-
sery 1 w
q be conducted
at servicee wit l Ethel, morning and even-
ing. Rev. Dr, Hazen, Lieto-
wall, is expected to occupy the
pulpit, Thank -offering and
Special Music.
Township Council will meet Mon-
day, ,Sept. 12,
James McLelland has built a garage
for the Ethel bus.
Leslie Pollard is visiting friends io
town for a few days.
Miss Kent, Delhi, is visiting her
friend, Mies Edith Ferguson,
Other Ethel items received too late
for last week's ieeue, may be read on
page 5.
Millinery Opening Saturday of this
week at Geo. Nf, Mitchell's, Don't
mise it ladiee.
to Mrs. Geo. Bateman spent an enjoy-
able visit with friends in Brussels and
Wingham vicinity.
E. and Mre, Ackert spent a few
days with H. M, and Mrs. Dobson and
C. and Mrs, Raynerd,
Public Sehool will reopen Tuesday,
Sept. dth, under the management of
Mies McKee and Mies Allan.
Mill street is undergoing some
necessary renovation. Ethel will
soon be pretty well "fixed up."
Ethel ought to produce same Tennis
champions judging by the way in
which the Tennis Court is patronized.
Miss Edith Ferguson entertained a
number of friends and schoolmates
from Listowel, in the Park Wednes-
day evening last.
S. F. and Mrs. Flarity and daugh-
ters, Wiarton, visited at the home of
A. H. and Mrs. Macdonald. Trip wee
made by motor.
Mrs. B. R. Porter and children,
Burlington, have returned home after
a pleasant visit with the forvner's sis-
ter, Mrs, A. H. Mcdonald.
The members of the Christian En-
deavor Society, Presbyteriau church,
held a corn roast in the Park Friday
evening. All report a good time.
The Junior Institute will meet at
bliss Ella Pearson's Friday afternoon.
Try and be there to help arrange for
the expected Domestic Science course.
Our townsman, David Milne, will be
employed again tbis year as govern-
ment appointed Judge for several Fall
Fairs. He is an old hand at the busi-
Anniversary services will be held in
the Methodist church on Sabbath,
September 18th, at 11 a. m. and7 p. m.
Rev. Dr. Hazen, Listowel, is expected
to preach.
Bible Society illustrated Lecture in
St, John's church, Brussels, next Mon-
day evening at 8 o'clock. People
from Ethel and locality invited as
they are deeply interested.
Epworth League this week on
Thursday at S p. m. 'Meeting in
charge of first vice- President, M. J.
Slemnlon. Topic is "Better work"
taken by James Spivey. Remember
the time 8.00 instead of 8,30 as usual.
Try and help the one in charge by be-
ing there on time.
LET THERE BE Leunr."—The vil-
lage has had the By -Law posted up
relating to a proposal to borrow
$1600 on debentutee beating 6% for 10
•e to provide mono
to equip a
eat o p
9 y 4
p ih electric
line for the transmission of el ctt c
light. The vote will he taken on
Saturday, Sept, 17th, between the
hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. in., in the
Township Hall, with W. T. Spence as
Returning Officer. A inajortty vote
will be suf$elant, only the ratepayers
within the limits of the Police Village
having the option of the ballot. If
By-law carries, as it is sure to do,Mr.
DesJardine, the garage man, wil op-
erate the plant and he will deal with
the individual customer. It is propos-
ed to loan hits $600 to help out the
enterprise. The stores, shops and
residences will be impelled as well as
the streets lighted. Poles and wiring
will provide for an exchange for
hu i be de-
siredin thefuture tld a t t
d to make the than
sue ge. "Let there
be light,"
10 THE
farmer's Wife
THE Threshing Season is now
ou and you will be requiting
a good roast of Beef. It will
pay you to get our prices. If you
want quality and quantity at
Special Prices call on
Baeker Bros.
Old Time Ball
Town Hall, Brussels
Friday Ev'g, September lnd
Good Music. Tickets 75o.
Everybody ill be Welcome
y w
Will be held at the
store of
Gr M1 Mitchell
Saturday Next, Sept. 3
Ladies of the community
invited to call and see
the•latest Fashions
in choice goods,
Annual School Fair will be held
here Wednesday of next week.
The annual picnic of tbe Methodist
Sunday School was held in the Park
last Thureday. Union and Roe's ap-
pointments were also rept esented. A.
good time was enjoyed by all.
Don't forget the School Fair next
Wednesday. Lunch will be served
and all persons in the Sectious unit-
ing, if they feel free, are asked to
kindly contribute pies, cakes nod
sandwiches. Ice Cream booth will be
on the grounds and a grand Concert
will conclude the day's program in the
Township Hall.
OBIT.—As intimated in last week's
POST Robt, Laing • passed away Tues-
day, August 23rd, at his home here,
aged 75 years and 5 months. Funeral
took place Thursday afternoon, ser-
vice being conducted by Rev, Mr.
Kennedy after which intermsnt• was
made in Mount Pleasant cemetery,
Ethel. Pallbearers were deceased's
6 nephews, Alexe Geo„ Stanley and
Olifford Dunbar, 'W. Brown and Peter
Lamont. Mr. Laing was born at
South Mountain, Ont., and came
Westward in 1877. 51 years ago he
married Margaret Dunbar, who with
one daughter, Mrs. E. Oober, Toronto,
survives. P. ^.eased was a car builder
in his early 'sears and worked at the
building trade. He had been a resi-
dent of this locality for many years
and was well known and highly es-
teemed. His health had been poor for
years. Mrs. Laing will continue her
home here. Mr. and Mrs. ()ober and
HMI Clarence attended the funeral.
Mrs. Laing, who is a sister to D. W.
Dunbar, has the sympathy of the
community in her bereavement.
Mrs. Lewis, of Montreal, is the
guest of ivies. Lewis, Elea, for a few
Willie Mann, son of W. and Mrs.
Mann, is spending itis holidays with
his parents. He looks as if the West
agreed with him. Report says he
will not return in single blessedness.
Mute is the wnrd at present.
The W. 11. S. of Knox thumb,
Moncrieff, will hold their monthly
meeting on Wednesday, Sept, 7t1
, at
2 p. in. The topic will be taken by
Mrs. Geo. Robertson and Mrs, Ii. Lud-
dington. Everybody welcome.
Grey township Council will hold
their next meeting on Monday, Sep-
tember 12th,
Mrs. Andrew Currie, Btutsels, is
a .- r at the
h friends in the country Y
Anne of Jno. and Mrs. Oliver, 16th
Selwyn Baker has been bothered
with blood poisoning on one of his
hands but we hope he will soon be
o, k.
Fine Uoncert in Tnwnehip Hall,
Ethel, Wednesday evening next,
Stratford talent, under ituspires
Women's lestitnie.
Evelyn Hoy and Grace Freimeghan
went to Toronto Monday, to visit 1.
W. and Mrs. Morrison and also to
take in the exhibition,
Dr, D. N. and Mrs, Hackwell, of
Buffalo, have been visiting the:form-
er's brother, Frank and wife, 91.11 Con.,
and enjoying a good tune.
Alex. and Mrs, Aunett, Detroit,
who were here for a visit with Fred,
aid Mrs, Oxtoby, have gone to Lon-
don to visit other friends.
Jno. Bray who has spent the past
fete months with relatives in Hamil-
ton, is here on visit, Ho looks first-
class and weighs upwards of 150
On Sunday, September 111,11, auni-
versary set vicar will be held in Union
church at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. The
preacher of the day will be Rev. Mr,
Oltuk, of Brnssele, whn is well worth
John Houston, son of the late Jamee
and Mrs, Houston is holidaying in this
part, It is about 10 years sleep his s
isit home. He sees 0 great many
i `hvisitor is one of nue
c longer. The
16th Oon, boys Who has made good in
the great West,
Mrs: Wm. H, Tinnier, who lee
spent a part of the Shimmer taholidays,
at the home of her sister -In-law Mrs.
ohne, A. McDonald, left for her home
Monday. She expects to arrive at
Varieouver, Friday where else will
merit her husband, and will reach
their home Everitt, Wash,, Saturday,
Fine Coiicert
Wednesday, Sept. 7th
(Evening of Ethel School Fair)
Under auspices 3f Women's Institute
A 1 Program will be given by
in which Capt. Peguenot•, well
known Tenor, • Mr. (Mae. Light-
foot, Vocalist, and it Lady So-
prano. togethet• with Mr, and
Mrs. Bryan%, on Mandolin and
Guitar, will take print,
Local Talent will assist,
Admission 35c and 26c.
Help a worthy local cause by
your patronage.
See bills.
Mrs, G. M. Mitchell, Pres,
Mrs. Goo. Kreuter, Sec,
Mrs. W. Rands is visiting at Lon-
don, and Miss Olive Pack, of that
city, is holidaying with the Misses
Miss Muriel, daughter of J. Henry
and MUre. Hoover, llth Con., went to
London where she will attend the
WesterveldtBusiness College, steno-
graphy and book-keeping will he the
chief subjects taken. Site is a clever
young lady and will give a good ac-
count of herself, We wish her suc-
Next Wednesday evening Ethel
Women's Institute are holding a con.
cert in the Township Hall when
choice program will be given by well
known Stratford talent.
Roy and Mrs. Sarandon, and 3 chil-
dren, St. Thomas, were here on a vis-
it with relatives and old Mende.
Henry Rann, of the same city, came
with them in the car and enjoyed a
visit also. He is a brother to John
Rann and Mrs, Chas. Alderson, of
this place.
Next Sunday afternoon Mr.
Wasson, Bible Society represent-
ative, will give an address in the
Methodist church on his work. Mon-
day evening he gives an illustrated
lecture In St. John's church, Brussels,
on the same subject, to which all are
invited. No charge other than a col-
lection. Craubrnok and focality are
splendid supporters of this worthy
cause. ,
Township Oouncil will meet Mon-
day, September 12th.
Public schools once more settle
down to work for the Fall term,
A good acreage of Fall wheat will
be put in this season in Morris.
Mr. Hessian, Stratford, spent Sun-
day at J. 0. Peacock's, 1st Oon., Mor-
Mrs. John Johnston and -daughter,
Lottie, Stratford, spent the week end
at James Peacock's.
Anson Thornton's baby is not very
1 present. We hope for a
well at eh
change for the better.
Misses Margaret and Kate Russell,
7th line, were visiting their grand-
motherinMcKillop township.
Editor Willis, of Stettler, Alberta,
was a visitor at the home of Wm,
Wilkinson, 411 line. He's a relative.
Sim. and Mrs. \Valkom and 2
daughters, Pearl and Laviva, Monroe,
upand en last ltfo da at
motoredspent Armada's, y
Joseph E. Curtis'.
The home of Chas. and Mrs. Pol-
lard, East gravel road, is being over-
hauled and will be much improved
tvllen work is complete,
Mrs. Henry Bone, 3rd line, has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Michael, Wingham. A new grand
daughter arrived on August 14th,
A new farmer has arrived at Rus,
Carrie's. We hope the young chap
will soon be able to handle a fort,
even if he has to be apprenticed fleet
to a spoon,
The hay pressers have been press-
ing hay and straw for Joseph Breck-
enridge and George Thornton. Both
tray and straw are selling for a very
good price this Fall.
The pure bred Clyde stallion "Mea -
burn II, owned by Henry Bone, Srcl
line, is bank to his owner's stable. He
was at Hanover, under the menage.
went of John Davidson, where a most
suceesefulseason was spent,
Anniversary services will be held at
Ebenezer church ou Bluevale circuit,
next Sunda September 4th. Rcv, E,
1*'. Olysdale,y'Fordwich, will preach et
10,45 a. m. and 7 p. m. S ecial music
by the choir.. Monster 'lea Meeting
will be given Monday, September 6th,
Tea served from 0 to 8 p. in., after
which an excellent program will be
v n c
tit of
addresses by
O. E. UraggB. Vl h m•lev.1
F. "at
r, Dl
sdale rordtv[ch -Rev C..i e
Bluevale,; 'and chairman, Rev, 11. L.
Wilson. Solos and duets by Mesere.
HenryThorpe, Westfield ; whistl-
ing sand Tlections by Miss Deacn, Bel -
rave ; violin selections by Messrs,
tutten and. Warwick ; readings by
Miss Duff; Bluevale, and Miss John-
ston, Grey. Come anti enjoy an
excellent program. Admission 35 and
20 cerate.
Will Holiday Next Week
Following our 'repel custom Tne
Purr will take a holiday text
Week and our next Issue will be
September 18
Office will he open to attend to Job
Walk and receipt of enbseeiptions.
Mise Janet McVittie, I3t'tieeels is
visitin • her uncle and stunt, Jas, and
Urs, Moffatt.
tieph. and Aloe Drown, IOueseldale,,
agent last Monday at the home of
J,,seph li. Cut tis.
Edward Ourt 12 and wife, also hie
ut.,thf r, etre, Orates 11lteheli, spent
last 11uetlay at thr 1,181.' of Joseph 1„
Cut Cs, 13 -soulful line,
Clique Biggins and rife, arrotn-
paniad by :,i;....es (,rare and Margaret
Curti+ and 31i+4 h; lith 11e•ff,ttt motor-
ed to ['ort Albert and Gederinh aotl
street a 891y enjoyable tiny.
Alf. and Mrs. Hammond, Mr. lutes
and son, Biuevaie, also Mre. Stagg,
Slret'oid, anus of Mrs, liamwood,
motto ed of Put t Albert and Guderich
and spent a day at the !else.
'11, ... tied Mee. Sproat and (twins)
Margaret and ,Marjory, Peterboeo',
and :.lass Ruby Sproat, Stratford,
spent a few Jays last week with Alias
Bella Sprees, Belgrave and Jits. 011d
Mrs. Andersen, 5t11 line Morris.
31i;. Sino,u. 111 ,tared to Setif.' th with
thew ou their .,return trip. Mr.
Sproat is 0 nephew of Miss Sproat
and ltlfn Audefson.
hissAlntvie A ,derson, Toronto and
her twine, 11i -,s Dorothy Anderson,
1\'est'11, were spending a few- days
I.tst week at the 1101114' of Jas. Ander-
Nflll, 11.1 tree, and ether friends, re-
turned to Toronto timidity morning
aecuinpanied by Gordon Anderson,
Dnruthy's brothel, who has been
spending his Surinam- vacation at the
home of his cousin. Chas. C,ultea, 5th
School Fair September Sth.
Howlett Mutual Directors meet next
To esday.
Mrs. E. H. Baker and daughter and
Ray Shewell, of Toronto, are guests of
Mrs. Shetvell
NEwsr NOTES —Aldred Wearying
has returued from a few days visit
with relatives at Sunderland.—J. R.
Gibson and Thos. Ritchie left on Mon-
day for it motor trio to Niagara and
other points.—Miss G. Holmes, of the
General Hospital, Toronto, is visiting
her patents at the parsonage.—M.
Laidlaw, Detroit, is the guest of his
sister-iu-law, Mrs. A. Sanderson,
liowick.—Mrs, A. A. Esty and sou,
Carl, Buffalo, are visitors at the home
of Thos, Sage.—Wm Dodds has sold
his 100 acte farm to his brother, Robt.
Dodds, Howick —Miss Esther Davey,
Hamilton, and Russel Davey, Toronto,
are guests of F. and Mrs. Davey.—
Miss Alice Hamilton, New Yank, is
visiting her parents, Jno. and Mrs.
Hamilton.—Robert and Mrs. Black
and Mos. Waller and children, Robert
Gibbon, \Vm, and Mrs. Robinson and
Aiiss Mabel are amongst the visitors
to the Toronto exhibition this week.—
An enjoyable pic-nic, in connection
with the Salem Methodist church,
W2,4 held ',n the farm of David Weir
last Friday afternoon.—Rev. Mr,
Rnbatta, ;Witchell, a former rector
here, preached at the Anglican church
Sunday afternoon,—Gnu. McIntosh,
Montreal, spent the week end at the
home of Jno, Davidson.
George Ferguson, Tornntn, was here
for a few days last week, owing to the
01ness of Ilia father.
School will reopen next Tuesday
with Si, Hoover and Mrs. Holmes, of
Brussels, in charge.
On the loth inst., one of the old time
residents of this locality, in the person
.,f \Vin. Telfer, celebrated his 77th
birthday. \\'hits not as vigorous as
e congratulate ۥ nes 1 rn 1
in the bygone.; w e t to him
tr g
good o g
00 inn
bs n Id age.
We are sorry to state that one old
resilient Robert Ferguson, is not
having good health. eleart tremble
is the cause. As Mr. Fet•gn,oti is in
his 77th year he is net so well able to
fight toff such ailments. Navy old
friends send good wishes and dupe for
early improvement.
Plank for sale, See advt.
A gnnd congregation greeted Rev,
Dr. Harkness last Sunday In Victoria
Jae, and Mrs. Irwin, of Togo, Sask.,
are visiting tit the home of Gideon D.
Mrs. (Dv.) F. C. Frase•, Sudbury,
has been visiting 01 the home of Jno.
and Mts. Fraser, 1st line Grey town-
0, 13, and Mrs. Forrest, Misses Viola
McLeod, and Christie Forrest, and
Archer Grewar, n visitor at the home,
visited at Staffa with Walter and
Mrs. OBri en,
Gideon Parkes and family, along
withios enus
heir s
t t Jas, and Mrs. Ir-
win, Monday spent at the home of
Leslie Knight, Newbridge and report
a most oujoyable time.
Archer (Irewar, a young Brussels
sprout, was a visitor at 0.;13. Forrest's,
2nd line Morris, fair nearly 2 weeke,
Ile assisted in the chores andgave
yards of gond advice and would oon
haver o n lues
bed L P 1 his wait
s band
had he got anotherfewweeks in,
afternoon Mra
,Geo Turn-
entertained 9 her r . retia
etass of Roe's church at. herhomenn
the lawn, The little boys said they
had e, first-class afternoon and hoped
It wouldn't he the head ncceeion they
wnui(1 be et Mrs. Turneree home its
she and her daughteee left nothing
Undone to give then a gnnd time,
School Fairs
The following are the dates ,of the
School Fah.s announced for the Comm.
Wednesday, Sept. 7—Et bel,
T utetlaSept,8V axe
Itiday, Sept.
9 lielgreve
Mondity, Sept 12 Wlnehelsea,
.,eetlay, Sept 13—Crediton.
Wednesday, Sept. 14 ---Grand Bend,
Thursday, Sept. 16. -Dashwood,
Friday, Sept. 16—Zurich,
Saturday, •Sept, 17—Porter's Hill.
Plumley, Sept. 19—Smith's Hill.
Tuesday, Sept. 20—Currie's Comma,
Wednesday, Sept. 21—St. Helens.
Monday, Sept. 26-Fordwich,
Wednesday, Sept. 28— Cliutoi
Thursday, Sept. 29—Oliuton Town,
Morris Oouneil
Minutes of the ()outwit meeting held
in the Township Hall, Morris, Mon-.
day, August 16th.
Members of Council were present.
Minutes of teat meeting read and
0onttatcle for constructing drains
were let as follows :—
Coulter Drain to Henry Armstrong
for $2859:00.
Cardiff Drain to ()airlift and Sellers
fol $719,00.
Hopper Drain to Peter Rutledge.
for $1425.00.
Mason Drain to Thomas Bone for
Blyth Creek Extension Drain to 1i.
Kitkby at 60 ceirte per cubic yard,
Mrs, Acute McMillan (Lots 4 and 5
Con. 9) was allowed $75,00 on the
Drain Scheme for damages caused by
delays in completing the contract.
Township este for the present year
will be 3 mills on the dollar.
Following accounts were paid
R Young, gtavel r $ 3 75
L, Hopper, gravel . 10 95
Margaret Uampbell, gravel 90
J. Noble, inspecting 10 00
Garrett Wilson, gravel......,.,, 11 25
Jae, Gibson. gravel 13 50
L. Whitfield, gravel . . 90
J, Lawson, gravel....,,... 1 80
Wm. Wilkiuson, gravel2 40
J. H, Sellers, gravel10 35
A. G. Campbell, gravel ..... 4 60
J. Peacock, gravel..... .............. 6 00
A. Pollock, gravel ................. 8 25
0. Pollard, gravel...... ......... 6 90
Win. Gray, gravel, 0 00
Wm. Gibson, gravel,...... 13 05
N. Nicholson, gravel.........,, 7 05
N. Nicholson, on Hullett
boundary ,. 40.35
K. Taylor, shovelling 6 00
Wm. Turvey, gravel........ ..... 8 10
C. Agar, gravel 8 70
Jno. Grasby, work 60
Robe, Messer, work 75
Win. gray, undetbrushing,,0 00
Geo. Edgar, work on road 8 00
Annie McMillan, damages ,.,75 00
The Blyth Standard, advt - 1 00
Geo. Mason, supplies........ es.- 3 37
H. Mather.', tile on drain 60 00
Robe•, Wightman, gravel3 90
Lorne Turvey, gravelling, 6 30
H. Kirkby, freight on tile
Evans Drain 08 70
Next meeting Sept. 12th 1921..
A. MACEwEN, Clerk,
Church Chimes
Rev. Mr. Clark chose as the text of his
morning sermon last Sunday Psalm 121-
5, "(Che Lord is thy Keeper." Subject
in the evening was '"i'ber attractiveness
of Jesus." bliss Muriel Sperling snug
an appropriate solo at evening service.
"A basket of Summer Fruit," Amos
8 2 was the foundation for Rev. Mr. Mc-
Leod's theme Sabbath morning last in
Melville church. Evening topic was
"Euroclydon," Acts 27 05, Congrega-
tions were pleased to hear Lorne Eck.
mier, of Flint, Mich., a former member
of the choir, sing at both services,
Next Sunday morning Mr. Wasson,
Bible Society representative, will give
an address on the work in Melville
cu c
h r h and m the evenin will speak in
the Methodist church. Monday even-
ing at 3 o ciock Mr Wasson will deliv-
er a Lecture on "Tbe stranger within
our gates," in St. John's chureb, illus-
trated by numerous lantern views. The
public are cordially invited as tbe Bible
Society work is a most worthy cause.
An offering will be taken for tite work.
Have a grouch,
Stay away from church.
Forget Brussels Fall Fair.
Forget scbool on Sept. 6611.
Miss Sunday School Pie-nic,
Forget to place your Fall etivt,
Use glare headlights ou your car.
Bto ODD Fallows' GATHaaINo -'Tor-
onto is planning a Gala week for Odd -
Fellows on September Irl to 23, Reason
is 50,000 0.1d Fellow visitors are ex•
pected and the expressed desire of the
business men of Toronto to snake the
Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. 0, O. F.
welcome. Wm. Brooks, Grand Secra-
teryl states that this will be the biggest
special Convention that ever visited the
city of Tosouto, and that all flags and
bunting now tucked away should be on
defy, especially onpers.& day. Toros-
to feels that the coming of the rollicking
and marching Odd -Fellows, Their wives
andeethe -tfor the first time in es
sw ars „
years, wilt b unexampled r t
i f be uuexam PPn tin
II 1i a her reatness.
i for 4'r • to di.pla
'rhe Order itself is making elaborate
Parade tofor 1 r de Day.Ontario
prep/trillion u a a
e din t0000 and that
elan is t
emnunt willbesurpassed by the value
of labor And ingenuity which Lodges
and Patricrcbs Militant will spend in
floats, uniforms and every manner of
contrivance. Western Star Lodge,
Brussels, and other lodges in this oom-
muuity will be well repreeonled.