HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-8-18, Page 84044444 41 4 404444 444+44444444444$4104+ rAe 04(440 Store 4 dt Housekeeper's Requirements Water Glass Egg Preserver • Eggs put away in a solution of this will keep quite fresh for months. The price is small ase package • containing enough to put down .„40[. eight or nine dozen eggs only costs O Roe. •i• Jar Rubbers • i Bfor estquSealers— ality Red Heavy Rubbers 12 in a pkge. roc Parowax so lb, or }Ib Cake 7c Housekeepers' Waxed Paper There are many uses for this - 70 and I20 pkgs. White Japanese Hopkins p too per dozen Paper Plates, Cups and Spoons .r' Pure Pickling Spices Pickle Bottle Corks Corks for Catsup Bottles • '4' Wilson's Fly Pads • • Fly Swatters . Sticky Fly Paper toe pkg. 15c each Fly Coils Bring in Your dills Have them Developed and Printed With the careful attention we give them we can Uel youto get the kind of Pictures you want, Some good Values 9n Iodaks and Brownie Carreras No. z Brownie Camera $2 5o No. aa Brownie Camera 3,50 No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie g o0 No. za Folding Autogra- phic Brownie r000 Vest Pocket Autographic Kodak - g.00 Eastman Films Vetox Paper and Supplies for Amateur Photography, F. R. SM1TH The Store Druggist and Stationer • Y 't44.144444.40-b•'NA+•+04.04 444.4 4•+•+•+e+•+•4•++•+•.1WF••••i" 'OECaL ll ebmi Items • HALF of August gone. LOCAL news on page 5 also. Goon butter is a scarce article. Rears the advts. and save meney. DON'T forget the lights on your car. THIS is the day of the ice cream cone. HARvas' Excursion this week is can- celled, FALL Fair Thursday and Friday, Sept, 15 and 16. WEEDS grow luxuriantly with the aid of numerous showers. LAPOR Day will be the next Public Holiday—Monday. September 5th. COLLEGE of Pharmacy have lengthen- ed the term for graduates to five years. OUT West the cars are parked in the centre of the street, standing crosswise usually. It's all right too.I THE iron bridge on Turnberry street is to be dressed up in anew snit of black paint. Guess it won't hurt it. THERE will in future be a 4 year term for Matriculation and Normal School Entrance In the future in Collegiate In- stttutes, DIED.—The Daily Ingersoll Chronicle, aged 3 months and 2 days. Cause of de- mise—heart failure. When will people learn sense? A very good photogravure of Athol MtQuarrie, the new Editor of the Hur- on Signal, Godericb, appears in last week's issue of that paper. POLICE Magistrate H, P. Moore, pub- lisher of the Acton Free Press, has been appointed Police Magistrate for the County of Halton. He's an old hand at the business and a good one. Tits Powr would say a good and what looks like a permanent job bas been done at the mill dam by John Logan. The gate to the mill race has been dos- ed and a good supply of water is now on band above the dam, 38 YEARS Thursday of this week was the date of the big flood on the Maitland when the flax barn was taken away and the big bridge received a bad shaking up. Do you remember it ? Allan Adams is one person who keeps tab on such events. TENNIs.—If the weather be favorable there wilt be an afternoon of tennis on Thursday of this week, beginning at 1,3o, 'Refreshments will be served and an admission of as cents will be charged to help defray the expenses of the court, Everybody welcome. QVERN'S HOTEL CHANGES HANDS AGAIN,—Last Saturday James Smith, of town, took possession of the Queen's Hotel, purchasing it from Landlord Tait, who bought it a month ago. Mr. Smith has had experience in thebusinese and knows how to go about it and will run the place in good style. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, at 3 o'clock, the woman's Institute will meet in the Pub- lic Library, After business session Mrs, James Anderson, Morris, will introduce the subject, "Tempting dishes for hot days." Discussion will follow and cur- rent events will be in charge of Mrs, Robt, Thomson, Come and bring a friend with you. Music, CONGR49'ULATIONs. — We extetld hearty congratulations to Margaret Maunders, Marguerite Wilton, Florence Stewart and Jas. A, Armstrong on their snoces8 at the Middle School HEMS. The rat tied sad took honors, All but Miss Mauuders also wrote on the Matriculation exatnination and passed, The candidates will now have their way. open to attend Normal School, if they desire. Florence Stewart will not be old enough to go this year: List of suc- cessful pupils may be read on page 5, THE political pot will likely soon start boiling. 2 CARS of cattle were shipped last week by the local U. F. 0. WHOLESALERS see orders ahead, Business is to pick up this Fall. TAKEN all round this islikely to prove the poorest fruit season in years. Pvsulc and High Schools will re -open for the Fall term on Tuesday, Sept, 6th. FREIGHT rates will be reduced in the near future. Not before it is time either, 4 -terrapins assignments in this Prov- ince last week are published in the Canada Gazette. 6 more than the week previous. bed made into the Ten Roll Sanitary Matti ea'. We also pay bleared price for old or new feathers. DOMINION FEATRER AND MATTRAas Da., Brussels, Pen SALE 6 or! pkgs about ready to wean. Lot 8, Con.5, Grey Townehip. W. C. ELLAaoTT, Phone 2811. foe oreaut brtek with you from W.CA. GRaw An's. Roel sa6 wanted. School Ririe preferred. Enquire at Tits PosT, Sow and 10 Pigs 2 weeks old for sale, Lot 2, Con, 17, Grey Twp, Phone 824. BOY BENNETT, Walton. HONEY FOR SALE,—High grade bxtraeted clover honey. Prloli 20 cents per pound. Bring your container. GEo. BLAKE, Phone 4219 Lot 5, Con. 14, Gray. Ronss and lot for sale. Queen Street, Brus- sels. For further partiaalars apply an the premises. Miss MONAR, Bruasela. DR.PAREon, Osteopathia Phyelsfan, visite Btaeeeie Monday afternoon of each weak., Chrome and nervone dseaeea euc0eotnily treated, visits residence's. Conaeltatlon at Queen's Hotel. REPREaENTAT1vR WANTED for Breemels and Ruron County to represent "The Old Reliable ?anthill Nnreeriee.' 13f g sales are to be made in Belling Nursery stook during the reoon- etraotion period. A splendid opportunity for e live salesman. Highest cm:minions paid, handsome, treeequipment, large line of fruit and ornamental stook to offer. STONE & WRLnrsoroN, Toronto, Ont. SALVATION Army, of Winglram, wilf conduct special open air services on the Main street, Brussels, Thursday, Aug. 28th, 8 p, m, SEVERAL Telephone calls to THE PosT last week said :—"'Take out our advt. as we have sold out," This is the way to do business, Try it, Ir flies are flies because they fly, And fleas are fleas because they flee, Then bees are bees because they be. Hutton and Perth Counties' Press Association will meet at Godericb Fri- day, 26th instant, The members will be entertained at Minnesetung Park by the local Editors and a big time is look. ed forward to. Smelt is silver and silence is golden, theoretically, but the Telephone Co doesn't believe it. With that soul -leas corporation it is speech that is golden, as you discover when von get the bill for your long distance calls. W. A, LowRY must take more pains with his handwriting, He is down in the Old Boys' list of visitors at Godericb as W. A. " Towsy." Of course it may have been a bad spelling pen or maybe the reporter is not up on the science of hieroglyphics, Ms postal authorities at Ottawa have doubled the price of special delivery letters in Canadian cities, The result will be to divert this correspondence to the telegraph. It will only cost 5 .cents more and give much better service in pniot of time, What the Post Office Department should do is to reduce letter postage from 3 cants to a cents, the same as it was before the war, People feel that they are beteg taxed to death. Business Education Bonds Tr[1l Ilnli'Aim of the ()AIWA Business College, Lie towel, begins .Monday, August 221h, Nine out of ten steno- graphere and bookkeepers IH thio vicinity look to Toronto rot' a position therefore, you should get your tt'ainiug at the'O B. 0., Listowel, and be placed end kepe Sn a position by the Oauada Business College, College and Spadina, Toronto. The Spotton Colleges are the largest trainers of young people in Canada, Twelve Colleges in Canadian towns and al ties. Individual In- etruetion A Diploma fronPthe Commercial Educators' Associa- tion of Canada, Mall Courses, Day and Night Classes. Speoial Course for Fat'meee' Sons. Write for particulars to CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Listowel or Toronto, ON A Hiatt -About 200 school teach- ers will take a trip through New Ontario as an educational F attire. Tliey will Jenne Toroolo on 28 h Inst. C. G. Fras- er, a hrorher-in-few of J T. Wood, Brus- sels, is in charge of arrangements for g the trip. Ontario GOVerpmeut will pay half the exp -one, so 11 is said. Nxa Mum Poen .—New ,Bidel Ford touringicars a nd roadsters, with th veptila- ting windshields, one-man tops, metal dashes and icfined body designs will be on the market between August rsth and Sept. 1st. The new models will have two moveable glass plates in the wind• shields, instead of one fixed and one adjustable plate, as at present, together with slight body changes and new tops. ;# People We Talk About $� tt Who did you tell THE POST your visi- tors were ? Sam. Parr is considerable better and back to the bus. Mrs. Thuell sr. was visiting in town this week From Kinburn, Garfield Jamieson, Toronto, is visiting. relatives andfriends isr Bussets Roy McKay, Toronto, is here on a short visit at the parental home. Miss May Armstrong is visiting Mrs. Chester Armstrong at Loudon. James and Mrs. Armstrong are mak- ing a visit with Toronto relatives. Latest word from Mrs. Moody Hol- land, now at Fergus hospital, is favor- able, Bea. and Mrs Walker and Betty, St, Catharines, are holidaying in town fora week. Miss Clara Anderson is on a visit with Auburn and Godericb relatives and old friends. Miss Nora and Mac McDowell and Mrs. lobo Currie are visiting with Lon- don relatives. Miss Mary Ross has gone to Toronto to attend the Millinery Openings and purchase Fall goods. Mrs. N. B. Gerry, Miss Zelma and Lloyd, of Fort William are visiting rela- tives at Clinton this week. G. H. and Mrs Saints and son Finlay: are holidaying tor a couple of weeks at Toronto and other points. Max Matwes, daughter Gertie, and son, of New York, were visiting at the home of M. and Mrs. Yolleck, Mrs. Parker and Miss Mary McNaugh- ton are spending a week at Kincardine with P. and Mrs, Foster. The ladies are sisters. Samuel T, Shine, London, WAS a vial. tor with bis sister, Mrs. R. Daik, last week. He was a former resident of Grey township Mrs. W. H. Merklinger, Hanover, is holidaying at her parental home here. She is a daughter of N. F. and Mrs, Gerry, King street, The Grand Prairie (Alberta) Herald says :—Mrs. D. B, Moore (formerly of Brussels) is visiting at the homes of her sons, Jas. 54. and Robt, at Clairmont. Dr. Fred. and Mrs. Gilpin, of Chi- cago, are here for their holidays at tbe parental home and are filling in a busy motoring program with their kith and kin, "3 im" Armstrong has been added to the Standard Bank staff in Brussels as Junior, We w sh him success in his new position and we are glad he is re- maining in town. Mrs. (Rev 1 Oaten and Miss Beryl, Toronto, are renewing, for a week or so, old friendships in town. The latter will leave shortly for a position as teacher at Yorkton, Alberta. Mr. Howe and Arnold Heutber, Wind- sor, spent a couple of days this week visiting with the latter's uncle and aunt, Jas. and Mrs. Cameron, 14th Con. Grey. They made the trip by motor. Miss Jessie McLanchlin, who is on the teaching staff at Stratford Business College, spent the past week renewing. old friendships. Miss Mac. filled her old post in Melville church choir and sang a solo in good voice, Little improvement is noticeable in the case of Mrs. J J. Gilpin after 3 weeks expiration since the stroke of paralysis She has still no use of her right hand or arm but her speech has somewhat improved and she Is able to sit nil in her wheel obair and be taken about that way. A letter from Rev. T, W. Coseus, Ot- tawa formerly of Brussels, says that he and Mrs. C. are back from 5 Weeks spent with relatives and old friends in Wester- ly Ontario. Rev. DeWitt Cosecs, Lucknow, and family accompanied them to the Capital for a holiday, making the trip by motor via London, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Oswego, Watertown and Cornwall. The journey was full of good things, 0. G. and Mrs Martin and son. SO' oey j 0 Martin, of Buffalo, N. Y„ Mra. Wallington Martin end Mrs, D. Moody, Kitchener and. Mrs, (Captain) Ironsides, Sarnia, were holiday visitors in tows Iasi Friday. They had been at Goderioh Old Boys' Celebration and were en route homeward via Waterloo's. capital. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Mrs Ironsides were former well known rest. dents of Brussels, the ladies being daughters of the late lames Hicks, 0 G. was in business In town In the long J. ago, THIS bank provides special facilities for the sale and purchase of Qovernrilent and other bonds,. Investors are invited to consult our local manager, Who Will be pleased to arrange any such transactions. THE STA►NDA D BANK 01' cgN.nnn 436 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Brussels Branch : . , • G, H, Samiat Manager, Dublin Branch: F. McConnell, Manager. . e Mrs, Thos. Curry was visiting rela- tives at Atwood . Dr. .and Mrs. Hamilton were visitors with friends at Gorrie. Mrs ino. Coates, town, is book from a viforthsitat the home of her sou at Sea' MISS Annie Renton, Harriston, was a visitor with Miss Jennie Robb during the past week, Miss Clara Norman, B. A., Kincar- dine, was a visitor with her cousin, Miss Wionifred Long. _ Mrs. M, Smith and Mrs. Bartley, Listowel are spending a few days with Mrs. Archie McDonald, Mrs, Arnott sad daughter, Miss Liz- s'e, Tara,are visitors with the Misses Hunter. t ow . u ' The former ' OTm T IS a sister. Miss Margaret Robinson,g of the Cen- tral Telephone s'aff, is enjoying a holi- day with Mitchell relatives and friends. Curtis and Mrs. Rathwell and daugh- ter, of Strathroy, were calling on rela- tives and old friends in Brussels and locality. Misses Nora and Greta Moore and Eleanor Windsor, Listowel, have re- turned h -,me after spending the week with Doris McDonald, Miss Nettie Bartley and W. and Mrs. Cogblin, Listowel and Miss A. Bartley, of the General Hospital, Brantford, spent Sunday at "Killarney Heights " Misses Maude and Laura Brvans and Miss Mildred Maunders underwent Sue• cessful operations for the removal of tonsils and are about o, k. once more. Miss Jean Dawson, Hickson, sister to Geo. Dawson, of too Standard Bank, Brussels, is the guest of Miss Kate Ament. Miss Reve Foster, Listowel, is also enjoying a visit at the Ament home. Alf, Denny, Buffalo, was here during the past week locking as if his position was agreeing well with him. He says his mother, Mrs, Oakley, formerly of Brussels for many years, is having fairly good health for a person up in the 8o's. Mrs. Arthur Rae and her daughter, Mrs. Allan A. Babcock, both of Sault Ste, Marie, have returned home after a visit in Brussels and locality for the past few week. They are visiting at Toronto and other points en route. Miss Belle MoLaucblin is home from a fine trip to the Pacific Coast, Seattle and other points. Her sister, Miss Lizzie, who is teaching io. the West, ac- companied her but did not come East on the return journey to Ontario, Miss Mae. enjoyed the outing very much, Mrs. Terry and children, of Meriden, Conn , have been visiting old scenes well known to the former, who is a sister of George and Thos. McCall, Brussels, and was a former resident of Morris township before her marriage, Nurse Hattie Henderson is taking a trip through the Great West for a few weeks. No i it is not a wedding tour. Miss H. has atraveliine companion but it is a lady. We don't blame you For thinking' it was a confetti-old.slipper outing. Just have patience. THE Pos' was glad to receive a letter from our old friend Win. Blashill, now of Ano Arbor, Micli, Mr. B. says he was 76 years of age on August Ind, and is fairly well but unable to do any work, Mr. B. lived in Brussels for a good many nears and built the brick block next THE POST. John and Mrs. Munro, Toronto, were visitors with W. A. Grewar and Miss Verne Walker and other old friends. Mrs. Munro will probably be better re- membered as Miss Eva Snider, whose father was Dr. Snider, a resident phy- sician of Brussels at one time. The trip was made by motor. A former Brussels old boy was here visiting with Geo. and Mrs. Birt and other old friends, during the past week, in the person of "Jim" Ward, St. Thom. as. He is a son of the late Bishop Ward, for years a resident of town, Mrs. Ward and James and Mary ac- companied Mr. Ward, motoring. It is 26 years since "Jitn" lived here. He is in the service of the Express Company on the M. C. R. running from St. Thomas to,.Bufialo. H. O. Gowdy, who has been ledger keeper at the Standard Bank here, has been'moyed to Maple,. Ont, Every. body wisbes "Scottie" success. Tbe, girls are crying, Last week Mrs, J. B, Walsh, sister to the late Mrs Harry fames, returned to Brooklyn, N Y. She came to town Owin ( to her sister's Illness and subse quesst demise, and tarried until the American Hotel was sold, She was here 3 months and made many friends who will be pleased to see bar again. Church Chime* Mrs. Nellie McClung is now an Al- bert M. P aM . P. andlion s asne o to Ea - g g landh est afl,two o delegate ma d agate to the Ecumenical Conference. The combined Suuday School scholars of the Methodist. Presbyterian and Bap tist churches beld a picnic at Stratford on Wednesday, August 27th. At the Methodist Sabbath School. next Suodav afternoon Miss Muriel Sperling will give a short report of the Summer School recently held at Godericb, Rev. Mr. McLeod's subject Sunday morning in Melville church was "Fish- ers of Men" from which a practical dis- course was given. His evening sermon was on "The Healing Touch A union Sabbath School Picnic for tbe 3 congregations of Brussels will be held on Victoria Park Thursday after- noon, Sept. 1st. commencing at 2 o'clock. Committees are at work ar- ranging program of sports, No admis- sion fee and everybody will be welcome, only bring a basket‘withsome good things to serve for lunch at 5 o'clock, Attend and give the children an At time. There will be a booth on the ground. If you know a good game let the Committee know. Last Sunday Rev. Dr. Oaten, Toron- to, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church very acceptably. His morning discourse was based on St. john 4 24 and r5, 2 main thoughts developed were (I) A thirsty soul (2) A fountain of water within. Evening discourse centred around tbe text "Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect" and illustrated by the saying "Constructed up to a standard and not built clown to a price " The rev. gentleman sang a solo by rrquest and did it well. Dr. Oaten was pastor here for 3 years and warmly greeted by many old friends. He will conduct theservice next Sabbath morn- ing and Rev T E Sawyer, Milverton, will preach in the evening, Dr. Oaten going to Millbank for an anniversary. He was pastor on Milverton circuit be- fore coming to Brussels. BORN BDTTON.—At the Persona e, Walton, on Aug. • 14th, 1521, to Bev. J. V17, and Mra. Button,a 500. BUmoo ,son.—At Okotoks, an July 0th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs, Stanley-Butohlneop, (nee Mise Mae Hfrd) a Boa—Melville atoore. M0DoSALD.—In Wtsgham General Hospital, on August 0th, 1021, to Air. and Mrs,. D. Martin McDonald, of Grey township, a eon. DIED OARnnFF,—In Brandon, Men., on August 8rd, 1821, Henry Cardiff, of Dan hin, formerly of Grey township, In his 77t o year. GOWDY: 1n iiowiek township, on Aug. 16th 1921, Thomas Gowdy, aged 65 yearn and li months. MOEws5O.—At Drayton, on August 16th, 1021, James MoBwing In life 71st year, IN MEMORIAM BRYANB.—In loving memory of our darling Slatne, Who died August 16th, 1020. Sate from this world of sorrow, Gathered while young and fair; Our darling mimeos near her Saviour, Some day we shall meet her there. —MOTHER AND DADDY. MoLEOD.—In lovtag memory of Pte. J. E. Mc- Leod, who was killed in action August 911,, 1918. "Asleep in Jesse, blessed Bleep, From wbloh none ever wakes to weep; A °almond undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes." MOTHER AND SISTER. 11 • Men's SundayShoes Special Bargains are being offered in. Men's Sunday Shoes, ranging in price from the wonderfully tempting figure of $3.75 )3».t 11+r4 wo..`•SM>4,441r'trfr3 'M.:r*," t4F _ _ e . SAVE - MONEY - BY - CALLING 44441 Wi Iyt'2p Whit l Joe Sichwadron • 0 0 0 0 0 0 a • 69 i • 0 • • • • 0 • • •. • • 13 4 1 • • • Aren't 11 y s ••e Liquid Petrolatum Sonn•• y—' Fathe>, • s' Parke, Davies & Oo. one of the boys said sA • Aleo I looked like you.', •• •0 n,,,,,:.., n:l I'atbet —� vJhat P • did — • lox's Drug ' T I -I E �/� a� r ', i 2 S +1� `tom. ;}`�.'k'r Weekly Store ,, Its fly Time ! Get Rid of the Pests Wilson's >~ly Pads Briggs' Fly Pads Sticky Fly Sheets Sticky Fly Spools Insect Powder Fly Swats, &c. Lemur Ror Ilmme Its veryirltndy u circumstances to glass of Lemonade just when you want it, will flud the following euitthe purpose splendidly —Tartaric Aoid 2 oze., Citric Acid 1 05„ juice of 6lemons and sugar 5 lbs, We will be glad to tell you just how to make this up. Nulol Large and Small Chrismol Large and Small Wife —'There's one:,thing I want to say t0 you right now," •Hub—"Only one? you well, m dear ? Penslar Toilet. Articles *till In Firet Place [star Talcum Pow uelnr Vanishing osier Cold Cream Islas Face Potyde !slur Tooth Pasta Penalar Double Oo bivation Cream Quality the lb Best Pet der Pe ream Pe et r Pet m- t, • fn bulk, he's a lot bigger than • • We•have them all. me." A a O • • • • es t HILE the warm weather •is far from being over • • W still we are anxious to clean up on our stock, a We have about 8 on hand and on Friday and • Saturday of this week we offer them at actual cost. _ • _ FOXSDRUGSTORE • "Careful Prescription Dispensers" • DRUGGIST and STATIONER • ••••••♦••••••l•••••o••eooes seieweeeeeseeesees•••••••• • Hammocks at Cost Price Wingham Orangemen will observe decoration day in the cemetery, Sun- day 21st inst., at 2 p. m. Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for Bele 26 sores of land with bank barn, frame house, orchard, fruit, garden and good spring welt For 5,'. therpartboulars apply to WM. J. ALDER9ON. 7.tf R.R. No. 8,Brussels. Farm for Sale Farm for sale, containing 100 scree, being Lot 12, Con. 14, Grey towdahlp, About 80 scree cleared and balance In bush, Good frame house, bank barn, orobord end plentyof spring water. For further partionlera as. to priee, terms, &o., apply on the premises. Phone 4214 LEA1IAtOProprietor. w BRUSSELS MARKET ran Wheat 41 45 51 50 Oats 50 6e Peas 176 176 BButtter 20 20 Dgo 84 85 Roge 18 00 18 00 Ray 18 00 20 W MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc- Cormick Medical College, Chieago, III. Three months poet graduate aourae duringpast year. Byes correctly acted with Glnanea. Head- aches, Inflamed Byes, Granulated Bye Lida and other Eye troubles, caused by Eyestrain, relieved through properly lilted Glasses. Satiafuotion Assured. Optical Parlor In Leckie block, one door South of Bari -toter Sinolair's odloe. Obfce hears : 0 to 12 O. m.; 1 to 6 p. m, Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Phone 26x ring 4 Vielpeclraxas •A••••♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • The Palace Bakery v l61� i e) 1"t,. t p, ,\Ill �-- ie t • ♦0•••••••••••••!•••••o••®• ••0cce•••c••••©••••••••••U. Give the Kiddie Plenty of 000 bread spread Iwitb butter or jam and he'll not want or need any other solid food. Our bread is a so evenly balanced food that youngsters thrive on ib wonderfully and never get tired of it either. If your boy's appetite is capricious try our bread and In a little while you'll find him always ready fora slice of 10 and another one too. W. E. WILLIS 4, 5, P 6 0 4, 0 40 • • • • • A • • • p• 0 0 Business - Going - Well WAS well pleased with the success of our Dollar Day Sale last Saturday and will try it again. Additions are being made to our fine stock of Staple Dry Goods and other lines and - the public may be assured we have Genuine Bargains for them, * Butter and Eggs taken as cash. We are here to serve you and also save your pocket. R. W. FEROUSON i°'Watch our Advt.