HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-8-18, Page 2,:
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* ' � Picidno (j33ii�e3. j fAaanrl iia m my part's of Cuarada, e>pr,J r . I r. -�--� _;.. - ... ,^^....
t '- .a" e u � : crispy in t'he Bast and, at some poinis Il �w �..a��.day choo d Lesson
_ Ansa of the refit important opera
g M, ry I fat Brattish Galnml Sa, Soma exists ill NIL�dID Cx
- "` i; ' i+.•+ . :: • ,i t'i: r, a erio4 an(i on l:l: fruit faern is•
s"" ^* '` i Aaani'ol•" in the vicanit of Igtceni • ""'""�""" "
I s� '" - 1% l the b' t rig of the foist, 1'.c. use in Y . 11,; , � - - -- -� -
. Nt' pian, t a5d:; !be'next you s .rap of a -� �� innapeg tuci 1Viarn.pegosss,' 01hA-•lAUGUST«
� i wise there is none avaliabie an the, -_ A.11ae hat( broken one
. RM
- ,.'t+ 4 peke -1 on the way tar atppio'+i qg�
;:.c, prclYe3. By all ureal-�i da. l t al -j Prairies. Wt'at is 1st^tin as;llme klln Pain Prepares for World Conquest, AcU,, i,5; 1-16: 5, Cherished belongings, at
11aw the at :le rlikertA tisk tris ears' r_fu o a an(t,mea s. a, Agavcul that laaal been hat
w i urto y �tvral Lime" but the «id'do2.is tender Golden Tori'—''Vets 15: 11, . - nrother'rs. Sha tive0
(} nl I 1
�/ ,a Irl- cf r.:';, c Imo ` i,e sacs,
v,h%li ., cftoa dc::a if the ral:pt•e pick- cd that Pruehasas should lie ann,ie only Cloatneoiiztts LIat1Ys Tho caro great P«(had and Bsarnabus bird staunalt over t1aA jagg+cd plus
I era 1u ilt ,s c. ; t', the percentage cf fact wiu:wb this first adventure of the friends 'ami ,supporters in the Antioch though they seethed
I cr to n',t dee 1 i in picking the fruit, quici: 1:n1,�, calballate: of Mute, Pte., ako:.tle'a of :L"larist+iar:to the,Teat worbi ,church but it trouble-niakers front them carefully away.
Picking t3 t it.a ladder r it 13 never 1)to av ij,. �
k � 1P Profit � rP.Tu[:.rS. 1;�;11C, On a gt;id 1:t�Qi•, this E�1!Ou:'d, luta a tree. if it is D3aih'� t . V0�.1' present, The thief ObjcCta of rhos ap- outside of Palestine and Syrtis plaved�Jerusale'm must also have 'bird a fol-, A little later she to
°i'r I"r v -) Le Acxible au a mt''civ #) c.t e tau?h P q a t a I plication cf Yme or carbanato of lima, - was that Gentilea as well a's Jews lz/wiag, There was gave danger that her aunt and showed
,litry cu.,ng' is a cum+;.atnta a it. Fruit s, ur:s often c -•ver the gryuml , I ,
1 reeent addition t •:ib.;hr- 1 hat's should feel full, w:ar•in and life- a ., , , (• are the n u.1..'ization of saua'ne,s ani were ready for the gospel, amt that the little Ghristi:in community would fragments, I know 'aa
Y Add tarn t41 s l YOc ✓; ):;)tt. On bent t.f the beef type, this' undo: such cOr. .tI(,na, wid nit un. y the ilii rov� il, Of the • t o wherever they ]had gone men of all be reap and torn b dinensivii, It was of the Patz:xyman. 7ri•is term alieudy, y YP , as the drop for the su eesd.ng Year p meet a . al Y er of 'glass and chfnar'
;• r haat of the arvitotny, while e.evelurecl, condition t+f r :Is. The chars-ter'.ctic races) I:ad listened eagerly to their decided, therefore, that Paul and whon she ended. `+Le
m'@an3 much to the poultry lull yt y ). ,..I _ dalnnb cd, �I>at openings for tlfSeaSe are 0 i me?sag,e, 'lied believed a;td- entered Barsnabas Should` go to Jerusalem unto � „
A's poultry culling bias ltcvonte tile t •t' as hard and ).ft,. •s to (lie t( r,li, f ]eft in the tree itself, The act of pick -1 f the ;soil's t}•:at s•bou.d )e treated are into the household Of faith, This the apostles and eJ'ders. .about this pieces to him.
,and most verba%m messes c"f or -min (ting j To properly dotennine the cal:•a 'ty in,- is a ver simple one if Correctly i Pc:nted Oat° r:r: i the influence of lime sue: nt surely, if ChaimGianity vete. to question, At. forst inforanali and Alice Consented eager
,from poultry raising rise t•nsr,nou4a; hitch q,ua:Ity of the ct;°g stack, The 'bird; iioite, Asim 'le twlstin tnuveanensl explained. The camparativo vz' ilei' be triumphant, that the works of the they, to a formal gathering; n£ the sivr'1 weeks tihe heard no
Jetaw wbiela have akotid in L'.ee way of, must be properly handled, uniesi s,ho r,' anI esown an rite fruit removes its cf the difl'e -east k�inis' are mL forth ash future wculd not be: a Jewish, world leaders of the -church, they, told iileir one day aunt ,and vase ca
anacul and profit. 'is properly belaiteel Ili 'handling, ht- I fpm the s ux without loss o to well as ilia methods of application,] only, rind, that the long expected sal. story. Their. antagonists were there gather. Alice fairly gas pe
Poul cul"'Ing iiia 'Na well cant- F ccx'rect conclusions plight be derived.{ P uf s m,i Attention is ffveu to the use an.l anis- Ovation wo•red ennbraeo 'bot:h Gentile also to present thaar case, In Jeru- ishment; so cleverly had th
Poultry L g y IIt;ld her ran m the right hand,, `and this easy removal ' -s usually a fair.} use of lime and re;utts fru n d and Jew, It meant the yielding of .=alert practically everybody Rept. the monded the vase that sbe could:
Farad with the Babcock tc,t of the fl ly i g , frjacatacn of the maturityof the fruit, i detailed. a 1
+ balancing and supporting thaw national holes anal ambitions Jewi7ll laws, s+o that the feeling robust
gairyrnan. By the use of the Lal roil g pportang 'het' wEights Tire stem may Le:broken wiithout hut: -1 experiments. A table bows the cam- which the Jews held so tenaciousl' 11avo been l•ar el a rainst til two
a� tvl'grP at lard been broken.
test and the scales, the dalry.nan hay; by the fingers, while this tbamb grains; Ing the i '%bilit of the fruit butl position of limc.>tone faurr'il to four- .� in order to find a-loxger horse and a br'a've' missionaries. yAt �a critical me- "It does look pretty good, doesn-
•leen aisle to eliminate the 'star boaxd-; the left thigh. Held in this way, the; should never un Lure the skin or be � town places in, New Brunswick, nine snare splendid' ambitlont in rhe pros- suint Yater' came to iheix ofd by tell- 't?" her aunt said, smiling. "A'nd he
p in Quebec, six in British Columbia,, p€.:t cf e, united world; the old barriers Ong the story of his visit to the Itorn,an says it is so strong that it will never'
ems from tris herd. Before it :'•aro in; hen snakes ha effort to csCapC and thel pulled out of its, socket. C
trash, it was difficult far the d riryman ;measurements far capacity stud dual The receptacle selected for picking nine in, Nova Strata ant ten in On-' broken dawn, and peace, bxothemhood, Cornellvs, and how Cornelius and -break in the same place a+ga'in." _
to determine which of his cows were' tY can easi'1 be made with the ]eft, P P T) tarso. Prime Edward Island is also and goodwill taking the glace of em- those with him had' been, baptized and The old vase may be batten as a
i should prevent all bruising, as far as mity, strife, and hatrod, It is no Ivan= had received the Holy Spirit, symbol of a life that sin has marred.
Y ..
producing a profit and which were hand.
The right leg t'1rAuld be free, possible, and should give ease in hand- shown, to have deposits. h P • '• y
causes of lort.•es. In the same waythe as otherwise a cramped condition of — _ . L, __ e'er that the telling of their story The decision of flue Council was The vase seemed past all mending,
]ung. Theoretically, it would seem s'hoak the church bath, at Jerusalem spoken by James, who was a brothers
practice of po_?try cutting enables , the atbdomen may result and a proper that bags or canvass bottom pails yet the expert made it whale aid'
the ult uatan to saer_Ct the hens; d termination could not be made. Alry and• Antioch, and that thasa who held" of Jesus and the acknowledged bruit strong again. Many a drunkard has ,
Po r3 I would be the beat for picking, but (lie old and narrow nationral idea of the Jerusalem church. He recalledl
wlacb are his hest I.ay+srs, those which i Foreman says that "Capacity indicates, practically such is. not the case. There ehoul+d' have been stirred to active the fact that the ancient prophets; had seemed past reforming, yet by the
have a fair ssp:eity for laying andithe rate of yolk elaboration on thesis a bad tendency among pickers to DffOA(7ei<D antagcmasm. The opposition which foretold not only the restoraQdotz of ,grace of God he has been redeemed.
also tho:e of which it might be said! Cycle of producton, but the quality• let the fruit fall into the receptacle, Every year during July, August' pawl now encountered, tivas to follow the Jewish kingtloni, the tabermcle of Many a sin has made jagge3 scars
that it would be throwing money away i of the egg sack determines the rythmj and this is one of the many ways b� and 'September a lot a£ sows -which him with increasing bitterness far David, but also that the Gentiles in some poor soul, yet salvation has
to feed except for fattening purposes t or the nttmher of months the hen will l which a great Ileal of fruit is injured i produced .haring litters of pigs are many
nnyy years,
with his little company,should, with
Lord. The
euof man, seek' made it whole and beautiful agtiin,
The business of :cult raisin has be productive," i sunt to market, Some of them siert nv1 a °nett enJorned Even Roe young Christians the
poultry g during the picking operations, Bags of missionaries reached P•isiddan. An- onlythat Gentile Christians •should,
often herrn a ]raphazaxd affair. The! General observatdons will •help much allow the fruit to be damaged, by not well fattened before shipment. Othors� tdocli, he found + bintself on the great forthesake of peace and unity, air mended vasa holds its inspiration.
few hens that were kept would be! in selecting a productive hen. A buoy protecting it against bruising when are simply allowed to round out on Boman: road which ran east and west statin from certa'ln things which aero Little faults mar the beautiful per
thrown feed of indefinite quality and happy, singing hen is usually a pro- icoming in contact with the ladder or Vass am sent to market only Partly through Asda Minor, along which peculiarly offensive to their Jewish fection of their lives. But th,ma Is
quantity ami often provided unsuit-i ductive one, and one which moults later tree. When bottomless hags are used finished„ hitter() they ate known as came heav¢ly laden caravans, and Re- neighbors and fellow Christians (vv One who, if they wl:l go straight to
able houses both from the standpoint is ane which will usually fill the egg: the pickers will often. let the fruit grass widows." man legionaries, and many a traveller 20, 21), Letters were written and sent Win with their bviken resolutions
of Conitaticn ani protection from the Ibasket. Early moulters usually take ( shoot into the -barrel with a great deal The carcasses of such hogs are suit- and scholar seeking to know more of by two trusted, men to the Christians and -ideals, can and will make them
weather, Such conditions would make' a great part of the season to da %r' 1 of force, thus causing a great deal of able for the production of mess pork th,a world of their time. With these of Antioch, in, which the work of Poul %'hole and strong and beautiful again.
it impossible to i moultingand, will not be productive and lard rather than for Sao as fresh he must sometimes have conversed', and Barnabas' was commended. A He can make the weakest spots in
po produce profit from i damage to the fruit. and we can imagine his gaze turned great victory had been. won for Chris-
even the best hens. At first we learned ` until the next spring. On the other i A— meat. They sell at a big discount be- any life so strong that never under
westward to L1ie rah eddies of rile team toffy surd free3om.
of peeler l au.ing and the use of egg hand; late moulters have undoubtedly Lime in Agriculture. low tve11 finished borrows and smooth L cis valley,to Ephesus the zt 15: 36-10: 5. Let us any temptation or under any crash of
]a g been busy in production duriar ,hogs" usually seeport nteti ace ai ea, tgwnd The vdator rias wan, aadgtho wa disaster or' farce of evil will they
]laying rations and through ihene we egg P g The use of lime 3n proper quantity, young sptia. 'Butches ho � p; y y
would obtain iw easel egg yields, but the summer, therefore have put their, . advance in price during the latter part ties% to the sbipS which sailed over was open for the apostles the Gen- break again.
we never could get dawn to what may, moulting off until fall. They usually; ;n proper quality, and at the proper of the summer but grassy sows ad- the sea to Greece and Italy end far- bileis to continue their work. They C.
! 'are wi-i prove beneficial to most
be Aa1✓-afi eEfueianCy' an poultry raising, moult quickly and start laying again; " , varus ,but little after early July. off' Spain, ant, to Athens and Corinth Could go everywhere now,. with this
until the poultry soils. Used otherwise, I% effects are and Rome. Alread the must have fall consent and accord of the
pa tip established.
m,sthad ,be-{ when egg prices aro wp, i the reverse. That there may be no--=�'-- o �T�t Machines Must.Run at Proper
eanzq tisotrough>y established. ` Many farmers have sent their moat• entertained hope of some duty car- loaders and bounders of the Church,
Poultry se'leetion is bated upon the i productive hens to the market at the I'lack of knowledge on the subject, Is your farm losing its fertility? eying his' victorious -gospel ,along that amd open the door wide to theif 'Gen- Speed;
i time they cull them out m earl there has been issued by the Depart- Did do it? What? Let our1 westward read, and+ of winning the toile converts, Ila Christ there was to A machine is designed to be oper-
Conformataon of the hen azul her, Y y fad]. Yat Y
The usual r men of Agriculture at Ottawa a -re-, son Sri as a liner in the farm Roman empire for 'Christ be no more Jew nor Gentile --all were ated at a certain speed or with only
rhy ical con:�riticn. One of the most' practice bans been to save Par 15: 1-3'6. Certain men which came to,be one in faith, whatever difference P y
the Lest looking hens and to market) viserd edition of a bulletin entitled b,rsiness, a limited variation either above or
impartarA indications of the Condition down from Judea. These were Jewish of practice or Custom, or law there,he}onv this speed. It will do its i,e36
those which ma look somewhat Lime in A tv7trrre" fah which the convertre who -sell that all who believ- might be. Tyle wa was a en for a
of t -i? hen is the h._a<l, A s_.i dy of its Y g Y P
Dominion Chemist, Dr. -F. T. Shutt, p progress of the gospel to work when o er•
c •nformtation will ahPw many valga 's ra -gly, A hen that has been wove' ed in Jesus should conform to the tsitrmp-r_nk p ated at this speed and
has dealt comprehensively with the Do not stop with the spraying of Izf it is o.
ab,e points than will b? substantiated in cgg production is usually not in the; Jewish law's. Por them fauith in al'l tide nations. 1 rested at any other spee,l,
by other examdna,;iens, For instance,i best phy:•ical .cer.9ition, because egg; subject. From this bulletin it is the dairy cows, Calves will not make them was not enough for sadvation: The thought of Paul turned. now to) the best results will not be secured
if yrou find a beallby, refined he:d, you! production is a grcnt etraan. Her fea-j loaxned, that there are several classes proper growth, beef animals will not They were willing to admit the Gen- the yovnj• and struggling Christian and often serious failure will resnit.
tviJ1 be quite certain to find a similar' tyres may not l e as handsome as; of lime, •such as quick lime, burnt lime, gain flesh and horses will not be able tiles, if the Gentiles would submit commundtie:, in Ga'atia, and he pro -
will instance, the gni engine may he
b.dy br_k of ft Ahead which indi- (those of the hen that has been a star;
cays+tie Iime, stone lime, etc., also that to ,do their maximum amount ,of work themselves to the Jenvdsh customs, and posed to Barna+kits, that they should go designed to operate at a maximum
os:tes fcminitm, iw'.el?i ence and alert-( baarder, but she gets results, In this limestone of excellent quality is to be if they are forced to fight flies. in partiCuiar to cyrcumaasdon, and visit them. Perhaps his thought speed of five hundred revolutions per
g } resaahPd out beyond them, too, to rhes
ness is cne 'Which will br found on all respect we can fitly recall the expres- -- road that ran westward to the Iliigean 1 minute, It may be uneconomical and
of the heavydicers. Tle Skull! sdon, "Iain feathers do not alma l � Sea, to Erhe.us acrd Smyrna, and then perhaps dangerous to run it at a ;.-peed
rat ® 7 by Women Stay on the FE,r otherc Greet, titles, and the islands and! faster than this. The lubricative, the
face l be moderately narrow and the make fine birds" e7 coast beyond reciprocating part_c, the flywheel and
face Lean and de'+icate. A wide skull There is every reason vvhy the The conbent:on, wb',ah 'arose about; the hearings have all been designed
with harAnng• ey'sbrows and an indl- farmer who raises hens, and the most John Mark could rat ;,e settled, He: for pressure and strains resulting
taticn of fattty wr2likles -is common to, of them do, should became acquainted If you are erne of the many women i Corner. A door led from the kitchen. up by the pantry door, the cupboards wag nearly re'atei to Barnabas, who' from this speed, and if it be exceeded,
the kind of tird• which will put on with this method of poultry *election. ortbo the rebs coming out of rho coat cloned in the was naturally re„+d to far forgivehim fort P
Re b rath-r than to. produce eggs. i. In graeticin whose work is made ten times as hard po g y gs something is likely to break,
g it he leas everything to as di need be b ori incanvenierat life' The alteration was tirade by "taking kitchen. having )eft them on the -first journey,! With Poore units and power driven
Preference ehowAfbe.given to the henlgriin and nothing to losses Whereas, y But Paul would nal . tike him again.
g five feet off the large dining -room, A door which am the old arrange- mnchInas fast coininginto wide u:o, it
w):th an oval eyz which shows con- by the c•Id method he is virtually;ohen and a mippla:ed pantry, tii:is•thus malwng the kitchen irregular in g sLong afterward we kn;w that he wa:i is ne:essar to v
I rent led from the pantry to the cellar reconclie<] to Mark, and that Mark tva, Y give careful aonsidera-
eldera)~-- of thie ey-e membrane direct throwing money to the winds when• hes story of how another farm woman• shape, but ,giving room to bring the -res ,been utilized to give an outside with him in his Raman prison (Cal.; tion to the matter of speeds. Trac-
ly in front. of the ey'e-ball• The jaw, is feeding a lot of hens that produce; completely' Chranged, her -home by moi-� cuplicards from the pantry into this onironce to the batbroam so that 4: 10 and 2 Tim. 4: 11). The ftuen:ls 1 tars are mado with different sized
Navyto refitaea, and not the and ilosses instead unde of profits. ling a partition along five feet, and warlataam• Not all the apace taken workmen may enter that room and Parted, and Paul took with ]him Silasl pulleys, running at afferent speeds.
heavy ser The -aCalt should sbe shw¢ tl It is understood, of -course, that frown the dining -room was needed for (Or Salvenus , one of the two messen-:
and strong .and afg'httly Curved, and eliminating the pantry altogether, wash up, without door ope workers ) The same is true ra dais. For
In -
the distance from the i Poultry Pulsing will not take Liar .It place' ' kitchen space, so this was m 3e into in the 1citChtmy This door opens beta a I
gers who had hien sent with the let 1 rhinC: of the ami crass. Far in-
eYc to the 1*eak of proper housing and good care, Tt, may give you an idea of haw you can a Closet for the men's outside gar- little vestibule, which opens out u on tErs of the Te -u ahem rouncii to An rtunce, one ensilage cuLter may hive
shculd be idiom- only eliminates the waste of time and Overcome some of yaw difflCu,tIOS, ments, the entrance being Just at the • the scsaened.in arch, slue wiwd0 . in uverlan15 tr ).4i Thi northward went, ' ten -fuels pulley, suppcse:i to run at
Tk2 corn,, s]trruld indicate a gond money in •giving proper housing anti You woulcWt believe unless you saw south of the door between kitchen the old p +00 revolutions
healtJhy red, and should die cT good. size road Care to hens that will never pro- it, haw much difference just changing paerltrcy has +been• bath into a westward from Tiiacla. 1 per minute, while an-
fe the breed. When a -ren is lam t g P gang and dthe ,old iia -f -window in the new bathroom. Tirturtheus, or 'Pima:h rues a nd- ether one may have an eight inch
laying duce a profit, On the other hand, it that partition and altering tyle p°si.II In the o'id aaimngement of rooms tive of L ' y'
or •; ready td lay, •lees• comb and wit-' stands to reason that a hen which fills; hon of stoves, tables and eupboardei there were no cupboards in the titch- The electric light system and' the been led io fu th tii�JesunrChlan Wt uaAn tions per cr minutest It in e'.carn at 0 hat}�o t -
P t c
t• - , are plump and full' of blvaad and; ail of the good-layfm�rCqulr�mentsy i could make in a day's work. � an; DISches and supplies were all pra'n'g for the water supply are in a Pail's first visit to ih t rfty. Of L'is ; iuvinn is sure to xesu'.t if the machine:.;
r•:tccld. h,3ve aromewhat waxy feeling^ urvlf�yc k},1 is given tree favi with Airs. Baird awned the kitchen. It kept ba the pantry, this china in cup- collar under the kitchen, tivluicia, be;ng mother and f ran;lmoflicr Paul speaks
to the -touch. Wshem che is; not layln i !n a letter wa ttr,n many car ]are connected up without looking to
g, which to produce eggs and a house an 1 was much such a kitchen as the av-t boards which ranged dawn t'he kitch'ea separated from the vegrebable cellar y ' s later• ;see what si:.e• pulleys Ehar' pa.. C;:;.
r se Y.ae a eckrur,,Izen Comb whish t• + w, irh to live that. is sanitary incl; erage farm kitchen, too sma11 for all; aide of the pantry to the pass window. is always cleans and as uti•lizei as a (2 Tint. 1: 5). The cumr-My of threes Manufacturers, en
went oil, visiting anal ercouragang the, gineerin sc-
pare in color and fraud, and, is ususlb- rroterts her from the+ elements, Cann- the things which should be in it. In' Tho flour dlin and broad shelf were on .laundry. Water, pumped thorn the chuzdhes, eictic; (sod users are all eerie interested in
ciwered with whitish sYaiCw Avery not do ht,r full duty, 4 font, it was the svmmxr kitchen, with the opposite side under a window well by a nvdndanild ici starers in a . Application. the prrposals which are being mrde
dant coir.,b is usually an 'indleatdrn Af, i During the ; ummer when the hem, a-•1 that implies in the way of moving! which looked out on a screened -in storage� • � 1, r
dis, :se. A herr that -has a crow t se cistern underground outside. In last week's 1d:-zon we saw haw (to stun: rdizo belt spe�•.3 and histol
yE have apportar.;ty to rick their living,s stoves twice a year, and having, to see' Iao¢elr TIw pump +is •automatic, starting when Paul and Ba•rnxa,as were bnrrifiei1 action is very ch : e an the ulopt!an of
of hsati zvi1I never ire a producer awl, Care sht:altl ht• talus, to •te them suf-) -- -- - titch min thavght they were gr'a. the following speeds- 1,a00, 2,000,.
t h miglrL as vwrlli tae cone ign'ed to the ' t
fetient. extra feed o keep them in good' 8_64wooM "lire also are men rf like passions 2,000, 3.150 anal 3,500 fee! rer minute.'
market crate right au- } BeORoQrar with you," they protested. To• lay's It 11142-111311142-1113 that manuf eturers will
() tltsyelIowleggedbdrds,ihv pis Thal"- > 1"t rift>.lartrrri vary frequent- PORCH lac cn tt.•adhm liaw true those wore_
o +,,rori toot is also of Vnive toi Y falls, tAf ,!urry the summer, be' F�RCfir have to Carry fewer pulley firer i1t
1u+' tet. 1 -[ns art rat getting suffi- F a ha - fr -y were, P.l:wees, very
f though they ht :lc and buya�rs of machines wi:l r,'+-
bc crrr;n- tits laying qualities of the �• —==.-4 ware the; were veru human, and pas-; tain hat only the dlreA arlvar tag;", -
[•frit. fc c i to m ,:n a their bodje, stall
he s, c: ;. Ti f&c. her the rn:::n IV1 It r y haps ft is a good tl • ng for us that,
is a r own fact dist the yellow legged 1 r u,d t{ l5 An ttxaminatdon ofj BATHROOM C 1-5 the have this ac: run: of the sharp resulting from .this, but the gr :s+.:ul-
bird will "Tray dart" biro ye'.Q,ow cataz' many f ,r rt flus wv,u:d show -drat, the, CO QA Z difrcrence of apiv*ca tthicb took place. vantage of not having to th ori r• ;w:-
hzrr: arc tqo Ch,r. t even be cral3t+d� ss�,rL.=&,�L o� p fi ISnme paor't are very frsr! of to"king lay. w)ten it is dr :,etil t+) a r t min
in her legs, around: the vent, Uh-a wast i rt tint, __i7AIVK t Sonic: eo-"roadare er t acs;' and the machlncs.
tie nd in tlm ring nravnA ilrc eye -,.i r 06- O about the CIn7i 1
Tb hes tier has bright et a, + Icer A e l ulr r ,y cete•T ar.d. ra ax 00 I
P 11 e nvf o live! long' ,am, i
h Iv4m a low predomr,yor
t r t, ,y Iv -err i wA: ,PV a uev ass Muth for' A PANGS They cit:sgar t eve . h,ng modd%mni ;
the c .t has beers rc .-ilir fa ; 1, +r1 t''rn + .. t t.uu.,.t airco.+rtl a airy-' Il D nthe pastrvise s til uc:t 1 �op �•lw u d Jt rt:
r� I ! itiEti:3i1g ii�kd dJ` I'ta..4:,.
t,r I:' tg3 of 111t41Yy: Vt7r 1<r+Iit It -11 tE: fi halt, �jr, !( }1 i1dC their V(•w TC?time: 'S and Si.h.i iamCi R L ! J t tt or t 14t tCr-
becrn e alm&,A whits a the+,gk at nr 1 r a (l over the Alt% of the Ano -ties of r ,me t tr 1a a l that ,.s nt . ary to rid the
i%-:!, cony casae so,rc (.f tht et,lravi ,` oo ou c, of the epistles t•hirh l a-1 to 1: -w tt:n 1'rcm tid.ti c, tI .s dui d;ernus pd, -I] ere
r t ale b::tmn to Yxmc r•1t { r'-,,,, i:c.l ,.{{1 t� \1 to eorrert grave ne airl,c n, tbe,, wou`.d l
Easy Way' tom, Mix Bordeaux. oo }t° l \ ii t raze co mt eh ab ut tl - act. �••r..a Cat pu:saaii cn L u u ti.:.*,
rr^r (m!i, In the urs of t']r1• t teat, tui 1
mu.tgward against rrtuls: in t.hri A .c:i ,idvw, + AANa_1 4 or Q Alemirvler Maclaren z c•.I to ,:•,y tt th h.tte pro%un -very eas,d cfu:.
r} n +, f, •at;r>n ut thea .1die i that nuc of ihte sur t prof. of 1!te the Pill,'IN-in" hire m.,ie p + i, i e
yeliow-lt`g ,x.d Tsreel , r,rh tri .+;nir t i : ,N •,• to reakt , r :,:d, a mixturets,l „ truth of lh E',Ie c as ifc perfe:•t 1 u "+ :Y tr, ;Ilii to a sous :_hiss c,:.:;]
13mtes burn with Yignhc1t .Its-ul iii` + t' tern: t.lar ns ,A' t t r:lrrayj �f°vA �y Z4BLE R RC LI-m
61avtw,oy1f,P..trlo o candour•, c fill l:nct: wlt:<t it .3 io til'.4, rise? Ctlt,i.':; cncetivr..
The use of the p,gzacn_,,atilm t t ;> ,in. s nnv rt mn.c,._,•.+ i,y e(•v. 7vr✓rs � p0RCl/V rezl a honk cf fi to in v.11 h Ice On;-cu`trt-Ct" of a
y eupizfemeut,l to the .,t);a•, i. 1 ,•;•l,tixnwt,f nf.,, ,r CU1050ARO + i l,r.uncl of tarlmn.
u u iIluro conrinrbr; hint<:;f .a flit 'I.e.ei i" of d..ryta, e -.x outlies (jell of
mu..hnr t we-rl in. dn1.,Prnrinin{r, tt,• It"y- IT— , tri, tilrth, i, l„nt, fu::'„tv(,i 8.y' These diagrams, before and after r emodelin show Inconvenience ran ad convenience is never a flaw to he folrnl Citl.i.a in! ;tt,•cr r.n"1 ra n:•
it: (anslition of ilie?rsrrl, careful ,:,nil l_---•--•---•--w.--_.._.-.._._.�...____._g' •..._-.__. ....e_ �._._ t�._�_ -` .... CO_..ln Uro kitchen, beta cnnver31tion or his con;luct, The' F t I or wlu at tit, r, and
i" licher F.. ,. g t,uvr'; ryas heroes of the P+;l,le are not ret. truth' n(u„h cel of anlnred to give the r,ix-
The aa,ndlfinn of this rttg sa It i 11, 1111th, iia. H.I rni a a,i .,-5+,(s Iicrda;,ux? Your dining room •steamed, up fn thel The cvpbrard,; were corn out of ilia the tank, which holds orZy a pailful,, 1
m that ]ieltt, If Mcsea lose+ l:fs tem- turf a strong O(IO multgs a easy g oq•3
one of the must im+pr,rtwit 1l" gn„ ^ i4 ',J ;v mixing b"t, pnnir 1. of rrnpger rukl winter month's with cookery. The pantry and taOWD to the kit,01'.Qn. .e in elu,-Aical, J er and strike:: a r i, vi -on. The advaniag t1lis
Like into crmsitb raaidans A fenv year„ phale tivit'h 1,•.v,Lnty-diva .tial]°n;, r:f! p%nLry; as you Can, see+lly studying the second. wrtrdow was Cut through along- i, P eels tva su•e toll, . a e of L.ua pr i;em
g g Am e cetrie washing nraahime, else -about it. If Elijah hezomea de ress'edt ra that it tvork:+ sa slowly L1!1at, the
ado wfi(ni poultry cudlinsr first, be,;eine' w'Acr• in ono ef'131urntsr; 'by mixing firt;t illustratdany opened off the (din- side the other, and a work• hell with tris vacuum •Cleaner, and electric Iron! nn✓1 CrArnrilly the have an acent nt of it. VicUllut ,ener
t 1 s ally Ictive the pit t IisC.
hirEnvru, the fie;albili.ty of th,e pelvdt. � five, ptrunds. tsf ropper s;mlphote, with in'g-room. There wasn't a door into) Cupboards beneath built along thiz en.• are among the labor-saving devices' If Job lfwes his N10enve ani vivid: in search or teat^
r. Barym Car nonate
banes war su 1hying+ tar kr. the hu+t' twenty-five gallons of borne T lime; it drone the kitchen, Just a little Pass! i Lire, north wall, with the axCeption of which makes life on the Ha rd farm has purity we hove n fail restful oft and eatnieal '.is al ,
indica om of iii n however, vine's with Q11001er tiv+,rut, -five window fhrou .li which dashes and enough for the sink and cistern eausy, bust in spite of these convertthe events, etown to the most rnCkeningw One art so n good . shindy-
yi g, v g; and of g space -sewn details. And so here in tate Aew
i f oM might -se putt, Flour Thin and: pump. The door' leaddng onto the I . n Parson to .eft l.. of the cat -
thea it fins %u+a>n"found that t1ra Ca vr<tt•Cr do nnnther cr,.nLain�ar; and by r porch ienCes Mrs. Baird declares that if s�halT'estament we read. of the in,^onsisten, meal, aisle into a <t�ff dough t-;5- rias
parity of the then •lc, best determined; Touring the two d:dutions. togethvr. inau.ding board were in the pantry.1 was wailed• uup anal hoards +built int could ]lave but one—electricity ev run-! cies as well a the ma nib ` iso of water is n11 that is neccs':ar
g rent hero- v
by the dkAtonce &4ween talc, keel ,lwme I The modifsud' me 7hn•1, said, to be. ,just This: resat that cn ba]ring Bayo to+this nacho, •with flour bin and mould ning water--oihe wau-d' take tthe water, isms of Peter and Paul and Balnaa,bats to have the poison ready for rise. TJsls
and• tate pelvis bone, and fine flexibility) as safe and more convenient, is tie-: summer, you stood in the pantry to; ong board beneath, This brings the `'Nobody knows unless they have aril many other servants of God is a(leo a slaw -Hating poison. What
of the. eggseaelt. Ileris which arcs non- scribed as follows:
get your cnakies ready to bake, and things for leaking altogether. The old had to go without it, just what rum ,_-.-. is Called French paste is also Vsed
producers cAeru Bair the flee- 'bone, Suppose you have a fifty -.gallon while you infirht put them through! pantry was then converted into a ruing• water means to a houselve°p:er," Ir to rid the Promises of rots; This is
ata? the .pelvic bone so idose togetber; tank to fill with 5.5-50 Bordeaux. i the window Into the kitchen, you had 1 bathroom. The range tivas ineved from, she says. "You canit imagine how n]p6ri8l Fruit Exhibition. made of threes sands of of
that it is lrardt + to travel ar,uncl out there throw h •its . Entries to the I"n erial Fru+it.Exhf- . P amen)' or
r -
y pcsFdblC to :get morel Place iw fhfs ..telt rive galThins of the g pasdtion by the dining -mom wall, much water it takes to do the day's p wheat flour; ane-}ra']f ounce
-of otvder-
th n. One finger between them. Good t-*0`Ck copper <U'-,h.f,te scdu:tion, cquiv- the ,dining xoom to get them into the and Set next the bathroom wall, where work on a farm, especial -y a dairy bftion Close Septemiier 30th- All en- ed indigo, four outs P
oven. It meant no end of steps that', Connoction shard hsa easily tries and, en -fry outlets of finely pawd-
laycrs .bow :plenty of ream for four! alent t; five lst;ur,:•{s of Cryatla",, and p y made with farm Ii owns, with all the milk y fees in -the Overseas Bred white arsenic, and rte u•it,tar
fingers. 'Phis s shouldn't be taken, and Mrs. Baird' the hot wetter tank in the latter room, and pails oa'ad atrainers to Care for, and British Empire Sections must be gram of oil of anis
peace between the keel ihen ual«i tt,sty-five gallants of water. eed; These in -
AM the pelvic'bona>s liidicates caltaeit:y) Next, t 1Ye five gallons of the stock.. bring a progresdve farm woman took The tank was placed in the bathroom We used to have -a jar which 3ie1d, in the •hands of the fruit Branch, Do.. grcdicni�s should 'be - mixed and Hien
for rcv:l digestion sisal' +t helps lir• thus ]ince, ediuivalt•nt to five pounds of steps to eltmfrate Char»•. to aissnst an isayalhng it, as the house twenty-five gallons, unit was fili<,d Pertinent of Agriculture, Ottalva, on worked Into a a3to
egg r m,duclao% Depute from tl a c*aek. r!one •lime, dilute it. with five gallons from the w:indmdlf, but many a do September P with two any!
Tlw old kitcla.an as you Will see -res no furnace• y ar before S tCmber 20trh, ono•quarter pounds' of meifPet beef
to the keel, bone its also dw:rcd. The' of water, poor it into the .c was a Te, dangle, about 11x12 feet, The British Empire anti Overseas ex- suet or mutton tallow,
o+ppar sal- Tire taubla;, little used as the work- we emptied' this and had to have more 1
birth drat is koring theme and, is •big+h phate solub)son, and abir the two to. range stood against the wail eepa'rat shelf under the windows takes its waiter. Now just toturn a to and hillits must be orutirelsy Separate,--- 'C
p o 'get the heat results from any of
on I°gs dew not us(raNy slaw ra- ;gather. Ttenncmber always to diiarte Ing the kitchen from the dining -room, Place, was, put do the Space to the left have all the waiter you want to run C. IV. Baxter, Fruit Commissioner, these poisons, 'they should be put in
pacity. I the copper Sulphate before mixin t110 sink was in the farthest corner .by of the dining -,room, ,room•, with the oil stove out seems to me a
mixing g greatezr 'IaRiar- places do which the rota are. likely
The quality of thei, egg rade rs de Newer add Concentrated copper sal- the pantry wall, The table was on the I on the parch side of this aleevo, In saver than even, the electric nvatshing- A dairy farm should have asilo and to frequent. Cnro should also be.taken
ternvmer dry examining than poTbton phate edthor to weak or Strong Ilmo opposite wall under one window, and l the dindlig-room a ohdna, Closet was machine, though r wouldn't want to a farm that can afford a silo can of. to -reap them front other animals and
n : the peivac hones and the keel I Volution, and the hot water bank filled. aindttbor j built on the wall
hotwec mpa<eiaxmdf]y taken give that up now, either," ford a bathrroeylrli poultry,