HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-7-28, Page 5, N
=�=:»" �-c`i�l""? +' ,-t�*'° .a -'-;'-**•`+•fit
60.11 PRI OJIi' Ri>T4t
mce la toe Pen eros, *Chet. 90.4
Honor gradnete of the Onterle Veterinarr
College, Day and night calla. Moe opposite
Mont. null, athel.
• Agent Nawlek Mutual fire Insurance Company
• Phuao 43 Turaberry Street, Braesels
Saeeeeeor to John garrls, Walton.
T. T. M' RAE
M. D.. M. O. P, e I S. 0.
AL 0. .a., Village of amitosis,.
Physician, surgeonA000aohear
Bee at residence, opposite Moly file Oharoh,
wllilom street,
narrtators, 9oSioitors, Notaries Public.
Office on the Square, 2nu door from Hamilton
Private fundi to loon et lowest rates,
H. J. D. Const
Yongo & Charles Ste., Toronto 1_
Is Noted Throughout Can- 9.
lei ada for High Grade Work. g
Write for
r Catalogue and arrange A fie to
enteral our lMlt Term opening A5g 120
�y We have tined positions recently, et ac.
E'}' month and tem In per annum Stud-
nts have en in atteudanee'thls year
fromNewfou dland on the Brut, Que.
hao ore the North and efandoba on the
tai iQ641`FtA :ti>ATOWA&i'^��'t
HAVING the Agency for the Mc-
Cormick and Deering Imple-
plemettta I will give closest
prices in anything need .d in Farm Im-
plements or Tractors. Call in and
give your order in 17. F. 0, style and
you will save money. I will guaran-
tee you against any reduction in prices
until implement is need, and by order-
ing now you will save any advance in
price which Is likely to take place .a
Ritve a few Implements on hand
which will be sold at old prices.
riiiisissierissiess is is
DPA1,1H. •
by the bag,
Now ie the time to buy,
• Is
S .•
Royal Household Flour
Barrel and Bag Salt1,
Phones 48 and 27 111
WI J. McCracken
Late Mrs, Stalker
Christian Riddle, relict of the late
Francis Stalker, • passed peacefully
away at the residence of her son-in-
law, R. J. McGee, . Con. 1, East
Wawanosh, on Friday morning,.July
15th, following an illness of a week's
duration, iter death came as a Wreck
to her many friends, despite the fact
of her condition and advanced age.
She was in her 87th year, but had re-
tained her faculties to so marked de-
gree that anyone conversing with her
could scarcely realize that she had
reached Buell an age. She was born
in Beverly township, coming with her
late. husband, Francis Stalker, who
predeceaeed her 28 years, to Colborne
Townehip, where they commenced
life on their bush farm. H. children
were born, 2dying in infancy. Mts.
Stalker was one of the fleet communi-
cants of Knee Church, Auburn. "her
husband being one of the first Elders,
At Jubilee services held in the church
a year ago Mrs, Stalker was the only
surviving person of its -first mernUers.
present and apeolal tribute was paid
by pastor, Rev, R. 3. Ross, of the
faithful attendance to service with
her family amid adverse
stance many times walking adis-
tance of 5 or 6 miles. It bad been the
and earnest wish of Mrs. Stalk-
er that she might
have her family
all together once more l:efore she pace
ed away and this was granted three
years ago when her family of 6 sons
and S daughters met at the
horse of
her dazeghte
r Mrs. Geddes, Lon
es -
born wit Ileo she fide
her home
for the
pa 10 years, •enjoying areal
Christmas re -union, after a separation
of 23 years, Since that time the
family have undergone sore bereave-
ments. Mrs, W. J. Sturdy passed
away 2 years ago and in January last
Principal Joseph Stalker, Ingersoll,
was suddenly and unexpectedly called
The funeral of the late Mrs. Stalker
was conducted by Rev. R. J. Ross, anti
Rev. Gen. Telford, BIyLIi, at the resi-
dence of R. J. McGee, Sunday, July
17th, and was ore of the largest at-
tended funerals in these •parts for a
considerable time, many old friends
coming a long distance to pay re.
acre to one who endeared herself to
all who knew her.
There rentable to mourn the loss of
a loving and devoted mother, 5 sons
and 2 daughters. James B., Vancouv-
er ; John, Waskada, Man. ; Robt. R.,
Auburn Dixon, Blyth ; Wm. N1.,
Woodstock ; Mre. R.. J. McGee, Au-
burn ; Mrs. D. Geddes, Lundesboro ;
also 4 Winters and 3 brothers,
Pallbearers were three sons Roberl,
Dixon and William, 2 eon -in -Sawa, R.
McGee, D. Geddes and her brother,
Wm. Riddle, Galt. The remains were
laid to rest in Ball's Cemetery,
David Milne
t Highest Price Paid for f
OId '5J
-' Get rid of them while the mar-
ket is good as price is likely
to drop.
M. Yolleck
John Oliver
has taken over the Deering Ag- +
gluey and handles a full line of +
Farm Implements including the
noted •e
N H. C. Cream Separators
The only Orealn Separator with 4.
two, wide open 040010 outlets--. "'
no cream screw in the path of .'I,.
the creat.. See Ib when in town,
The 1. CC. 8-10 end 10-20 Tractors
are among the best,
The. Deering Manure Spreader
With the wide spread and very
light in draft.
John Oliver
Late James drewe
A Former Brusselite
The following obituary notice of
the late James Drewe, of Winnipeg,
formerly a well known hardware
merchant and a member of Brussels
Council, ie taken from the Weekly
Echo, of Domlaion City, Manitoba,
July 14th, published by Arthur
Drewe, brother of the deceased and
also a former Brusselite :-James
Drewe, who was the first manager of
the Gurney Foundry .O.nipany in
' \Vinnipeg, died on Tuesday evening
July 6, following an operation. Me.
Drewe was 73 years of age. Pe was
born in Devonshire, Brighter), and
came to this country settling in
Sttalhroy, Ont,, in 1878, and started
to work at hie profession in a hard-
ware store, which position be held for
a short time, when he removed to
London, Ont., and entered the employ
of the Hobbs, Osborn and Hobbs,
Wholesale Bar•dware as travelling
salesman for some years when he en-
tered business for himself in Brussels,
Ont. About ten years after he again
entered the employ of the Gurney
Foundry, Co., of Toronto, the greater
portion of the rest of bis life beteg
spent in their employ. Be held the
position of travelling salesman and
did considerable contracting work for
this company in the heating and ven-
tilation of large buildings and then
the Company transferred him to their
Winnipeg branch as their first man-
ager in 11180, which position he filled
until 1008, when he retired into priv-
ate life.
Mt'+Drewe is survived by itis wife,
his mother, Mrs. James Drewe, of
Strathroy, Ont., aged 04, and four
a one daughter. His surviving
sons are Alfred and John, Winnipeg ;
George, Fott William • and James
W., Windsor, Ont. His surviving
daughter is Mrs. William.Inse11, Lon.
don, Ont.
In addition to the above, the follow-
ing brothers and sisters mourn hie
loss : A, B, Drewe and Stephen
Drewe,' Winnipeg ; John Drewe, Tor-
onto ; and Ai limy Drewe,_ Dominion
M"Mt'+ ++fi++ ,efeeesee++++++•h++k4+ City, Ma1); Mrs, Jas. Kelly, Toronto ;
lifr4iP + l lltllli tivatitrby, fliil„ i
Airs, VV0. heir, Tires oust, Sheet, reed
Llys, George Kelly, Winuipeg.
Me, and Mrs. !)serve celebrated their
golden aunlverealy lit Wleuipeg in
1010, reitheriel' the 000+lt auuiveneary
of their mat •I t
tl i rn 1 r ! n uautt
K reed In I918,
At that tittle, hnweveu', 11 5011 was ht
hospital wounded, and the celobratlou
wua postponed uute 101h.
The removal took ;three freer the
deceaeril'e late reeldenee, 614 Jessie.
A Ve, at 8'p. ur,. „u. Friday, July 84h,-. it
sni•vire being held in All tenths'
elite tee ouutiuct.ed by Rev. W. Leith -
am, the prteinl', and tellel'e were
gathered many sympathising 1'rieude
of the fatnilY. A very beautiful
tribute was.paid to the departed by
his pastor, dwelling upon the are
reaesd'a love of mitre e, Ills delight to
work: in 1de garden and atnnng hie
Thelloritl Whines were many and
beautiful Iuoluded in whieh were ;
wreathe from, the Gurney . Foutidry
Oo 'Turouto; 0111 tisy Not 11 West
Foundry ; All Souls Ohapter of the
Leymens League ; Sprays from Wit,-
nipeg•Paint and Glass Uu `; 'Stein' of
Winnipeg Paint and Glass (lo. ; CJd
Bays of Fort Rouge Lnerusee Olub
also wreaths and sprays from the
member's of the family and other
relatives and friends,
The pallbearers were old buttress
associates of the deceased. Inter-
ment was made in Elmwood Ceme-
Lower School Examination
F R At gent, J O Aikenhtn0, L I
Aikenhead, T 1) Anderson. G Aber -
hart, M E Alexander, A it G Arent,
J 0 Archibald (h), 11 Ashton, Mar,
jorie Ashton, '1' el Burgess, J .1 ante-
date O F Beaton (111, J H Beevers, H
11 0 Bell, F Bennett, R W Cowan, 1T
Oantelol (19, A J Otnnbe, J A Chris-
tie, J S Oiulf, V A Crozier, E Cur, ie,
E M Dark, 0 Dennis, 0 E D Davis,
E F Dobie (h), E N Dougherty, V
Fraser, E Fear, 11 Parnham (b),
E M Fraser, 3 M Farquhar, (1 J Fer-
guson, O J Finnigan, G E Falconee,
L S Fells, J W S Ferguson, L ,1t
Weser, 11 Faster, W D Grant, 13 51
Greb, B MeL. Grant, N E (iodkin, V
Heist, M E Hoover, N Hoover, R
Hale (h), J Higgins, It Higgins (h),
R G Hueter (b), L B Hern, F H Jouu-
ston (h), J W Jeffersou, k' W 0 Jack-
son, T R Johnston (h), N M Johnston,
D K Kerslake. G E Knetchel, E J
Logan,L it
B Lindsay, M Liu 1
k stat 71
I 1
1 Lettere A G Mc-
Gowan, I AMills,
L M A 11cFudzean, J
T McVettie, J Miller, W 11cOnol, A P
a .
et 1 Al1 t e, 1 G McIutneh, A F hlc-
Irrtyre, M F McTaggart, A I Mustard,
M A McIntosh, nosh,
J Mclu
McNau h o
t n R Mr, ,
Gie u
g R Mac-
Kay, tc
Kay, MMacLean, LMarriott 11 J
Moore, G K AlacDonald N lluir, ill
Al Nolan, L 1 Nediger, 'H O'Brien, Al
E Potter, L Rorke, J M Reycraft, K
H Rankin, 0 Robertson, 117 Rete, 0 E
Schoeuals, G R Synder, jAl R Stewart,
"FRUIT-A-T11F.S" Mode Ho r Well,
Strong and Vigorous
805 Cartier St., Montreal.
"I suffered terribly from Cons-
tipation aid Dyspepsia far many years,
I felt pains after eating and had gas,
constant headache, and was unable
to sleep at night. I was getting so
thin that I was frightened and saw
sever! physicians who, however, did
not seem able to help me.
42 lase a fi3rad advised me to take
Trait -actives. 1 did so and soon I
felt some relief. I continued with
`Fruit -a -fives' and hi a short time,
the Constipation was banished, I felt
no more pains or headache or the
disagreeable sensations that follow
dyspepsia. Now Ian; well, strong and
50c.a box, 6 for $2:150, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or from Fruit-a.tives
Limited, Ottawa, Oct.
F J Sterlin, A J Stafford, R Sullivan,
BSI/prison, Nl
S Tierney,
(h). 0 W Thbutt,
1i,G Thompson, N
L lysisr
even h
(M J,
) Tough1,
Toward, wa 1 H \Vi I I
etre, 111. Woods,
1: J Vr ads
11 I Wethey, 1V D Woolcombe, D R
Webster, eb et, A E 1Vi11iamsori, J Wylie,
J H Young.
Al Id'
A um W H
R Blakely, Normo S Barr, 0 It Berk-
nor, F17 Brawn, A H llryd,me G L
Bartlett, R R Items, T Banton, Al
Beadle, M Brown, L le Brumley, (5 M
Cook (11), A Mawr Gatnpbell, H Ai
Coveney, M Cline, M E (Tutton, L
Culliton, A D.tlton, Al Dempsey, M:T
Bow River Bridge and Cascade Mountain, Banff, Alta,
Getting Highest Prices
met-� NIU!. u 4.a 9
for Your Cream ?
tiiittitiliti� .
- OU are entitled to them and you can get
them if ou sendCream sweet or
Y your,
sour, to us, And we supply cans free,
pay express charges and remit promptly
every week+
Bowes Company, Limited
70-76 Front St, East Toronto
Relit tt , V U bollard, t. M iiNf or.4
(12), 1y, L (iuentirer, A. %V lie $h
L Hausa, V 1 liennery, 11 (i Jainism),
`1' Judge, l Jordan, A Jrukiils, P E
1(llgn, e, (2 W ;Moretti, SV ee Lleeet ,
V 11 le ug1'or'd, I. (i Lovell, 0 Airtime.,
(1 JtJitlurep G 13 MoDomed (h),
McDonald, M H Marge/1,111e, t) U kl
0acG,tuatrle, A 1, Muure, le
J A Alyers, J MoDenald, G Al McKay
(h), A( ((, MtNeiglit, J M Motu,laiu, G
1 McCabe, Al McKeown, 11 tl Alaityn.
(h1, J el Matheson, \V L 51utr, 11 11
Nagle, It l Nintick, i, it Orr, 8 J
i'uie, 11' it PiIdhe,u, J 1',uk, 1) S
Pttgh, J Me0 Jteniie, O J Rice, N Ai
Rogers, A (3 Ray, 1J Al Rnbaou, el Al
Rethhurn, At Regan, le F Seibert, P
.3 Stoneruen, 11 13 Schneider, 1) ti
Srrlith, W 0 Holder, P Ii '1'hnrue, N
J) Tilley, E L'rhmf ng, 11 0 Dien (h)
() R Vine, F'1 Wiitiaos, 11 bl 11 nen,
le At Wesmao, L Webb, K
mnugh, (h), L M Zaeger.
W. C. T. U, Co, Convention
24th, Annual Convention of rho
110100 county W. C. '1'. U. way held
In the Evangelical church, '/..rich,
Thursday end Friday, July 14t1. and
Reports of Supet'intcndauls of ole-
ptertments were for the most part wl.
cuuragittg, showing teat there were
•'live wires" in the County and that
much work had been done during the
Duriog the busiuese Sessions Mrs.
Pugaluy, Peoviueial Vine -President,
conducted a School of methods which
wan an education in itself.
Mts. Pugsley's address at the even-
ing session. "Following the Gleam,"
iusplt•ed her hearers to be faithful and
true to the priviliges which are theirs,
We who ate Canadians have had the
ptivilege, the liberty and the light of
our great Nation, and it is mire to
help those who come to our land seek-
ing a home.
A musical program, coleistieg of a
solo by Miss Adeline Nivetra, silver
medalist in singing, and a reading by
.Hiss Margaret Rivera, silver medalist
in elocution, both of Goderich, the
selections by the choir and solos by
Miss Marjorie Aitken, Godetich, and
Miss Elizabeth• Rennie, Zurich, added
1.0 the enjoyment of the .evening eee-
Election of officers resulted as fol-
lows t 'President, ales, A. McGuire,
Vice-Peesld tt MA Ales. T.
Cooper, Olinton ; Corresponding
tatoy, Mrs. Fitton, Exeter ; Re nrd•
utg Secretary, Ni
lea M Aitken,
rich ; 'lteasuret, Miss S. Bentley,
Goderich L T L. and Y. Secretary,
Miss 71.$e t ha i I , n
P d Ch.
With the appointing of Superin-
tendentsof the Departments a very
successful C v
ou entice,
ryas brought to
a close.
Visiting delegates thoroughly en-
joyed and appreciated the hospitality
of the ladies of Zurich.
The little son of Rev. Mr. Laing is
in poor health.
S. S. No, 8 will have Miss Violet
Dietlam, Listowel, as teacher.
2 cows were killed, belonging to L
Dem,uerling by lightning.
Fordwich "is tight up on the bit"
over hydro power arid tight. Let her
R. and Mrs. Harding, Jno. and Airs.
Porterfield and Airs. Jno. Sparling
were at Blanchard attending the fun-
eral of 51r. Switzer, a relative, who
was killed by a rail
Dr. Lindsay, London, was in town
last week.
7 new members joined Blyth L. 0.
Le of late.
Mtse Elsie Fawcett is holidaying
here with her mother.
Hiss Rebecca McGowan, Ridgetown,
is here on a visit with t•elatives.
Several Blythites w01.0 at the Sum-
mer School at Goderich last week,
There was a gond crowd here at the
Celebration Wednesday ()Nast week
and a good program of spot.
Deaconess Miss Lily Carr is heyt on
a holiday at the home of her father.
She is engaged at work at Montreal.
There was no service in Trinity
church last Senility as Rev. Mr.
Hawkins rector, was away on his va-
Oongratulatione are extended to
Alias Eileen Kelly and Miss Vera At m-
etering on, passing the Junior and
primary exams., respectively, of the
Toronto Conservatory of Music.
Welcome visitors at the Methodist
Parsonage were Rev, T. Wesley and
:tire. Oosena, Ottawa. and Rev. T)e-
\Vit:t and Mrs. Oosens and slaughter,
Luckuow. The former is a brother of
Mrs. (Rev,)'l Tiffin and the rev. gentle-
man from the North a nephew.
Perth County
Great enol gear in Perth Co,
Some caees of scarlet fever at; Monk -
Mrs. Alex, Clark, Mitchell, is_iti her
Monkton has been extending its
cement walks.
$ Ib, black bass are waiting to be
honked at Mitchell.
Dutch set onions are fine crop in
Mitchell vicinity
131ack Knights celebrate in Stret-
ford on Aug. 12tH.
StatIa Methodietchurch will be re-
modelled and painted.
St, Marys Methodist church choir
picnicked at Grand Bend.
Stratford road will be oiled from
Stratford to the Halfway House.
164 autos were parked on Main Se
centre in Mitehell Saturday night.
A11 Dublin pupils writing at Pun.
trance exam. passed. 8 took honors.
New Sciences specialist alaliat for Ni{tchsii
High:School is W, Donaldson, B, A.
4 year old daughter of Alex.
Rooney, Hibbert, fell and injured an
Miss '.Pearl Remote, Monkton, is
taking a course in Household Science
in 'loran to,
A number of cattlemen in St,
Marys diltrlet have had a large dip-
plrlg tank tnatle to meet the Jnepen-
tur's request for Clipping cattle,
Pain is
of interference with
is t? sign of trouble,
still further disorder@.
Co n'I rn o nfir.'.-c^..•�::.•-,�-,.....
Sense a n d
humanity agree
that relief from
pain should be
the first stepin
an, Indication
the normal functions of the body, It
and if allowed to continue, causes itself
- /► M +r t -
('� Pills.
Pain 1 %�,
the treatment
of any disease which is present. Headache. Neuralgia,
Rheumatic, Backache; Sciatic and Ovarian Pains, ONE
or TWO .
Dr. Miles' .Anti -Pain ills
and the pain is gone, Guaranteed Safe and Sure. Price 30c.
Sold in Brussels by JAMES FOX.
Miss Lily Books, Mitchell, was
e, td" n it1t ruukit,g utensils.
her rigid,
Mitve,t1 ti's Wotlen's Ineiitnt.e is
na a 1),.111eetIP Meienee Lee -
enure' doting 6ugunr,
By comntttn[ty help a temporary
store was put up in a day at Monkton
to replace. the W. S. Merryfield shop
destroyed by are.
Mean altenke stole Clyde Lat'k-
rhe 1.141 roots Mid all, at
alter da, k. Bad gang.
and bake shop wnfat cl at
This is in Pei lb Co, In
it, hold, utiles seem to he the
i y.
l)'ivi., hlilellell, Nte t,ti 56'
of 1'51"W" wt+tb POId ly 1P.
zee a recent SeUuday tight-
8UU dozen.
Lu,.keany, fres left Loeau 21
,., . e wk for ei visit. HP t21
at In I,r dead. H. e 1l in
3 sinters and 3 hrothet 5 died
lift absence,
3% j G
I1a ,a• Fe e
spoil many a holiday.
R A Z •r MAH
Positively stops these troubles a
$neesing, weeeing,congaia
weeping eyes aren't necessary-
necessary -
unless you like being that way,
31.00 at your druggist's, or write
Temple ons, Toronto, for a free trial
Sold by Jas. Fox
� 1,. '.' :a'
Wedding 7
�> s.
II g, 1,
1 I r,e-..j 15,it
I tl
�.A, Illl(illligl . � ,r
�4 nll�
, I 1
'�` te �,1
{ {((lllilllll l!l11I111111
yqE are showing a large assortment of Silver Casseroles and Pie
Plates with Pyrex Glass Linings, Baking DIshes, Flower Bas-
kets, Oaks Baskets, Butter Tube in Silver and Cut Glass, Sugar
and Ot•eams, Marmalades, Spoon Trays, Salad Bowls and Berry Bowls,
Slitsbett Glasses, etc, See our line.
ariety of fancy Mack Parlor Clocks at Pri Special
Diamond Rings
Our Diamond Rings are spec-
ial value. Prices 325, 340,
350, 875 and 3100. Oaf! and
see the new style.
Wedding Rings
We carry a complete stock, all
sizes, in the new style, either
fancy or plain. Get the Wed -
ding Ring here.
The 2 c Autographic Kodak Jr.
^{ The Kodak of the season. The one you've
read about, Its u Kodak and its A.utogra-
4 €1; One, It takes pictures almost Post Clara size, equipped with F. 7. 7, Kodak Arias -
�?( tigtnat Lens. The price is
1 ' • $25.00
sr- eesee
11 gives ttshar'pness of detail right to the
edge of theicture.
otne in and see it,
The Economical Car
EV1N if the Ford Oar cost six or seven hundred dollars more that/
it. does -the Fot'd Our would still be the economical oar to buy
-because of its great durability,
-the low cost of operation,
-and the low cast of repairs, the charges for which are fixed.
by the Company in over 8,000 Ford Dealer and Service Stations in
The low first cost of a Ford Oar, the light consumption of fuel and
oil, the fixed cost of repairs and genuine Ford parte
-makes the Ford Oar, without exception, the most econom-
ical car to buy and drive,
the car, in fact, whieh the man of moderate means can
x12)10 to buy and operate.
Da M. SCOTT, Brussels