HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-7-28, Page 4tbeCrank Vat THU itSDNV I LIT Y e8 teet 'T tt e sign of the thee eo iticelly tip« p-ar to be writing (ie 1.he WAILS Id the preoent e) milieu, (levet einem "Al ee e ! 0itne 1 Peke), Upttatemi Ist.ovu (burette, the loti tential and tlet)oaroiir little Welshman, rely come to Weill/memo if) dlaCaSa he b g 881 III88U04 of the world at a. eleefereece al the p leers, • CHICAGO aUlhorittee etela allow their policerneu to wear celluteid eollaitt. One woold. think they wooed be the very thing to he grime. well [It queet nn( 0t[) wetainiee. Werra I olk 'nay be able to read the epistle without the aid of the pteverbial Piffled -Mena 'a wyer I 's81 Inasitou to use the pen so thee tee pitelect _re quires the eeetieeinee el an Weil !VIVI 80 deelphet it o gi d spilling pen also. Id nen ie it eel eiey teem the. League of Netions. 080 li g atti ution to t id. ability and 0,1..1.4 to tbeir event:. Oee ie log 4: I ' '• / a CII• boly I hilance. Last yr it is wild its 48 members got semi weft Se5,110,500 John Bull's shore of this big sum was elet5o.000. Of course if the L of N. ea 13 throttle the err z' Ikea who crave war it infi'y be Money well expended. Foe cool deliterate nerve the bandits of today, who rub banks and business places And murder when they are corn- ered, deserve to be handled without gloves Neither the individual nor hts home are immume In breed daylight, tong a public, eireet or thoroughfare Mese vultures pouuce npon their victims and rejeardle,s ut the reek they Tun c ory oni their preemie. There should • be uo tinkering ,with Justice as such conduct should receive no quarter and fellows taught the lesson that the way of the transgressor% hard NAVYit in the history of Canada was there a greeter necessity than now for a enited. commonsense, purposeful corn- bination of church and school with a program for the good of the people. Times are changing and old methods and plans may require to be dropped in part or amended to meet the require. meets of this clay. No preacber, teach- er nor even a small quota of the people will be able to accomplish what requires to be dime but a personal responsibility on the part of every family must he giv- en. Community ent erprises and efforts only succeed where there is peerless of aim and a willingness to lift. "Manr hands make light work" is a truism. Whate are you going to du next Fall to help to such a crusade? GOVIIRIIM WI'S should carefully and consistently retrench, cut out all need- less expenditure and prove their states- manship by Maps to get out of debt In- stead of piling up deficits that will bur- den the people for years. Taxpaying Milne has got to be a real menace to pro-perity and yet in the face of such a condition there seems to be little at- tempt to curtail or economise. Why not lop off scores of unnecessary retain- ers and officials and make the chiefs of departments shoulder situations some of them are not very well acquainted with by experience ? Raising millions by the sale of bonds may be an easy plan to get the cash but the reckoning- day bas to come and the taxpayer has to foot the bill eveutually, If the governments of this land are forgetful of the best inter - eta of the people it is up to the latter to put a stop to recklessness and misman. agement whether throtigh ignorance or folly for after all "Wilful waste brings woeful want" despite the tiles- mertzhig attempted by a deceptive speech or biassed returns. Shut oft the waste atel befriend the people. Now that the ' dre" law has come in- to force in 0418810 the bootlegger and booze ped liers, both big and little: ehould let up on their job. If reports are true it has been a 'Imlay making business at the expense of the dupe who paid exorbitant prices for poor stuff that he would be a moo times bet- ter off without it Imposition of fine was a mall deterreut ss the profits prompted the violations but with prison bars star- ing them in the face tbe case presents a d erent Rep mt and should make fellows who are disposed to pay little attention to the law of the laud get their think. thg cap an and quit. Some mete who pride themselves on their loyalty to statutory enactments, have wrought mischief by co:robing or itympathising with the law breaker over booze who would think it aa outrogeoes of- feute to piny the same rote regarding arty other laW. They ere no friends to the litW defiers. Defiance by word or deed will do no good and the sooner the transgreeeore decide to be amendable t to the outepoltet voice of the gre1at , umfoeity the sonnet they will merit the respeot of the defendere of morality mid , 1 ail lovers of sobriety and good conduet, ittet+.40s_ te•-•••r-'4044e4"'''' 414i.reterteeereleatlee?WiiM NFiRYN: STORE HAV MO purchased he tetock kola Me. U. L Stewavt we wish e 1 be nubile patrottege, Our aim will be "Good goods et a fele mice." New goods al riving this Week. Bargains in Shoes and Overalls. Highest prioe paid foe Eggs— (lash or trade, ** W. G. McMillan WHAT are vett worth to vont' com tawdry 1 ‘Veu d vier ttu missed if you died o • in iv 1 ou ? y I) • -iistent- oi rein et wiun asked so a fest or "throw told w ger" 10 enierprisee designated for the public euiel 1 le lour %%hole qpnre time taken i h 07 me you assn ming ret.poreobilities in better- ing condo inus lie t yr el (80 neigh• bet hood ? These 4 queries me put for- ward on 0ee000ot backwardness of so many to hut y themselves for the ad- vaecement of practical ffarts to inspire and carry to a successful issue. tour environment can be greatly affected by your attitude toward it and the zest you put into it. What's your hobby or your forte ? ALBERTA farmers have attracted tile atteutiou of the world. It is up to there now to "clii" thing e and prove their right to hold on. It is one thing to criticise and gime another thiug to initiate and improve. Good govern- ment should retirees wrongs, and for- ward the general good, Too many governments grow selfish. seeking per- sonal or party interests and apparently forgetful of the broader vision to be en- compassed. The fanner government has the chance of its life today and it is up to them to plan for the destiny and golden opportunities awaiting this great Canadian land, whether Provincial or Dominion wide, This will never be ac- complished by putting party ahead of principle nor making government bencbes a hatchery for one section of be country but by the display of loyalty o Canada and to tbe BritishEmpire nd an optimistic endeavor to advance very good word and work. IN some sections of the Southern tates Tar and Feather organizations re at work regulating, according to heir ideas, the conduct of the neighbor- ood as it relates to morals and other eatures. After warnings are duly given hese bands, dressed in costume and dis- uised, carry out the penalties imposed nd put on a new costume that is not asily got off According to Canadian deas and ideals this is not a wise course ut where law is lax and justice likely a be thwarted it is said, by those who ught to know, that there are commend- ble features about it that often bring ood results. The danger of practicing uch antics is carrying it too far and eating at naught the ability of the Stale deal with such cages. Ka Klux Klan w does not recommend itself to sober inking people even if the propriety is ometimes suggested in staid. prudent d Canada. a e a 18 g a e b 0 g 5 la tb of Huron County Early potatoes are a poor crop about Exetea. Flax pulling is on the program at Dashwood. Bowling tournament at Exeter, August 10th. Bern of Jas. Dallis, Tuckersmith, Wee horned by lightning. Swarm of bees was captured on an evergreen tree on D. B. bIcLean's lawn, Heneall. STOP THE PAIN Headache, Neuralgia, Rbeematio, Back- ehe, Sciatic and Ovarian Pains. One r two 1)R. MILES' ANTI -PAIN PILLS, nd the pain is gone. Guaranteed Safe nd Sure. „Price 30e, Sold in Brusselsby James Fox, fee-494:44,1EitestfereP6141414151'4":04**14141"014, et */ F onthill te Well Known N • 818 r. arsenics v Are represented in Bruseels and locality by JAS. E. SMITH who will be glad to tell you about Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Rose Bushes, &c, See his plates and get prices for Fall 11 1181 Spring delivery. Address Bruasela P. 0. or call next door North of Stand- ard Bank, 8 888,. 8, 'sr, 3* 880,, aeeeeteleteeeetha saireenceee. . ... • -AL ? ,fl, i.1 :' el ..,etle ‚-8:e: ' ,. " .1 I 1)- 1 ' t,„. .,t. ' ''''' ,,‘, "4",';O: , • , i ( ,', '' ' ' '.,„•',,,,:a!! q to! I :• . r 4•.„ .4 ' •144,:. ,,,,1 - 1 . - - ^ -,.••7:4., ',r.' ...,.••44: -t , t • 141" *•., 44 • 111 SPIRAL TUNNEL, IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, FIELD, B. C. A sick horse fractured some ribs for Asa Penhele, Exeterby a kick. Dutch set onion crop in parte of Smith Huron don't look penalising. Upwards of 100 delegates registered at the Summer School at Griderieli, Mrs. Oetwein and son Will., Den - 8811, have gone to Winnipeg to reside. Itliett Jessie Shin pe, 881010 78111 lentil) Continuation School at. Hensall. ie Balkwell, London, fell ft= an apple tree Ili Wilsoe Saw kin'e inch. rd. Ushorne, end broke hie arm. Ed. John's driving horse drooped dead on the road while driving from his home, iu Usborne townahip, to ch u role Thomas McMillan, the well known fat liner and stockman, of Ilullett, left for tile Old taluntry taking with him 82 head of prime export cattle for the British market. 6 cows were found in a well on Joseph Powe's fartn, Biddulph town- ship. Under bossy was dead. Holiday Time - Freedom from all ache a and pains assured by Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Keep them in your home, Take them on your vacation ! For Rhaumatiam, Neuralgia, Headache, Train Sickness, Ete. 11.00 at your druggist's. Sold by Jas. Fox Voters' List - 1921 Municipality of the Village of Brusselt. County of Huron. Notice Is hereby given that I have transmit. ted or delivered to the persons mentioned In Sections and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Aot, the copies required by said Seations to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to said Aot, of ell persona appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the Munioipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Amenably and at Municipal Elec- tions ; and that the said list was first posted up In my oftloe in Brussels, on the Nith day of July, 1921, and remains there for Inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the Hod list and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceed. foga to have thesaid errors corrected accord- ing to law. Dated this 27tlo day- of July, 1921. SC91rit °e'rl'Of Brussels. Tile East in the West If we were only visiting the East —my wife and I—we earald prob- ably say nothing. First, because there are certain conventions which even we Westerners recall, but more :ieely because the East would still bc showing us that mask of :trainee indulgence which it wears for the benefit of the plainsman — and we should never have guessed its reef forbearance underneath. • But having been brought here, se to speak, by royal command of an • Eastern head office, and having been given the inestimable boo.: of en during the most interfering trene, police and the most acqaieseeta criminal pollee in the world, we are `accepted as Easterners! There is no longer any mask. This enables us to speak, as it were, within the fam- ily circle, with the mask hanging -oil a peg behind the door. Eastern uni- versities feel just a little dismayed at the irreverence with which the Western student addresses himself to some of the age-old problems of metaphysics or natural 5,1514-e, and the breeziness with which he takes off his coat, makes his rough pre- liminary measurements, and pro- ceeds to deal with that problem as cheerfully at, though nobody had ever tried It before and felleell Un- doubtedly this is a little crude, and the boy will probably fail and never 'have so much courage again. Bat his way, this Western way, will ulti =lately solve more problems than the way of the head shaker and the .doubt -doubter who cherish art holy .relics the traditions of other men's failures. Among bank people here in the ,East there is an attitude of restrain- ed worider. Web, wel_L• What will ;the West do next? Three-quarters .admiring—and a little bit afraid: And in railway circles I know high officers with whom, after a con- ersation at Saturday lunch, I have been invited back to empty offices to be shown colossal satire(' leooks Ithat showed—there was no doubting t—how poor Billy Langley's head tfor figures had gone piing again! Row Bill, in public aelresses be. fore the Railway Commission, sol- cermlY swore that he had shipped.— let me see 1,805 bushels of oats and only ntads $250 because, for- sooth, the railway rates had gob- bled up the rest! Well, the railway rates hadn't done this gobbling it seemed. There were the book, and there were the pages, and there were the columns—and there the figures! If Bill's oats had been of the lowest grade, and if they had been shipped on the lorgest haul nt tne highest rate and sold for the lowest price in the year he was talking about— why Bill must have got At least $622 for his 1.,1100 bushele instead of the $250 which he told the world about. And if his oats had been high-priced oats, he would have had nearer $71,0. But lee said, said the railwaymen, that he got only $250 and ellat the railways had teenn the rest. I could have told thole Eastern railway oefielee oven worm ex- fkitisieg of eireeennetiene arithmetic the title one. There is far more . Ore este eiledtion ..nd subtraction We,1 ere', in the East, But If they wanted Weeteett eases—there was that farmer mentioet d hy Bill Lare ley, who canmee 0.841 u,)ffil bushei. of oats on which he peal lee 01)115110. freight rate, would :tot 1 et him more ban 11e niter j'ayahg 1 . eilreseme ; Nell, if his oats had teen of the !ow - est grade, and sold et the lowes. .ried tilet is Uric he mat still ave hall 11,c a 'eerie] wtte wine te eay the threeher. Of emcee every :Antler knowe that Ito thresherman ever gut leic a heehel. The infer - e1800 to this ease was that onee more. Iftt railways were getting it. - 'there was teeti tee ease of a .ae. irowa, of 814I 011itLICI Farmers or / danitoea ?JIM ..lys that the cost et e bi: ,ler Lid ,lown at Pilot hieuna, aaretelm, ie r.(,w $$1l higher titan it was last year, and that: the rail. way rates are to blaree for $22 out .f the 544. 1 happee to know from an implement mienuacturer that the entire freight costs of a five-foot ;ender if snipped in carloads from Hamilton, or Toronto to Pilot Mound in the spring of 1920 was $12.16; in April, 1e21, $16.40; an actual dif- ference of $4.21. If carried in car- ..oads to Winnipeg and reshipped as an individual binder from that point to Pilot Mound the total freight cost in 1920 was $19.25, arid in 1921, $25,25, a difference of $G. Mr. eirown's estimate of the increase eiune was greaser than Ole entire cost. taut could you explain to Eastern railway officiate that poor Bill Lang .ey's figures, alai poor Mr. Brown's figures must not he mistaken for' Western arithmetic: That because Langley was a eabinet minister the Westert farmer was not fooled into thiehing that IMO ante two make eive,1 simple because Bill sometimes thinks no. Surely the East has seen just such foolish examples of arithmetic in the strain of fighting elections. There is no higher level of native letelligence anywhere in this world than among the people I come from, the kind that had the courage to march up to a new country and eay: "Herel I arn going to tame yea!" and stick to it, although that coun- try might still send all its forces of snow and wind and old-time lone- liness to try to drive them back. As proof of the fact Langley was de- feated in the Saskatchewan elections --rejeeted along with his arithinctio. But leave the railways out of it. Among the small Eastern investors —the kind with whom my business brings me in frequent contact—I find what I might almost call sublime conceit in supposing that they can see through the charlatan and discover the fraud out West twice as quickly as the West itself. "No," quavers One Of these very nice people with perhape $1,000 to invest, "I don't think I care to hold any more western school debentures—her city bonds, oe whatever it ie—until I see. There is a bit too much deem- gogery out there! Too many young lawyers strutting around and 'flirt- ing with parlor BoIehevism. Not just the 0, B, U. strike in Winnipeg though that was bad enough—but 1 read of a eaee, etc., ate, etc," 1 wonder how many of the well-in- formed easterners know the amount of buncombe of that ItInd is talked among the little ineeetors in the Beat aud in Englenti, timid people to whom the loss of the intereet on !•••tnt can drbenture would mean some • some comfort done with. ▪ is Pest as sane as the ttJes till 3h its own dema- eea, ee et t as ry ickiy and perhaps a a 1:1.e 1.1 ,re q hly than the east - eerier. The weeeern farmer is the rest man in t:.0 world to tolerate Bolsi:es-rem. If, as I suppose, the besis of this ezeteen distrust is due to sometimes extravagant attacks on the reltwa:ys Ire Western orators, the East should remember that one of '..e surest ways a young lawyer can .ake for getting into the public eye aet. Wee% eed wiaeire; a good roe- e:ltuteeee es to qecite Scripture and reg the rail-en:ye. It is always bet- er for a famay doctor to tell a lady patient she hes XYX-ism of the ABC than to tell her the truth that she is really suffering from run-down nerves, unwise eating. late hours, tco nuaeli coffee, worry over her children, and aeidosis of the temper. She would :lever recover. So these poplar and wise young doctors of state flourish the sword of scriptural quotation an,.. shout "have you troubles good people? Stop worryiNg. Your plIbile ail- ments are really very simple. You think you have many, but you really have only one railway rates! "If ho explained the whole combination of economic conditions that cause this or that tinpiensant eyeeetom he would put the wipe men in his audi- ence to sleep, and the rest- would be frightened to death. But the West, which is mostly wit, is not fooled even by hie peerlieu to bring low the great 11; nines and enjoys the fire- works: it 'mows very well when he eeotes Setipture to liken the 'Win- ripeg Board of Trade to Judas .scariot, that he had to ask a Meth - diet preacher to look up the quota - 'on, because the leaves of the office Bible, used for swearing affidavits, are pasted together to keep it from falling open and embarrassing some client in the middle of a perfectly good deal. These youngsters get up and te.k about the psychology of the farmer—as though any self-respect- fermer would adent having such a thing, and 'as though these young orators had ever heard the neatutinal rooster or sweated behind a binder. The West ltnowe that when this lad gets to Parliament and his party is in power, responsibilities will sober him up. It knows the* he knee.* that nobody understands better than tha WeAt the impertenee of having ee:lways prosperous enough and arn- e Hems ermegit to carry on as lead- ers in the development of the whole reentry. Of course It is foolish to preteed that demagogery is not dangerous. It is. •Fragrnents of rash speeehee) traversing wires and cables, have often frightened shut the pocket - Looks of people who have never seen a prairie sunrise over the harvest - 2 ielda. Bet Westerners are no more elven to this vice than anyone else: tores speech is a British heritageeend it is up to the intelligent Easterher or old countryman to make enquiries A. to susPend Judgment before de. tiding that the West intends' to wreele the (I, P. R. in oral: to get itis to build femme (Signed), A WESTEANER, (Front the 5Iontreal Gazette.), e • a ,teee P61 7Ha Western air LONDON • Sept. 10th to 17th Seven Poll Days this Year The Popular Exhibition of Western Ontario 4 -044•44,:t44'44:40,444444.404.4.40108444,0 -01.44.:4-0441.8.4440+4004 $6,000.00 Added to the Prize List Wili•44.44:4:4444+441:+ifoli.1.44014+.80:48840:44:040:4,4844%4"0:44 13DYS' AND GIRLS' °ALP 00i1J1'1iTITiON SPEED EVENTS DOG SHOW AUTO RACES The Worth= Shows on the Midway Wonderful Programme before the • Grand Stand Twice Daily Plenty et Music Fireworks Every Night Admission—nth, 121111, /01,11 and 17L11-260, lath, 1411 and 15th -600, • Grand Stand usual prices. .ALL, TIIVORMATION PROM THB KBORBTABY 1.t.-Ool. W. M. Gartshore. president A, IVI, Hunt, Secretary Several young !Ilea been Beet er lo- calit y were tined at °therm fee beteg boozed. They say it %vas dandelion wine. Bull for Service Tho undersigned will keep for service, on S(1 Lot El, Con, 2, Morris township, the thoro'-bred Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No. 91:1415= Sired by Gainford Marquis 11008901 ; Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 118959). Ped- igree may bo seen on application Terms - 910.00 for thor&-breds payable at time of ,mer' ,fee with privilege to return. Grade cows not allowed. THOS. PIIIIItArk,tor House for Sale The property of the late Mrs, Procter, cor- nor of Alexander and Flora street, Brussels, is 0114red for sale. Good frame ((08(30and 3 acre of hind. Possession may be had on Oatober 1,8 Nor further pm Menhirs apply to, WM. TEIDELL, Phone 1811 R. 03,280, 4, Brussels, Hill View Farm JAS. A. REA Peet, of Large English Berkshires Young stook for sale, either sex. Air further particulars write or phone Brussels Central-. Walton P. 0, Plume 0010 R. It 8 04•••••• 1444+44.4.04•+*+•+000+44-0+++•-r.-r•-r".0s.ro+•+++.1. • The Seaforth Creamery • ream Wanted • The Seaforth Creamery Co. Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to .SEAFORTH, ONT. +++++•••••••-•44444,00+04.040 0411414•4400411+41•410+40 ***** °CSC re..41,410.0•••••••••••4•0•••• ! • Students May Enter Any Time : . • • (...—..... I, . • : ;7/11i / ,/, ; • . ----.......- • O 1 • • • 1 We give thorough Courses; have Experieooed Instruotors who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Commission. Address the College for Fro.) Catalettuo, to either 0 • • • • • '4 Stratford or • • fic•••••••••••••••••••••••••• o A 4 • 444 44 4* e , .6 641t4t6.40,641 0. 59 Wingham Cream Wanted Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. Brussels CreameryStewpart.Bros. t