HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-7-28, Page 1VOL. So NO,
er annum int advance
T. f1. KERR, Proprietor
Mxstritt Reins
David Hay, Elma, was operated on
for appeudicitie.
Re-uniou rune for 5 days next week
commencing July 30,
VViddis Jackson, Winnipeg, is re-
newing old friendships.
Cheese Is on rise. Next Fair here
will be held Friday of this week.
Unveiling of Memorial Tablet will
take place Monday next at the hospit-
al at 1.30 p. m,
Thos. Blackmore was elected D. D.
G. M. for this District in Masonic
Harvesting operations are hustling
along and will be over at an early
Rev. J. T. Strachan, B. D., Camp-
bellvilie, spent the week end at his old
home in this locality.
We congratulate the pupils of the
Bryan School on their success at the
recent Entrance examination.
G. and Mts. Parkes and son, Mrs.
Reid and their friends, Mr's, Joe
Dry Goods
Have added to my stock of Gents'
Furnishings a fine line of Staple
Dry Goods now on sale.
A call will convince you that we are
here to do business.
Special - Bargains
s n�'rr�Tr�77T�►7'������'��
B OOts and Shoes
Children's. Suits
and many other Lines
Joe Schwadron
New Advertisements
Forest Fires Kill Jobs.
Loonl—Dr, Ir, T. Wynne,
Holiday time—F. R. Smith.
Auto tools lost --Tan POST.
New goods—Henfryn Store,
Pigs for sale—J, R. Dickson,
Boarders wilted—Tne PORT,
Weekly Store News—James 5', a,
Edison Phonographs --W, F, Stratton,
Voters' List—Municipality of Brussels.
Davison and eon, Mervin, spent Sun-
day at Leslie Knight's, Newbridge,
Joe thereby, of Bruce Mines, Andy
Parkes, of P]userson, Man„ Mrs. Joe
Davison and son, Mervin, of Milton,
Ont., and Rickard end Mrs. Mills, of
Bruce Mines, spent the past week at
the home of G. D. Parkes.
known resident of this locality p088011
away Friday of last week, in the pert
eon of Andrew McNeish, who had
been in failing health for some time.
He was in his 71st year and was un•
married.. Funeral took place Monday
afternoon, illLerment being made in
the cemetery here, Mr. McNeish was
highly esteemed,
COMFORTABLE bonne for male with 3 bed•
rooms, parlor, dining room, Summer klWhen,
fpantry. cellar, good frame otable, hen house,
ruit trees and ki core of land.
EDWARD 1PLETOnxa, Ethel,
COMFORTABLE brink house for sale, with
furnace, kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft
water, stable &o., oitnated on Main street,
Ethel. For particulars Phone 2226 or 186 Brae.
sale Central.
Council meeting Monday, August
Wm, Mitchell is visiting friends in
Stratford for a few days.
Mrs. Ern. Cole spent a few days
with Mrs. George Bateman.
A. P. and Mrs, McKee are spending
a few days at Brantford and Niagara.
Memorial Park has been improved
by the addition of seats, swings and
This week Rev. Mr. OKell ie at
Guelph taking in the Community con-
ferences and lectures.
The Garden Party held in the Mem-
orial Park Wednesday of last week
was a fine success, proceeds totalling
over $250.
Mrs. Holmes, who taught the Ethel
school, has been engaged for the
Junior department of Walton School
for next year.
A few Ethel boys assisted Brussels
Monday evening in a Foot Ball game
with Kinburn and gave a good ac-
count of themselves.
Kinburn played a winning game at
Brussels last Monday night. P.
Stephenson, C. Hansuld and C. Dun-
bar were in the Brussels line-up,
Several Ethelites attended the
Owen Sound—Atwood Football game
last Thursday when the latter soon"2 0.
Owen Sound evened up at home on
In the absence of the pastor, who is
holidaying for a fere weeks, Gordon
intonl Brussels, will I , w Il occupy the
pulpit in the Presbyterian church here
next Sunday afternoon.
A Fairbanks Morse Electric light-
ing plant is being installed by Wm.
Lamont, localagent, at the hone of
George and Mrs. Brown,n of Moles-
worth locality. They have a fine
home and this modern appliance 'viii
add greatly to the comfort and con-
veniences of the family. We com-
mend their enterprise.
`.4.4.4.+4•�-,1-a.•t•a„�++++.+a�`ra`a ++4.4
Fresh Fish
▪ Town Deliveries +l.
• Tuesdays and Fridays
Patronage Solicited. +
4• • ROB,. KERR4.
+▪ +,t•+4•+4'+++4.4-++++++++++++++
Well Tools
275 feet ik inch Drill Rope nearly new,
1 set Jars and Rope Socket,
1 Silikee, 0 feet by 3 inches,
14. inch Sand Pump,
15 -inch Sand Pump,
14 -inch Reenter,
26 -inch ij:eemers and Ribs for same,
Also a leuglh of 0.10011 Oaring.
All for sale cheap 08 owner has no
use for them,
Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired
Call up Phone 28x
Lietowel Band supplied a gond share
of the program on the Park Wednes-
day evening of last week.
Mrs. Grabill and grandson, Toronto,
were visitors with Mrs. .1. K. Brown.
It is 46 years since these ladies, who
were friends of girlhood clays, met
and the pleasure was mutual."
The annual statement of Trinity
Anglican church has been issued
ehowing the total receipts to be $1,372
and expenditure $1,304 Congrega-
tion is to be congratulated for their
liberality. Rev, Mr. Hawkins is the
diligent rector and Richard Procter,
finance minister.
MATRICTONIAL,—A very quiet wed-
ding was solemnized at St. David's
eh melt, Henfryn, ou Wednesday,
July 20111, when Charlotte Elizabeth,
youngest daughter of James and Mee.
Thomson, and Henry James, eldest
son of Matthew and Mrs, Small, of
Toronto, were united in holy bonds
of matrimony by the incumbent, Rev.
A. E. W. Ingtam. At 12 o'clock,
noon, the bride, on the arra of her
father, entered the church to the
strains of Lohengrin's Wedding
March, played by her sister, Miss
Laura, The bride looked lovely in
white satin with an overskirt of
georgette, trimmed with silver lace
and an embroidered silk veil with a
wreath of orange blossoms and carry-
inglboquet of Ophelia roses. She was
attended by the groom's sister, Miss
Myrtle, who looked charming wear-
ing a pink taffeta dress with silver
lace trimming and black mohair bat
and carried Columbia roses. Groom
was most ably supported by the
bride's brother, Ralph Thomson.
After the ceremony the party retired
to the bride's home where a dainty
luncheon was served aid a delightful
time spent until the happy couple de -
Methodist Churches
Next Sabbath the Pastor will
preach at Roe's, Union and
1:thel. His subject
will be
The Most
Popular Sin
in the World
You are cordially
Invited to attend
the Services.
A Representative of this well known Musical Machine
will be at
W. F. St retto n's Store
Friday of this Week
To display the capabilities of this fine Machine.
Go and hear and see what can be done,
No expense or necessity to buy unless you desire to
do so.
parted on lite afternoon trait,
rirnidst [Ohowore of rice trod confetti,
for a few weeke houeymoort in Toron-
to and Rochester. The bride travel-
led in fawn wausseletle crepe with
rnobttir hat to snatch trimmed with
but utorange ostrich pltune. Hearty
congratulations are extended to Mr.
curd Mrs. Small for a long, prosperous
and happy life,
Civic holiday will be observed in
Wroxeter next Monday, August Ist,
when all places of business will be
Next Sunday afternoon Communion
service will be held in the Methodist
Next Sunday morning the service
in Knox church will be conducted by
G. 'Hinton], Brussels, in the absence of
the pastor.
The first Fall wheat threshing in
this section -was at George E. Speir-
an's, It was done in Western style—
from the stook—Jno, McNab'e ma
(thine doing the work.
Rev. Mr. Kennedy is attending a
course of Lectures at the Ontario
Agricultural Oollege, Guelph, on
Community work. He will go to
Eastern points after for a holiday.
Mrs. Kennedy and son are now
visiting at Oshawa.
Mee. Donal Stewart, Miss Hazel
and Earl, of Dundas, were visitors
with Thos. and Mrs. Iuglis.
Mies Mae Inglis went to Atwood to
keep house for her cousin, Mrs. D.
Saunders, while the latter went to the
hospital at Listowel for an operation.
been decided to hold a day of Sports
here on Thursday, August 11th when
n program of Base Ball, Foot Ball and
athletic events for the wren and Base
Ball and Basket Bali for the ladies
will be put on, followed by a Concert
and dancing platform for the evening.
Proceeds of day will go to benefit of
Park Fund. Watch ont for bills an-
nouncing full particulars. In the
meantime reserve Aug, 11 for Mon-
It is said Mrs. Holmes, Brussels,
bas been engaged as teacher of the
Junior department of Walton public
school, duties ; to commence after
holidays. She taught at Ethel last
In Walton school report last week
names of Mary McCall and Geo. Shol-
dice (promoted on account of illness)
were omitted. They were promoted
from Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th. From Sr. 3rd
to Jr. 4111 Alice Hoy's: name should
have appeared, She took honors.
Robert Coutts has gone on a holiday
trip to the Shetland Islands, Scotland
and other places. He sailed on the
steamship Tunisian from Montreal,
We wish him a pleasant stay and a
safe return It is aood manyear
since Mr. Coutts was on his old home
—the briny deep.
Walton Women's Institute an-
nounce a Community Picnic, to he
held in theg rove of Jas. Rea, on
Wednesday Arnet 17th. Proceeds
will be applied toward a fund to
purchase a village Park. Watch for
further particulars and keep the date
MISSIONAoy MEE'riocn.— Walton
Presbyterian W. M. S. held their July
meeting at the home of Mee, J. Ritch-
ie. The excessive heat of the day did
not binder the ladies from turning
out in good numbers, over two doze')
being present. The study, "Missions
in India" was taken by Mesdames
Chandler, Berry, Skinn and Gardiner.
Mise Ina Cunningham gave au excel-
lent paper ou "Rome Mission Hospit-
als and Hospital Hints." Mrs. Neal
presided, At the close of the meeting
Mrs. Ritchie served lunch and the
young daughters of the house and
their friends gave some nice music.
Next meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Robb, Coutts on August 11111.
The hum of the threshing machine
is heard in the. land.
Miss Miriam Lowe has accepted a
school near Palmerston for next year,
Township Council and Court of Re-
visioh on Drain By -Laws, Monday,
August Sth.
Misses Margaret, Jessie and Kate
McDonald are home for a holiday
from Toronto,
illrs, Jiro. McKee Sault Ste.Marie,
Ont., is a visitor with Mrs. J. Henry
Hoover, 11t1 Con.
John Charles Williamson and bride,
of Hamilton, were visitors for a few
drays at the fortner's home here.
Mrs, Hugh Oatnpbell, 1615h Oon„
has a beautiful Hydrangea with 40
targe blossoms on it. It to a pleasure
just to look at it, Who has a nicer
one ?
Milton and Mrs. Parr and family
fwd Wm. and Mrs. Hollinger, Sth
line, were visitors with frieude at
Putts and Brantford. Trip was a mot-
or ono.
Tuesday of this week R. J. Hoover
and family, accompanied by Mrs, Mc-
Kee, an aunt from the "Soo," were
visiting D. and Mrs. McCallum, of
MISSION CIRCLE.— Friday evening
last Trowbridge Mission Oircle gave a
very interesting program at Union
Ohureh. At bhe"olose a Circle was
organized with the following officers :
Hon. President, Mrs. Geo, Speiran ;
President, Mrs. Ferman ; vice Presi-
dent, Miss hazel McDonald 1
Secretary, Mies E. Richmond 1 elor.-
Secretary, Mise Ina McKay ; Treasur-
er, Mise Mabel Spoirau, Meetings
will be 2nd Tuesday afternoons of
each month lat'the homes'of the mem-
hers. Next meeting at the Presi-
dent`s home, A gond time is antici-
New Dry Goods
New Boos & Shoes
New Hosiery
New. Groceries
Highest prices paid for Fresh
Eggs and good Dairy Rutter.
Goal Oil, any quantity, always
on hand.
W. G, McMillan
Mrs. (Dr.) Robertson and children,
of Colliogwood, are here on a holiday
visit. The Dr, is expected here also.
Fred. and Mee. Cardiff svelte visitors
at Clinton, Elliott. Rartliif, a nephew
came hack with them to spend a holi-
day o, the farm.
M,H. SlehF'PL, of Detroit, is visit-
ing Miss Maggie Robertson on Lhe 16th
Con, She retro ne home on Satur-
day of this week,
Council met last Monday,
Harvest is progressing favorable.
E:uly thresh'nga OW0 OR the Ko-
mi ant with fair good vet erne reported.
1 )eteati ye and Mee, 01.o0me and 5011
Leonard, of Toronto, were visitors at
the house of F, H. and Mre. Kerney.
The ladies were old friends at St.
Mrs. W. H. Cloakey, Toronto, has
been renewing old friendships in this
neighborhood, She was a former resi-
dent for years and was a Miss Mc-
Cutcbeon before her marriage.
Alex, Russell, 7th line, was on the
sick list from something like sun-
stroke, Children were also ill with
mumps so they had their full share of
trouble. Improvement is being made.
Mies Hannah Stanley, of Glamis
locality, motored to Brussels Sunday
and is here to take care of her sister,
Ida, who was seriously injured with a
broken arm, at the home of Alex.
Nichol, 6th line. We wish her speedy
tt t3
1 People We Talk About
tt tt
"Jim" Lowry. Toronto, is home tor a
Miss Isabel Strachan is enjoying a
holiday in Muskoka.
Mrs. Weller, sr. has returned to town
after an extended visit in the East,
Nurse Henderson, of Detroit, was
calling on old friends in toren last week,
Mrs. E. T Bell Toro
nto, is here on a
visit with her Parents Jas. and Mrs,
R. and Mrs. Work and family, Toron-
to, are holidaying with relatives and old
Miss U. Candler. Listowel, is visiting
her cousin, Miss Bernice Thibidesu,
Rus. Zimmer, of the Queen's city, is
renewing old friendships in Brussels and
Mrs Arthur Riley and 3 children, of
Calgary, are visiting Brussels and Mc-
Killop relatives.
Harry Ross, Kincardine, is here on a
visit at his grandfather Ross' home, re
c: uiting from Rn operation.
Miss Beryl Oaten, Toronro, formerly
of Brussels, has accepted a position on
the staff of the Yorkton (Alta.) Col-
Dr. Fred. Gilpin, of Chicago, was in
town for a few days brought here on
account of the illness of his mother. He
motored with his new car.
An Oil Springs correspondent says :—
Quinn Zimmer, an old time resident,
but now of Petrolia, was the guest of
several old friends on Sunday,
Archie Ritchie, 'Toronto, is spending
part of his vacation with relatives in
Brussels and locality. He is a son of
the late Chas. and Mrs. Ritchie
Misses Muriel and Lilah Sperling,
who were attending the Summer School
at Goderich have gonet
o Strathroy
visit their sister,
Mrs Curtis Rothwell.
H. Richert, Elmira, Mrs. G Copp,
Omaha, and Mrs. G. Meyer, Buffalo,
N. Y., were visitors with their sister,
Mrs. Chas. Oakley, Turnberry street.
James and Mrs. Porteiee'd, Orange
Hill end Arthur and Mrs. Cowan and`
sou "Bobble" and Miss Edith MiEwan,
Clilfotd, were visitors with W. L. and
Mrs, Seeker.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer. of Swan River,
Man., G. and Mrs. Thompson, St.
Augustine, and Mrs, Lawson, Toronto,
were visitors at the home of James and
Mrs Armstrong, Flora street.
One new teacher will he added to the
staff of the Palmerston Public and Con-
tinuation School when that institution
re -opens next September. Miss Alma
Slembly, a Palmerston girl who hes been
attending Normal at Stratford, bas been
engaged to take room No, s, at an initial
salary of $Soo per annum.
Mrs. David Whiting, of Dundurn,
SOsk.,10 here one visit to her parents,
Wm. tied Mrs, Ellis, It is 05 years
since she was bare before, The visitor
says the grasshopper is playing havoc
With the crops in their Tonality, Mrs.
Earnest Mabee, of Ingersoll, another
sister, and her son Ellis, were also here.
Mr, Ellis is 78 years of age and Mrs,
Ellie 81 And are old time residents of
town, neither of thele very hearty at
Bios Wilma Galbraith is enjoyiug a
vacation with relatives in Terouto,
Mrs. Lorne Eekluier and little son,
Jack, are visitors under the parental
roof of D, and Mrs. Ewan, town, Mr.
Eckmier will be here later on a visit.
Their home i0 in Flint, Mich,
Miss Pearl McPherson, of Wingllem,
a former teec'-er on Brussels School
staff, was renewing old friendships.
She has been teaching at $eaforth but
goee to St, Thomas after vacation,
D. W. Mitchell, of town, has bought a
restaurant in Wingbatn from Wm.
Burke and is pore in possession, Mrs,
Mitchell's maiden name was Miss Rhoda
Hewitt, We wish them prosperity,.
Mrs. A. K. Zapfe, and baby Murray,
Toronto, are holidaying at Riverp de
Farm with R. and Mrs. Thomson. Mrs,
N. McLaucblin returned with them
after an absence of several months,
Miss Elaine Rsthwell, of Strathroy,
was holidaying with Mrs. Geo. Spading.
Mrs, S. Rsthwell, Clinton, is also visit-
ing at the same home, Miss Addie
Sperling, Toronto, is also home for her
A, G. and Mrs. Broadfoot, W. S. and
Mrs. Broadfoot, all of Tuckersmlth, and
Miss Nellie Broadfoot, of Toronto, visit-
ed at the home of Robt. and Mrs, Dark
on Sunday. The visitors are cousins of
Jno. Govenlock, M P. P„ was in town
Monday He attended the feueral of
the late Juo Calder, M P. P., for North
Oxford, last Sunday, who died as the re-
sult of an accident in bis baro while un-
loading grain,
Miss Gertrude Ross arrived home
from Fort William Saturday, where she
had been teaching. She hopes to take a
good rest and built] up her strength
after a vigoraus continuance of bnsy
days for years, We trust her fondest
hopes will be realized.
Mrs, N, B. Gerry, dsughterl Velma
and son, Lloyd, of Fort William,
are here on a visit with rela-
tives and old friends. The former is a
sister of Reeve Plum and was a former
resident. The Gerry family, of the
Liverpool of the North, are reportod en-
joying good health,
Petrolia Topic of last week says :—
Miss Winoifred Morris is visiting her
sister, Mrs, E H, Pearce, Wallacetown.
Miss Morris has been teaching in Brus-
sels Continuation School for the past 3
years but resigned to accept a posstroa
as mathematical teacher in Oakville
High School.
Barrister Jack Leckie and bis brother,
Charlie, who holds the responsible posi-
tion of assistant Treasurer of the Davies
Co. Toronto, were here for a short time
and met many old friends who were
glad to welcome the boys although their
stay was brief. 'Bob" Leckie, the
other brother, is in Portland, Oregon,
counectcd with a railway office position.
Jas. and Mrs. Walker, of Wingbatn,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fleming
and son, of Chatham, and a grand-
daughter. Toronto, were calling on old
friends in town last Monday. Mr. and
Mrs. Walker were residents of Brussels
for a number of years and are always
welcome back, Mrs. Flemingis one
their good looking daughters.
Joshua and Mrs. Bateman and son
Jack, Toronto, were welcome visitors in
Brussels. Mr, B , who is assistant De-
pot Master at the Union station, Toron-
to, wasan old time residente
m of Grey
township and likes toget toe
1 es back renew
old friendships. He is a brother of Jno.
Bateman, Brussels and Mrs, Harry At-
twood, of Grey. It is se years since Mr.
Bateman went to Toronto. :Had been
with G. T. R. at Stratford for so to 12
years before that, hence knows the Mork
from a to z and is most genial and oblig-
ing. The Union depot is a very busy
spot as 72 passenger trains arrive and
depart each day in addition to the many
freights. 4.000 8 gallon milk 00115 are
handled every Monday and from 2,800
to 3,000 on other days. Small motor
tractors are proving very useful in facili-
tating the moving of mail, express and
baggage in the depot and are quite a
novelty in the transportation business.
Church Chimes
Quarterly Communion will be observ-
ed next Sabbath morning in the Metho-
dist church. Testimony service opens
at to a. m. in the Lecture room.
"Wayside Gospel" was the pastor's
subject in the Methodist church, Sun-
day morning and 30d Epistle of John
verses t & 2 was the foundation of the
eveuiog address ou "Soul Beauty."
St. Marys Wtdder Street Presbyterian
Church which has been closed for the
past three years, owing to the union of
the Presbyterian congregations. will re-
open for services on the first Sunday in
August by Rev. D. K, Morden, Toronto,
Rev. G. ',V. Rivers, Hensall, was un-
animously elected President of the Sum-
mer school, which was held in St,
Thomas. Mr. Rivers has been Secre-
tary for several years. Rev, E. Doan,
Wheatley, a former pastor at Monkton,
was made Secretary.
Rev. S. J. Milia, who, was a web re-
membered Methodist pastor here, has
retired from the active ministry this
year. He was presented with a purse of
money before leaving Ildsrton, where
he had been stationed. He and Mrs,
Allan will reside in Toronto.
Rev. W. L Ford, L. L. B., well-
known superannuated Methodist minis-
ter, who has been living with his
brother Rev, 1. Ford, Goderich, for the
pest 2 years, died Tuesday of last week,
in his 76th year, Mr. Ford had been
failing rapidly for 6 weeks and his death
was not unexpected, He was born at
Peterboro, but spent the whole of his
ministerial career of so years in Loudon
Conference. holding many important
charges. He was for 4 years pastor of
Grace Methodist church, Eseex. Other
paetorates included London, Parkhill,
Glencoe, Wyoming and Clinton. He
held many responsible 001010 positions,
including for years chairman of many
districts. He was also Preeident of the
London Conference.
Kn wled g
A ge
of Farmers' Needs
Eighty-nine years of banking
in Canada has given The Bank
of Nova Scotia an experience and
insight into the Banking require
ments of farmers which enables
it to provide a thoroughly satisfac-
tory service to its farmer
A call on the nearest branch
manager will prove to you that
it would be an advantage to have
an account in The Bank of Nova
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid up Capital
5 9,700,000 E. A. DIXON
18.000.000 Manager Brussels
tlesourcea -
Mxstritt Reins
David Hay, Elma, was operated on
for appeudicitie.
Re-uniou rune for 5 days next week
commencing July 30,
VViddis Jackson, Winnipeg, is re-
newing old friendships.
Cheese Is on rise. Next Fair here
will be held Friday of this week.
Unveiling of Memorial Tablet will
take place Monday next at the hospit-
al at 1.30 p. m,
Thos. Blackmore was elected D. D.
G. M. for this District in Masonic
Harvesting operations are hustling
along and will be over at an early
Rev. J. T. Strachan, B. D., Camp-
bellvilie, spent the week end at his old
home in this locality.
We congratulate the pupils of the
Bryan School on their success at the
recent Entrance examination.
G. and Mts. Parkes and son, Mrs.
Reid and their friends, Mr's, Joe
Dry Goods
Have added to my stock of Gents'
Furnishings a fine line of Staple
Dry Goods now on sale.
A call will convince you that we are
here to do business.
Special - Bargains
s n�'rr�Tr�77T�►7'������'��
B OOts and Shoes
Children's. Suits
and many other Lines
Joe Schwadron
New Advertisements
Forest Fires Kill Jobs.
Loonl—Dr, Ir, T. Wynne,
Holiday time—F. R. Smith.
Auto tools lost --Tan POST.
New goods—Henfryn Store,
Pigs for sale—J, R. Dickson,
Boarders wilted—Tne PORT,
Weekly Store News—James 5', a,
Edison Phonographs --W, F, Stratton,
Voters' List—Municipality of Brussels.
Davison and eon, Mervin, spent Sun-
day at Leslie Knight's, Newbridge,
Joe thereby, of Bruce Mines, Andy
Parkes, of P]userson, Man„ Mrs. Joe
Davison and son, Mervin, of Milton,
Ont., and Rickard end Mrs. Mills, of
Bruce Mines, spent the past week at
the home of G. D. Parkes.
known resident of this locality p088011
away Friday of last week, in the pert
eon of Andrew McNeish, who had
been in failing health for some time.
He was in his 71st year and was un•
married.. Funeral took place Monday
afternoon, illLerment being made in
the cemetery here, Mr. McNeish was
highly esteemed,
COMFORTABLE bonne for male with 3 bed•
rooms, parlor, dining room, Summer klWhen,
fpantry. cellar, good frame otable, hen house,
ruit trees and ki core of land.
EDWARD 1PLETOnxa, Ethel,
COMFORTABLE brink house for sale, with
furnace, kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft
water, stable &o., oitnated on Main street,
Ethel. For particulars Phone 2226 or 186 Brae.
sale Central.
Council meeting Monday, August
Wm, Mitchell is visiting friends in
Stratford for a few days.
Mrs. Ern. Cole spent a few days
with Mrs. George Bateman.
A. P. and Mrs, McKee are spending
a few days at Brantford and Niagara.
Memorial Park has been improved
by the addition of seats, swings and
This week Rev. Mr. OKell ie at
Guelph taking in the Community con-
ferences and lectures.
The Garden Party held in the Mem-
orial Park Wednesday of last week
was a fine success, proceeds totalling
over $250.
Mrs. Holmes, who taught the Ethel
school, has been engaged for the
Junior department of Walton School
for next year.
A few Ethel boys assisted Brussels
Monday evening in a Foot Ball game
with Kinburn and gave a good ac-
count of themselves.
Kinburn played a winning game at
Brussels last Monday night. P.
Stephenson, C. Hansuld and C. Dun-
bar were in the Brussels line-up,
Several Ethelites attended the
Owen Sound—Atwood Football game
last Thursday when the latter soon"2 0.
Owen Sound evened up at home on
In the absence of the pastor, who is
holidaying for a fere weeks, Gordon
intonl Brussels, will I , w Il occupy the
pulpit in the Presbyterian church here
next Sunday afternoon.
A Fairbanks Morse Electric light-
ing plant is being installed by Wm.
Lamont, localagent, at the hone of
George and Mrs. Brown,n of Moles-
worth locality. They have a fine
home and this modern appliance 'viii
add greatly to the comfort and con-
veniences of the family. We com-
mend their enterprise.
`.4.4.4.+4•�-,1-a.•t•a„�++++.+a�`ra`a ++4.4
Fresh Fish
▪ Town Deliveries +l.
• Tuesdays and Fridays
Patronage Solicited. +
4• • ROB,. KERR4.
+▪ +,t•+4•+4'+++4.4-++++++++++++++
Well Tools
275 feet ik inch Drill Rope nearly new,
1 set Jars and Rope Socket,
1 Silikee, 0 feet by 3 inches,
14. inch Sand Pump,
15 -inch Sand Pump,
14 -inch Reenter,
26 -inch ij:eemers and Ribs for same,
Also a leuglh of 0.10011 Oaring.
All for sale cheap 08 owner has no
use for them,
Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired
Call up Phone 28x
Lietowel Band supplied a gond share
of the program on the Park Wednes-
day evening of last week.
Mrs. Grabill and grandson, Toronto,
were visitors with Mrs. .1. K. Brown.
It is 46 years since these ladies, who
were friends of girlhood clays, met
and the pleasure was mutual."
The annual statement of Trinity
Anglican church has been issued
ehowing the total receipts to be $1,372
and expenditure $1,304 Congrega-
tion is to be congratulated for their
liberality. Rev, Mr. Hawkins is the
diligent rector and Richard Procter,
finance minister.
MATRICTONIAL,—A very quiet wed-
ding was solemnized at St. David's
eh melt, Henfryn, ou Wednesday,
July 20111, when Charlotte Elizabeth,
youngest daughter of James and Mee.
Thomson, and Henry James, eldest
son of Matthew and Mrs, Small, of
Toronto, were united in holy bonds
of matrimony by the incumbent, Rev.
A. E. W. Ingtam. At 12 o'clock,
noon, the bride, on the arra of her
father, entered the church to the
strains of Lohengrin's Wedding
March, played by her sister, Miss
Laura, The bride looked lovely in
white satin with an overskirt of
georgette, trimmed with silver lace
and an embroidered silk veil with a
wreath of orange blossoms and carry-
inglboquet of Ophelia roses. She was
attended by the groom's sister, Miss
Myrtle, who looked charming wear-
ing a pink taffeta dress with silver
lace trimming and black mohair bat
and carried Columbia roses. Groom
was most ably supported by the
bride's brother, Ralph Thomson.
After the ceremony the party retired
to the bride's home where a dainty
luncheon was served aid a delightful
time spent until the happy couple de -
Methodist Churches
Next Sabbath the Pastor will
preach at Roe's, Union and
1:thel. His subject
will be
The Most
Popular Sin
in the World
You are cordially
Invited to attend
the Services.
A Representative of this well known Musical Machine
will be at
W. F. St retto n's Store
Friday of this Week
To display the capabilities of this fine Machine.
Go and hear and see what can be done,
No expense or necessity to buy unless you desire to
do so.
parted on lite afternoon trait,
rirnidst [Ohowore of rice trod confetti,
for a few weeke houeymoort in Toron-
to and Rochester. The bride travel-
led in fawn wausseletle crepe with
rnobttir hat to snatch trimmed with
but utorange ostrich pltune. Hearty
congratulations are extended to Mr.
curd Mrs. Small for a long, prosperous
and happy life,
Civic holiday will be observed in
Wroxeter next Monday, August Ist,
when all places of business will be
Next Sunday afternoon Communion
service will be held in the Methodist
Next Sunday morning the service
in Knox church will be conducted by
G. 'Hinton], Brussels, in the absence of
the pastor.
The first Fall wheat threshing in
this section -was at George E. Speir-
an's, It was done in Western style—
from the stook—Jno, McNab'e ma
(thine doing the work.
Rev. Mr. Kennedy is attending a
course of Lectures at the Ontario
Agricultural Oollege, Guelph, on
Community work. He will go to
Eastern points after for a holiday.
Mrs. Kennedy and son are now
visiting at Oshawa.
Mee. Donal Stewart, Miss Hazel
and Earl, of Dundas, were visitors
with Thos. and Mrs. Iuglis.
Mies Mae Inglis went to Atwood to
keep house for her cousin, Mrs. D.
Saunders, while the latter went to the
hospital at Listowel for an operation.
been decided to hold a day of Sports
here on Thursday, August 11th when
n program of Base Ball, Foot Ball and
athletic events for the wren and Base
Ball and Basket Bali for the ladies
will be put on, followed by a Concert
and dancing platform for the evening.
Proceeds of day will go to benefit of
Park Fund. Watch ont for bills an-
nouncing full particulars. In the
meantime reserve Aug, 11 for Mon-
It is said Mrs. Holmes, Brussels,
bas been engaged as teacher of the
Junior department of Walton public
school, duties ; to commence after
holidays. She taught at Ethel last
In Walton school report last week
names of Mary McCall and Geo. Shol-
dice (promoted on account of illness)
were omitted. They were promoted
from Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th. From Sr. 3rd
to Jr. 4111 Alice Hoy's: name should
have appeared, She took honors.
Robert Coutts has gone on a holiday
trip to the Shetland Islands, Scotland
and other places. He sailed on the
steamship Tunisian from Montreal,
We wish him a pleasant stay and a
safe return It is aood manyear
since Mr. Coutts was on his old home
—the briny deep.
Walton Women's Institute an-
nounce a Community Picnic, to he
held in theg rove of Jas. Rea, on
Wednesday Arnet 17th. Proceeds
will be applied toward a fund to
purchase a village Park. Watch for
further particulars and keep the date
MISSIONAoy MEE'riocn.— Walton
Presbyterian W. M. S. held their July
meeting at the home of Mee, J. Ritch-
ie. The excessive heat of the day did
not binder the ladies from turning
out in good numbers, over two doze')
being present. The study, "Missions
in India" was taken by Mesdames
Chandler, Berry, Skinn and Gardiner.
Mise Ina Cunningham gave au excel-
lent paper ou "Rome Mission Hospit-
als and Hospital Hints." Mrs. Neal
presided, At the close of the meeting
Mrs. Ritchie served lunch and the
young daughters of the house and
their friends gave some nice music.
Next meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Robb, Coutts on August 11111.
The hum of the threshing machine
is heard in the. land.
Miss Miriam Lowe has accepted a
school near Palmerston for next year,
Township Council and Court of Re-
visioh on Drain By -Laws, Monday,
August Sth.
Misses Margaret, Jessie and Kate
McDonald are home for a holiday
from Toronto,
illrs, Jiro. McKee Sault Ste.Marie,
Ont., is a visitor with Mrs. J. Henry
Hoover, 11t1 Con.
John Charles Williamson and bride,
of Hamilton, were visitors for a few
drays at the fortner's home here.
Mrs, Hugh Oatnpbell, 1615h Oon„
has a beautiful Hydrangea with 40
targe blossoms on it. It to a pleasure
just to look at it, Who has a nicer
one ?
Milton and Mrs. Parr and family
fwd Wm. and Mrs. Hollinger, Sth
line, were visitors with frieude at
Putts and Brantford. Trip was a mot-
or ono.
Tuesday of this week R. J. Hoover
and family, accompanied by Mrs, Mc-
Kee, an aunt from the "Soo," were
visiting D. and Mrs. McCallum, of
MISSION CIRCLE.— Friday evening
last Trowbridge Mission Oircle gave a
very interesting program at Union
Ohureh. At bhe"olose a Circle was
organized with the following officers :
Hon. President, Mrs. Geo, Speiran ;
President, Mrs. Ferman ; vice Presi-
dent, Miss hazel McDonald 1
Secretary, Mies E. Richmond 1 elor.-
Secretary, Mise Ina McKay ; Treasur-
er, Mise Mabel Spoirau, Meetings
will be 2nd Tuesday afternoons of
each month lat'the homes'of the mem-
hers. Next meeting at the Presi-
dent`s home, A gond time is antici-
New Dry Goods
New Boos & Shoes
New Hosiery
New. Groceries
Highest prices paid for Fresh
Eggs and good Dairy Rutter.
Goal Oil, any quantity, always
on hand.
W. G, McMillan
Mrs. (Dr.) Robertson and children,
of Colliogwood, are here on a holiday
visit. The Dr, is expected here also.
Fred. and Mee. Cardiff svelte visitors
at Clinton, Elliott. Rartliif, a nephew
came hack with them to spend a holi-
day o, the farm.
M,H. SlehF'PL, of Detroit, is visit-
ing Miss Maggie Robertson on Lhe 16th
Con, She retro ne home on Satur-
day of this week,
Council met last Monday,
Harvest is progressing favorable.
E:uly thresh'nga OW0 OR the Ko-
mi ant with fair good vet erne reported.
1 )eteati ye and Mee, 01.o0me and 5011
Leonard, of Toronto, were visitors at
the house of F, H. and Mre. Kerney.
The ladies were old friends at St.
Mrs. W. H. Cloakey, Toronto, has
been renewing old friendships in this
neighborhood, She was a former resi-
dent for years and was a Miss Mc-
Cutcbeon before her marriage.
Alex, Russell, 7th line, was on the
sick list from something like sun-
stroke, Children were also ill with
mumps so they had their full share of
trouble. Improvement is being made.
Mies Hannah Stanley, of Glamis
locality, motored to Brussels Sunday
and is here to take care of her sister,
Ida, who was seriously injured with a
broken arm, at the home of Alex.
Nichol, 6th line. We wish her speedy
tt t3
1 People We Talk About
tt tt
"Jim" Lowry. Toronto, is home tor a
Miss Isabel Strachan is enjoying a
holiday in Muskoka.
Mrs. Weller, sr. has returned to town
after an extended visit in the East,
Nurse Henderson, of Detroit, was
calling on old friends in toren last week,
Mrs. E. T Bell Toro
nto, is here on a
visit with her Parents Jas. and Mrs,
R. and Mrs. Work and family, Toron-
to, are holidaying with relatives and old
Miss U. Candler. Listowel, is visiting
her cousin, Miss Bernice Thibidesu,
Rus. Zimmer, of the Queen's city, is
renewing old friendships in Brussels and
Mrs Arthur Riley and 3 children, of
Calgary, are visiting Brussels and Mc-
Killop relatives.
Harry Ross, Kincardine, is here on a
visit at his grandfather Ross' home, re
c: uiting from Rn operation.
Miss Beryl Oaten, Toronro, formerly
of Brussels, has accepted a position on
the staff of the Yorkton (Alta.) Col-
Dr. Fred. Gilpin, of Chicago, was in
town for a few days brought here on
account of the illness of his mother. He
motored with his new car.
An Oil Springs correspondent says :—
Quinn Zimmer, an old time resident,
but now of Petrolia, was the guest of
several old friends on Sunday,
Archie Ritchie, 'Toronto, is spending
part of his vacation with relatives in
Brussels and locality. He is a son of
the late Chas. and Mrs. Ritchie
Misses Muriel and Lilah Sperling,
who were attending the Summer School
at Goderich have gonet
o Strathroy
visit their sister,
Mrs Curtis Rothwell.
H. Richert, Elmira, Mrs. G Copp,
Omaha, and Mrs. G. Meyer, Buffalo,
N. Y., were visitors with their sister,
Mrs. Chas. Oakley, Turnberry street.
James and Mrs. Porteiee'd, Orange
Hill end Arthur and Mrs. Cowan and`
sou "Bobble" and Miss Edith MiEwan,
Clilfotd, were visitors with W. L. and
Mrs, Seeker.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer. of Swan River,
Man., G. and Mrs. Thompson, St.
Augustine, and Mrs, Lawson, Toronto,
were visitors at the home of James and
Mrs Armstrong, Flora street.
One new teacher will he added to the
staff of the Palmerston Public and Con-
tinuation School when that institution
re -opens next September. Miss Alma
Slembly, a Palmerston girl who hes been
attending Normal at Stratford, bas been
engaged to take room No, s, at an initial
salary of $Soo per annum.
Mrs. David Whiting, of Dundurn,
SOsk.,10 here one visit to her parents,
Wm. tied Mrs, Ellis, It is 05 years
since she was bare before, The visitor
says the grasshopper is playing havoc
With the crops in their Tonality, Mrs.
Earnest Mabee, of Ingersoll, another
sister, and her son Ellis, were also here.
Mr, Ellis is 78 years of age and Mrs,
Ellie 81 And are old time residents of
town, neither of thele very hearty at
Bios Wilma Galbraith is enjoyiug a
vacation with relatives in Terouto,
Mrs. Lorne Eekluier and little son,
Jack, are visitors under the parental
roof of D, and Mrs. Ewan, town, Mr.
Eckmier will be here later on a visit.
Their home i0 in Flint, Mich,
Miss Pearl McPherson, of Wingllem,
a former teec'-er on Brussels School
staff, was renewing old friendships.
She has been teaching at $eaforth but
goee to St, Thomas after vacation,
D. W. Mitchell, of town, has bought a
restaurant in Wingbatn from Wm.
Burke and is pore in possession, Mrs,
Mitchell's maiden name was Miss Rhoda
Hewitt, We wish them prosperity,.
Mrs. A. K. Zapfe, and baby Murray,
Toronto, are holidaying at Riverp de
Farm with R. and Mrs. Thomson. Mrs,
N. McLaucblin returned with them
after an absence of several months,
Miss Elaine Rsthwell, of Strathroy,
was holidaying with Mrs. Geo. Spading.
Mrs, S. Rsthwell, Clinton, is also visit-
ing at the same home, Miss Addie
Sperling, Toronto, is also home for her
A, G. and Mrs. Broadfoot, W. S. and
Mrs. Broadfoot, all of Tuckersmlth, and
Miss Nellie Broadfoot, of Toronto, visit-
ed at the home of Robt. and Mrs, Dark
on Sunday. The visitors are cousins of
Jno. Govenlock, M P. P„ was in town
Monday He attended the feueral of
the late Juo Calder, M P. P., for North
Oxford, last Sunday, who died as the re-
sult of an accident in bis baro while un-
loading grain,
Miss Gertrude Ross arrived home
from Fort William Saturday, where she
had been teaching. She hopes to take a
good rest and built] up her strength
after a vigoraus continuance of bnsy
days for years, We trust her fondest
hopes will be realized.
Mrs, N, B. Gerry, dsughterl Velma
and son, Lloyd, of Fort William,
are here on a visit with rela-
tives and old friends. The former is a
sister of Reeve Plum and was a former
resident. The Gerry family, of the
Liverpool of the North, are reportod en-
joying good health,
Petrolia Topic of last week says :—
Miss Winoifred Morris is visiting her
sister, Mrs, E H, Pearce, Wallacetown.
Miss Morris has been teaching in Brus-
sels Continuation School for the past 3
years but resigned to accept a posstroa
as mathematical teacher in Oakville
High School.
Barrister Jack Leckie and bis brother,
Charlie, who holds the responsible posi-
tion of assistant Treasurer of the Davies
Co. Toronto, were here for a short time
and met many old friends who were
glad to welcome the boys although their
stay was brief. 'Bob" Leckie, the
other brother, is in Portland, Oregon,
counectcd with a railway office position.
Jas. and Mrs. Walker, of Wingbatn,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fleming
and son, of Chatham, and a grand-
daughter. Toronto, were calling on old
friends in town last Monday. Mr. and
Mrs. Walker were residents of Brussels
for a number of years and are always
welcome back, Mrs. Flemingis one
their good looking daughters.
Joshua and Mrs. Bateman and son
Jack, Toronto, were welcome visitors in
Brussels. Mr, B , who is assistant De-
pot Master at the Union station, Toron-
to, wasan old time residente
m of Grey
township and likes toget toe
1 es back renew
old friendships. He is a brother of Jno.
Bateman, Brussels and Mrs, Harry At-
twood, of Grey. It is se years since Mr.
Bateman went to Toronto. :Had been
with G. T. R. at Stratford for so to 12
years before that, hence knows the Mork
from a to z and is most genial and oblig-
ing. The Union depot is a very busy
spot as 72 passenger trains arrive and
depart each day in addition to the many
freights. 4.000 8 gallon milk 00115 are
handled every Monday and from 2,800
to 3,000 on other days. Small motor
tractors are proving very useful in facili-
tating the moving of mail, express and
baggage in the depot and are quite a
novelty in the transportation business.
Church Chimes
Quarterly Communion will be observ-
ed next Sabbath morning in the Metho-
dist church. Testimony service opens
at to a. m. in the Lecture room.
"Wayside Gospel" was the pastor's
subject in the Methodist church, Sun-
day morning and 30d Epistle of John
verses t & 2 was the foundation of the
eveuiog address ou "Soul Beauty."
St. Marys Wtdder Street Presbyterian
Church which has been closed for the
past three years, owing to the union of
the Presbyterian congregations. will re-
open for services on the first Sunday in
August by Rev. D. K, Morden, Toronto,
Rev. G. ',V. Rivers, Hensall, was un-
animously elected President of the Sum-
mer school, which was held in St,
Thomas. Mr. Rivers has been Secre-
tary for several years. Rev, E. Doan,
Wheatley, a former pastor at Monkton,
was made Secretary.
Rev. S. J. Milia, who, was a web re-
membered Methodist pastor here, has
retired from the active ministry this
year. He was presented with a purse of
money before leaving Ildsrton, where
he had been stationed. He and Mrs,
Allan will reside in Toronto.
Rev. W. L Ford, L. L. B., well-
known superannuated Methodist minis-
ter, who has been living with his
brother Rev, 1. Ford, Goderich, for the
pest 2 years, died Tuesday of last week,
in his 76th year, Mr. Ford had been
failing rapidly for 6 weeks and his death
was not unexpected, He was born at
Peterboro, but spent the whole of his
ministerial career of so years in Loudon
Conference. holding many important
charges. He was for 4 years pastor of
Grace Methodist church, Eseex. Other
paetorates included London, Parkhill,
Glencoe, Wyoming and Clinton. He
held many responsible 001010 positions,
including for years chairman of many
districts. He was also Preeident of the
London Conference.