HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-7-14, Page 8••••••••••+••••••••••••••••• • 444••••••••••44+44.$
4. •
Kodak as You Go
The Autographic feature will tell you where
and when each Picture was taken.
KetialtS from t.00 up. Brownlee from $2,00 up
Monday and Thursday we Develop Films.
Tneeday and Friday we Print PietUreS.
Bring in Or mail us your Films. We will do the rest.
For the Pic-Nic
Paper Plates, doz Ise 1
Paper Cups, doz ..... ........ 2 ,C
Paper Spi ons, dos
• Waxed Parier, pkg 7c & I211
+ Japanese Nepkins, d z 10 & tgc
O Thermos Bottles each..... 2 75
Sterno Cams 51 Heat ...... Ise 1
Toilet PreparationsFor I4ot
Jonteel Talcum
Rexall Nice
Orchard White. bottle 500
Shampoo Paste eoe
Rexall Cotd Craarn......... 20 & 350 i
Meuse Toilet Soap, cake.... Ise
Harmony Toilet Water, bot75c :
Firstahl Water Wings 60e, Good AgsOrtMent Bathing Daps f.
The -ccta.
Druggist and Stationer •
4-434.0+•.1.0.1..4,04- 1-0+•.4.4484.4104.04-04.•••••••••••4
riSTIVR lleriz War
Exprees 7:1328 in iBali 50:82 a m
Express 13:41.1p lu Express 9:07 p m
Cadvattemx Pwzpz,
To Toronto To Goderich
Express ....... 5:97 a m 1 Expreas 11:41 pm ,
Express 2•27 p m I Express 9:07 pot
Going East - 7:11 a. m. and 8:81 p. m.
Going West - 12:86 And 9:56 p, m.
ANDY raceme's pacing horse broke a
bone in one of bis hind legs while at-
tending the Kincardine races last week.
The animal was brought home and is
being treated by a veterinary in the
hope of saving him.
; ed to notice by the London Life Insur-
ance Honor roll for May that George
Robb. of St. Catharines, formerly of
'Brussels, stands rat for the month of
May and 2nd for business done during
the year to that date. George hes a sort
of mesmeric power that cannot be
denied. We congratulate him on his
success and say "Go to it some more."
All trains going East connect with C.P.A. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. S. stations. 1
GEO. ALLAN, Loa -1 Agent. !
• ----
muse s an our agent will CS
'era & ItAT Ce
bitty ter reld feather nattrse:!Dropgat caord tot'
GIRL WA wrgo.—Mitet have same experience
in book.keeping. Good wages. Apply at
Nolen GARAGE, Brussels.
25 ACItra of Standing Hay for sale, Lot 28,
Con. 17, Grey Township, Phone 4610.
oc.•• etv 14 tuns
Curr 1 he weeds.
BoosT far Brussels.
Loam, news on p03138 5.
'I are garages; are busy,
ELsorittc Light power house received
a supply of coal.
B o/ISMS Fall Pair Thursday and Fri-
day, Sept 15 and 16
WILL the business portion of Turn -
berry street be paved next year ?
Tam Posy gives the news, Send it to
the absentee member of your family,
THE fine showers of rain were very
welcome after the intense heat of last
WLIDOM of the highest (Ammeter was
shown In Brussels when hundreds of
maples were planted years ago on our
ONE of the sky terriera belonging to
Mrs, Jtio. E Smith WAS killed by get-
ting ran over by a motor truck, It was
a bighty valued pet.
ENGAGEMENT.—George D. C. and
Mrs. Ham Seatoith, announce the
engagement of iheir daughter, Ethel
Irene, to James A. Bremner, only son of
Robt. and Mrs Bremner, Ethel, the
marriage to take place in August.
PAY UP —Pok using the Public
Library audiebee room or Board room
for financial enterprises are Raked by the
Board to make payments for same to
Caretaker R. Oliver, who has been
authorized to receive them. There are
some now in arrears for the accommoda-
THE downpour of rain and aCCOM-
panying wind Saturday afternoon put
quite a lean 01 the growing crops in
wain fields that may interfere with har-
vesting operations somewhat. Malt -
land river was swelled to nearly Rood
tide. Turaberry street has not present-
ed EC watery a scene for many a day,
THE Boy Scouts from Brussels who
spent the past week at Carling's
eigh ts, London, arrived home
Saturday on Luton train. List in•
eluded Cameron Strachan, Jack Mc-
Cracken,Sydney Baltautyne, Gordon
Best, Lawson (Acme, Kenneth Mc-
Vettie and Roy Aekin. An enjoyabie,
time was experienced that will be A
pleasant reinembranco and an in.
centive to try ft again.
Scott, Ford Agent, supplied Messrs,
Walker ge Black, Brussels; with a fine
motor hoarse, or the latest resign and
finished iu A 1 sliape. While nobody Is
Very anxious to qualify for a ride in it
the necessity for such equipment Is al-
tnost imperative in this day or motor
travel anti the hien! undertakers have
edopted this modern method of attend.
ng to the demands of their business.
We commend their enterprise,
2 fresh cows for pale.
DONALD bICTAaokum, Phone 2910,
Tax Dominion Feather & mattress Co.,
Brussels, buy all kinds of feathers, old or new.
Drop a card and our agent will oall.
25 Young Pip for sale,
Phone 4014 ARTHUR WARD.
WENN you're going home take a City Dairy
!Le, :ream brink with you. from W. .A.,
DommitoN Feather and Mattress Co., Rena -
1 sels, make the Down Comforters from Your
1 feather bed. Drop a card and our agent will
call and show samples of our work. 8.4
Dn, aIFThgeBras%n :P n o on yialta
Chronic and nervous diseases anocessfully
treated, Visits residences, Consultation at
Qneen's Betel.
Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable
Fonthill Nurseries." Big salmi are to be made
In selling Nursery stook during the recon-
struction period, .4 aplendid opportunity for
a live salesman, Highest commisaions paid,
handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental stock to offer, STONE &
Wriasmeoroe, Toronto, Ont,
3 NEW Senor'', Books.— When the
Public Schools of Ontario, re -open in
September three new text books, the
geography, history of Canada, and his.
tory of England, will be introduced.
The prices will be the same as the old
°Marl's INSTITUTE.— On Friday
afternoon, at 3 o'CloCk, the Wotnen's
Institute wi.I convene in the Public
Library, The Presideut, Mrs, Jas, S,
Armstrong, in her inaugural address
will deal with the Rules and Reetda•
tions of the Iustitution. Mrs, W, W,
Harris will have charge of the current
events, also tome Parliamentary laws.
We cordially invite all the members to
be present. Music.
Pitteinleitt. ENGAGED,— The School
Board has accepted the application of
Miss Pearl M, Taylor, of Bayfield,
Principal of Brussels Continuation and
Public School for the corning term and
she will be ou heed at the opening of
the Fall terra on September 6th. Salary
is $1700. MieS Taylor has excellent
qualifications, good experience and
splendid recomtnendations This com-
pletes the staff and gives the school the
following :—Principal, Miss Pearl M.
Taylor; Assistant in Continuation
S111001, MISS M. M, Geddes ; Public
School, Miss 0 Rintoul, Wingham I
Miss Kathleen Wilton and Miss Florence
Buchanan, of town, We hope the old
time record of the atriuml will be mal'
4841381 and feel assured the staff Will
lo their beat in this; behalf, The intro-
doetion of a lady Principal, while new
in Brussels, has become quite ammo-
plac e in many of the towns and villages
without showing deterorntion in the
ARV.Asx, is at hand, Pall wheat ctn.
ling is on and the crop reported good,
ATemon lotermediate Foot Bell teeth
defeated MIlvertou tbe latter town In
the eetul.finels,
NAME 0/411VED.--, In the Brow's
School Kapott published lest week the
mune of Wiltea Galbraith was omitted.
She abeuld he credited with bEl% and
promotion from Sr. erd to r 4511,
TILE Hire Mid natty ActOu Free Press
bee Jost celeerated 115 47th birthday and
appears in 1141 44313 vigor of its matority.
It'e tieing a flue work iu rnoelding pub-
lic Opinion and has our best wishes,
PaottereToe 'PATE has retirrned from
Chicago and is bow in charge of the
Queen's Rotel and getting the necessary
arrangements completed for the COD.
tinuatioulof business in this old establish-
ed hostlery.
Fox of whatever color or species, may
not be hunted, trapped or taken between
April t and November 15 each year, '
according to an Order -to -Council which
appeared in the last Issue of the Canada
Geeet te
GARDEN Party on spacious lawn of
Day d Welker, corner William and Al-
bert streets, Brussels, Friday evening
of next week, Good Band will he in M-
ien donee and other program. Refresh -
meets, &e. See the advt. and bills for
further particulars and mark the date.
Ice Cream.
Fly swatter,
Bathing suit.
Palm Isaf fan,
Short sermons.
Hammock in Ibe shade.
R ie in market when you desire to sell.
tat reductions of to per cent on all rail-
way passenger fares became effective.
Pbe cut does not include Pullman and
dining cars. The reduction in the pas-
senger rates bas come in two sections.
Tee first decrease of to per cent was or-
dered by the Board on January rst of
this year. and the second reduction be-
came effective July Ist, making a total
reduciiou since January MI of 20 per
cent, equal to the increase granted last
Sep ember.
MATRIMONIAL — Knox ChUrCh, Clif-
ford. was the scene of a quiet but pretty
wedding, on Wednesday cif last week, at
r..3o o'clock, when Miss Elizabeth Alex.
Lamina, youngest daughter of John and
Mrs. Weir, was married to William
Franklin Van Stone, Wingham. Rey.
James bemoo, B. A., officiated. Bride,
who was given away by her father, look.
eft charming in a travelling dress of grey
chatmeuse. and geranium hat. She
can led a shower boquet of roses, orchids
and sweet peas, and wore a pearl and
diamond pendants the gift of the groom.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Stone left for Wind-
sor, Detroit and Clevelaud, and on their
return will spend the Summer at their
cottage in Kincardine.
JEwnr—RuNnt.E.—Miss Etta Ruth,
datighter of the tate W, P. Rundle and
Mrs. Rundle, Winnipeg, was married to
Oliver Jewite B. A., son of Rev. and
Mrs. George Jewitt, Wyoming, Ont.,
Saturday evening, July 2nd, at the
family residence there. Rev. P. Bruce
Thornton officiated, The house and.
spacious veranadas were artistically
decorated with baskets of ferns, crimson
peonies and wild orchids. The bride
descended the stairs with her brother,
Rev. J. E Rundle, of Moose Jaw, who
gave her to marriage. Groom -is a
grandson of Mrs. Wm Jewitt, Brussels.
Old friends here extend congratulations
to the happy twain and wish them pros-
LATE WALTER GREEN.—Word has been
received of the death in Livingstone,
Mon., of G. Walter Green, President of
the G Walter Green Company, of Peter-
boro', and a brother to R, H. Green, of
.Simeoe, formerly of Brussels. Mr.
Green, accompanied by his wife, was on
a transcontinental tour, Mr. Green was
born in Drayton, Ont., in 1866. In 1887
be r ngaged in the manufacture of pnraps
at Millbrook, and in 4296 bought the
foundry business of George McWilliams
in Peterboro' lis Nog be organized the
G, Walter Green Co. He was at one
time a member of the Peterboro' City
Council, and in sgr6 was an nusuccessful
cand.date for the Mayoralty. He was a
member of the Pererboro' Chamber of
Commerce, St Andrew's Presbyterian
Church and Rarneses Temple of the
Mystic Shrine, Toronto. He is surely.
ed by his wife, 3 sons (George, Jack and
Fred.) and 2 daughters (Lillian and
Gladys )
W. C. T. Ti --Friday evening July
gth, the regular meeting of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union was held
in Audience room of the Public Library.
Although there was a heavy downpour
of rain there was a goodly attendaoce.
Meeting took the form of a social enter-
tainment and a very pleasing time was
spent by all. An excellent program was
rendered, consisting of well sung solos
by Miss I.abel Dark and Mrs. Meadows,
also two excellent readings given by
Mrs. A. McDonald and Miss Margaret
Mauuders, Rev. Mr, Clark gave a most
helpful and inspiring address on the
temperance situa ion and the work that
lies before us and expressed a wilting.
11888 to assist in the good work. Miss
Isabel Strachan and Miss M. Smith
acted as accompauists. Confectionery
was served and meeting closed by' sing-
ing "God save the King," The active
President, Mrs McGuire, presided with
grace and cApability.
Ice cream is King.
6 months of 2925 have down,
A few weddings are mooted.
Thursday afternoon holiday is well
The vegetable garden is a veritable
gold mine this season, in its prolifica-
Raspberry picking is on the program,
Get a snap taken with your toggery,
It will be cute.
During bol Sundays "shed" your coat
in church, that is, of course, if you are
wearing e shirt,
Throwing banana and orange peelings
on the sidewalks is an untidy and dan-
gerous practice.
What about giving Tut Povr the
names of your visitors? Thank you tor
your prompt response.
What would we do without the Tele-
phone these des'*, even if some wicked
beggars do "sit" ou it for noes, a half
hour at a
Statuling on the running board of an
Automobile, while car is going like "old
Hickory," 1$ a dangerous role to piny.
Don't do 11 06 we are too busy to attend
your tuberal,
To Everywoman
MANY women lack savings accounts, thinking
their surplus too trifling to bank, Small
amounts, accumulated gradually, are your /Strength
in an emergency.
Standard Service welcomes small as well as large
OF CA.1.4ADA, , 378
. • C. FL Semis, Manager,
• F. McConnell, Manager.
Brussels Branch:
Dublin Branch:
TUESDAY was a quiet day in town.
Tuxes are many changes lu school
teachers around here.
Larne regarding Vancouver Press
Trip will appear next week.
Snow, reductions in ordered suits
are being offered for 3o days by R. W.
Ferguson as well as cut rates on straw
hats, underwear &c. See his new advt,
and don't miss the bargains.
L'AEG OF TNANKS.—We wish to ex•
press our thanks to a host of friends
who were so kind, thoughtful and help-
ful during the illness and subsequent
death of our dear one, The memory of
it will be evergreen.
Gratefully yours,
VHS week George Irwin, who is
manager ot the Chamberlain business.
10 Ontario, with headquarters at Toren
to, left on a business trip to Capetowt,
South Africa. He expects to be absent
5 or 6 months. It will be a fine trip and
we hope will be much enjoyed by our
townsman and success desired attained.
DAUGHTER DIED.—Tbe sad news was
received here Monday of the death of
Mrs, C. R. Parrott, of Brookdale, Man.,
at the Brandon hospital. She was a
daughter of Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Queen
street, Brugge's, and v.sited here last
Summer. Deceased was in her 4211
year and hart been in the West for pas
74 years. She was a fine woman whos
death is deeply regretted.
Mg of a special character will be held
next Sunday, July 17143 in the Metho•
dist church. Wingham, whicb the
Methodist people of Wingham and sur-
rounding district will be given the rare
opportunity of hearing Rev. Dr, Chown,
Toronto, General Superintendent of tire
Methodist ,church of Canada. Dr.
Chown comes desiring particularly to
meet wilh the people of the Rural see -
dons, and he will have a special message
for them. It is ad opportunity you may
never get again. Attend with your cars
loaded. Services at 2.30 and at 7 p. m,
o'clock. A large crowd is expected at
both services so get there and secure
your seat.
JULY WEDDING, — At high noon
Tuesday of this week a quiet but pretty
wedding was solemnized at the home of
Misses McNabb, Queen s.reet, Brussels.
Under a beautiful Rower decked arch
Rev. J. P. McLeod trecl the matrimonial
knot between Jas. Anderson, V. S , and
Miss Isabel McNabb, well known young
people of the town. Atter a fine luucff-
eon the principals .eft on the afternoon
express on a trip to the West where they
expect to spend a few weeks with rela-
tives and friends. They will continue
to make their home in Brussels on their
return. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have
the hearty congratulations of a wide
circle of relatives arta friends for a long,
happy and prosperous life. The bride
was the recipent of a choice lot of use-
ful and valuable wedding gifts.
Robinson, Gerrie; Ed, and Mrs, John -
6(00, Bluevale. Floral tributes were:
Sheaf of roses and ferns from Methodist
Church Cher, Spray Irons Sunday
School. Pillow from family, Spray, Mrs,
Ellis, Whitfield aunts, tingles and Cons-
itla. Gates Ajar, T. Whitfield and G. E.
McCall, Wreath, W, Michel and F,
Woods, Flarp, Miss Mitchell, Spray,
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Spray, Ceusins,
Wreath, Spray from Mrs. and Miss
Elizabeth Speir.
OhUrch Chimes
Next Sunday afternoon Rev, Mr,
Johnson will take the services in Trin-
ity church, Belgrave. Rector Hawkins
is away for his vacation.
sermon to the members of Brussels
Orange Lodge, No 774, was preached
last Sunday morning in the Methodist
church by the pastor, Rev. C. F. Clark,
He welcomed the brethren (t) Because
they are a body of men 1 (2) For uphold-
ing the Protestant faith ; (3) In memory
of the deeds in the past and present ;
(4) Because they came to worship,
each of these being practically applied.
The sermon was most appropriate and
was founded on the words "A man in
Christ," II Cor, I2-2. The manly side
sl of the Christian religion was emphasis -
t ed. It was brotherly as well as visible.
e To live up to the ideas and ideals exem-
plified by Jesus the believer must be in
Christ, working for Christ and filling
in his years in hearty support of every
good word sad work. Congregation
was exhorted to bave a personal
acquaintance with the Great Master.
The choir rendered the Anthem.
"Come let us sing" and Miss Hingston'
sang, "There were Ninety and Nine."
Evenine discourse was on "Christ's
Service," as instanced in St. Matt. 20 :
Owen Sound Sun -Times says.—A copy
of the Milwaukee Journal just received
contains the news of the promotion of
Dr, Fred, Gilpin, who is well known in
Owen Sound, to the position of District
Manager of the Ford Motor Co., in
charge of the branches of Milwaukee,
Chicago, Indianapolis, Louisville,
Cincinnati, Columbus, and Detroit.
This Is a very important promotion for
him and his many old friends in Owen
Sonod will be very glad to hear of it.
Dr. Gilpin gave up his dental practice
several years ago, and he wentinto the
automobile game. For some time past
he has been manager of the Milwaukee
branch of the Ford Motor Co. His new
appointment is one of very great impor-
tance, as in each of the above cities the
Ford maintains large assembling plants
which will come under his ditect super-
vision. Dr. Gilpin's wife, formerly
Miss Isabel McKenzie, is a well known
Owen Sound girt. Dr. Gilpin's head-
quarters will be in Chicago and they
will move there in the Fall.
Peacefully came the close of life, after a
very trying illness, to Ruth Adella,
daughter of Joseph and Mary Whitfield,
Brussels South, Wednesday morning
of last week about to o'clock, For a
young lady she had an unusually trying
experience regarding her health' but
through It all she was bright and happy
although the great heat last week was
oaost trying. Deihl was born In Grey
township 27 years ago, coining with her
parents to this community when they
disposed of their farm, She was a geher-
al favorite and her early death is a source
of deep regret to 0 wide circle of rela-
tives and friends, Funeral service,
Friday afteraoon, was conducted by
Rev, C, F. Clark, of the Methodist
church, deceased'a pastor, who spoke
words of cheer and liope from the text
"Call upon me in Ibe time of trouble,
&a," Miss MaseWood sang a most up-
proprlate solo. Interment was made in
13 ruSsela Cemel. Pallbearers vvere
CotiSi EIS : Ross reser, Wm. mocuton.
eoo, Alex and Will. Speiran, and Lewis
and Wilfrid Wblifield, Among matte
beautiful floral tokens Was a sheaf 'rem
Brussels Methodist choir, of which Della
was a member. Deep sympathy Is ex-
pressed for bereaved, Among many from
a distance el tending the funeral were :--
Mrs. W. P. Fraser and Sitlia, Stratford ;
Geo, 13, and 0450, Webster, Mrs. Geo
Speiran, Mr. and Mrs. Switzer and Mr,
and Mrs Denten, St, Marys t Alex. and
Mrs. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs, King
and 80/1 Fret*, Fordwich ; 11 spArling,
3, And Mrs, and Miaa Sparlieg, Homey
and Mtn. Spading and faintly, Wra.
Whitfield and ROD and pro. and Mrs.
Perth County
Fall wheat has both quality and
quantity in Mitchell locality.
While playing Football at Fullerton
Jno. Brown sprained hie ankle.
Mitchell has a Yum-Yutn Quartette,
We have often heard of Yum -Yum
2 ribs were broken by Mies Mary
Coleman, Mitchell, falling down cel-
lar stairs.
An Agricultural course ie being tak-
en at the 0. A. 0, by J. A. Myers,
Timothy hay 6 ft. 4 inches was
grown in Wm, Gordner'a garden,
2 and 8 pound black bass are being
hooked in Tbamea river at Mitchell.
Some bigger got off the book.
The 8 year old sou of S. Salisbury,
Mitchell, had his hip dislocated by be-
ing run over by a motor car on the
Amos Thiel, Mitchell, caught a
aalinon trout at Owen Sound that
scaled 41 inches and weighed 24
pounds. I0 was.a distant relative to
the whale family.
Kick from crank of a Fnrd car
broke Geo. Windsor's wrist at Exeter.
Reeve J. McQuaide, McKillop,
underwent an operlttion in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, for the
removal of a tumor from his neck.
Operation, was successfully performed.
BABILIML—In Bruasele, on Jnly 7th, 1824,40 Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Beaker, daughter.
PAW80N.—In Brussels, on Jnly 8rd, 1021, to 1.1r.
and hfre. Wm. Pawson, a daughter—Doris
ANDIORPON-11107'Ann.— At the home of the
bride, Queen etreet. Bruasels, by Rev. J. P.
blamed, B. .0.., on July I2th, 1921, Mr. Jne.
Anderson, V. IL to Miss Isabel moNabb,
all of Bruasels.
Battnowe—In Walton, on July 6411, 1921, Jacob
Barrows, ar 80 years and 7 menthe.
WnImnfitLn.— Broosalo South, on July fith.
102L, Ruth della, daughter of Joseph and
Mary Whitfield, aged 27 years, 2 mouths
and 6 days.
Pall Wheat 0148 O. 00
Onts 60 ao
Pens 1 76
Barley 66
10 60
18 00
1 76
10 50
20 00
Heifer Strayed
Strayed from the premises of the undersign.
ed, N45 Lots 57 and 68, Con. 1, Morris, on or
about June 80th, a two.year.old Polled Angin;
Helfer, due to calve when she left home. Any
information ae to her whereabouts will Ise
thankfully reoeived,
12013T, 5. MCLENNAN,
Phone 1011 It, R. 2 13Inovale P. 0,
Graduate Department of ophthalinotogy,040.
Caron.* Medical College, °Wong°, 211 Three
months pont graduate course during pant year.
Eyofi correctly Mod with Glasses. Head.
11,01308, Inflamed Byte, Granulated Eye Lida
and other Rye troubles, Gamed by Eye.strain.
relieved through properly tilted alaloola.
fintlidnOtion Ainfured.
Opticlal Parlor in Lord& Were ono door
South ot Barrister Slnelefrie offloe,
Ofllee l,etre . 9 to 12 4, in,: 1 to 0 P. tn, Also
Wednesday and Saturday evenings,
Phone 24x ring 4
I efigeasesomerravemor4entolseavereavaevoloveceel'
'Fox's Drug Sto
• THE „am...144X t • STORE
Weekly Store News
O an
: We wish to assure our eusbomera .that the Paris Green we are selling t
• this yeas is the well known brand made by
Lewis Berger 84 Sons4 Londono England
P. Coats no more Haan the cheaper beands and gives perfect SatisfaetiOn.
Try it and be convinced. 75a per pouutl, as
Give an eye to memory --Make every notable
incident of your vacation a delight to your
friends and a source of permanent joy.
Has Ansco Anastigmat lens and Extraspeed Bionic shutter.
Micrometer focusing device operated easily and Instantly.
Size of picture 23:1x345 Inches.
Camera weighs 18 ounces.
The Ansco Vest -Pocket cameras are so light and
easy to carry that they are never in the way. They
are made to take real pictures.. The negatives
make fine enlargements.
let us do your Developing & Printing aratk
Satisfaction Guaranteed
The Sign of dm
Ansoo Dentia
• " Ca r efu I Prescription Dispensers"
• •
• •••••••0•••••••••••945e0008tosse•seeeees•••••••esee••4
Stock -taking Sale
OODD Pairs and ends of
lines of Shoes in stock
will be placed on the
Bargain Counter Saturday, June 25th
At prices below present Wholesale Cost
These are all good goods and you will be
fortunate if we have your size.
Chapman Bros.
The Cash Shoe.
Next door to Bank of Nova Scotia
AL.& ,16 46. •
Special - Bargains
(AS and Shoes
Children's Suits
and many other- Lines
Joe Schwadron
• 1