HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-7-14, Page 5$E AWOL SUTHERLAND & SONS i-1MITED sro x ,r &Pe is, . WM.. SPENOE M OONV.i'YANGEj AND 1.8B JEli OF MARRIAGE LIOENSLi'S Mee in the Pest OWee, Ethel, 00-4 OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night oaks, Office opposlt@ Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES M'PADZEAN, Agent Howick Mutual Ilse Insurance Company Phone A9. 'Turnberry Street, Brussels Su000esor to John Harris, Walton. T. T. M'RAE M. R„ M. C, P., @ B. 0. M. O. H., Village ot Brussels, Phyatofan, Surgeon, Acoouaheur U Moe et realdenoe, opposite Mel file Ctittrah, William street. PIODUEOOT, OIIIOIAN Il CODKE Barristers, Ooacttore, Notarioa Publlo, °Moe on the Square EOG door Strom Hamilton 'Street, t3ODERTOH, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W.PROUDPOOe,R,0. 7,1... DILLORAN H. J. D. 0000E ELLIOTT ledzed Tonga & charier. ate., Toronto 1s Noted Throughout Can- ada for High Grade Work. .Q Write for Catalogue and erra,ge to enter at our Fall Terni opening Aug, 2e Wo have tilled positions recently at 3160 n month and $:700 per annum Band. ems have been in attendenee cafe pint, tram Nnwtouneland on the !Cant, Quo• - boo ou the North and hlinitubu on the West, W1 J+ ELLIOTT. PR1NO!PAL FARM IMPLEMENTS HAVING the Agency for the Mc- Cormick and Deering Imple- elemeuts I wilt give closest prices in anything need 'd in Farm Iw- plemenes or 'reactors. Call in and give your order in TI. F. O. style and you will save money, I will gnai'atl- teeyou against any reduction in prices until implement is used, and by order- ing now you will save any advance in price which is likely to take place so n. Have a few Implements on hand which will be sold at old prices. David Milne • ETHEL ++++4'lid•+++444-14+'F+++•H•4++4 Highest Price Paid for Old• . dens + .E. + t Get rid of them while the mar- ket is good as price is likely to drop. M. YolIeck 4' Picone 2x BRUSSELS + +++++++++*+++4++++++++++++ I. + DEER N G+ + + 1 AGENCY •. + + * John Oliver ii BRUSSELS + * has taken over the Deeringg-Ag- envy and haadlee n full line of +a Farm Implements including the a, noted 1 1. Hr' C. Cream. Separators +'• The only Cream Sepafatoe with 1 eo ti twn wide open cream °Mlets- .. no cream e t to moth Drew in tl t 1 of f t when in town, . 'i' - the cream.Sue it Niev M The I, H. C, 8.18 and 111-20 Tractors a1.6 g aMou the best, t, + The Deering Manure Spreader With the Wide spread auli„very Ilight in craft. John Oliver R B 0 PATF-T • GRAN CILAT EJD iSUGAR! • by he bag, 8 t • -' Now Jo the time to buy, • • • • ! Royal Household ! Y• • , BRAN' and SHORTS ilt 8 Barrel and Sag Salt, • • t•Phones 43 and 27 • W. J. McCracken • Pad betas ,Items RASPBERRIES are on the market, '•Ei.s1R CAMPsaw." took 3rd money at the Stratford races. JNo. LOGAN is doing iuitial work at the mill dant preparatory to building a cement section to repair the damage done by the wash out last year, LAST week Lou Williamson lost a valuable borne, supposed cause originat ing from the extrenne beat. Another animal was affected but recovered. Miss Irene Wilkinson, who has been housekeeping at the home of Mrs. Jno, Downing, has returned to her parental home near Beigrave for the Summer months. Do yeti purpose ordering nursery stock of any kind ? 1f so). E. Smith, Brussels, has au agency for the web known Fronthill Nurseries and will be glad to bear from you, No more sneezing Summer colds. Hay Fever yields to RAR -MAH always, just as Rheumatism, Sciatica, etc., will to T. IS, C's. Sold locally by las. Fox. A. PRESENTATION of a fine couch was made to Miss Isabel McNab, at the home of W. H. and Mrs. McCulcheon, 6th dne, Morris, Tuesday evening of last week by the people of {bat locality. H. W. I{AUFMAN, printer and publish- er of Wellesley. Ontario. is discontinu- ing. Many a uewspaper in this Pro.. V in gotta has oa out ot busiuess in the past 4 years and more may tumble yet, IS,Asr HURON Fail Fair Prize List is in the hands of the printer. Dates of Fair are Thursday and Friday, Sept. 18'and *6. List is being extended and improv- ed and the Fair promises to be bigger and better titan ever. Boost for it by both word and deed. W. A. and Mrs. Ross. Fergus, Ont„ formerly of Brussels, announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, 2alma, to Asa W. McKay, eldest son of 1). anis Mrs. McKay, Cobden Ont., ehe wedding to take place quietly towards the end of July. SOME QUERIES. - Dare of arrival of Hydro ? W)IM there be plenty of coal ? Who has the best garden 5* town ? Have you paid your sub. to 'TIE POST ? When will Sunday School picnic be held ? Why doe'{ somebody take the hay en side streets ? PosTotesTxa "1.o RETIRE.-T11e letting out of several bundred men of the out - elite postoffice service throughout Cana- da applies to London in a very limited degree. The retirements there under tins head include that of Postmaster Dr. MacDonald, and also that of H. Weston, a general postal Clerk, Dr. MaeDouald was the former M, P. for Centre Huron and a well known resident of Wingham. RaAO the advertisements and save motley. Why do business people dress their windows, or place goods in front of their stores ? ro advertise of course. The trouble with the plan is folk have to come to town to sae themand 4 v they may not do that. An advertisement in Trak Pose is another way and the folk read about the 'bargains at their home and come to town to buy. - GooERlen is preparing for a re -union of her Old Boys and Girls to be held August 7th to nth. Tbe sons and daughters ot the town by Lake Huron are being invited back for a week 0t ectertaiument In which both visitors and home folks will renew their youth and revive the friendships of happy bvgoue days. Aoyoue interested and desiring information with regard to the event should write the Secretary, W. S, Bowden, Godericb. PRIZE WINNER. -T111 POSTjn pleased to ponce that Miss Mary, only daughter of W. J. acid. Mrs. Fawcett, Toronto, tormerly of Brussels, was the winner of the Hamiltou Fisk Biggar scholarship 111 Hoese11old Ec000tntes at Torouto Uni. verslty this year. A ptrotogtavure of this clever young lady appeared In the '1'oroum Daly Star of a recent dale, We congratulate Miss FOWcett on her bonoto DecORATION * DAY, -The Newmarket Era• says•1-•'Last Sunday was a lovely day and the Deeorattop at Newmarket Cemetery was a great success, The procession termed at , the Market Square,. having previously draped the Sautes Monument at the Water Works Lawn and headed byAurora oust the Band marched to the Cemetery,the following orders takingOrder h part , Independent Order of Ocld,Fellows, Orange Lodge, Canadian Order of Foresters and Great War Veterans, Arriving at the grounds His Worship Mayor Eves took charge of the beautiful and appropriate service. Rev. 13, Parry led in prayer, The Banal played several sacred selections. Rev. A, J, Mane, of the Presbyterian church, gaveve an ex celleut address after hich the Orders completed the decoration of the graves of departed brethren. Flowers Were most hand - sotto and abundant. Cemetery bever looked prettier and the occasion is re - es one of the bust ever held, Much praise Was bestowed upon the, caretaker, Howard Moore, for the man- ner lu which the widowed lots had beets cared for," THE Post recommends a similar progratn for Brussels in OBE, Clinton NOW Pint last weak ettld of (Orpier Brawls young lady. -Mise Anuieo Barthff left on Monday for D. troit, where she will resutpe het pro- fession of pursing, Her many friends ..wish her tweet's in the City of the Strnite. E. end Mrs. Idete)le end children, Clinton, formerly of Brussels Iaeailty, have gone to klastiugs, Mlclr, fat 01) ex- tended visit with Jno. and Mrs, Engel, forreer residents of this'companplty,. Mrs, Matelle and Mrs, Engel are sisters, daughters of the late Chas. sued Mrs, Rozell, FALL FAIR CONCEi(T.-In View of the removal of the town rink, In which the Fall hair Concerts had been held for years, the Treatees Board of the Metho. dist churcb has been asked for the use of their large shed, , It would be seated, platform built and extra electric lights put tu. Tisa Pos'r is glad to herr that Russell Fletcher,son of the late Thos. anti Mrs. Fletcher of Brussels, who bas been con- nected with the Sun Life Insurance for some years in the Westerp States, has beep promoted to the head office at Hartford, Coga., as Secretary, at a salary of 86,soo per annum, Old friends were extend congratulatious, Mrs, Fletcher, who lives in Toronto, will visit at ber sop's home this Autumn. WHAT are you doing about beautifying your lot in Brussels Cemetery 7 A splendid advance Is being made in this most desirable Forward step but there are snores of plots in which no improve^ meats are being made yet. Is yours one of theta ? Lend a hand sod prove your interest in those who have depart. ed, 91.00 will pay for year's caretak- ing and aid in the tidying up of the si.ent city. Everybody approves of this commeudable step but improving must be added to approving to make it weigh r6 ounces to the pound. Robt. Dark is the Caretaker, who will be glad to give information or any member of the Cemetery Committee will be ready to bear from you, PROMOTED To '° Ca10Ano.-Fred. Gil- pin, only son of J. J. and Mrs. Gilpiq, Brussels, has been promoted from Mil- waukee to Chicago where be assumes management of the Ford Automobile Company's large business. lu addition he Sas been appointed District Manager of the following cities; -Chicago, Mil. wankee, Cleveland. Columbus (Ohio), Cinctunatti, Indianapolis and Louisville (Ky.) He was assistant Manager in Chicago before he was sent to take charge of the Milwaukee business 7 years ago, hence bis new home will not be strange ground to him. Fred. is climbing the ladder step by step and making good as he does so and without getting big head. Congratulations. He and Mrs. Gi in hope to spend their Gilpin holidays in Brussels before long, Thursday week the employees of the Milwaukee factory and office staff presented Dr. Gilpin with a gold watch, set with onyx and chain tg match and at alarge dealers' meetin the fine gift of a Wells Sainte Claire 8 cylinder sedan with touring car body extra was made to the retiring Manager, who heartily thanked all for their munificent gift and bade them a regretful goodbye. even if the move was a most favorable one for bltnselt. Mr. Gould, of Omaha, is the new Manager at Milwaukee. Dr. and Mrs, Gilpin will move to the Windy Hay - Fever SUMMER COLDS, ASTHMA, spoil many a holiday. RAZ - MAH Positively stops these troubles Sneezing, weezing, coughing, weeping eyes aren't necessary - unless you like being that wax, $1.00 at your druggist's, or write Templeton, Toronto, for n free trial Sold by Jas. Fox OV(E8 HER u11 to "fR0i1-A-i1YES" After Fears of Suffering with DY.. pepsiu;,Ahis Fruit Medicine Gave Relief MLt.E ANTOINETTE BOUCHER 917 Dorion St., Montreal. "I am writing to tell you that Iowe my life to 'Fruit -olives' for this remedy relieved roe when I had abandoned all hope of aver recovering my health. I suffered terribly with Dyspepsia. I Iraq it fur years and all the medicines I took did not do me any good.. I read something about 'Fruit -a. times' being good for all Stomach Troubles and Disorders of Digestion so I tried them. lifter finishing a few boxes, I teas entirelyrelicved of the Dyspepsia and my general health was restored. I thank the great fruit medicine, 'Fruit-a-tives', for this wonderful relief." Mlle ANTOINETTE IBOUCEIER. 50e. a box, 6 for $250, trial size 25e. At all dealors or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. city as soon as a suitable home can be secured and the extreme heat abated, R. M. SINCLAIR writing from Wind. sor, Ont. says ;-I can't do without my Post. You hear so many leop Ie say the e same thing and perhaps you mightit think it a little bit of blarney but any old Brussels boy or girl can't get on without it. You certainly have bad a wonder- ful record as Editor and I sincerely wish you manymore Y y ear s at the helm. Last week was the first in a loo time that we bad no paper and I felglonesome so made up my mind to write forthwitb. We are all real well. Ronald is going to school and Phyllis goes next Easter. Kind regards to Mrs, Kerr with best wishes trona my wife and self. Yours Sincerely R. M. SINCLAIR. WESTERN FAIR, -Sept, roto to 17th, TheE'xhibition grounds at London is becoming a busy place pus preparation for the Exhibition in September. A iarge amount of work is to be done in readiness for the big event, A portion of the cattle barn win be moved to the new grounds purchased last year. The sheep and swine pens will also be moved. and the storage building will be placed out of the way. This will allow very numb more room for outside exhibits., such as tractors, threshing machines aura other farm implements. If space is le., mitred, application should be made at once, as there is very little left. All in- formation given on application to the Secretary A. al. Hunt, General Offices, Loodotr, Ont. WHY SUFFER PAIN ? YOU can't do justice to yourself in business, social or home life if you suffer rom headache, backache, neuralgia, monthly pains, or any of the thousand and ono pains with wbieh.all et us are afflicted at one or another. These pains Indicate a very real phyeical dauger. But there are very few pains of any nature that are not promptly relieved by Dr. Miles' Anti•Paiu Pills. Got them in bandy boxes at our drugstore. A box is insurance against head- ache, carsickness neuralgia and pain of almost any nature. There are no disagreeable after otleets. Dr. Miles' Anti- Paiu Pills STOP THE PAIN T e without upset digestion, drowsiness, buzzing in the head, or danger of forming a drug habit. Guaranteed Safe mei Sure. Sold in Brussels by JAMES FOX Established' 1893 References Any Bank or Mercantile Agency CREAM Sweet or Sour - We Want It 1 We are paying at the present time 2c lb. of $utter Fat delivered at any pl k Shi )ill r Station 3 30c ib of Butter `a t over territory where We have a system of collectins; by trucks. Payineets trade on foutIh day after shipment received, DANS SUPPLIED FREE. 7d -7b l:roht St. E, Bowes & Oor� Limitedlaronto Our CaPltal fully Pato up to 0706,000.00 Finn Plertflea,enTlie Post has receie' ell a copy of a' large pteture of. the 'Twin Cities of Port Arthur and Fort William as issheti by the Cenadtaa Motional Raihvays This Read of the' Great Laltt;'e Morale Illustrates lu striking fortn the wopdorful setivittes of That I port, sortie50 elevators with a storage eepactty of over fifty-six ttrilliou bceliels • Any of our readers may see this picture nt'i'itr POST office at any time. We tinders land from W. L. Crighton, of the C. N. R., that 11 is hoped to Wake a dis tributlop of the ptetere through the sehoolsin Canada so that teachers anti scholars will have an opportunity of learotng of this National industry. Morris The trustees of S. S. No.. 8 have en- gaged Miss Maty McNabb ea timelier for the earning term. She has just completed her Not mai 'School term at Strtttfotel and is a daughter of P. and Mrs, McNabb, We wish her snneess, Seuoni, Hra'ooe'I.-Tho foliorviug are the results of the promotion ex- arltirtatious at S. S. No, 10, Moms, Names in order Ilf Merit, Finns Jr. IV to kin, IV-J*rnest Karnes, Clar- ence Johnston. From Se. 111 In Jr. IV -Ethel Johnson (b), Elizabeth Robinson, Gert,ude Wheeler, Irene. Wheeler, Jean Weser, *Willie Pea- pack, From le. III to Se. 111-- Geni'ga Peeenek (h), Carl Johnston, Fletcher Fell, From Sr. I7 to 3.*', Ili-Velui,t Eck utter, Jahn Mat Dougall, ePani') Johnston, Stanity Moifal1. Froth Jr. I1 to :Sr 11-Ger- trod t''I'nrvey, F* Din Se. Ito 31.. 1I - *Ruth Strachan Dineen Erkmiet• Primer --Glen larkiniet. Those *11015- ed with an asterick missed the limit 0x1Imblations, LvleLr.A E. OosvAN, leacher, Smoot, REPORT. -The following is the promotion axaminations in S. F. No. 1. Morris. Honore 76, Pass 60, Jr, IV to 51., IV -Lizzie Hollinger 87 !sweet to Healy 70; Mae Hollinger 71. Sr. III to Jr. IV -Annie Richmond 77 ; Alberta Richmond 73. Jr, III to Se. III --Jean Laidlaw 86 ; Stella Richmond 82 ; Susie Cunningham ill Sr. II to Jr, III -Dore thy Fear 82; Irlsie Biernes 70 t Ella Brown 70 ; Mabel Healy 60 ; Norman Nieholeou 65. Jr. 11 to Se. II -Lawrence Spot t 78 ; {George Guutiiugham 72 ; Herold Cunningham 67' Leslie Nicholson (lit. Jr• Ito Jr. Il-Cloyd Johnston 88; Effie Laidlaw .88, Primer to .To, 1 Atiltae Richmond 86 ; Roselle (fun• ningham 81 Se. Primer to Sr. P,im- er-Clifford Pease. 0. ARateTltoxct, Tearlter. Grey Pull wheat is a great crop, although the hot weather ripened it too qui N lyA large number of telalives and friends attended the funeral of Mise Della Whitfield, at stnsse1s lust Pai- sley day afternoon, ScirooL REPORT. -The following is the report of 5. S. No. 8, Grey. Tlie standing based on the final examina- tions. Those marked + obtained honors. Se. IV -*Allain McIntosh, *Annie McTaggart. Jr. IV-'SLnart IloNair, 'Olifiutd Blown, Fergus Sic Taggart, Beth Wellman, Howard Mitchell. Jr. III -*Lottie Attwoi tl, Jack Fulton. Jr. II -Blair• McIntosh!, Fred. Mitchell, Eddie Blodgett. Jr. I-Lsabelle b1angel 1, Rae Houston, Elwood McTaggart, Mnry McIntosh, Ruth Brown, Willie McTaggart, BEsstE I. Tovuti, teacher. 13 TIIENEAL. - The bottle of Jaales and Mts. Flood, of West Mnuhton, WAS the scene of to pretty wedding when Miss Matilda June became the bride of Jewett Machan, ea June 22nd, Bride was given away by her brother and looked eery sweet in white silk trimrned with white pearls and beads beads and wearing the custmuaty veil caught up with orange bloesr ins. The gtomn's gift to the bride was a bend- s omepearl brooch After the tere- mony the guests repaired to the din- ing room whit'h was dainty in pink and white The young couple will re- side in Grey township, Fordwich Lod s of his district cele- brated Orange Lodges t ( le !grated the Battle of the Boyne in Walk effort. Morley Avlesworth'end daughter, Helen, are np from Toronto on their amine). holidays, John Fond Mrs. Sangster and Ken- neth visited over Dominion Day at the home of ales. S,'s brother in F ee- gus. Bev, and Mis. E. J. Harding and little daughter, Wilkesport, ere Rt present visiting with their parents and abet: relatives in this neighbor- hood. Sine last annual meeting of Pat- riotic Oilcke held 111 Feb. 1010, reoeipls have been 921319; expeeditine 11157.29 ; leaving balance et 91211 90, which has been handed to the Melte Utiel Park tee. e o ' , , - AI's 1.h toachres f our sc hill 1. Ki oft amid Mt , Ji fret -soil --have 5,', u rt entre for 1)nnther taint, (;radon .1,fret snit has been engaged Its min ripe) of Gull leschool for the veining ye0r• Mrs, A. 0. Hutchison and Mos J. H. Rogers )left here on a 2 months trip to the West, the romper 10 end hag do nghtet', lips I. is, 51 oLanip lil1i, at Swift Oin'renl Bask., mud the hit ter to visit her sister, Mrs, Cooper, Rt Kilhun, Alberta, Lietowe 1 Imperial Oil Company have opened a warehouse in L)stowt't Plans have been completed fm' a ;i day hospital fair to be held the Bret or second week in October. High School cadets, 45 strong were Rt Darling`s Heights, London, for week's teething. Mrs, F. i•fatniiton, Trowbridge tut- det'wet t an operation Ltiot and is now t t t i c w do• P int; as well as can be expected. 8, J,. 'Kemp {net with a painful in jury while planing a board an the platter at Oalder's sash and door fac- tory. His band slipped nn the knives which badly cut the second lieges. on his right hand. Miss II, L Haw Warted Ansa 11. T. TIawkins loft for Montreal from where they sailed with a patty of about 200 to visit the British Tales, Pratt ee and Belgium, patti0ularly the 1) 4•0e4,0r.e.)04,4mct. woe,oPa4+ o4 t+++1*e•ct•oe,+•4.++14414$♦ �. rh11144, e e Bakery e+ 1'' e V e e 0 oos144.4+144*(@STOSOS +*4'G04o1,0 Oe 0a'6'Crb*'pw,+4wp+e*.4y•••.1- yang..-.,...,-[ .4 .-.-.-...- .4W1..:m'aw,1^::y- sW.xl5eYw4m wm vgettwuw battlefields en the \4e'tel•u trim{ of I mu,vey Erskine left for Brantford the 0re01 Wet. They will be away j in resume his position with the Bell 10,111111 11,041 111C•411_11-4. - Telepheue Go. Editor toed 51 o ti tt,,t, 11,1 11ry, and ; \via, Bennett, 12t11 Oon., has had a 10.0 Iii0eL+,•, 1, 14 1'1,, ,Il r .,t, 1s 1), I bridge placed,Lnross the river on hie d I1, 01..„...11, ,,,• . %'cin nod 1 Carta, which has 8.72 foot span. 'gym,, (i 1.'1, 1 1,•" .env ,n a 11•,,,111. 111, 1 44.44•01, s4 t,•v T'„l; ,,:k t '.m,l ,w1. . ,11...min. ,i 1',ma ! .,,111111.1,1^ •. .,.i til 1.11,,E 111,•11, 104th( Brussels ...,,Ii..,:: - 11 - , + I. 1, y , xp:rt-t to , p," , ,s • + n el,• mo,l uta nn • _14. 1 ,! Wit 1;,. t•.'q11 tt't.'•t call il`l's. Choovirir M Why Hake at Home When you can get Willis' Bread fresh every day, which hundreds of house- wives say is even better than homemade ? Save all that needless bother and labor and expense; W. E. WILLIS O 4. a �i ttarouel m pet ,si+ ,Ieleti, t ,''ib;h,.ilae n„ 1h ,-m; al, i it„•k ,tw,ty 1*.? S1; 1 it 0. t •„r;i.l• M -1, t l,• le 11. ,, ,d in. 0 r•. ., 414.4.t 91 lent WV epe,1,1- . x R ,•,,t1,i1.• Sits. 1,11 s t 1 um •,•,tl It t, j•lino•l her •• •ll+I .+ , X- eel,. ; p1t*:14.111'e '1 1'114 I,'1.rt114 t t ',4, 4,' ttu11i119 Icy New Y n I. ,:1.1. II., I'', -,O, IROo1 now during the time i r Have to ass steam the mill will only run Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of ewe] week. Parole, will Itindly take notice, 1.11 Jno. Logan GIFTS THAT LAS T sG'itts i Fe d ri ►✓ r rt.� I II. III I III illi .1 l it /e fi 1Millininain , t '��>ir 1.f � (�,, llrrfIiiiIi1I11I1IR)11 .r r 1,u ,I�•• 4,4 l;,tt',' le,e'i,,g r levg,' ,tesor'trnent of Silver Casserolee and Pie l'I.tr., -o115 Pyrex (;toss Linings, Baking Dishes, Flower 13as- k.•t•, take Bat, bets, Butter 'Tube in Sflvet. and Out Glass, Sugar t f and t'C,,lnl , at'nialadee, Spoon Ti-ays, Salad Bowls and Berry Bowls, Shelbel1 01}-,-, ,.o, etc_' See 1lnr line, t�. A 111.,,,, i at v,trit't, 'm fancyBlack Parlor Clocks riSecial cep Diamond Rings Due Diamond icings Rte sp.-r- , ial vain„- Pt less 01,25, 540, 5510. 57S end Sloe {;all at,d v,.e the new -tyhi. Wedding Rings We ear'l'y a complete stools, all sizes, in the new style, either • fancy or plain. Get the Wed- ding Ring here, JEWELER i F', Ian yy ;, i, ' 1 : ..i a*\ �t +'ti Y" ,• t -" ���yfl tq t.l. MVO IT'S HERE The 2 c Autographic Kodak Jr. The R,' ink t.f the season. The nue you've 0 nbr,ut. Its a Kodak and its Autog re - pine, Il takes pic'ttwee almost Poet Card raze, equipped with F. 7. 7• Kodak A.nas- tip;tnttt Lens. The price is $25.00 It geVesashtarpness of detail x,ight to the edge of thepicture. Come itt andsee it. • R. WENDT, ' OPTIOJAN W(2OXETER The Economical Car }'EN if Lite Foul Gat cost six ne .levan itundrea dollars more titan it does -the Ford One would still be the economical car t0 buy --.because of its great durability, -the low cast of operation, cud 15,, I,,,v .root 1* repairs, the nharges for which are fixed by the Comp my in over 3,000 horn. Dealer and Service Stistiogte 111 ti a. 'l'Ihe low fleet cost of it l•'oed oar, the light consumption of fuel and oil, 1p+(1,a+taa1, of te}rw'us and t o i IHFord parte -»»rites the Ford Oar, without, exception, the moat econom- ical mu iso hit'• turd drive. - the car, in rant, whielt the man of moderate means can ttirmii 1,.o bud and operate. D, a SCOTT, Brussels AIIan-1001Z ft E'U15[) 11EALI+IIt