HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-7-14, Page 4C[ae mods yjost
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SU UAX L 1 it
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Rs careful of Area in thin dry season,
AI.i)slIT4 fermeta have their ;vat
1i'ai t u for thee ec ion
p n t t new 1.
nt,to win, so they say,
WHEW l 'rho tax rate ip Wiarlonis.
only 52i- mills, J,'bey must climb the
grades on "high" surely,
No, dear brother, the world don't owe
you a living and the sooner yea rustle
for 1t the better for your bank account.
DaatocaATa in the U S are not fail-
ing down and worshipping the new
tariff law, Cacucks are not disposed to
say their prayers to it either.
PRINCE OF WALES Will visit India in
the Fall, He has winning ways all
rigbt and bumps the old idea of blue
blood befog of too fine a quality to mix
with common folk.
FROM I2 to 20 automobile accidents re-
ported in a dsR is going some when it
remembered scores of the smashes
never get to the papers. Slower speed
and more caution are evidently needed.
THAT man Smuts teens to be "all
wool and a yard wide " How would it
do to make him Lieutenant Governor
of the Emerald lite so he could carry
out to the full the principles he enueei-
ates i'
SANuv bill has been passed by the
Prov'ncial Government and on 'Tuesday
of next week importation of 1'quor Into
Ontario ceases or the violator will pay
sweetly for his disloyalty to the law of
the laud.
CURItEw bell legislation has its pt ob-
letvs and one of the new ones is the
dtffculty of the authorities distinguish-
ing between the child and the grand-
mother owing to the short skirts worn
by each.
es,000 delegates attended the World's
6th Christian Endeavor Convention,
It was held in New York city. A world-
wide policy on behalf of the Christian
faith is the plan and purpose of this en-
ergetic body, Many doors ate open to
them formerly barred.
IT is said Carpentier made $tog000
by facing the bigger pug, Dempsey for
ten minutes while the latter lines his
pockets with 2 or 3 times that amount.
Gate receipts were over $r,000,000,
The old saying is still true "A fool and
his money are easily parted." What
folly to permit su012 robbery.
many a turned out politician, whales
Premier Drury for expenditures made
over carrying out contracts entered into
by the Conservative Government while
they were in power and to which the
Hon. geutleman had not a word of
objection. That's uot fair criticism, it
is petty fault finding whose shallowness
is so apparent nobody is fooled by it.
ARE you proud you are a Canadian
and are you ready at all times to keep
this grand old Dominion in the fore
front ? The s4th anniversary of Con-
federation finds Canada one of the first
colonies in the Empire—stable, vigor-
ous, optimistic—and in better position
to grow and thrive than at any past
period. It is certainly a privilege to
live in this fair land and the watchword
of every loyal resident should be "Keep
Canada the best land on the face of the
Nosonv likes as "Old Boys" gather-
ing better than THE POST but some
items on outlined programs could he
"cut out" without reducing the value of
the bill of fare, We refer to boxing
bouts, for instance, gaming devices or
anything else that lowers moral stand
ards, Tite home comets don't re-
quire to be fed up on such stuff as they
can have a good time in a t,000 ways
outside of that. It's up to the borne
folk to give the visitors a good time but
there are bettodaries that should not be
overstepped without careful considera-
We notice some towns are not making
a financial success of their Chautauqua
engagements, Perhaps 2 reasons are
apparent. tst there is a continuous
program of other events in almost every
place, especially in the Summer months'
and end the contract, es far as it relates
to responsibility, is one sided. While
the talent supplied is usually good the
town is held up to the financing with-
out any risk whatever being accepted
by the bureau, After the shortage is
"coeglied" up a few times by a half
dozeb or so enthuslasts who Were behind
the contract there Is a -monotony about
it over which the people will think twice
before they "bite." Some object also
over the fact that it excludes to a de-
gree the Meat concert programs and the
objects for which they are,held.
FNrbaMurs e
ANYONE requiring an
Electric Light Piens is
invited to the home of
the undersigned where he
will demonstrate the bene-
fits of such re plant properly
installed in a farm home.
Only power plant on market,
capable of running other
mnehinery and dynamo,
Phone 3418 tot 12, Con, 8, Grey
PaoYoslTrmN to sell and wreck Pal m
erston skating rink is on the program
If it is no better paying Investment than
Hanover men found it wbo removed
Brussels rink last year it will not be
much of a gold mine
THAT Medicine Hat style of polities,
with a majority cif well up to 2000
against the Government nominee, does
not forbade a style very pleasing to the'
powers that be It looks like a hint with
a kick attached.
ScuooL for Rural Leadership will
opeu at the Ontario Agricultural College
Guelph, Monday.2sth inst„ continuing
to August, sth. A fine program has been
issued. $2 0o registration and $7.00 per
week for board and room or Sin 0o for
session are the rates.
How much are you worth to your
neighborhood in boosting the commun-
ity welfare? Wouderful things may be
accomplished where there is a spirit of
unity and a willingness 10 boost. One
good lifter is worth too heavy weight
Ie there were many people with the
extravagant nonsense -talk of Rev. Dr.
Banks Nelson. Hamilton, against atonal,
Union the doctors would have a busy
time fix'ng up their heads. His ranting
is something like chips in porrid e, no
good but not much harm, Some of his
Presbyterian brethren have eternity re-
sented bis insinuations as to the recent
RAILROAD officials ate objecting to
the freedom with which bridal parties
are treated to confetti, The motion is
seconded by many a prospective bride-
groom who is not overjoyed at running
the gauntlet of a "crazy gang" who are
the chief conspirators in having "such a
lovely time at seeing the weddiners off,"
A thoughtful guy says more people
would come to church on Sunday with
their cars if they were not afraid of
having their honk machines stoihn. Au
offset is proposed in supplying the
janitor with a shot gull and a sentry box
outside the front door as those poor
timid fellows must not be deprived of
attendance at the kirk.
'Seaver him right" is the opinion of
many who read of Dr. Theo. Coleman,
Hamilton, being suspended by the On-
tario Medical Council for 6 months for
the "infamous and disgraceful conduct
In the practice of bis profession," in the
issuance of g 000 l'quor prescriptions in
a period of 3 montbs, Others are be-
ing dealt with. These M. D. bar tend-
ers will learn their lesson after a while,
HURON and Perth Counties are unit.
ing for County and D,vision Court pur
poses under the direction of judges
Barron, Stratford, and Dickson and
Lewis, Goderich. There is no reason
why oae jail should not do for the a
Counties as well as the separate main-
tenance, since
ain•tenance,since booze has been banned,
is an extravagance the Government
might easily avoid without injustice to
the public, who have to bear the ex-
pense to little purpose In the changing
A MUSICAL Society is being organiz-d
in connection with the town Band at
Palmerston and a big rally made to ac-
complish it. Other places could take a
leaf out of Palmerston's book and pro
mote a similar crusade, Nothlug finer
in a town tbab a fine Battd anti good
Musical Society, all that is needed to
make it go is well balanced enthusiasm
and a, practical plan. Wonder how
many in Brussels and locality would join
such an organization text Feil ? 'l'Irtt
Pon' would guess froni roo upward if
its value was properly appraised V ho
Will be the Moses to lead toward the
Protnised Land ? Don't fell over cue
another in the rush.
*""'lt V"'"to r .. a f-...enM4 ... C SCekS a.F"£.aiMt�,w a .. .,, 4'v
Thonlaa has' 1)'1' lsuthe)tat
With neuritis,
tt e e 'lret i Ile
B1 It Ot t t n tt b a et t
L tel
nth at Btt field.Y
lt'v, told Mts:'I'i1Tlu were pies4+ntett
with a club bag by IVatf'l l Metals
before they melted Gn (ilyUt.
l,uOkuuw defeated Fisliss'Js in a well
pleyett game of lieset 1341 h i nitre.
day of Met week by t4 seta id. 5 to 1
ll ANUS li lalht t l •---Atrhtilieltl dell a
prominent citizen 1+1 Otis place, 'sing-
ed bintself Thu Nita}, ohn'uingof Iasi
week in his tvoodelied. lie wile a man
about 55 yrats 1,1" age, monied, 41,1111
leaves 1i family of 5 Ile was engaged I
in the chopping tuill business here for
a nnuiber of yeast', part of the Liam'
under the firm haute ,t' Hell tit MortiLt. ,
He lent been i1, ill health for some
Do you start at sudden nista y
I Just one or two doses of Dlt, MILES
NERVIN1-41.2Q will soothe the irrit •
aced and over -strained nerves. Guaran
teed Safe and Sure.
Sethi in 1litterel'. by J1ttiee lox.
A coley of the &'hurt'' Fast!' hl(dt
Wit' prt'sehlet1 1,0 1014411k Mot ealf hefs,l'e
he left'f11. 111H anttl1t41 (till -10 the. !gest,
MMiiss Sara Milne, who luta finished
her rousse tat the Toronto Ouneerve-
Or of t1.'1 t4alr 1'PCPi yin her dl t e Of
t 1
g t,
A. T, O. M1t„ bite )Hoed ipuue.
Holiday -
Freedom from all aches and
pales assured by
Rheumatic Capsules !
Eeep them in your home,
Take theta ea your vacation l
For Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Headache, Train Sickness, Etc.
61.00 at your druggist's.
Sold ley "114-'. Vox
Teacher Wanted
''eseher wanted for N. N. No, A, Morrie, town-
ainp, duties to commence after holidays. Ap-
phentionr rP'e0'ed up to July 901 stating
salary. gnal,flctions and experience.
D. JORDAN. Secretary.,
Phone 5111 Brussels P, O.
Nouse pod tut for Solo,
The undoralgnoa otrura for sale his house
and lob CA Thomas street,
t )) 4 end mere pool
rrauteltole.seruratot, int t esti sort enter,
gp4 d stnt8u, sconcel ft nit V.
trees. For further
particulars apply to H. RfellNls,1
Teacher Wantsd
'Poacher wanted for Union Reboot Bsvtion
No 1 t. Grey and atoE1llop, duties to gammen.
ea September 1st, 51000 astnry will he pulp to
teat+hw' holding let Class l'ertilleate and
0' a.4 experioaao. Applications received up tg
Jule 015.
R. 7.t. No. ), Seer Wilton P, 0.
Buil for Service
9'he nnderalgnod will keep for 8erviee, on 8334.
Lot 90, Con, 2, Morris township, the thoro'-bred:
Short Horn: Ball, Gainford of Belem, No,
110418 sired by Galnfan% Marquis 1100090) 1
Dam Mildred VII by Royal Bailor (18009), Ped.
Imo may be seen on application. Terms -
610.00 for thoro'-breds payable at time of ser•
vivo with privilege to return, Grade sows not
allowed. THOS. PIEROR,
the Can
clmQ ockTes
Banff Springs Hotel, where the Editors" `f weekly newspapers
touring the west were entertained.
C. P. i . train at the Gap, near Banff
New Edison
Diamond AmUerola
IHAVE the Agency for this splendid Machine and A
. choice selection dt records, giving the World's beet
tmusi°.` A -demonstration will convince you of their
superiority. Don't. take ;a' eubstitete,
The Edison fills all your Musical needs and the various
GLyles give you a good range of prices that will please you.
Call in and see and hear the New Raison, You never
have to ohturge needles when you own .a New Edison,
Splendid thee,
Specialty made of Optical Goods.
�pEyea Gested by an Expert and eaLisfaceion assured.•�
W. F. St recto n! J weler and
Fare Bred Burn Jerseys
Have a few choice young Pigs for sale, of
either sex. Sire, Pioneer Historic Principal
14880 ; grand sire, Mach (:ole, Principal and,
Imp , grand champion at the Canadian Nattm,-
al Exhibition In 10)9 and MO A Iso one litter
by Tonnie's Joe Orlon Jr. 16692, Int p.
These are bred from senna of the best blood-
ed Durooe le the United States st the present
time Registered pediggrees will be furnished
Is the names of all purchasers.
Phone 911 R. R, s, Brussels,
House for Sale
The property of the Into Airs, Procter. nor,
oar of Alexander and Flora street, Brussels, Is
ollered for sale. Good frame hence and 1,•.^sere
of lend. Possession may be bad on Oetob'er let
For further portiaulers apply Is,
W M. Wit/ELL,
Phone tell R. R. No. 4, Brussels,
Hill View Farm
Breeder of large English Berkshires
Young stook for stile,either sox.
For further particulars writeor phone.
Brussels Central— Walton P, 0,
Phone 0019 R, 14'51
W+•+•+• 1444'34+•+04-0+0+••a••+ 0•14+•til4-0•i 0 4.+•4 .• •k•+•+• -t•♦ -F
The Seaforth Creamery
Bream Wanted
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
- We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, Phone 23 to, Brussels, or write to
+•+•+•+•♦O+•+•+•+•+•♦•+♦+c, +•4.+W+•+•+•044••*44•a•o•t'
Students May Enter Any Time
n Address the College for Free Catalogue, to either
We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors
who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are
meeting .with success. We are trailing Soldiers under
Soldiers' Civil lie -establishment Commission.
or Wingharn
*•C+•••••••4•••EA••4.444••bo wises 44 444,®490.. it .. a 5•••♦•5.19
Cream Wanted
Ship yister Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cana and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques fur the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank,
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yclu
will not Want to discontinue.
Brussels Creamery Stewart llrosi,