HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-7-14, Page 2Fruits and Vegetables, without detentivn or test, Under their - --- Municipal Tuberculosis Ordeal passed 1rhe under Schoi�fDf �;,,,fErsso •r Most of the care of the growing J I, POSTE FR(?1►/1( A • `, PC cr .wild have ibeen over beffore this at Ottawa s9mQ -Sart# aLdo, and' shit s l "� @[ Pext ole apgaars, but so-metlmea utten� Alati ctrl recentlylial ofiic opted, Accra 4 A r, sip r s compensation is paid fon JULY 7• .�-T— . --^ a ^ill tion tawaixia the end Of the sell will liirrd Plar Gena lY r�lauflhtered and ----- the postman dplfvered the fans , ,, save a crop or increase the -,old. the owners ai'v permittad under regia- `The Conversion of Saud, A1et6 9: 1.t . Go'Id�a� Text�B soon after eight o'clock. Sp .4;;If tris season 7s favorable for the lation to realize whatever they can 1S. �, Gregg, whir did not have to start VV , Q a development of t'ho apple viola in tl1P from rho sale of ihct eaxsass, tiro office until half peat- eight, had latter part of the summer, an extra � time to watch him etre down i tae CONDVOTED 9Y FROF..HENRY G. 6ELL jn x 1 iritis- will tna,Ce a marked difference ► Con>lecting Linke- Pliough Pav'l their court,, Aur;itis, zvPParontlY, was 11, Canlada s Exports of Bacon.. was seeking to find the true way Of aliecrady an open tharouglatere, con- Street, years of'watching fax thinga The object of -this department is. to place at the Ser. 1 ; rn the quality, of the fTuft; 'Cite spray- -, life as. ai Pharisee In strict observance nectm different sections of the city, t? sot never came could not rob N e vice of our farm readers the advice of an aoknowiedgad r `%1!yX ri i ,, slag of currants with Bordeaux max- During recent years, and particular s Y � an y ,..,3.Yr+i", ly during the war oriod Cane4a's ex-� of The law, aA tliough't he was aero, and wit7i the open shops of the mer- of the thrill ,of hope alto felt e'aah authority on all aubjeets pertaining to dolts And Grope } . , , lure to prevent diseases of 'the leaves g p ! Ing God in persecwtnng the Chmistfans, chants ora ertAler side, It was lined o i Address all questions to Professor Herry G, Hell, in li a'r port bacon trade developed very • m rn ng when she saw the postman, �� which appear in late'stammer should i he was not ha y, Iie clascribes the with column the"bawls of which can t< a repid'dy, This is proven by the fact e p "It might be the ad, I answered, caro of The Wilson Publishing Compatny, Limited Toren s" res s to and answers will appear In this column in the order,. s �� be dine ,beftrro the forage is injured that last, year exports of Tarsen frenal • icperlence of tt periotb of his lffb still seen• three days agP," ,site said, "Or there , e pp , :, la Y e po � m the seventh chapter ofi the Epistle, 13-10. I have heard by many of In which they Are received, when writing kindly men s r, The early.dropping of leaves for cur- the Dominion amounted in value to to the an orienCe of lis• this man, '11.v f the sari dread of - . f might be an invitation to dinner from tion this paper, As space is limited it is advisable where N F' , . roots on account of disease lessens the Kerions, exp a tp p I necessary that a stamped and ad. : •v ie for tfollowingear. $8d>�0,000 and that our ,killings of t oura,gement anti defeat loading ad'- Soul's name lu�d ,already reached that nice lady who asked my name immediate reply is Y yid o he y .dressed envelope bo en with the question, when 4` hags m eight years doubled in num- most to despair. The eomtnandment Damascus, and the Ghxistfan .people at church. O my, just think of having Celery'sliould bo keptweil sgrayed the answer will be malted direct• t IIo d ber, while those of Denmark and, Ire (or law which wad ardannbd to life," there knew of iris sem+irng and what a meal in a real home sonuewhexel Or Copyright by iVllsao P nb11sh1nB Co„ Limits With x epux mixture until it is dry, Marti decreased considerably, With the this; he gam he found to be' unto he had- come for. Yet at •she call •af maybe therb's a letter from Rue Baker' to emirs it against disease, and, the death, For, the law continually set duty, the call of has , bard, Ananias - ar one from Aunt Th " C, V.: At what stage should a mlx- kill both the ivy and,gmass. The patch- return to normal' conditions, vigorous I, yrya. tops of potatoes also'must be pxateOt efforts will have to be made in order before him ideals, which he could not wont to him. He did not know abut the The postman.,was next door now. trete of oats and peas be cut fox hay as should then be Nioxqughly rakes! ed with it to the end of th'e growing breach up to, amd was a continual re going might cost lain his life never p to at the best resists for hnrse feed? and iha roots of the weed should be season to Tenant late blight.. to maintain this position. The Lrvo minder of his faults,. his errors, and theles he went., Nancy ran down to intercept him. Ha g p g Stock Branch of the Dominion Depart- handed here a miscellaneous assort- Anwwon Peas and oats should ,be, dug up. After this thoroughly, Home-grown seed is usually very p his shortcomings. The law was holy, : A chosen vessel: There came .Ua c t o post cards, letters a e cut just as the oats' are beginning to i sprinkle the patches so as to wash the satisfactory. As far as .possible the meat of Agriculture dtaa entered upon and just, and.goodt but it meant death this word of itrspitatian', to Ananias a m n £ p . s , 1 e s -rid n .wa , shoat head„ in order to make the best excess salt out and ro-seed to good best of each kind of vegetable showkl a Special campaign to stimulate- the to him promise of what such a pian as Saw, papers. And not one of their was 11 mixture of ha In feeding this to grass If the ,ground ivy Completely production o3 hags of the bacon type. He found a conflict within him be might .become, if nonvurterL to Ohrls� addressed to Nanty, Yes, there fuss, was e y gro be saved for seed. To ensure having 'In co-operation with the • rovincial de- •twoon good and• evaS- For, lie says- tfao!ty, A mean of (his .learning 'and. too! It was from Franoe( What in the horses you wu'.a have to Ire very care- covers your lawn it will Ore necessary seed that will germinate well the next partments, an arrangement fins been "that whirth I rile I know rat; for not great ability and lmorvledggs of . the world- full, eine° this feed' is relatively rich to dig up the lawn and give at one season, it is important to clean and made to offer attractive prizes to what I would, that do I practice; but world might indeed by the chosen ve's- Nancy tore it open—it was a cats in protein. If you overfeed' y ouT i summer's 'thorough cultivation in dry the seed as soon• as possible and P what I hate that I da" sol to bear Christ's name before the I to o from one of the great French f barges with this; constituent . of food order to kill out thus troublesome keep members of !besot' and girls' pig clubs "For the good which I would I do Gentile•w and kings and the children of keep it dry until spring. Beans, peas g g they w?•11 tet;:, to levo op kidney weed. Every bit of roots left should and corn will soon lose their 'germin- quality exhibit at local fairs, 'both for not but illi evil which. I would not, Israel. And that was tiro divine word shops. As she flirted the flickered furs- trouble vr,'tss they are at continuous be raked out of the soli' and destroyed. ating power If they are damp. If cab- qualYty of re such ci and ability in judg- tha< I practice." Froin this l se conflict to Ananias. f+ars and gorgeous gowns Riangry b d heavy wcakk. A. L.: What is the best fertilizerI bate begin' to burst and it is not yet mg' Where such clubs do net exist he found no way of escape. Evil seem- He eirterodl the hoarse and greeted fore her eyes. A sudden angry red r , for currant and raspberry bushes? time to pull them it is desirable to attempts at organization will be made, ed, -to triulnipgh. He was being brought 'his enemy as "Brother Saul.' Who syrged into her fate. Of all the irony H. H.: I am ht sand. three ae es, P The idea is not onlyt stimulate and• into ceptiv'fty to son. But when, in could' resist the spirit of brotherhood of fate when she was trying to that fi nra';t!y light sand. I have asked The soil is gravelly and needs build- twist the planta so as to 'loosen them 9 despair, he cries out, "O wretched and goodwill which was so manifest sustain produetiony but to circulate squeeze out money for a Pair of plain sever: I farmers about it and some say! Ing uP• in the ground, thus checking the de- knowledge of actual market require- manthatthat I anal Who shall deliver among those early Christians? Paul's ever vire thong; and same another, One; ^ Answer: An exceedingly good far- velopment of the cabbage. Once the g toe?" the answer conies, "Jesus heart was won, and iris eyries were ydzrY'phoes! IIvt how in the world farms: ir. d me that if I would put, ttlizer for currant and raspberry cooler and moister weather of early meats and thus to create a standard , did they get 'her address? Suddenly Christ ' And' so, he says' (8: 3p, op¢ wa baptized, great decision was matte. twc,ty pounds of vetch and one bushel'+ b'iaslhes is one carrying 8 to 5 per cert. autumn comes there will .be little rip- typo of bacon hog for the Satins Do- Christ the law could not do," Jesus He was that -be w belie public con- Nancy began to smile. ' ammonia and 10 to 12 r cent. avail- p minion. When it is stated that the Christ did. There is no condemnation fession that he now believed att Jesus "I am the sort of young woman," of rat., to the acre any time this I able phosphoric acid. per 1 this at ening of onions, and they are likely British market imports annually 500,- to them that are in Christ. Christ, and would fellow HIM. It was she declared' to the hall mirror, "who r-aat.i, it :could make good hay. Does, P P Apply `to go on growing rasher than ripen- 000,000 pounds .of bacons understand- Paul must have been im ressed b not longuntil he was preaching Christ receives advert!sements frcni Paris. that make goad hay for horses; if not, I the rate of 400 lba, to the acre along; Ing, hence they should be pulled and fn is P the of the -mart r Stephen, in the a,Fa es. P g y ,g , . y r hat would you advise me to sore oat the spaces between the ibushes and* cured while the days are hot enough, a Possible of the value i of the h Y ; ri +,, Yn' Severe, lain your C. The w, m drat 1 trade that is at stake. It is hardly whack he bad heard, and Oxy the lass's c "The coning of Jesus to Paul was but very, very clic. The whole Street i.e ih:ec crus to make hay? Aoesl s and work ft in by cultivation.lytrhfls squash and pumpkins will keep and patient courage with. which he forhimf�romt every, RtsUgm'irarleof canes, J. C.: Can you tell me haw to get necessaay to suggest that the hearty , depends on getting your hat on right, aaat, vc,'rh make good cow feed? Y for a time in the ,outhouse or cellar met his death, He rrwst have met oris. God a favor, or graces thewinning of rid of poison ivy and quack grass? while the weather is comparntively C0 °Potation of farmers and everyone h� ,the testimony of many other his heart, an :unexampled display of and to do that you've got to carry i Ar ser: By t,'hc time you reaeive1 Answer: The first art of our ues_ in terested is hoped for, Rules and Christian men and women, While' he power. The experience could only be your head with sit air—11 1 Rha a.: :Ger in your uestian it is prob j p 3' q warm, they should,can the approach of Nuc , q t tion is answered above, regulations governing tate competition carried on his work of fierce persel the work of God; for it gave him what y, experimenting with leer hat, able that the }:E:it crap for you to • winter, be put in a warn room where may be obtained from the Dominion tion this leaven must have been work-, he had 1',on been seekin —rest of was laughing now, and Mrs. Collins, 1 { It is very difficult to get rid' of the temperature Will be 60 degrees F. g g g grow fo: hag will 'be, millet. Of course, quack gram; in any other way than hive Stock Co}nmissioner at Ottawa., ing in his mind and heart. The, climax soul, peace of conscience, a flee for- coming out of the kitchen, ep ilea im- peas and oats make exceedingly good : 1 Y t or above, when they will keep much of the conflict was reached on the wa giveness anti a ;ove that was also an hay, lair flan middle of July will be; a °y wormer 1,glowin±g th,e land that is; longer than if they are near freezing. Y , Pulgerbr: "I've just been baking some et eeted. The ueck rays ]ands g g el Damascus, and Paula great de- inexhaustibleSrahnsorrree of mora] ower. q' g • If one has some cauliflower Bead's p gingerbread. Mabbeyon'd lilts a piece' altcgethiir tco late tc saw this mixture; .lrautd bn foss-p'orva,' so as to turn? Precautions Against Bovine Cisfon was made thin and -in the days Strachan. for your lunch," for hay this year. iYlfl!nt say will have that are only partly developed, it is a that followed•, Paul, repeats the story of his con- ti e roots and rout stalk; up to the swi! goodplanto di the. lantsbeforethe Tube,,"C1310S1S. Oi l-2. Desired of him totters, The veron twice. in the Baok of Acis, "Indeed I Should," Nancy replied to be 1'e 1 carafu.,y to horses, sires if i :,t i frost'. This ahotthl he followed in! g P y A few years ago the United States h8 h , riest was still .the chief ma is once to •the crowd which throe ed warmly, "it smells delicious." it is fe t exr]aetvc, far a Lang period are injured frost and heel them in g g p S "And besides," she told herself as y !Early spring by rliscing;,nd harrowing; the collar, when one may have good breeders of pure brexi cattle, roeogniz- trate of b1tR Jewish people, and his about the stairs of the castle (22: 5 it ten to P .ve ;rip lim.ec:.ss anal gen-: eve y two ( r 'hr • • weeps, so that the! cauliflowers for some time. Ing the necessity of more effective authority was recognizedi b`v' Jewish 16), and again a ,before real and she wcut down the steps, "ten cents oral n u d u :. i r tl.,,. !t ::huu 1 ..e I ..o, t. r?'r:s Ac 3: nn; get a rhanec to measures for the control of tuber- 'Communities, even outside of Palestine. Agrippa (20: 1,,,20). In both cases saved toward your shoes, my dear. Next - led A th naNt t of , th>r m*itea,a., i„, t„ „ fitnr a tt:it:nEir again. Each1 When one has grape vines in the cul -osis, arranged a conference with Though subject to Rome, these Jewish he declares that he saw Christ. So Here's a French stamp for you; Next expos r , a „t ,t, , s-iiauunt of Gen- garden it is well to remember that the 1 commeunities were allowed a large also in 1 Cor. 16. 8, lie says, "He - door Bobby." r. r.... Ills fieli is arrowed it will bei anis one of the few fruits that do officials of the Bureau of Animal In moss a of freedom and- self- vera- was seen of nie also,.. as of one dtorn:f mil'e r tach tl t?.a,. i., sawing well •.o go over it w?t't a hay race; notlim rove after harvesting, if ick- due -try at Washington- the result of m-ent and Jewish magistrates ppear out of due time," "Am I not an) Bobby draw a hand from behind bra rmeet tlr ty ?cunt.- t> t,,-,-,-a"i(a- gathering together th+• root stalks so! p g' p which was the adoption of what is to have had, at aorbain trines arrJ a ostle?" he asks, "Have I .not seen back. I't'held a pink resehud, 4ctifierent :: the r:eeti is <,i „o.., qua,- ed green, hence the importance ofi ri P l that they can he ,hied and burned.! leavin es on the vine until Uhor_; known as the accredited Herd Plan, laces, the power not only to imprison, Jesus ,our Lord?" This testi ill ` For me?' ilar.cy cried. ' ITaw sty' I Same min final it seripractice to fol- g �g meaning that the ,hard, been then I?ut even to infliict the death penalty, of Paul in 1 Corinthians is indeed' the Iare.,vf I feel its if I were having a W. G. I3,.: What is the ba:4 way to g , eighty riga, if possible. If frosis g 1 i Y Io :v this treatmzr.,. h growing a � ou hl tested and found entire, free, although the 'latter was usually held earliest record, earlier than any of the birthday: kill grtouncd ivy which is SpreadingY I threaten before the grapes ata ripe, it; g Y Y � by the Roman -governor only, or those gospels, of the appearances of, the She put the rose on b(r desk when srrntherfng crop the following year, is desirable, where one has but a few * from any symptoms of tuberculosis. deputed b him. The letters, there- risen Lord. over my lawn all the time? ( such as rape or haAwheat, seelirh it, sines, to protect thein, as once frost The plan proved so successful --over a! fore which 'Saul received from the Paul could never forget f1ja vision, sire reached tb. office, titeria. "Isn't Answer: T,t ?.iii ground ivy, if the veryheavy in order that the growth thousand herds 'heir accredited in al �itc ov ,, ?reside her rvistTuely, Isn't y growth'. Over there may be a long spell of g Otigh priest waui'd be respected by could he forget that th; Christ it lovE'.y?" ilia cried. viee,l s , of :,c•t . +ed in ce•rta,in parts: may completely cover the ground.; warm weather, when the grapes will' brief Period—that a decision was ar Jews of Damascus, and! would author- whom he had persecuted had .Yorgiven Of your .:ur , :rT•r.:y haft hesn•ily Durr; Ttis sntathtrs out any rema6ringi P g Y rived at to adopt the system in Can - ire Uhe oarest and ttishment ofi the him and laud done' him t?lis gteatl "?cuss when you go hrrme." ^arc y < ri en. If the foliage is killed b frost promulgated' Chr2stians. honor, making him His apostle. "I I replied Proanpt}y; ",I, ;d 1',v, gat :,aro the srrr er areas, This will i ;talks which may have been mu ed.: the grapes do not ripen satisfactorily. , aria. Regulations were fresh ` r a I surcessful, a number of herds having ! which came into force in Septemrber, � 3-7. A fight from heaven. Vil thank him that enabled me,' he writes, f g]ngrruread for ,ur • " r - "— crc5,a wr trio and temper spee.hx ,j lrecn accredited, while many others are 1319, and 'have proved gratifyingly, exactly it was that happened we do "even Christ Jesus our Lord, for that Al eyea widened He.ve you not know. We might -conjecture that He counted me faithful,'a pointing hail a rairc, 'y ' a v° �r anti that hag we Should call our for-' under test. There is now an agree- s it was a sunstroke, or an opileptic fit, me to His service; thcugh I Was be-' Natal l:•tined, "It was a raise-- L , gott ng bag. And the other bag is i ment between this country and the In builds silt basins in t,'ho tile:. but no such etc lanati'on can full ac- fore a 'bl'asphemer, and a persecutor, { „ , �, 9„ i ng p Y P • of my lir-3,' she ratPt to3, I, •iia d .19 , 9 aur remembering bag, and into that) United States that cattle from ac- dra'in'have the bottom of the basin at'rount. for what followed. That e. con-, and injurious. Hce"eit I obt•�nna to bold your head up. That's a little , y (0�� we want to pap all the good, pigasant, i credited herds may enter either way, least a foot below the level of the tile: flirt had -been .going on in the mind of mercy, because I did it ignorant • in — , _ K�" �.1 g y grace of our Lord fashion hint I had from i iris tu-day," __ e , ,;ally titirgs we hear and the cheerfulf _----,_-- __. Saul tion and question. His men- unbelief, And the � _ "ti thoughts and happy songs, because ta] agitation may have helped to .prsi I abounded exceedingly with faith and The Peddler 3'lan.!} duce a physical crisis. But, however, _gave Which is in Christ Jesus Faithful l �S�'Ve11Ce ITl Quality OIr 1)h if I AVExe the odd. man that is the bag that will puff up like ENGQURAGING ti1L' "SON TO SHINE that may be, the one certain fact is is the saying, znd worthy of all ale - Ill a fairy baidoon arixl carry' us over all that God spoke to the inmost soul of captation, that Christ Jesus came into i �.9I37St3 Ciootls. Who sells things in our town, the hard spots an our journey, this zealous persecutor, and: compel the world .to save sinners; of whom I fn June; 19 3, an Order In Cuuwal 1 shouldn't patch my ragged coat. And Ave want to give other folks led him to see and to aeknowied a the am chief," (1 Tim, 1: 12-15). With patches gray and brawn. 1 The Spirit Of flay Wisely Directed g ryas new alatagatrd at quality f ta` suit, only Pleasant, happy words to stare truth. It was God', and yell it was Application, Ing new standiixds of quality for fruit, E'd gather up the autumn leaves, awe in their remembe and Produces Astonishing Results. Jesus too. whom he met that day on It is consistent with the Divine atti- Y rY bag , ive etables and evaporated apples. All splashed with gelds and real, none at all to drn into their for et- the way to Damascus "I am Jesus fade as revealed at many times that g p Pp And make m atcbes •oll so gay ter one. And be sure, sure, SURE Not man years o the thought The should 'rather feel happy ^that.whom thou persecutest,'! the vision Jesus -should eonnnenec speoe..h •with(These standards resulted from in- s F t Y y g y Pp said. In all thi,a earl Christian ex the erring formation that had been the I'd be a icing instead. that your remember- bag is whole, grevailed' that rise wisd,om of file ages the children have learned through) Y g persecutor tiv2th a question. ba • Ted an l and straarT s nine of the sunshiny education much that the garentsiperisnce there is an identification of -men who eo wrong are not only sin- tests that lead been made, covering• Ob, if I hada the peddler's bell ti ° y could be obtained,tnly'from venerabll'e Jesus with God. Paul; who had fought ners but foals. Through the centuries i several- ,rears It hail been revealed That makes a. wear sound, words will escape, and be sure, sure, gained through years Of eloperience,. so hard against Him now calls Him God has .been tryling to get His chil- that under the old order of things Y SURE that your for ttex ba has sages' In other Avorcls, the individual: The should feel leased that because. :, , Id ring it loud with might and main �' y g Y p ,' Lord, Loads, what wilt Thou;. have me frena into a sensible frame of mind.. neither the retailer nor the cnnsumer Till people's hearts would bound; a Lig hole in so all the cross and dig would' have to go through a process of this the advancement of civilization to do?" !'Israel doth not 'know, my eo :e doth a Tie words can fall out; Will of ripening by ate before the was con- p P had eery protection front mss-sUate- And• averyba;dy in our town is dfkely to progress faster than ft has. 8-12. Behold, he Prayeth, It is signs- not considcr. Come and lit us reason ment as to quality. Invos4igttion lied Came dancing clown the street— y°U? sidered a valuable asset to the con- It should make men optimns�ts, for one: fieant of the reality and truth of the together, with the Lord," Avas the Remember the good munity. But now, it seems that the cannot view these things without feel- vision and: experience which had come message of Isaiah "The:re is a way sh°tvii that inferior contents were sive, Aral skip sari turn and laugh aloud And forget the bad, y 's toward' the fulfillment of to him that Saul was driven to prayer. that seemeblr ri ht unto man, but the Hissed with florid and expensive, e To hoar a song so swersa f, tendency a ing assured that the world is growing g e Make every one happy the prediction that "the child .4mll better every day. He came to persecute; he remained to end thereof ai+e the ways of death, labels: Previous to their becoming E)h, if I had the rider's pack And no•bod sad! lead them: pray. And his prayer was answered: was the word of that writer who go law the standards were submitted to ped pa y As a duty to the children, the wand, For .there came to hitn, divinely fn- ewrnaztly urged the advantages of manufacturers and proved by inspec- Of sugar things -and toys- .,Young men and young women now and to themselves, parents should en- strutted, a good man and true, whose wfadrom. It was the same spirit which tors to be washable. A manufacturer I Shouldn't take the pennies from ^� occupy positions of trust and respol courage their children to undertake name was, Ananias, who was commill Ezcklel expresal in "Turn ye, turn t - bilit This makes it seem that the ?, Oen. now grade his products in such a The lift.¢ girls and boys. Exportation Of eggs. Y• same kind of good work. They should. sio�ned' to ,sad }arta into the way of ye, why will se die?" This was the tnanusr _that a, statement can rite But I gawuld give to every child, A valuable trade has sprung up in young of today have skipped years of stand behind the boy and girl and en- I faith, burden of Christ's own complaint over And let the grown folks buy. recent years fn the ex ortatiom off experience which were deemed essen- courage them to greater .effiarts, .for , The street which is called Straight, Jerusalem. "How Often would I. , placed upon the case air tin affording I wish I were the ped'dl'er man, ren In order to heexentourage and ran -judgment �n� encouragement is the most Totem in which S,aul.had his lodging, is still but ye would not" This is a righteous the purchaser a reasonably accurate tial for developing good tt V the world's activities. Young doctors, l stimulant .to accomplishment. Malty to be seen in that ancient city. Most world, governed by a f •r+l who linea knowledge of fir¢ contents. The pro - ,And he were mcreiy I, serve this trade under the provisionsi ,streets of eastern cities in those clays. goodness. There is no figure of speech • cod -are was a stop in advance of that of the Live Stock and Live -Stock Pro-' `Iawyers and other professional men { have become famous because they had' were simply open Places, square oro I strong enough to describe fire folly, followed by canners of any other The ?Vlasic Bags. ducts Act,the Dominion is divided fn 1 no longer tbink it necessary to growl someone to .advise and encourage; shill inside the gate, where the of the mail who yields himself to country ons! ground so successRt3 that This is an old', sad story. Ones upon two sections, asst and west, for the a mustache and beard to give them the them. Others who were naturgllyl marketers .bou it and soldf, and' where wicsedmose, Tire who'.e universe is i r i it was followed by the California Cun- aE i.im° Ultev+e was a mar! who slid a carrying on of a. thoroughgoing in -i appearance c. -age and rip¢tted expmr- Capable have remained mediocre be- the elders held council and the judges I confederated against him. nets, incorporated, the largest fruit deal cd trave'uig in the world, ands et an service, Ontario, east of! ience. In fact, the time of safety+ cause they have had no ward+- of ap- P¢ mvarketing organization in existence. an aI! trT Tris jar:rnoy he Carried two Port Arthur, Quebec and the Mari- razors and barber shops is here; not proval from those in whom trite- had inrrgic bag",, ane over his left shove- time Provinces, constitute the eastern °'nly because of greater Sanitaition in confidence. Emerson says, "The c'hie£ A$rlCultUlYet1 1;ClucatiOn at Value o¢ Boys O Agriculture. an the strength of those eta rid in - der Arad ur,c over h',s right ahou,lri¢r. section and all west of the Great the smooth shaven face, but also lin- want in life is s,omeb,ody Avh,o shsdPl Universities. On the principle of teaching and and owing to erose supervision and ar , speer}an, Canada Avas able in one year In tiro bag over his lest shouilttier Lakes the western. For the eleven cause to -day the endeavor is to -keep tuako ,us do the best we can.' It training the young idea, Australia is to chi g trying PP therefore seems -that one can do aro Agriculture 'being the basic indue p overseas a million pounds of iso gapped illi •the pleasant wordiw That months of last year extending from Youn instead of t . n to appear ma- encouraging the emigration of boys M evaporated apples les at a higher tie every notice o C o£ the country, ev ad Po pP g P tore and sedate as is a o bl r _ try Y, Y quickly s ssi e. h sure one a r. the rid. Th ,,go, of b s r thing for the fu from old land- e n oa :e seat t him, all the sheer • qu Y P main t a gY ii P o y,+Jarvary 1 to November 84, 331,111 �' g That this is trul an a e of youth tion than to ive co-operation eration and an- made ed the development of agrfcu]- so transplanted are between 16 and than was paid in the United Stotts gently speecdres, all the smilax and eases of eggs were irspeCted,of which Y g g P P' happy scm,gs an -all good-natured, ;jolly L18,6Fi8 cases were consigned to Great # is shown by the success of boys' and I cuuvagent�smt to the lauai,able ambitions' lural education is of national value. 20 In four years the state of Victoria for a similar product. rom,amks that carne his way, And he Britain. It has been found that in.} !•iris work in rural comtrrunvties. This of the young, Recently, sevexsul provincial univexsi' took 3,000 of the a ]rids, New South spection fs often regaested by ship- work has changed ties have presented extension courses She Felt Small. carried this snag over his ]eft shauklmsr, Heel many a young life These. boys and girls can be en",' Wales 1.;600 ar.� South Australia 300, far 'he wsinted these oil things near from one of country drudgery to a couraged in their work b showin the for the benefit of. farmers and others, Now Zealand has also adopted the A good story is ralatecl of a very, g' 6 para not only for the. export but also Y g P to mal, heart. , for the domestic trade, Inspection fs j life Still of keen and happy interest results of their efforts to the public. To this end the educational authorities stem, It is interesting to note that young and rather silty sfu•geon'who was In` the other bag its ,dropped all the b approval, the Shipper in rural affairs, The will to do has The fabs and local shows furnish ideal have co-arerated with farmers organ- 06 per cent. of the passage money Invited to dinner by a lady who was pP Y ii PPer being re- ctums wards that paopltr growled at yarned to Candle and grade the etrgsl coma with a knowledge of the oppar- Hisses for making Such ex'hi:bitions, izations tvibh ,highly encouraging re- advanced has been gelid back. The! sit least RTt3', but frivolous- enough for him al•1 the frowns and, growls and tunft in rural communities for ae- sults, In the case of Manitoba a course y according to the Canadian standards, Y iritic in these places .the spirit of con-I(advautagos of the policy aro claimed I twenty, Sha imagined herself clover scoldilligs, geld the cruel mocking marking the cases with the class and coraplisbing things, worth while. The test, one of the most compelling icy- of lectures was given on rural econ- to be that -the ,boys are good Aver- wheat malting ratio remarks. At din - ,speeches that be heard on -brig jour- grade of the contents, Inspection is, young folks are rapidly learning that emirs and sociology, supplemented by P y g stinCts of yout'}i,.prmvurfls. The winning ttsorg by their totters Name, That the nes' she asked ilio young surgeon to noys. This bag he carried on his then made on requisition. if the ship-' rewards of happiness as well as of of an award ,stings honor to she ,toy spheral lectures on a variety of sub- scants- gats a longer life in Uhe_sot-� carve a fowl, and not having dwto it material things coming to those living or girl who makes the entry, jects appealing to other sections of befaro ho failed lameutobl Instead xrrglit shoulder an{1 in the bottom', rent is found properly graded a Ger- g ry, and to tiler, for the same Bost, that boys tris • Y• &-asp amd d'unk's, Ore Cut a great Whig tiflca,le of approval is issued and the in rural commnn.itlies:give greater agar- be defeated will often ,stimulate the community, In Ontario also, the more cal transplanted. tban adults' oe trying to cover his confusion; the state so that as fist ag the cross words isfaction than do the rewards Pf cit I University of Toronto was induced to I liestess called attention to It pointedly ease officially marked, lnspectors at; y greater determination for the next ive a similar course. A noteworDb and that their refit to the is groaner ,Wil in ,at the top they Pell out the hole seaboard are advised of shipments go- life, ! contest, The spirit of rivalry is al- g y anti of more hannRt to the surratirnd-j by saYing lousily ay.d looking down the supposed ways a great incentive to more earn- feature of. the course was ilia taking table: and were lost. Wlxtch as exactly what ing their way anb they. are required to Primarily the parents are y g rings, Zlhat Canadian farmers are he wanted them to ',be, to be the educators of, and guides to est endeavor, especially among the of stud -ants to the stock -yards, the � "Weal, indeed, you Ilio.- be a very report conditions on arrival, supervise sP 9 g alivb to. the benefits derived Train the So this old traveller, no matter ]low methods of handling and stoAvin on their children, but with the devi loP-i younger people. abattoirs, and other places of a prat- -'stent is proven by the fact that the tlevar''gurgeon, but 1f I waisted a fog far ho Journeyed, was akwl happy shipboard and keep track of market- inept of civilatiation more and more of In view of the remarkable success ti'es'' Illustrative valve, It is fent that Domiarion Bureau of Agricultural. sta- cut oft' I would, not dream of iPinitrg to and lllght•'hauirtexh, for the bang that he ing conditions. Steps are also being the child's education and Preparation attending Uh.e work among the boys the alliance thus estabiis3hed between ,$!sties .retards the fact that in 1'314, Yon," chniibd over big left shoulder pufi'oc3 g come from outside the family, At and girls of. tore ,country; and the in- the agricultural industry and those. "No tmiclam, I should think riot," he taken for the better control of eggs 32;4]:7 apglnCations were received for , u 'like a balloon and carnfesrl dtim least in the recent development of engaged' in educations] work will tend palitefy replied, "'but then, you see, pp imported into Canada. n fluence their work has had upon the juvenile immigrants and 2,8'1.8 sup- nsfOnr:g a's il' he were a ifeather. And }rows' anti girls' Club work parentsi older people, it truly seems that the to a better undersbanding of economic lied and that in 1010; 11,'118 similar you tiro not a chicken, its the cross words wore -lost as noon g have not ibeeit• counselors of their coil -f old adage which has been repeated to Problems which •affect the welfare of lopplaeations were made. A fertilized e • tAvfl1 start, incnlbaU' m xti y tT ren Into ut,0 01t et Concrete floors, or an, other kind dren. In fact, it seems that now thei the risinggeneration town and noun alike. - .r, egg for Centuries, tri' eta never had Thein wmlghing ttpon hr's for that matter, Should always The well child quite often leads the parent to! and 'whicreads, "Children should be _%__ - Flowers ar© the Sweetest thing that Ing at sixty -sight flegreea. Then, i(. tial or ritakinig him sad; bedded'so its to kleep the cow dry and 'meter thing's, Tit may have .shownI Seen and not hoard," might well, ,be God aver made and forgot to part A •Ube =temperature is. not raked to anti aro all brevoolerls at this cher her under film oilim in contract with through Otis work ways to a ,tetter' ehan eel to "Parents iii.sten to what A toad Sprayer ib almost a nocos- rsoul •drto. Honxy Ward, Baecher. wad maintained nowt ono `hundred ria- Wfl g , ■ ■ 0 , 4�., ! -+ ; t0 • w ` anti a m',oTe Ofitatble farming and tat g' ' - n' say." A31 .}low it sity in the garden,' .One of the knap- Properly d1Vi'ined• lands will absorb gists, tlttl garnt in fhb Cgg .(las, and ;, world amyl we all Jiave two bags the CP]d floor. It is a wise provision to pr g the children have to, y, Any ll us. Did � know t)tmt? •1a an to of the cement a ]sappier and more convenient homes, old Seem important'that ev r- sack type will he round convcal and hold; for the crops alatrger amount decay or ruing starts. A clean, in- : carc§I w1 Year Y ri n wooden would every Pa } We thein in sum heiuls. voting, cork brick or Gree Nor should the alder folks feel ilia.) ent d brig or her utmost t encourage and of sufficient capacity to do •all the of CU rainfall on the land than land fortllo ¢ kept an to dry pisco will Only w Gantry gr g, soled wood o o And imto me, we should' drop sell shoo blacks. --•.r " oolurlaged' at)this condition of affairs., the "Son to Shill necessary spraying in a largo garden. lacking fes drainage facilitiets. never iwt� � f„ . .. .....