HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-7-7, Page 5r **$ MAI...!! JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONO VeSa 1t ipa�it.IM ITE.. eeeeeeeeeeeeeei�Aeeeeeebleee n 1 REDPA I.1 . D 1 ORANULArI;'ED 3 1 4YJM3, SPENCIE OONVRYANOER mop I$$UFR JOF Ma1144cFR LIGENSBS aloe An the Pott mace, +S=hale 904 DR. WARALAW • Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary. College. Dal and night salla. Office opposite Meer Mill, Ethel, JAMES M'/ 'ADZEAN Igen[ Hoick Mutual fire Insurance Company Phone 48 ' Turnborry Street, Brussels Successor to John Barrie, Walton. 7'. 7', ,M' RAE M.. B„ M. O, P., al S. O. M. 0. f3,, Village of &meets." Phyaiolan, Surgeon, A000uolteur Q dice M t.;seldenee,"oppoefte Melville Church, wltltam street, PRODOFOOT, KILIAN & COORE Barristers, Soilettors, Notaries Public, &c, Moe on the Square, 2nu door from Hamilton Street, GODERICS, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Pnounroom, K. C. J. SMALLS1i. J. D. Ooowte %az, oay..mA' aroimb ELLIOTT Yonge & Charles ate., Toronto Is Noted Throughout Can- ada for High Grade Work. Write for Catalogue and arrange to enter at our Fall Term opouingg Aug. 29. We nonthand positions annum. a81o4 enta have been In attendanoe this year from Newtooudtand on the Exit, Qne- bee on the North and Manitoba on the West. W. J, ELL/ores PRINOfPAL FAOM IMPLEMENTS HAVING the Agency foe the lllc. Cormick and Deering Imple- plemente I will give closest prices in anything need Id in Farm Im- plements or Tractors, Call in and give your order in U. F. 0. style and you will save money. I will guaran- tee you against any reduction in prices until implement is used, and byorder- ing now you will save any advance in g price" which is likely to take place r soon. Have a few Itnplements on hand which will be sold"at, old prices. SUGARI by the bag, 1 Now ie the time to tatty, el Royal Nouseh ld Hour I BRAN and SHORTS • i Barrel and Bag: Sant . Phones 43 arid 27 I W, J. McCracken weessimmitiuseisossessees real Netcis lulus KEEP the paint brush moving. AMaRMMAN sugar has struck the low- est price in four years. A'r the best, only a light apple erop is the general report at present. PAPER has increased 102 per cent and labor 65 per cent siege .pre•war clays. RAILWAYS are again' given the pri- vilege of running excursious if they see fit, PORT ARTHUR teachers have been'. notified that their salaries are to be cut to per cent on January est. A Forest hushes s firm announce u a chat' a "Rist Room for women and children is to be establisbed'on their premises. EVERY week you ought to be able to save the price of a year's subscription by readiug the advertisements in Teat PosT, Seim Teta POST to the absentee mem- bers of the tamily, You know you don't write to them very regularly and Tux Pos•r would give then the news, We beartily thank those who have squared up their subscriptions and are hoping to bear from many more. Do you owe for '1'tte Pon ? 1f so hadn't you better pay it right now ? FaoM Dun's Bulletin we learn that H. E. McRobb has received judgmeht against the Huron County Flax Com- pany, Ltd., for the sum of *774,00, The plaintiff i s well known dere Warms from Merlin Ont.. 0, A. Deadman says :—It is very dry here and itis hitting the corn particularly. Clover is only a medium crop owing to the dry weather and early frosts. Hay crop will be light. PROPRIETOR of Ailsa Craig Banner, J. W. Kedwell, died at his home in Ailsa Craig on Tuesday, June etts after au illness extending some length of time. Mr. Kedwell lost his wife and his adopt. ed daughter about two years ago. A. brother lives in Petrone. Omura to industrial conditions the Massey -Harris factory at Brantford which bas been in continuous operation during the past six years, will be com- pelled to close during the Summer months. The employees of this Com- pany will be available for work on the farm during the harvest season. Tam Posr is in receipt of new road nide maps, A tourist map,, printed In ed, indicates main travelled highways and the black map gives mtortnation as to sideroads, c0ncesstuu lives, &c, not. usually recorded. 1'bay are published by the Mussou Book Co., Torouto, at the small cost ed so cents each. They should prove time and gas savers. GASOLINE has taken anotber drop in price. The 'motorist pays 38 cents a gallon now instead of 4o cents, Coal oil is expected to take en equal drop. Within a short time gasoline bus been re- duced eight cents a gallon, and the bot- tom is not reached yet,It is predicted that before theSummer is over several mote cents per gallon will be knocked off the cost of motoring. BY changes make in the Voters' Act at the recent Session of the Legtsla.ute, Part III of the Voters' List, containing the names of pet sons ectltled torvote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only, is not to be printed until ditectioue for printing are given by the Chief Elec. tion Officer, uor is Part III anuject w re- vision by the County Jud ,e. GIRLS' CAMP.—London Daily .Free Press speaks of a holidaying party as follows some of the namesuf the leaders being familiar to Brussels :—Over 3o little London maidens of the "batty teen" age embark this morning for the Y. W. C. A. Summer camp at Port Bruce, the first of the s camps to be held at the lakeside this season under the direction of the London Y. W. C. A. Mrs. William Leery, of tuts city, is accompanying the first group of who will spend two weeks the green, sbadowy huts and rolling mead. owe at oue of .she most0uarmiug near- by resorts, The camp this year is being especially well supervised and equipped, Miss Helen d'Aviguop camp director, being assisted by an enthusiastic staff of workers, • Rev. Prank Anderson, of this city, is to be camp chaplain, with Mrs. Anderson as camp mother, Miss E. V, Ioues will be camp nurse, with Miss Bessie C11aut, of Toronto Cuiver- sity, and Miss Edith Deadman, of the University of Alberta, as mature study directors, Miss Bessie McCamus, con- vener of the Y. W. C. A. girls' work committee, win also be in attendance, Girls will occupy teats on a lovely wooded hill slope, while the commis- sariat departmeut, under the care of an excellent staff, is occupying the camp cottage, where meals will be served, Day's program will include all sorts of. organized sports, swimming instruction, Bible and nature study, hikes, wood- W[e and other fascinating outdoor things, with plenty of time lett for stoats and Impromptu entertainments. Present camp will be succeeded by a camp for leaders, which will be follow-, ed fu turn by the two succeeding girls' camps, Registration for the first camp Is not yet quite complete, each camp making provlst011 for between so and 66 it but tltiscx g peered Chat a number 02 other campers will juin the party during the course of the week, When manilla. Bons ere Complete, David Milne ETHEL +44444-144-4.4.÷4•44 4.4444++++++ Highest Price Paid for OId NensI.• . ,Get rid of tbem while the mar- e kat is good as price is likely to drop. M. Yolleck + Phone 2t BRUSSELS ++++++++++++++4++++++++++++ JOE(RING AGENCY I John Oliver "* BRUSSELS a+. bee taken over the Deering Ag - ,p fifty and babdles a full litre of + +Farm lmplemente including the o •i' n ted 1 H. C. Cream Separators TIThe only Cream Separator with two wide open creatn outlets - 4. no cream screw in the path of dt the cream. See it when hi town. + t. The I, N, C, 8-19 and i11 -2D Tractors are among the best. •+ The Deering Manure, Spreader With the wide spread and very li bt in draft + g I John Oliver IF you Voile eenlettiIbg worth talking. About, as to either quality er price, it would pay you to advertise. Mort baro made money without telveitleleg—mold aleo farmed before the binder Was ins mated, Water ABOUT IT ? Caleb:10mq in Brussels ? The tail light on you car 7 Naples of your 93811202 2 Weed and long grass Qutling ? 'Kids" smoking cigarettes t Wile will get the American Hotel 7 Why don'; Yeti go to Sund+ty School? Cra.nbrook 1 tool; Reenter,. --Following is the result of Promotion Exatninatione of Oranbrook SOWN, Prue 60, Honors 76, Names in order er of merit, Banior room. Se. III to Jr, IV—(btd illlCorea]llz and (h Hector Knight equal, (h) Irene Dunn, (h) Alma Qur- eugease[, (1I) Lydia Jeechke, (h) Jack Noble, (h) Ivan Leitch, (Wive Brown and (h) Kate McNabb equal, Jr. IV to kit', 1V— (11) ,Ethel Saralhlon, (b).. John Fischer', (h) Carrie Dark, (h Frank Hunter, (h) Edith Smalldof, (l1) Everett Wright, (11) Lorne Owner. ou, Alietet' Bird, ' le, MoNAlft, Teacher. Juhior room. -Jr, II to Jr, III—(h) Jean Cameron, (b) Jean Noble and (h) Jack Cameron equal, (b) Bette. Doxeee (h) Helen McNabb and (b) Goldwin Knight equal, (h) Marie Iiuether, (h) Margaret. Brown, (h) Elsie Fischer, Archie Cawpbell, Jean Smalldou, Jim Pennington, John Locking. Jr, II to Sr. II --(h) Eleanor K+hight, (h) Edith Ford, (h) Emylene Weiss and (h) Harvey JLoxey equal, Earl Dunn, Jno. Pennington,' Edith Brown, Gleet Hunter, Ise to Jr. 1I— Kathleen Zeigler, Reward Brown, Eric Long, Hulda Querengesser, Willie Fischer. Sr, 'Pr, to 1st- 1vel nHueh Frank Doren Fergie o Sm 11 a don, Primer—Vara Porter, Cecil Learmont, Roma Cameron, Ei- mer Locking, Arnold Long, . Merle. Wllsol, ALtes J. FORREST, Teaches. M orr1 s 800004 REPORT. -The following are the promotions made in S. 8. No. 5, Morris, June 1921. Jr. IV to Sr, IV— Richie Procter. Sr, III to Jr IV— John Noble, George Martin .(h), Rob- bie McMurray ih), Jr. III to Sr. III— Bob Procter, Edna Jackson. Sr. Ii to Jr. III—Francis Jackson, Willie Granby, -I to Jr. 11 -Alberta McMur- ray (h), Barry Jackson. 0. RINTOue, Teacher. SCHOOL 4EPO0T.—Fuilowing. is the result 1n 8. S No. 4, Morrie, of the promotion examinations —.Entrance Olaes Jack Smith, Charlie Smith, Ella 'Phnell, Verna McOutcbeon. From Sr. III to Jr. IV'. Honore 75. Pass 80 Veda White b 82; Laura Mc ut 0 eheou 81 Margaret Thuell 73 John McAleer 68,. Edible Parrish 60. Si II to Jr.,III—James Smith 84 Margaret Nichol 8t ; Velma Jordan 80 t James Parrish 80 Mary McArter 79; Rosa Cardiff 79 • Jack Kelly 78; George Smith 75 ; Themes Miler 68 ; Eileen Beirnes 67. From. Pt. II to Jr. II—Joseph Smith 82 ; Lloyd Smith 79; Leona Cardiff 76. Front Se, Pr. to Pt. II—Mildred Nichol, Gladys White, Mervyn Pipe, Glen Smith, Margaret Harmon ; Got'dou Her- mon. Primer— Mac Scott ; David .Allier, Margaret Russell, Kate Rus- sell. ISABEL MaNa1, Teacher,. Goderich Signal gives the following Editorial eeeommend :—N. H. Fraser, the nominee of the Liberals of North Huron for next Federal electiou, is now a strong candidate. A farmer, resident in the central part of the tid- ing, well known and respected, and. placed in the field by a Convention representing both rural and urban voters, he will make a strong appeal to the electors of all parts of the con- e—eC:. ,R�,w-.a�+ww'aramw+.m+mn,nranau ... HEIRESS WITH Until He Took "Fruit-a•firesff The . Fruit Medteine 11, It. No, 1. Lome, Ota, "For over three years, I wait confuted to lied with Rhepnraeimr, 7 trued with (looters, and tried nearly •everytlhing:without benefit. Finally, I tried "Fruit-a-tires". -.Re/bee.1 had resed..hal/a ba -r /saw 2'no rovetneaI; the pain was easier and the swelling started to go down I continued taking this fruit me- dicine, improving all the thee, and now ,I can walk about two miles And do light chores about the place".', ALEXANDER MUNRO. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a Ives Limited, Ottawa, etftuency, Mr. Fraser has been through two conteste, in one of which he was successful, And in the other made a splendid vim, and he has proved hiineclf a capable and thorough organizer. U. F, 0. have .1. W. lung in tine field. Conservativee have not yet made a nominaion. grey 80HOOL Room:a,—Following is the report of S S. No. 5 GeeY , for mouth of anusr ae h h exult of promotion ex aminationg pupils to be in three classes after Sept 1. Jr. IV—John Bearss, ltielvyn Hamilton (h), Clar- ence Clark (h), Ethel Ward, Jessie Campbell. Sr. III—Margaret McNeil,. Willie Lucas, Ralph Saruee, Stan, Alexander, Norman Beirnes, Jr. Ili - Helen Bairnee. (h) Leola Mills (h), Ross McNeil, Tommy Lucas, Hughes Atm - strong, Lelia Ward, Jr, If -Annie Eveleigh, Balla Lucas, Britton Long- man. Tet—Jean Campbell, WillieBeirnee, Lizzie Beirnes, Gladys Lucas, Vera Longman, Clarence Hannah. Pr.—Kathleen Bremner, Florence Hamilton, Beath Longman, Norman Rea, Prizes for stare won by Jean Campbell, ell Bath1e n Bimutter, Amis DveIehh. E. L IL4.RN. Teacher. 9 Huron County Councillors Picnic at Bayfield "What is so rare as a day in June? Then if ever, comes perfect. days." So said the poet years ago, and the Huron county council had a perfect realization of the trnthfulriess of the poet's' couplet Friday 24th when over two-thirds of the present council, many ex -members, the Warden and Seven ex-\Vardeue and many friends spent a jolly day of PeOteatiOn at Jewete'e picnic grounds at Bayfeld. It was in every sense a re -union day of the old boys of the present and past couneile of the historic county of Huron. The old county stands in the fore- front of the counties of Ontario in nearly every respect, and in no sense more so than in the splendid men who have in the post graced the council board ; and the present occupants are worthy sons of a long line of worthy sires. The old county occupies a unique position in the production of SLEEP Ohl what a wonderful word that is I Can you do it? That is, drop off into a good sound refreshing sleep? If you are unable to, there is something wrong with your nerv- ous system. It is a danger signal. Nervous prostration, melancholia, nervous dyspepsia are only a few of the serious maladies that are liable to develop. DR. MILES' NERVINE—$1.20 will soothe the irritated and over- strained nerves. Just one or two doses helps Nature to restore them to their normal functions. Guaran- teed Safe and Sure. Sold in Brussels by James Fax Where therm ,s s tendency to constipation, you will find Da. Mites i.n-rn. Pius effective in keeping thehmt cisaero. Established 1893 References : Any Rank ar Mercantile Agency CREA Sweet or Sour — We Wantit ! We are paying at the present time : 320 lb. of Butter Fat delivered at any Shipping Station 300 lb, of Butter Fat over territory where we have a system of collecting by trucks. Payments made a fourth day after ebillment'reetived, DANS SUPPLIED FREE, Co., Bowes 70.7& From B &tst.�. • Limited Toronto Our Os,plbal fully prim up is $700000.00. 1 pi'owlnppt [Alin )u all walks of fifth, For 330 1clatter In What part of the world you oast your lot you will find the num of Huron oceupyhtg 1orent051 poeitinne of trust and honor, 041 I•"riday at Baytleld ryas gather.. ed together a epeodid array of the past mud preemie diroetars oe 0031331. elpal affairs of the enmity. The weather was ideal, the piOkulckel'e all Igood, humored, mid the eatables nune than amp10. The good ladie8 had been asked to bring full baekete, and they wet brought move than full 'of the eholeeet edibles .that skill and good taste could produce. Along lief of sports was carried out with the beat of good humor, 1411 er1- teringinto them with that spirit ni' hi co mt d •a e s p characteristic of ilio council of Huron, In she besebell and footled! matches there were teeny examples of good team pity'aud in dividuel work that showed- that the majority of the boys had without doubt figured prominentle in a 11011110 elhhb 1106 many years bank. The sante 311547 be ea1d of the tug of -way, where good generalship [end staying polvere were in evidence, btueh of the mean, of the auccees of these three overate wag 43) 601116 due to the many excel., lent decisions reed good judgment die. played in handling therm games by the umpire, County , Treasurer Lane, whose fair play appealed to all and kept the spectatore in gond humor, One football kicker took the umpire for the goal and knocked his pipe galley -west. The most amusing feature of the program was a needle race, in which the Indies with permutes took part. This wag won by Mrs. and R. b'i. El. lima, of Stanley, Mrs. J. M. Goven- lock, of IeloKillop and Mr. Rlopp of Ray. and Mrs. M20regor and Mr. McCune, 'of '1'uekeremitb, the ladies receiving the first, second and third prizes in Ule order shame d Count Clerkma Holman na dk of the spurta and introduced the 'die, fer0nt events At the conclusion of the games the picknickers were as- sembled and .brief addresses were given by the ex -Wardens, the present Warden, two of the ex-councillore (John Laporte and W. H. Fraser) and County Treasurer Lane, These addresses proved not the least of the attractions of the day and allowed that if re me of the ex-Wrr dens considered themselves too old f, r the more strenuous genies they had not lost much of the vigor of youth in mental capacity. It wag at this stage that the only signs of disagreement were displayed, for V each Warden erden eraietetl in claim- ing that he had had the g good fortune or presiding over the best -looking and brainiest bunch of men that ever sat at the council table. But this was the only point of difference •, all agreed that the picnic wase delight• fill reunion idean i id should by all means be continued and its ann111311 00111200110e would be looked forward to as one of the bright events of the I' year. Below is given a list of most of the chief events, with the results Baseball, match—sides chosen by W. J, Smitten and N. W. Trewartha. W. J. .SpnttonRu,.ne 1 N. W. Trewartha.l Runs A. E. Erwin .....1 Roy Patterson .,...I H. Irwin (Tor.).0 J. Douglas ........,. 1 E.:Verner I W. Coates...... ,... 1 W. Elston 0 L++', Klnpp 1 J. McNabb ......1 J. Moffatt........... 0 R. ftf, Elliott,,..0 J. Porter ..... ...e.,.0 - W. R. E11}ott,,..0 A. H. Neeb ...... 0 4 6 Batteries for both aides—Sturgeon nil Weston. Umpire --W. Lane. Football match—sides chosen by W. Iston and W. Coates, Elston Coates R. M. Elliott H. Sturgeon Buchanan B, Sturgeon Toms Reynolds Erwin Spotton ' McNabb Mitchell Currie - Fraser Merner Douglas Da9168031 Geminha'dt Purdah W. R. Elliott Rlopp Neeb Result—].;stmt 2, Orates 1. Referee, V. Lane. Timekeeper, R Miller. 'l'ug of war—sides chosen by A. piing and A. H. Neeh, Tipling Neeb McNabb Ooates Elston Moffat Corrie R. M. Elliott Spotton Klopp Mother 'Crewartha Laporte Wallis Erwin Doig Reynolds Fraser Dr. Clark Govenlock Pardon Douglas Won by Neeb in two straights. Refereee—Potty and ,Lane. tending broad jump—A. geon, )son Gnvenlock, R. M. Elliott, and 413 Eetvin.in order named, flop, step and jump—Sturgeon, renlock, E111011, Erwin and Pur - 1 in Orem. ,tamed, I? man's 3'409 (over 200 rue) }lt y - d8, coater, McNabb, Laporte, in d91'uamed. Vardeu's rare—W, R. Ellintt, J. Crnveolnek, 0, 0.'Petty, in order mad, Bays, Oanleloll, Currie and npbellleft at the poet. eedle race as given before. inch praise to die the boys of Bay d, who formed an exeeilent battery each side in the baseball match took a prominent part in the font - and other games and in every y did eo much to make the day a CCese, tVe cannot con tliude this account of picnic without extending thanks congratulations to the ladies for excellent pravielon made fey the er man in the splendid thieve load the tables, and for the whole. reed )Wanner in which they entel'• n10 the progpt'r�am. Thanks are due to the ex -Wardens of the county their 'attendance and interest in events of the day, especially to t wonderful veteran, Thos. E. 0of hIelli 1 1 1 n lea oec ,w ui i ed tete rhea's it forty-two yyears ago who yet, in spite of 1i;e ' years, ifeete a keen, almost youthful in. s[ fn everything pertaining to the Weal, munlcipal and social life of people, His nddeeee as well as se of the others was 13111 of lire and bitinn worthy of much younger a E J Tt 8 Ne A. Go die Ito) or nl. ua Oat N 1181 for and ball 2231 en the and the inn 'Mg hen ed i also foe the the. Ilay and ,men teen poll the the nen T11011 e S 33 4 •600.0044p444,•••••04440. The (P+entelliele0004496110.00.010066666 e Bakery The Beauty of Our Bread l' See ¶ iII lII,IIIiIt A 4 4 that itis 3llvny9 alike, wb)ele means that it ie always light and lnotlleotne in flavor as well as beteg very amid leh]ne, t7 . e; frig always the Kittle high gentle materials, employing none but skilled haltev8 and halting in the beet modern ovens we make bread thae•ie Always as good as bread eon be 1 -Give G f ' I it 1 tele!, I i , W. E. WI LL,.I S 0.+.00.0009.‹,44.0404.4.0.04..4.04 O'040+Sd,0040004400000000.0, • Following ora the names of the ex - Wardens prreent, the untllicipaity retch represented and the year of of • Hca : Thos. E. Iiaye, bicleillop-1$70. J. T. Currie, 113 1Vawauneir:.-1007, 1)uvid Cantelon, .Clinton -1014. NAL J. M. Govaolock, M, le, Pe M411109'- 1915, 1016, W, R. Elliott, Stephen -1918.- J. N. Oampbe)1, 15, Wawanoslt--1010. Geo, 0. Petty; Hensall-1020.. Peter le. Doig, Hayrick—present Wars Tien, ereelattearrealliseser reat t argains AT ETHEL STARE Ladies' Cotton Hose of fine quality All 350 Prints, our Sale Price All 250 Prints, our Sale Price - 25c - 29c 19c Ladies', Men's, Boys', Girls' and Infants' Shoes Now at Pre-war Prices. M en's Suits from - Youths' Suits from - All Wool Serges for Fall at Prices All Silks Reduced to Print Aprons, our Sale Price Harvest Gloves from - 19.98 to 40.00 9.50 to 14.00 that will Surprise you Lowest Leven - 1.19 40c to .75 alae R :.wwetw,w»««»essete : «www, :« Verelee :9 Our Grocery Department 2 Cans Extra Good Salmon 854: Rice, 3 lbs, for..,.. . 25c L Cetus Extra Good Salmon 25e Good Black 'Tea while it Cattle Salt per lb .........., be lasts, ;........ 40c 1 Su t butper lb . 1 be Other er Croce ales in comparison z eeee eseee er ef.aSe ee 'eeFfee4fe :ee ; :e weeeeet,,wj;,wweeeele r? S'te*R i Hats and Caps Reduced in Price. Rain Coats for Men at new Low Level Prices In fact all goods in our Store are now within the Islay - CU. ilia reach of everybody. I:t We solicit a share of your patronage. 1 is & Son, Ethel spzcIgL With every purchase of $5.0o FREF in cash we will give a good Four Stringed Broom - - ".1•1•13a1M321,..00,..,. ,®., The Economical Oar V EN if the Ford Oar cost six or seven hundred dollars more than it does—the rued Oar would still be the economical tar to buy —because of its great durability, —the low cost of operation, "' —and the low CMG of repairs, the charges for which are fixed by the Company 1n over 5,000 Ford Dealer and Service Stations in Canada, The low first cost of a Turd Car, the light oonsonption of fuel aid oil, •the fixed cost of repairs and genuine Ford parte -makes the Ford Oar, without exception,. the most econom- ical car to buy and drive. the ear, its fact, Which the than of moderate means can Word to buy and operate, r� �q p� Ds M. SCOTT, Brussels AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER