The Brussels Post, 1921-6-30, Page 4Che tomotio dost
THURSDAY, ]UNI. yo, 1920
YoV:'Galr't come out. on top by ke pin
ender cover.
SaI F sArfsFAcrl N 18 a (reacherone
chair with g Cracked legs.
WBYN morning aotpee get into yon
clothes in a hurry apd get foto a hurry
in your clothes.
Mauer advertising is, a wonderful
flexible business medium almost Iimitlese
is its possibilitiee. Did you ever test it
PM:vie:Mee Election In Alberta takes
place. op Monday, lily i8. Premier
Stewart hopes to have his government
CANADA'S birth rale doubled the death
rate far past year. The official figures
are 27.37 per moo against 83 30. Our
Province has the •largest number of
marriages of alt the Provinces.
A voTIt will be taken in Saskatchewan
Province, on Jely 27, on the question of
raising $5,000,00o. for a water scheme
to benefit the Province; It will mean
much to the agricultural interests.
IN Australia a nest of about 3,000 ben
eggs was discovered in tearing down an
old building, the accumulation of long
years. What a supply of ammunition
will go to waste unless they can be
shipped to Ireland.
KING GzOAGE's visit to Ireland, ac-
companied by the Queen, was a wise
procedure and may result in supplying
balm to some of the troubles. 'rhe
King's address in opening the Ulster
Parliament was kindly and politic.
Dora", be an extremest but be sure
you're right and then go ahead. If you
attempt to set your sails to catch every
breeze you are more likely to lanai on
the rocks than in the harbor. Think be-
fore you speak and control your tongue
and temper. A '•hot box" does not
tend to the better running of life's
SOME Toronto police officers are being
brought to book charged with living on
too friendly terms with bootleggers and
other violators of the law, winking at
deliveries of booze and so on. A fellow
who plays that role is 4o times worse
than the chap who peddles the grog and
deserves to be made walk the plank,
ALBERTA Women's Iostitutes are wide-
awake to the future. ea of the proposed
changes in legislation is the homestead
law recognizing the rights of women on
the same standard as men. Second sug-
gestion is to allow women to occupy
seats in the Dominion Senate. We are
not sure whether the latter would be a
good move or not, the danger being
that the newcomers might wake up the
old timers from their long repose,
Pitch in sisters we'll back you up.
IF the son is as good as his dad the
Speaker of the new Parliament of Ul-
ster, a son of the Marquis of Dufferin,
formerly Governor General of Canada,
should fill the onerous task. He will re-
quire to be as "wise as a serpent"
whether he is "as harmless as a dove" or
not. Let us hope better days are on the
program for the Emerald Isle and that
the hatchet will be buried so deep it can
never be resurrected.
Arne all the fuss and bluster over
Dempsey and Carpentier, the heavy
weight pugs, it looks to us like that
much waste wind as no moral or national
good will be derived no matter bow the
victory goes. To read some of the punk
you would "imagine some splendid ad-
vantage to the human family wouldpc-
mile but the very opposite is the case.
A brutal and unbrotherly .business from
start to finish,
North Huron Liberals Meet
W. H. Fraser,. ex•M. P. P.. Receives Nom.
Motion for the Oommons
The United Farmers and the Liberal
party arelnarohing with pretty much
the -same ends in view, but one of
them is out of step and it isn't the
Liberal party, If something is not
done about it right away, very many
ridings are going to be lost to the
National Liberal and Conservative
party in the next federal election.
This summarizes the views expressed
by a number of speakers at Tuesday
afternoon's Convention of North
Huron Liberals, held at Wingbam,
which selected W. H. Fraser, of Mor-
rie Townehip, ex -M, P. P. as candidate
for the Commons,
F. F. Pardee, M. P. West Lambkin,
put it thisway.
"Why ehould it be that Liberals
and farmers should afford Govern•
• went candidates chances by three.,
cornered flghte-•.with but one result
in very, very many ridings --•that re-
actiauary foreea ehould be elected and
the farmers farther away from their
goal than before ? Does it not appear
to you that the farmers have and al-
ways have a real friend iti the Liberal
r party that from the days of reciprooi.
ty down ab least—and I can go back
farther—the Liberal party hasateadily
Domivion Day
Base Bali
Paltnereton ve, Lucknotv
Base Bali
Teeswater vs. Wingbam
Hanover ve. Wingbam
Henderson Juvenile iiitie Band
llingham Citizens' Band
Palmer's Big Midway
Big Doings Morning, Afternoon
and Evening
Spend Dominion Day in
forged toward one goal and is today
steadily forging towards that one
goal and that is to give the tillers of
the soil the benefit of every possible
decrease in the tariff that can be
The Convention was a well -attended
gathering under the chairmanship of
W. H. Robertson, Goderich, Associa-
tion President, who discussed the situ-
atiou in the riding having regard to
the likelihood of a three cornered
contest hut the 'feeling was almost
unanimously in favor of placing a man
in the field.
Nominations brought out 12 names.
including one lady, MIss Hazlewood,
Wroxeter. 8 declined t0 allow their
names to go before Convention, They
were, Bao, Puplestone, Blyth ; Wm,
Lane, Goderich ; Capt. J. Herrington,
Goderich ; John R. McNabb, Weet
Witeranosh ; M. G. Cameron, Gode-
rich ; A, Hislop, ex -M. P. P. Grey
township ; Reeve John McNabb,
Grey, and Mies Hazelwood,
Charles Garrow, Goderich barrister,
was absent.
First ballot was taken on Hugh
Hill, farmer of Colborne ; W. H.
Fraser, farmer, of Morris, and W. H.
Robertson editor of The Signal, Gode-
rich. Latter dropped out on this bal-
lot and a second vote gave Mr. Fraser
40 and Mr. Hill 45, On motion of the
latter choice of Mr. Fraser was made
unanimous. •
I am proud to be your standard
bearer for Liberalism," said the candi-
date, "because I think to -day the
world in turning more Liberal, War
and the attendant reconstruction has
made things rather mixed up and to
get out of it I don't think it should
turn any other way but to Liberalism.
When it comes to a finish I may not
be in it at all, but I will do the best I
can and ask yfe to do the same and I
am quite satisfied if you will do that
we will carry the riding."
Mr. Fraser in allowing his name to
stand nn the ballot, said : "I be-
lieve in the U. F. 0. platform, 100 per
cent but not in its application. They
got tired of the Conservative party
and the U. F 0, went into politics, but
today any U. F. 0. man is getting
tired of the inefficient government of
Ontario. Liberalistn today represents
a position just between the autocratic
Conservatives and the too radical sec-
tion of the U. F. 0. and I think in
time the latter will gradually switch
our way"
Mr, Fraser was the successful candi-
date to the Legislature in North Hur-
on bye -election of 1918 but lost out in
a three -cornered contest in the gener-
al election of the following year to
John. Joynt, Conservative.
Hugh Hill, who was but one vote
short of Mr. Fraeer's total for the
nomination, is a young Colborne
farmer. In allowing his name to
stand for the ballot, he said : "I am a
farmer but do not ask support on that
ground. The country has been as
long as I remember very well repre-
sented by agriculturists and I take
exception to what my friend Idr.
Hetherington said in that regard.
What T want you to do is to select a
candidate whom you think will be
able to eofhmand the largest majority
of votes."
Mr, Pardee's address included his
customary attack on Liberal support-
ers of the Union Government. He
emphasised a declaration that the
Liberal party still believed in tech•
prod ty with the United States.
Claiming that the mandate of the
Union Government expired with the
war. The West Lambton member
"Any Liberal who still stands under
the National Libetal and Conservative
banner is nothing more or less than a
Tory and steeped in Toryism. There
is nothing Liberal about the National
Liberal anti Conant vative patty,
"Mr. Fielding saw the handwriting
on the wall -.lien he brought Clown his
motion for reciprocity in 1.011, Today
under the F.,relney and Young tariffs,
your produce is practically barred
from the markets of the United
States, It will eventually hurt the
Amerieaui furrnel, but in the mean-
time it has abut out our cattle and
other produce. 'There is a clause or
suggested clause in the permanent
United States tariff ptuviding that to
couutriee ready to grant t•eelproolty
to the United States they can grant
reciprocity. Did we ever need teoi-
pr0eity more than today ?
"You cannot live by high protection.
atid'it you have it, who does it benefit?
The Government get a little of the
duty paid or perhaps all the duty, but
when your Canadian manufacturer
quietly adds rho nustopau to the pride
of the ot'tIula' doe* the Goverment
$alt any bshe 11
"Ibave this to say in reply to Ids.
Giutbrie, spet4kiu ►n Dalton k! outer
day, that the meal of the Liberal
party may be free trade but, Or, if any
man today I dont once to what pet'Gy
be belongs fvith our huge attztional
debt and tremendous fixed yearly ex-
, 4
tosaynlRlelt could
1 u wereO
ataud againet a nation of 1130 lui►linus
and throw is entirely the bars.
while they kept up the las and go on
be is not eonud 1 it cannot he done,
We have got to continue ate 11 nation.
"TheUnited harmers are now to
' the field 'and are putting, eltndidatts.
in the various coostitueuoies. 1 have
no quarrel with •the -farmers, If
they think they eau he beet served by
electing their own melt I don't see
why I ehould dispute their right to ad-
vance. that
d'•vance.theit own opinions. However,
this has yoG to be explained satis-
factorily to me. The Liberal plat-
form and. Otte farmer's platform are
not far .apart; fundamentally they
are very close, Well now if that is e0,
will anybody tell me tate logic or
where the end in going to justify the
aim of the Liberals and the farmers
fighting amongst themselves, If any
U. F. 0. man is here today and says
the U. F. O. and the Liberal ideals are
the same, let me ask hila. "Is the
Tory ideal nearer than the Liberal ?"
Tony third 1t !s tlwe 1.110 'Wattle'. wits
token into serious consideration and
that we found nut where we are going
to laud iti the event of our still nor -
suing this policy of separate forces.
"A getle4'14l election may possibly
conte in the ball, but more likely a
year from this month, Let it come
when It tuay the Liberal party Is pre-
pared to go to the country and preach
t and stand on the same prfucipl sR
sti n e11 rlatf, t nl It hae over •e • 4
done," 1
Headache, Neuralgia, Rhoumatlo, Rook
dobe Selatlo and Ovarian rains.
Ono or two DR. MILES' ILNTf•P.a4
PILLS—and the paha is gone. Guar'
anteod Safe and Sara. I'rloe
Sold in 13tussele by Attlee Fax.
Buil for Service
The underatgned will loop for service, 0r. S'%
Lot 80, 000.2, Morrie township, the tharo'-bre
Short Bern'Bull, Gninfe0d of Salem, No
x^90410,.. Sired by Gainford Marquis (1008001
Dem Mildred VII by Royal Sailor (18910). Pad-.
igres mgy be aeon on application.• Terms -
11.0 00 for thoro'-breds payable at true of ser•
vice with privilege to return. Grade oowenot
allowed, THOS. -P888018,
Tenders for DrIns
meowing r
The a iel , 1 Onu t, lthe Township o
x p l rl ofowl 1 f
a s
they areata tto 000r tendon for rho ooustruc-
t nit at tlto 9th a d reit the toDon la DraIa•
aranoh to Howard Drina and MbDecald Brain.
Plan„ end apeolaenti0ns luny be IRMAeet the
elere•e Whets, Tenders will be opened at the
Township Hell, on Hominy, July 411t, at 2
21.9 A. 00. MA000004 LD, ('hark.
TO O EO TORS,•--•itt!t he
mutter oftho estatopf James M0-
• Qanum, luta of rho Township of
MaKtltap, in the Ooenty of Huron,
4ontloman, deceased,
Notice is lierebv given pursuant to "'The Re•
vtsrd Otel Wei or Dutra lo, Chapter 121 section
01" that all Prod Itore and otttere having claims
egeh rd the estato;of the said Jag McCalh 0a
xho died on or about. Oho 2001, day of April,
A tI (0:i1, are required On or before the 2nd day
of July, A. D. 1021, to send by post prepaid or
deliverp to the undersigned Diameter of the
1801 will and testament of the deceased, their
Unbitten and surnames, addros'es and de
eorlptleue, the full partieu)ars of their claim,
the statement of their accounts nod the nature
of the securities (if env) held by them.
And further take notice that after ouch last
mentioned date the Executer twill ri' rooeod to
distribute the assets of fate d ac seas Pnt ong et
the parties entitled thereto, having regard.
only to the elnimof which he shall have
nonce, end the Reid- Exoentor will not be
liable for the field assets or any pert thereof to
any parson or persons, of whose claim notice
shall not hove been received by - him at the
time of each distribution.
Dated this 15th day of June, A. D. 152E
ARCH. m0OALLUM, R. R, No. 1. Walton,
51.5 Executor of the estate.
Gems of Canadian . Scenery
Field, B.C., on the Kicking Horse River. The C. P. R. gave the Editors of the Canadian
weekly newspapers a dance here.
Beautiful Lake Louise was visited by the Editors of the Canadian weekly newspapers,•
in their tour of the West: .r,. ...n er b+.. , Y.,?^ aw .rs..+.tierve , a os4 . a
New Edison
Diamond Amberala
mammemammererimmemmuses t4>~1
HAVE) Oho Agenoy for 11818 splenddd Machine and a
- I choice selection of records, giving the world's beet
music. A demonstration' will ootrvince you of their
superiority Don't take a substitute,
The Edison fills all your Musical needs and the various'
styles give you a. good range of prices that will please you.
Call In and see and hear the New Edison. You never
have to change needles when you own a New Edison.
Splendid tone. •
Specialty made of Optical Goods.
Eyes tested by an Expert and satisfaction assured,
Jeweler and
W. F. StrettonJ, optician,
Pure Bred aurae Jerseys
Have a new choice young Pigs for sale, of
either sex. Sire, Pioneer Historic Principal
(4959 ; grand sire, much Oola. Principal 2nd,
Ian , grand champion at the Canadian Nation-
al Exhibition In 1519 and 1940 Also one litter
by ''annie's doe Orion Jr. 10899, Imp.
Tbe•e are bred from some of the best blood.
ed Dumas in the United States at the prevent
time Registered pedigrees will be tarnished
In the names of all purchasers
Phone 812 R.R.. d, Brussels.
House for Sale
The property of Olio )ate Era, Procter, cor-
ner of Alexander and Flora street, Brnesels, to
offered for sale. Hood frame bootie and y4 acre
of land. Poem:Reiee may be had on October let
For further particulars apply to.
Phone IOU 10, R. No, 4, Brussels,
Hill View 'Farm
Breeder of Large English Berkshires
Young stook for sale, either ilex.
For furtherparticulars write or phone.
Brussete'Contral— Walton P. 0,
Phone 0010 R. 00,8
A04•0+.. A•004.0+00•+i4i00.+t►+v+b-rq.•r•a•f•o•i.0•hr i+0ti-0•b11.3'11+0•f•
• The Seaforth Creamery
eream Wanted
• Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that We can
give you thorough satisfaction.
• We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and teat
•►, • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Crgam sam-
•► pies and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia,
• For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, Phone23ro, Brussels , or write to
t• • The Seaforth Creamery Co.
•M+•+•+0+•+•+s+•+•+a4 e.+++44.044+.4.0-4.144,004.00,,
Students May Enter Any Timej,
• 1
We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors
who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are
meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under
Soldiers' Civil E3e-establishment Commission.
Address the College for Froo Oatalogue, to either
or Wingham •
11C•••.•••••016,444004/•4.049484-4• a ea a Ak 6A•at#4e. ^ ..n 4 4,414•441/045
C re a m :gym: anted
!� mitt a aiitf¢F!¢ ,
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
`Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all. Ex-
press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each mouth, pay-
able at par at your Bank•
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue,
Brussels Unary
Stewart Bros.