HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-6-23, Page 844444#44.440+444.4 *444*. • • •• 4' • • 4 • • rhe s 44+ • • 49 Package ,, Sale •• W This week we have selected 'alist of items, two of which usually go together, The prices quoted are Extra Good Values - 25c . Tube Rexall Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush I3oth for 45c, 50 Bot. Cocoanut Oil and Beat Quality Hair Net Both for 65c. 20c Wash Cloth and Good Hand Scrub Brush Both for 80e. 15e Crystal Nipple and Baby Soother Both for 25e Eastman Films We carry a good supply of Films, Bring in or mail us your Films for Developiug and Printing. Prompt service. F. S. 25c Shaving Stick and Styptic Pencil Both for 35c. The. Writing Pad and Bottle of Writing Ink Both for 25o. 25cTin Talcum and Face Chamois Both for 40a. 15e Quire Writing Paper and Pkg. Linen Envelopes Both for 25o. Si The TZei Store Palm Leaf Fans We have just received a num- ber of these, the first we have been able to get in several year,: Two sizes -15 and zoo, Fancy Folding Fans —lgaea- ITH • Druggist and Stationer •14'E•+•+•+•3'••Hi••++44+*4.444 444- .7.15.1.•4.0-1.•0-0+••••••••••144 r t 1)OSaNS of items crowded out this fr,Ca,t eb gt IU week. but will fled place in next issue. A TIE game of Foot Ball was played by the ,fu&ors at Ethel Monday even. WEATHER is warming up. SMALL Hammer found. Enquire at Tau Pos+r. EN'rxANce Examinations begin next Tuesday, continuing for the two follow- ing days. AUCTION Sale Wednesday afternoon of this week of American Hotel, Furni- ture, &c. DID you read Chapman Bros. adv. yet Renouncing great bargains in boots and shoes ? BRUSSELS lawn bowlers won 1st place at the Wroxeter Tournament last week and enjoyed a good time. SUNSET Camp for boys and all others interested in Boys' work opens at Gode- rich on July 4th and continues to artb, THE POST acknowledges receipt of in- vitations Old s t0 Walkerton O d Boys' and Girls' Re -union July 23-30 and similar courtesies from Listowel who jribilete from July 30 to Aug, 4 JIM HAL. the pacing horse owned by J. H. Galbraith, won first money in the 2 5o class at Ripley races last 7.'bursday, getting a mark of 2 24 . unite a num- ber of sports from Brussels attended the meeting, At the Intermediate Foot Rall match Thursday evening of last week at At- wood. the tome team captured the game by 2-0 from our boys. Atwood team play strong ball. Game was not a one sided affair however. SATURDAY afternoon the Little Stars Mission Band of Melville church enjoyed a picnic on the lawn at the home of Mrs Robert Thomson. The Band expressed , their sorrow at losing their faithful President, Mrs. B. S. Scott, who is re- moving to London. INsescyost PELLOW WRITES —The 101.1 lowing letter speaks for itself :—To the Council of Brussels and all Whom it may i concern •—I bereby declare Constable Oliver had nothing to do with address- ing letters to me under fictitious names. i I gave bins the name on paper and asked him to use that address, nothing being said. This is only one of other names I use in my business. Yours truly, W. T. FELLOW, License Inspector for Huron. BIRTHDAX PARTY, — Thursday after- noon of last week a Birthday Party was tendered Mrs. Robt. Kerr, by a number of old friends, celebrating her 76th an- niversary, After presentation of besuti- ftil boquets and good wishes a few social hours were enjoyed, followed by a tasty luncheon. rhe Birthday cake was adorned by candles representing the hostessage, which were ligbted for the occasion, Mrs. Kerr had the misfortune to break 4 ribs 4 weeks ago but is im- proving iu health and has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ed Wallace, at To- ronto. Esse BALL —Thursday afternoon of last week Wingbam Base Ball team played the return game with Brussels and showed their ability on the diamond both 10 the field and at the bat. Every man is a base bell player and handles his position well, For the first aye innings with Gee in the box, Brussels gave them a game that woe, at least, interesting to the spectators, but et this point the managemeat undertook to improve matters end tried out 00 leas than four pitchers before the close of the game re- sulting in it disorganisation of the whole team with disastrous results from errors on all aides. It. •Horning, of Pdimer- eten, Secretary of the Association, um- pired the game. We are omitting the score as We have other platters more im- portant to take up our space. ng, score being 1.1. G. Rintoel was reteree, leo Bowman, of Brussels ir, had the misfortune of getting his pro- bo:•is broken by an accidental collision WILiAW:HBY FARM AGENCY, the larg- est farm Agency in Canada, has engaged aamnel Carter. Brussels. to act es their Agent in this district, and would ask all those who desire to sell or purchase a farm to get in touch with Mr. Carter, The Head Once is situated at 43 Vic- toria St , Torouto, Ont. JUNtolt Foo•r BALL—Ethel Junior Foot Ball team defeated Brussels in the game played here last Wednesday even- ing, by a score of 2 o. The teams were evenly matched and a good game was put up but the home boys were out of luck and failed tn place the ball betweenn the stakes. Back, of Wroxeter refereed the game. ('0LLTe Peps for axle. Apply to Phone 588 ALEX, NICRCL, Brussels, 25Feung Plge lar sale. Phone 4,111 ARrnna WARD, t'asaNT 111e for sola 8, 4 and 8 ineb also cal - bort tile eemant for axle. Phone s1.2 L. B. BeeMAN, Blaevalo. MeenictitY Fait RAia; Mauaey Barrie 7 -ft. Binder, sheaf carrier and truck, in first -close condition, also good 53,111. . moer, A. Bwscr, Brussels. Sow WANT/tn.—One that will farrow In the Haar future. W,LYa1D LANG phone 849. It, R. No. 8, Brussels, BTTOxwRaAT for sale also a quantity of oats. Apply at Lot 28, Lon. 7, Grey township er phone 8619. EowatD RowLAND, Want; you're going home take a City Dairy ice orram brick with you from W. A. Gnaw- / a's. Dn. PAax aa, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervone diseases sueeesefully treated. Vlelte reeidences. Consultation nt Queen's Hotel. BeTtrnTAgIya WANTED for Brnssols and Apron County to represent "The O!d Rellable yonthill Nurseries.' Big ,,alae are to be made in selling Nursery stock during the recoil• straotlon period.• A splendid oppertmdty for aR.anlenman, Hlghast eommlesiona paid, handsome, fres equipment, large line of fruit and ornamental stook to offer. STose & Wettme'oze, Toronto, Ont. A srO,_10 of boots and shoes has been added to the shelves of Toe Schwadron's store. Watch out for new edvt. next week. SiETnms1-T Parsonage is being wired for Hydro this week and the Ladies' Aid is also financing new papering, .lrc, be- fore Rev. Mr. Clark and family arrive, Ladies' Gnild of St, John's church, Brussels, will have a sale of Home made Baking and serve Tea in the Library Saturday a"eruonn, July 20d All will be wcic'.me GET 'rttaax.—Listowel vs, Brussels Intermed.a es play the deeding Foot Rail game of the District Friday evening on Victoria Park, Brussels, Don't miss it as it promises to be a dandy, W. H. Fa •situ NOMINEE — Several Liberals attended the Nominating Cou• yeetion at Wingham on Tuesday after. Boon, W. B. Fraser, ex -M. 1' P.. Mor• itis township, was chosen candidate after A close ballot, Mr Hill, Colborne. and Editor Robertson, Gnderich, being his competitors. Fuller report next week. Banscpig W014 — Tuesday afternoon Lochalsh ball tossers played a good game with the tOWn team on Victoria Park, our Nye winning by a score of to'S and au 1Luiegs, Bobs Campbell pitched a consistent game throughout and Was well supported by Catcher Spef- ford. The visitors are a tree bunch but were u0t to Rat any stage of the game whit our lads. No room this week f0t 'viler repnrt. Thursday of this week Brussels playa Ot LUcknow, REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR; by the bag. • Now le the tine to buy, • • Royal Household dour s • BRAN and SHORTS Barrel and Bag Salt: Phones 43 and 27 o 0 W. J. McCracken • n • ssooseemoeorecieesosioeeeeiveie WON A SCHotattstna.—We are very pleased to chronicle the fact that Miss Muriel rlio who isnow visiting u al S a1 P g.S under the parental roof in town, won a $So 00 Scholarship at Albert College, Belleville, in 0,nnectlon with her course at that institution, We congratulate her and wish her many future successes, Ran Ho'r Foo•r BAM.—Fr:day even- ing of this week the deciding game of this Intermediate District will he played 0o Victoria Park, Brussels, between the well known Listowel team and Brussels eleven. Game at 6,3o. Roth teams are out to win and it promises to be the Foot Ball event of the season. Don't miss it. Admission to Park only 250. Wm. T. and Mrs, Mooney, of Grand Coulee, Sask., made a short visit with friends in Brussels and locality this. week. Mr. Mooney is the eldest son of the late Henry Mooney, a former well known resident of the 51h line of Morris They came East to attend Abe Medical graduating class in Toronto last week, their eldest daughter being one of the number. bliss Mooney has spent the past three years in the Queen city fol- lowing a two-year term in Edmonton. It is 2q years since Mr. Mammy went West and 23 years since he visited here. before. He says prospects were never better for a bumper crop than they are this year. DIED IN WINSHAM—The Wingbam Advance of last week makes the follow- ing reference, the deceased being a brother to Mrs, George McMillan, of town :—"On Monday afternoon Simon Mitchell passed to the Great Beyond at bis residence, Water St„ after an illness which lasted for the past three mouths The late Mr. Mitchell was in his 76th year and as a former Reeve of t+ Ing- ham, and at the time of his death was a member of the Council Board. He was a fearless debater, and was ever ready to express his views on all municipal mat. tern. Besides his widow he is survived by five of a family to his deceased wife viz :—Alf., of London ; Mrs. Harry Walton and Mrs. Fred. Fuller, of Wing - ham : Miss Becca, of Toronto ; and Herb of Wingham. Deceased had resid el in Wiugham for over thirty years. He wan Conservative in politics and in religion a .Methodist. He was also a member of the Canadian Order of Chos- en Friends and the Loyal Orange As snciation and Royal Black Preceptory. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. F. Armstrong and the L, 0 L Among the floral tributes were beauti- ful wrellhs from the family, the town council, the Orange Order and the C. 0. O F." George and Mrs. McMillan and Jars and Mrs Meadows of town attend- ed the funeral &tits B. Warr Ds EAsEn The Elora Express says of a former highly esteemed Brussetite:—"The death occurred on Saturday, June ttth, 1921, of Miss Bar bare Watt, formerly of Elora, Ontario, at the resideuc. of her brother in law, Rev. Dr. Ross, 117 Constance street, Toronto. Some weeks ago Miss Watt suffered a tall, laud her dea,b is the re suit of au illness which followed Miss Watt went to Toronto re years ago and had lived with her brother-in-law, She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Wm. Wat- son, atson, Drayton, Ontario, (who is also in a very serious sate of health at present) and by one brother John Watt, of Elora. Ont. The remains .,ere brought to Elora, the funeral taking place Tuesday afternoon from the borne of John Watt. to the Elora Cemetery. Rev, Mr. Mc- Donald. of Knox churcb taking the ser- vice, Deceased was a daughter of the late Alexander Watt, one of the pioneers of this district. Of a quiet and unob- trusive disposition, she possessed quali- ties which endeared her to a wide circle of fiends, her amiability, gentleness and fidelity winning for tier a warm place in the regart: of those who knew her well. Service wris held at the home in Toron o on Sunday evening, couducted by her pastor, Rev. J. 11 Turnbull, High Park Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev J. R, Craigie unit Rev. W. G Hanna" Deceased is sell remembered in Brus- sels. PEEseNTArloN.—At the close of choir practice In the Methodist ehureb last Friday night the members adjourned to the church parlor eats a messenger was sent to the Parsonage summoning the pastor and family. A E Hersey made the following brief address and Miss Pearl Duk, in behalf of the choir pre- sented Mrs Staff•ird with a fine electric lamp, which was lighted on the table:— DEAR Mao STAFFORD—We, the mem- bers of the choir, keenly regret the time has come for you to to take your depar- ture from among es, You hnve, es. peciaily since aSaeming the leadership of the choir, endeared yourself to each one of us, Although we did not at all times measure tip to your expectations, yet withal you were generous and con- siderate. As a mat k of our Wean, we ask you to accept this electric table Tamp and trust: that in your new home it will chase the shadows away and remind You that Hrusds choir will always be interested in your future anti pray that God may bless your every effort. vlrs, Stafford, who so competently and ae• ceotably filled the post of leader of choir for past 3 years, was genuinely surprised but replied in kindle terms thanking the members for their good wishes and gift but not forgetting their faitlifnlness and standing by her. She would never forget Brussels and the To Parents ®PEN a Savings Account in this Bank for each child the year it is born. Make small deposits regularly, and when college days come, the requi- site funds are ready and the education will not be q drain on the family purse, THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA, t74 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINET1f. MILLIONS Brussels sls Branch t - - G. H. Semis, Manager. Dublin . • F. McConnell, Manager. choir, Rev. Mr, Stafford' also gave short suitable remarks A testy lunch was served and the eoc.pAny separated with expressiou of good wishes. Rev. and Mrs: Stafford end (entity leave .for Ruthvea; Essex Co„ next week, Church Qhitn.es • Sunday Major Maor Graham will 0011- duct services in Melville church, Special feature of morning service will be the unveiling of the Memorial Tab- let to the soldier lads who fell In the world war Next Sabbath Rev. W. E Stafford will preach the eoneludiog discourses of his 4 year pastorate in Brussels Metho- dist church His new eharge will be Ruthyen, Essex County, to which he and his family will :•emove next week. Rev, C. F. Clark, Ph D., Parker st. church, Sarnia, the newly appointed pastor of Methodist church, Brussels.' will occupy the pulpit for the first time on Sunday, July 3rd, at the regular hours. The reverend gentleman_ has been 5 vests on his ,ass charge. The Lord Bishop of Huron will bold a Confirmation and preach Sunday morn- ing at 21 a. m, at St, John's church, There will be a class of about 24 con- firmed including several from Walton. Bishop goes to Gorrie Sunday afternoon and Wingham in the evening, # People We Talk About . 3t tt t3 S Carter was in the Queen city this week, Roy Stewart is home from Toronto for his vacation. Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton were visitors at Gorrie and Clifford, Mrs Garfield Dunbar, of Oshawa, is visiting at the parental home, Brussels. B. Dark, Galt, was in town last week. Harry and Mrs. Querin accompanied him. ex -President Taft has been chosen Chief Justice of the United States Sup remix Court. Mrs. D. M. Clark, of Hamilton, is a visitor at the home of her parents; Bar. rister and Mrs Sinclair. T. and Mrs, Thibideau, Mrs. G. Thib- ideau and mother motored to Monition to visit old time friends. J, H. and Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Slemmon, of London, were renewing old friendships in town, Miss Marion Wrighton, B. A, of London, is a guest of Mrs. Geo. E Weller, 'l'urnberry street. Mrs. M. G. Richardson and her daughter, Mrs Moffatt and daughter, are here for a holiday with relatives and old friends. They were former resi- dents, L V ,and Mrs. Delmage and Mrs Adam De -image, of Rothsay, and Mrs. Kinnie and Mrs. Gadd. Detroit, were visitors at the home of Mrs,- W, W. Harris, Queen street, B. S. Scott, Principal of the Continua- tion School, was acting as presiding ex• aminer at Wingham last weelt, while J. F Ross, of Seaforth, was looking after the Bruseels pupils in like capacity, Mrs R M. Williams, Londou, and Miss Milieu Watson, of the Telephone staff, Toronto, enjoyed a visit under the parental roof here for a week or so. They are daughters of Jno and Mrs. Watson, Alexander street. W. H. and Mrs. Kerr, of THE POST, arrived home last Monday from a de, lightful trip to the Pacific Coast, with the Weekly Newspaper Association Party. They were away 3 weeks which were packed full to overflowing. More ROOD. Richard and Mrs. Reel, of Manitoba,. were visitors with T. F. and Mrs. Whit- field, Queen street. 'they are cousins The visitors have been in the West for past 3o years and have done well. They have 425 acres, 225 of it in wheat this year. Mrs. R. S Scott regrets that she will be unable to call on her many friends before leaving town but will be at home Friday afternoon and evening of this week and will he glad to have them ,call on her, R S. Soott is presiding at exams. in Wingham this week. We are s'try to state that Tames Speir is not regaining his health as his many friends hoped for, He is bacir ie bed with something of the nature of irflammatory rheumatism with a torch of anaemia. A turn for permanent betterment would be gond news, Miss Mende Patterson, of Owen Sound locality, has returned to her home after snending a m inch with J. 1 and Mrs. Gilpin. She made many friends while here and proved herself a most estimable person and true to the appreci'five representation preceeding her. 'rhe Gllpins were sorry to part with her. Premier Martin and his Government have been returned to power in Saskat- chewan Province by a large majority Mr. Martin is an old idtiron Co boy, a son of R. -v, Mr, Martin, of Exeter. ROM, Mr. Latta, the new Minister of Cducation, is also a Hurouian, having taught school hr Crediton locality, He h"ids a strong position in the West and was very hearty In reception of Huron Co. Bailors at Saskatoon and Regina, Pliuevalet Harold 7Inlrriee, Brusevls, was home over .r . 9t unda . Geo, Haney y anetlt the week .enol with friends tit Wtoxcitr, Mra. Andrew Holmes is at present yisitiug her daughter at Toronto, Raymond Elliott looks very happy these days, A. young daughter arc v - ed recently, Rev, Me, Mills was at Mount Forest on Sunday taking charge of Presby- terian services at that place. SW—HAMLIN. —Awedding •rl ANN dr g o f much interest took place in Kincar- dine on Wednesday, June 155th, at the home of the bride's parents, P. F, and Mee. Hamlin whenen their daughter, Donalci Janet, became the bride of Rev, Harold 1. Swann, B, A., son of Rev. Francis and Mrs, Swann, Van- couver, B. 0. TIIe bride, who was given away by her father, looked win- some in her navy t tail Dred. travelling suit, small -blue mohair hat, and corsage of Ophelia roses, The cere- mony was conducted by Rev. Mr. ()lorry, pastor of Kincardine Metho- dist church, and during the signing of the register Mise Mary Anderson sang "Until." After a dainty buffet luncheau Mr. and Mrs., Swann left on the 1 50 train to spend their honey- moon on the Kawartha Lakes, where they have taken a cottage. The groom was a former resident of Blue - vale, i Moncrie•ff Milton Steppe, .Clinton, spent the' week end at the home of G. MoTag- gart. - Miss Nettie Sleeken spent a few days last week at the home of Alex, Marin. Mise Esther Nyros, Toronto, is spending a few weeks with friends in this locality. Mise Maggie Tough spent the .week end with her cousin, Mee B, Tough, teacher S, S. No. 8, Grey, A few of the Foot ball enthusiasts of this locality attended the Foot ball match in Listowel last Friday evening. Quite a number of the Ohrietian' Endeavour members . here attended the 0, E. pie-nic held in Monkton last Wednesday afternoon. 0. and Mrs. Joss, Will, and Gladys and Mee. Bayball motored up from Toronto and are spending a few days at the home of James Marin, Henfryn Garden party at the home of Mr., Kerr was a good mimeos. Proceeds, 569.75. On Wednesday of this week our new store.keeper, Mn. McMillan, is expected to arrive. We wieh him BUGGIES. Last week saw the commencement of the repairing of the Henfryn road, under the supervision of Ed. Collis. A good lob is expected. In reports circulated here by the Jas. Thomson family they blame niy neighbors and friends for the trouble in my hnme, for which . they them- selves are responsible, pproof of whish can beproducedif necessary. H. L. STEWART. B. C. S. Promotion Results FORM I The following students passed on the basis of their term work and were not required' to write the examina- tion :—M. Jewitt 80%, 141. McNair 78, A.. Ballantyne 75, L. Thuell and 0. Bolger (equal) 78, 0. Strachan 71, M. Passmore 70, The following students wrote the examinations, names in or- der of merit t—Passed with lionore— M. Wood R. Askin, Phased—L, Mc- Kay, G. Best, B. Thuell, M. Baker, G. Stewart, K. Williamson. Recom- uterlded.-0. Cardiff (Hist. Total). Detailed statement of standing will be sent those who failed. B. S. Scow, Prin. W. MORRIS, Aao't. MARRIED OTrsATU—O'Netr.L,—At 85, Clare's church, Toronto, on Suns 101h, 1921,.by Ray. Fr. McCabe, Di'..T. H Strath, eon et the late Win. . and Mrs. Strath, Grey township, to Mies Laura O'Neill, daughter of the late B, and Mra. O'Neill, of Barrio, GR1rmipn-13181,0P,—At the Manse Bruasele, on June 15th, 1921, by Rev..7. P. McLeod, Mr. George E. Griffith to Mies Annie Hite lop, both of Howlett township. BTRAOUAN—RoNNeNBaso. —AL Grace Presby - teflon Church, Calgary. by Rev. J, R, Leverte, on June 14th, 1921,Mr. Howard Strachan, of Lone Butte, Sask., formerly of Ethel, Ont., to blies Adeline A, B Rom nenherg, of alonkton, Ont. IN MEMORIAM MODONALD.—In lovingmemory of jog, E ma. D',oebd, who died 1n. Grey township, Jnue 29nd,1920. Just a year ago, dear brother, You ware celled, 1t seemed too 9000: And some then we've lost another, He, like yon, Was called at noon. And life's pathway has boon darkened By those shadows from each grave, But we're trusting in the Saviour, In the promisee lie gave, There's a land whore comes no sorrow, Neither Wearineee nor pain And in BOWS glad and bright pain, We shrill hope to meet agate. —MATURE, SloTBrt AND BnoeOBaa. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOL.OGtSr Graduate Department of Cplltlmha0logy, Mo. Oor,i,ink Medical College, Chinago, Ill. Throe menthe cast graduate amuse daring past year. Eyes correetly fitted with Glasses, Heed• lichee,Inflamed Eyes, Granulated Eye Tide Had oher Eye troubles, unused by Bye•etraln, relieved through proearly fitted Glasson, *insiaf,iettoll Assured. Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door South of Barrister Sinclair's of ee, 00105 ]louse : 0 to 12 a, In,: 1 to a p m Also Wednesday and I to day reveniings,g 4 NNI00.0100000 01i i11111#!I0 Fox's Drug Store THE STORE Weekly Store News '^t • = Penslar Buchu and a Palmetto I" Compound • for all forms of Kidney and: Ut'- • ipat'y Troubles, • • Large sine t$1 25 8' • A Few Articles • that are 1 Penslar Dynamic Tonic One of out' very beet prepare, Lions for al l forme of nervous troubles,' sleep• lesenese, Ste. Often Re — Required ' Rubber Gloves Aesoted sizes t Fleet) Lights—Good stock Thermos Bottles ' Purses and Hand Brigs Celluloid Eye Protectors o Eye Baths and Droppers O. Razor Strops • Durham Duplex Razors 19 i • • ei • F •� • w Penslar o OF 0 Compound Syrup 0 Bypophosphites Otte of the beat et ktlown n,oneehold o Itemediea,_ • Largo bottle 111,00 • 0 New China • • One of the most desirable Wed ding or Inability Gifts fora lady is a nice piece of CHINA el We have a splendid assortment o Prom which to choose and o we ate sure you will find the price right. • et • • • ai • s1 .• B • 0 • e • • • • • • • • • 1• • Poisons and Fungicides • s Paris Green Sulpho Tobacco Soap • For the Potatoes For Rose Bushes oE Sprayide Royal Purple Disinfectant • For the Fruit Trees For the Chicken Pen es Arsenate of Lead Zenoleum, Kreso Dip, • For Potatoes, Ste. Etc., etc. 's FOX'S DRUG STORE s - • DRUGGIST and STATIONER - • •ss•o•o••4•••••oes.seoetrlsrt ooa•42aset•m••oe00000•o•o•• • "Careful Prescription Dispensers" BORN 81.B1aAN.—In Gray township, on Jute 111b, 1021, to Mr. and: Mrs, Alex ipeiren, a daughter. Joo'Bs.—At the Manse, Belgrnve, on ,Tune 17th, 1021. to Rev, and Mrs. Colston G. Jones, a son (Donald Colston.) Cate Peas Barley DIED EEgg+er MOTAOOART.—In Clinton, on June 17th, 1921, Hogs Margaret Hart, widow of the late Malcolm an, McTaggart, aged 90 years. BRUSSELS MARKET 51 40 81 50 1 70 1 75 2055 L0 '+0 80 1800 20W i. Great Bargains HALLS & SON'S ST�RE ETH'E L Ladies' Cotton. Hose of fine quality All 35c Prints, our Sale Price All 25c Prints, our Sale Price 25c - 29c 19c Ladies', Men's, Boys', Girls' and Infants' Shoes Now at Prewar Prices. Men's Suits from - 19.98 to 40.00 Youths' Suits from 9.50 to 14.00 All Wool you Ser es for Fall at Prices that will Surprise 9 p All Silks Reduced to Lowest Level Print Aprons, our Sale Price Harvest Gloves from - 1.19 40c to .75 fr:FIHd B 4ta`d'14-4 »K,st+,4.ettatio;»:r tidt3»k i»; t,';1'.» ~w €44ttf'K44 Our Grocery Department 2 Cans Extra Good Salmon 85c 2 Cans Extra Good Salmon 25c Cattle Salt per lb ,...... 5c Sulphur per lb....... ..... ....... 5c Rite 8 Ibis for .,.., .. 2511 Gooey Black Tea while it lasts, per ib 40e Other Groceries in comparison oTEta-TbP:I m ++:rola+: :2:,«'t»koto5 t''s.'et--'f»Ct;»:F!t*Vt4tw-ti Hats and Caps Reduced iii Price. Rain Coats for Men at new Low Level Prices. In fact all goods in our Store are now within the buy- ing reach of everybody, We solicit a share of your patronage. Halts & Son, Ethel SPECIAL With every purchase of $5,0o in cash we will give a gond FREE Four OUr Stringed Broom