HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-6-23, Page 5v
�ro1►�1r� 7p�q,IpLIMITER
OF ll'TARETAftiE `>4ZaEN927S
11 Mee ►b the rust Office; Ethel. 50.4
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Uollege, Dal and night palls, 0121oe opposite
PlowM111, Ethel.
Agent Newick Mutual Fire insurance Company
Phone 43 Tnrnberry Street, $reseoln
Successor to John Harris, Walton,
M, B„ M. O. P., a S. O,
M, 0. H., pillage of,$russola,
Physlofan, SurgeonA000uohenr
C' Moe at re,ldenoe, opposite Melville Church,
William street.
barristers, aol..citors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2ntl door from Hamilton
G0D&RI011, ONT,
Private tends to loan atlowest retail.
W. P000080 /T, k. 0. j. L, Huhu-lux
E, J. D. Cooke
dil4ta W F8i0Xt Satz Brat?
Express - 7:08 a m ! Mail 11:80 a m
Exprens 8:411p m Express 9:07 p m'
CraiA"agusx P4CIJ4'IC
To Toronto To Goderloh
Express 8;47 a mExpress, 11:41 pm
Express.....,... 2:27 p m I &sprees 9:07 pm
Going East - Tat a. in. and 8:81 p. m.
Going West - 12786 and 9:15 p, m.
/Illumine going East connect with 0. P.R. et
Orangeville for Owen. Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
G&0, ALLAN, Local Agent.
HAVING the.Agency for the Me -
Cormick and Deering Tanple-
plemente I will give closest
prices in anything need :id in Farm Im.
plements or Tractors. Call in and
give your order in U. F, 0. style and
you will save money, I will guaran-
tee you against any reduction in prices
until implement is used, and by order-
ing now you will save any advance in
price which is likely to take place
i}Tave a few Innplemente nn hand
which will be sold at old prices.
David Milne
Highest Price Paid for
Get rid of them while the mar-
ket is good as price is likely
to drop.
M. Yolleck
4••• 4.4• •••4•4••44+•••••i•+444
2 John Oliver
has taken over the Deering Ag- +
ency and handles a full line of 4
Farm Implements including the +
noted +
t i► N. C. Cream Separators
The only Oreatn Separator with
two wide open cream outlets—
,. no cream screw in the path of
t �•
the cream, Sea It when it town, +
• The J. N.C. 3-i6 and 10-20 Tractors
are among the best. •
• The Deering Manure Spreader
With the wide spread and very
light in draft.
John Oliver
vongo & ohauloa ste,, Tgreetto
�' We hove poalltotl9 to dal now at
,aq7Wp Go Mudeoof
• tweG Gbtaa untr wittiness mimeos
were in eetatoe Pthis yWuter. for datalugue, Open all year.
are Suter any time.
1 a4l enter ss. i os2v'vaa'ati`
piaritt gem
The following letter' written at gei-
tield, Sask„ under date of June 1st, by
it B. liteveneon, who recently loft the
14th Cots., was received by 'lute Freer
last week and speaks fur Itself :—
Dean Met.. l 111411.—As 1 have been
here almost two months I thought 1
would write and let you know how
Lille part of the world is progressing,
1 hope you are enjoying your usual
health, as this leaves me in first-class
Iter}tth. We are having beautiful
weather at peeeeut, although it was
fairly cold last•week wdthsoute heavy
ftoets, but didn't do any damage to
speak of. The wheat seeding was
cowplsted last week on west farms
and is growing splendidly. fphe out
seeding is now under way and in the
course of a couple of weeks the seed-
thg will be finished by the mnjo, ily of
farmers. The soil /lire been worked
up in fine shape thio season and with
fair weather ceuditioms should pro-
duce a good crop. There hue been
very little rainfall thislaet month or
so. but an abuudauce of mosquitoes,
which is said to be air indication of a
good °rep, su guess there will be no
lack of grain. Belfield is a pretty
little town which should grow rapidly.
We get a setrti-weekly train in here
which seems like being a million miles
from nowhere, when it comes to get-
ting anything, after being ueed to
having Ed, Pollard deliver almost
everything to the mail box six days a
week.' S remelt) .-
Yours truly,
Fordwich is holding a big day of
sports Wednesday uf
this week.
The Record is taking its annual
holiday this week and no paper will be
Preparations are being made for the
betiding of a new sidewalk on the
West aide ellfa't
m 1 t street,
On Sunday night John Schaefer had
the misfortune to lose a valuable mare
through blood poisoning. James
Denny also lost a valuable mare from
the same cause.
Un Thursday last the Junior Farm-
ers' Club from this district enjoyed an
mete excursion to the Agricultural.
College at Guelph and spent a profit-
able and pleasant day.
In the W iughatn litlpital last week
Are. Shelly Bricker uuderweut a seri-
ous operation for some internal
trouble. We are pleased to repots
that the latest reports she is doing as
will as can be expected.
A meeting of the subscribers of the
13e11Telephone company, for the pur-
pose of discussing rates and eerviee,
was held recently in the U. F. 0.
Hall, Britton, with an attendance of
about eighty phone users, who decid-
ed by an unanimous vote, that unless
the Bell company will provide better
service and cheaper rates, they would
have the phones taken out.
Miss Edythe Peffeis, of Listowel,
was awarded $175 by Judge Barron.
at the June sitting of the County
Com t, in her Hutt for $600, as compen-
sation fnr injuries received when she
was (Arnett by a horse and buggy own-
ed by the defendant, James Fall's.
The accident happened Dec. 27th, on
)lain street, in front of the Arlington
Hotel, resulting in Mies'! idlers receiv-
ing a broken collar bone. Both part-
ies claimed not to have seen the ap-
proach of the other, and the judgment
would appear to indicate that His
Honor held that the responsibility was
not all on one aide.
George Stogdill has sold his resi-
dence on James street to Louis
Hoegy, and intends removing with
his family to Toronto about the first
of the month. Mr, and Mrs. Stogdill
have been residents of Seaforth for u
great many years, Mr. Stogdill be -
tog connected with -the Fit 11(11010
Faotot y since the ear ly days of Broad-
foot & Box
SERIOUS Prime—Shortly after seine,
o'clock on Friday morning. loth Met ,
Hre wuediscovered to one of the etseka
in the yard of the Canada Flax Mille,
-Limited, on Goderich street East, and
before the fire was got uidet control,
six large stacks comprising some 100
tons of material, had gone up in
smoke. Sone of this material was to
have been spread as soon as the hay
crop had been taken off, while the
balance was ready (01 working as
80011 as the mill re -opened. Owing to
the very inflammable nature of the
material it was absolutely impossible
to sae° any of the stacks, but the fire-
men by a quick 10*1, good judgment
acid good work, saved the huge frame
ehede and crop, and the seed llouee, a
large frazzle building on a brick found-
ation, which was full of flax seed and
tow, and which was situated not mote
than ten feet from the end of the row
of burning .stacks. The side of this
building watt scorched and the win-
dows were broken, but the contents
were very little damaged, and the
fact that it was saved at all points to
a very efficient fire biigede, Fortun-
ately there was very little wind at the
titue or the result, no doubt, would
have been much more serious, The
;tee to the company, It is stated, will
be eomethin over $35.000. This is
the seemed fire loss suffered by this
company within a year, their mill
having been destroyed jest before the
opening of the season last Spring.
ALIPTi ilea +lDiD PlitteelaITATION.•-••d t
the J 01;u , inuetico or the eieitfi)1I0
bond held lu them founts rt'caalLly a
vely 1401000A t•yetit Auturred. lupi!
111t11eu)1n Mel„eod, Otte of the uideal.
and moot valued n1enteera of the n1'•
gardeatien, And silo) recently Pitted
the beuediota, Was pretended -with a
beautiful upholstered leather cbait'.
L'hu pfeeentatiotl ,vas mane by the
evesluuit, waiter lfu0tlmon, oust wad
aecuntpaulett by" the fulluwing ad•
— r as•—, +til e
dress ; 1 t113 tf Al i1 t l we hove
aeserlibled bele Bile eve1,(t11s Inv 0111
tegtllar n•eultly lolteutaal, We Rangel
ultes the npl,urtunity of uxLeitljilg to
you un bettalf ul ,lin weuinete ut the
Uttlzeue' Baud, their very beat wishes
.uu your entellug'the beuencet frater-
nity, and lit order to attuw ()Ur ttppre-
utat 011 of your wetubetshtp and guvd-
fellowship with us, we oak yeti Lu ac•
sept tike looker es' a 9111511 token of
our estetilu, Nut to make a McLeod-
Storey long, we trust ore. ltleLaud
Will enjoy many hours et oumlur, 10
thle rnekar during your ttbnenee with
04. with the heartiest 001tgratula•
Lintel to •yuu tu,d elta. McLeod and
wishing you a lung, happy married
life, We remain. I'eepel they yuuie,
Walter ltobtueou, ,L- restdeut ; Thomp-
son Scott, Secretary.
O. A. C. Troupe to Tour.
A concert company, composed of 0.,
A. C. men, is to be formed, which will
tour rural Ontario, putting on concert
plays 10 the various towns throughout
the province. The proceeds from the
tour over and above the expenses are
to swell the memorial hall fund, At
each place the company puts on an en-
tertainment, and an opportunity will be
given thepeople to make personal sub-
scriptions to the fund.
Municipal Debts.
The following figures are taken front
the Govt. Blue Book:—Ghesley $172,
000; Kincardine $165,000; Wiarton
$174,000;Walkerton $55,000; Hanover
,5163,000; Meafxlyd $171,000;Owen
Sound $192,000; Clinton $172,000
Oakville $420,000; Burlington $361,-
000; Goderich $480,000; Seaforth $306
000; Wingham $253,000 Listowel $245
000; Stratford *2,900,000; Palmers-
ton *142,000; Buwmanvlile $272,000;
Aylmer $201,000; Leamington $256,-
A curiouspublic accounts committee
pub c a co lits co tt e
in the Ontario Legislature has had the
temerity to probe into the cost of the
furnishings of the various sleeping
quarters which have been installed 111
the Parliament Buildings for tired U.
F. 0, members, when they grow weary
of office grind and worry deputations.
lion. C. J. Doherty, minister of agri-
culture, has evidently acquired on his
trips to the capitals of Europe and in
his association with Lord Beaverbrook
particularly luxurious tastes, The
public accounts committee discovered
that he has furnished his quarters in a
style fitting a young millionaire. His
bedroom is the last word in de luxe,
up-to-date furnishings—all paid for out
of Hon, Peter Smith's deficit.
Mr. Doherty, with his plain rural
habits, is satisfied with nothing simpler
Frust"a-tives Restored Her
To PerfectHealth
163 Ferment; Ave-, Mo:IrJIGneL.
"For three years, l suffered ren/
Pain In the lower par of .my body,
with swellingor bloating. I saw a
specialist also said I must undergo
au operation. I rattled.
I heard aborad "Fruit -a -dives" so
decided to ley tl
The first box gave great relief; and
I continued the treament. Now nay
health Is excellent—I am free of
pain—and I give "Fruitrt-tives" my
warmest thanks".
Doc. abox,6for $2.60,trial size 26c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid. by
Fruit-a-tivea Limited, Ottawa.
than mahogany, The cost of the fur-
nishings are as follows;
1 walnut table 52.50
1 mahogany bed and mattress$124.00
1 mahogany chair *185,00
1 mahogany rocker 190.00
t upholstered chair -. , , , 95,00
1 mahogany chiffonier 95.50
1 mahogany dresser ... , . , 139.00
1 silver -brown rocker 52,50
1 mahogany somne... , , .. , 7.00
1 chesterfield 160,00
2 screens 30,00
1 pair curtains .... 41,00
1 window shade 36,00
Slip cover for couch aud.
chairs ,,,,,..111.00
Imagine a mahogany chair costing
$155 and a rocker $1901 By the way,
what is a somnoel The latest Webster's
International Dictionary throws no light
on the subject. Can it be a cuspidor?
ps some
g member of afarmers' ers'
club can enlightenour editorial i nor-
Sev r i years 1go ft was discovered
that Hon. J. A. Calder had spent $38.
for a mahogany waste paper basket for
bis office. The scandal was denounced
on innumerable platforms, but Mr, Cald-
er was a mere novice in tastes compared
with simple Farmer Doherty,
The higest railway stations with their
elevations in feet above sea -level, in the
respective provinces of Canada are as
Province Station Feet
Nova Scotia ...... Folieigh . , .. 612
New Brunswick ..Adams ......1,204
Prince Edward ld..North Wiltshire .3 11
Quebec ..Boundary ....1,850
Ontario ...Dundalk ....1,705
Manitoba Erickson ....2,053
Saskatchewan Senate .. ..3,171
Do you find
unable to sleep well? Are you irritated
by trifles? Do small troubles look big
to you? Do you start at sudden noises?
Are you unable to concentrate long on
any -one thing?
If so, there's something wrong with your
nervous system. These are danger
signals. DR. MILES' NERVINE—
$1,20 will soothe the irritated and
overstrained nerves. Just one or two
doses helps Nature to restore them
to their normal functions. Guaranteed
Safe and Sure. •
Sold in Brussels by James Fax
Where there is a lentlenc' to
Meistipstiou, you 3016”. rx.
uss' Lean Pu us n(fecte in
keeping the bowels ,,Isco.
•••••!•4•••4•,•46.0, •Oo0o046cYe0•e46e4dee4,e••• 0
.1 --le Palace Ba
ery 4
Strike Out •
tCAL.P_ ... •
• �o�.� • Baking Day •
Z +t 1 J from your calendar. Let us •
do the baking nod a•uln•ying, •
Z!- '+ '/ a for you. Sino- we intoe 'be-
Wale eslahliahrcl here •00847e
ltonsrwl(' appreciates the •
1 -'� Here quality of air Mond ••
` j� and (1su0e, 18,08.118e they •
:` taste like Itniue.mtlde at less 4
cost, time anti worry. •
•••4•4N•A«i•$••••••••+ 05 ee4eaVp4letee l•Ole tee 0+O•Mere,
f3rltdsh Columbia .,Steppe!! ,,,,5,332
Yukolt Meadows . , , , ; ,2,92+1
i i.ondon, Sept. 10th to 17th
The Matiagruttant of London
biline have ititiled out litnnetlllde of ;
I't,in ! Isis
M n er
u end M I,
�i.hnl a� o i� hrt Jia
t tater). There are many .
11111 nett 00 real ilt•n int /be Prize 1,iot.,
2'e,tt. >lt1 U1J0 (10 in e841A 1148 been
added to alntt was already a very
liberal list. Otto of 1ho Hew features. •
this year le the buye' and ghee' calf
uotrq)etiLion, which 14 ereetlu eonsld•;
arable totereet $1000 00 will be given
in pt•iese for lila event alone, The
buy or' girl competing moist be a reel -
tient of O,mdu, between (115 age of 10
and 17, They must have fed and eat -
ed for theiv calf at least four months
previous to the Exhibition and tome,
talose it thetuselvee,
8111 iuformalion regarding any de.paflmeli1 of the Exhibitiiu obtained.
by muting the SecreLttty, A., Al, Hunt,
General Otlicee, London.
Howick Council
Council met in Roswitherick's
rnou, Ford whet, June 16t1, pursuant
(o niliou'nuteut, All members pre-
sent with peeve in elude.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and an motion of Hubbard and Bevans
were adopted. A deputation, Rev,
Mr. Luing and tele, Deans, waited on
()outwit asking far a grant to the Pub-
lic Library in the village of Potdwirh.
)loved by Inglis and Spotton that the
Onuacil give a grant of 825.00. Cur-
t led.
fenders for the building of two
ceruentculverts on Gon.10, over the
Day Municipal Drain, were opened.
Moved by Hi yam; fold Spotton that
the tender of Oburies Schaefer be ac-
cepted, he to do all the sem it and fur -
Melt all material for the auw of $12 00
per cubic Foot. Carried.
Moved by Inglis and Hubbard that
the following accounts be paid :—
Alr•x Gilson, grading from Lot 20'
to 3U, Lon, 0, $9.90 ; Ernest Albrecht,
wet k and material for Fnrdwich Pule.
lie shed 85 80 ; Wen. Graham, shovel -
'leg wave( On 8:0 line $2 00 ; D. Vo-
griu, shovelling gravel and moving
g1 ader $3 8(1 I C. Maxwell, gravel aid
el t001(13 gravel $21 30 ; 13urns,
puts.iug in 'Bleb awl raking alums
$26:00 ; laches llarris, ensue/ $7 50 ;
A, thou. Forester, sheep killed by dugs
gravel 8535
Wedel Smadel.on making fill, Lot
27, (on 6 $03.0(11 Wtn. Reis, dlittlp•
hog grnvel 8$75 Jetties Iluhhttid
rutting 11111 and uutknrg fill, Lot 3(1,
Con 14 $72 On; Roh.•rt Nay, drawing
tile $
3U; 'Lammas Bennett, taking
v neour ntroadway 45.00,•Frd
Edgar, ar, Engineer'e fee for John Wai-
ters and Joseph Davrdenu awards
$35 00 ; Melvine Hubh ted, operating
riled machine $11 40 ; WVtu, Fel guano,
team on lead machine, Let 15, Gun.
14 and 15 89 00 ; I•'inlay Lynn, dump-
ing gravel $16 00 ; Jetties Matthews,
making fill, Lob 24, Con. 4 audln
.$71 30 J. Bessvli.herick, rent • for
room (3 meetings) $4.50 ; John 13.11,
Wok it Lot 25 to 30. Con. 15 'and 18
8154.1)5; !ring ltngeis, outlet for
Med Wal er$$00; C. Maxwell, gr8vei-
ling and fixing hill Lou. 8 $1281);
Pled. A. Edgar, l:ugineer agreements
86.0(1 ; .Toho 11yudmmti, tile $07 75 ;
Isaac Wade, Assesoot salary 8161)00;
John liyndrnau part pay ore lily
)luuieipal Drain $10S 00 ; James Hub-
bard dumping gravel Zenker's hill
8695 ; Isaac Wade School attendance
offiepr changing Assessment Roll,
$13 00. Moved by Spotton and
Rryans that -the council adjourn to
meet in the Township Hall, Gerrie, on
the third Wednesday in July. Oar -
0. E. WAL.0ER, Olerk,
Tip Burs. of Potatoes
(F;xpetimentat Fau lis Note)
A trouble which is widely distribut-
ed and very prevalent in soueseasons,
aid to which the name "Tip Burn"
has been given, is to be found among
our potato crops, The trouble takes
the form of a gradual burning and
drying Op of the leaves and planta,
often commencing ata comparatively
early stage in their growth and, in
many (arses, if allowed 10 go on no-
cheoked, slowly but surely involving
the whole of the plants so that they
die down a considerable time before
the tubers are fully developed.
The appeatanee of this trouble in
the ileitis is often mistaken by grow-
ersf.a• Late Blight, :lyhere is, how-
ever, a marked dlstitt tint between
the two, for Lite•Blight may em-
ineuc•e by alta, king any part of the
plants --leaves and steins alike—hots a
dark, wetter soaked appearance and,
in its early stages, is damp to the
(neat, while Tip 131ttn lnvarttbly ennt-
:moires at the . margin or tips
of the leaves and 1164 a
decidedly dry appearance and touch
n 4th the exception of after rain. It
aleo appears lunch earlier in the sena.
on thrill Late Blight has ever been re-
corded and does not 0111188 the death
of the planta so tepidly. Nor has it
ever proven so desttuctive as Late
Blight, although evidence has been
obtained that in 80580(18 then it 18
severe and no effort is made to check,
a considerable reduetiott in the yield
of marketable. lathers, and to the pre.
mature death of the plants from Lhie
0111180, may result.
Inreatigatcrs of this trouble are not
yet In agreement es to the cause. The
nbNervations of some have led to the
belief that a period of hot, dry weath-
er during the growing season enures
tate leaves to throw off, moisture
more tepidly than itean be furnished
by the plant, the resell being the ap-
pearanee of Tip Burn. This theory
serene however Grebe disputed by the
fact that the troo1 le is not found
the riot regions of (.he Western States
whets the temperature often becomes
excessive and the air is especially dry.
More 1ecent investigations lead to
the belief that this burning of the
leaves probably follows the depreda-
tions of 'sucking insects. These In'
vestigations are not yet complete, but
New Edison
tharnood Amberoia
HIVE the Agency for this spleudid Nlaohine and a
eho(oe 8eleetiol of records, giving the world's best
runslc, A dermonetratiom wiil oollVinee you of their
superiority. Don't take a substitute,
The Edison (ills ail yottr !Musical 1leetle and the varlous
styles give you a good laugeof prices tbet'wil1 please you,
Call in and see and hear the New Edison, You never
hate to rhunge needles when you owe at New Edison,
Splendid tone,
Specialty made of Optical Goods.
Eyes tested by an Exper,and satisfaction assured.
W. F. Stretiony j meter and
enough evidence has bleu produced to
Serve a Warning to potato gravers to
keep these hence( Deets thoroughly
under (huhu! in an endeavor to avoid
Tip Burn.
We have found ill out experiutrutal
work with potatoes that Bordeaux
mixture will to a huge extenl Can -
1.11/1 alit; tinllble. 111 1818, when it
wee extremely prevalent, we had acv•
al plots to 1311(1h, J'or the purpose of 1
experiment, Hol Meaux tinirLUre wits'
int applied. These plots suffered
from a severe attack of Tip Burn and
the pltnts were all killed down by the
seeond week in August; while other
plots on the same me land, and to which,
fen' the control of the Late Blight,
JSuideaux mixture was regularly and
• thoroughly applied, suffered to a very
slight extent only, the plants remain-
iug green until frost cattle. Bordeaux
mixture acts as a repellent to the Leaf
Hopper, us well as a proteotion to the
plants. Many other cases, imaddition
to that referred to, have come to our
attention, bearing evidence that regu-
lar and thorough spraying with this
mixt are will reduce to a minimum the
ravages of Tip Burnt.
The Economical Oar
EVEN if the Pard Cat cost six 01 Seven thnndred:dollars more than
it does—tate Ford Gar would still,be the:economical ear to buy
---bocause'nf its gt•oat;dnrability,
—tire low cost of operation,
--and the law oust of repairs, the charges for which are fixed
by the Company in over 3,000 Ford Dealer and Service Stations in
The low fieri rust of it Ford Oar, the light conanmption of fuel and
nil, the fixed cost, of repairs and genuine Ford parts
makes the Ford 0m,, without exception, the niost eeanotye
ical car 1;0 buy and drive.
—the car,' in fact, which the man of moderate means can
af'od (o illy and operate,
D. M. SCOTT, Brussels
ing ;� e
4 the
e \ - V1�� 111111111111111]
Gift S 5 ,W.I'4
lquirrlrtititiniiii 111;�,);
WE :ire s 11
howing a large assortment tment of Silver
Plane, atilt Pyrex Glass Linings, Baking
kets, (:aka Baskets, Butter Tubs in Silver
and 01071111,, Marmalades, Spoon Trays, Salad
Sher belt Glasses, ale. See our line,
;i 1!ilrr
Et ride
Casseroles and Pie
Dishes, Flower Bas-
and Cut Glass, Sugar
Bowls and Berry Bowls,
A large
variety of
at Special
HCCJ Black Parlor CIOCAO Prices
Diamond Rings
Our Diamond Rings ate spec-
(al value. Prices $25, $40,
5550, $75 and 5100. Call and
see the new style.
Wedding Rings
\Te carry acomplete stock, all
sizes, in the new style, either
fancy or plain. Get the Wed.
ding Ring here.
The 2 c Autographic Kodak Jr.
The Kodak of the season. The one you've
t read about. Its it Kodak(and its Autogra-
phic. It takes pictures almost Post Card
size, equipped with F. 7. 7. Kodak Anas-
��� tigmat Lens, l'be price is
It gives a sharpness of detail tight to the
edge of the picture.
Come in and see it,
The Economical Oar
EVEN if the Pard Cat cost six 01 Seven thnndred:dollars more than
it does—tate Ford Gar would still,be the:economical ear to buy
---bocause'nf its gt•oat;dnrability,
—tire low cost of operation,
--and the law oust of repairs, the charges for which are fixed
by the Company in over 3,000 Ford Dealer and Service Stations in
The low fieri rust of it Ford Oar, the light conanmption of fuel and
nil, the fixed cost, of repairs and genuine Ford parts
makes the Ford 0m,, without exception, the niost eeanotye
ical car 1;0 buy and drive.
—the car,' in fact, which the man of moderate means can
af'od (o illy and operate,
D. M. SCOTT, Brussels