HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-6-23, Page 1VOL
, 49 NO, 52 702 00 Per annum in advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, ,DUNE 23, 1g21 W. H, KIRK, Probrie,or
Paid-up Capital $ 0,700,000
Reserve - - -1$,000,000
Resources - 280,000,000
Many customers who
started as small deposi-
tors pr borrowers in The
Bank of Nova Scotia are
now among the country's
largest concerns.
They have grown with
the bank, and the bank
has grown with them.
Tha Bank has helped
them, by sound and care-
ful service, to grow, and
as their business increas-
ed so also did that of the
Manager Brussels
New Ads,artisements
Lanohes-Mrs, Showell.
Great Sale -Halls & Son,
Sugar -W. J. SinOrnaken.
Dominion Day in WIntthem.
Pups for rale -Alex, Nichol,
2 package sale -P. R. Smith.
Plc•nio-Knox Church, Oranbrook.
Stock -taking sale-Chnpman:Bros..
Mzsirirt gels
HYMIENEAL.-A quiet wedding took
place Saturday morning, June llth,
e 4. . 4114.4.`J•���416,e
The Anniversary Services of
Melville ehurch
1Wili be conducted by
MajorA. Graham
of London, on Sunday,
June. 26th
at 11 a, rn and
The Unveiling of
Memorial Tablet
Will take place at the Morning
Special Music by the Choir.
A cordial welcome to all.
A. A. Lamont, Rev. J. P. McLood,
Sec.-Treas. Pastor.
at the home of Ohne, and Mrs, Cooke,:
their e r daughter, Eleanor, Ina,
became the bride of Thomas Burke.t
Oei'emony was performed by_Rev, Methodist. Churches
Mr, Armstrong, pastor of the Meth°.
diet chutch Following n hetet f ho
nes -
moan Mr, and Mis, Burke have taken
up their 'residence on the groom's
faun least of Jamestown. We extend,
eon ratulatione and wish them than CIRCUIT
g y
happy and prosperous yeare,
Council'met Monday, of last week.
Thos, Pierce was re-elected a Direr: -
tor of the Pure Breeders' Association
last week, at Wingham.
We are sorry to state that W. A,
Shaw, Vanuouver, B. 0., brother to
Joe Shaw, Srd line, had the misfor-
tune to break hie right arm in 2 places
by a "kick" from his car while crank-
ing, Elope he will soon be o. k,
Israel and Mrs. Erb, Levi and Mrs.
Erb and daughter, of Formosa, were
visitors at the homes of Wm. and
Mrs. South, Henry and Mrs. Bone
and other frieuds this week. They
were motoring.
While playing Foot Ball at Ethel
last Monday evening Jno, Bowman,
one of the Brussels team, had the mis-
fortune to have his nose broken by an
accident. We trust he will not suffer
much inconvenience by the damage
resident of Wingham and Morrie
passed away at thehome of his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Hetherington at Pullyap,
Wash:, Monday, May 80th, in the
person of Win. Olegg. Deceased was
born in Godezich Township and later
taught school -in Iforris and was
Township Olerk. He moved from.
there to Blyth where he was in the
hardware business, and was Reeve of
the village, afterwatde moving to
Wingham where he engaged in the
grain business. For 5 .,years he was
Mayor of Wingbam and later was
Reeve. From Wingham he moved to
the let line of. Morrie and was License
Inspector for a time. About 18
mouths ago be and Mrs. Clegg went to
Washington to reside with their
adopted daughter,
U. le, 0. pic-nic in A. Murray's
grove Friday afternoon of this week,
Strong efforts are being,. put forth
to have the death sentences of young
Sabine's murderers, of Toronto, com-
muted to imprisonment for life.
They don't, deserve so much sympathy
spilled over them.
Dominion Day
Base Bali
Paline'eton vs. Lucknow
Base Ball
Teeswater vs. Winghaln
Hanover ve. Wingham
Henderson Juvenile Iiitie Band
London '
Wingham Citizens' Band
Palmer's Big Midway
BigDoings gs iV in
come, Afternoon
and Evening.
Spend Dominion Day in
Stock-tKing Sale
ODD Pairs and ends of
lines of Shoes in stock
will be placed on the -
Counter Saturday, r, June 25th
At prices below present Wholesale Cost
These are alPood goods and you will be
fortunate ifg g
we have your size.
Chapman Bros.
The Cash Shoe, Next door to Bank Of Nova Scotia
Next Sabbath the regular ser-
!ilea will be held at the
usual 'hours.
Garden Party
Under the nue/doesot Union Church'
Union Church Grounds.
Tuesday eu'g, June 28th
Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock.
Fred. J. Perrin, Toronto
Relined Humorous Entertainer. In
Comic Songs, Rtories. &o., assisted
by the Flnkbolner quartette of
Listowel Methodist Church
and others will take port in the Pro.
Admission 60 and 26 Dents,
Sunday Soho° willbe held ou
Come and Enjoy a Good Time 1
Did you put a tender in fur Rural
Route 2 of King George's posts
service ? Tenders close on July 1st.
Monday evening, June 131,11, the
pupils of Mise McMichael's %choral,
(No. 12, Grey and McKillop,)• gave a
Concert in the A. 0,17. W. Hall here.
Musical numbers, recitations and
monologues by the little people were
very fine and showed tbeir teacher
and they certainly deserve eongratu-
Iations, Violin duets by' Leo Steph-
enson and Lorne Dale, Constance,
and a violin solo by Ed. Rowland were
also very much appreciated. Proceeds
were about $127,00,
Annual Garden Party of Duff's
church, Walton, will be held on
Manse lawn, Tuesday evening, July
6th. Supper served from 0 to 8.30
Program will be A 1 and will include
The Brunswick Trio Concert Oom•
pany, cnmpoeed of Spence Bros. and
Jock Ballantyne, the Scotch come-
dian ; Mise Nancy Frederick, Soloist,
who sang for the boys iu the trench-
es, and Prof, hlickle, the trap drum-
mer. Seaforth Band will also be on
hand as well as several clergymen.
A booth will be on the ground. If
weather should prove unfavorable for
outdoor gathering program will be
given in the church. u ch. Tine Ladies'
Aid is in charge of the annual event
and are putting their usual "go" into
it, See the posters.
LADY'S Gold Wrist Watch lost on Tune 18th
at Ball grounds. Reward offered for its re-
turn to 99'..7, Gill,
C TADLs house
for sale 8 bed-
psrlor,dining -roam Summer kitchen
ppantr,eellngood frame stable, Leu house
fruit trace and%aare
of land.
EDWARD Iri,oron nit, Ethel
OoxronTA5Dg brink howqa�s for sale, with
furnace, kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft
wntor, stable Bao„ rituated on Main street,
Ethel. For partlaulars Phone 2225 or 108 Brun.
eels Central.
E G. Clark was in Guelph on busi-
ness this week:
A full report of the Kerr•Sache
wedding is to band but has to be held
over till next issue.
The members of L 0. L, 081 are
.asked to meet Friday evening of this
week for special business,
Miss Flora Walls, who has been
visiting with M. J. and Mee. Slemmon
left for her Itome in Toronto Tuesday.
On Sabbath evening,•July 5111, the
Orange Lodge will attend service in
the Ethel Methodist church. Service
at 7 o'clock,
Ethel will be well represented at
Brussels Friday evening at the Listo-
wel -Brussels Intermediate Foot Ball
final game.
Rev, A. I. McKelvey, formerly of
Ethel, will have Teeswater as his new
charge. lie has been stationed at Oil
Springs for the past term.
Rev. Mr, ()Kell, who underwent an
operation for removal of tonsils, at a
Loudon hoepital le making favorable
improvement and expects 00 resume
his pulpit a week from next Sabbath.
Tuesday Wm. and Mrs. Slernmon
and Mrs. J. Menzies left on a holiday -
trip to the West. They
will go
Victoria and visit ht meroue inter-
nt et
We wish them a good
Close attention of our readers is
called to the new advt. of Halls &
Sone. If you want Bargains (and
everybody does) he has them for you.
Call at his store and tenet out the
values cl and n
u imyour new broom,
Brussels and Ethel Junior Foot Ball
teams met here itt an Association
match Monday evening, when a close
and interesting game was staged.
The result was a tie, score being 1-1.
Attendance was large and enthusiasm
Friday afternoon of this week the
Woolen's Institute will meet in the
School room of the Methodist church
at 2;80 to hear Miss Pirt, who speaks
on the enbject "The stranger within
our gates." All the ladies of the com-
munity are invited,
STRACHAN - 11017N16NBER(4,•-•Tues-
dayafterrnonn June 141,11, it quiet wed-
ding was solemnized at the residence
of Rev. J. It, Leve•ie, of Grace Pres-
hyterian church, Oeign'y, when Mies
Adeline A, B. Rnnnenberg, of West
Monkton, Ontario, was united in nate
eiage to Howard E. R. Strachan, of
Lone Butte, Alberta, formerly of
tithe1. Mr, and Mrs. Strachan left on
the evening trail) for Batill where
they will spend a brief honeymoon.
On their return they will reside at
Lone Butte, Alberta, The bride was
attended by Mies Ella Linteck while
10, 01, Liu tea snppootad the grown,
Mre James Earl who Tae been mak-
Ing her borne for the past couple of
years at the home' of the late Aden).
Turnbull, her brother-in-law, 'helping
so faitbfully to nurse the said aged
one, also Mise Jessie, who has been
laid aside for several years with a
complicatiou of troubles, has returned
to Ethel, her former home. At pres-
ent. she.is not very well but we hope
a well earned rest will restore her to
usual vigor,
Feltz BARN :RAISED, -Last Friday
the bank barns on the farm of David
Sanders, of this locality, to take the
place of the :ones destroyed by fire
last Fall, were raised by a bee of
sibly 200 mon, August encktnier
D, Milne, who were captains48 years
ago when the former frame was put
up, were the official leaders again and
did the job well, the former winning
in a lively race. Bulldingo are 44x72
feet and 40x60 feet, and are now well
enclosed. Ohne. Quer•eiigl,esser was
the hustling contractor, The cement
foundation work was well done by
Jas. Leaver, Wingham. Mrs. Sanders
and host of assistants arranged tables
loaded with the necessaries and lux-
uries of life, to which full justice was
done. Mr; Sanders wishes to heartily
thank the many friends who have
proved so helpful during the .passing
year and will never forget their kind -
Molesworth Union School Picnic
will be held in Chau, Mclntoeh's bush
on Thursday, June 30th. Sports will
be held lu the afternoon and a Foot
Ball match in the evening. Every-
body come and bring lunch. -
Early haying is on the program in
many places.
Hiles Templin. London, is spending
his vacation at the home of J. H,
Hoover, the visitor behig a nephew of
Mrs, Hoover.
Tenders received for Oth Oon, drain,
Whitfield Branch arid McDonald drain
by Township Clerk MacDouald, and
will be opened Monday, July 4th at 2
p. m.
At the annual meeting of the Pure
Breeders' Association, held at Wing-
ham last week, Oliver Turnbull was
once more the choice as occupant of
the President's chair.
Dr. J. W. and Mrs, Campbell, St.
Louis, Mich., are holidaying at the
home of J. Henry and Nrs. Hoover,
llth Con, The Dr. is Mrs. Hoover's
brother. They came by motor.
Fred. and Mrs. Ford
and family,
London, who spent the week end with
friends here, also called on frieude in
St. Marys, have returned to their
home, after a pleasant outing. They
came byauto.
Former i
a a nephew
of D. G. Clark mud Mrs. W. an,
10th Con.
'John Uteri:, tvho has spent a
Pleasant holiday, of several
with relatives andfri ends has return-
ed to his home at dlaukati, Minnisnta,
IIS He is a nephew of David G.
Clerk and Mrs. W. Mown and visited
at different points on his return trip,
St. Marys, London, Chicago and
Dont forget the bigGardenParty
nn the grounds of Udinn Metii sl1ot
church, llth Con„ on Tuesday even-
ing next. Supper reran 0 to 8, follow-
ed by a splendid program by Feed. J.
Perrin, humorist, Toronto, Finkbein-
er quartette, Listowel, and othe'e.
See posters and advt. and get there if
itt all possible. Next Tuesday even-
ing remember.
The John Laurent farm containing
50 acres Be Lot 10, 'Ono. 4. has been
purchased by Roderick McKay, whose
farm is just across the road. The pur-
chase price was $2,400 and ale, Mc-
Kay is now in possession. The new
proprietor has 42 acres of flax an the
Lamont farm. Owing to Til health
Mr. Lamont was takers to the County
Home at Clinton which made it neces-
sary to dispose of the property,
The Canadian Churchman says the
following concerning Fred, J. Perrin,
who will be at
Union Gordon Party
on Tuesday evening, June 28th :-
Fred. Perrin, from Toronto, simply
brought down the house with each of
his character performances and had
to appear after each piece to the call
of numerous and vociferous 'enc°1es,
It is nn exaggeration to say that
thou h he wasi
nten el
s fnn^ro
t lint
v uword org estli
i •
r touching
eon vulgar upon the vegars r profane, in fart,
his whole perfornianee ran be classed
as safe for any audience.
Sertarst-aO'NEIT.L,-On Wednesday
June 16th, a very pretty wedding was
solemnized at St. Ulare'e church, Tor -
nu to by Rev. Pert
, McCabe!' irtn
Laura O'Neill, dough ter of the late B.
and Mrs, O'Neill, Barrie, became the
bride of De. J. H. Strath, son of the
late W. and Mrs, Strati), 10,1 Oon,
Grey, The btidewho was given away
by her brother wore a pretty gown of
white kitterisear crepe with trine•
nliugs of silver lace and large French
hat faced with shell pink and trimmed
with white plume, and carried Killar-
ney roses. She was attended by iter
sister Mabel, in a dainty flack of
mauve organdy' and leghorn hat with
mauve trinuisings and carried Ophelia
roses. Wm, Strath, Neither of the
groom, was best than. Daring the
ceremony choice mnsie was rendered.
by the choir, After it dainty tweak -
fast et the Oares-Iite, the bride and
groom left for Muskoka, the bride go -
Ing away in a navy bine trieotinne
snit with legbo•in hat to match and
went'ing white fox furs the gift of the
groom, The grnnnn'e gift tn the
brideamtid was a goid Bracelet and to
the best man a set of ebony military
brushes. After July let they wilt be
at home at 70 Vaughan Road, Tarot.
Pic- riC
A Picnic under the auspices of
the Sunday School of
\'VIlI be held in
Harry Smalldon's Bush
Good Program of Sports
Don't forget Your Basket
Everybody Welcome !
Across the Continent and Back
Delightful Trip Never to be
Special Train Convoys Canadian
Weekly Newspaperman to Vancou-
verfor Annual Mooting.
When the Canadian Weekly News-
paper Association planned the historic
tour to the Pacific they had no idea
that it would be eo generally patron•
ized by the members of the press or
that it would prove such a pace -maker
in the history of the organization. It
was a hie undertaking but the Oan-
adian Northern Railway and the 0.
P. R. very willingly co-operated with
the Association and the combined ef-
fort was assuredly crowned with suc-
cess and the trip, with its merry party
and many interesting incidents, will
long live as a happy memory, crowded
into 20 days.
The press party of Ontario and the
Eastern provinces, assembled at Tor-
June 2nd,
as the starting
poinwhere they found an elegant out-
fit in train eervice awaiting them,
made up of the Pullman cars, Rideau,
St. Jerome, Ohaudiere, Lytton, Ger-
rard and Kermuay, Dining car, tour-
ist car and baggage car. Part of the
outfit was the same as that used on
the trip of the Prince of Wales across
the continent and it was elaborate,
mostconvenient con ennent ando
C rnfOCtRble
everything done by the officials to
conduce to the happiness of the quill
drivers, wives and daughters.
There were about 150 iu the :party
including railway officials, trate of.
facials, steward and diner staff. A
more affable crowd would be difficult
to find. Westerly newspapermen and
their party travelled by their own
cars so that we were all together at
Vancouver and Victoria,
Our train which left Toronto at 4
p. m. on Thursday, June 2nd, was our
home until our arrival back to the
Queen city on Monday June 20th, each
person occupying the same seat, berth
and car allotted them prior to starting
out.o '
Ass cintion Manager er Sa lea saw
to it that there was no hiving n and
East and West, North and South met
in the distribution in the various cars.
THE POST Editor and his wife found
themselves cosily situated in St.
Jerome, seat and berth No, 4. Each
car had a Captain, who was in charge
for the tour, ours being 13. McGuire,
Editor of the Orangeville Banner,
Ernest Bradley, Toronto, was our
porter and looked after our contingent
most satisfactorily,
It may be of iterest to give the
personnel of our special train party
with their addresses, with whom we
fraternized for the 8 weeks we travel-
led together. Here is the alphabetic-
ally arranged list :-
Alger, S. R,
Anslow,H. B.
Oam alit
b on N,B
p B.
Aeolian g, H. R. P
Progress -Enterprise
Lunetburg, N. S.
Blackstone, Geo. A., and wife
Times Oeillia, Ont.
Brennan, A. 11,, and wife
Journal ti
1 1
. i
) mmerside
P. E. I,
Britton, B. 0., and svife
Reporter . Ganannque, Ont,
Brooke, Mise M. L.
Observer Hartland, N. 13.
Calder, A. 13. Montreal, Quo,
Official representative of C. P. R,
Callum, A, E. and wife
Gazette Piston, Ont.
Carnirhaet, Roy
Echo Verdun, Que.
Oave, W. G. and wife
Argus Midland, Ont,
Oave 1 7 , and daughter
Express Beaverton, Ont,
Oo'nnier, Max D„ and wife
Le Madawaska Edmunston, N. B.
Corson, R, I. rend wife
Economist Markham, Ont.
Craig, W. Logan, and daughter
Star & Vidette Grand Valley, Ont.
Cote, Mies M. A,
Le Sir Laurent
1'tiviere-du-Loup, Que.
Davies, VV, R„ wife and daughter,
(President C. W. N, A,)
Memory Renfrew, Ont.
Davis, le. A. J.
+ Central Canadian
Carleton Place, Ont,
Davie, 11. D., and wife
v cat
Dass, A. J.,and Mies Idaitchell, On
13mow (alravenhurst, Ont,
DEenholmtt, 1V, 1 H., M„aandrid wifwifee
News-'1'ribuue Blenheim, Ont,
Fort Frances, One.
Ellis, A. W., wife and daughteOtr,
Advertiser -Topic Petrone, Mt,
Fleming, Howard and wife
Sun -Times Owen Sound, Ont,
Fielding, Mrs P. M.
Tribune Windsor, N. S.
Fisher, ,I. A„ and wife
Advoeute Pictote, N. S.
Forbes, MissA.
Tribune Windsor, N. S.
Foran, J, Ed,
L'Eelsiit'ur Beauceville, Que.
Fraser, Don 0.
leastern Ohronicle
New Glasgow, N. S,
Fry, W. H. wife, and Mies Marjorie
Chronicle Dunnville, Ont,
Giles, J. S„ and wife
Watchman Lachute, Que.
Hale, J. R, and Mies N1. G.
Oriltia, Ont.
Harris,Packet H. G, and dauAdvertiser
Kentville, N. S.
Harris, E.
A. and wile
Gazette Burlington, Ont.
Haycraft, Miss E. E.
Statesman Bowneanville, Ont.
Heliems, W. H,, wife and daughter.
Reporter Kingsville, Ont.
Hetherington, Mabel E.
Secretary O. W. N. A. Toronto
Howard C, K. Toronto, OuL.
Official representative of
Hudson, E. S.
Express Beamsville, Ont.
Hudson, Geo. E.
Herald Hespeler, Ont.
Hunter, J, J,, and wife
Reporter Kincardine, Ont.
Hurley, J. J., and wife
Cost Expert
Irwin, W. Brantford, Ont.
Ohroni(le Durham, Ont.
Kerr', W. H•, and wife
Keefer,oet J. G., and wife Brussels, Ont.
Register Norwood, Ont.
Keefer, I. H.
Register Norwood, Ont,
Lancaster, T. P.
Standard ' Havelock, Ont.
Legge, Geo., and wife
Leader Mail Granby, Que:
Lowe, Miss Mabel
Reformer Oshawa, Ont.
MacBeth, M, and wife
Sun Milverton, Ont.
MacLaren, J. A., and wife
Examiner Barrie, Ont.
MacGilliveary, C. J., and wife
Oasket Antigonieh, N. 8.,
Macdouald, J. E. and daughter
Enterprise Uhesley, Ont.
B, wife e and Miss Louise
Banner Orangeville, Ont.
McWilliam, Geo, F.
North Shore Leader
Newcastle, N. 13.
Mitchell G.
wife and Miss
Post Hanover, Ont.
Moore, A
Nerve, H., and wife St. John's Que.
Pearce George
Waterford, Ont.
Pearce, Glendon
Star Waterford, Ont.
Sayles, E. Roy, wife, and Miss Jean
Manager C. W. N. A. Toronto
Semple, R. A„ and wife
Sentinel Tottenham, Ont.
Shore, H. J., and wife
ShortCitizen,E, E„ and wife
Port Oolborne, Ont,
Beacon Southampton, Ont.
Simard, Alf.
L'Eclairenr Beauceville. Que.
Sims, T, W., and wife
Southcotit, J. M., and wife
TimElgiesn Sun West Lorne, Ont. Exeter, Ont.
Stevens, Fred and Miss Marion
N. B.
Stewart, O. K., and wife
Chronicle Three Rivers, Que.
Stratton, E.
Nerve Sydney Mines, N. S.
Templin, J. 0.
News -Record Fergus, Ont,
Tremblay, Miss Eva
Le St, Laurent
Riviere-du•Loup, Que.
Vanatter, J. W.
Star Goderich, Ont.
Wane C, and wile
Examiner Barrie, Ont,
Watson, A. H., and wife
Rew Madoc, Ont,
Whalley, T. ., and wife
Standard Pembroke, Ont.
Winterviebnrn, WJ. S,
Gazette Norwich, Out,
and Miss W., s Grad
Mount Forest, £edetate a
t, r It,
Young, \.
Freeholder Cornwall, Ont,
ICochrane, Cobalt and
locality have
I most sections beaten but there are
manyfine stretcher; of arable
1 a
already affording homes for.,tl e
pioneer farmer, who is willing to
so yyple e•'fortan1e jomeeof the older
era m 'toe
m um a ittk
tr in
e i_ g on to
newer fields. There are millions of
acres of extra good farm lands in New
Ontario and the wonder is that they
have been passed by for many years
in the large advertised rush to the
snore Westerly prairies. Our Pro.
vincial Government has a good right
to be better boosters in the days to
come. The Grand Trunk Pacific)
opened up a tuagniflcent stretch of
country that will lit the future afford
homes for many a million.
Saturday at 11 a. in, our train ran
into the commodious depot at the
fine old city of Winnipeg and after a
march past for a moving picture and
camera man and giving the cry of
each car we were greeted and welcom-
ed by a great host of relatives and
friends who appeared to turn out en -
masse to see the press party. Nearly
everybody seems to have friends in
this gateway of the West and it was
well illustrated on Saturday. Oity
Council had arranged an auto drive
to view -the expansiveness and devel-
opment of the Peg and following this
was an elegant luncheon at Assina-
boine Park, where a short Welcome
program and suitable responses was
given. Parliament buildings and
other places of note were visited after-
ward then the travellers scattered to
the various points of the compeas to
enjoy the hospitality of friends of
long ago, Fort Garry hotel, in all its
elegance, was headquarters, The
time aped only too quickly and 9,16 p.
In,, the hour for our departure, found
ue at the depot ready to en train for
Saskatoon, our next stop. Although
the had visited Winnipeg prior to this
the growth and devolopment of the
city has been such we would hardly
know we had ever seen it. Our sight-
seeing was done under the competent
chautfeurship of Dr. Meiklejohtt who
knows the city like a book and was well
able to poet us on the latest and best
that was worth while is the city, past
present and future. It was our happy
experience to make a short visit at
the home of Harold J„ and Mrs. Mor-
den, formerly of Brussels (the latter
being Miss Kate Wilson before her
marriage) after which we dined at
the home of J. It, Grant, Postmaster
at Brussels for many years, Mise
Dolly Shaw, an old resident of the
carpet town, whom we had not seen
for some time, was also a guest.
(To be continued)
It is not our intention to attempt tn
crowd into one issue of Taw POST the
story of ttte many interesting places
we visited, old friends leve were de
lighted tad to
meet alai dihe
views we got of prairie, mountain,
lake and ocean. There are not' adjec-
tives enough in the ordinary diction-
ary to enable us to tell oar Leaders of
the vastness, beauty and wonders of
such a trip, "See Rome and die" was
tin old addage that encompassed much
but the thousands of miles stretched
out between Toronto and Victoria'
afforded such au ever changing pan
drama we are disposed to urge such a
tour to every Canuck, who eau pos-
sibly arrange to take it, as the acme
holiday of their lives and to arrive at
some idea of the vastness, possibili-
ties, and future of this wonderful
Dominion of Canada.
After a fine run through Northerly
Ontario we arrived at Ooclirane Fri-
day morning at 10.30 o'clock, This
was King George's Birthday, so we
assembled on (hesitation platform and
after Rev, A. H. Moore, Anglican
clergymen, and Editor of St. John's.
Quebec News ()fleeted prayer. 3 cheers
and a tiger were given inr Hie Majeety
the King with a volume and enthust-
mem that left no onlookers in doubt of
the loyalty of the "gang." For rugged
country between North Bay and
GARDEN PARTY. -Another big
Garden Party will be held on Garner
Nicholson's lawn, 4th line Morrie, la
miles East of Belgrave, on Thursday
evening, June 30th, under the auspices
of the Presbyterian church, Belgrave.
The committee has succeeded in secur-
ing the Brunswick ak Tri
o The Har-
mony Boyle"
presenting Jock. Ballan-
tyne, Scottish comedian. The several
Committees are sparing neither time
nor expense to make dale the greatest
suceese ever held on the grounds.
Short addresses are expected from
Rev, Mr. Peters, Belgrave ; Rev. Mr.
Hawkins, Blyth ; John King, Blue -
vale, and others. Chair will be occu-
pied by Rev, C. G. Jones, Belgrave.
Grounds will be lighted by Mr.
Stewart's ,Delco -light, Wingham.
Refreshments served on the European
plan. Admission, adults 25c, and
children 16c.
Lunches will
be served e
n af oruoon and
evelet. gat my home, J.Ilowloksnap street, on July
let. siaa. A. J. Snuvinrm,
Mie J. Black is holidaying in Tor-
Robert White returned from Toron-
to last week.
Mrs. M. McLennan is the guest of
relatives in Seaforth,
C. D. Simpson, Brucefleld, spent
PHUT withp
y friends in the village,
Mrs. F. Kitchen left on Saturday to
'visit relatives in Toronto and Detroit,
Berbers Patterson is having a new
oven erected at his bakery this week.
Olittord White and Raymond Ruth.
ford are enjoying a week's fishing at
J. Black, Ayr, and W. Singer, Tor-
onto, spent last week with the form-
er's brother, R. Black, here.
Pete Milligan,
Win b
am who
seriously ill for
last week ttithhi'
s mother here,
The Foot Ball game between Ford-
wich and Wroxeter teams, played in
the Park Wedueeday evening, result
ed iu a tie, the scare standing 1-1.
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Annie Hislop, eldest daughter of
13. and ;Mrs. H)elop and George E.
Griffith, who were married at the
manse, Brussels, ou Wednesday.
They will reside es the groom's farm.
in Howick township.
The second Annual U. F, 0. Picnic
of this locality, held in the Park Fri-
day afternoon, was a most enjoyable
affair. Attendance was largo. Ad-
dresses were given by ?rs.ideat Hal-
bert, of the U. F. 0., and J o. King,
Bluevale, After tea a Poet Balt
match was played between Brown -
town and Salem, the latter winning
by a score of 1.0.
In a ite of the heavy rain and con.
tinned threatenitigg weather through
out the morning, tsheliowling i'snrna-
mont', held 01n Friday, wars well attend-
ed, Rinks were present front Blyth,
Seaforth, i3ruseole, Teeswater, Hen-
sall and Listowel, let prizes, pyrex
eaeseroles were won by Brussels
brass jarsineres, 2nd prizes by Sea -
forth, and purses, 8rd prizes by Blyth.
MALCOLti BLACK will fill tke easancy
on the Public Library, Board occasioned
by the Yellows'. of F. H. Gilroy to