HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-6-16, Page 5IIi$INUS CAROL
11xS /'34NCR
t�'if YP.I+eIVI OrN T.IRIO
fionorgraaduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Day Ethan d night Galls, - ()Mee oppoilte
Agent Newick Mutual fire Insurance Company
Phone 92 Turnberry Street, Brussels
Summer to John Harris, Welton,
M. B., M. C. P.;. J S. 0.
M, 0. H.,- Village of Brussels, .
Physician, SurgeonA000npheur
Office at residence, opposite Melt ills Church,
William street,
e arrlators, 8o'rtoltora,. Notaries Public,
O18oeon the Square 2n.door.lrom Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
�. J. D. Coote
HAVING the Agency for the Mc.
Oormiak and Deering Imple-
plenients I will give closest
prices in anything need ad in'Fat'tu Im-
ple:neuts or Tractors. Call in and
give your order in U. F. 0, style and
you will save money. I will gueran.
tee you against any reduction in prices
u ntil implement is used, and by order-
ing now you will save any advance in
price which is likely to take place
Have a few Implements on hand
which will be sold at old prices.-
David Milne
Highest Price Paid for 1
4.Old Hens4
.i. 1
4• Get rid of them while the mar-
ket is good as pi ice is likely
+ lodrop.
;• MM. Yolleck':
+ Phone 2x BRUSSELS 4
Standing field Crop
East Huron Agricultural Society of.
fora awards of $7500 each for best live
acres of White Oats and one Wore of
be rn for liven: -1x0, 82ch 0 00 urines
00A 8rd,
;t2 00 ; 4th, 810 00 ; Otlr„08 00; 0th, 40,00;
70h,;4 00,
Corn mast bo Dent variety.
Competitors limited to members.
Entry fee is 01.00.
Persona may enter ono or both coin-
There is no time to spare In making
entries as entries for Oats Close June
4th and for CornJnno 100(1.
Blanks may be obtained from Beare -
tory. Jud In by Government experts.
Call or write If other lnformutton la
Phone 80 ' Seoratary, Brussels.
John Oliver
thas taken over the Doering Ag-
ency and handles a full line of
!farm Implements including the
L N. C. Cream Separators $
The only Cteam Separator with
two wide open cream outlets—
eam WPM'
n a t of
o f o v in the p tail
the cream. See it when 1n town. 4.�.
The I, N, C, 5-10 and 10.20 Tractors
+ aro among tits hast,
The Peering Manure Spreader
With the ,wide spread and ver
Eight In draft,
John Oliver
Tonto & Charles Ste., Toronto
- We have positrons to all now et s
ll/led 01(11 15110em1onW4 ntlidr Poo 1011'
• at 92700 per lnunanl. Ea•ebadente of
• twentytheee other business colleges
• were 1:1 attendance :here tine year.
W,rlto for ontelegue. 011811 an year.
d Enter any time, t.
• YEmistal,entYna'G. iazaIsseaYs:A'YA?a
Nual Nebos ,Items
Tux Pon gives the news.
jeer 2tst is the longest "day of the
How 'does your subscription to Tru
Posr stand
Few towns have a ulcer Main street
than Brussels.
HAT is a luxuriant crop and will soon
be'ready to cut.
W u,vr about the improvements to the
interior of the Towu Hall ?
LIT'I'LE beds of flowers, little coats of
paint, make a pleasant cottage out of
one that ain't,
"booze” another knock -out blow with
lis etto,00 a gallon customs rate.
DON'T v to the law be leavingyour
c r'ou the street minus
Several are liable for this failure,
W.' W. Burgess, Mitchell, a former
Brusselite, has erected a handsome
sleepiug porch over the bay window in
r o of his house.
How is ourS
supple of Counter Cbec
Books? Let
lux POST furnish you with
these. Auy style you want at the travel-
ler's price.
on the address label do not stand for the
date of the month but for the year. For,.
instance January 21 does not mean the
21St of January butast of January 0921.
Tela Posr is the loser by the wrong in-
Fot.Lowttao refers to a former Brus-
seiite, now hustling business at Gode-
rich r•—Wesley Walker has sold the
stock of his china store to Parsons Fdir
preparatory to commencing alteretions,
converting the upstairs into living
apartments and the downstairs into
St, Christopher House, r
be Hou a Ter onto —'
The aggregate attendance in Mittel),
1921, was over (1,000, the 'biggest
ever." The. Library, which now eon.,
tains over 1,000 volumes, had a circu-
lbooksationduring the month
lotion of 777 1 g f ,
A summary of activities during 1920
shows r7 clubs and 48 other organiza-
tions. while 37 different sorts of ministry
were carried op. The 1,510 people who
attend the House represented 25 nation-
THE Posr was glad to receive a fine
folder setting out the claims and the ad
vantages of Gladstone,, and
district, n Brous
well printed
with utu
Photogravures, issued bythe Board of
Trade Added pleasure arose from the
fact that it was sent to us by a former
well remembered bright little lass, now
grown into young tet/manhood, in the
person of Miss Margaret Cousley, Only
daughter of the late Andrew and Mrs
Cousley, formerly of Brussels. Folder
is a good advt. for Gladstone.
MY Au'ro, "1:10 or Tugs.—My auto
'tis of thee, short road to poverty, of
thee I chant, I blew a pile of dough, no
you three years ago ; now you refuse
to go, or won't, or can't. 'Through town
or countryside, you were my joy and
pride. a happy day. I loved the gaudy
hue, but you're down and out for true,
in every way. .
To thee, old rattle -bet
came many bumps and knocks, for tbee
I grieve. Badly the top is torn, frayed
are the seats and worn ; the whooping
cough affects thy horn, I do believe.
Thy perfu:ne swells the breeze, while
good folks choke and wheeze as we
pass by I paid for thee a price, •t, would
buy a moasion twice, now everybody's
yelling ' ice"—I wonder why 7 Thy
motor has the grip, the spark plugs have
the pip, and woe is thine. I, too. have
suffered chills, fatigue and kindred ills
eudeavorlug to paymy bills, since thou
were mine. Gone 1s my bank roll now,
no more '(would choke the cow, RS once
before ! Yet, if I had the mon, so help
me John—amen, 1'd buy a car again and
speed some more.
EVERGREEN TOWN.—Wby not have
Brussels known as the Evergreen town.
Wide awake towns and cities are vicine
with eachother in besutifyiug, and one
way to do this is to plant trees, especial-
ly that evergreen variety, Hedges of
evergreens, such Rs cedar and Norway
Spruce. not only beautify the street but
give a fiuish to the home Wbere'they are.
It Is only necessary to compare a rest.
deuce that has hedges around and about
with those that bave not to be convinc-
ed. They add to the freshness and
coolness too, on hot days as one passes
along where they are. B. S. Scott, the
energetic and obliging Secretary of the
Horticultural Society, can procure them
at special rates to Its members, G. A.
Deadman procured (50 Norway Spruce
this Spring and they are doing finely.
They Cost him 11121 per roe, boxing and
express extra. He has now nearly a of a
mile of these evergreens big and tittle.
Take a look at them someday when up
that way and see if they tlo not add to
the beauty of the place as well as the
street. He Intends to invest in more of
these varieties another year,
Theft, Onthonus Standard says :
The E1
, Sergeant Marr and
his two littte girls, were ina clews by
themselves, and the bright, snappy
variety programme put 011 excelled
any of the kind held here before. 'Mr.
Mary was exeelleut in his cornett ren-
derings and the daneing of the two
little girls left nothing to be doired at
Monotiet Garden Party on the even.,
fug of Wednesday, June 22nd.
g' Sete:KM RiertiiT.—• The average
mark is given, Sr, IV--Jalnes ie"•
Keys 89 ; Jeannette McNabb 80 ; Eitel
Pennington 78 ; Beattie Leitch 70. Jr,
I V—Carrie Dark 88 ; Ethel Slhalidon
87 • Edith Slmaildon 85 ; John V.
;$ •+++++++++ +++++4.4.4seff++ +44• t Fiaaher 85 Frank hunter 88 ; Lorne 1
Cameron 18a<Remelt, . Wright 77;
AlIster, ,1, Bled '72. Sr. II !lector
Knight 00 ; I101ILh Gnroolitz 130 ; Alma
Qllen'engesser 87 ; Irene Dunn 87 ; Iva
Blom] ; Kett) c ab 85 ;Lydiay
Jeschke 82; Ivan Leheh 81; lack
Noble 70. Junior' rorulr—sxentined 7n
all subjects, Sr. 11 --•Jean CArrteron'
Aa ; Jertn Noble 03 ; Margaret Brown.
02; Jaok Demerol) 91Valero 51eNebb
00 ; Elsie Phalle). 87 ; G1uldwin Knight
81 ; ,rim Pennington 731 John Lock.
ing 50. Ji', 11 A—ile#if1 Doge), 89 ;
Marie lluether 88 ; Archie Campbell
79 ; Jean Slualldon 78, 'Jr. 11
Edith Ford 02; 41nylene Stehle 88;
Eleanor Knight 87; !Intl Dunn 82;
Inc, Pennington 79; Harvey Doxeyy
77 ; Glen Hunter 71 ; Eolith Iii own 03.
fat Class-licithleen Zeigler 93 ; Eric
Long '70 ; Howard 13r(lw1 '77 1 /Wide
Q?nereugeeser 70; Willio Fischer 70.
Pr.--Excellent--Evelyn linother,
Frank Doxey, Feegio Shralidon, Jr,
Pr,—Excellent-Roma Oatneton, Vent'
Porter, Cecil Learmont, Fair—Aro.
old Long, Elmer' Locking,
R. MONAm, Pe'''iincipal.
ALIWO J, FoRill:S', Assistant.
COMroitl'AnGS house for sale with 0 bed•
rcoms,'partor, dining room, Summer 11 }When
pantry, cellar, good frame stable, hen 110008
fruit trees and 54 acre of land.
EnwArtn F3,oTOnga, Ethel,
CONvoamnnhn. hriok 1151308 for sale, with
furnace, kitchen end woodshed, hard and soft
water, stable Ste., situated on Main street,
Ethel. Pen' particulars Phone 2225 or lO0 Bros.
sale Central.
The propeety 01 Miss Lucy Sanders
has beent 1 sed
t t.ha byMrs.Adam
Turnbull who is now in possession.
Weave glad to see Mrs, Turnbull and
Miss Jessie come to town.
Miss Susan Haddock, missionary in
Chhla, whoocarne to Canada of fur-
lough, and her sister, Miss Belle, a
Deaconess tuse at SaultSte. Marie,
away Ireland, w y t n Ir I td, their native loud, for
a holiday. They will return to Cana-
da in the c001188 of a month or so.
The Welland Telegraph has the fol-
lowing to 'say concerning the 9lart
family who will be at Moncrieff Gat -
den Patty on Wednesday, June 22nd
The Entertalners were the Marr
family of Toronto,' Will, Marr in his
comic songs in costume got an ova-
tion, and he deserved it, for he put hie
stuff across. Little Janette, in her
Highland dances, won all hearts, and
Phyllis in National dances was grace-
ful to a degree.
PROM Ar OLD F3 uEVD:—Last week
TrrE'Posr received thefollowing from
a former Ethe]ite in the person of
Chas. Dobsole of Solomon Kansas
,KR R .
DEAR'BRo. KERB. --I thought I would
drop you a few lines to Jet Ann` know
that lam still alive and enjoy reading
TIM. POST and especially .Rev, D.
Rogers' letter. When he told us of
things 40years ago I can assure o
e u I
enjoed rading there but what
changes einee then. Not many names
around there now that he named.
We bave had a very cool Spring but
it is sure hot and dry now. We hada
great prospect for all kinds of fruit
but Jack Frost came along and made a
clean sweep of it all. Please find
money order. I nm glad to say that I
Gan and a 11 thinking ,
Gain wella I t l the kn that I am
not far from theit u
O but I nm
patiently toiling and resting rosin ed
that the toils of the road will seem
nothing when I get to the end of the
way. I will now close trusting this
will find you all well and the blessing
of the Lord resting upon you. From
your brother in Christ.
Cans. DOBSON, Solomon, Kansan.
thole soldiers demobilized in IJ. 0,
R O than w'nt otttofl3. 0. tin ;you (31111 5139
SAYEIJ what dile Provinee is up ageleet,
(Jppooihimitate are well organized and
made u all ong plea for beer' in their
y misER
clue roo.) As litera are e. number ala',
�CC o��of freo nuns 01' eYprua'o ms b la11 E
of free beer for club runrus, `1'1x113
should be one (f the banner Provinces
or the 1)wuinion 11111 11' 11(1(110 can ba'.
biluyht ill houtstviellwle 1'
And w i)rtnt;nroue Operation, by fear 011015 will he a lot, o#' nuc#esirablot/
'faking 'F,RUIT.A-TIVES' ('('11)13 ill 1113113. \1'13 have t1 111111 to
Dotal in t1 hells ( haus, the Govern -
Moot et Ottawa t1 (0 Tempel mate
(Weevil tie et. Beautiful wenlher anal
scenery here, Yon will please change
address to Mrs, Rohl.. Olose, 1225.
Bullard et„ Vancouver 13, 0,
8928 Union St., Vancouver, B.C.
1`1 suffered with all the symptoms
of Female Trouble, with chronic Con-
stipation and constant Headaches.
I had pairs low down in the back and
sides of the body. I tried various
remedies without relief, and then put
myself under a doctor's care and ho
advised me to havea n operation. I
Then, I started taking 'Fruit-a-
tives'; and from the dutset, I felt
better, and dine s completely
this ln« ha
relieved me of all my misery and
suffering, My weight was only 148
pounds and now it is 168 pounds. I
am free of pain and headaches an the
terrible Constipation ; and what saved
me from misery is the splendid fruit
medicine, `Fruit-a-tives'."
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit-a-tives 1'lrnited Ottawa, Ont.
F1tOAM VANCOUv13Rs,--The fallowing
letter was received by THE POST from
Mrs, Robe, Close, formerly of this
locality, now making her hone in
Vancouver, B. C.
W.. El. KERR,
DEAR Six—You will notice we
have "Changed' our address. I am
sending you a paper, also statement of
the General Hospital here. We visit-
ed it on Saturday, It is quite a way
front the centre of the city, nut Mount
Pleasant way, but no trouble to get
any place you want to go as street
cars run in all directions. It is some
oity.and if you have never visited
Van„ouver I would advise yon 10 do
so as itis worth seeing. the
e I know o
fact of li am beingsold he •would be
R here
no inducement to you 1 but I fear it
will be undesirable. So many foreign-
ers here I fear there will never be
Prohibition, but if the Federal Govern-
; went had given the power to atop the
imports only by law they hoped to
t control the sale pretty well. 1 have
{ been informed that there was 17,000
yO U can't do justice to yourself ]u business, social or home life if
you suffer from headache, backache, neuralgia, monthly pains,
e thousand and n painswith which all of us are
or any Of thonet
afflicted at one time or another.
These pains indicate a very real physioal danger. But there
are very few pains of any nature that are not promptly relieved by
Dr. Miles' Anti•1'alu Pills.
Get them in
handy boxes at
our drug store. A
box is insurance
against head-
ache, e'ersiokness
neuralgia and
pain of almost
any nature.
There are no disagreeable after effects. Dr. Miles' Anti.
Pain Pills
without upset digestion, drowsiness, buzzing in the head, or danger
of forming a drug habit. Guaranteed Safe and Sure.
Sold in Brussels by JAMES FOX
argai s
in every Line carried
at our
Special Price Safe
T!+ -.S'.. -M. .M.♦4:444'.4:' . M 'I:a�? ._?$ .I.,H H:Mw'R!,..''Sh''X i'df,'.!'. .e. e.R+S
Joe Schwadron
Scaoof., R)SI'OR'r—Mnllnwing le the
1ep!,rtof S. S. No. 0, Morris, for the
Months of May and ,lune. The classes
were examined in Geography, Spell-
ing, Writing, Composition, fygleee,
Gorrduct and Daily Werk. The Print-
er in Daily Work :—Sr. I3I - Jack
Shaw 81 ; George Pierce 80. Jr. -111—
Willie 13owinlrn 80 ; John Barr 50
Sr. 11—Ruby Bone 70 ; Leslie Comm -
bell 78 Jr. II--Hadle Mores 75 ei,',
PI'.—Roy Pie000 88 Jr. Pi',---Veiiml
DuncanandStewart Pierce, excellent.
George Charter diel not. have any
A. MAY SKELTON, Teacher,
Morris Council
Minutes of meeting held in the
Township Hall, Morrie, on Monday,
May BOlh, 1921, The Reeve and
Oouncillore were formed into a Court
of Revision 011 the Assessment Roll.
The following
appeals eala w
ere consider-
ed J
nnsider-ed Jbh aLsrassessmentPet nn
Lot 14, Con.3, havered by $200
Jas. McGee to have dug struck off
Jas. Wells, to have dog strung off
Chas. Pollard, clog eta tick tai; .las.
Nichol, dog struck off ; Jas. A. Nichol
to have dog struck off ; Ohne. Pollard
and Jas. A. Nichol, who brought in
tags, had doge struck off ; P..1. Scott,
Secretary of f3elgrave Fennel's Club •
appealed to have business assessment
removed. The appeal was sustained ;
N. Hamm had dog struck off ; the as-
sessment on Delco Lights were struck
orf the roll.
A deputation from S. S. No. 10
waited mi the Council and asked to
have the fallowing changes trade in
boundaries of School Sections. 6, 8,
and 10 :—Si of 85 and 86, Cnn. 1, and
1v18, (.
Fri nn 2, to be taken from sion
8 andpul into $8841011 111. .Also Ni of
Lett 25, 20, and 27 be taken from Sec-
tion 6 and put into 10, and that Si 19,
Con. 3, and N4 Con. 4, be put. into
Seethe) 0, th,• matter will be decided
at the next Ottertail meeting,
The Courtof Revision was extended
to next meeting.
PPtilitiols for Municipal Drains
were received from James Nichol and
W H. 1McOutcheon and others,
Following accounts were paid :—
Thus. Clark, the and culvert. 311 25 ;
J. J. McCaughey, pulling willows and
fixing culvert, $16 50 ; Jelin Bell, tile
$8.90• Alex. BiewPr, filling washe
$8 A. Shaw,HxinciIv 'r $
.Municipal World supplies $5 61 ; Ed
Bryans, dragging 1 cad . $7 20 ; Neil
McCallum, under brushing 31110;
Victor Haines, grading let line $80 00 ;
J. Stewart, sharpening grader blade
and clip 5350; A. Shari, painting
Ruttan'a bridge $65 00 ; W. Phillips,
sharpening grader blade $2 50 ; Ingot
Iron Co., culvert $511792: One Boss
grader, $185.64 ; W. Geddes, salary
Assessor $100.00.
Following names were added to the
assessment Roll :—John E. Yuill, N3
30, Oon.4 ; J. A. McNeil, Si 12. Coq.
4 ; W. E. Smith, Ni -21, Con. 6.
Snuncil then adjourned to meet at 1
o'clock p. m. on Monday, June 13th.
A. MCEwEN, Clerk.
Lake Louise and its
Of all the lakes in a world of lakes,
Louise is probably the best known
and one of the most beautiful. Paint-
ers have tried to frausfer its beauty
to canvass and poets to verse, but both
have failed to capture all its elusive
charm, for it is rarely the same for
Thousands yearly make a little trip
to this little lake tucked away in the
heart of the big mountain., this lake
that is the queen of lakes in the
Rockies of the Canadian West. It
surely lives up to its advertisement in
e0ery particular. How do yon reach
it you ask. View' Imperial Litnited
Express of the Crutadiau Pacific Rail-
way, or it may anon be via aeroplane
for already the flying matt has made
Ilia bird -like passage over the 600 miles
ofmoon taius i a feww daylight hours.
Landing at Laggan station, a tiitle
electric car taloa the traveller up a
winding road and a steep one to the
(1Fp'rlevel yrhefe the little tarn lies.
Who will ever forget the Hest glimpse
of its 011(11 uetiig surface, faced by
towering giants of the Rockies and
border ed on the West, by the glacier
and mount/tin ridge of Victoria. It is
a tlo(11e setting for an incomputable
nature picture, and the beauty of it isl
That. Lake Louise takes on as many
ttspecte ne there are changes in sky nr
cloud. Every passing wind or shriek-
ing gale alters its face. Moreover, it
takes on all graduations of shade,
deepening as the twilight cones anti
darkening as 111e night spreads its
sablet alpine wol ld,
mantle le l over an al pt
\� nrid travellerson in theopinion
hat Louise is the most
t exquisite
Mountain Mtn its the world, That is
a big Oahu but not an extravageut
one The eye takes in a sweep of
90eiery that includes an infinite
variety of the Orealoe's handiwork,
from the (vile flowers that border the
trails to the ett011181 hills that lift
their crests up toward the heavens.
Other teals there ae'o that gulde the.
pilgrims Who wish to worship at
Natio e's shrine to,loftier levels, to
Mirror Lake, without any visible 0(10, -
let. and upward 00 Lake Agnes, where
you'll hear the whistle of the marmot
and see in the distance the tracks of
brain or' of the mountain goat and big
horn sheep, while the lazy porcupine
tr w Edson
HAVE, the Agency for this epiemlid Manitine and a
choice 50113climl of recorder, giving the world's best
Inutile, A detmolnotratlun will convince you of their
s)1pe0 G,rily, Don't take a substitute,
The Edison fills all your Musical needs and the various
styles give yuu agood range o1' prices that will please you.
(lull in sad see and hear the New Edison, You never
have to change neetliee when you own a New Edison.
Splendid tone.
Specialty made of Optical Goods.
Eyes tested by an Export and eatisfantian assured.
F. Stretton, Jewetle
w ddies out of your
way. r1
vu the
shores of Agnes a stupendous canvas
is unfolded.. 011e .seetne to be stand -
lug un the Pouf of the world, with
other eangessll'etehing to the most.
distant. hot izoi
Magnet roads lin e the visitors t(1
yet delectable regions. There. is
both road aid trail to Paradise river
and valley, with Sheol guarding the
entrance, M1. 'Temple hemming in the
vale on one side, and the Bishop's
Mitre across the way. Leaping moun-
tain torrents sing their song through
the forests. cold and still rivers of ice
cover thelower alupes of H1gabee al
Pinnacle Mountain, and snoop -covered
passe. lead to neighboring volleys,.
such as the Valley n1' the Ten Peaks;
where nearly a score of Cut•dillei•eau
6upY a{ nare lined (. n m
1 1l I l e like s idteie 1
parade tells of r e als
1 giant 11 kl f1V
1 8 R
when the ante waw made
On this little trip too you may gat
even closer to nature by camping out.
living under a tented home, sleeping
on a -bed ,,f balsam boughs, drinking
the real mountain dew from the skie,
and laying up a rich enure of ntenl-
oriea and health for the coming days.
1��p� 1 �e
firag �UOf`lI1II11IIlIIli111 t R�6-
f ( t
i ((rtrurui►jinnllun�!„
.W .pude
E are shelving a large assortment" of Silver Casseroles and Pie
Plates' with Pyrex Glass Linings, Baking Dishes, Flower Bae- i
k,ls, Cake Baskets, Butter' 'rube 1:t1 Silver and Out Glass, Sugar
and Creams, Marmalades, Spoon Trays, Salad Bowls and Berry Bowie,
Hhelbett (flosses, etc. See our line. #,
A large Fancy Black Parlor Clocks at Special
variety of Prices
Diamond Rings
(3151' Diamond Hinge ate spec-
int 0alne. Prices 4135, 390,
$50, $75 and $100. (`all turd
see the new style. -
Wedding Rings
We cart y ae Camp!-'te stork, all
sizes, in the new style, either
fancy or plain. Get the Wed -
ding Ring here, •
The 2 c Autographic Kodak Jr.
The Kodak of tilt' season. The one you've
nead about. ILs it Kodak and its Autogra-
ut ul-
1 ?` phic. It takes 1''e1111'PS 610104 Post Card
'"..,4 size, equipped with F. 7. 7, Kodak Arias-
155(lat Lens. Tile price is
_ $25.00 s'
..•.. Y."itt'
It gives a sharpness of detail tight to the
edge of the picture.
Come in and see it,
F fig,;:iM
The Economicar
Gari g
EVENrif the Ford Car cost six o';seven hmldrededollars more than
it does—the Ford Oar would still be the:economical car Wimp
—beeaas13 of its great;notability,
—the ns of operation,
t 1 I w o t
s „' ,
—and the low 1 I r lairs the. clear os''or � •e P
I 1 which are fixed
by the Company in over 8,000 Ford Dealer and Service 13tatione In
1,317 81'91 cost, or 11 I+'1n'd Oar, the light cen.,nluption of fuel and
oil, tire fixed coat of repairs and genuine Ford parts
--mom.. ,1, the Ford Oat•, without exception, the most pennotn-
teal car to 11)177 and drive,
—the nor, in fact, which the man of niodel'ate 1110111.18 can
ahold "tin hey and operate.
D. ale SCOTT, Brussels