HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-5-19, Page 84h0+10+444+••••••••4F4F••
New Wall Paper
Wiliup Your Home
For newest colorings and designs see our stock of Tapestries, Chintzes,
Plain Fabric Papers, OatineaIs, &e,
Heavy selling of Wall Paper lately has left us with a number of Rem-
nants and these we are selling at about half the regular prices.
RED CEDAR FLAKES—Prevents Moths from ravaging furs, woolen
goods, &c, Large package e5c.
Also Moth Balls, Gam Camphor and Oil of Cedar.
CAUSTIC SODA—Will make the best of Hard Soap.
5 lb. tins $1.20
KLENZO TOOTH PASTE—Have you seen the new large size of this
popular dentifrice ? This pkg contains more than twice as much as
the regular 35c tube and is priced at hoc,
Peptonia—$I 25 bot,
Wampole's Cod Liver Oil—$I.00 bot.
VInol—$r,00 hot,
Tanlec—eu,r5 bot,
The Store
+4444444.39441••'F♦'P4&•'T'!4•4•iKt}.404♦'49$44•84+0444•44'4•t •6•
Druggist and Stationer
Xcraci Rebus linen
BREAD has dropped a cent in price
and is now 11 cents per loaf.
Tats is apple blossom week. The
apple orchards are most attractive now.
A NUMBER of newsy items are crowded
out this week but will appear in next
The eventful and well remembered
"24th of May" will be Tuesday of next
Ethel Jonior Foot Ball team at Brus-
sels on Wednesday evening of this
willbe lively.
week. See the pJay. v
ELECTRIC light was out of commission
for a few nights last week owing to
necessary repairs to the boiler at the
IN the W. M. S. report of the Metho-
dist church lest week the receipts were
given as $g6.00 should have read
$19 r 00.
ANNUAL Convention of the Ontario
Medical Health Officers Association is
being held in Toronto, May 16th, 17th
and 18th,
Luexrtow Base Ball team play a
League match on Victoria Park here
Friday afternoon of this week. See the
game, This is the opening of the
League matches in Brussels.
Goon reliable household remedies are
indespensahle in every home. For as-
thma, RAZ -MAH has been famous.
For rheumatism, Templeton's Rheum-
atic Capsules are the recognized stand-
ard, Sold by Jas. Fox.
FOOTBALL.—Atwood will be here next
Monday evening to try conclusions on
Victoria Park with our intermediates.
The coming visitors are old beads at the
game and will contest every foot of the
game you may be sure, Match will be a
gond one.
CLASHING SALE.—It opens Saturday
morning of this week at Wingham when
the entire stock of both stores will be
open to the public at great Bargain
Prices. An invitation is given to you to
attend in the advt. in this issue, Sale
runs 18 days and will be a sweeper.
I. 0. 0. F. DISTRICT LODGE,—'Tho an•
ward District Lodge of the I 0, 0 F.
Order convened in Western Star Lodge
room"Wednesday afternoon of last week,
with D. D. G. M. Wilton in the chair.
Routine business was transacted and
satisfactory results arrived at. J, Dodd,
Wingham, was re-elected Secretary and
S. McVetty, Blyth appointed District
Deputy, The customery D. D. G. M,
medal was presented to Bro. 5, Wilton
on the,„completion of his term. He
made an appropriate reply in accept-
Editor of THE POST was sadly surprised
Tuesday noon on receipt of a telegram
from Rev. Mr, Jefferson stating that
Rev. E. G. Powell, pastor of the Metho-
dist church at Lucan, bad passed away.
He had been in failing health for some
months from a heart trouble but we
hoped he would rally. Mr. Powell was
completing 4 years of excellent Service
at Lucan and was also Chairman of
Exeter District. He was invited to
Esser for next ConEerenoe year, The
rev, gentleman was pastor at Brussels
for 4 years and served the church loyally
and will be long remembered. His
Widow was Miss Tubkey, of London
township, and with 3 sops (Carman,
Earl and Gordon) and a daughter,
Tbarsday to Londoncemetery.losSoM) survive. Funeral03Be
ved share in the deep syrnpatby'of many
old friends here, ldr. Powell rendered
Splendid service as Co. Secretary of
Temperance lo Huron before going to
Quire a frost Sunday night,
JuNloa Foot Ball League game Wed-
nesday evening of this week on Victoria
park. Ethel and Brussels.
FOOT BALL and Base Ball schedules
appear again this week on page 4, so
yon may have an opportunity of clipping
out list.
WM LlrrLs has re -opened his garage
and is prepared to give careful and sat.
isfactory attention to repairs and sup-
plies. Read his advt.. in another
To CAMP.—Major H. C. Dunlop has
received word that the Huron Regiment
is to go to camp at Carling's Heights,
London for 9daYs training on
xoth. No defiaite orders have yet been
Two furs, lett by ladle, in the Town Bali,
may be secured at Bell's restaurant by prov-
rowing property and paying for this notice.
STRAYED from the premises of the under-
signed, Lot 18, Con. 8, Grey, an or about Slay
12th, a white sow weighing (+bout 160 the.
Any information concerning same will be
thankfully received by WM, HOLLINGER.
Phone 846.
11 Pr08, 5 weeks old, for sale. Apply 2014 Lot
28, Con. 6, Morrie. GiLnsar Senn, Phone 516
ONE Aberdeen Angus bull for sale two
years old. Batson SmiTe. Trowbridge, Ont,
R. R. No. 2.
31800 will buy a Grey -Dort Speeial from D.
M. Scott, Ford Service Station, Brussels.
20 young pigs for sale 6 weeks old. Lot 0,
Con. 14, Grey townehip. Phone 426, :Ions
FOR SALE —I cow to freshen in June also
20 young pigs, 10 five weeks old and 10 three
weeks old. Wt!. ALDEasoN, Cranbrook.
LAWN Mowers sharpened and put In shape
to do good work. Ggo. EDW ane
iceWHEN you're going home take a it Dat
cream brisk with you from W. A. GRaw
FOR SALE —A Rubber Tire Buggy almost
new; a quantity of Oats fit for seed and a
quantity of Alsike and Dutch Clover Seed
JNO. MONABB, Phone 4811.
QUANTITY of Alelko Seed for sale.
CRAB. DAvle,
Phone 1228 9th Line, Morris.
RDBDER tire tinggy, with onto seat for Hale.
Good repair. Alcoa new corn oultivntor at
low price. Phone 87. S. CARraH,
WRITE AL090''oM clever need for sale. 'Extra
good quality. Phone 4219. Gannon BLAKE.
SHORT Born bull calves for sale 7 end 11
months respectively. One from an imported
sire. Priced to Hell. Lot 80, Con, 8, Morris
township. Phone 167. JOHN Brain. 0811
THE comfortable house of Jas. Ireland,
corner church and john street, has been
leased by E. A Dixon, Manager of the
Bank of Nova Scotia, who gets posses•
sion next week, Mr, Ireland decided he
would not continue housekeeping since
Mrs. Ireland passed away.
"I CAN'T AFFORD IT."—Tbis is the
title of a highly praised Play to be pre •
sented In the Town Hall, Brussels, Fri-
day evening of next week, under the
auspices of St. John's church choir.
The young folk of Belgrave supply the
talent, plus musical numbers by local
talent between Acts. See the bills and
programs for cast of tharacte'rs and
synopsis of play. Take the entertain-
ment in.
Bars0ELo WON 1-o,—'The Interme-
diate t , F A for this District opened
with real fireworks at Ethel Monday
evening, when Brussels challenged the
sturdy eleven of that place, Prom the
beginning of play each team worked in
earnest and half time saw Brussels with
s "counter.” During the latter half
Ethel secured a penalty but were unable
to score. Play until time was up was
keen throughout, each team playing
well for the beginning of the season.
Brussels have one of the best line ups
they have bad for years and should be
encouraged by large attendance at
games. Well done Brussels keep the
good work up, Referee Chas, Sills
handled the game.
eeessssbe5Ibsssseasss ese
Lower Prices
Royal Household r
Flour $5 60
Bran 1 90
Shorts 2 00
Oatmeal per cwt. 3 75 •
Mangold Seed 1b. 60 e
Woodhouse's Invigorator
I7'or Poultry and other Live
Stock is the very thing 0
needed, 0
Fresh Garden Seeds. •
W. J, McCracken
• •
BILLY GaEwAa'S Midgets play Base
Ball at Wi❑gbam Wednesday afternoon
of this week.
AMONG purchasers of new F and cars
are James Clark, Robert Warwick,
James Hallam and Jas. McCartney.
Stomas at Mitchell on May 24 Cali-
thumpiau procession and Base Ball in
the forenoon and 4 big races in the
afternoon with Concert at night. See
BASE BALL —The opening game of
Base Ball was played on Victoria Park
Thursday evening of last week when
Seaforth nine visited us, For the in• i
troductory the ntatcit was a good ope
and so close in the scoring that the re-
sults were problematic until the last in-
nings when the record was Brussels 5,
Seaforth 3. Different pitchers were
given practice changing the pnsilion of
the field on varietis occasions but on the
whole the onluokers were well pleased
and not slow at showing approval of
good work. Brussels has meieria: for a
team that should not be trailers in the
League and the Ions mac expect many a
good game during the busy season of
the schedule, The names of our players
against Seaforth were:—Pt glow, tat
base ; Dawson, end base ; 'Thomson A.,
short stop ; Tnomsnn C , 3rd base ;
Best, catcher ; Campbell T, left field ;
Hemingway, centre field ; Somerville,
right field ; Campbell B.. pitcher. Wes.
Armstrong gave satisfaction as umpire.
— — I
People We Talk About 1
tt tY
Rev. Dr. Oaten was in town this week
for a short call on old friends.
Miss Maggie Garton, Whitechurch, is
holidaying with friends in town.
Wager and Mrs. Wilhee and Orran
were visitors in Stratford for the week
Chas. Pope. Stratford, was in town
fortives.a few days last week visiting rela-
Jno Watson attended the Synod at
London last week as a delegate from St,
J ihn's church,
Miss Catherine White, Collingwood is
the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. (Dr )
White, town,
Roos Fraser,Stra ford wass renewing
d locali-
tyacquaintances in Brussels a ❑
last week.
Joe Wilton, who has been on the sick
list, is able to about once more we are
glad to observe,
Mrs Sams Bell and children, of Tees.
water locality, are holidaying with rela-
tives In Brussels.
Mrs Jno Long went to Toronto loot
Saturday owing to the Illness of ber
sister. Mrs 'Tremaine
Barrister W. M. Sinclair has been
somewhat used up from an attack of
larngytis but is improving.
J. Leith, Blyth, has been' engaged as
tinsmith by George Weller, of the Herd -
ware store. We welcome him to sown.
Miss P pehes been at lielmore visiting
her sister. who has been on the sick list.
We are pleased to hear she is improving,
Jno and Mrs. Bryans and children,
of Ford mob, were visitors at the home
of Mrs. Edward Bryans the former's
mo' her.
THE Posr is pleased to see Mrs.
Archie McDonald. William street, able
to be about after her operation and
she will Sion be heartier than ever.
Dr. and Mrs, Hamilton arrived home
this week from their wedding trip.
They will make their home on John
street with the latter's father, S. Bailey
T. W. and Mrs. McFarland, Miss and
torn Coss'e, London, accompanied by
J T. Wood, of Chatham were week end
visitors at the home of J. T. and Mrs.
Wood, Albert street.
Among outside folk who attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. J K Irelan`t
last week were :—Robt. and Mrs. Ross,
Kincardine ; Mrs. Maxwell, Wingham ;
Mplogeph and Mrs. Sproat, and Mr. and
rs Geddes, Belgrave; Mrs Charters,
sin and daughter, Tuckersmith ; 1. and
Mrs. Wilson, F. Freeman and Oliver
Elliott, Seaforth ; R. and Mrs. Black,
Wroxeter ; Mr. and Mrs, 'Taylor and
Mr. and Mrs. Wightman. Wawanostt;
and 8', and Mrs. Cole, Stratford,
Money in dogs
WITH lower feed prices prevailing, the farmer
who increases his hog production gets big re-
turns on his outlay of money and labor. If you.
want to reap the benefit of this opportunity to rnul-
tiply your profits, discuss financing the project
with our local Manager
STANDARD SRRP'ICE--RMcoarages Pregras,
BANK a61
Brussels Branch; G. H. Semis, Manager,
Dublin Branch! - • F, McConnell, Manager.
Wm. Wilton, whose health has not iBRUSSELS MARKET
been too per cent' for some years, has i Fairmont 51 90 81 50
oat even been 03 well as usual during ' oata 50 50
the past week, We wlsh_him early im- I e1&o" 1
pinvetnent• 1 Barley 75
26 26
R. and Miss Laura Leatherdale took,Egg, 22 22
their departure from Brussels last Fri• Rego 180 75 5 1000 00
day afternoon, calling 011 relatives at g
Listowel, Harristou, Elora and Toronto-{
before leavingk for Winnipeg where they
expect to make their home. Many good
wishes accompany them and they will
always be welcome back to Bru: sels,
A former Brusselite in the person of
Mrs, W. H Stewart, of Fergus. was
calling on relatives and friends. She.
was Miss Ada Mainpr`ze before her
crriage and rendered acotebtable ser -
ice on 'Tug POST staff for a couple of
ars when a you ug girl, Mrs. Stewart
noted numerous changes siuce her re-
moval from town.
Miss Evaus, who has bean the care-
ful and diligent housekeeper at the home
of i. J. and Mrs Gilpin for tate past xo
months left for her home at Wiarton last
Saturday to resume the duties in her
own d:seihng, which was locked up in
her absence. Mrs M Patterson, of
Owen Sound locality, bas came to Brus-
sels, as successor to Miss Evans arriving
Thursday of last week.
During the past week Mrs. D. A.
Lowly, Toronto, accompanied by her
y0unp,est daughter, (Florence) Mrs, A.
Beattie, were visiting relatives and old
friends in town. They were former
well known residents. Mrs. Beattie bas
been res ding in Detroit, where her hus-
band was Secretary to Superintendent
of Police but he has accepted a position
in New York and that will be their
home now.
TUESDAY, MAY else,—Farm. (tock. Imple-
ments, &c , at Sly Lot 17, Con. 7, Morris town.
chap. Sale unreserved at 1 p. in. Peter Mc-
Call, Prop. Thos. Gundry, Anc.
StNCLA1R—MCINToetr,—At the manse, Oran•
brook, on tiny 411*, 1921,.by Rev. T. E. Man-
nedy R. A , Mr Peter J. Sinclair, of Strut
ford to OMs Elizabeth McIntosh, of Craw.
brook, Ont.
DAVIDSON —In loving memory of onr dear
grandfather, who peseed sway, May 1815,
Sadly we miss him end will forever.
Some day, sometime, we hope to see
Tho l weemeet we
old in sweet memory
Court of Revision
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology. Mc-
Cormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill, Three
menthe post grndunte worse durtn BPoat
Eos oo^rectiy fitted with Gleeeem.
aches, IEyes, (inundated
e aedEye Ltd,
and other Eye tole, ssted by Eye•etrain,
relieved through properly fitted (Magee&
Optical Parlor In Leckie block, one
South of Barrister Sinolair's otitoe,
Office /mere : 0 to 12 a, m.; 1 to 6 p, m.
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Phone 20x ring 4
matter of the estate ofJohn 8mlth,
tato of the Village of Brussels, in
the County of Huron, Gentleman,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121 section
50." that nil creditors and others having olalme
agatnet the estate of the amid John Smith,
who died on or about the 27th day of February,
A.D. 1021, are required an or before the 9th day
of June, A. D. 1011, to send by post prepaid or
deliver to the undersigned Executors of the
last will and testament of the deoeaeed, their
Christian and anrnantes, addressee and de-
soripttons, the fall parttaularaof their claim,
the statement of their accounts and the nature
of the securities (if any) held by them.
And further take notice that atter each last
mentioned date the Executors will proceed to
dietrlbute the aesets of the deoeased amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the olein of which they shall have
notice• and the said Executors will not bo
liable for the said awaits or any part thereof to
any person or persons, of whose claim notice
shrill not have been received by them at the
time of such distribution.
Dated thi, 10th day of May, A. D. 1021.
ALEX. STEWART, Bruesela,
47.8 Executors of he eetate.
I Fox's Drug Store
1 Weekly Store 'News s
• THE �nenn Mak
tier —' --- __ dr
Waterman. Chocolates Bottles
i fountain Pen0
• IS
s' Fully Guaranteed
• Our stock is always
$2,50 to 85.00
• '
Have, you tried
the ,
Mary Anne
Package ?
Very delicious,
per pound box.
The Pic-nic Sea-
son will soon be
here. A Ther-
mos makes a Pic.
nie easy, Keeps
contents bot or
cold as desired,
This is one of the very beet articles we have ever sold for
Spraying. Sprayide is a combination in Dry Powder form
of Arsenate of Lime and Bordeaux Mixture suitable for
dry dusting or liquid spray, Useful for all kinds of fruit .*
trees, also potatoes and garden stuffs. Put up in pound
packages with full directions on each.
The Blue Bird
Have you see our new
Blue Bird Stationery ?
It's one of the daintiest lines
• we have had for some time.
II See our Window Display
Tennis Supplies
Oue stock is quite complete
with it good'aseoctment of
Rackets and
We can also have your
Racket reetrung if desired at
comparatively little cost.
• "Careful Prescription Dispensers"
• ••••.•••••••••••••N•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •♦M••'1r•(...•••••••••••••••'
Township of Morrh •
The Court of Revision on. the Assessment •
Roll of the Township of Morris. will he held in ' •
the 'Township Hall, Morrie, on Monday, the
80th day of Olay, next, at 10 o'clock a. in. All • •
parties interested will please take notice and ' •
govern tllealselyee accordingly. 1 S
A a1 ACEWAN, Clerk.
Bluevele, May 17111, 1021, 0
Auction Sale
eLner eNra, &o—Thomno Gundry, Auetion-
ecr, hats renewed instrnetione from the under•
signed proprietor to sell by public auction at
434 Lot 17 Con. 7, Morris, on Tuesday, May
eget, at 1 n'chiek the following valuable pro-
' perty :-1 matched tenor 8 and 0 yearn, 1 aged
( mare, 1 registered driving mxro 5 ears old, I
cow 8 years olddue to calve JT
an. 61h, 1 cow 7
• years tine to calve Nov. 29th. 1 cow 9 yenrx
old duo to calve time of Hale, 2 fresh oa'o 8
T en4 nold y, 1 dnw
4 yenrnrxoldold1, 1 halter
ye0rx yearsferret01,1 dna tory Caelvo
Dec. 2101, 2 at Fero 2 years old, 2 hetforx 2 years
old, 8 yenrhnga, 2 Spring calves, 2 sows duo to
farrow Aug, 2nd and 4th, ahem 00 hens, cat-
hs deg, small gnanttty es grain, ManmeyRRr-
rix binder 0 root out, Massy -Ba r ie mower 0
fnot oat nearly new, Massey -Barrie aced drill
IS hoe nearly now, Massey-Rarrle hey lender
nearly new. Mineeydlerrle side rake, pre a er
nHarris damp entre, Deering menus spreader
nanny now, 6lnasey'Merria cultivator, dine
harrow, acaIIfor, hey rock 1871 long with
movable rack, 1 34 wagon with box, tritely
wagon, stock rook, coy slope sleighs nonny
now, cutter, top hnagv, root pulper, gravel
box, est harrows 4 sections, McTag'art tan•
ales mill1,,Het set aeslea 000 lba., lend roller, 2
Finery walling plows 21 & 18, Hamilton
double plow nearly new, cutting box, hay-
fork,rope e
and pulleys,
foot 1adder, 2 wh
batrow spnadt1ra nizod wnterUroa h
'10 ft„ 2 cap kettles, grhdatone, poet hole
auger, n quantity ograin Ungar quantity
hanl olumber, aat double harness, Het
', est plow nerv, 6 basswood rack
gills 8xfeet long
, 8raters 24ffb loos,aqurucfcbar ertadar 0a'
hrn2 butter MA ladles. 2p
pails and spoils, eounlr, 2 bedsteads, 8 cream
ter, Calonin] Prize
2 able( wend ben
end cel pets, ferias, ria new, bed spioveting sande piper
aricarpets, umeClint=, xention and other
,/ 1l mins trio numerous tomo
mention. Terme.
All unt 8 Me 00molt and ander omni ; over that
amount 8 months credit47',off
fuor cash
n credit
ad jointis notes, hoo Nf fore 00b ro credit
amounts. Side without reserve ria Proprietor
bps sold lea farm,
PE0E15 MOGALL, Prop.
•.♦•••••••.••••..•••. ..
= The •
Palace Bakery
1f We Point with Pride
r.•.•••••••9••.•,Na•..••4►• •••••••..e.•0••••••.••••••
to the bread we pl'odupe be -
manse of the feet that we use
snperlor flour and have the
hest facilities possible to eat•
ploy in the Zine of baking.
Our Mead is the result of
careful and painstaking meth-
ods which wP have pursued
wi111 but one aim and that is
Come With the Crowds
An 18 Day Sweep
Re-organi2t' S
aa a ea iionon e
Entire Stock of Both Stores on Sale
HANNA & Co'si
18 Days oSlashing Prices From Saturday, 21st Inst., to Saturday,June 11th s'
20 to 40 per cent off. Everything Reduced.
Everything Cash. Come.
THIS Great Sale of High Grade Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, Ladies'
Ready-to-wear Suits, Coats and Dresses, Dry Goods, Staples, House Furnish-
ings, Rugs, Linoleums, Groceries, &c., &c., at prices to beat all records.
Here's a hint of a few lines :— .
A Special in Good Serviceable Suits
G Sale
Peabody and Carhartt Guaranteed Overalls, Pants
and Smocks, plain blue, bine and white, and
black—Saturday, 21st only 82.00.
Huge stock of $250 Work Shirts, black and white,'
black, blue, khaki. Half price $1,26
Hurry 1 these won't last.
Sat`, May 21st, 'only
2 to 8 Saturday afternoon -1 hour only
ladies' Ready-to-wear
Regular 880.00 Coate—Sale price...—. ***** . .. ....$ 19 75
Regular $86.00 Coats—Sale price............. ..... 25 75
Regularultt $45.00 Coate—Salo price
88 75
Regular $20.50 Serge Dresses—Sale price 18 '75
Regular 887 50 Serge Dresses—Sale price 20 76
Regular $62 50 Serge Dresses—Sale price 89 Tao
12 Ladies' Plaid Pleated Skirts, reg. $10 50, for 0 00
Ladies' and Children's all wash Summer
Dresses—Less 25 per cent,
Ladies' Silk Holeproof Hose Al= $1.50 00
100 lb, bag Granulated Sugar . ....... ........ $ 11 00
Palmolive Soap 76c Washboards at GO
$1.25 Brooms—Sale price ...................... ..... 80 ■
8`Ibs. Green Tea for 1 00
Brooms Good Black Tea per lb 49
Tomatoes per can. .............
............. ..........,.. 17
100 good quality Corn Brooms at 25c each while Maple Leaf Salmon, small ..... 29
they last on Saturday morning, May 2101. Tapioca, per Ib 12
4 Cakes for 26c, 4 only to a customer.
Dates, per lb ...,,..... - I7
S J 2 Canned Apples, calls for ... ...........
10 Experienced 'Sale Works Wanted
Stores closed on May 20 to arrange for Sale. It will pay'you over and over to pat- :
°a ronise this wonderful Sale that opens next Saturday. •
Hanna & Co., Wingham
w. E. muds •Shattering High Prices. All roads lead to Hanna's Salo
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••,1•••••••••••••••••••4444•044 e4444044 •44s.44*•b•••••e•.• Z