HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-5-19, Page 5• JNO, SU fdi j1$ �i SONS LIMITER Da Ai ad ro GritrB".d'A'r GelN'JFiltd l4. WM, SPENoE OQNVEYA.NO ,Ei dNA 168lilfi t of MAttBLAGL I,i(i79NItiald Moe tho. Pass strap, Ofehel, ae-4 Di,'. 'WARDLAW Honok umlauts of the Ontario' tercat.zr' Uotlege, thy andnightfutile, ,)Dice uuPoute range & Oharlo• 9te., Toronto le well know throughout ' �v Oalrade For high-grade ' pcP rnt n Pu'Stenography,ork. TYPewrt• i tug sea (aenixl improvement 4I l%Pashas. ' .e.pommel attan o n given Withal. eats. Graduatesrosdll pbtxlu one ue playuant Openu 1kYtoNr. Write to. Un ter r a eoOns, ,tar anytime. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRIIVOIPAL. JAMES M' FAOZ4AN l x x Agent Bowli k Mutual Flra InsuranJie Company Phone 43 1'urobsrry Street, Brussels l Saaoessor to John laurels, Welton / T, T. M'! RAE M. B., M, O. f^., @ S. O. M. 0. 13„ Village of Brussels Physician, Surgeon, Accouolio•.tr O Rioe at residence, opposite Maly Ills Church, William street. FA SeaForth Our population is 1081 instead of 2,016 fat lest year, Aesexenr F3iodeeiok was paid $1130, plies 52,15 fur postage, $35.00 was voted by the Council to theAgoliinitural Society. A. and Alis. 13r•oedfuot and daugh- ter, Noose) tow, Sask., are visitors at the home of Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot, Sunday of last week was the 48rd anniversary of the wedding of Jas. to Mrs. and , lr Beattie. They . 1 attended ser- vice y ' ru the Methodist church, as usual toed occupied the paw which nae beet) theirs since )hair marriage. Fordwicir ncrease over Met year Bent .10 Jtaneh 'L"reasurer 1420.81, McKIIIQp Walton $School Pair T'i'les lists are isues d , It Is a fine one. ' Leo ]Tolland, Beechwood ; James Scott, Roxboro ;'Chao. Case and Robb, Scarlett are Census eliutneraeor•e.for MoKlliop. Am AGoou OLD ARE,—The funeral ofM to , J call Eokort Ted on ho d' Sunday, 8th Inst, .aged 97; et the hove of her 'sou -in-law, John Mahon), Huron road East,took piece from St. Colunlbau Church,' of which she had been a )nembei' for over 00 years, Grand requiem high mase was cele - boated. 1Jeceased Was one of the old• est and moat highly respected pioneers of McKillop township. She was a net/ ve of Bavaria, and came to Cana- da when 21 years of age. Upon : her arrival in New York she was married to her late husband who predeceased her about 10 years ago. They settled near Stratford, afterward purchasing a farm ou the 9th Oon. of McKillop, where they lived for upwards of hail a century before reliving to -St, Oolum- ban. A family of 8 children, 62 greed - children and 30 great-grandchildren omelet). The sone are Rev, J. M. Eck- ert, hawthorn, New York ; Iiev, Stephen token, ()Miss, Wisconsin ; Oon, Eckert, Seaforth ; F, Eckert, MfcKlllo d Peter an Eckert onthe e old homestead, and 3 daughters, Mrs. G, K, holland, Beechwood ; Mrs. J. MManurru, Seaay, McKilloforth•p, end Mre. J. F. Me' MOKILLOP WILL STANDe,—A very nteiesttug wilI case was tried by the Surrogate Qourt Judge, iiia Honoi' Judge Dickson, last week atGloderieli. The heariug lasted for 2 days and was not concluded till close to 8 o'clock Wednesday night. Plaintiffs were the executors of the last will and testament of the late Robert Hanna, of McKillop, who died Jan. 22nd Met. They brought the action to secure probate df the will and the 3 daugh- ters, who were passed over in the will were the defendants. The estate amounted to $2,637,59 and the benefic- iaries under will were a son-in-law, John Bullard, a nephew and 3 neices. Mr. Hanna was 95 or 96 years old at the time of his death and signed with a cross. R. 8. Hays, of Seaforth, re- presented the executors ; J. L. Killor- an the defendants, and O. Garrow watched the case for the infants, Mr Killoran, for the defence, argued the will was secured by those whom it named as beneficiaries, when the test- ator was not in a condition to make a will,, -. and poigted out the suspicious circumstances in connection with it. ilirlEmEk W Much sickle's among Ihorees in this '1 neighboncend at present. rich recto Sultan has been per L 11 J Matthews L. Llysclale, lensed b ROY. F t Jas. t atLhews nae been a•eappoint- d caretaker of Pordwjch cemetery. A new barn lits been erected by Gem ge Hofmhu oil 1115 property Ilene. Alis Jennie Gtunble left to visit at the hone of her brother, Wilfrid, in Cinelph, fora while, Rev. air. Clyedaie has accepted an lvitatinn to 'alum as pastor of the lethodist rhumb fora 4th year. For pest few Weeks George Ashton, HAVIN(' the Agency for the alc- Corm r: end Dieting leiple- .- plerue"ts 1 will lave eiusest prices in anytifiug needed in lea: in Int- 11 plements or Tractors. (eli i„ neer M give your oi(lee U, Ir. 0, rayl' and YOU will save [Horley, I will Iowan - tee you against anyredaiLfon /n prices until implement is used, and by order-. ing now you will save any alJyance in price which is likely to take pleee soon. Have a few Implements nu hand which will be sold at Old priers, David Milne; ETHEL Pastae •c Rent Cattle taken by the month for the season. Plenty of wxt'r and shade. A etre of 400 aeree. For fiurther particulars apply to the undersigned, Have a quantity of first-class Timothy Seed for sale. Pa Arent Phone 16 fi1tU8SELS sc., has been having poor health, suf- fering frou, rlieumatiam and other ail- ments, • George Menzies, Molesworth, and - Mr, Dunning, Bedford, Iowa, visited at the house of T. H. Glbson and Jop, Davidson, Rev. A. Laing, F. R. Lynn and G. H. Jtaffersou wale in Clinton attend- ing to convention in the interest of Education and activities of young people in general. Blyth Goderich District meeting met in the Methodist church here Tuesday and Wednesday y of this week. A. B Gan' is able to be about again after a couple of weeks confinement to his home with pleurisy, Rubt. Graig, town caretaker, re- ceives $70.00 per month for one year from May 0th, he to pay his own as- sistance at scales, duties as per agree- ment, The annual meeting and election of nfii tiers of the Women's Indtitute was held and resulted ae follows :—Pres„ Mrs, R. Riciimoud ; 1st Vice Pres., Mos. Poplestone ; 2nd Vine Pres., Mrs. .1, Garter ; Sec.-Treas., Mre. S. D. Leith ; Asst. Sec'y Mrs. R. Wighti roan ; Pianist, Mire. H. McElroy District Director, Mre. Wightman ; Board of Directors, Mrs. Gilley, Mrs. A. B. Garr, Mrs, J, Cook, Mre. Col- - Moneta Mrs. D. McGowan. Society had a successful year having 'raised $1095.70. W. M. S. of Methodist Church held their annual meeting. Mite boxes were opened and birthday and talent mouey received. $40 to the support of a Obilteie girl and $10 35 for Chris- thin Stewardsbip were realized, Vie W.11t1. S. have 6ttthers and hope to add to this number. 4 Life alenrber- eliips were also banded in, totalling 5100 •'Total for year $227.86. Of this amount $2f687 sent to Branch Treas. Expenses $7.85 on hand $814 Mrs; J. onlrinmglr was appointed delegate to Branch Convention to be held at Listowel on ahoy 26 to 27 and Mrs, Mc- (tnrrnick as alternate. Mrs, John Maines was appointed delegate to the District Orin ventiai al Goderich, .,—<, a a. r, .,.-..,,,.tie-..>..:,. Baby Chicks —and— Hatching Eggs . Off my Bred -to -lay strain or H. O. R. I. Reds. They stand up with the best of theta when put to the supreme t"vfs of the Laying eon. test. Bugs 51 00 per st Lt. g. Chicks 30e reek. Bonk urdet early and -not be disappointed. JNO. T, DUNCAN Phone 7x Bin''. Qs YEARS EXPERIE 6E �•n 'uV.�CIrIGIV-I DOMINANT IN OUAL- 17Y AND SERVICE! Sixty veers of leadership—of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real servicer That's why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's why we aro proud to soli this dependable farm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINE WONDERFUL GILSON" Coate Von Nothing �"� "Tho Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme. More Gilson Silo Fillers were sold in Canada The ramous Gilson "Goes Like Slaty" Un -last ycnr than any other mike. It is guar - gine -•any size for any purpose --eau be cur- antecd to be the lightest running blower - chased on the easy payment plan. Let it cu ttcr male: n (00 itself. Its Ito i d n rho bigg and depend- n ery awl, —get I Gilson Silo Filler and abnety have made it the biggqest'ctrl ( O. ell your own silo it tth year own ensue, Bina in Canada. Let us demonstrate on 4 ir•p• % Iargcr_..nt the proper time, when your (arm. your ecru has rho greatest (ceding value. THE GILSON SPREADER HYLO SYLO The Hylo Sylo Insures sweet, fresh, simeulent en - allege down to the last forkful. It is built to last Indeffinitely. JIxcl us!vo patented features of de- sign and construction explain why the Hylo is einem by the discrimin- ating fernier, toys for Manure is the best fertiliser. Volt have it. itself hi the first season. Use id 7'be)iest Manure Spreader made is Thee year after yew,. pays the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread. 100 per cent.. profit on It is lots down. It has light draft. It wit your tnveslmeut. Call take a real load: It b free from dutch', you :natio gears and all eompaoated parts. Call and 105 our nearest dealer, name below, Ho will mve and make you money on ebo equipment filuatratod and an Gilson Threahere, Dixio-Ace Tractors, Wood Sow., Grineters, Pump Jacks, Belting, etc. Write' for Catalog, Made in Canada and Guaranteed by GILSON MPG. CO., Limited - - GUELPH, ONT. Cali and See- Nearest Dealer EARL ROTHWELL, BRUSSELLS, ONT. Rheumatism Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Rave brought good health to half -a -million sufferers. Ahealthful, money -saving remedy., volt k wn for fifteen years, pro- scribed 1'y doctors, sold by drug- gists, ;1.00 a hoz Ask our agents or write for a free trial package. Templetoas,142 King W., Toronto LooalAgent, James Fox BECAME SO THIN SNE WA$ AFRAID "FRUIT -A. TNES"ad a M Her wer 1 Strong and Vigorous } MADAME MITMUR 1BEAUGHER 1806 Cartieir St., Montreal. "I suffered terribly from Cons- tfpation and Dyspepsia for many year:'. 1 felt pains after eating and had gas, constant hrsaaeh,t,•and was unable' to sleep at nnlghk T was getting so thin that I was frightened and saw several physidtins,,who, however, did not seem able to help me. At last a friend edw.ud gte to take 'Fruit-atira. I did so and soon T felt some relief. I eoatinued with Trait•a-tives' and la a short time, the Constipation was banished, I felt no more pains or headache or the disagreeablesensations that follow dyspepsia. Now lata well, strong and pigme^" Madame ARTS= BEAUCEER. blo.a box, 6for32.69, trial size 26c. At all dealers or from Fruit -a -dyes Limited. Ottawa, Ont, However, the Judge held that the will was a valid will and granted probate. Atwood Hugh Porter has purchaaed a fruit farm near Beamsville. J. P. Greensides placed a new Nord- heimerpii ano in his home. Fridayevening ev ntng of Ibis week Brus- sels Junius Foot Ball team will play here. A new bridge about 84 feet long will be constructed ou Sideroad 5 and 6, Oon. 10. T. G. Ballantyne has sold the old cement property, containing 5 acres, to 0. W Harvey. Hurst Bros. have bought the farm on the 1011 Oon. Elms, being Lot 12, known as the Dewar property. At, annual meeting of the Chartered Accountant Students Association of Ontario held at the Board of Trade, Toronto, Eric McBain, son of J. A. and Mrs. MoBain, Atwood, was elect- ed President of the Association for the ensuing year. Work on Main street commenced Tuesday of last week and a portion of it is barred frau) ttatiic. Concrete will be laid from the railway tracks to the 8th Con. ,' • Victrolas "His Master's Voice" T an. the only representative for Brussels and community of the above celebrated Victrolas and also the GerhardHeintzman Machine Nothing better in Canada. They are Gold Medalists. LARGE STOCK OF THE - LATEST VICTOR RE -CORDS The Victor people did 86. per cent of the trade last year. Call and see our goods and hear the Records. Lady representative to wait on you. .ea°er Phone 67 and 82 Garfield Bleak Bt'usst is, • Second hand Piano in good condition for sale. See it. Baby Chicks FR0111 pure bred Teapnegted S. 0, White Legharns (Barron Strain). The Barron Leghorn is an English bird and for a Leghorn is a very large bird, some of them being as largo as the Rnck, have the advantage ever the Beek in that they seldom, if ever, watit to set. With the deteernit ed to seof tlNot Sonw weather tLehorn. Witthe the h corning are of warm weather the Leghorn is determined to lay. They will eke lay in the Winter if properly oared for. From Nov, 1st, to April let ten of oto' trapnested Leghorn' laid 1035 eggs at an average price of 78 cents per doz. $02 713 from the ten hens. From these birds and others near- ly as good we are offering Chicks at 22c each (Jolivered at your station. WALTER ROSE Baran Specialty farm, Brussels Box 34, Phone 3 or 4 on Six r Smoke stack at Maitland cheese ' ,feet I'y Poli doavu alld the nelgIybors gathered end helped Mr. J3oty' s !o erect a new one, • The drannttio recite! "Jean VeJ. jean" given by Rev, J, F Kuiglti, 13. D., Milverton, it) the Methot.list ebuidb, Atwood, Mendel of (est week was well attended, Mi'. Knight sar- i thinly excelled himself and proved to I be a reciter of no mann ability. The manner in which he'E t tt ales d d the pathetic scenes of the story moved the andierloo to tears. J-Ih, meliioef was marvellous and enunciation perfect, Listowel Listowel'' pnpnlation 2570 and nuin- her of voters 1,075 Ana„aanlent over 1$ rililllon dollars, 1$10,200 asked for schools. Listowel Presbyterians have given up the idea of placing a basement un- der the (Manch and will build above ground. LietoweJ Banner last week 'said ;— For elapping Mrs, Angell Ver buye, a Belgian neighbor, in connection with line fence trouble. Ralph Thomson, Elms was fined $2000 and mete by Magietrate Hamilton. Two other oases heard at the sane tiiue, were dismissed. One was a charge of as- sault. preferred by the woman's hue - band, Cyril Verinye, against Ralph Thomson, o t and . the other by hf ra. Vethuye against Roy Thomson, who was accused with ceiling her vile names In these eases there was eoq- tradictory evidence. Barrister She Maio, Brueeels, acted for the defense and Barrister Terbium, Listowel, for plain tiff. Perth county Mitchell tax rate 38 mills on $, 4 mills higher than 1920. The long expected laying of the corner stone of the new St, Peter's Lutheran church at Brodhagan will take place Sunday next at 2 o'clock. Thursday afternoon has been nam- ed the weekly balf holiday by the business men of Monkton, during June, July, August and September. Previous to departure for Stratford, a uumber of frieode assembled at the home of D. 13, and Mrs. Grieve, Miii- bank, and presented Mr. Grieve with a gold headed cane, I3. H. and Mre. Elliott, Logan, were made recipients by their friends and ueighbore of a gold watch and -chain and an alarm clack and an apprecia- tive address previous to their depar- ture to Mitchell where they will re. side in future. Mrs. Charles Peschelburg, aged 80, is in a serious condition as a result of falling down the steps at the rear of her home at Mitchell. She fractured her wrist and lay uuennscious for several minutes before being found by neighbors. She suffered greatly from shock. The Perth County Branch of the Department of Agriculture will be opened early in June, an Agricultural Representative having been selected and Stratford chosen as the location for the office. Acting on the provi- sional resolution adopted at the Janu- ary session of the County Council to try out an agricultural representative for two years, the Department of Agriculture at Toronto has selected a 1 man of outstanding ability and prac- tical training for the position. Ap- parently the "vette face" of the Coun- ty Council at the April session bas been ignored, and on the assurance et REAN FLour Children love home -trade bread made of Cream of the West Flour. And there is. nothing else so good- for them that costs so little. Maple Leaf Milling Co„ fills Limited Toronto, Winnipeg' Brandon, Halifax that the leading progressive farmers M`nister of Agricultut- for the Prov, of the County would. co-operate with Ince has; promised to confirm P Chea 1- and1hearth assist a t cod man, an the cin m r g tolt, I P ••••••®4N+N•S.+& *,Aid.vN•�ii t•y oy C6re7€rw>Ge•Dpa • Seeing See ' ha.i is Hence You ar� Believing Getting • • i e 4 e • s This is Accomplished with our New Gasoline Pum • • • • e VISIBLE MEASURE GUARANTEED CORRECT Cunningham's 4 4 0 • a it1 �1''.1 tt.' ,. • Service Station a FOR « Oltevr¢�let 811 Makes l� ,.Cara Gray -Dort • McLaughlin a • of • e • 41, 6404.•^•04-•••••••••••••0••••40 •®••••h'•••O•••A••,►a•• 04.4x• Repairs on E. 0. CUNNINGHAM Proprietor. In order to get the Miles out of Gasoline First Get the Gallon. MA Ti E IOO' PVRE PAT & VAR-NS� The Hard -Drying, Tong -Wearing Floor Finish Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a home as floors that are properly cared for; on the other hand, floors that are not protected are unpleasant to Zook at, are hard to keep clean, and neglect your me floors, beautify theuted through m Don'tr. them and them. Save the surface and you save all. MARBLE -ITE Floor Finish is the perfect treatment for floors of all lands. It is the one floor finish that has a money -back guarantee attached to every can. In 24 hours MARBLE -ITE dries hard with a beautiful finlslr that will not show heel marks. It has a high any amount of wear without injury. enough It can be washed with soap and water and it will not mar nor scratch white We invite you to call and discuss this method of beautifying and protecting your floors. We can give you full details regarding this or any other painting or varnishing problem. We have a complete stock of MIARTIN-SENOIJR Paints and Varnishes. For every purpose For every surface. "100` PURE" PAINT The paint for wear and weather. SENOUR'S - FLOOR PAINT It wears and wears and wears. "VARNOLEUM" beautifies and pre- serves 0i1 Cloth and Linoleum. "WOOD -LAC" STAIN ' Improves the new —renews the old. "NEU-TONE" The sanitary, wash- able Flat Oil Paint fur Interior Decor- ation. n nems itniilil rl 114 n �1