HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-5-19, Page 4be rxxsstisest THURSDAY, MAX 19, r92r Morris Qguncil 1 Following are minutes of the a las t Oaunoii meeting held in the Tovenebip Hall, Morrie, April Ilth, Members of ()outsell were present, Reeve presiding.. Minutest of last meeting read and approved, It was deolded to make a grant of 8200,00 for 'the Blyth Memorial Hall, Natnee of the soldiers in the muniol- pallty will be inserted on the Tablet and Honor Roll, I"ollowing�accounts were paid :— Municipal World, eupplies $ 18 83 A-, Procter, freight on road drag 1 58 Henry Fear, freight on road drag ...... .,. 71 Two road drags187 70 Jae, Ballantyne, account 25 44 H. Bolger, butcher accounts .. • 8 30 John Craig, dragging road.,.,.,. 10 10 W. Elston, freight 1 00 Next Council meeting Monday, May 301h. A. MACEWEN, Clerk. Foot Ball Schedule INTERMEDIATE TEAMS Mon„ " 23—Atwood at Brussels Fri., 27—Listowel at Ethel Sat., " 30—Lietowel at Brussels Wed., June 1—Ethel at Atwood Fri., " 3—Brueeels at Lietotvel Mom, " 8—Ethel at Brussels Fri„ " 10—Atwood at Listowel Mon„ " 13—Atwood at Ethel Thurs., !' 76—Brussels at Atwood Fri,, " 17—Ethel at Listowel JUNIOR SERIES Wed., May 18—Ethel at Brussels Fri., ' 20—Brussels at Atwood Thurs., " 28—Atwood at Listowel, Tues„ " 31 -Ethel at Listowel Tues., June 7—Brussels at Listowel Wed„ " 8—Atwood at Ethel Wed„ 15—Listowel at Rru,eele Mon., " 20—Brussels at Ethel Tues„ " 21—Listowel at Atwood Fri., " 24—Ethel at Atwood Mon., " 27—Atwood at Brussels Tours„ " 30—Listowel at Ethel, Clip out the above schedule and be able to keep tab on the numerous matches. Base Ball Schedule In Connection with the North Wellington League • 18—Brussels at Wiugbam " 19—Teeewater at Kincardine " 20—Lucknow at Brussels " 21—Teeswater at Lochalsh " 24—Lochalsh at Kincardine " 26—Teeewater at Brussels " 28—Lucknow at Kincardine " 27—Lochalsh at Wingha® " 30—Kincardine atLochaleh • 80—Brussels at Lucknow June 2—Lochalsh at Brussels 3—Wingham at Kincardine " 3—Teeswater at Lucknow • 6—Lochalsh at Teeswater • 8—Lucknow at Wingham " 8—Kincardine at Brussels " 9—Teeswater at Kincardine " 10—Brussels at Wingham " 11—Lucknow at Lochalsh " 13—Kincardine at Teeewat c " 13—Brueeels at Lochalsh 14—Wingham at Lucknow 16—Kincardine at Lucknow 17—Wingham at Brussels 17—Teeewater at Lochalsh 21—Lochalsh at Brussels 21—Lucknow at Kincardine 22—Teeswater at Wingham 23—Brussels at Lucknow 24—Lochalsh at Teeewater " 24—Kincardine at Wingha64 " 27—Wingham at Teeswater , 27—Kincardine atLochaleh July 4—Brussels at Lochalsh " 5—Kincardine at Lucknow " 6—Teeswater at Wingham • 7—Lucknow at Brussels " 8—Teeewater at Lochalsh " 9—Wingham at Kincardine " 11—Lucknow at Teeswater " 13—Kincardine at Wingham " 15—Lochaleb at Lucknow " 18—Wingham at Brussels " 18—Lucknow at Teeswater " 18—Wingham atLochaleh " 18—Brussels se Kincardine " ' 21—Wingham at Lucknow " 21—Lochalsh at Kincardine " 21—Brussels at Teeswater " 25—Lucknow at Lochalsh " 28—Teeswater at Brussels " 27—Lochalsh at Wingharn " 28—Teeewater at Lucknow Aug. 1—Kincardine at Melanie 4—Lucknow at Wingham " 8—Brussels at Teeswater Oran brook Quite a number from this locality were at Ethel last Monday to see the League Intermediate Foot Ball game between Brussels and Ethel. MATRIMONIAL,—As may be seen by notice elsewhere Mise Elizabeth Mc- Intosh, of this place and P, J. Sins Clair, Stratford, were' united in mar- riage at the manse, Oranbrook, on the 4th inst., by Rev, Mr. Kennedy. Dinner was served at the home of the bride's brother, after which Mr. and Mre. Sinclair left for their home in the Classic city followed by many good wishes, The following taken from the Stratford Beacon, of May lith, will be of interest :—P. J. and Mre. Sinclair were very pleasantly surprieed at their home Tueeday evening, May 10th, when the employees of the Stratford Cartage Co, presented them with a beautiful silver casserole. The address was read by A, Irwin and the presentation made by G, Ingham, The gift was much appreciated by Mr, and Mrs, Sinclair, JAMxs RILEY, of Kinburn, coesle of Chas. Riley, Brussels, met with a pain- ful accident while operating his treater on his farm, In some way bis clothing got Caught 10 the machinery and he was seriously injured before the asaehla'• could be stopped. He had throe ribs broken and legs badly jammed. We hope be will soon bo 0, k. Walton School Fair Prize List Following le the excellent Prize Liao of the School Fair to be held at Walton in the course of a Few months and_ pttrtleijated In by 7 Meal Kemple vis;'—Nue. 1, 2 and 12 Grey township, Nne. 9 and 11, Mortis and 7 and 9 McKillop, Offlcormsere OlifiordRiteltie, President ; Flo; erica Be n• nett, Secretary ; W. G Nell,lHaer f ' Directore+ Kato LaitlInv, LiIN Lemon, Eva Ilemingway, iro, Shortreed, 13ert Jnhneton, 1Vilile Den - pie, Kate•Williamsnn, Margaret Balfour, Clifford Hoegy and Alex. Olat•k, Date of Fair le not dolinitely sot yet. CLASS I—GRAIN 1t Pall Wheat, I quart Special Robe Holmes $1 00 Peas (Arthur) 1 peck Special Gordon McGewin 1 00 Barley, (0. A. C.) 1 peck Special Thos, Kinney 1 00 Oats. (0, A. O.) 1 peck Special Albert Clark 1 00 Oats, Banner, 1 peck Special Neil McCallum 1 00 Sheaf Spring Wheat (4 in. thorn.) Special Ecl, Devidtion 1 00 Sheaf Oate, Banner (4 in. alarm) Spec, W fn. Leeming 1 00 Sheaf Barley 2 rowed (4 in. diam.) Spec. Elmer Dennie 1 00 Field corn, beet 0 stalks Spec. 11. 13. Hoover 1 00 CLASS II ROOTS AND VEGETABLE'S Best Collection of Vegetables Spec, Mrs. Wm. Woods 1 00 5 marigolds Yellow Intermediate Spec. John Hislop 1 00 6 Marigolds Red Leviathan Spec, Wm. McFedzean 1 00 6 Swede Turnip Spec. Mrs, Alclin McGavin 1 00 6 Beets Detroit Dark Red Spec, Mrs. Taylor 50 5 Carrots Chantinay Spec, Mrs, Robt. Reid 50 bus. Potatoes Irish Oobbler Spec. Mre, Geo. Williams 1 00 I bus. Potatoes any variety Spec. John Hartle 1 00 3 bunches Celery Spee, Mr's, John Berry 1 W 0 Ears Field Corn Spec, Sam Forbes 1 00 bars Oorn Golden Bantarn Spec. Miss S, Driscoll 50 Vegetable Marrow Spec. John Lawson 60 1 pt. Beane White Wax Spec. Miss Knox 60 0 Onions Yellow Globe Danvers Spec, Mre. J. 0, McDonald 50 1 Pumpkin Spec, Mies Douglas 60 8 Tomatoes Spec. Albert Clark o'0 bus. Potatoes Green &fountain 1 00 Spec, Mre. W. H. eleGavin 1 Cauliflower 1 Citron OLASS III—FLOWERS Dehliae Spec. Mies McCune 1 00 50 25 Gladioli Spec. Mrs. P. B, Gardiner 1 00 50 25 Asters Spec. Mre, John Oliver 50 25 15 Sweet Peas Spec. Mrs. Wrn, Somerville 1 00 50 25 Collection Sweet Peas Spec. Mies M. Mowbray 1 00 50 25 Pansies Spec, Mrs. Win. Kerney 1 00, 50 25 Phlox Spec. Mrs, H. Hoegy 25 15 10 Suapdragbn Spec. Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull 50 25 10 Nasturtiums Spec. Mrs. A. Gardiner 1 00 50 25 Verbenas Spec. Miss K. Buchanan 50 25 15 Beet Bouquet Spec. Mies Hayee 1 00 50 25 CLASS IV—POULTRY Pair Plymouth Rocks 75 60 25 Pair White Leghorne 75 50 25 Pair Rhode Island Reds 75 50 25 Pair Wyandottes Spec. Mrs. J. Smillie '75 50 25 Pair Barred Rocks Spec, John Driscoll 75 60 25 Pair Ducks 75 50 25 Pair Geese Spec. T. Nolan 75 50 26 Pair Turkeys 75 60 2.5 Best Cockerel 50 25 , 15 Best Pullet 50 25 15 1 dos heaviest Hen Eggs Spec. Mee Buchanan 75 60 25 CLASS V—LIVE STOCK Beet pair Tamworth Pigs 8 weeks or under 1 00 75 50 Spec, Roy Bennett Best Bacon Type Pig over 3 coos, and under 5 mos. 1 00 75 60 Spec. Jas, Rea General Purpose Colt Spec. W. W. Shnldice 1 00 76 60 Team of 2 year old Colts Spec. Gen. Snelling 1 00 75 50 Beet Pure Bred Calf Spec, Jae. McDonald 1 00 75 50 Lamb Spec. John Watt 100 75 50 Best Grade Oalf under 6 mos. Fred. Oster 1 00 75 50 Best Halter Broken Calf Spec, Alex, Dennie 1 00 '75 50 Beat Pail fed Hereford Calf Spec, John Leeming 1 00 75 60 Note.—All colts,5tO8T be halter broken and NOT shown in ring loose with mare, 21d 50 60 50 550 co 50 60 Sed 35 35 385 85 85 35 35 35 75 50 4ih 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 25 15 25 15 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 50 25 50 25 15 50 25 15 CLASS VI—MISCELLANEOUS 1lehool Parade Special Duncan Johnston 4 00 8 00 2 00 4111 1 00 School receiving most number of prizes according to the per centage on the roll Seer. Bank of Commerce Silver Cup Snap Shooting, 26 yards with 22 rifle (school boyo) 1 50 1 00 75 Special Hugh Campbell 4th 50 Bird House by boy or girl under 10 years 1 00 75 60 Special Mrs. 0. Turnl.ull Beet Pet Special Andrew Kirkconnell a 50 25 15 Best School Chorus, not more than 10 voices (teacher eli- gible) Special Miss McMichael 1 00 75 50 Best Individual Plot, Sr. Room Walton e Special by 1 00 75 50 Best Individual Piot, Jr. Room Walton JSchool Board 1 00 75 60 Beat Speech, any subject 2 00 1 00 75 OLASS VII—FRUITS 6 Apples, Northern Spy 75 50 6 Plums 75 50 6 Pears 75 50 Collection Winter Apples, 3 of each Spec. Mrs. A. Bruce 1 00 60 CLASS VIII—NATURE STUDY Oollection Mounted Weeds with Cmm:ron names Special M. F. Yuill Col. Weed Seeds with names Spec. Mrs, Joe. Behnett Col. Wild Flowers with names Spec, Humphries &Co. Col, Mounted Tree Leaves Spec. Mrs. D. Cunningham Ool. Moths and Butterflies Spec. W. G. Neal Col. Insects Spec, R. W. Hoy Best Agricultural Notebook Spec. bliss Dickson 25 26 25 25 1 00 75 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 '75 75 75 75 75 75 4t h CLASS IX—ART AND WRITING Provinces and Capitals (3rd Class) 75 50 Capitals, Small Letters, Figures and word September (Pupils under 10) 75 50 Write "God Save the King" (pupils under 10) 1 00 60 Special Clifford Ritchie Map of N. America showing Boundaries, Lakes, Rivers and Mountains Special Mrs. 0. Hemingway 1 00 Map of Huron ehowing Townships and Towns, painted (2nd Claes) Special Miss Maude Ferguson Map of Great Lakes showing Islands, Climate and Ports painted (III Claes) Special Mise E. Little 1 00 Map of New Europe, painted (Entrance Class) 1 00 Col. of Snap Shote, printed and mounted by exhibitor 1 00 Special Mrs: Ramsay Best Essay on "My Pet" (Sr. 3rd) 75 50 Best plan drawn in ink of Farm Horne, showing build- ings, lane, orchard, garden, lawn (Pupils under 12) 1 00 Special Neil McCallum Drawing of"April Showers brings forth May Flowere" (Sr. 3rd) Special Mise K. McConnell 50 26 Best collection of Water Color work and Writing from at least 2 classes and each clues must include work from 3 pupils 1 00 75 60 50 50 50 50 60 25 25 25 25 75 50 4th 25 1 00 75 50 4th 25 75 75 75 60 50 50 25 75 50 411s 25 CLASS X—NEEDLEWORK Sample Crochet Lace (Pupils under 14) Spec. Mre, R, Hoy 1 00 Darning on Woollen Stockings 50 Best Knitted Sock (by School Pupils) 1 00 Special Mrs. D. :Johnston Handmade Apron Special Mrs. 0. Barrows 60 8 Button Holes on Cotton (2nd and 3rd Classes) 50 Plain Hemming on Cotton Patch on Cotton, 3 in. square (2nd Olass) Three -corner Darn (4th Class) Hemstitehed..Handkerebiet (Pupile only) Best Drained Doll (Pupils under 18) Bost Tatting Special Miss Swallow Beet Laundered Print Shirt done by Pupils Special Mrs. James Lawson GLASS XI—DOMESTIO SOTENUE Roll Jelly Cake Spec. Mre, D. Boyd 1 00 Cbeoolate Cake Spec. Mrs Al. McGavin 1 00 Pumpkin Pie Spec, Mrs, Time, Archibald 50 Apple Pie Spec. Mrs. 3, Pride 25 Cream Pie (made by a teacher) Mise K. McConnell 1 00 l dos. White Biecuite Spec. Mrs. F. Scarlett 60 75 25 75 25 25 51) 25 60 25 50 25 50 25 76 60 1 00 1 00 15 50 50 75 50 15 15 15 15 16 15 25 What is the Red Cross Doing? The Red Cross In Ontario has) 4. Continued Its war work in military hospitals, 2. Contributed to the relief of disease- stricken sufferers and undernourish- ed children in Europe. 3. Co-operated with the Soldier Settle- ment 1#oard in helping soldier set- ters in emergencies due to sickness (lithe family. 4. Provided funds for three years for a course in public health nursing in the University of Toronto. The ° first class of fifty graduates in May. 5. Provided eight nurses 'for child hygiene demonstrations under the Provincial Board of Health. 6. Distributed to civil hospitals equip- ment and supplies left over from the war. ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAX 22-28 We have seen a Canada organized for war; now let us have a Canada organized for good health. Enroll in the Red Cross and help create public opinion in favor of sound health measures. Enroll with your local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Committee, or, If there Is none in your community, with the Ontario Provincial Division, 410 SHE&BOURNE STREET, TORONTO, Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division } doz. Cookies Ginger 75 50 e dos Cookies White 75 50 White Bend (pupil under 13 years) Spec. Mies M. Smillie 1 00 60 Nut Bread Spec. Mrs, W. Thanier 76 50 Currant Bread Spec. hire. J. Shannon 60 25 Buns Spec, Mrs, H. Tomlinson 1 00 60 Scotch Scones Spec. Mrs. Jas. Humphries 1 00 50 Tarte Spec, Mrs, John McDonald 1 00 50 Candy Rn(.ter Scotch 76 60 Candy Maple Cream 75 60 Candy Maple Sugar 75 60 Collection Homenlnde Candy Spec. W, R. Broadfoot 1 00 75 School Lunch Spec, Mise 3, Turnbull 1 00 75 CLASS XII—MANUAL TRAINING Hammer Handle Spec. Silas Johnston Milking Stool Spee. Mrs. Angus McCallum Rope Halter Spec, Jas. Houston Collection of Two Bird Houeee Best Made Box Spec. Alex. Gardiner Best Coop Spec. Mts, J. Staples s 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 CLASS XIII—Opera to Pupils under 9 years Sunflower Head 3 Carrots (Chantenay) 3 Beets (Detroit Dark Red) a Pint Beans Pantries Special Mrs. R. McLeod Nasturtiums . Pair of Bantams Pair of Pigeons Rabbit Bird House Best Pet Squash Pumpkin Table Runner O, ochet Yoke Ernbeoidered` Pillow Case Pair Fancy Towels 'fray Cloth and Centre Piece, Eyelet and Solid Tatting Table Centre, dark linen CLASS XV—Open to Pupils under 7 years CLASS XIV—Open to ex -Pupils a Sunflower Head h Any Pat c Bird House 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 25 25 26 -50 50 60 60 60 75 50 25 25 25 50 . 60 60 75 60 75 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 15 15 15 16 166 aOM•7aaa 15 16 15 S tMVVaa�aaaa 25 25 25 25 25 60 10 10 10 10 10 10 I0 10 10 10 10 10 10 16 16 15 16 16 25 15 10 10 10 Mrs. W. H Willis, formerly of town, was elec'ed President of the oewly or- eanized Red Cross Aseuciatiou of Wing - ham. She make an energetic officer willg we are sure. R H. and Mrs. Green have located iu Stmcoe town after a residence in Cayuga for some years aunt like their new home. Tire former is Inspector of cheese fac- tories. Mrs Green writes "We do en jey'1'iit Pos'r. just like a letter to us." The Greens were formerly residents of Brussels, AS ,A, USE iltAZ-i NO Smoking—No Spraying—Ns iaf, dust Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed, to restore normal breathing, stop crease gatherings in the bronchial`tubep, long nights of quiet sleep; contains s• hemit-forming drug. $1. at your drug' t4, Trial free at our agenciesorierlte pletons; 142 King W., Toronto. Local Agent - James Fox Popular Stallions SCOTCH BOBBIE OEo. W. GIB80N, Proprietor Monday, ''Illy lard, will Neve his own stable end go :'onthiest to C. Hutchinson's, 2nd Con, 60 25 and home for night then North to 0th.. Con. 75 50 Tureens, wet ire south via Brussale gravel to Dougnld i4treehrn'n, Lot I, Con, 4, Grey, for noon ; then Hoath to Tohn G. Spates, Lot 00, Con 8, Morrie, for night. I Wednesday, South 04 miles to 1415 Con. Grey, then east to Win Ziegler's for none ; 50 25 then East to rhos Inglis', for night. 60 25 Thursday North if rellns, then W 0 to leech Longs. t ,nluook, for noun; than 25 16 i North tc Win. is, for night. 15 16Friday, North and West 10 Job Ring's. ;lad 50 ' Oen., for noon ; then by way of boundary to 25 16 fnnownig stelae w ere he will remain until the BLACON CROSS BTU5BB BROS., BLYTH Proprietors Monday. May 0th will leave his own stable, Blyth, and go North to 2nd Con. Wawenosh, then 256 miles West to 4th Con , to Stubbs Bros . ,Cor noon ; then via Westfield church and North to 6th •Con. Wawenosh, then East to gravel road to Wm. Dunbar's for night. Tuesday North to the 10th Con. to Adam Robinson's for noon;then 2 miles West to Norman Thomsons, Donnybrook for night, Wednesday West to Prosperity, to Dick Finnigan's for noon ; then South to David Sproul'a for night. Thursday South to boundary to John Medd's for noon ; then 8onth•Enat to Geo. Yunghlutt'a for night. Friday to his own stable for noon ; then vi Sn deahnro' to John SctongatnrGondeg East 234 miles, tothen's fNrortihht. to 5 Taylor's for neon • then to his own stable where he will remain until the following Mon• der morning. CUMBERLAND GEM W. J. MEDHURBT, Proprietor Monday will icave hie own stable, 834 rot 28, Con. 9, Morrie, and proceed to Wm. Bird's, fornoon ' then to Thomas Ldldlaw's Con, 8, for night East and 8onth to Jae. Shortreed's 911, line for noon ; then to Jno, Barris, 18th Con. Grey, for night, Wednesday to Andrew Brnee'a for noon ; then to Nell McNair's. 14th Con. for night. Thursday to Thos. Iaglle' for noon;thea to Stanley Meehan's, 121h Con„ for nigt Friday to J. Baether's for noon ; then to Milton Parr's, 8th Con., for night. Saturday to Fred. Cardiff's for noon then to his own stable, where he will remain nn• til the following- Monday. Stock For Sale Durham now, calved 8 months ago, to fresh- en in December ; Durham cow due April 28 ; Durham cow due May I ; Durham bull 2 years old ; General purpose OlIy rising 2 years ; General purpose horse colt rising 1 year ; Blond oolt rising 1. year, aired by Ike medium ; 8 Leicester ewes 1 7 registered Ox. fere Down °wee. Would exchange colts on work horse. Roosone for selling rented pasture farm has been sold. R. 0. CAMPBELL, Phone 4810 Lot 14, Corr, 18, Grey Twp, • • • • eii • • • • r • • • • • • • • • • 2 • • • • s 041••••••••••••••••••••••0 ••••••••••••••••••••w•••• •• 0 • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • s 4. s 0 • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • Tinshop Reopened WISH to announce to the public of this Icommunity that I am now in a position to accept orders for Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and all kinds of Repair Work, Our motto will be "SERVICE." Your patronage is solicited. Geo. R. Weller, Hardware Dealer • Brussels House for Sale The property of the Tate Mre, Procter, eor• nor of Alexander and Flora street, Br0es' Is, Is oflered far sale. Good frame Image and 14 acre of land, Possession may be had on October let For further particulars apply WM.THIIELL, Phone 1811 R. R. No. 4, Brussels, Farm to Rent One of the best pasture farm In Grey to rent, 100 sores Spring water and cedar grove. Also a good sgrionitural horse rising 0 for sale, a show horse, right every way, works well single or double. A Prric Nn end Z terms easy. Horses for Sale Matched teem of geldings, rising 6 years, will welsh sliont,2,900 pounds. Aouna and in good condition. M. L CARDIFF, Phone 428 R. R 2, Brussels_ Hili View Farm JAS. A. REA Breeder of targe English Berkshires Young stook for sale, either sex. For further partlonlare write or phone. Br¢ Phone 0010 L WR. R P8, O. 4.+•+•+si"•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•met +044+•410 +•+•'i.Mi'*el 444 + • 4. 4.• The Seaforth Creamery Wanted • + • • •+ • • 4r • • • ream Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. ,> 1 Students May Enter Any Time • • •killeead, • t We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors - who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are 0 meeting with Buecege. We are training Soldiere under Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Commission. • T Address tha Collogo for Foots Oataloguo, to either Stratford or Wingham b oce••••••••••••••4!••••eo• b04400•490•tlPR•At : 0•409441.0 Cream Wanted Ship ycur Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank, Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. irussIs Cr9amry StewarPtsBras. Pro , s rerrossaresimossamssawasessionwomeonosarar