HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-5-12, Page 4e 'xx sets Vogt
7,i. It3i) 1 t
�.� �. Alf MAY J2, 2
, 9
RMLRQA'U financing does not appear
tohe a Very high Art in Cauca and
bonen the balance sheets of some roads
show the surpluses on the wrong side of
the ledger. If Government ownership
is run on the sante basis we are afraid
this Dominion has a white elephant oil
their bands for many a year to conte,
Higher passenger and freight rates are
trot the only requisites, although some
ofH9ials net as if it were, The tremen-
dons deficits are not very re.assuring.
NoW that church bodies are meeting,
or about to meet, we would suggest that
more sugar and less vinegar be used in
debate and discussion; The exhibit
sometimes made is no recommendation
for brotherliness nor even gentlemanly
demeanor. Sometimes itis a good idea
to have z "bears" present at such gath-
erings, viz 'bear" and '•Forbear." If
the vigtues, so frequently urged, are not
exemplified by tilos° who are, looked
upon as leaders it is not to be wondered
at that the rank sod fila do
m11711 on the job.
et wpr,.
AN effort is being made to arrange as
Improvement program for the L'eme1et y
here and the pian could be worke,l
comparatively easily If those interested
will do their part, The Women's in.
atituteat Walton and Brussels are gen•
erously putting up 0.5•0o each and the
Cemetery Board is quite ready to do
their part in furthering the proposal,
Considerable work has boon dorm dur-
ing the past few years but there are
scores of plots whose owners take no in-
terest whatever in even ordinary care-
taking, whoa the small expenditure of a
Ni Smoking --No Ssroyiup-No 91ufl
Just Swallow 0 Capsule
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing, atop mucus
gatherings in the bronchial tubes gine
long nights of quiet sleep; contain a•
habit-forming drug. $1.00 at your drug.
gist's. Trial free at our agencies or writs
Templetons, 142 King W., Toronto,.
Local Agent - James Fox
dollar or so each year would 110 thy job,
Will you help and du it now?
Stock � Sale
1)urlutrn cow, 11110, 18 months ago, to
an in Leoember ; 1Inr11a1n cow due Apr1"°21h;
Durttu,n naw Qac flay 1 Duchntu bull 2
Years old ; (}auernl purtlona nll,y rising 2
yearn ; (loneral 3101 P' 8 llursa eaIh rising 1
yanr ,
13 et rising 1 year, oll'od by Tko
Medium ; 4 ireloester ewes , 7 registered Ox.
ford Down ewes, ltoukl exchabgo sorts on
work horse, Bensons Lor selling rented
pasture faro, hex been sold.
Phone 4418 Lot 14, Con, 18, Grey TWO,
>M a rLr
edree(111, to Dm Post.
al,t Ie� ,)0,la,'n 1. tWO Iido he the
e UrcV ed et Ottawa
uanti ,, the
on Friday, of a. Beiday o. Jane,
en a -fpr theednvontroo of Sia onre sea Mails
curt proposed wee CIVel' t for foto veers, els
flaks per weak, over f October
No. 3 Rural 'Mall
Route . from the let of Octuhe further nest
Yrin tnrl na diti aont,prpoh pt may
bionnota and
odsproposed,`cn wept
be noun and bio et Cann, 07)Penta, ,any bo nb.
13lylI at the Ibe ilioUB , x of width.. ftlee ts.
spent and et the oilice of the Poet 01$au In.
x Post.
Post OIHce Inspector's pffiue, London, 22n°
CHAS. E. Fl. 0I-113El2,
44.3 Post Office lrlxp,ctar,
Court of Revision
Village of Wroxotoe
1 The Court of Ilevb,1on ml the Aesesbinon1
Rett"ef the Village of Wroxeter will be held in
i the council Chamber, Wroxeter, on P,•tday,
the 27th day of shay, next, at 7.119 0110018 p, 1A1.
All parties interested will please take notice
and guver•,1 themselves accordingly
D. Al. M 1 VIti.EE Cie it
Wroxeter, May 2nd, IO2t,
matter of taco notate of Henry Jack,
son, late of the Township of Merrla,
in the County of Huron, Gentleman,.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re.
vixed Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121 seetion
20," that all creditors and curers having claims
against the estate of the said Henry Jackson,
who died on or about the 12th day o4 A pr11, A.
1) 1921, are rep aired on or before the 14111 (MY
of May, A. D.1911, to send by poet prepaid or
del MO' to ti r. J. 11, POW', Blyth P. 0., one of
the exroutors of the haat will and testament of
the deceased. rs sad, It air Christian1 and earn nl
addresses and dhe statement
the their amounts of d the elainature the the of their ny.) held
yd the nature of the xeouritlos (if aHyl hold
by them..
And furthei, 'the Executors
that illerenol Inst
trl501mentioned tante the Executors will proceed to
disthe artie theassetsQfereto. deceased amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having regard
1,01 to the claim of whfeh they shall t be
notice, ,old the sold .xs m
a Id t tors will not be
anblp for n the spill asses or any part thereof to
notice any parson of been
re ei whose tem t tine
shall not have been tion, ad by them at the
time such distribution,
of A
Dated this 21stday of 12April A. D 1821,
W. ,. 80110 ,(ILATi2,
Solicitor for hit ono Jackson,, ,7. A. Fear and
R. 11. 1110Donald, Executors of the deceased.
Court of Revision
Township arOroy
s ss ant
who (loam of Ro31) 1)3 *r the Asn l
la i
willhohn h
th a of nahip Hell,
E he , 08 ,2 o
the Township next,
10 , on '010ek 0, the 2441
day ie May, next, at 1 please
se take a, m, ""1
parties interested W311 piraxn tnkn notfoe and
700er•n thenlselvep aceordingl7.
lethal, May 2114, Odl,512(7 0W*1iD, Caere,'
matter of the estate of Rachel San•
dors, late Of the Village of Eth•b
In the County of Huron, Widow,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re•
vis tl Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors
and others having claims against the estate of
'beset° Rachel Sanders, who died on or about
41,0 Ninth day of February, A. D. 1031, aro
r, (mired on or before the 14th day of Nay,
A D. 1911, to send by pout, prepaid, or deliver
to Luny little Sanders, Ethel P, 0.. one of the
I,x, elltoro of the last W 111 and Testament of
d en sed their Christian nnand m
etnos ad-
d, eand descriptions, the lull 1eaes of
of athe
sta of their accounts
and the nature of the osoorlGlos oily)
by them. •
And further take notice that atter' such lest
mentioned date the said Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, hevieg re-
gard only to the claims of which they obeli
Linn have notice,and the said Exeeutore Will
not be liable for he said assets or any pert
thereof to any person or person, of whose
claim nonce shall not have been reeelved by
them at the timeof such distribution.
Dated this 211rd day of April, A. D.1921.
Solicitor for Luoy Ettie Manders and Carrie
Love, the Exmutters of the deceased,
The New M�del
Seldom has a car won such immediate and widespread
popularity as the Gray -Dort with its new and wonderfully
beautiful bodies.
Everyone who has viewed this body design has spoken of
the Gray -Dort as the unquestioned style leader of its field.
It has been instantly lifted into the class of cars costing at
least $700 more.
From a value standpoint, the new Gray -Dort has not a rival.
It is the motor car sensation of 1921.
The new model is now on view. You are urged to see
it at once.
Chatham, Ontario
• 0000•••••••••
• •
• Geo.
• Hardware Dealer ffi Brussels
10.•.•.•••••••••••••••+••x••00••.•••••••••••••••••••• O
•••••••••••4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
WISH to announce to the public of this
I community that 1 am now in a pasition,to
accept orders for Eavetroughing, Furnace
Work and all kinds of Repair Work.
Our motto will be "SERVICE,
Yourp atronage is solicited.
House for Sale
The property of the late Mrs, Procter, nor.
Her of Alexander end Flora street, Brussels, fa
odered for sale. Good frame house and 'a acre
of land. Poesoxsfon may bo bad on October let
For further particulars apply to.
WM. T1it71A0L,
Phone 1011 11. R. No, 4, Brussels,
Farm to -Rent
One of the beet pasture farms in Grey to
rent, 100 acres Spring water and cedar grove.
Aloe a good agricultural horse rising 5 for
sale, a show horse, right every way, works
well mingle or °coniIIeasy.
Horses for Sale
Matched tenni of geldings, rising 5 years, w111
walgh about 2,500 pounds. Sound and In good
condition. L1. L. CARDIF2',
Phone 428 R, R.2, Brussels.
Hill View Farm
Breeder of large English Berkshires
Young stock for male, either sox.
For further particulars write or phone.
Brussele.Central- Walton P. 0,
Phone 0010 R, R,5
• +0948'• 1+•9'•+.9'.+••08••+•+•+ 0444•444440+0+0+404'41.4411+•'F4+
• The Seaforth Creamery
eream Wanted
• Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.,,•
• We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
:it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sem-
+ pies and pay you the highest market prices every two
* weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
_For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL,• Phone 231g, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co. -
+•4• 0.444. ++• F•+••►•8+1954* D•9MN*Si
Students' May Enter Any Time
We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors
who give individual attention to pupils. Our graditates are
meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under
s Soldiers' Civil Be -establishment Commissloi. •
• Address the College for frac, Catalogue, to either
o Stratford or Wingnam.
41004104•NM•••.••••••0.•••••• a ••••0•.O•• •• 0 o c i• 4••0••.'61
Cream ' Wanted
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at pear at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue.
Brussels reamgry Stewart Bras,