HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-28, Page 8er
Wall e
Pa r
4* For the Kitchen
As a rule the kitchen has to be
® papered oftener than any other
room in the hotise.
• Oil Finished Papers
at 20c per Roll
At this price we have a couple of
r/ patterns suitable for a kitchen and
o these Papers have a surface which
can be wiped off with a damp cloth,
Both are in a tile pattern and one
has a very pretty Blue Bird match.
ing border. Other Papers suitable
+ for a kitchen are to be had at iSe
and Seca roll, and in the wider 22
inch roll at 220, zsc and 300 2 roll.
• See thein.
+ Wail Papers
4 For Living Rooms, Dining Rooms•
• Halls and Bedrooms are to be bad
b in great variety and we are show-
• lug the newest on the market.
'May be Wanted
Any Time Now
Pam° Straw Hat
Cleans Panama Hats --•, 25c
..bottles For other Straw
Flare use
Rexall Straw Hat
150 packages
Kroh's Croup
Relieves distressing attacks of
Whooping Cough
35c bottles
Hess' instant
Louse Killer
350 pkgs. Dust the young
chicks with this well known
Powder and keep them free
from vermin and disease.
Hess' Poultry Panacea
Sec and 850 pkgs. Will keep
heus healthy and makes them
lay more eggs.
Dolly Cream
For Curtans where a darker
shade or tinting is desired,
this is a satisfactory prepara-
tion to use.
F. FL s`�k'6
130 package
Drl ggist and Stationer
+* 40+++4.+++•••• ••••+®•1•ot9 +4,4.Q4.4.+++4,+4.+4+4+++4.'1'4.
Vic'rom a Park is rapidly assnming its
rrC t CIES b' ,tfj old tome life in Feet Ball aad Base Bal)
SUMMER heat some of these days,
COUNCIL meeting next Monday even-
HAVE you your lawn mower ready
for business?
1ST weekly half holiday Thursday
afternoon of next Reek.
PERTH and Huron Press Association I
will bold their Spring meeting at Strat-
ford. Friday, April 28th.
MAITLAND river has been running at
high tide owing to the recent hesvv
rains. The force of the water displaced
the temporary repairs made at the mill
Tits week Rev. W. E. Stafford, B.
A„ was acting as presiding examiner for
Queen's University in connection with i
examinations being taken by Bert Lott,
of Brussels.
A meeting of Foot Ball represents -
i held Monday
fives of this district sk was
afternoon here, James Ballantyne being i
the Convener, Listowel, Atwood.
Ethel and Brussels constitute the teams
in this series.
•'VALLEY FARM."—The'Willing Work-
ers of Melville church have engaged the
Bluevale Dramatic Co. to give their i
play "Valley Farm" in the Town Hall,
Brussels, Friday evening, May 6. Fut-1
ler particulars in advt.
Dow'T miss the recital, "Jena Val- 1
jean," Friday evening of this week in
the Methodist church, at 8 o'clook, by
Rev. J. F. Knight, B. D. Pulpit and
press commend it very highly. Musi-
cal numbers will also be added.
Iv the changeable weather of Spring
brings on that asthma again, or the old
rheumatic trouble, relief lies at your
doer,—RAZ•MAH is guaranteed for
asthma, Templeton's Rheumatic Cap-
sules never fail. Both sold by Jas Fox.
TELEPHONIC.—A number of lines havel
been off duty while the necessary chang-
es and improvements are being made.
Subscribers will note that line 6o has
been changed to 82 and 61 line to 83.
New 'phone has been installed at the
Anderson Bros. farm, Brussels, and is
No. 74x.
Tbursday afternoon of this week, 28th
inst., the distribution of Brussels Horti-
cultural Society will be made at the
Public Library basement. Will all In-
terested be on hand to secure their allot-
ment and thereby get the advantage of
early planting and :aid those who have
work in band. Don't forget,
elsewhere in this issue it will be seen
that Miss Jnneve Taylor, formerly of
Brussels, who has been teaching at
Rosetown, Sask., for some time, was
united is the bonds of matrimony on
Saturday, 16th itis[„ to Norman D.
Munro of the same place. Ceremony
ormby ed Rev, .G, W.
Andrew s manse Moosejaw. 01d
at St.A
of the bride hero will be a unit in
wishing them a long, happy and pros-
perous married life,
SATURDAY, last Emmerson Dennis, of
• nd called on
in C
reeswatar, was town d
Tug Pose', and left an advt. that should
by over
He and his
everybody. be read y
brother, •E B. have purchased the
'I'eeswater foundry and machine shop
and are hoping to run it with the vim
that brings both gold and glory, They
are sons of 5I. aid Mrs, Dennis, Mo-
IKillop, and are praetfoal tradesmen of
wide experience in the West. Emmer•
soh was a student at Brussels school
some years ago and remembers the days
now long gone by. We wish' Messrs,
Dennis success in their business Yen.
REGULAR meeting of the local W. C.
T. U. will be held Friday afternoon, a•
3 o'clock. in the audience room of the
Pubic Library.
Miss Ida Bailey has tendered her re
sigr:ntion as organist in the Methodist
choir after serving most acceptably and
faithfully for the past 15 years.
The ret half holiday among the business
n town forz[ Will i1 t t be observed
pine sg
Thursday afternoon of next week, May
5th and on the recurring Thursday's
until end of September. It does not
necessarily follow that all these a boll
days will be spent out of town as Tun
PosT has a notion programs of sports
and community or person'il w,'rk tnigbt
well fill in on frequent occasions to the
profit of rll concerned.
Jsaer VAL JEAN.— This wonderful in-
teresting story wit] be told by Rev. J.
F. Knight. B. D.. Milverton, in the
Methodist church, Brussels, Friday ev-
ening of this week, April 28th,
at 8 o'clock, and the treat should
not be missed. The speaker has scored
a great success in this recital and where -
ever given has been tendered great
praise Tickets 15 Bente, school pupils
from Brussels and surrounding schools
15 cents.
FOR ilALH. — A cow due t0 calve, and a
sow due to farrow May 15th. AOex. DARE,
Lot 14, Con. 10. Grey. Phone 246.
Laws Mowers sharpened and pat In shape
to do good work. Geo. EOWARDS.
CAR of Fertilizer to hand. Price $80.00 per
ton. ALF. BAR Reset.
CRmn's White Enamel Crib for sale. Ask
at Tin P081.
Pepe WANTitn.-8 or 10 Chunks snitable for
slaughter house. BARxen BROS.
10111205 CALF 2 months old, for Fade. Off ex-
tra good milkingetraln, .7 P. MOINToen,
Phone 050 Lot 21, Con. 12, Gray.
WnaN you're going home take a City Dairy
lee Gleam brink with you from W. A. Gnaw-
FOR SALa,—A Rubber hire Boggy almost
naw; a gnantit of Oats at for creed • and a
quantity of Alam and O. M0NAI Dutch, CioPhono 4811.
QUANTITY of Alsike Seed for sale.
Phone 1228 451. Line, Morrie.
YOUNG Angus bull for sale, fit for service,
Phone 428. M. L. CA50522. Grey
R. R. 2, Brussels,
Eons FOR HATOnING,—Martin's exhibition
Regal Dorcas White Wyandotte etrsin. Eggs
6 °mite epistle. Akio
R elm Dugls eggs,
48.2 Phone 420, R. R. 2, `Brussels,
Braman tire buggy, with. auto Beat for Bale.
Good repair. Also a new corn cultivator at.
low price. Phone 87. B. CAsTaa,
CATTLH Fns 8612:-4 Weave rising 2 years,
8 heifers rising 2 years and a tSrrew now.
120. P1808RR,
Phone 6914 Lot 18, Con. 11, Grey.
WIYr11 Rrosso0 clover seed for Sale. Mara
good quality. Phone 4210. GKc1oa .BLAKE.
•Doone eggs for hatching, Phone 2112.
SHORT Horn bull calves for sale 7 and 11
months raesdo
i vvel Ona from an imported
sire. Priced to se 1. Lot 80,Con,8 Morrie
township. Phone 106 30112 aara
005835221E property tor gale in Brussels can.
Latin o a large tore and comfortable dwell. a f 9
g g
ing hooses Bargain for quick sale a 1 am ere
apply to R Winnipeg. For further particularB
apply to R.7,11ATaannALn, Phone 87
Fon Satan.—The reeldenee of J. T. Wood,
a ct Brut
eels. All modern convene
Albert tee
garage - OIII of land •most 1eligiblysf ed
and see it If interested,
garage. Cwne a v a
Da, P65552, Osteopathle PhyBlclan, visite
Brussels Monday afternoon of each week,
Chronlo and nervone dieeasee Bnceea0tully
trioted, Visits reaidenaee. Conanitetion at
Queen's Hetet,
REIMMANmemlv8 WANTnn for Brnesele and
Heron 0°anty to represent "Tho Old Relleble
Fonthill Nuroertee,' Big saxes are to he made
in tolling Nnreery stook during the reeon-
etruotlan period, A Splendid opportunity for
a'Ivo salesmen. Highest commissions paid,
handsome, free equipment, large 1100 of fruit
and or55mentel stook to oiler, STONE: &
W5LL0NOT0N, 10ronl0,Ont,
A CAA of potatoes seas Shipped tilie
week by the Farmers' Club,
miscellauecps "Shower," OU the
program WetlpeSday evening, the recip
lent being Miss Ida Bailey, well known
in Brussels, It's a forotuuuer.
A good job was done at street cleaning
this week, If business people would
burn their refuse paper and other litter
iusteati of allowing it to dr on the read,
way the [lily appoaranue might be re-
As will be sees by his new edvt. Geo,
E Weller, baidware merchant, in the
Gerry 8,t Walker stand, is adding a tin-
smitbing,r eavetrooilbiug and furnace
work to his business and will be ready'
to atlend8"o your Calls..,
tfsos the Aucliou Sale at R. Leather-
eatherdale's for Saluiday afternoon of next
week in mind List .of Sale may he
retain this i,.sue, Mr. Le itherdnle will
alae sell his houses and any prospective
purchasers wishing' to see them before
t e sale are asked to see bim before date
?3,ltt Monday evening, In theMetho.
dist church, Rev. George Darby, of
British Columbia, will tell the story of
his work among the Indians on the'Paci-
fic Coast. He is supported by the Ep-
worth Leagues anti Sunday Schools of
Wingham District. A large congrega-
tion should greet him,
The item published concerning ap-
pointment of Rev. George Jewitt, of
Wyoming, to the post of Superintend-
ent of Religious Education in the 1st
Methodist church, London, was incor-
rect as It wa(his son, Rev, E, W., who
will be ordained at tbe coming -London
Conference In June, who will fill the re-
sponsible position.
Foor BALL TRAM —A Concert and
Dance will be given in' the 'Town Hall,
Brussels, next Monday evening. Wing"
ham 5 piece orchestra will supply the
music, Program:—F. Hanmore, Bari-
tone soloist ; Miss McDonald, Elocu-
tionist Mrs. R. S. Williams, Soprano ;
A. M. Forbes, tenor ; jack Earnest,
Hiawaaian selections, Also humorous
entertainment by "'rhe foolish 4 " See
bills for further particulars.
HE KNEc Firs WORx.-Mr..Braddon,
of London, was here last week for a
couple of days and gave a most practic-
al demonstration at the Ford Garage
tbe work of the tractor. It was in-
teresting, educational anri veru practi-
cal. The visitor is thoroughly conver-
sant with the Fordson and knows how
to explain its use tied method of proper
handling in its entirety. This Is a phase
of work that will develop no doubt.
I. O. O. F. A7• HOME,—Despite heavy
rain Thursday evening of las' week
about zoo attended the At Home held is
the I. O. O. F, Hall. Games were put
on for an hour followed by an interest-
ing program. Those taking part were
Misses Stracban, Walker and Hoover
and J. G Jones in musical numbers,
B. S. Scott and Inspector Feld in short
addresses F S Scott was chairman.
Joo. Oliver's phonograph contributed a
number of selections. A tasty lunch
was served at the close, W. A, Grewar
being the caterer.
A ineetiugwill be held in the Town
Ha'•1, Clinton. Wednesday, May 4111, at
2 p. m for the purpose of organizing an
Educational Association for County of
Huron. There are now over 7n such
Associations in the Province affiliated
with the Ontario School Trustees' and
Ratensyers' Association. The meeting
is not for the purpose of advancing any
particular scheme in the administration
of our schoois but rather to provide the
means whereby the people can come to-
gether to study our educational prob.
lems and to suggest a remedy. Meet
ing is fn* 'eluates, ratepavers, teachers.
paren's and all (needs of education 1t.
Segsworth, Field Secretary of Associa-
tion, will be on hand to explain the
work carried on by the Provincial As-
sociation and assist in organ zing a
Broa 1 Educational Association tor the
County of Huron.
$I People We Talk About 1
tt 21
T. T Wond was home over Sunday.
Geo Backer is holidaying in McKil-
Edgar Lowry, Lslowel, is erjoying a
holiday with relatives and old friends in
Miss Marion Forrest is home from
Kincardine where she spent several
Fred. and Mrs Mee and Master Bob,
of Stratford, are visitors with Walter
and Mrs. W ilhee.
S. Bailey was under the doctor's care
for a few dans but is improving nicely
now we are pleased to state.
Mrs. A. Hunter end Mies Myrtle are
back from an extended stay with Dr
and Mrs. Moore, of Listowel.
Mrs. Marsden Smith aid Miss Martha
arrived home from Toronto last week
after an enjoyable visit of a mouth.
Harry Atuent was home for a few
days before commencing his exams.
next Monday at the College of Pharm-
acy, Toronto. We hope he will do
Mrs. R. W. Jewitt and daughter of
Kincaid, Sask., were here on a visit with
relatives. The former is a daughTer-io-
)eposit Your Coupons
WHEN you cut the coupons from your Victory Bonds
or other securities, the logical place to put thein is
into your savings account.
At any branch of this Bank, You can open a eavinge account with your
coupons, or we will yeah them for, you without making any charge,
Let the intereat from your investment cam more interest in the
Brussels Branch; - G. H. Samis, Manager,
Miss Boyd, Lakelet, is in town .for,
a while, .
Will. Ameot is on a business trip to
Montreal this week.
Miss Vila Bowman, Toronto, spent
the week end here.
Mrs, Roy Pryne and daughter, 'Tor-
onto, are here for a visit at R, Leather -
dale's, the former's father,
W, H. and Mrs. Merklinger, of Han-
over, were visitors at the home of N. F, -
and Mrs. Gerry, King street.
Miss Mildred Maunders has taken an
office position at the Cunningham gar-
age and Miss Irene Wilkinson bas ac-
cepted a situation with S. Carter.
We are pleased to state that George
Baeker and Ella Farrow, who were
operated ou for appendicitis a few weeks
ago, are able to be about once more.
On a recent date Miss Bessie Watson,
who bas changed her position from
Brussels Central Telephone office to R.
Tbo,mson's Produce Emporium, was
presented by the 'Telephone staff with a
leather purse and crescent pin. The
address was read by Mf0s Hilda Pawson.
Light refreshments and candy were
served after Miss Watson bad expressed
thanks for the kindly gifts, Miss Cassie
Thomson has succeeded Miss Watson at
the Hello Central.
in the Supreme Court of On-
tarlo,-ln the mattor of David Thom•
son, a person through Mental In.
flrrnity, ineapablo of managing his
Pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court
of Ontario, bearing date the Eleventh day of
M troy,0.1921, made le the above matter,
there will
be offered for sale by Public Anc-
tion on the prandiae, Lot Number Sixteen, in
nthe Seyorid Ooncesefon of the Township of
Grey, by D. M [bolt, Au D.
1521,er, on Friday.
the 20th day of April,A. D. 1021, at the hour oil
2 o'clock p; in., the es, 1 cow,
goads and okat-
tele ;-1 tomo -of horses, 1 sew, 1 heifer, 1 set of
bob-elelghc, 1 lumber wagon, 1 buggy, 1 Gutter,
1 hay rtes, 1 eat of double harness, tjet light
hnrneee, 1 kitchen stove. end sand other
household furniture,* .Terme of Sale- 11 come
of Ten Dollars and under oath ; 010,' that
amount sixty days, secured by approved joint
notes. Further partisuiare may be obtained
on appllcntion to the undersigned
Solieitoe for Committee. Committee.
D. M. Scott. Auctioneer,
Dated this 21st day of April, A. D.1021.
SEALED TENDERS,addressed to the Post-
master General, will be received at Ottawa
AMENT.—In Brussels on April 28rd. 1921, to
Mr. and Mrs: Scott Ament, a -daughter—
Dorothy Agnea.
Mumma —At Jamestown, on April 18t1t221,
to Mr. and Mra. J. M. Miller, a daughter.
SCOTT —In Brussels, on April 24th, 1941, to Mr.
and Mrs. Walter 15. Scott, a son—Walter
MUNRo—TAYLOR — At St. Andrew's Manse,
Mo08ejaw, Sask., by Rev.G, W. Wilson, on
April 10111, 1021, Mr. Norman D, Munro, of
Rosetown,Sask.,.56 Miss Junevo Taylor,
formed)� yy of Brussels, Out.
SELLERS— the Methodist Person-
age, Brussels, by Rev. W E Stafford; B A.,
on April 20th, 1021, Mr. Riaherd :Harold
Sellers, of Morris township, to Mies Hilda',
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, of
Grey township.
BHLL—In loving memory o1 Mr9. John R.
Bell, who died April 80th, 1919.
We mise you a thousand times, dear mother,
Along ttfe's weary way ;
We yearn for thy true end gentle heart,
We long your bright smile to see,
The Lord bath called away,
'Twos then our deepest sorrow fell
Two yeare ago to -day.
Auction Sales
TUete, MASH, RIGS, An. D. M. SOott,
Auctioneer, has received inatroctlone from the
enderelgncd to Bell by Public Auction at his
home, corner Turnberry and William streets,
Brnesele. on Saturday, May 7th, atl 80 o'clnek,
sharp, the following property :-5 pinna wal-
nut parlor mite, tapestry, 8 fancy walnut
chairs, silk tapestry, 1 large stuffed over spring
stet leather chair, 1 large mahogeny frame
leather chair, 2 parlor rockers, 1 mahogany
music rnhinet, 1 goarter.eut oak parlor table,
1 electric floor lan>p, mahogany. 2 Plano atoolo,
6 oil paintings, 1 parlor hanging lamp, 1 (reel
mahogany) marble top table, 1 conch, rink
frame, rag cover • 1 [sideboard, genrtor out
oak, 11ame extension table, quarter cut oak,
1 mall extension table, 8 quarter cut oak din-
ing room choir., leather canto, 8 oak chairs and
1 arm °hair, l hall reek (walnut), 4 upholstered
chairs, 1 walnut combination boolesaoe and
writing Beek, 1 roll top desk, (home size)
quarter cut oak, 8 rosea of stuffed blydo on
walnut stands, 1 net book shelves, 8 piece bed-
room suite, (large mirror), 2 piece bedroom
Brite (large mirror), 2 iron beds, Bmattresses,
1 hair mattrese, 1 marshal sanitary =Waist,
1 eombinatiou spring and mattress, 4 woven
wire bed epringe, 1 camp cot, 1 chest of draw -
ere. 2 large wardrobes, 2 bedroov, rockers. 1
bedroom commode, 1 pair pillows, 8 white
toilet sets, 2 colored toilet sets. 1 Singer sew-
ing manirhno,1 electric carpet Glenner, 1 carpet
Sweeper, 2 Bingle weshatnnde, 1 kitchen cup-
board, 1 refrigerator, 1 kitchen ranee, 2 kit.
oheu sinks, 1 wsehing machine, 1 wringer and
board, 2 tube, 1 copper boiler, 1 8 burner coal
oil stove with oven,1 coal oil heater, 1 O'Cedar
mop, number of pictures andframes, number
of fanny-broekete, 8 hanging mirrors,1 baby
cutter, 1 baby high °hair 2 eight day clocks,
1 plant Mend, a number of plants, 1 parlor
carting bard and dieea, 1 parlor tennis vet,
1 lawn croquet sat, a number of carpets—Bre'-
eels, wool and union, linoleum and all sloth,
1 rocking horse. a number of verandah (heirs.
1 lawn ewing 8 hammock rooks, 1 lawn mower,
2 hedge elipbere,1 man arose -cut NSw, 1 hand
sleigh, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 light hohelelgh, 1
horse end harness, 1 baggy, 1 scythe, 4 chicken
coops, 20. patent hen neet0, a number of small
tables mid atande, a number of student 18 elms),
kitchen dishes, l Net house scales, n quantity of
wood quantityof wire netting,lonrtain1
kitchetheirs, buggy rugo,garden tools
boon fur emit, f emote bread pan and lido 1
Peerless steam cooker, 0 Irons, 1 ohnr000l iron,
1 set quilting and curtain frames, Ironing
hoard end s hoot of other artiolee. The ren!
law of Mrs. Wm. Jewitt, Mill street, Witte will also be offered if not previously db.
Brnssels. posed of. Salo without reserve as the praprl•
etor iv moving to Winnipeg. 1'e ma,—All
same of 810 and ander gash ; over that amount
5moumonthnl0s, credit given on furnishing Approved
Joint Notes. 4 per cont off for cash on credit
• R. LRATBERDALE, Proprietor,
Last Saturday Mrs. George and Mrs.
John Jackson, who have been sojourn-
ing in California for the Winter, ar-
rived back to town. They left San
Bernardino Tuesday at II a m.
Miss Annie Ross is wetting in Galt
with Harry and Mrs. Quetin aud Miss
E. Inman, I. C. anti Mrs. Richards,
Hamilton and Charles Rtebarde, Toron-
to, also spent Sunday In Galt—a reunion
of former l3russelites,
Last Tuesday morning F. H. G,lroy
loft town for Petrolia where be has
sumad the tadnegement ofthe Bank of
Nova Smut. Mrs Gilroy and Barring-
ton will follow this week, They leave
manywarm friends in Brussels and
THE PosT congratulates Mies Mae
Skelton on completing her Normal
School rt i laments. ricin On file
S writing g
subject atm red last year at Stratford
with satisfactory results She is teach-
ing the Anderson school, 3rd line Mor•
rio township,
Mrs. (Rev.) Parr. of Harmony, nee
Mies Ena Jewitt, who bas been at the
London hospital for weeks, was able to
go to the home of her parents, .Rev.'
George and Mrs. Jewitt, Wyoming,
Ont., last week. Old friends in Brus-
sels and vicinity wish her speedy con-
until noon, on Friday, the 8rd day of -June,:
1021, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Malls
on a proposed Contract for four years, six
times per week, over Walton No. 8 Rural Mail
Route, fro>o the let of Oetober next.
Printed nottceo conlltaining. further informs'
Mon as to conditlone of proposed Contract may
be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob-
trained at the Post Offices of Walton, Brussels,
Blyth and at the office of the Post Office 'In-
' Poet Office Inspector's Offiae, London, 22nd
April, 1921,
CHAS. E. H. mean,
44.8 Poet Office Inspector.
mattor oftho estate of Henry Jack.
eon, late of the Township of Morrie,
in the County of Huron, Gentleman,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121 section
66," that all creditors and othere having claims
M alnet the eaiate of the said Henry 'Tualatin ,
who died on or about the 1.2t11 day of April, A,
1),1021, are required on or before the 14th day
of. May, A. D. 1821, to send by poet prepaid Or
deliver to Mr. J. H. Fear, Blyth P. 0., one of
the executors of the last will and testament of
the decesaod, their Christian and surname8,
addresses and descriptions, the full partloulers
of their olaim, the statement of their norounts
and the nature of the securities (if any) held
by them.
And further take notice that after such last
tneationetl date the Exeentora will proceed to
distribute the meets of the deceased amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claim of which they shall have
notice, end the Bald Exeentora will not be
llnble for tho said assets or any part thereof to
any person or person0, of whose claim notice
shall not have been received by-tlieu> at the
time of such distribution.
Dated this w1ttiL yINr LAIR . D. 1921.
Sollnitnr for Menne Jackson, J.11. Fear and
R. T. McDonald, Executors of the deceseed.
mattor ofthe estate of Rachel San-
ders, late of the Village of Ethel,
In the County of Huron, Widow,
Notice to hereby given pursuant to "The Re.
lilted Statutes of Onterla,' that all aredito,s
andothers baying claims a 6•moat the estate of
the said Rachel Senders, whodied on or about
the Ninth day of Febrm,ry, A. D. 1021, are
required on or before the 14th day of May,
A. D. 1921 to eend by. poet, repaid, or deliver
to Lucy ED Me Sanders, Ethel P. 0„ one of the
Executors of the last Will and Testament of
deceased, choir Ohrietlan and surname.•,, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the 001 particulars of
their claims, the staten>ent of their accounts
and the nature of the securities (if any) held
by them,
And further take notice that after -suchlast
mentioned date the Bald Executors will
wooded to distribute the Besets of the (I mewled
among the parties entitled thereto, haying re-
gard only to the eIni>n0 or which they ehall
then have notice, and the said Executors will
not be liable for the geld assets or any part
thereof to any porton or persons of whose
claim notice ehall not have been received by
them et the time of molt distribution.
Dated this 28rd day of April, A D. 1021.
44.8 W. NL SIMS. AIIt,
Solicitor for r.uey Ettle Sanders and Carie
Love, the Exeentora of the deceased.
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc-
Cormick Medical College, Chiang°, Ill. Three
menthe poet graduate ronr00 during poet year.
Epee eorreotiy fitted with Ottawas. Head-
aches, Inflamed Eyee, Granulated Eye Lide
and outer Eye troubles, noosed by Eyestrain,
relieved through properly fitted Gloms,
Satlofaot(on Assured.
OptlMM. Parlor in Leckie bleak, ' one door
South o6Barrtstor Sinolsir's office.
Office hours 0 to 12 a, m. ; 1 to 0 p.10 Aleo
Wednesday an:d Saturday evenings,
Phone 28x ring 4
4, ......•••••••••44••.••.•44 41•[••••••••4•••444•••••4.44
Z ofWillis' it's
1.Wl 9 Bread an t
1 f mighty good Bread, madam,
♦ ' �. g Y
• -rl' + ;: It's so 1[glis, it's no trouble
s F ml% at all to carr a bigloaf of
ii (ifft+ °; our bread. Baked fresh
_twice daily. { , Place
der � u9 for your bread,
-� vi
• �� W. E. WILLIS
="e Palace Bakery
Here's Your
Fox's rug Store
Weekly Store News
lime Made
have y 0 u
A l tv a y s
1 Fresh'
' 85c pkge,
Always good
stook on
Npra ids
In great variety
05 Gobi's,
Makes :If
ou each bottle,
BOo a bottle
It hill soon be
4he 805580 1 'for
you ever usedAnu
She1iea1 Giveslook
sults, Itaey to
ap ly, Y o n
will be wail re•
paid for using it,
0 .- This part of our business is now going at full awing but we still
ehave a splendid stock front which to choose, In view of the greatly m2
increased price of Paper this year our last year's Paper is a real boon. 8
We stili have some splendid values at 15e and Ile but they are being•
bpicked up fast and cannot 'be replaced. These Papers should prove et
® attractive at prices quoted, •
m •
0 •
i Penslar Cod Liver. Extract
Wall Paper
a It's wonderful the gonatanlly increasing demand we have for
8 [iiia splendid Tonic and Builder. But <its not to be wondered •
8 at either because of the general satisfaction it gives. We re •
s commend it to all who are in need of a Builder and fully guar- •
0 •
a1101100 it. •
a •
50c and. $1.00 per bottle ••
31 •
4s •
g •
i>atiata••(s4kabo®fsooe®ie•i9a•o®tl t8®(iQ.•••Q••Q•Qtl•QQ•Q•t•NtR
fa "Careful Prescription Dispensers"
Ho0HY.-In Gerrie, on April 17th, 1921, Mary
Booey, relict of the late Janet Hooey, in
her 78rd year.
Moses.—In Meltlllop township, on April 20th,
10.11, Annie Elizabeth Heytor, beloved wife
of James Mose, aged 47 yearn, 1 month and
25 days.
FallOpts. -.-.. 1.0
'yhoot ......:........1........,..., 50
Pane 1 76 1 76
Borley 98 80
8l 81
......- 11 00 11 6'9
Bay. ........ ._.,......._.... 18 00 20 00
it 80
"His Master's Voice"
I am the only representative for 13rn98018 and community of the above
celebrated Victrolas and also the
Gerhard-Heintzman Machine
Gold Medalists.
Canada. The
Nothing better in C are a They
The Victor people did 85 per cent of the trade last year.
Call anti see our goods and hear the'Records.
Lady representative to wait on you.
P110110 87 and 82
Second band Piaoo in
Dip IIIirllilt' 7183t• "i.'in•:
Gat field Block Brussels.
good condition for sale. See it.
D Ni
;1 t '7 lip. ".
•••4•••44•••••4.4••41••••• .it•••4••.•,t.••••1i•• ••
. SeeingSee What
ds Hence You are
Believing Getting
This is Accomplished with our New Gasoline Pump
Cunningham's Garage;
Servide Station
Gray -Dort
Repairs On 2s
All Makes of Cars
In order to got the Miles out of Gasoline
First Get the Gallon.
41444444+•+414•••+ 91/44444444/NM144444*444444A