HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-28, Page 54
GeNiesem 00702Vare
WM . SPE111 OE
Once In the Post 014cc,1ip00.4
onoeneegro gradausatne_ .the On'tarto Veterluel7
Far kiezhoid; night Emile. Moe oppomits
Atvi as !VP PADZEA111
Agent Wok %tool Fire lumen Company
Phone 434 'Turnberry 131reet, Brussels.
tsucoestior to John Harris, Walton,
T. T. Air AAE
0. HL, Village or arassell
Pkrsician, SI/reedit, Accouchear
clues et residence, opposite Moly Me Church,
. street.
Burrietere, 8a.altors, Notaries Pubtle,
OfRoe ou the ScputrIt't.itauer from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates,
W. P8olnin'002. J. L. KiILjtti
J, D. Cooks ,
g__BAVING the Ageney for the Ale.
Comnick and Dem lug Int ple-
*mesas I will give elosest
prices in anything needed in Farm Im-
plements' oe Tractors. Call itt and
give your order in U. F. 0, style and
you will save Morley. I will .giutran-
* tee you againsl any reduction 11prices
until implement is toted, and by order-
ing now you will save any ad entree irr
price which is likely to take plain.
Have It few Implement s on band
which will be sold to. old prices.
Master Key
ntrita many prisons th, soop.,
I urea very dry and
est iiig ts.itbt,g, ttt 11
V00,V 0101V1, • 1„,g.1.11. 1'1 1110101,,
siandiog and Esuifuses untoy by
the differ 0111 i10' 1 p) ations,
minding tiE the detioluitou 4111,
tt rested. Like par' ti„In imam+
11, all n.e it their ono pal
way when itt eality
in only one lit1 GUT o tty, 1 he
Er ty 1 he M sst er had in tni td.
'11111 Author ,.f "11te 11„.; ye
14. .17,'like OIL/ 0 01. d00,01, 1.1 klitW.
I It an int.pited d root
makes Seripture !atilt rea s., plain
nod intereating 1 hat got IL', I like
finishing it before you lay it
Get it in the Public library
, .,.,.
Y unto tt, Ohatluti tito, Torvnto
Is well known through o tilt
Ortna,C1Q. foe highegrade
g1, ,Alt!!":TIVIVII4:a.:1,'"AVVV:
/ f:ZYfittl:":,,4ATI.,'.'4.1/1)1Vr.,1111Wiiitt1 10.
.• Mr, J. ELL/OTT, PHIN 0.11.A1.. p:
ilzVeiN SesiSsw MO% tr-VevsyszaSsWinxri211.1A ,
g anti ebas 4tems
JUN VAL JEAN Friday,' eveuing, sett]
• 601/100111 A11.0 10 ARREARS. -,T110
$1411 LOLIIL Llulk WIII 1.10 asksd .tu twat
with LOU sanscribers mat usve 14011 Puwe„
1.01 pea 5 years anti 11(10 110 notice ut 1110
etnnalort, soot 111011. Nf$,e have tried tu
avoid 010 nu:erring of costs but we
think tun end leir uutire tins been given
Wein. May 15141 10 net as the 111101, ,
Owners Should be Careful,
Farmers who bring cattle into the
10011 fur shipping purposes and also de-
livery drivers are fast gaining disfavor
with the residents for allowing the
bovines ;mil delivery rigs to get unto
the boulevards. At thsi Hine of year
the earth is very soft and they leave
ugly marks on the surface which will
Like tittle to efface.
Act Will Be Enforced.
There is tu be no 'weakening of the
Adoloslent Act, which requires that aft-
er September 1, next chlairen shall be
kept at 'school until they are 16 years
old according to announcements by Hon
Mr. Ui.t,t , minister uf education. "But
we will be reasonable and enforce it
graduaky," intithated Mr, Grant "Child
ren whu are 15 years ut age mid who
has e been working tut' a year will not
be lurced back to school. We expect
the people of the province will cu -op -
Rube Horning Married.
A quiet but pretty wedding was sole-
mnized at Galt un Wednesday March 23,
when Miss Louise Nickel, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Nickel Listowel
was united in marriage with Mr. R
Horning of Palmerston. After the cere
many Mr. and Mrs. Horning left for Tor
unto and other points on It short wed-
ding trip, Un their return they will re-
side in Palmerston where thj groom has
an excellent position with the G. 1'. R.
and is secretary treasurer uf the north
Welliligton baseball League.
Surcharge In Effect,
A surcharge of 7 per cent coin-
encing to -day will be made on all rail-
road tickets from 'Canadian to Ameri-
can points It was officially announced
to -day, to cover the exchange rate be-
tWeen the two cuuntries. The decision
to make such a surcharge was made
some months ago and it was originally
expected 11111( 41 would go Otto effect on
on Marcht 5, The charge is based upon
the exchange rate and constitutes ap-
proxiniately one-half of the New York
draft rate. A new rate will become
effective on April 1 and it will be
changed every 15 days thereafter,
Reduce Allowances.
A reluction in the wages to be paid
to the returning officers, deputy return
ing officers and poll clerks, who will
work in the coming referendum on the
emperance question on April 113, has
been made by the Dominion Govern-
ment, through an order -in -council is-
sued by the Cabinet. The notice calite
from the auditor general's department
d noticed Min that the tariff of fees
been reduced from the former tariff
pelt provided the payment' uf $4, per
1 to the returning officer, $8 per
+++++++++44++++++4,4,414..+14.414 poi
IJohn Oliver
4, Mai
BRUSSE 1,8 4, NI
• + day to the D. R. C. and $5 per diem for
the pull clerk Under the new tariff the
returning officer is to receive only $2
per poll, the deputy returning officer
S7 per day and the poll clerks $4 per
AGENCY day, 1 be payment Mr pulling booths re -
ns at $10.
.1,,seph A :vies left for London
ha* taken over the Deering Art- I. 1,,,,t
'4 0. A inky 11E1E1s .E very ItioriEl-
poeit ion tont they will 1 wddi.
mut 1.
it) I' Johnston met with a pairtful
dem, While handling 1 volt, 1111'
atilt oi enek hint in he face, badly
ion' it, and also In eke his nose,
4, ency and handles a full nee of 1._ in f
* Farm Ituplements including the T ci
+ noted .1. Ar(11
4' : 1111111
1, U. C. Cream Separators* -"
t The only Oreatn Separator wit 11 $
W !. two wide open erearn outlet. •-
the '.1• 1 ,
'-'• se 1t1'01011, See it. hI'll ll own, i
no cream aerew in the 'path 01 ..i: lap WOO a:wi
a'... ,
• ilia 1, H, C. 8-18 end 18 -20 Treetops'.11,
• are among the hest.
The Hearing Manure Spreader 4.
With the wide sin Pad and Avry
11 1 tita. or-
Phone 16
,ri of
draft," light in ft,
Parties wanting Slabs
kindly place orders at
once as they will be de -
live •et 1 i • t
I John alivet',
t t
0. 13. nuking:Juts purelmited J, 13,
OlitrIt'd drug store nt lianovee and in
11041 10 1/10111,0104100,
1 101,0 1.101. Ci1,11L .1010011 fL.110W4ng
If for 1921 .1 Pteidtleir 1, W,
Clank, irt'bkIL'tl 1, 14 witu.
zee ; Sen.-'j'reatiree, ,1, (1. dart ;
emitter; (tortoni Dee, above with
Beeket, J,W, Smoot PI'
14101 A. E. Malcolm, °
A number of the ()Metals of (3, 1.1.
wore here and coneitiered the 14 11t'11.
'Coo of fixing up the j»tek groencle at
1111 U. I 11., station. ex-
pressed Is liligilese til put 'kr ountl ill
gund $11114/0,, lay Out plower beds, el c.,
and expend $1000 ur more on the
vs mit, but 11 will be tiecessary for the
town 4,0 leak after keeplog the
;parotids in ehaps,
tree astat -A comfortable brick /nave end
aere let in the Village of Ortuthrong, apply
:11) A0110 1.17.A1 111o1eruort, en the 1001111/1118,
1/1f FOAM= 010AL1110001CITif -
1.'1111 NO01.11 131.014140111, Mak, 1/111A1
of a recent date epettas 110 follows
the bride referred to. being NIS
Lulu MeDonald, lot merly of 001111
1/1.00k, daughter of A. and Alva. He
ihiluitd, now of Kitchener :-Mon•
day evening sleigh loade left Meota
tool eurroundIng eountry homes to
drive up to the huge well built house
occopied by Dave Tait and his bride,
(who was the former school letteher
here, Miss Lula ahtedonald and sistee
of Sirs. Jack Mooney.) So many in-
ters Bred guests turned up to his
1iigul'el}Nrigietk aPtaittlY."tefooLitiaotf tebveenatalihr:
was well filled artd the blazing logs on
the large open fire -place made our
host and hostese' welenzne seem truly
heart warming. Many from the
country were unable at the last
moment to drive out but in spite of
thole absence, about forty well wieh-
era were present to greet the bride
and bridegroom with a lovely r(1se-
wood encased cInck, (biroglit by vnl-
lottery subscriptions collected.) The
most interesting part of the clot.* to
IEe onlookers that Hight %vas its very
inueical (Mimes, sounding the quatt-
PrP, Mae arid the hours with the
sweetest chimes as bear d
ft 0111 A 111111 Ant, eat 'retire!. In the
0,0001100 a OW Rev, A. E. Green-
haIgh, /Iowa) tI Hit ) mon was culled
1110,11 10 tlet AS 1111' giver of the pE 08-
eiat41ion. This he did wit41 his usual
apt 1 ennti ke about happiness and
time, etc , (even giving A small
spontaneous rhyme to pence his
words 1) Then he called upnn J.
Dart to Pay a few words, and Mr.
D let wished the happy couple many
years of prospei ity 10 enjoy their
heautiful home together and spoke of.
Da v e • Tal Cs long act; uain tau ce with
Aleota and district. With games go-
ing on merrily (if a trifle itoisl)) in
1(10111 tont games and cat de in an -
the evening sped on golden
wings and a dainty luncheon was
served later in the evening, the guests
leaving Mr. and Mre. Tait. with every
expression nf good -will,
Suffered Three Years Until Sho Tried
NO Smokin'tlo Spraying -Nu Slid,
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing, stop mucus
gatherings in the br'onchial tnbea, give
long nights qf quiet sleep; contains no
habit-forming drug $1.00 at your drug-
gist's. Trial free at our agencies orwrits
Temple/one, 142 King W„ Toronto.
Loral Agent • Janie, Fox
Pointe St. Pierre, P. Q,
"I think it my duty to tell you how
much your medicine has clone (01 4,00.
suffered for three years with terrible
Eczema. I consulted several doctors
and they did.notdo me any good.
Then, I used one box of Tootha-
Saba' and two boxes of "Fruiteettees'
and. my hands are now clear, The
pain is gone and there bas been no
return. I think it is a marvellous
cure became no other medicine did
iner any good and I tried all the
remedies I over heard of, without
benefit until I used 'Sootha-Salva'
and 'Fruit -a -rives.'
'Fruit-a-tivcs' cooled the blood
and removed the cause of the disease,
and 'Sootha.-Salva' completed the
60e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, One,
Chas. Kesso, Picton, formerly of
Atwood, buried his wife at Listowel
last week.
There died in Mina, April 14th,
Alexander 13, Gordon, in his 49th
W. R. Erskine has purchased a
Foul truck to be used in connection
with his produce business.
Mitt (Rev.) J. F. Sutcliffe went to
the Listowel Memorial Hospital on
Tuesday of last week and underwent
an operation for appendicitis.
The 'house of Mrs. Brandt, 6th 0011.
Blom, on farm known asthe Hunter
feta) was burnt to the ground. Fire
is thnnght to have started from
cbinmey. Furniture was saved.
Woid was received here of the
death of Wm. Dunn, of Rialto, Cali-
fortda, and father of Alte. J. A, Mc.
Bain, of this village, Mr. Dunn lived
here some year s ago.
.441 the Methodist parsonage, Monk -
tort, Wednesday, April 61.11, SVilIiatt
Ruesell Holman, Atwood, was united
111 marriage to Miss Eva Theressa,
daughter of Jno. and Mts, Davidson.
A. number of friends of Miss since
Hammond gathered at close of the
Mission Band meeting 141 the Piesby-
terian Ohurch, to do her honour prior
Make Your Choice
"Delco -Light certainly is a big help
on the farm, Electricity is also much
more cleaner, safer and convenient
than nil lamps." This is what Mrs.
Wm. He.rkelmann, of Elwood, Iowa,
writes. Also "The benefits we derive
from Delco -Light more than pays for
the installation."
Write for Catalog
H. G. Darroch
District Agent, Listowel
" herd's a Satisfied User Near You
for Every
' LI e a great many ways in
%%Weir "kelt }city helps 104 041 1111(1 the
home, thie way whieli 1 think I ap-
..1411. IIS any other Is that
it fin nishe's !towel. It» um a plum, 00
t41 1) we have 0011 00 111111,,v pressure for
use in the home just the saute as We
would itt the elty.
'I'll 0 means running water at the
kitchen sink, hotor cold ; I don't
Itare to go tin 1tl1 t1111 porch even, for
ware/ ler kitchen use or for laninley-
and b ithronni -you 'wouldn't
know mall you had tried beth ways,
how mut+ satiefaction and protection
Grit batinnont and indoor toilet is.
And the eleetrie 11
g1 t
.s. We have
$0111,'I 114115 over thirty alunit one
lione, porches, barnyard and the
11,11/8 111141 The make an
ahmulanee cf ,l ''1 vie light wherever
110 (Itotit it jdst by turning a switch
het e and Drove. We have hail con-
eiderahle experieure with coal oil and
gas lights, but Ude le the only loftily
84t y Ititni of light for the
home we .11A00 00/10 }Md.
1 Vs the only thing we had that
didn't tette a lot of clenning or eaten..
Hon or tete kind Or another, If the
attention wesn't given with the sys-
tem, we tr-ed to hove 0100 WE1 (013)4
1/ 011,40 L0401 1 get our coal MI
Imits. In , •s a f.ta der
Tner• , 0 itt'.. elort liglit nut
het it on t he tunnelled Introit where we
ke Lo la of an evening hi Ile warn)
Bros II,
weather, just outside is a big fl•,wer
bed with a fountain, part of our water.
system, and with it playing and good
elentric light all mound 00 we certain-
ly feel peen y well contented.
We have the. two.way switches
wherever they are needed, we can
hum the lights on 114.111 Off on a bleb
post in the barnyard and 01 the barn,
either from the house or t lie bare.
Our eleettielty ie furnished by a
small individnal plant that sve have
installed 111 000 svash house. Our
twelve.year-old grandson tekes care
0( 441. 11 1'. a gas engine and electric
generator both together AO they run
without any bell% 0011 there is at
glass jar etorage battery, The plant
111 self-starthig and is isir•-cooled,
They stall it. !tinning omie or t wire a
week and it runs till the battery is
full, then it stone itself, It will burn
either gasoline or kerosene as fuel so
that we get electr icity at 0 very low
cost. .
No, the plant itself didn't cost so
very 11141111 considering what it gives
ns, and elentrieity 14 eneh a eturven-
letree that you elm ()Vora to pay a
gloat deal for the sake of getting it, if
you have to I didn't 111 1404. until we
5.,1 it J41,1 41 .14 'math it ‘Vallid
1,, ,y 1)1. eon,f.•1 that ('4ectt lefty
has 111 truglo or home, nor how
1111)111 it telieves me from the hard
work I used to have to do,
to her leaving Ibis eormireelty. (lifte
Wit 11 0 11101 1114.s 34a)11 1110101 W101 4110..
neat tl • 1111 a elute bag, A !MIAMI], 11
141 Id W. 111, S. life tin tuber slap pie
and 0 puree. '
Miss Peat I Gitiley attereltal the al -
rural Mendelesaihn Moll, Toronto
Man. and alio. I3tttli tig were 11 T,,, -
onto In itttetalitime at the forwent of a
retail VP.
MIA. 41 111, Taylor has rel matte.'
from an ex1 ended visit with ri.i1111.00
in 1 110 W(101 11,01.1 at A01011, 001,
Win, and Mrs, letteklimi,e have CO -
turned home front Itidgen ay 11 het e
they *mein; the 1Vinter with their iron,
Di', Roy Stack house,
J. 0, Bello has put chased the
Moody outrage, Queen 01 1 1.01, along
with part of the lot to the 1 ear of the
A fairly large vote wan pt lit il for
the Referendum In Myth, rut follow., I
No yesNo. No. 1 Pell 53 1:49
No, 2 Poll .18 102
Majority in favor 140.
101 241
Wroxeter Council
Regular. ineetlug of Council held at
Wroxeter, March 18th at 8 o'clock.
Present Conneillors Davey, Davide
and Howe with Iteeve Mingles itt the
tinreictle,s of former meeting lead and
on motion of Dave y and Leckie were
Following fteeoun s Wert' pi eaented ;
H. Patterson, 101111105 Electric
Light plant .... . ,, . .. . . ....$48 00
R. Black, power and rent, Feb. 44 50
Municipal World .......... 3 '30
Motion by Howe and Davey that ac-
counts be paid and 0111(1,4 drawt, for
same. Carr ied,
Moved by Leckie and Davey that
Dog Tags be sold at 25 cents each.
Cal&Ctiteido'n by Leckie and Howe that
Ilueori Go. Chiltiretes Aid Society be
granted $5.00. Carried.
Depinistioil from Wi•tntin'g Institute
and Soo] Is Ourondi tee %idled on
(b'u to Rink covstruction. A fier
discussion, motinn hy Gone,
()tided by Davey, that Council nevem
the deed of Ole let to be list El lin Rink
construction, sante ttt be municipal
propel ty Abell et mph -till and 41111,1
fOt. 001114t ruction 011(1 'manage meti t
to he carried on by committee (sno-
w/sect of 2 from Wnmen's Iustitute
2 from Sport's Committee and Reeve,
oi I adjourned until April 15 or
on call of Reeve.
D. M. McT.S.VISti, Clerk.
Special meeting of Council WAR held
March 21. Present Intvey, Leckie,
Howe and Reeve Douglas.
Auditors' report was received and
adopted on motion of Davey and
Howe, Carried.
Meetiog adjourned.
1), M. MeTAVIRR, Clink.
Regular meeting of Council wss
held April 15 in Council Olta n, I .
Present Leckie, Davey, Pope awl
Howe, with Reeve Dotig late hi the
chair. Minutes of last regular and
special meeting read and adopted oil
motion of Leckie and Davey.
Following arcounts were received :
R. Black, power and tent,
March . ..... .... $ 54 1111
H. H. Patterson, running plant 511 25
Auditors' salary 19:10 12 (10
Treasur'e's salary 1920 .. . 31 50
T, R. Weir, rubber stamp 38
$146 13
On mntinn of Leckie and Pope ac-
counts were passed and orderdrawn
on Treasurer for same. Dart fed.
On motion of Leckie and Howe 13y -
Law to hold Court of Revision as read
three times was passed as read.
Motion by Davey and Pope that
Road Omnmission have signs minted
re ears on street. Carried.
Meeting adjourned until Friday,
May 20 or ou 01411 01 Reeve.
D. M. McTavish, Clerk,
East Wawanosh Council
Couneil met as per adjournment on
April 14th with the members all pres-
ent. After the reading of th., min.
utes of the previous meeting Me. Gil-
lespie objected to that 41(111 11)11 whew -
by the impression WAN given that
$100 00 had been voted in 441111 of the
Memorial hall in 13131 h instead of this
amount being granted for f1111 aide
putpose only of having the names Of
the soldier boys from this intinieipal.
ity who had paid the supreme sacri-
five inseribed oil a tablet 10 this build•
ing. With this change the minutes
%vele then approved on motion of
Stranglian and Gillespie. Fred. Toll
was present, and atated that the Toll
Drain WAR badly in need of repair
Lot 40, Con, 3 and 1111010 at1011(00100
that the settle I e attended to this
season. Reeve and Councillor
Stt'aughan were instronted to attend
10 (111)1 tee. Court of Revision roi the
Sturdy Drain WM (0/1111011 aveording
to notice, No appeals being ireeived
against the (1,8SOSS111011 i0 the by-law in
4111 II!,,J_ of
4, Furs and Hides „
1 *
1 For which the highest I:
market price will be 4'
* -
ii M. Yollick f
,,Phone 2x Brussels +
4. '1'
Persuasion Wed,
7hey,76ok 107orcet
QIIB was so proud
of her first cake,
It was so light so
But her young bro-
thers had an eye on it,
too, and !.
You've simply got to
hide the cakes and
bread when they're
made from Cream of
the West Flour.
Maple Leaf Milling Co.,
Toronto, Winnipeg
Brandon, Halifax
connection therewith was finally read R. Vint, balance of bridge contraet,
and passed. A., Scott was appointed l 882.00; The Sawyer-Alassey Goroad
P11.) Intraster in place of P. Gibbons grader, 8388 621 W. 3. Currie, freight
and 0 (4. Anderson in phtee of Geo, and grease for grader, $18.94. Next
Irwin. The following accounts were meeting of Council will be held on
paid Sutherland, gravelling on May 26th as a Court of Revision on
Cr). 13, 818.00 ; Thos. Bradnoek, the assessment roll and for ordinary
rep. wra,lieut and gravelling on 0011. township business,
2 83.00 ; Time. Bradnock, furnishing
material and rep, Potter's bridge A., PORTERVIELD, Clerk.
$12.0e ; Geo, Pocock, grading, $19 00;
13 by Chicks
Hatching Eggs
011 1111' I3red-tn-lay strain of S. C.
R. I. Reds. They stand up with
the best of them when pttt to the
supreme tests of the Laying Con-
test. • 'Eggs $1.00 per setting.
Chicks 30c each. Book order early
and not be disappointed.
Phone 7x Brussels
Hatching Eg
Barred Rocks
I -year-old 0. A. C. Strain
S. C. White Leghorres
Barron Strain
Let, me supply your needs,
10e above Market Prices.
Now ie the time to get rid of your
Everett Hoover,
Phoue 2514 Brussels R. R. 3
• • )e***0•4•00.4400•3••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Springtime is Kodak Time
See the new line of Kodaks and Brownie
Cameras. Now that the bright Spring days
are here conditions -are right for getting
good pictures.
Kodak as You Go
Right here at this store is your Nret stop.
aye just the Kodak you want for that
naototing trip. Free instructions and a
Monthly Magazine to each purchaser,
April Birthstone - The Diamond
Our stock of Diamond Rings is complete, Prices
vange from $25 00 up, We would like to show you
our special -Natural or Green Gold Shank, with
White Gold Top, Tiffany style, at $100.00,
Lyall and seethe assortment
s.4.4,4.404.4.44.44,4e4. ..... 0••••••••••••••••••••••••
Power Farming
Theee are the days of PROGRESS, and Power on the farm is a
neressity. A Fortlami Tractor means more prosperity for the owner.
Prosperity means increased m oduotiom the saving that oomes
from the use of a machine inetead Of horses1 the release of some druid.
gery for both man and wife.
The Fordson Tractor is eimple in design and eturdily constructed
of the beet known steel. It has the necessary powee to perform every
task an ordinary farmer has to do, and in addition is exceptionally
eeonotnical to operate.
Call at D. 14. Soott's Garage for further particulars,
ass -We have a number of second-hand Fords for sale.
O. M. SCOTT, Brussels