HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-28, Page 4be. firtusseis plot
Yugste Legielatere is sitting at Da;, -
Ai.ttetere f.egislater hart dosed after a
busy ae8810n of 9 weeks.
Tu14 Buy won last week in the battle
between trim and the Bottle.
rt6Eax will be a tariff revision this
year, so the government authorities say,
Peorl,x will pow have to study up
What "short elreuiting" means as it re-
lates to the temperance law,
Kaa the license plate on your car free
from dust and dirt so it may be easily
read and possibly save a fine.
PREMIER Mx1GHAN Will go to Eng-
land to attend the sessions of the Im-
perial Conference. He sails lune 2nd.
A Few people are rushing the season
by au early shearing ofsbeep, The latter
would miss their woolly coat during the
cold spell,
LITTt.E damage is said to be done to
the Niagara peninsula peach trees by the
recent wintry storms, Grapes did not
fare so well in some places.
ENQUIsu lawn bowlers will visit
Canada this Summer. They will play
some games at Stratford probably,
There will be 6 rinks in the party.
PREMIER Masser, New Zealand, en
route to Imperial Conference at London,
Englaud, will come via Canada arriving
at Vctoria, 13. C., Mouday of next week.
Hasin-rON Board of Commerce is
settinga good example to many .another
place 1 y a titlying•tip campaign. Their
motto is 3 fold ;—Cl'eao up, Paint up,
and Plant fl Peers.
BETWEEN the large number of entries
in connection with the Western Foot
Ball Association and the lively interest
manifested in Amateur Base Ball it
looks as if the ordinary fan is going to
have a busy time in rg2t.
JUDGING by the record of the polls is
Ontario on the Referendum the number
of electors who voted "Wet" is not s in
Is, of the population of Ontario. Don't
look much as if the cool beaded Ontario
voters were half as anxious as the "toot-
ers" of the antics.
HURRAH for Canada. One of the
Imperial Press Party who visited this
country last'year complimented the land
I14++ +aa�6 6 aa» +hr
Ontario Dental
Moats In TorOn100
May 24-4-91 1821
Ali Ethical Practitioners Invited,
Bear all about Intelligent Den. r
sal Inspection.
De every Child a Fair Chance
+++.raga»t'+++++a'+++++++++ ++
Referendum Vote in Huron Co,
Following figured show vote of each
municipality, giving a majority for
"Yee" of nearly 11,000 :
No Yee
270 031
944 801
135 695
82 134
10880 284
438 477
169 070
124 6641
343 842
182 848
92 734
203 420
2649 7396
No Yes
691 1075
225 746
101 231
95 355
25 162
149 775
80 580
113 950
170 978
123 862
Goderich Twp.
Tuckersw i th
Uebot ne
Godes ich
Turnbury 89 652
E. Wawanoeh 42 570
W. Wawanosh 127 591
Total 2030 13187
County total 4679 15582
interesting Notes About
Porto Rico
From D. M. Ferguson
D. M. Ferguson, of Stratford, a
former Bruseelite, returned on Satur-
day, April 16th, with Mrs, Ferguson,
and Mies Jean Ferguson, from a
month's trip to Porto Rico, where he
was a gueetof Dr. Leouhardt, a form-
er Perth boy and native of Logan
Mr. Ferguson describes his visit as
most enjoyable, the island, though
small, abounding in the picaureF qUe
and beautiful, even excelling, eaid Mr
Ferguson, the fame enjoyed by Swit-
zerland and the Adrondacka.
The capital, San Juan, is a pictures -
of the Maple : —"Canada, the heir to all ane city, entirely Spanish in arcin-
es, stands on the threshold of herr lecture, the atmosphere being more
ages, European titan American. The
destiny." Let us prove by our citizen- streets are narrow, anti only twenty -
ship that we will be true to our duty. ten feet wide, and only one motor bus
r �r can proceed at a time.
The mainstay of the island is sugar
AN enterprising man named Proctor production, though tobacco is like.
has bought ao acres of land near $imcoe, wine a large industry. Pineapples,
Ont., upon which he will set out a grape fruit, oranges and lemons are
model orchard for the purpose of rais- hens wild, large quantities, malty of
Ing silkworms. This will be a novel Like simlliar countries with enm
branch to many and shows how wide genial climate and exuberant vegeta-
and varied the compass of this land is. tion, said Mr, Ferguson, the result
has been a prpelatiou with many very
poor and tt few very rich, The Span-
MrrcHxLL claims the honor of having ish, who for years owned the island,
a lady voter—Mrs. W. B. Wells—who were not good colonizers, taking very
although in her 9ltb year, marked ber touch and giving very little, practiaal-
ly nn educational advantages having
ballot on April r8 for the Yes side. She being afforded the natives.
bas seen many an advance by the tem- The isitted, however, naw' belongs
perance folk during her long lifetime to the United States, and although
dependence, the sober thought o the
and the Liberty Leagues should get country, not biased by politics, does
over their grouch and help us cheer. not favor it. The desire was to
achieve the same position in relation
to the United States that Canada en -
WHAT would you do if an energetic joyed in the Br itieh Lmpire, an indi-
coterie of bandits made a call on you 7 cation as t0 how widespread was the
The reason of this query is so many have ktlowtrdge of Canada's status.
The climate of the iehtnd was wor-
"hindsight" so well developed they derful, the thermometer never being
would capture the gang in such short below 58 degrees or above 90. The
The nails driven are being well clinched there is considerable agitation for iln-
rder there would be no time for police vegetation is exuberant, and the seen-
marvelous. Although the island
oranyhedy else to arrive to lend a band. is email, the road arnund it over which
But really what would your program Mr, Ferguson travelled, took 800
be ? turns, along many precipices,
the expel ience at times not being de-
void of thrills.
Mr. Ferguson, during his visit, had
an inlervlew with Governor Yeager,
and Mr. Mayes of the Government
Depotimental Station, which is doing I
excellent work.
Ie the rural School Sections of Halton
and Wentworth Counties, 78 teachers
are employed and not a man in the
bunch" Many people can remember
when a Indy teacher was the exception
anti taught for a mere pittance. The
male sex do not appear to take to pede-
gocic work and judging by list of Norm.
elites there is no likehood of a radical
PARLIAMENTARY report from Toronto
says "the 600 sessional bonus went
through without a single protest, except
from Dr. Stevenson, Labor member
froth London, who thought more mem-
bers should be present before it was vot-
ed on." It would have looked better to
the electorate if "that beautiful har-
mony" was not so apparent. Guess the
M P. P.'s, Grit, Tory aud U. F, O, are
all tarred with the same stick when it
comes to a grab.
I will have a car of St,
Marys Lime for sale dur-
ing the early part of May.
Leave your order now so
as to secure supp6y.
Geo. Baker,
Phone 529. Cranbrook
Herman Albrecht underwent an
operation for appendicitis at his house,
2nd Con,
Caws. Lawrence has been :unlined
1n In i for some days, owing to blood
Someone entered F. 11. Lynn's Shed
and took an almost new tire off his
car, and judg,ng by aiapeetencee evi-
dently tried to stake a get -way with
car, but Mr;Lynn had fortunately
taken the key out,
Rev, Mr. McCauley, who hue accept.
ed the appointment to Lake charge of
le mission station tit Cochrane, Ont.,
preached his farewell sermon in the
Goderich Baptist Clint eh,
Last December all effort was
launched in couneociuu wrt11 North
street Methodist crmglegittiun t.o
grapple with the DiosIgage and note
debt outstanding, the mortgage
aruountiug to $0,500, aud the note to
81,000, a total of 87,500. A property
fund was created and as it esnit of
the canvass in the latter part cif Dec-
ember about 41,7110 %V OH subscribed
payable tiui'ing we ensuing three
years. In a Statelnent ,just issued by
the committee it is shown that up to
April 7th a total ,i' 82,050 had been
paid off the debt, a payment iS $1,600
on the mortgage nerd interest un the
mortgage anti note 8300 and 800 re-
HATS.—ln the death Thursday,
14th inst., of Mrs. W. T. Bays, a life-
long resident uf the town was called
to her reward, one who, instil quite
recently when infirmity pteveuteti it,
Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia.
Have brought good
health to half -a -million
A healthful, money -saving remedy,
well known for fifteen years, pre-
scribed by doctors,' sold' by drug-
gists, $1,:00 a box. '.Ask our agents
or vette for a free.tyial ackage.•
Temelletoha,142 King W., Torbnte
Local Agent, James Fox
--- 4,
BY agreement among the 4i'`
business people of Bruseeis 'r
the Weekly Half Holiday
will be obeervecl on 4.
during the months of May, June, T.
July, August,aud Septieutber, +
same as hast year.
fPeople are asked to kindly +
arrange their business with Ibis
fact it view.
I F. H. Gilroy, D. O. Roes, 4,
Sec rotary, Chairman, .+t.
' Business Mena' Aseo. 4+
+ 4• .+++++.1.4-444.944.
was always found twice a Sunday 111
her place in Knox church. Deceased
was a daughter of the late Sheriff
Gibbons and was a native of Goderich.
She teas in het 82nd year and , nLil
quite recently was bright and act ipe.
She is survived by 2 sisters, Mrs. Rey-
eywilds, sr., and Mrs, Horton, sr. It is
45 years since her husband, the late
W. T. Hays, died. He was a isrotttin-
ent lawyer and had occupied the
Mayor's chair. He sat iu first Par.
liamentof Ontario and later retired
Lo accept position of Registrar. Wrn.
pasture to fled
Cattle taken by the month for the
souson, Plenty of water and
shade, Arun of_400acres, la'or
further ptrrtienlare apply to the
have a quantity of fleet -class
Timothy Seed for sale,
P. Ament
Phone 10 - BRUSSELS
Torrance Hays, Seattle ; R, S. Hoye,
Seaforth and Hector Hays, Gode-
Boll, are sons of the deceased, and
Miss J. Eleanor Hays, a daughter.
Eldest son from Seattle was not here
for funeral, but R. S. Hays, was up
front Seaforth, and Thos. Bays and
Jos, Hays, Funeral, which was prl•
vale, was held on Saturday afternoon,
interment being ,made in Maitland
House for Sale
The property of the tate Mrs, Procter, stir -
nor of Ales ender and Flora street, Bross - is, in
oftored for sale. Good framebooee and y.f. acre
of land Pooeeselen may bVep had on Ootuber let
1r'or further particulars applWMy THUIEf.T„
Phone 1011 11 R. No. 4, 8rusoete,
Strayed Dog
Strayed on Lot 4. Con, 7, Mullett. on or about
Jan. 8rd, n Collie dog, blank and white. big
white patch around neo*, narrow white .tri
up face, one white ieg, a little tan en him 511
,new lite tip on tail : bas a long sharp nine re-
reetbllng n Seotch Co11ho, Answers to the
name of "Collie. Owner can have him by
proving property and payingq charges.
R. R. 2, Seaforth.
Horses and Bulls for Sale
99••••••edl•illta•e 9141••••••••9D Two roan Rhort Born Bulls Mao two span
• of working horses, mares and geldings, and a
• choice Olydeedele Stallion rising 8 years old,
• weighing 1,680 1bs TB08. KERR, •
• Phone 859 nenfryn P.O.
• Horses for Sale
mD Matched team of gelding., risieg 5years, will
weigh about 2.900 pounds. Sound and in good
• condition. M. L. CARDIFF,
.• Phone 928 R, R 2, Brussels.
1. Special Prices on.
clover & Timothy Seed
Shorts $2 00 •
i Bran 2 10 ® - - --..
Durham cow, calved 8 months ago, to freah-
e Linseed Meal3 75 0 en in December ; Durham cow due April 28 1
Durham cow due May 1 ; Durham bull 3
years old ; General purpose filly rising 2
°• Low Grade Flour 2 75 • yearn' General purpose horse colt rising1
year ; Blood colt rising 1 year, sired by Ike
Royal Household ��. • ewes. e
Medium ; 8 ter ewes ; 7 reRSete O:•
ford Down ewes. wowed exchange colts on
Flour 5 80 o work horse. Reasons for selling rented
• • pasture farm line been sold.
9 Oatmeal per cwt. 3 75 •
• Phouo 4818 Lot 14, Con. 18, Grey' Twp.
Farm to Rent
• One of tate best pasture farms in Grey, to
rent, 180 acres Spring water and cedar Raise.
• Also a Flood agricultural horse rising 9 for
Phone 43 • sale, a show horse, •rlght every way, works
• well single or do¢bIDAVID MPrice
Stock For Sale
W. J. McCracken
Officers of Atwood Epworth League
for another year are t --L6, 0, Coghlin,
President; F. Lierech, IJ. Turnbull,
Lizzie Lucas and W. J', Wilson, Vice -
.Presidents ; Geo. and Annie Hume,
Stieretaries and Lorne Lucas, Treasur- 1
Mrs. (Rev.) F. Meyer, Zurich, was a
recent guest at the home of 3. and
Mrs, Sheol.
Junior Leagne will hold an open
evening, Friday, April 29t11, when
juvenile pregrarn will be given.
Mm. G, Greer has not been enjoy-
ing her usual good health of sate, but
hope to soon hear of her complete re-
Mre. R. J. Inkster, Blind River, left
for her home after a few weeks' visit
with relatives and friends in and
amnia Gorrie.
Sunday. May lat, George I. Faw-
cett, of Thornbury, Out„ will com-
mence a two week's evangelietie mis-
sion here, assisting the pastor,
B, S. Cook's health has been consid-
erably bettor lately,
finwick Township expressed their'
views nn the liquor question in a vets
' dry" way, returns being as fol-
lows :—Yea, 978 ; No, 160, majnritqq
of 808 in favor of prohibition, Fort i-
wich "Yes" vote was 259, and "No"
Touch up Your
Furniture and Floors
Furniture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore.
If the sup -face is spoiled, the article is considered use-
less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save all.
" Floors and furniture that are shabby can be made to
look like new by using WOOD -LAC STAIN—a durable,
beautiful finish for woodwork of all kinds ---a combination
of high grade varnish and permanent stains. It imparts
to common wood surfaces the rich appearance of. more
expensive woods such es "mahogany, rosewood, cherry,
etc. Twelve beautiful shades.
Get A Sample
Bring the attached coupon and.secure a trial can sufficient
to do over a chair or small table, We will give you full
Instructions how to use it. We want every householder. to
Geo. R. Weller
OU use great cafe in selecting a
new I-Tat—why should Shoes be
less important ? Come
and see our lines of.
New Spring
which consists of High
Cut Bals., Oxfords, Ties
and Pumps in the finest
of Kids, Patents and oth-
er materials equally as
tasty. A very classy line
all through with prices on
an equally fine basis,
We also have a very neat assortment in Men's and Child-
ren's Footwear. •'' Call and see them and if we have pot what
you want let us know and we will endeavor to get it for you.
Chapman Bros. Richards' Old Stand
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for servine, bn 834
Lot 88, Con. 2, Morris township, thoro'-bred
Short Horn Bull, Gainford of 8alem, No.
...Bella., Sired byGainford Marquis (1808907 ;
Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor (189601.. Ped-
igree may be seen on application. Terme—
i10.00 for thorn -brads payable at time of ser-
vice with privilege to return, Grade oowe not
allowed. THOS. PIERCE,
Hill View Farm
Breetler of targe Eagllsh Berkshires
Young atoak for sale, either sex.
For farther partonlnrs write or phone.
Br¢aneleiCentrlll— Walton P. 0.
Phone 5010 R. It. 8
The Seaforth Creamery
ream Wanted
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage
give you thorough satisfaction,
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
• it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sem-
ipies and pay you the highest market prices every two 'l'
: weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
rhes particulars see our Agent, M R. 'ii. c.
: For fur McCALL, Phon23 to, Brussels, or rite to
• The Seaforth Creamery Co.
knowing that we can
44+•••••+•• ,F••••••• • 6••••b@• *44044 9►•44
b••••••••••••••••••••+•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••O:
•• •C•'••••••••••••NN••••$4• f 4. •84. ••••0 x + c - 1 • 4 ;a 0644844
Students May Enter Any Time
We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors
who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates aro
meeting with success. We are training Soldiers udder
oidiers' Civil Be -establishment Commission.
Address the Oollogo for Froo Oatalaga°, to either
Stratford or Wingham
Cream Wanted
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream vice each month, 5 pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue.
Brussels Creamery Stewart.srosr