HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-28, Page 1VOL-.. 49 NO. 44
2.0o her am11611 iii' f lvannce
i'nld-tieemend '$ 9,70,000
Reserve - 18,000,000
Reeoprcee e 290,000,000
Banking by
Because you live at a
distance is no reason why
yQQu should risk the loss
of'your money by fire or
theft. Mail it to the near-
est btrench of The Bank of
Scotia t
have an account or not.
If you have no account,
your remittance willopen
oneand nd o
Y ece've
by return mail a bank
book showing the amount
at your credit. If you
already have a
Y n account,
a prompt acknowledg-
ment of the deposit will
be sent you.
F, 11, Gilroy,
i oy,
pistrut fetus
18 ballots were cast against Prohi-
bition at the poll here.
We are glad to report progress in
the ease of Miss Berva Speiran.
Miss Ethel McNaught, who has been
in Toronto, is home for a holiday re -
The cement fonndatiof is completed
for the new store and the erection of
the building will be pushed.
W. F. and Mre. Schrock, of Flint,
Mich., are renewing old fr}endships
here for a week. They have bought a
home there and like the city. Mr.
Schnook is one of 70 special policemen
at the Buie automobile factory. The
works cover about 500 acres and at
full capacity there are 38,000 men,
700 finished cars are turned out per
day. They have y ra e Q cylinders and sell
at $1800• A number front this locali-
ty are iu Flint.
NOW Na Ade
A mQn#8
Victrolas-S, Carter.
lror sale -Alex, Dark.
A'ortillzer Alf. 33aeker.
Childs crib Tnet'oaT,
Pigs wanted -Soaker tiros,
Wall Paper -P, R. Smith,
Aponte% Bala R Leatherdale,
1 14t -H. . Dar oo "
Celt Cor ante -J. P` McIntosh.
Weekly Store News -Jae Fox.
Boyo' Swell tern -R, W. O'ergguson.
Tiaehop Reopened -Q, R. Weller.
Toesweter Foundry -Dennie Bros,
Mall Contract Qhae. E. H. Fisher,
Mewore sharpened. -Cleo, Edwarde,
Anotion Sale -David Thomson estate,
teios 0Workers. Notioe o CrdtrgniryyJaoestate,
Notice to Credltora-Raahal Senders estate,
Ladies' Aid"and W. 74, S, will hold
their tnoothly meeting on •Wedneeday
May 4th at 2 p. m. All ladies are ex-
pected to attend. Topics will be tak-
en by Mrs, J. 0. McKay and Mre,
W roxete r
Ron SAta—Briak veneered house, frame
stable and 2lota, located In Wroxeter. Apply
to W., Mega
it a(Wr. t
a oza er.
E,Ldaron Rttu t t
r ie'si'
vt tin under
u ser
the parental roof'
Elston and Mrs. Cardiff, Brussels,
spent Sunday at the borne of Geo.
D. M. McTavish moved this week to
the horse he recently purchased from
Mrs. Wilson.
Jas. and Mies Ia, are
e in Tor-
onto this week attending the marriage
of their son, Graham.
ij.ev,,Dr. Harkness is attending the
Landoll anda t Synod H mi[to t
d bein
y g
held in Chatham this week.
Fire in the attic or Thos. Sage's
residence Friday morning caused
sante excitement for a short time be-
fore it was under control.
In spite of continued heavy down-
pour of rain, there was a large turn-
out to Town Hall Friday evening to
witness the play "Valley Farm," given
by the young people of Bluevale Pres-
byterian church, who name under the
auspices of the Women's Institute.
The proceeds amounted to $92. Play
was well presented and a splendid
musical program rendered between
Don't forget the Play "I can't afford
11' to be given in Belgreve U. 0. F.
Hall Friday evening of this week.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos.
Faiisery}se took place .on Sunday.
17th inst., from her late residence to
Burns Ohm oh Oemete%y. M1's. Fair-
eervice, with her son, Robt., left early
in March to spend a year in the West,
visiting her daughters, but only got as
far as Lacombe, when she took ill
with poeumcuis. Her death was a
great blow to her family and friends,
as she was much beloved by all who
knew her, Deepest sympathy is eke
tended to the family in their sad be-
reavement. Mrs. Wm. Pipe, lith line,
is a daughter.
A fine timewas enjoyed last Sunday
afternoon and evening Sunehin
when interested congregaUone as-
sembled to hear Rev. J. Fulton Irwin,
We will cash your Victory Loan
Coupons or place them to your credit
in our Savings Bank where they will
draw interest at 3% per annum. at.
PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
v ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I WISH to announce to the public of this
• community that I am now in a position to
accept orders for Eavetroughing, Furnace
Work and all kinds of Repair Work,
Our motto will be "SERVICE."
Your patronage is solicited.
Geo. R. Weller,
Hardware Dealer a Brussels
The Teeewater Foundry
Machine Works
Now open for business in-
cluding Moulding, Machine
Work, Wood -working and
General Repairs, and General
Blacksmithing in near future,
Oall and see' us
when in trouble,
theBoa e
n t ee of Lueknow. Sac � fi'-
g tt(t
al Service" was the intereeting theme
of the first sermon and at night "A
great boost." Musical -numbers were
well tendered
by Elia Rands, Mt
and Mrs. heels
Wheeler, and W. J.
McCracken, of Benesele, who insolo,
duet and quartette did their part well.
The anniversary
services wet(' much
enjoyed, MO
oday evening g a well
rendered musical and literary program
was given by Belgrave friends.
This week Rev. Mr. Kennedy is at
Chatham attending the Synod,
The W. F. M. S. will meet in the
Presbyterian church, Wedneeda'y
Fred, and Mre. Jeschke, Detroit,
are renewing old acquaintances in
Methodist Churches
Next Sunday morning Lite'
regular Quarterly Service will
be held at Ethel, commencing
at 10:30, followed by Fellowship
Meeting and Sacrament. Pas-
tor's subject will be "Is Chris-
tianity Narrow 7" •
Morning service at Roe's
Church will be cancelled but
Preaching at Union at regular
Evening topic "The Worth of
a Mao."
Ethel, Roe's and Union Leag-
uers are reminded of Rev. Mr.
Darby's address in Brussels
Church Methodist U rah t Tor da
r even-
' on Experiences among the
Indians in B. 0. Make an effort
to attend.
Mrs Carter and children, fitr tf rd
vicinity, have,been vielting at 011as,
Mies Millie Aikens, Stratford, is
visiting at tee bonle of ler aunt,
Mrs, 71 Hunter,
We are sorry to hear that Antony
MoDoneld,'of Kitchener, formerly of
Oranbrook, continues quite poorly.
He has not enjoyed robust health for
the past 2 years. They etill carry on
the grocery business.
The rainy weather has delayed seed-
Miss Isabel Bremner,. bas been visit-
ing Mrs, Jon. J3ailantyne, Brussels.
Mre. W, Rands was at Mount For-
est for holiday visit with
ter, Mies Ida, Mrs. (Rev.) Wren and
other friends.
Auction Sale of live stock, rigs, im-
plements, &o. at Lot 10, 2nd Con.,'
an Friday, P A r11 29c
p+ h, at 2
p. m. See list on another page.
As a result of a couple of accidents
George Whitfield, 12th Con., had one
of his limbs inured quite severely.
He is able toet aboutonce g nc more but
is quite lame yet. We hope he will
soon be o. k.
week 0 and Mrs
went London
t to Lo on to consult I
n r t a specialist
relative to Mrs, Hutchinson's health,
which has not been as robust as usual.
Her many friends hope she will. soon
be restored o d to her old time vigor.
CARD OP THANKS,—We wish to ex-
press our thanks for the sympathetic
words and kind deeds of neighbors
and friends in the 1
r tenth of our baby
girl. They were appreciated we as-
sure you.
Wednesday of last week Mies Hilda,
daughter of Jno. and Mrs. Harris 10th
Cor and Richard Harold Sellers, son
of Joe} H. Sellers, 3rd line, Morris,.
were united in marriage. Ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. E. Staf-
ford, at the Methodist Parsonage,
Brussels. They will make their home
on the third line of Morris and have
the good wishes of a wide circle of
QOMBORTADte brick hones for sale, with
furnace, kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft
water, stable &c., situated on Main street,
Ethel. For particulars Phone 2225 or 156 Brae-
eets Central.
COMronrARts'hton,e and i sere lot for sale,
There is a well, cement cistern and good gas,
den, For further. particulars, Apply to
DAVID SANDSRO. Ethel. Phone 0118.
Miss Irene Pease spent a few days
with Miss Minnie Bateman.
Roy Dunbar is visiting his father,
D. W. Dunbar, of town for a few
Royal hotel stables are being con-
verted into a garage. Ethel is waking
George Cole and Percy Stephenson
represented the Ethel team at Brus-
sels last Monday when the schedule
for the comiug Football season wee
drawn up
A good delegation will go from here
next Monday evening to Bruseels to
hear an address in the Methodist
church, from Winghanl District Mis-
sionary representative from British
Columbia, Rev. Geo. Darby.
••N.••••.••••••••N•••••• ••••••••••e••••••••••••••• e
• •
Boys' Sweaters
On Sale for Saturday
V Neck $2.00 Any boy buying a Sweater
® All Wool for,gets a pair of Braces.
2 •Silk Shirts lanudwe
Suspenders guaranteed for i year or a new pair.
Latest Novelties in Gents' Neck Wear, Collars, Sox, &c,
• Robt. Ferguson
Baby ChicI
COUNT ynur Chicks before they aro hatcked,, We have hall a
large experience in Incubation and we can supply you Chicks
from Pure bred stock In S. 0. White Leghorns or Barred Rocks
that are properly Incubated. Inetruetions dory to raise the Chicks go
with each order. Did you ever figure how much your Chicks cost you
eaeh year by titne wasted len broody hens, setting on nnfertile eggs
and how provoking it is when she is continually breaking the egg's P
Save time, money and .temper by securing your Chicks from us.
Barred Rock Chicks, 30c each ; White Leghorn Ohieke, 22e each.
Some farmers have already ordered 1000 frotn ua. When are you
going to order yours P Do not leave it too late.
Huron Specialty farm, Brussels Box 34, Phone 3 or•4 on 3lx
Will be Presented by
Bluevale Dramatic Club
In thee
Town Hall
Friday EveningMay6
Under the auspices of the Wil-
ling Workers of Melville Church.
Between Acts the following pro-
ill be
Duet, Mre. T. 0, and Mies Edna
Instrumental, Wrn, and Mrs,
S ir.
Quartette to be al
ran ed.
Violin and Piano, P. Stewart,
and Mrs. G. Thomson.
Tickets 50 and
25 Cohrs.
Program at 8.30 sharp.
Woman's Institute purpose holding
a Field Day on Ma_.y 24th. Keep the
date in nitnd. Further particulars
We arslad to state the health of
Harold Love is showing some im-
provement. If good wishes help he
will soon be o. k.
Next Thursdaycongregational
ngrega tonal
meeting of Methodist church will be
held when reports of the Secretaries
and Treasurers of branches of the
church will be heard. .If you want
information as to the money raised
and how spent, as well as other in-
teresting items, be sure and attend.
S. S. Cole and Miss Bernice motor-
ed to Stratford Friday. The freight
car was at station and as Saturday was
a G. T. R. holiday Messrs. Pollards,
Floods. 13. Glazier and F, Richardson
with the help of two drays made
short work of moving to their new
home at 74 Charles street, Mrs. Cole
followed by train Monday evening.
Emerson Dennis, of Teeswater, was
a week end visitor at the old home in
Tenders are asked for mail carrying
on R. R. 8, Walton. Read the notice
in this issue.
Mrs. W. Shouldice visited her moth-
er and sister (Mrs. Jno. Cardiff and
Mrs. Harry Bartiiff) last week at Clin-
A fine airyoungowls were i of wl cap-
tured by Port. Dennis. The mother
owl was dispatched. Port. is a great
hand for members of the wild bird
A Hydro expert was here last week
looking over the situation. Proposed
line is to come here from Seaforth
with a sub -station here to distribute
to Brussels and Blyth.
There will be no service in1
Methodist church next Sunday but e.
union service will be held at Bethel at
8 o'clock, conducted by Rev. E. W.
Edwards, Seaforth. Quarterly Com-
munion will be observed at Walton
church on the following Sabbath at 3
p. rn.
The regular meeting of the W. M. S.
Presbyterian church, Walton, was
held Thursday, April 14th, Mrs. Coutts
presiding. Mrs. Berry gave the Bible
reading followed by a paper on "The
new day in China" by bliss Broadfoot,
who has a cousin laboring as a mis-
sionary iu Kongmoon, and was there-
fore able to give a great many inter-
esting facts about that country.
Mrs, McCallum also gave a short talk
on China and her needs, This with
the Question Drawer, taken from
"Canada's Share in World Tasks,"
Study Book for this year, with the
usual hymn and prayers, completed a
very interesting meeting. We are
sorry a few of the members and
others were unable to attend au this
is a very important branch of the
church work and we hope all will bear
in mind the next meeting in May
12th at the home of Mrs. Jas. Lawson
and snake an extra effort to be there,
Diemen, o8 MRs. TAMES MosE.—
Wilh deep regret we record the pass-
ing of a beloved and esteemed reel -
debt of McKillop township, formerly
of Goderich township, in the person
of Mrs. James Mose, eldest daughter
of the late Thomas and Martha Hay-
ter, of Stephen township, who died
Wednesday April 20 in her 47th year.
Site was a oodifs
w a kind to i anti lov-
ing mother and bore her long illness
with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Mose
was formerly a staunch member of St,
James' Anglican church while resid-
ing in Goderich township, but for the
last 7years has resided In McKillop
townshipand attended St. George's
church, Walton, The remains were
taken, by motor, to Bayfield cemetery
on Friday afternoon when a large
number of old friends and neighbors
gathered to pay their last respects to
one who was deeply respected and
loved. Sympathising friends sent
many beautifulif
ul dotal offerings. •
(mased le survived by her husband and
8 children :— Thomas N., Walton ;
Mre. Charles Moisten, Stanley town-
ship ; and Mrs, Beatrice Perdue, at
home, all of whom were with tine sub-
ject of this notice during het last
beers. There are also 8 beothere and
4 s;etere left to mourn the lose of a
dear and aitootionate slater, Wm,
Hayter, Parkhilll Chas, lteytee,
wood ;
Mrs. R. Best
erd, 1
horndaie ;
Mrs John Gilmartin, • Mr .
RoyBrothers, teis�Stratford andMre,
keley Cooke, Toronto,
were Hedley Cooke, Roy Brothers
and John Gilmartin, brothers-in-law,
Alfred Miller and Thoinas Kempton,
nephews, and W, G. Neal, .Walton.
Clalnleboye ; Robt, Hayter, Desh-
Kindly Remembered em a Be
m h ed .fore
Leaving for Petrolia
F. H. and Mrs. Gilroy and Barrington
Recipients of Addresses and Gifts.
or r
B � e removal 0 y from BCUSRe19 to
their.' ' new home .at Petrolia different
organizations expressed their appre-
ciation of 17. I3. and Mrs. Gilroy pub-
licly A fol s . iOw6 :--
The rnembeta of the senior Bible
Claes in the Methodist Sabbath
Wessels. Schoolwere entertained
most hospitably spitably Thursday evening at
the home of A. E. and Mrs. Hersey,
along with a few other friends. One
of the special features of the
presentation of as address
was the p t0
the highly esteemed teacher, F, H.
Gilroy, wito is removing to Petrolia.
, Jackson read the following g
and Miss Jennie Budd presented
an extra fine copy of a Divinity Stud-
ents' loose leaf Bible
1t was with somewhat of a shook
we learned this week of your intend-
ed removal from Brussels. While we
appreciate your well deserved pro-
motion, which will be toour advan-
tage, we sincerely regret the fact that
it means the severance of our inti-
mate relationship as friends and as
teacher of Bible class in our Sunday
School work. During the many yaare
you have had charge of the :lass WO
have'greatly enjoyed the expositions
of tbemighty truths contained in God's
Word. We appreciate your efforts all
the more because you endeavored to
live up to the high standards you set
before us and we will feel your loss
very keenly. We hope God will
shower you, and yours, with rich
blessing in the days to come and give
you larger opportunities to serve
Him. As a token of our grateful re-
membrance of your work with us we
ask you to accept this Bible. May it
serve not only to reveal the immortal
treasures but also remind you of our
continued interest and best wishes.
Signed in behalf of Class.
H. L. JAcnsoN.
Brussels, April 21, 1921.
The recipient made a most suitable
reply, thanking the class for their
kind words and beautiful gift, refer-
red to the pleasure and profit be
derived front association with the
class wished every member success
and hy hoped they would stand loyally
behind the class and whoever the
teacher may be. He would never for-
get Brussels Methodist Sabbath
School and the happy years he had
spent in it. Shortrimpromptu epeecb-
es were given by the pastor, Rev. W.
Ii, Stafford, A. E. Hersey, W. H.
Maunders, Dr. Hamilton, J. Fulton,
S. Carter and W. H. Kerr, in which
regrets and good wishes were inter-
mingled over the going from the
Sunday School of Mr, and Mrs. Gil-
roy and Barrington. ,Mrs. Gilroy was
the faithful teacher of the Primary
class for years. A tasty lunch was
served and after a vote of thanks to
the genial hoot and hostess for the
enjoyable evening "God be with you
till we meet again' was sung and
prayer offered. 111r. Gilroy WAX As-
sociate Superintendent of the school
as well as Bible Claes teacher, Their
removal will be fel, by the school,
particularly on account of their faith-
fulness to duty. '
At the Sabbath School session Sun-
day afternoon before the study of the
lesson was entered upon the Superin-
tendent asked Mrs, A, J. Lowry to
read the following address :—
With genuine regret we teamed a
few days ago of your expected im
mediate removal from our midst and
the sentiment heard on every hand
is that with your going away we will
experience a distinct loss and have
difficulty in finding persons who can
carry on your various duties with
equal efficiency. Perhaps nowhere is
this more true than in our Sabbath
School, Here you have both served
on our official staff for a number of
years, doing faithful and effective
work—one in giving pupils their kin-
dergarten and the other their gradin
ate course,—in the wonderful and
beautiful principles rine les ofChristianity.
The beet pof such a course is that
neither teacher nor pupil ever gradu-
ate but go on to ever greater perfec-
tion, More than such commandoes
and effective a service, however, we
appreciate the very willing and whole
hearted spirit in which you both did
it. Whenever anything was needed
for the advancement of the school if
we asked the Giiroys they would glad-
ly and cheerfully assist, if at all
possible, Your removal from Brus-
sels ;e but a phase of this changing
and transitory life. You are but go-
ing to another branch of your tempor-
al business, so we realize that there
as here you will still be dilient in the
service f
the same King whoee king-
dom ruleth over all, Therefore ou
deep regret at your departure is not
unmiked with Toy and satisfaction,
for we know our loss will be your gain
and that of the new field to which you
are going. We believe your promo-
tion has been well earned and eincee
ely trust in every respect you may
peeve it one of real advancetuent,
W, H. Is ERR, Proprietor
Thursday, 28th
Blanch Sweet
Simple Souls
Pathe News and Comedy
Saturday, 30th
BillWest Comedy
Tuesday, 3rd
Carmel e Myers
Folly's Trail
Comedy and Scenic
Whenever Woes of depression or die-
couragsment, as come they will to all
of us. remember that back in the old
Sunday undo Schools
a t B •t visas o
1 you have
the confidence, good wishes and
prayers of a host of true friends. We
Will follow, with keen interest and
appreciation, your further steps of
advancement. Our best wish for
Master Barrington is that he may
grow up, like one of old," in Wisdom,
Stature and in favor with God and
Man." Itis scarcely needful to all
that we will always be delighted to
welcome you all back at any time to
our school and our homes. Again
assuring you of our appreciation and
sincere good wishes, we remain your
brethren and sisters in Christ. W.
H. Kerr, Superintendent ; A. E. 'Jer-
sey and Bert Lott, Assistants ; W. 3,
McCracken and Ward Buchanan,
Secretaries ; Mesdames A. T. Lowry,
W. Rands, L Parker, Misses Mina
and Clara Hunter and Martha Smith,
teachers; H. L, Jackson, conductor
of Orchestra.
Brussels, April 24, 1921.
Following immediately after the
Primary class, represented by Helen
Baeker, Margaret Downing and .Alice
Pope, presented Mrs. Gilroy with a
cut glass bon bon basket and Barring-
ton with a bible, the former reading
accompanying address
The members of the Primary Class,
and our parents as well, aro very
sorry you are going to leave us, We
love you because you love us and wish
to thank you very sincerely for the
faithful interest you have always tak-
en in us, both by word and deed. We
wish you and Barrington, our, class-
mate, happy years in your new home.
Will you please accept this little
gift as a love -token from us to remind
you of Brussels Methodist Sabbath
School and Barrington this Bible,
Although it was a complete sur-
prise to the recipiente 141x. Gilroy
made a most fitting response, well
seasoned with profitable advice se to
the advantages to be derived from
Sabbath School. He suggested
Ephesians Chapter 3 and verses 14 to
21 inclusive as a motto for the School.
They would never forget Brussels
Sabbath School and thanked all very
sincerely for their gifts and good
wishes. Mrs. Gilroy treated the
members of her class to chocolates at
the close of the school.
Church Chimes
Sabbath next Rev. Dr, Hugbson,
Stratford, will occupy the pulpit of Mel-
ville church.
Next Sabbath morning the quarterly
Communion service will be held in the
Methodist church. Fellowship meeting
at Imre followed by preaching at xr
Melville church congregations were
pleased and edified last Sunday by the
excellent sermons of G. Rintoul, a local
student. Morning text was "What
thinkve of Christ" and evening subject
was "Building in troublous times."
Daniel y and as. The people will be
glad to bear him again.
A union prayer service will be held in
Melville church lecture room Thursday
event of
n this week,at 7.30 o'clock,
to offer praise and thanksgivig over the
splendid victory for Prohibition Attthe
chose the'Temperance Committee is ask-
ed to tarry to deal with some business
Last Sunday Rev. W. E. Stafford
preached interesting and helpful ser.
mons in the Methodist church. Morn-
ing text was Matt, eo and 1 axed in the
evening the subject was "The vision
splendid." F. H. Gilroyy sang itis fare-
well solo "Will your anchor bold" and
Miss Mae Wood and Lloyd jaoksoo gave
an appropriate duet, After the sermon
Stanley morning W. II, Kerr, Record.
hag Steward, was asked by the pastor to
present a resolution of appreciation to
R. Leetherdale and family
and F. H.
Gilroy and family, who are removing
from town, for faithful, highly valued
and gratuitous services for ypears to the
ebuteb. The outgoing families together
with 3. '1'. Wood sud family will be greats
ly missed mid go oarryiug the best
wishes of the congregation to their new
homes at Winnipeg, Petrone and Chat-