The Brussels Post, 1921-4-21, Page 600011414Qn, i5laTO NVO1114 soon 40� Patch PT 111irve is C Wir I Community, Opo thing is gcc-taln� If Thea' arra a lAun*,V In nearly evoky Country Au" CLOCKS IN is, .. I e ss Year, g;toiber you 4 ra resident In % latae city or two Or the fanu wvivaii does not epjgy a's THE, FROZEN—NOV11 hundred miles away. Amateur s Equip- benefits Of A CMITAI IftVl3d%'y, she I$ entitled to % niciderii, laundry on ilia Inept Oup and Mont. wo'ca" BuTply R0061013r,Apparatu" WhI01 wil.11 I farm, properIF equipped with a polm Influenza PHONOGRAPH 8ZLOMW plak uv aignplo roin, the big Wiretap Statlongs And plifil)jo you to -liptaft ite, for wiroolean' toleOlOnt, OOA- "NMshing Machin -0, mavvio foil tile eorto raftind by 0i , (v Maroon! COMP11117. Secure a♦ akes the flruflg- BY THE ESKNO. TrOnamliting set (apgrotocl diroally aIr a Will) 000ket) other machinecT the ,tt. Take your friends a hundred miles t and Wltli brings the srreat world to HOW to Malin an iveless Cooler. is alk im ,a their ebaMbM, tbelir 017 out Of one Of the most Irksoino nWay I Amateur Wireless your door, Cut out and mall thin ad. to me with request he'al'th pA' "r citizent3hili, task$ on the tam. Relief! from ull Traveller in Labrador arid Baf. for Price Lint 11011 And noR us 4ilything you would Re(frigeratore can be made tQ do , Fir4y, k"p, everlastingly . At % necessary ilTutigery lifts Ike stand )IkQ to know about .Amateur Wiroleas, Qve6r part in cons-orving food Ibis That is the only 'say to aliccee4l. I)Q of farm life to the I 'ovals a slicms� An fAmd Secured Motion Pit- nitip And ta,oli- SlItinnier, If ice Is not ateidable, All a iandor re rifeal 1',ANkVA=1- 1. -0-11, nythingo ulnae it I-$ cspe4dalllY U'lle in BO ILiCelllesst rdfrig6ra,ta tures and Photographs.Aird CanadianA RIMENTRA, Limited d 0010d, by el%"al� 1181iflapel's Liniment tor SUP"I, 046Gene, Is I 80UNTIFIC EXPE combating a litsit, WAII as the fly Itlim BoTrIl �111 YOM4"1,aad Its, X=Q 0!VXVZW MASM, 4es with sack, a4iarn�b3g Alarm clocks are a favorite subject f4im, can, be This yonr W consist-$, of, a wooden •Which niultbawl Are Sunday Sc is Dyin99 ts ApoldnW, It fialouM OW for the wit, humor and satire of frame lewpmetl with CA004 flarinyll xaPidi Sunday schools are the Patent Of No rkboo, nourlokOo More. writers Find cartoonist$, and fillU01008 B.Ilglish-speaklag peoples or the world. to re ilux$sp or bea;vy durk, Itle., depirallile w to the reluctance Of OV that the frame b -o Screened, olthough For the Little Convalescent They are found Wherever British and Tho Rodil-builolit) palely Thifirs to Power of 13pyril . 1 0 1; basil theirlusistent. call on frosty sick Child W111040 American, people live, or where their t OVA been prove Independent tb&ii is not -necessary. Wiclas, made* A "Too for ge D be fro rolanllflo exVarlmot become common -place. to everi a, miusionailea have tau 10 hands an too weak taught but nowhere . T, moraing" have THE DEAREST ACHE of the Same intiterwas tele co"ting, t"ur"I'l take. Testing ini-a van of. waf&r on top of requires only a pair a sciorova, some else, B., But, suppose you were In n desolate f northern country, in a section littTe the; Cooler, Conduct the water aVeW the, sheets of white paper find. a ,some It Is an amusing thing that the Sun- travelled and Jess explored, and there sido-s and endpa of the paik and, albxm it cOlor"i crayons. Fold. the 0aver an day -school linlon only dates back to Otiddenly came to your ears the sound By ]CATHERINE H. TAYLOR, to sleep down, the aided at the hoot, out out birds in pairs—big•birds, little 1803, and that the very first Sunday- Cline In the popularity at the Sunday of a scars of alarm clocks ringing The eve'llo-mt4corr from this moistened birt1g, all kinds; then mix ent lip school in the world was opened at school. 01multuneausly, covering Causes a lower temperature in a box and, eve them to the invalid,- Bristol less than 160 years, ago.. When It would Ile a world ca4astropliv If . Was One of, the L PART 111. itioliped them away as she heard iuside, On dry, hot dAys, A temper- It will take a long time to find' the there were no peopiO'A schools in ThIg, this peculiff-4y English ,institution 0 This many Incidents "It is not oo simple an Ache that Elizabeth% step. mates ara, Jay them in pairs across land many an ambitious Ind learned should lose the Immense iwer it has t ray recent trip to Labrador and J3af- as $ I'Mother," she whispered' -from the ature of fifty decreed, hais beldh, Icnevri fin Laud, says a traveller, which kept Edwaxdo" she anwered in a repress- , .,axe you awake?" to be obtained in the Cooler. This is the CoVerlat to read and write at the Sunday. wielded in the making ng of the nation, dwiclened doorway, The next day let her Classify the me In a continual state of surprise, Coll tense tone. 11 the Way to build, it. i school, but with the coming Of the Yes, dear." species anti, choose the right Colors, Bosidsphools, religious instruction b and die circumstances in. this instance 'IN*? A lot of the now feROW4 "Mother," a quick tap of the high Make a Screened case 334 ifeet high e- Were ;It Once humorous and pathetic. think when the roc�is begin- to 9,0 Yen beells that so maitchled Elizabeth's with the other cidurenslow 12 by 15 for each; then give her the crayons came their sole purpose. top d1a usedl simply 67- n OOARSE SALT It was .her. that region inhabited by ou-gihta have eni out, Root sche", daintiness and. Vezaboth knelt by the inches, it a folid, MW -let her begin to color the bird;, About the end of last century Ou - As at first she probably can work only day -schools reached their high-water the Ores Indiana merges with that In She knew that she stood. slonep, and bed, "Mother, I've -thought all evening place the water pal, on this. other. I LAND SALT wh1oll.the Eskimos live. The clocks that the could never make him under- at what a pig I was, Calling that Wise fit the 0",alose117 In to the open� A. few minates at a time, It will take mark as far as attendance Is concern- t stand,bat th,a dIpeply Russian morbid- way, wh?m you were buoy. =, Ing of the top, frame, and support It severes days to colbr them alL Then ed. The average attendance at the. Bu* cmlots I bad heard Were to the humble habi- Ity that W., v2t to gnawing within I do love yquIll she can place them to salt herfamcY. woridla.Sunday-schools every Sunday y0jONTO, aALT WORK15 tat of a family of Croce. When I arm It by 1 -inch Cleats fastened, to the inside , i learned that 00 Many alarm Clocks hwor prompted her at leaeIt to try, Mrs, WRkins, put out an Perhaps,an. eagle will perch On ahigh� afternoon ran into tens. a% millions Of Q. "it is the chi!drens" she Mi(k "It's encircled her duo ex's nock. ad the fralne. Piece two moveable Cliff on the Comforter, a swan Will late years there h steady a, CLOIFF 'rono"To were to be found in one abode my -nKI receives in the as been a ate do - the ache of givingbirih and going on framc, 12 to 15 inches "Deaw aildl" she Whispered, a swim on the sheet, partridges wall sense at humor was tickled, but upon none too steadily. U- a� Vissmit -plan 12' by 14 discovering how the clocks tame to be giving and g and siring! T),em 11 creep in and out among the little -3. Pagn Its just this way, Mother," went On the top to 'bold. the "ter, there I was touched. 0 the ands where, the ailing up into is IN n Elizabeth, her voice Showing refifteratior is to be hills, and, skylarks go a 01= Edward loolved over his, PaWT. This great depths it tried- to -reveal. the air. The blanket can be a sandy FOR Suets people as these are ever child - we used indoors have the whole thing had evidently uccupied his wttention an take from You all the time --all the desert where an old ostrich lives, arid UIC5 PURPOSE aeoranr ran in the presence of advanced races. -up to the moment of hex last words, tdUle--but you've made us, for S an a lirrge pan to Catch my the pillowe can be snowy peaks dn the They are amused and Influenced very for his YeOK revealed that he was give us someftbing Chet no one danp. The pians and ease may be Fax North -where the wild geese sae much as children are and have the still in teleth. * ?, painted white, allowed to dry, and Ily-cra bet them isavdll he. agreed. T going. name lack of sense of values. Traders 111". lvefikiwhy ic!de" Other Xly, 1C 'd give: _T oth" Why 1C 'd eVefiki searched for '�O� T "Remember how I acted when that �O�Ildlelvveillkiw.""Y�-icobt�hdo-T of- then enarrielect A coveilirig at white To make nests for thebirdis, cut out soon found thatAnexpeaslye articles, imar abscessed? Lord, you are a korchied!, found it, finished the Canton flanfiel-Wictlil be nih& to fit circles of various adzes and let the like alarm clocks, were, readily ax - long -suffering -woman! Always did tears of that day by that ed the frwn,-- I Have- the simitifli side 'out, inva-lid. dmW the eggs.in them. As changed for valuable skins and furs, aR the hurts of all the others Arid button the covering on the frame Spruce Paint With so much --good pleture of ,I am so a4hamaill " she whispereolL with buggy, or auffiAnairbile Curtain she grown stronger she Can study Up Seven Phonographs In One Hut. LPut &Pbb here, well it ia good to see "Ashemed,?" eclucied, her daughter' books and eyes wranged so that the bird books to learn •how many eggs Up, I had at experience of the same lia- ly. again --always put up—', 'lob, Mother, if you knew—" her I the different birds Jay end how to A lure with the Eskimos farther north, Hill voice fadied, as his attention be- "if olloar may be operted without unflasten- c Now is the time yod iciii kitaily Iniprove'tin, appoar- Me shrill tones of a "ice sank, refused to -go 07L YOU CIOT them When she as Well agsan. �nf came a-trorbed in scores. knew—l' she managed to repeat. Ing these books. Thdo can easily be once of your home wit' a ton lure I was startled by ,It here and Will not forget the paper birds, ma them. Pont neglect of i woodwork, After a mommit be looked up, the "Wbat' all this. asked Sam from done -by putting one !row of hooW on she re. ectJazz band piercing the still Arctic Whets "a A coat of lirot U011, w we cm_Savc_ h6 memory of his -wife and bier texas the doorway, a jubilant Sams who the edge of the door near the latch but will watch the real birds and might and thought for the moment that strongly visible. turned on the hall light And enix-red. and. the other just opposite the open- study them. with new anterest. and you save #Ih I fatigue at the hard dacy's travel. had "I never knew you to cry 'I've' ' L MA manifested itself In hallucination. toghaae before, Molly," he said Vri-X- igood RTIN;SENOUR' with the trend of a man who It" done Ing, with the lie. an oach side exten& work and done it well, :,Ctt and ded :far enough to Mcfe the However, I began a search for the iously. "I nivir knew—' Crack at When a Baby Gets Its Five Senses. "it's all right now," she said dollyl -lie ordered brue-k1j; I've got the edge of the door, so a, to keep You are born with the Mae at PAINTS AN - D VARNI$HES. origin of the music and found It in one . 41 some talking to do," aftinst I V., Hardwood Jetwo of those little round -top huts. The as she Stood Up. "The—the, palm, Elizabeth, after another embrace, out the Warta OU-66fte air and retain taste and make good- use od! it at once, zhcul4n't be. nenv to me; I gues4s---1 the cooled IiAT. TIA dress or covering It is not until You rewh the age of NEU-TONE--the -a-hablo, AIARALE-ITE—The peefteP source of the sounds was an anti - another pTeSS11re, of her moist Cheek witar/ A.61, that Ahard quoted phonograph. Moreover, there Can forget It." I to ber mother's, Obeyed injunctions. will have to be hooked wound the top six weeks that you court fools your T,111 not fade floor finish that wilhottAds Lho W.boff. �1--YPra-i-WtJ.e. But she couldn't. It stayed with her eyes and really get a clear vision. 19,,neecalod ie at .!Mteh ,hfla� were sevell'of the instruments in the , Sam sat down au, the edge of the bed.1 edge a�so. Two double striM One- Smelling 'Ind, hoaj.,rg come along to. Md=&CZ"b.n% It .. be r"�'d with MP and that evening, and ate deep into her f ,She's going to have we" he an- half the width of each Side, shoutiti be I- woodlork, —ter. � same hut, But the presence of twenty - usually Smo.�th spirit, c4cpping thW. nounced airily, but With a'ligbitaess Sewed on the top part of the covering gether whou. you are about one week MARTIN'SWIFITESNAIM21, seven children In the family circle, which who seemed to be enJoying all evening w evidenced What felt, WOOD-L&O STAIN May into nEavous wave themselves in Short answers to Ed-; which in no way covered and allowed to extend over about R Old, A sense ad touch comes when finl3h for lasthroorns, bed- shades, Oak, hlAhegany, Ch=,, wa room'sov. Uslay.white, t., ONestei—l—rlew In wonder. The nawoanaof concert, made me gap %vrals illflui-ries and in dream infaKin-; "I wanted , to teld. you I was going to to 3 Inches in the pori of water. The you QTC about two weeks OW' the ppeersnes she —It but had no ventilation other than that , do it, before I went out, but I couldn't, I about how they would realize bottom of the covecrivi; should extiend Whills the baby -- things early, s I coolly Day to UK, run nr ergo r. 11 'Mother. I couldn't even tell you; I Is Itdira For Verandahs afforded by the single small entrance, WE—after -,he was' into the Tower pan.. aty vision is not coil: h. she had 4,311c -,a afraid she in all probabil 0 tit PA the abode itself consisting of a sort eJiV ,,�Tcn we few hourz. The re all aut�_, was tt guc,-! exIy pletely developed much before the ha an thatwcanananra;nae din after all the :1'sairany!" Place the refrigerator in a Lh. Elivmtelh inclu:led, I i Yes. I't all right, icift it?" place where =T will circulate around baby is three or thres and• one-half of hole in the ground, covered with is various sorts of material. How the cc- ehf&�,o trouble ay�ol icracker lipstt— Ify dear boy!" it fre,97. months old. Many authorities insist and the house, in its stillness, sound- cupants managed to breathe I do not ed Vold. Lots of fellows tum up them that the new-born baby is completeEly C 41 ra e, ositiledf,"ra"'fl.14 knew. She went to bet] at ten, pilttering nares at Settling down; maybe I would Swat the Fly. deaf for the first twenty-four or -SENOUR 6a. Labrado . r Is a country at severe -grin- about as she lunt'wssed, her tiredness have too, he fumbled far his 14ARTIN forty-eight ll�urs of its life, arod some "A m1ber's hand an.1, bold -Ing it, clvsoyd A leireale fly Iftys about one hundred authorities maintain that the baby is mocasew of =,Ias %alwassass ter condillons, dillicu)t to. traverse, but; having gone past the point of aseert-, we,dt ift on with, "Yea knew why I think MONTReAL ..... irg Rvelf in a call for quict. She knew I and twenty eggs at a time. She lays deaf for several days. Inviting to the wilderness traveller that Ed'wwd Would forget the time,' all right, this marrying? Youi two, three, - four batch- of eggs-. When objects ale brought close to with a taste for unworn places. it is know-, don't you, Mumsy? You know� Fit up until his night would be too I ---what you mean to liz—al-ways doin! In one &y the eggs hatch into little the eyes Of the new-born baby it does a land of lakes and rivers. Nowhero vbort and his to-mareaw hurt by it, the 8u: I '0 -i-ed anions fox white maggots After five days each tot viink or Class them end it is Ir are such clear, unfished streams, no- , things, like gclting ft Z'V 4 . where are such whIte-moss hills as but $be didn't care, she Slipped in, me, and melidlvg and --and so on. You maggot goes into the pupa stage. usually not beicre, the sixth w beti, and there in• the dark lay t1hink-,i lyog. Sentences which began with kilow—" he cinililil fin :oh, acrd be- Five days later the fly emerges ful, I that the baby will quickly shut the those of the sentibarrens. Its lakes are Labrador's glory, " A .d afficT, Wali't loll." Or "Mather, why cause he hated- being stirred-, having! grown from. f1ke pupa. Fourteen daw eyes if something is moved rapidly lily mission In the country was to 41dill you'll or "Mother, will yc,,�s even, Me mother see him stirred, he later the feniaLe flies lay eggs and toward them. secure a colleclon of motion pictures buzzed aroungi her bead like ,- stood, up to stretch elaborately, start other big lamifies on their way. rpl. —1— U., —Ale bitterly ,Of course, Julia loves you, he• +I,- (ha+_ — IsTL 'T t. n_ A find photographs In the territory ey in g a, y a. the - porn ve an and then came a moment's d<yze, amounced-, after lie'dgiveii his Tooth- that we have, not been busy In these modern days Tirrough its complete mental and er's 'hand a. final squeeze and gone to- mer niesm when co-oper- pteyDital relaxation she snapped back: and the doorway. "Everybody does, SWatting fides doming the ii-ly sPrin alive effort on the part of farmers is W the sane and normal" She knew on: Good night. Call me if I sleep over." months. proving so helpful and so popular, It waking that, Without doubt, She bed Good, night, dean" Let us ?.make UP Our minds that We is strange that there are not a Iturg, There was another interval. Alice will not have fides in the house- Every number of co - operative Is,ulmries been absurd in allowing all the littlel up, Called in some inforination member 01 the family abould know im some Irrita-tiom of the day to fix her mood', carce throughout the country. For a she knew that she was loved emz i About th a party, who had been there., that flies carry filth And disease reason the co-opercetive laundry idea And that she wante4 moreover had been eaten, saio!i, she'a Came lover after she'd undressed- and then germs. Don't let mother do nX the has been very slo* in obtaining a =17.1411ting in, heaven or on earth ,Edward, I -RWng Every member of the footing in our rural • districts, yet to give, to give as She had that day 01, Edwarfl, for once mdnolful �f the time fly 8% - Item labor and ll ilhooght and b;;'Und his to -morrow, appeared, family should hoeap� there are few Community co-operative loere. . . . AWmg feet diliWt matter "Pain all gone?" he aelmd anxious Screen porches, door and windows- experiments that are so attractive. inveh, when, they helped' to make lorl The central laundry is one of the 17. Tap the the flies. a mom, the amt Of peaceful home that His -wife set up in bed and laughed. Haul out the manure. great necessitles In city lifeto-day, he needled after a long, noisy day in ::No"' she answered. K01 the winter flies. taking over a tremendous burden In Ore city, His "Good to get here, dear, It isn�t?" this Very IiiiDdinisly. Make all privies fly -proof. congettea living centres. There is no No, it sn% a dear Awfully nice and quiet. Where are 1 9 . i� Each c0lamlanitY breeds its Own reason why the wine burden should ml Slippers?" helped to erase that I love you but you are If flies. Flies do not travel, more than at 134 turned over by the busy fitrat sort of discomfort. The lack ofi ow, dear," be admitteot and one hundred yards from their bree& woman to 11 central plaut It has been . he You've got to e t edl thooght in the girls,,eame from youth.• 'the", " She thanked Gool that they were; You 've just got to go to Dr. Benders ing places, suggested that the farm woman is young and had ahead, at them the, AM have that fixed. I won't have You The fly that Creeps over the face n8 embarrassed in sending out the bam- glorious chance to work, to be tired,, suffering- I'll tell YOU, M0117-700 a tubercular .went in the palatial fly washing. The city woman has com- to love, to give. It wm a pain, she may not know it, and' maybe 'We d'7)?t home In the cottage, or hospital, may pletely overcome any such orabdirrass- hold not changed licT viewpolnt bout always seem to -you're the centre -at a deadly germ. on the lips of mailt. It has also been suggested that 7 ofd this wille-el Aloll we can't -a wildh- covered by the activities of the Had. son Bay Co. The trip was made dun Ing the Summer months, "Alen the posts were most accessible. The pastimes of the Eskimos, )11,t their living are prImItIve. For an bout I watched two women. playing at s game In 'which they made hideous luelal contortions and 'weird pove.. manta of the body. The point of 114 game consisted In the making of such ludicrous movements slid faces an to cause each other to burst Into laugh- ter. The one who laughed first wits the loser. , The men have a gains which ran. sista 61 wrestling In great numbers, They form a line of six or eight, each holding his arms Around the body at the man In front. Four such lines ire formed, facing from f;ur directions. At a signal they rush tVother and It then becomes a sort at free -Cor -all . wrestling match. 11 a healthyperson in your house, nion�k- the farmer is not willing to spend the Waterproof Sealskin Bouts, that; but it was a heaven -.sent pain, � without -which women grew old-, hlard,'Olrt You!" unlovely and—lailleay, and withioutl "Oh Edward!" ing arrotlier viethit for the great white extra money for outside laundry. The long narrow canoes which are T6o3evtI track here, is it still bad..9" plifigue. Whatever the reason may be, we be- T r the chief means, of transportation by which they caught only a half of litfe. No she answ*Ted. "It is a pain, Trap the fly befo-re, he gets into the lieve that if our renders should ob- ... The memory of her tears and water are eel -led IcYalts. The Eskimos 0oa perturbation they had made, but it's the deureSt pain In the World, house. There are Several traps which serve the su"essoif therural CC ­0P become expert In hundling the frail ollamedher. She would be herself in;Edl The very clswestl Oh, Edward,. can he made Maly. HOM9 the trip ative laundry, as we have seen it in craft clad can travel =,,lily nillea a day. ille, morning, and She'd try to see I'm -go happy ard, I've been, such a about ten feet from the back door of whet She couldn•'t • sqiwese cuouglI fo4l! . . . Ache?" Again she laugh- on swiftly rushing, rock-Alled streams. outof thchousekeep-ing money to Slave; oti, "Yes, it is an ache, but it is the Put It near t')c stables Or OUtbouges. Ivittily Sealskin garineuts milady dearest ache, the dearest ache in the Protect it from the wind. Ballt it a roost Of lamb In blie eveming,,with with batana peeling, Sugar and Am- TO RC N weara might be the ultimate product mint jolly, the sort that Alice liked, world!" V) .7 , , Nuo) ri r I r I s of the work at all Meklino boy. The (The End;) gar, or a piece of meat. scale are speared with crude weapuni , ey Can ke Asparagtis with it, she saPposed, and Some people think th ep FANCY GOODS CO., Ltd. otaboesI . . . They were all Minard's Liniment Roll6ves Colds, ate. "T home sanibery by, Cleaning up LlVg Gae#mheioned of Wood and bans. 0' dear: IT, woman had ever been so 7 Wellington $t. East T(ootwear of the Eskimo cati• kappily surrounded- as she Oddly theiT -yard and damping the traeb, on' lof 'sealskin boots, which are TORONTO enough, the voilco of ENWbeth us it An Irish drill -sergeant was instruct- the Other side at the fence. But the waterproof and reach almost to tho 110d been When she was a tiny thl.n.1 Ing some recruits In the mysteries of height of the fence does not bo*w Importers and Wholesale Dealers knees. Tile skin Is "tanned" by Chow. mine back, her "Mummy, Muninly' marching movements, and found great the fly- to Fancy mods, Out Wesel Earth- ve Your Cleaning Ing with the tooth, and all Illsklmo Want ray mukinnyl" difficulty In getting a countryman of Filth always Attracts flies, and ,aware, 111aney China, Toye, Sport- Sho milled. as it rang tbrough her h)a to halt when the command was carOlclmms about leaving igarbago ling Goods, smaliwarsai Hardware Done by Experts woman calmly che-whison'ti. piece Of Mort 13.1re eouldnit see quite why she, Sealskin is a Common spectacle, a plain, stupid woman, who did littlie given, After explaining and Illustrat. about 4r throwing refuse cir Slops in SpecialtJop, Druggists Sundries, clooling, household draperies, linen and delitate Proceeding through Hudson's Strait lllcadile malting a house Ing several times, lie Approached the the back yard soon advertise ituff to Travellers Exerywhere frabi the Attilitio wo travelled In t i said meals eiatabl% Should be wanted recruit, sized him lip silently for a the flies. If you want to know about I I Wholesale Only fabricIl can be aeaned and made to look . as fresh small steamer Which picked Its way and needed op she wkw4. Her lips couple Of minutes, and then demanded a fansillilook. at their be& Yard, It I and bright as when first bought. 411 'sudd ly. "But t todlotitsly through Iceborgs. At the an - his name. tromee to Clio Btraft,.pfocos of shore Ice without e fleet "not a dayl- "Casty, sir," was the reply. Cleaning and Dyeing T tears, -whio-h had drifted aground and about sea not even "Well, Caeoyl did ye Iver drive a And shore were frognienta of fresh - When you think of painting th at bad drad is Properly.Dotie, at Parker's e, roll down her CC- She mule?" water fee from barge, The luminous "Y18, &or.,, Remember that the paint for every It makes no difference Where YOU alvoi; parcels can be turquoise and the azure of the Urin- "WIlit did Ye say When YOU wanted need and yrotection 19 made by gent it by mail of expreiso, Thogaitto care and Alice- ning forms and undetwasbed Caves 110- him to st.0011 tion. is given tile work asthlDlIgh YOU lived In tOWTK wore at startling beauty, Occasional ied Auato%31 j9MAY .0 you .11 any clues iU L 5, We, will be pleased to advise Itch masslyo bergs were grounded along V01MAXIDY 011ILLS TIMMI 'Us= &A rog4rdlng Olesining or Wong. WRITE US, gold ftb- The sergeant turned away ud Im. the eociat wherever the weer was doop• vexit of oil types; AXI'dittka, or tont modititelY Vitt his squad in motion. qV 1-1 ;iaoit to oto up up"to $00 mile li *no of antes IsW000 It you Vish. After they bad wIvAccad 4, dozen goca order Ap parolineed. or trurg-i A f and 111ho Berilaft bale in Canada art Sittio of your own choida, Yards or so he bawled out at the top L--,-. M- a boy Imr4IgTvrAs from England who th of his lungs: "Squad, halt'! Whoa, -soft use ■ IN JoPaitwIR1'91tVa. Par to loo ovdt., 6* oAlt Us to we we" Ill the Barnaxtv honlos of that to ag a for ff anycar oils inspection. err 0 jilf6ek , sYN an r coubkrYl Twenty thouaIllid have come "And. Canada has 3,600,10M sheep; Aus- 13roakey's WOO Car 14MIPIcti tralla, 80,000l000, UnitM Stwbes, 40- 791YO 96 to flarm4n to infilen 4heir wily, 95 per 402 ��onsto stmOu ASK YOUR DEALER -1 '1 Cent OCwhom. have %bado good. 000,000., Great 27,00;000. A -4 =1 1 11 1 1 , V - iaaaa�, Laem MEMENE, In= -A