HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-21, Page 4Clue ru sees Volt
Feete wades have dropped in the
Westerly Proviemes
IN these days of holdups !t pays to be
On the alert. Wale lt out for strangers.
Stow down the engine of your car and
,avoid the "slamming" on of the brake
with so much vigor.
C^tUMLPH jail, as well as numerous
others in the Province, is without in
mates, It would not be difficult to trace
why this is the case.
FLAx industry appears to be in a
badly Nattered condition as far as the
market is concerned but we hope the sit -
station before nation will right Itself e r long.
New shoes for ladies with a sensible
heel" is the,tarse form of an advertise-
ment by the trade Wonder if we could
guess what a "sensible" heel will be
like ?
70 LANGUAGES are said to be spoken in
Titles, Russia, and in this respect sort of
has it on our own Winnipeg, which is
pronounced by those who know as a
modern Babel.
SASKeecexwAN farmers will feed the
gtasshopper plague on poisoned bait as
means of destroying them. It is to be
limped the means to be used will put a
stop to the pest.
LEARN a trade dad turn it well so
that when apprenticeship days are past
you will know what you know thorough.
ly Being a Jack of all trades never
made many people rich.
BoraHsvtvM, by whatever name, is a
biackeye-bringer to any party or coun-
try who accepts it. Its record corn.
mends it to no lover of righteousness.
Are you a Bol, in sentiment ?
WESTERLY Ontario residents have play-
ed "wet nurse" long enough for booz-
ers who live in Detroit. They may have
coined some money but their conduct
did not do much for the elevation of the
moral tone of the Province.
AIRPLANES are expected to become of
great advantage to the (armer, suggests
an agricultural theorist, for seed and
fertiLzer sowing as well as conveying
the owner to market by the overhead
route. Prophets aver that the next ao
years will disclose many wonderful in-
ventions on laud, sea and air.
PORCINE race suicide cannot be charg-
ed against a Durco-jersey mamma pig
of San Diego, California, who presented
her owner with a piglet family of rq a
short time ago. It is said health enndi-
tione indicate they may all live to see the
pig barrel if that is not too Hibernian to
suit some of the critics. Ontario is not
behind in records either.
Tee question of the adverse U. S.
exchange against Canada still exists
after a period of 2 years and is a load
call to produce and buy Canadian goods
Every dollar you spend for fruit, or
goods of any sort to Uncle Sam„ when
it might go into our treasury, is continue
ing this condition. Balance up the trade
by buying Canadian rnanufaotured
Ix Europe is not heartily sick of wars
and rumors of wars it does not say much
for her wisdom. The turmoil of past 5
years has surely taught the desirability
of an equitable peace, justice must be
done, of course and the sooner selfish-
ness is abandoned and integrity estab-
lished the sooner the dove will displace
the hawk and vulture.
YEARS ago there belonged to almost
every family a quality designated Par-
ental Control which was tbougbt to be
necessary in each household. It looks
today if many a lather and mother had
turned it over to the children and per-
mit them to do almost as they like,
Late hours, gadding the street, playing
hookey from school and church, &c. are
on the program with little attempt at
obeying parental authority. Such a
spirit leads to anything but a good end
and it is no kindness to permit even
kiddies to usurp the place of the parents.
Whose "boss" in yotir house?
AN energetic undertaker in the U. S.
is said to make a canvass for prospects
and gives a discount to all advance
orders, 'I'he advantages claimed are a
a person sees the class of goods, saves
his friends trouble on his demise and
belongs to A new fad crowd. "Taking
time by the forelock" is often commend-
ed, and is a desirable qualification no
doubt, but the above looks a trifle like
rushing the season and there is a repul-
sion even in the thought of it by Many,
Of course you don't necessarilyhave to
die ou any particular def because your
casket is paid for mere than in having a
lot in the cemetery,
Pasture to em
Cattle taken by the month for the
season, Plenty at water and
shade. A run of 400 acres, For
further particujarp apply to the
Have a quantity of 'first-class
Timothy Seed for sale.
P. Arnent
We think It is of.en a great mistake to
imp'rrt outside speakers to address
gatherings on public issues, Both
Messrs. Windle and Johnston who came
to Ontario to defend the Liberty League
and the Prohibition cause were of little
advantage, excepting that while the
former received a respectful hearing the
"Liberty" supporters disgraced them•
as. their intolerance in
!Wises by showing e g
their mob antics If that is a sample of
the fair play they desire to inculcate the
less of it the better tor decency sake,
St. Petersburg, Florida
The following interesting particu-
lars concerning St. Petereburg, Flor-
ida, where a number from this locality
were Wintering, is sent THE PORT by
Mrs, Louise Lunn, nurse, formerly of
Brussels, who has a Detroit patient
there :—
St. Petersburg is situated on the
soutberu•most point of the Pinellas
Peninsula fur Pincilae County) 270
miles South from Jacksonville. This
Peninsula is the interrogation point
of the State -upside-down, thrusting
its Inquiring outline some forty miles
between the Gulf of Megieo and
Tampa Bay. The town ie beautifully
altuated on a gentle elope rising forty
feet above the level of the Bay, and
extends backward in the form of a
Fanned by soft winds blowing from
Gulf and Bay, tempering the war ntth
of Summer and banishing Winter's
chill ; with nights cool and pleasant :
with almost every day an "outdoors"
day ; with the purest artesian water
for drinking it is no wonder that
physical we I -being rises to tate high•
est mark in St. Petersburg, The city
has an excellent system of sanitation,
health rules are rigidly enforced, and
streets, alleys, and grounds are kept
in an admirably neat and clean condi-
The natural scenery of the Piecilas
Peninsula must be imagined until the
traveller comes to gee it for himself.
Tall pines towering solemnly, sentinel
green palms, waterscapes of little
lakes and bayous corning unexpected-
ly into view as some wooded corner is
rounded. The big blue Bay and roll-
ing Gulf—ail have been described,
They are the scenes of warmth and
beauty that dwellers in frozen
countries hang upon their walls and
love to look upon—that smile antic•
ingly at the traveler from the covers
of guide books and the pages of travel
magazines. But when you come here,
you are living right in the picture—a
part of your world of dreams and de•
etre—in a land of "balmy and breath-
ing music of the South."
Mangoes and avocado pears, guavas,
and papayas or "paw -paw," bananas
and pineapples rningle with the com-
moner citrus fruit trees, such as
orange, grapefruit, lime and Lemon.
Tall patens grow here, and the mag-
nolia, of glossy leaf and immense,
fragrant, creamy blossoms, with oaks
and many evergreens. Some of the
vines are perfect curtains of glowing
colors—the purple bougainvillea, the
orange, and red bignonia and trumpet
flower, the white and yellow jasmine,
and the golden allemandes, St. Pet,.
ersburg's own special flower is the
vivid green and red poinsettia,
Hibiscus and poincianas, many -hued
oleanders, rubber trees, and cacti are
seen in perfection. Roses bloom all
the year, and in the Spring the per-
fume of orange blossoms is every-
Government by commission was
adopted by the city in 1913. The
governing board consists of a Mayor
and seven commissioners.
The water supply of St. Petersburg
is from never failing artesian wells,
pure and palatable. The city owns
the water -works, and also the gas
In the city there are three brick or
stone garages; novelty and wood-
working plants; two ice and cold
storage planta ; machine shops and
marine ways : fruit, vegetable, and
fish -packing houses, wholesale groc-
ery, grain and fertilizers ; large cem-
ent and concrete plants ; tobacco face
tory ; and shops of alt descriptions.
St. Petersburg i an automobile
town, The 100-11, wide streets, paved
with vitrified brick, and the hard
surfaced country roads arouse the en-
thusiasm of visiting motoriste,
An attractive brick and stone public
library building has been constructed
upon an admirable pack site, fronting
a clear blue lake, about the center of
the town.
Bathing in the still water of St.
Petersburg's beautiful beach, or in the
surf at Pass -a -Grille Island is a favor-
ite diversion of reeidents and tourists.
There are few days when it is too cool
to enjoy the water—frequently on
Christmas day may be seen many
bathers thus disporting. The muni-
cipal pier on the North beach, extends
from a perfect hard, white beach,
1,400 feet into the bay, provides amply
for a trolley way, and an automobile
drive for pedestrians. Here is found
the'flnest bathhouse in Florida, fur-
niehing hot, cold, salt and sulphur
The disciples of Isaac Walton will
find ample opportunity here for die -
playing their art. The actual catches
of Spanish mackerel, sheepshead,
grouper, trout, snapper, and many
other edible fiehee, are so large as to
be aimoat itobelievable to those tin'
acquainted with the Nets.Great
sport is had 010e0 i
n eatahing the en-
ormous jewl1 h the great silver
king" or leaping tatpou tutnes ural,
the waters around the keys hate in the
Spring and until the end of Summer
fishermen irodt near and fat are out
Iwith hook" and tackle to ceptute the
ailvealive'.betiuties—trona 75 to 200 lbs, in
'weight, One Heti house, exports an-
nually 2,500,000 pounds of lisp, Prim
cipully Spaniel' mackerel and mullet.
Near front the eery harbor is anoth-
er tuuuieipal enterprise, one of the
most unique, beautiful and useful in
the world for a resorticity—a yachting
harbor of twenty-nine acres, for the
purpose of affording an attractive
and absolutely safe place for the au-
chore.ge of private yaehts. It is opera
to everybody,
For a two day's outing numerous
pointeof interest may be reached by.
boat, trolley, railroad or auto,
Co fI •s sot Rayon arid Big Bayou,
la ap, etively North and South of St.
Petersburg, Deviate, and Gulfport,
terminale of the electric railroad ;
Fort Dade on Egmont Key and Fort
DeSoto and the government quaran-
tine station on Mullet Lay ; Pass -a -
Grille, a beautiful island bet ween Bay
and Gut,u ted for 1' o if bathing,fish.
o soil
ing, and stone crab dlnnera Aorta
Maria Bench, farther down the coast,
Is delightful island rector t with beauti-
ful coast line, tropical scenery, and
fine fishing and bathing, Tampa,
Florida' first seaport city, and cele-
brated for its cigar factories and its
tnagnificieut Tampa Bay Horel ; Ras-
kin, a oo-operative colony, Tampa
Bay ; Manatee, I)radenlnwti, and
Palmetto, interest': g tow se iu the
famous Manatee River ft uit and gar-
den seotinu ; Lung Boar Key and
Cortez, flehing resorts, and Sesatogn.
a beautiful town on Sarasota Bay.
Northward, up the peninsula are :—
Pinellas Park, the hews of nn enter-
prising Northern colony ; L., go, the
,renter of the country's cibtta Indus-
try ; Bellair, with its palatial hotel
and extensive golf grounds ; Clear-
water, the enmity seat, a towu occupy-
ing one of the loveliest natural ekes in
Florida ; Dunedin and Ozone, charm-
ing coast towns ; Sutherland, the site
of Southern College, belonging to
Florida Methodists ; Tarpon Springs,
famous Inc Its sponge fiahet les ; An-
clote River, Indian Rucks, Walt
Springs, Crystal Beach, Naves Beath
and Clearwater Beach, p.ctureeque
spots, ideal for picnics t Eapial:u San-
to nr Safety Harbor, with waters of
wonderful curative powers,
In 1870 the national output of
wheat amounted to 16,732,873 bushels,
In 1919 ;t was 193,260,400 bushels.
The wheat crop of last season was,
about one hundred million bushels
During the twelve months ended
March 3S last the total value of the
exports from Canada was 55,286,658,-
709. The total of imports and exports
was 52,351,175,000, exceeded only
once in our history, namely, in 1958.
According to statistics sompiled In
1917 the capital then invested in masa,
facturing in Canada amounted to 52,-
7 86,64 9,727.
2;786,649,727. The employees number
692,667; and the goods manufactured
had a value of 53,065,577,940, being
ten times the value of the goods pro-
duced in 1881.
Strayed Dog
Strayed on Lot 4, Con, 7, Hallett, 00 or about
Jan. Ord, a Collie dog, blank and white, big
white patch around neck, narrow white strip
up Moe, one white leg, a little tan a him and
a white tip on tall ; Nae a long eb,. nose re-
sembling a Scotch Collie, Aaew'e' a to the
name of "Collie." Owner can have him by
proving property and paying charges.
R R, 2, Beafcrth,
Horses and Bulls for Sale
Two roan Short Horn Bulls also two span
of working horses, mares and geldings, and a
choice Clydesdale Stallion rising O years old,
weighing 1,603 Dm. THOS. KEBR,
Phone 880 Henfryn P. 0.
Horses for Sale
Matched team of geldings, rising 5 years, w111
weigh about 2,900 pounds. Bound and to good
condition. In. L. CARDIFF,
Phone 428 R, R. 2, Brussels,
Stock For Sale
Durham cow, calved 8 menthe ago, to fresh-
en in December ; Durham cow dm' April 28 •
Durham now due May 1 ; Durham bull 2
yearn old ; General purpose shy rlatng 2
years ; General purpose horse colt rising 1
year ; Blood colt rising 1 year, aired by. Ike
Medium ; 8 Leicester ewes ; 7 registered Ox.
ford Down ewes. Would exchange eolta on
work horse. Reasons Inc selling rented
paatnre farm has been sold,
Phone 4918 Lot 14, Con, 18, Grey Twp.
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, on B34
Lot 10, Con. a, Morris township, the thorn' -bred
Short Born Bali, Gal.ford of Salem, No,
90418=. Sired by Gainford Marquis (100890) ;
DanMildred VII by Royal Sailor (189591. Pod•
Wee may be teen on application Terms -
1`0,00 for thorn •hrede payable at time of ser•
vice with privilege to return, Grade (lows not
Farm to Rent
One of the beat pasture forma In Grey to
rent, 100 acres Spring water and ceder grove,
Also a good ngrlonitural.. horse ruing 0 for
sale, a chew horse right (ivory way, works
well single or double, Price and terms easy,
Hill View Farm
alma^. A. REA
Breeder of large EeglIsh Berkshires
Young atonic for sale, either sex.
2'or further particulars write or phone,
Bruaaete Central— Welton P. 0, I
Phone 8010 R. R,
Master Key
THE scsIrTulEs
TO many persons the Scrip-
tutee are very dry and un-
n-interestiug reading, and
very dIHfoult of correct under-
standing and confuses many /by
the different interpretations, ac-
cording to the denomination in-
terested, Like party politicians
they all eee it their own partic-
ular way when in reality there
is only one RIGHT way, the
way the Master had in mind.
The, author of "The Master
Key," like Catueo, seeme endow-
ed with an inspired mind .and
makes Scripture reading so plain
and interesting that you feel like
finishing it before you lay it
Get It in the Public library
BY agreement among the +
bueinees people of Brussels +
the Weekly Half Holiday +
will be observed on +
drivingthe months of May, June,
July, August and September,
saute as last year.
People are asked to kindly
arrange their bueinese with this
fact in view.
F. H. Gilroy, D. O. Ross,
Secretary, Chairman,
Huai twos Melte' Asso.
++++44+++ +++++++++++++++++
1. ,Anti -Glare Lens
,as the highest Government Test and nolle at Qheap-
est Price, Have them for every make of Oar,
Have the Agency for the I X L Battery for this dis• i
triot. Can re•buil.d 'your old Battery or give you a i
new one in 24 hours' notice. Corse iAnNaDnd8gAeTt18prRicAeOsT.IOiSSII Makes of Cars Overhauled +
ij 2
4'e••••••••••••••••••••••••• •s•Ns`FssNss•••sos.Seto..
Have your Oar ready for Spring by bringing it to our
Garage and having it put right.
,g01= 011111111MOW W MINIS
Growing Popularity
THE popularity of the Gray -Dort
is a thing of steady growth.
To -day this good car has more friends
than yesterday. To -morrow it will have
more friends than to -day.
Because behind this ever -widening circle
of goodwill is an organization keyed up
to the highest pitch of carefulness,
efficiency and pride in their work.
Because the intention of this company to
give the very limit of value is equal to its
ability to give value.
You cannot fail to appreciate the value
of the Gray -Dort at its present price.
See the Gray -Dort dealer at once.
Saml. Carter